New Material for Fall We five now read- with the fust showing of French Flannelettes. The goods are the choicest that has ever been shown for the money. The patterns are equal to Flannels at $1.00 per yard. You can rest assured there is nothing better for the money. Our opening price is f f i ISc See Window. $2.50 Shoe - sible to sell a splendid shoe at $2.50 and that's what we ate doing. We have the best $2.50 shoe for women in all shoedom made in the best styles that Fall has brought. Style, comfort and f f 1 i lui ability are not neglected. PEASE 5t MAYS. fhe Polios Daily Chronicle. T!IL' DA V SEPT. 1901 ) ice Cream and IceCream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All WaHro County warrants registered prior to October IT, 1K9H, will be palil on premutation at my office. Interest ceanei after Augunt 13, IDOl. JOHN F. BAHP8BIKB, Couuty Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. I The ram is all right if it don't stay too j DE" j The famous Warner butter will be on j sale hereafter by Mays Crowe. ' New Escurial Galoon laces, all-over ; laeee and nets, are now on sale at Pease A Mavs. See A. M. Williams & Co.'s boy's clothing window for a liet of the new eehool books. Hurrah for the carnival, and tell all your neighbors just how much fun we're ; Hawley in his lecture on "The Declara goingtohave. ticn of Independence," that populated- Francis Lake, who has been very 111 j nL'ator beiB engaged at present in pre lth tonsilitie, is reported mnch im-' Pariu? a book '"' that subject. The proved today. ' lecture will be given tonight ac the Cou- 1 . t . ,, , . . Igregationa! cbun h. It will also be a A. nhains & Co. publish in their ! . ., " . , , . .l a iict r .k . . , , . , rare privilege to liear I'rof. Jreneh speak au a Hit of the new school bookl inter- . , . , . . , . Hting to ah pupilH, Kemember we carry fruits and vege tables iu connection with our grocery department. Mays & Crowe. Peose ): Mays have put on sale today the firiett assortment of ladies neckweiir that has ever been shown in The Dalles. Thie morning Dr. Eshelman rece-ved a message that MrB. David Clarke, post mistress at Hartland, was very ill of rhaomatlim, and left at once to attend lier. A twelve dollar purchase of Ijov'b Clothing at A. M. WilliameA Co.'s will allow the buyer to select, at his particu lar bookstore, a copy of the large or 00m pie t geography or any other book of like value. Mr. 1. i'.breth deBirea to thank all who assisted him during the fire Tuesday Bigot. Particularly does he mention H. : If nob, Harry Muhear and John ikson, ,Ir., w ho be says were untiring imir aseirjtuuce "Uerward. during the lire and After riding Bll Tuesday night and all ..caitrutty Mri Porter bM Ucoed. 'II getting Itia l,naAa --. - - u I 'Ptcte to put up a temporary corral and ! Itabtel on the lot adjoining the location siaoie and will commence work on a 118 ..,.. - min as soon as matters are Suits.. At a Great Sacrifice. Cost, profit and value are ignored. We admit that every bargain is a loss to us: our only aim is to sell the mer chandise. We do not intend to carry over, no matter what the loss may be. ler yard Here's a two-fifty shoe shot from our store that will cer tainly bring relief to many overtaxed purses. It's pos $18.50 Suits now $13.25 16.50 " 11.50 15.00 10.00 14.00 " 9.75 10.00 7.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 4.75 5.00 4.oo adjusted and workmen can be secured. ! Mr. Gilbreth cannot speak definitely as to what he will do as regards going into ' business again. j We are to have the midway. So says ; the executive, committee of the street j carnival. Today the contract was signed j with Davis, who was with the .labour shows last year, to furnish a midway : which will far excel the time-worn one ! we have ail seen, although it will in- elude the oriental shows, streets of Cairo, the dancers, and everything that I makes a midway attractive. Our com i mittee means business and the attrac I tions will be forthcoming. Evidently the bicycle scorchers in our ; city are not aware that there is even an ordinance prohibiting riding