8ft e 3 4 o$ ? o New Material for Fall f ft f f 4 f f ,J5 A ' We are now ready with the first showing of frcoch Flannelettes. The goods are the choicest that has ever been shown for the money. The patterns are equal to Flannels at $1.00 per yard. Von can real assured there is nothing better for the money. Kir opening price is 15c cr yard ice Window. Here's a two-fifty shoe shot from our store that will cer tainly bring relief to many overtaxed purses. It's pos sible to sell a splendid shoe at $2.60 and that's what we are doing. We have the best $2.50 shoe for women $2.50 Shoe MenS Suits, At a Great Sacrifice. Cost, profit and value are ignored. We admit that every bargain is a loss to us: our only aim is to sell the mer chandise. We do not intend to cany over, no matter what the loss may he. I tit he suspicion hobo, who omiif into his barn yesterday and created much t disturbance. Porter pnt him out. and as he left he heard to remark : "I'll 1 get even with you for I hit." Mr. Porter is Always foremost in help ing otners at such a time of need, and in turn I let night our tire boys did them selves iroii'i. Indeed the entire city cannot say too much in their praie. We feel safe when The Hallos tire de partment i at work. WILLIAM H VANBIBBER. r it to m a V . Recardtag tn Ye ft t tit a Pratii ami Coaoaratne; tit i.ir. For One Week Only in all lioedoi i m ad in Fall has brought. the best styles that Style, comfort and ur ability are not neglected. $18.50 Suits now $13.25 16.50 " 11.30 15.00 10.00 14.00 " 9.75 10.00 M 7.00 8.00 " 6.00 6.00 kt 4.75 .00 4.oo PERSE & MMYS. -k: afli ifW' V' -V- V- V- W ! I fi . V H Fhe Dulles Daily Chroniele. WEDNFda v 5) ice Cream SEPT. 4, 1901 and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Waum County warrant rfglnered prior to Ootobar 1 1 , 1H8, will he paid od presentation at my oitlce. Interest cee after .tuRnm 13, 1901 . .IOHX F. OAMI'SHIKE, County Tremurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. City eouucil meeting tonight. Tiiie week even a nreeideut of t lie United States will be asking to be "put off at Buffalo." Wanted A woman to do tip Ptairs work at the Umatilla House. Apply at the hotel at once. aug31-tf A. M. Williams St Co. publish in their ad n lirt of the new school books inter esting to all pupils. Wanted Man to clerk in store; small salary : experience not neceseary. Ad dress , care CuBOKICLE, eep2-tf Bight teams wanted by J. C. Sullivan. Grading for easy levei drag scrapei ami wagon work with no tip-hill haul. Wagee $4 per day. eep3-l w k Lou.e Deleo, of Wamic, whs adjudged insane yesterday and was taken to the asylum in Salem this morning by Her uy Sheriff Sexton. The funeral of the late W. II. Van hibber will take place from the family residence, three miles below the city, at - o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Miss Ola Norman, a graduate of the High school iii the 1900 class, hasaecept ed the position as teacher in the Mosier Mhool.whioh begins next Monday. All parents will no doubt take ad vantage of A. If, Williams Co.'s libera, '.flT.-r in boys' clothing. This firm allows a rebate of 10 per Bant in echool Looks, on all purchases in boys' clothing until the 12th inst. The remains ot"Itocky" Chenowlth re. brought to this citv today from St. Marline Spiings and the funera' will 'ate place from Crondall and Burget's u'idertaning parlors tomorrow morning 10 o'clock. Word was telegraphed hit mother.who sent word to give him as "ice a funeral as possible. A 00d fi.ad audience was present at tUe "gt last night when the biograph "cties of the p89Blon PUv wert!t.x. 'ib.ted. Wwu, UQt 8Q cleftr g8 mn some time since at the same mm, ihey were life-like, so much so at maily WBre aB( v lhe Bcene8 rtruyed. At the ringing of the fire bell, which invariably causes a tumult among Dalles people wtio have suffered so much by fire, all but about a half dozen of the audience dispersed, and so misBed the best part of the program. The O. R. A N. Co. will give a rate of lio fare for the round trip to those at tending t tie Woolgroweis Association at iteppner, September 17th and 18th. This will be on the certificate plan, subject to 50 or more who have paid full railroad fare of 50 cents or more. Tick ets good to return on the 19th. The CaaoxiCLX job department has just gotten out some immense bills for the carnival and district fair which can not fail to catch the eye of every passer by, Everything is being done to adver tise our fair and no doubt the city will be jammed with visitors, who, if the committee has its way, will not be dis appointed. Last night Mr. and Mrs. S L Brooks left on the Telegram excursion for the Last to be absent about 'two months, visiting the Pan-American exposition en route. During their ubsence Mr. and Mrs. Kugeue Collins will occupy their residence, Mr. and Mrs. William Fred den having moved into the Collins reei dence a few days since. At the meeting of Friendship lodge, K. of P. last Monday evening, J. A. Douthit, of the Times-Mountaineer, was honored by beiug appointed a delegate to the grand lodge which convenes in Portland during the month of October. Mr. Douthit is one of Friendship's most worthy and faithful members and the lodge could not have made a better choice. Robert Mays an 1 eon bought of A. A. Bonney abou' 1250 head of half-blood Shropshire laiubr, at 12 per head. The deal wae made iat Friday while Mr. Bonney was visiting our town, and the sheep are to be delivered at his ranch before October let. The pi ice is a good one and overthrows all the argumeuts that have been made for low prices for lambs this fall.