distinguished Testimony No ecrc. fciety in '.he world acc mjihsliments that. the ICnighv ant', one of its fines. in.t i'.u Hons is the On- Pythtar. Hum, a: Springfield (hif, Which 1 ably presided over by superintendent i,e revre ail : h: wife. Mrs Calite I Le Fevre. the matron. The la'.ter has rererr.lv Written a letter, Which will cmimaad spread attention because of the prominence of the miter I" is as follow; . Messrs v'' H Hooker ft C New York Last vear I . . . r- . i tZ lu .. . ACkct cognac lumnn a. fo thraat fllfllcaltv and extreme iy hard cough Had used ma well-spoken of prepa-a-I without relief I car. ho:-.-, tly say that Acker's Kntrlish Remedy removed the difficulty and stopped the Bough. 1 did not purchase e-x o- .;se more than th-ee bo:- ),. an'' lfi-;' one-hall of the last s.::an- With no permanent results.' (Signed The friend to whom Mrs Le Fevre refers as ha End Rerr.edv i.- Mr. W B. Chi tor. Transfer Co.. of Troy lands higher in Doblc a:ri: and charitable P-. thias. That order is doing great good. at the suggestion of a f tiend. for a seri ms kngstandtng i PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. F. S. GUflrUflG, ...Blacksmith. Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -DLAl.KP. IN- is st r-. RE. Mattoa o... M hand 1 also consulted phy- IS I. LI H" Kt. ng suggested Acker a wire ot tile iiresiue:.. o; iu iiw Ohio, where this ren-edy has accomplished many other In conversation wttn ar. acquaintance Iron. Steel. Wheels. Axles. Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Azer, tot Russell A Co. - Htigitiev TMwInri SUd BaW Mills. Cor. Seuaufi & ImM Sis,. THE DALLES OE, Telephone 157. Lone Diets nee ICC ..... ... Throat and Luna iroit&ies. in conversation Mrs Le Fevre also said "If you will cal". on Mr. V H. Schatus a prominent .. . .... n-rc-iiant of Sor:nsrrieid Ohio, yon will find that he. too has had any amount of experience with Acker's English Rented;, thinks iev cannot kee: bouse without it Acker! rngh.-. kemeuy is v!'i bv all druxgists uadau .-. thai voor ir.ontv will beretundeti tn cas? ol rauJTe. :tc. S'a-.un' vanad.. ar. l-r.siar.vl. i- - - u . anc .a ' -.' : ' . cj J ' H". U'i'jZM: A CO.. Pro; tr. .Vi- IVfc :r. Ms rami:- potn rt jruaratit-t ar.. $1 a tx.:t:-. :r. For sale at Blakeley"s Pharmacy. MKMAL MENTION B1 IM LOt Ai.s. W H itav at :. Mar s 111 ieterdav Springs. Cnarif-F Butler, the c3ttie buyer, is it the city fruTj Port Townsend. Will 1, lister of .M. W H Van arrived froa. Coilax this uioni 5 5 5 J J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors of . "The Owl. Phones : M ivs. Mist 1 Ires 11 traic. Mr. Ci-v. Britt Mi B-rr,a I; ihinson, a'rived in ibis CltJ of 1'aimef. uD ti.e noun and Mr- are in tiie c' ain. Anderson, 0: eisitini Mr- E lit! Biker Msry pent Long R indall, bvinz oiue liaie in Portland and at Beavi. . arrived home vestsrdsy, Mr. and Mr. H Dicbteamoller moved int'. tbir city Monday bom M osier, and have rented a r:ctie on Ter.tii street. Mfg. Emma Sturdnvar,: arrived ir, tht-L-i'v tiiis ni'rn!ng from Spokane ar. i i visiting net pSfWta Mr. anii Mr? John. Mi-s Muu iv Lnrne came up froa. B. Marlins Bprinsi vesterdsr. and i a ifn-'t at tiie iiou: ol her uuc le, French. Clrse A Fa';.