on our side- walke. Their attention should, there ! fore, be called to the matter in a manner ! that will remind them forcibly of that fact. Unless they are bo reminded, it will he their unpleasant dutv ere long to pay tne expenBeB in a lflWB-it CttllBe(J by its violation. We particularly refer to those who scorch down the hills on Washington and Union streets, thereby eudangering pedestrians. Great credit should be given School Superintendent Gilbert for his efforts in providing such able speakers for the evening sessions of the institute. Our people Bhuuld appreciate the opportun ity afforded them to listen to Professor tomorrow 1 on ins recent travels in ; Europe, illuBlrating his lecture with viewe of his travels', has arranged for g. lectures. Professor Landers u.usic at both C. M. Grimes, who left The DaUes ; August 17th, returned this morning, after making a complete ride over Wal lowa county and nearly all of Malheur. Mr. Orimes says he never txp'jrienced irnrmer weather, and it has told oil the , grass of those two counties, particularly the former, where feed for Etock was never eo scarce. Stockmen are not a little concerned as to the outcome unless . ' au ubundauee of tain should follow. The cattle already show l lie scarcity of grass. The ranges are also well eaten out on account of the great number of Bheep pastuied there, tew having been ' disposed of this year. Mi . Grimes pur- chased lnO head of cattle which lie will ship to Tioutdale today. Yeaterday Phil Ohlegs.hlager, who lives down Chenoweth, met with a very serious accident, and for a time it was thought his left leg would have to he amputated below the knee. Whi.e .... . .... .lid Itallm. inanlilna I it tin tbonghtedly uacd his left foot to push the hay down. The plunger struck it and mashed the leg just above the ankle almost to a pulp. Dr. Geisendortt'er For One Week Only f v I f dressed the wound, and this morning, in company with I)r. Logan, went down to the home of Jacob Wettle, where Mr, Ohlegfchlager is staying, expecting to be compelled to amputate the leg, but msieau were Bine to us it up so that Buch severe measures will not have to betaken. Mr. Ohlegschlager is particu- larlv unfortunate, hi. hatn. bnr r. few weekB since. A LENGTHY MEETING. Our 4'ouucilinen Work Hard Four New Ordinance Adopted. Our conncilmen will hereafter have a pltndid excuse for staying out late at night, for the meeting last night con- ticue(J untii after midnight. The meet-1 ing was an important one and much j business transacted, with the members of that body all present. It was moved and carried that the warrant now in the hands of the mayor In favor of Henry Kuck. for 1000,be: cancelled. The treasurer was instructed to cor respond with Eastern bond-holders in regard to the bonds. Mr. Bettingen was allowed to address the council regarding the rent of his building during itB occupancy by the smallpox patient last winter. He whs finally allowed $125 rent. L D. Oakes was also allowed $'3 a day for attending the patient. The other bills for grocer ies, etc., will be sent to the head office of the O. K. & N. at Portland, as the council declines to pay them. The patient, Allison, was an tin ploy 4 of the O. It & ST. Councilman Wakefield and the city marshal were appointed a oommlttaxi to 1 look after the repairs needed at the. engine house. It was then ordered that the old i powder house, situated a etiort distance byond the brewery, be destroyed by the marshal within thirty days, a coii'plaint 1 being made that it is a nuisance. A thorough discussion of the four new ordinances adopted last night consti tuted most of the business transacted. 