htmitk. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1901 NO. 72 IK Dulles EgsW V. CAST0RI4 Acgctable Preparation for As similating iticFoodandHegula inc the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digc9tion,CheerfuI ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. 'OT IX ARC OTIC . Aspe v.r Mr! BrSAMUELPtTCHER finmm Seed' Jbc.Smutm Aabtti Smile - Hyvnwtf - CnibcntUr Sctbt i flnnhi JNMP bhlrnpm rlmvr. Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa tion . Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fewrish ness m id Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signnturc or NEW YORK. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of TO PREVENT A CONFLICT United States Tenders Us (iood Offictsj In South America Ready to Mediate Between Colombia and Venezuela. EXACT COFV OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMI CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. ( (inference Ik in Raaaion, present. The coronation of Queen Auna, Walla Wall v. Sept. 4. The twei.ty- aQd turning over to htr of the keys lighth annual meeting of the Columbia ! of thf Clt-V b.v Mayor Cuter, were the River conference of the Methodist chinch is in eession. Ministers from all four dittrieti em braced in the conference have been pouring in since Monday and by this evening the last will have arrived. The First M. E. church at Second and Popular streets, where the sessions take piee ie tastefully decorated in red and white burning and at the opening lust evenitijj the building was filled to over Owing. Rer. G. Herbert Junes of inceni j churob, Spokane, delivered an interesting sermon, full of masterful (bought and meaning. Rev. P. A. Cool, of the First M. E. events of the day. The midway tonight was a blaze of splendor end the crowds at the shows could hardly be aicom modu'ed. Senator William Smith took the part of Rex, and in the presence of a large assemblage crowned Miss Anna Hannah, qneen of the carnival, this afternoon. Mayor Carter presented the keys of the city to the queen, after which the stteet Fair and Carnival were dtclared open. Tomorrow w ill be Sum pter day. Thurs day will be 1'ottland day, when it is ex pec ted that a large number of people will be present from Western Oregon. Washington, Sept. 4. The United States government has tendered its good offices to Venezuela and Colombia to prevent a war between those countries, but the ac tion has not yet advanced to a point where this government has be gun the work of mediator. It has signified its willingness to act, but it will remain for the two countries to indicate when the time has arrived forsctual mediation. The note of the United States offering to m 'diate has created an unusual stir in South American diplomatic quarters, ae it is construed to be a rather marked development of the Monroe Doctrine, and one which will be most acceptable to South America. The Colombian government will make an emphatic rj under to t tie official statement of Vent zuela that armed bodies of Colombian troops have been crossing the Venezuela frontier and 1 uve been forcing war upon that country. It will show in substance that Colombian troops on the frontier are thereto protect the border, and th. t any crossing of the line has letn by detached bands without the approval of t tie federal government. It has jast been d sjlosed that General Uribe-Uribe made a statement at the 1 Colombian legation in this city to the effect ttiat the revolutionary movement Qf which be is the head had the support of Venezuela, Ecuador and Nicaragua. 1 The statement was made during the' pendency of negotiations for the sur- render of the revolutionists. The nego tiationi with Uribe-Uribe closed, it is authoritatively stated, with an agreement j of surrender, but the Colombian authori ties are now satisfied that this was a ruse by which his agents secured pass- j parts through Colombia and went on an ostensible peace mission, whereas their) purpose was to act as spies and revolu tionary propagandists. SCHOOL Books Free of Cost- cntirch o! spokane, who is charged with ! riayad out Mmii.traUon by former members ' UMcUche Pain, va!;on9 parte M nil flock arrived yesterday and it b , MM the , , Mopping at the residence of O. . I. Croup, i ! , , ... v i I- H wuu(j, stomach, L iss of appetite, revenshness, Oliver avenue. An investigation com-1 , ,. . . ., mll, . , iMT-iiipMiBUBiui Piuiples or is.iree are ah positive eviden. aiiws, to look into the charges preferred c- n v i , .,,,. .,, 1 c oe? '.I imoure bloo l. No mutter how it JJMt hla, will be appointed and W! Uggoi. to H Burt b purified in order ma u n D n 'din88, 11 I to obtain good health. Acker's Blood sy be there will be no trial at gill U Elgw b 0,w f. led