-: iiave on aie a ful. iine of naint and artist's brushee. Clarse & Fa.;:' fiavorinit extracts are tae best. Ask yon' t" 'CSt for them. Henry Rravdon. Bsrris, N. C, tays : "I took medicine 20 y-a-- i r asthma, but one bottle of un- Minute Cougb fVIOTX'S Lnrt diJ aie more good I ban any thing ri- during that tinin. Lest ( tigr. Cure." Ciarke is Faik P. 0. Pharmacy. Norris ;iver. North Stratford. K. H. : "1 purchased a b.ittie of One Minute Cangh Cure her, sufferinc w itt: a cough doctor! told me was incurable. One bo'.tie riieved m-. the second and third almost cird. Today I an, a Well mn." Clarke k Falk's P. 0. PL. ir mac v. Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. 173 Second Street. ")! Local. vv Long Distance. J 5 PENNYROYAL PILLS They overcome Weak ness, irrecrularit y and omissions, inornate vijy- nr nno hanish '"pairi of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS " to p-iris at womanhood, aiding development of orpan.s and body. No knov.'n remedy for women equals thorn. Cannot do barm life becomes a pleasure. fll.OO PEB BOX BY HAIL. Sold by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL C' .. Cleveland, Ohio For saie by Geo. C. B.akiey. Tae Dalles, Or li VV. Purse:., Kintenville, Pa., says be surlered 2d years with piies ana could obtain no relief until DeWitt'a Witch li?.-' Salve effected a permanent cure. Counterfeit! are arortb ess. Ciarke A Fait t'i P. 0. PLarmacv. 9 i Mrs J D Estes and Miss Grace, who have spent the tnmmer wit:. Mr. h?!--at Cooks Landing, returned Lome Mon day night Ailelbert Moodi left the citv last Bonday to enter the preparatory sciioo! at Beluont, Calif., about twenty iuiies hi, ui S-jjj f-raucitco. Miis-s Miie an ! E ioa Barnett. who : b3ve enir ttie paetsis weeks visiting! friends 111 Port. and, returned home 00 ttie ioat ycterda . Mrs. David Allan, upon r'-ceiving a te.egrao; from W'ii! Van bibber, cane np on the midnight train from Port.ai.d and ir at t:.e VTanbibbei place. Miss Vei'.a L dton returned home yes kerday morning or. the K?gu:ator having pent the pt month with her sister. Mi: W. Harry, in eattie. In this and Mr. c:tv li. V In this citv Mr. di.ci Mrs. In Col BOH . M. nda , nept. 2, Knight, a son. Wednesday, Sept. 4th Win Meoefee, a sun. Mr. v. ash., toil QBornins, i.:.. to Mr. and Mrs. E, C. l;ei daug;,ler, weijf,' 10 pounds. to ipt. Sid Darling, 1012 Howard st. Port Huron. Mich., writes ' I have tried many pills and iasative but DeWltt'tj Litlli Ear.v Kiser are far the best pi.;S J have ever used.' Tr.ey never gripe. Ciarke A Fa!n' V. O. Pimrmai't Many physicians ar- noa prescriainfr Kodol D spepsia Cure regularly naving fuund ttiat it is the best prescri ptior. they can write ue :aue it is the on j preparation (rbfcli cor.tams ti.e elements ' n-re-sarv t'-. ihe-t not only some kinds' of lood but all kind an d d therefore cures indigestion and dyspepsis no matter what its cans-. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. W hen your i.air appear! dry and to Lave lost its vitality it want- loroething to give It life and Vigor, We nave tlie hair needs when it uets !n that con dition. We have the Crown of Science Hair 1 rower and (' jHUW ( r.t ''SjSf'' i Trie;, all cure dai.d Qiav , ai scalp diseases Fur eale a' Eraser's har her siiop. Price 50c and Toe a bot'le. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUjMBlA BREWEHY.. AUG-UST BUCHLER. Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United Slates Health Reports for June 2S. 1 ! -m m J , says: "A more upei ior brew never entered the iabratory o: the United States Health reports. It 19 absolute:;.' devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on tne other baud is composed of the best of malt and choicest of bops. Its tonic qualities are of the hon est and it can be used with the greatest benelit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with the cersaiutv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could nut possibly be found.-' East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. 0 i 1 Wasc Wnra liu Co., Ian , inning idneidaj Ol, Uu wednetdai evenina. Sent . -. the PSlXTJaTiE Prof HoiT!er d8 M0"ison in me s irtiiwesi iiie i;ret exposition building will be Illuminated Uf nearly 3800 eleettlc light, while the ad.jining M iltnomah tieid, with its live acres, w ill have ligtitc equaling i0.O'O candle-power. Tne carnival will sfl ird a whole month of pleasure ant' interesting instructior.e 'i ue 'ail road I and steamboats are going to carry people tf and from the cirnivai tone and one-third fare tor the roood I trip, and their rxaorsion tickets will be I g .'! for 7 day-. There will not ne a ' d . moment at the carnival gome sort of sntafiainmenl Will be going on al. the I time, aftem.ofi and evening, with two' full uiii.tary band discoursing music, j Toe array ul attractions will bj unsur-, pi-ed, an 1 the carnival will Ust a month. Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain ol r 11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, U kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ofnM?LLkFnFdEc Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton FlOUr Ttlis ,,'our ,s mannfaetored expressly for faunllj use; everv pack is guaranteed to give satisfaction, We seii our gorxls lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think sc Oall and get our pricee and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for What. Barley and Oats WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers, If you aiv ir need of anything in our line, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-. TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrufted to us will have prompt attention. COKT THE DALLES, OREGON. 1 I fits f 4 1 The Dalles, Op. i The Chronicle, Job Printers f t 1 ' TT it 1 i I YOUR KIDNEYS. After von tire of UBinir so-called kidnev remedies without any henefit, uee Lincoln Sexual Pilisaiul be forever rid of those dull pains in your back. Ii-iard tnat old logy idea of "pain in toe kidnevb" and have all ;ur bladder and urinary troubles curt "I, and your nitilits- made restful by the use of natt-j s gieateil assistant Lincoln Sexuul Pills. Price, 11.00 per box buy ot your druggist or HI t by mail 011 rtceip! of price, in plain wrappei. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY OO.. Fort Wavne. Indiana. M. Doonell, Agent, The Dalles. lyon's French Periodical Drops a Grandall & Burget - RobeSj All kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. Strict! v vefretaiile, p-r Dl.Slkl.l KliSULTb. iectly harmless, sure t" accomplish Greatest known female remedy, CAUTION BcWtTOOi 0OQQWfftll4 an-' i ruitat .jo. TImmDHIM t;ti with fa"itn l Mjnal urt on vvln of : fu- i..ti.f Hi i- Itudfot Circolai io WtLUAUri Hru CO Solo AKnt CtTlwid ou.v up only m pj Wa"lnii;triii llrti Rrioma pom i.amj it kouk For Mle bv (ieo. ( BlftktltT. The Iuiies. Of. r.rtfjir. atlanlluo, 411 iin'tiiir(- ol I'hi I)d!les Aerie, No, loti. Ordirr Kagle. are rtqawted lo u.eet in K. of p, ball tooorron Tbursdf afteruo in at 1 .M) o'clock, in order t" at tend the funeral u t tie late W. H. ai.. bibber 1 fattier of our bereaved brother. Win, S'snhibbsr, By order of On pATTiaSOK, Worthy IVh-. 