1 They are : Ordinance 249, granting the use of that part of Washington street and Mad- , ison, lying between the sidewalks und crosswalk! on both sidee of Third street ; also all that part of Federal street, LsOgblin street and Mudisou street, iing between the alleys running be tween .Second and Third streets and Third and Fourth streets, to be used for the carol ft! from September 'ii tti to October oth, inclusive. Ordinance No. S4l That all licenses other than those for saloons, dogs, auctioneers, billiard and pool tables, bowling alleys, brokers, pawn brokers, hotel runners and teams,, are hereby increased 200 per cent, from the -lib day of September till the o'h day ofOctobtr, 190 , inclusive. Ordiuance 242 providts for the con struction of the Court street sewer. Ordinance 243 is an ordinance creating the office of harbor master, and Die marshal was appointed to that position, with control over the land on the water 1 front, rBRHOlfAI. MENTION. F N Jones came up from Portland last night and left this morning for his ranch. Judge George II. Williams came up from Portland today and is registered at the I'matilla. JP Mrs. J r Peters and faiuilv have re J, turned from their outing at Seaside, Jf ! Clatsop beach. W C Campbell, who has been in the 5? employ of the D. P. A A. X. Co., arrived yesterday from a short trip to Portland, JIM. ' MlM Itha Cheadle, one of our public jjjf : school teachers, returned last night hav S lBf spent hat Vacation With relatives in the valley. J(K j Mrs. A R Thompson and children ar jtJT i rived home on the noon train, having W spent several months in Portland and at the bench. Prof and Mrs W C. II aw ley, of Salem, who are attending the institute, are guests of Mri Hawley'a brother, l)r Galttndoi Her. Emil Sdianno and daughter, Mrs. Henry Malar, left at noon today on a visit to Mr. Sobanno'a daughter, Mrs. .1 K Ditter, of North Yakima. Hon. T H McOreer and daughter ar-1 rived this morningfrom Antelope. Miss McGreer i p on her way to Portland, and will leave tomorrow for that place. Mrs. K F Lucas arrived in the city I yesterday from Trail ie City, on her way to her home at MotttnOOth, and will re main until tomorrow with her son, J T Lucas. Miss Hilda Heck, who is employed ns I stenographer in the Shnrte dry goods j store at Arlington, came down from that place yesterday, And Will remain home! for some time. Mrs. W E Brock and little son, who j have been spending the summer at. Xew port) are the gueFts of Mrs. Otis Patter ion today, on their return trip to their home at Pendleton. Xellie and fitla Hosteller, daughters ! of Ed Hostetler, who haw spent their vacation with relatives in Olaeco, Kan sas, have returned to resume their Itudiel in school here. In respanse to a telegram, Will Sech-j ler, who lias been employed in the New York store, left Tnesdjy night for Huntington to accept the position of ex- j ' press messenger for the Short Line. Miss Haven and Miss Foldings, of the Klite millinery parlors, returned home yesterday from Portland. During her ! stay Miss Haven attended the millinery i openings and visited the wholesale millinery stores, Statu Sill rial r I nlnnrlunl 1 IT Antnrinan i arrived this mornimr from muirbi iiiiriiurui 1 11 morning from H iker Citv i and attended the morning session of the j institute. He left on the noon train to ; "e present anne Amany institute, anu win return so as to take part in the i school officers' meeting Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L E Crowe, cccompa j nied by little Robert Elmore, arrived home yesterday from Portland. The latter seems satisfied that he has made no mistake in being a member of the Crowe family, but "Billy McKinley" (the pup) is rather inclined to dispute bis right. BOB. This morning, September 6th, to Mr. and Mis. A. E. Lake, a Hon. Kxiiremtlon of Sympathy. The Aid Society of the Congregational church wish to place on record an ex- , pression of their profound sympathy with the family and friends of Mrs. 