- Anteiope Herald. A man by the name of Reed, a sheep herder for the Baldwin Sheep and Land Co.. entered a saloon in the Fast End last night hunting trouble. He held u revolver UDder the proprietor's note cxd snapped the trigger three limes, but fortunately the cartridges did nut ex plode. The. weapon was a Smith V Wesson 14-caliber and the indentures are plainly difcernible on the cartridges. Keed w as arrested by Deputy SLt-i itt Sexton today, and this afternoon he was examined by Justice f'.iowuhill for the crime. We understand un investigation is be ing made as to the cause of the runaway Monday when the lives of two children were jeopardised, and poine one is liable at least to be taught a lesson which he will not soon forget. There is too much careless riding going on in The Dalles, and the wonder is that more accidents do not occur. There is an ordinauce against fast riding through our streets, which should be enforced, and it would be well to add another ordinance against riding broncos through our streets in ! the manner in which it is done every I few days. Boys, and men also, are in the habit of tearing down the main I streets, for the sake of showing off, and by so doing endanger the lives of women and children, who mav be driving, for no horse, however gentle, will stand be ing ridden into as was the case Monday. OUR OLD ENEMY- : The Fire Demon Destroys 1'orter'a Stable and CillSireth' Lumbering Hulnes. ; Just so often in the history of The j Dalles muEt we be visited by the fire de-1 moo, and for fear we were having too long a respite he made his usual call last night about 10 o'clock. When the first sound of the alarm was beard, and people from force of habit turned their 1 eyes toward the Kast End, a bisa of j i fire met their eyes, and showed that ! Lewis Porter's 6table, ou the corner of Second and Laughlin street, was doomed. Mr. Porter had just left the stable wiien a blase 1 -aped from the back part j of the building upstairs. Seeing there i was no hope of putting it out the men Bounded the alarm an 1 began moving things out. Mr. Porter returned and at ; once began letting the horses loose. There was a large number of animals; in the stable, but they had little diffi- j culty in getting them out. As Mr. Por- j ter went to turn Dutch McCoy 'e horse j lo.se tiie fire wes coming down the hay shute lively, but he succeeded in cutting Iris halter, although the animal kicked i deeperateiy, and tie was saved. Though the building is totally de- : stroyed, the horses, wagons and all but one harness and the neck yoke of W. IL ; ' Wilson's Shetland was saved. As a matter of fact there was much parapher nalia not mentioned, but representing ; , money, which was lost. ; We were unable to determine the exact loss sustained, but understand Mr. ' Porter was well insurfd. However BOflB ' iug at this particular time the damage to the business cannot be estimated. In spite of hard work,, the Haines Bpread to the lumber yard and building Of R, B. Gilbreth, just east, and soon it was enveloped. From this nothing was saved excepting a small amount of; lumtei, most of which was damaged. We understand Mr. Gilbreth had a large stock of paints, oiis, glass, etc., and his loss is estimated at almost 6000, with little more then $1000 insurance. This is a severe loss to the owner, who has not been in business a year yet, and who is a hard-working and worthy citizen. lieride these two firms J. T. Peters lost 1100 Oil his building opposite; Filloon M0oa ftotk stored with iiN breth ; Pease & Mays' warehouse, about fiOO; Mrs. Periano, the milliner, also suffered a slight loss on her building, as did also Watts of the marble works and 1 Markillie, of the gents furnishing store. It is generally conceded the fire was 'of incendiary origin. Mr. Porter tells Upon reetiving the startling Mwl ol the suicide of Win. VftObibbot yesterday afternoon at a lime so near our publica tion hour we were unable to give but tl e meagercst report, but upon Inquiry e understand that Mr. Vuubibbev had given no sign in the morning of an un usual dntpondnney. Oil the contrary, early in the morning he farad to assist his wife with her washing, but Shu dt ciined saying she was afraid he might make hie rheumatism worse by putting his hands into the water. He then said he would go down into the bean patch and told the hired man to harness Mrs. Vanbibber's horse as she w ished to go to town ialer. He was accustomed to coming in for his lunch about noon, and as he failed to return. Tom LanreDXAn, who is employed by them, started to the garden to lot k for him. Going through the cow shed on his way down he saw Mr. VnnblbbM at t tie other end of the shed and being unable to discern his po sition from where he stood, called to turn. What