1 beaks. Ti, Hnh Ulotbini 0o., throueh ttieir manager, Mr. Ma-killie, wliheh to thank lUOM bo o psnerooeiy agisted in ev in.' Ibelr buildiof and contentt at ast ni iht'l tire. t- i iimin! ever in PortiaMl Ths vorld -MtetiTraace 1 iir-. irantand Berbs'lsl can b- Co -ului Dally .n all Hj'dir.i I .If Kroi ds Morriaon U wltaoets doubt Ihsanoat kIi iti.K iMimi.t and claitvo sntlnliw world iuOhv beloestaa buasn rroaiure, rsuatisa the let itraini. t'.-li- if ttu-r" mln- ril, .oi aik mi ynnr land nut,l you to win tli ; ailuciioi. ol one rou deiir- I PaliiiUiry taught nediuralatle oersona dercl oil ilea.' b) IJj' !"r 'it bit revclnl i.t- b I last eursaobronlc sad m-ealltd loeuiabU dl saw h itt 'r...dliieiit (..r Iba iuor r-nii II, di- of oirti. and lb re u il ai nil letter answsred t cn , Itoeatacl b) laloa, Hoit land. Ana. To ihaSdlloi), iffi-iv-r dt- MotrUou, occullitt, ;oe4tei by .i-n Ibebul Uoi itoten iroaa Ibi aeiby Snvliiue M'orka in ix-mii ) oeeull aolauea ha lain Mlalsir eoai-I montesied by IstlsrUta f-ieu to Mr. a. i H ton, oarotr of tbc aelbjr Woik 1 U rsunta re K lvd !i ;n'il pr- v. tn- tHl.-nint '.rrcl MUH K RANCH I'AKTI.ow "it t i!vaiiii; to b- aturei tbut thexold ( ' from toe r.:;.,y -im-lton: Work a 'lo- eatod b vUion' bra 1'u'tlainl uceultiit Tina pruvei tiint tn-s'ory of tin- n nftnn m of tli. tluel and that In saaUlaaca was rf ,inriil in ri- oovedug tbo (old bv California Invsu lion for the purr nan nl depriving ort-Korini just uior; " 'Kiiiti Hortland oregonian ltsiori of vi Hit 1 GoininlsalaB. Tbel til may understand the financial condition of the city water commission, the COOiminionerg have handed in the following report. After leading the out- iten'ilog bonds aa given in the trees urer'e report, conclude that our com miHioneri have a tiard problem to golvg and Snd le-ia (suit with then I )oe Peyebls to Amt. Mat 111111 )sI1h tiokiitu fund 3,600 00 Mar 1900 rim Nat. Hank 10,000 (Hi Mar 1 90S Leldlaw A Co.N. V Sft.OOO OtJ Mar 1!1U l.aidlaw k Co.N. Y o.lXXi A) Mat 1910 lierman Having! A Loan Society, Hao Fraooueo K.000 uu ; Only U 50 lor the round trip from The lJaliee to Long Beach . Tioga, PgOific Park, Oeean I'aik cr S'ahootta, Wash., good fur return until Sept. 15, (901, limnHfe Oheeked I li rough to destina tion. The steamer I. J. Totter will leavg Portland daiiy except Sunday and Monday, and the ilmealo daily except Bundayi at B p, m , and lu p, tn. on "aturdaye. making direct COUngOllOQI at Astoria aud at Ilwaco lor all points on Uregon and Waghlagton hetoliH Call1 on Ja. Ireland, aent, The Dalles, for through lime card to all heach poind. jljU'-'m Total Water bouda .s,otXJ 0o Jniereat due Jau'y 1, I90S in San Frnoeigeo 750 00 Interest due Mar 1, 1909, N V 8.910 0" It will be noticed that $18,100 is now past due. FOUND. At Ibe Ilaliea Kuiploy merit tlllice ; a place where vuu can procure help with out cost oi trouble. Mail or phone VaCUII Kki.i.ev, aL'6 1 ndA Manager. I'A-rX-Wrjkr! C. J. STUBLilG, aUOLggAUg ASP RCTA't Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt anention. Uondoa Phona i.'oit nut. loot . Next door lo First Natioual Uank. THE DALLES, OREGON Advertise in The Chronicle. Subscribe for The Chronicle.