'Cornelia J. Condon in their lecent I bereavement. It is many years since Mrs. Ccudon resided among us, but the ! older members of the church and so : ciety recall as a pleasant memory, the sweet christian character, the dignity that marked every action, the apprecia ' tion of the duties tiiat life had brought I to her; the way in which us difficulties were met and surmounted, and they 1 deeply sympathize in this passing away of the beloved wife and mother, and we join with hi.,1 who wais onceour beloved pastor and with those whom she has left, iu saying, "Through erass 10 crown' Ami though thy spirit's life Tiiul,. HBsniii-1 with KiHiit trengtn !o6d obuor, good cheer! Thou shalt reign In pasco with Christ tit length.' I5y Older of the society. Pr Hoy Are All Ulgbt. The manner in which the members of the lire department assisted me during the burning 01 my livery stable Tuesday night, not only as firemen but as friends, was a revelation to me of the heroism of the Dalles fire boys and citizens as well. I could not express my gratitude were 1 to attempt it; but I assuie you not an io'a of the kindness displayed W48 unnoticed by me. LWJU PoBTSB Qifford's Fotos Never Fade. Tire Insurance. law UnkMi Crovn Ids. (o. ol London. i.ii.ii ij:p Cnpltnl paid ui' AmiIii 7,rMi,uoo 1 ',, III., Now the time to insure; tomor row may b- too late. Phone No. Mi Seufert iV: Condon. Phone No. 803, Pacific Stales Co. .vim 11 it IIUFEBT, Uesident Agent, The Dalles. ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Special in Mens Straw Mats. Sec our Show Window. New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A hew fresh, clean stock. (!ivc us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. ...MATS CROWE... JVIaiei & Headqu Family Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves and Steel Ranges. 167 Second Stroot, I'aellle llitllrgn. Pacific college opens October 1st Tuition .f " per year; board and fnrn ished rooms if2..r)() per week. Here are unsui passed advantages at a minimum cost. For catalogue and other informa tion address, Pacific College, Ncwberg, I Oregon. Mpt3 4 For Male. 1000 acres more or less lying on the Columbia river about seven niltl from 'The Dalles. About 100 acres of river bottom tiie rest good upland suitable for fruit and pasture, One of the best 1 dairy or milk ranches in the county ; a small house ; good barn ; some orchard aud plenty of water. Also other town and county property. Apply to Gibons Mart'en, IfMOSlfl building Third jiWftHi kOgSOdm i If you want to retain your hair you ! have to keep your scalp clean. S.j.ip will make vour hair harsh, di v and crispy. Now we have two of the ycry bi-.-t preparations for cleamdng the scalp Kgg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It t 1 lull in, i . 1 r iii. ui.fl uii.l i.l . .u,i I I, . 1 I I I,.' I . 1 .lull. Olll. II I I I HIIIBD,. Prlo,85and60ontsabottle,atFrsisr'i barber chop, The Dalles. tf in Mui i i. v Hit ui. To Ai. i. Whom Ii If A) OoKOKBMI 1 hereb) refu-e to he responsible for any bills c Jiitrac'ed by my wife. ,li i n J. BHAKIKO. Sept. 3i li0L Uaa'l Kuu it in, Just wet the affaflttd pari freidy with Myeterioiis Pain Cine, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Cluike . Falk. If anything ails your hair, go and see Kramer; lie's the heathniarters for all bair remedies. Ueineuiber that bo makes a r.daltv of these goods. If A full line of Kastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke A Falk. 25c Benton, 9 rtera for THE DALLES. OR. . School Opens Sept. oft Arrangements have bet 11 tnade with Lt to aet as ai.'eiit for school tiuoke. He t tie exchange any and January I . haodllOg of I be new I antboi Bed to make thug bt tween Ma)pt. I DOinilti WM, MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third anil Washington bt. 411 orders attended to prompt. Ling, distunce phone 438, Local, lo-j. Willi tlx- t'liuiu. daslra to my to 1 1 peopla olTh4 I I t II . D,, u,l , ol Portland, won the piano which Val Awarded KM upon piisei.tati' 11 ni ticKi t 3088. Hav ing 110 use for a piano 1 Iuum InttNlOUd i Mr. (iinuberl to dlipoM ol lAOig at gDJf riOnMi plico. Parties Intel, oled ' may call and examine piano at Cum- Itert a Leading Cigar and robacco house aug'.'O if Tne White Collar line, Uailey OaUert, will sell through roaod-trlp tiekoti to Seaside and return. lY'lii-tn good going from Portland over the White Uollai line, Oi It s) N. Co., V. i . COi or the A. a 0i Bi It and return OVM same hnes. t iggage checked direct to either North I .each, beaview, Long iicuch, Preakers, Ooaan Park or Nahcotta. Limit of ticket September 18th. I. M. F.llouii, agent. Subscribe fur Tug Cnao.sH m. i m