tocur- Scrofulous ! ? ffith lhe bsP- J or Syphilitic poisons or anv other blood me ministers Of the eonference strm ! diseases. It is certainly a wonderful 0 oe reticent regarding the outcome t f remedy and we sell every bottle on a tU investigation and few opinions are I pueitive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug- ttptt-gtd, All rive of the expelled n14 mberi of the Bookan. church are in 1 1U(l Not v Du5 OhicAQOj Sept. 4. Diamonds and other valuables worth 125,000 which were recently slipped into the country t y a prominent Chicago man on his re turn from Earope without the payment of duty, have been seiz-d by J.J, Crowley, ishsb Cm leer t Beiioiue a Hrttlaltar, New Yokk, Sept. 4. A London dis patch says: In the current issue of Wtek End a contributor gives anaceout.t of a conversation he recently had with Richard Croker. "Mr. Croker tells me," says the correspondent, "that he is passionately fond of rural England, and that some day he hopes to settle i down at a little country house in one of ! our most picturesque counties. I hope I am betraying no confidence when I re mark that he is trying to prove himself fit for citizenship with us by an applied study of our manners and customs." The opening of school days are always of mora or less expense to parents. ft is either new clothes, or new books or both: and where there is a large family to provide for, the eost is no trifle. Here is where we intend to benefit von. It is needless to dwell on the fact that the boys' clothes we sell are of the satisfactory kind. If they weren't, we could not iscll to the same peo ple year in and year out. It takes honest goods to stand the strain. Our hoys' clothing this fall is the same brand we have handled hereto fore our assortment as large, and the prices just a little lower. As a special inducement we ot ter until Sept. 12th a refund of ten per cent, on any Hoys' or Young Men's Suit. Overcoat or pair of Pants, this amount redeemable in school books, for which an order will be given you on your book store. For reference, we publish in the space opposite, a revised list of the books adopted by the board of direc tors for this coming term of school. Any copy listed can be had through this store of your local dealer as a premium on purchases in our boys' clothing depart ment. The value of the book depends, of course, on the amount of your purchases. Our Stock is Quite Complete. You may select from Little Boys' Vestee Suits 3 to 8 years . $2.00 to $5.00 Little Boys' Junior Suits 3 to H years 2.50 to 7.60 Little Boys' Double-breasted Reefer Suits, (3 to H years) 2.50 to " On Double-breasted School Suits (! to lo years) 2.00 to Boys' a-piece Round Sack Suits (7 to 15) 4.00 to Boys' Long Bant Suits (10 to 10 years). :!.()() to Young Men's Sack Suits (17 to 20 years) 5.00 to Many of our Fall Suits have already come. LIST of School Hooks adopted bj the lirtl of Directors for the coming term anv of which pan be hud Tree as a premium on purchases in our bovs' clothing de partment . Bovs 10.00 8.50 10.00 17.50 First Header Second Header Third Reader Fourth Render Introductory Language Work The American Citisn Graded Letaonaln Bogllah Elementary Arithmetic Practical Arithmetic Elements of Geography Complete Geography Word Lessons New Normal Mental Arithmetic Natural System of Vertical Writing. Elementary Ilistoty of the I'nitetl Slates History of the United states A Healthy Hotly Hooks 1, "J, o and 4, New Short Course in Drawing Hig'H School Adoption Higher Lessons in F.nglish The Essentials of Algebra Latin Grammar The First Latin Hook Caesar's Gallic War Select Orations of Cicero First Hook of Physical Geography Qaaitioni for Physical Geography History ol Greece Mediaeval anil Modern History European History Students History of the United States An Academic Arithmetic Plane ami Solid Geometry Elements of Pyhsics Botany ESietntntary Geology German Grammar Government of the American People Elements of Rhetoric and English Composition, Notes for Teachers of Knglish Com position Fnglish Literature Webster's Hunker Hill Oration Maccitulay's-Milton Tennyson's PrinMSS Goldsmith's Traveler and Deserted Village Billot's Silas Marner Evangeline A. M. Williams Co. wsstty and it is said they are determined 10 light tiie case to the bitter end and if NHibleeaau the removal of Dr. Cool Ibe church, ,"e the visiting ministers etated the Spokane papers and others, had "J" tMemptlng to cause more of a JjeJtioo. than really existed and that h-v u i ,'er cent of tlie lneujbere t,f tin ' L"ul e cnKregation were for Th, Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by UBing Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 2SetS, and50cts. Blakeley, the druggist. A never failing cure for cuts, burns, scalds, ulcers, w otinds and sores is De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A most 'soothing and healing remedy for all skin affections. Accept only the genuine. Clarke Faik's P. O. Pharmacy. tvery offerers So '""""" -i't Into Kjiile, War a large number of poor h0SS lungs are sore and ranked OOQghs tire nruu.l v U,u UliB i costly and not al- llu' T' Dun t be ftn exile wl,en I)r ill,,,. D',cvery for Consumption 3 iS,T?dl0,M " ughs, Ids, earth Tt"41 U dltaSMN on Astound.. ' tlt8t d08l, l,rinK8 relief- T a m , U',aS rU8ult from Persistent ttlell ?,MMcWi1.00. Everv lut Kuaranteed. 4 ' ItJrT -CSg. Ci'y Citmii1 ' f ' b,pt- ri' leaker S a, I"' 80(1 F opened ",erB"". with a ittrge crowd I special agent of tiie treasury department iu this city. The jewels, which were I purchased, it is said, in Paris, have been turned over by Mr. Crowley to William ! Penn Nixon, collector of customs iu this 'city. He will hold them until orders 'for their disposal are finaiiv received from Washington. An rfl'ort is being made to settle the case with as little ! publicity as possible. It is probable ! the owner of the valuables will pay all the cos's, which ST IF amount to some i thing like S10.000, and thus avoid prose' ; cut! u. won't Let tkmm sutler. Dyspepsia can be cured by using Often children are tortured with itch- Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little M and burning eczema and other skin ' Tablet will give immediate relief or diseases but Bucklen's Arnica Salve 1 money refunded. 8old in handsome tin ! heals the raw sores, expels inflammation, j "8 ttt 25 cts. Blakeley the druggist. leaven the skin without a scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on earth as good. Try it. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at G. C Blakeley 's drug store. 4 Clark and Falk have just received a i full line o( fresh Velox papers and de- velopers, the same as used by Mr. Lovick in hia recent demonstration at our store. Clarke St Falk nave received a carload 1 of the celebrated James E. Pat ton strictly oure liquid paints We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Chronicle, price $1.50, ! and the Weekly Oregoniau, price $1.50' . both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer must be paid in ad vance. t Subscribe for Tut OHBOJUOU, Don't wait until you becomecbronical ly constipated but take DeWitt'e Little Early Risers now and then. They will keep your liver and bowels in good order. Easy to take. Safe pills. Clarke A Faik's P. O. Pharmacy. ntNi i on AUHwnreil. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers anil grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion and biliousness. Doctors : were scares ami they seldom nearti ot I appendicitis, netvous prostration or i i heart failure, etc. They used August M . I 1 i r lower to oiean out trie pystem aim nop I .....mi.,,, ,1 i' I I r..,. 1 I 111' I,1. .I 'll i.l IJHiHErDiru IIJ'J'I, t ' ' , late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feel ing dull and bad with headachss am) . I - . I V l. I I J oilier uci:e. iuu nui) ueeti 11 ie oijpee j of Green's August Flower, in liquid i form, to make you satisfied there is , nothing serious the matter with you. : Get Green's almanac. Clarke A Faik's. 1 ituten t ran-A tsar mm Bspeait4es) Kouud-trip rates via O. K. A N. from The Dilles, f 8 1.)0. Tickets on sale first and tiiird Tuesdays during June, Jul) , August, Septem btr and October.good for coutinuona iiso'" going on date of sale. Return liniit tliiriy days from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west ol I Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket, i Arrangements can be made by apply ; iug to agent O. K, A N. Co., The Dalles, vvhc-rel y tickets Still be honored on lake i jteatners in one or both direction be- tweeu Detroit and Buffalo. ! tf J a m h m hti.AMj, Agent Floral lotion will core wiod chapping and aunhurn. Manufactured by Came A Falk. rirc! rirc! Well, after all it is never so bad but that it might have been worse and we an- agreeably surprised for al'D-r tak ing a thorough inventory we find We Oot Off Easy lots quoted below slightly with the exception of a few damaged bij water. ONE LOT Men's casslmere and cheviot suits, ranging from 17.80 to if 12; clear ance pritte S5.Q5 ONE LOT Men's black and fancy worst ed auila, ranging from $12 to $17 50 1 price S9.95 ON B LOT Youth's suits, em bracing worsteds, cheviots, casaimeres, etc ; clearance price l-3d off ONE LOT of age 14 to 20; close out at about 20 Youth's Suits, mure or less damaged ; All Children's Clothing at 1 off wk9 This is an opportunity of a lifu-time to lay winter supply of clothing. in your THE HUB CLOTHING CO., W. MARKILLIE, Manager.