was the man's horror as he came nearer to find he had hung himself. Taking a mediura-ei (d rope he hail thrown it twice over a scantling about a foot above nis head and held the end with his left hand. His knees were slightly bent, his toes touching the ground. The young man at once ran to the house, anil Will Yanbibber himself carefully lilted the body down and re moved it to the house. Neighbors were then sent for and arrived in a short time, w hen word was brought to the city. Dr. Shackelford, the family physician, the undertaker and Coroner Butts at once went down, but the latter deemed it un necessary to hold an inquest. William H. Yanbibber, who was born in Missouri sixty-seven years ago last June, came to The Dalles in the early 60's. A short time after he was employed by Mr. Marsh, who kept a dairy below the city. In '(35 he went into the same business for himself, and from that time until a year ago he has been a familiar figure driving into our city each morning and supplying his customers with milk. On November 10, 1867 be was married to Miss .lohann Marsh, Rev. John T. Wolf performing the ceremony. To them two sons were born, William, who survives him, and Marcus, who was drowned in the Co lumbia three years ago. About a year ago Mr. Vanbibber had a severe attack of lung fever, from which he never fully survived, and of late has suffered much witli rheumatism, having about lost the use of his right hand. Sunday he said to bis son, "Willi I have lost my right hand and will soon lose the use of my leg. I'd rather be dead than helpless." His suffering, together with a despondency febich had come from the loss of his son and the fact that he was compelled by ill health to give up his occupation, is thought to have been the cause of the final dejection, which no doubt led to the act that caused his death. His friends have remarked of late that "Van" was not himself. The shock which camo to the com munity was great, for he was a friend to everybody and everybody ti frieud of his. Upright, good nature. I. honest ami a splendid chien, he will he sadly missed. To his wife, who has been a constant, faithful helpmate, the shock comes with terrible force; and, together with her soq, she has the deepest sympathy of all. Beside his wife and son, Mr. Vanbib ber leaves a brother, who lives at Ljle. ..The New York Cash Store.., 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Special in Mens Straw Hat. 25c See our Snow Window. New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, clean slock. Give us a call. Prompt del ivory to any part of tho city. .MAYS CROWE, JVIaier & Benton, Headqu i ters for Family Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves and Steel Ranges. 167 Second Street, THE DALLES. OR. Fire )w in to the general shake up occasioned by lust night's Are, the Hub Clothing i lo.'i store ii closed 1 i H tomorrow,1 so that tin; stock can be put in order. Some of the goods were hi a .small degree damaged by; water, and the price on these j tomorrow will be liberally re-j duced. Keep your eyes open. MLB CLOTHING CO.1 I'aclfU' Collegii. l'aeifie college opena October let. Tuition 185 per year;boaril an! (urn (bed rooms 2.60 per week. Here are uristii passed advantages at a minimum 0Of t. For catalogue and other informa tion address, Pacific College, Newberg, Oregon. MJptS 4 For Sale. 1000 acres more or less lying on the Columbia river about seven miles frOQi The iJ.illes. About 100 acres of liver bottom tne reet good upland suitable for fruit and pasture. One o? the bt-st dtlr Or milk ranches in the county; a small house ; good barn ; some Diehard and plenty of water. Also other town and county property. Apply to GlbOM V Mart'eii, Masonic building Third street. augltU-lm If you w .tut to retain your hair you have to keep your scnlp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the yery beat preparations for cleansing the scalp I'.gg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft ami glossv. Price, gS and M cents a bottle, at FraMr'l barber chop, The Dalles. If Win Not I'My Tbin To Ai.i. Whom It Mav Ooncihm i I hereb refuse to be responsible fr any bills o .ntrac.ed by my wife. Ji UIVH J. VVii.ky , Bmaniko, St.pt. 3, 1001. IIM'I KBfe II In, Just wet the affected pail freely with MybU-rioiiB Palfl Cure, a Scotch remedy, ami the pain ia gone. Sold by Claike A Kalk. If anything aila your liair, go ami see Frazer; lie's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that ha wake a ccialtv of theae goods. If A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. School Opens Sept. oth Arrango'iieiitn havi been made with I. C III I to ant aa agent for handling ol tha new school honks, lie i autbor'aad to inaka : the exchange any time betw an Sant I ami January I. Muitflw I WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer j Cor. Third anil Wasli Inifton 8ta. 411 order Attended ta promptly. Long distance phone 438. Local, I0g Woii in. Piaaoi I deal re t njf to iba peopia ofThs Dalles that 1,1. D. OirdiiHr, of PortUMMli won tht. piano Which was awarded me ' Upon piesentation of ticgel 8U86. Hav ing no use for a piano I have instructed Mr. Gumberl to dlipoaa ol lame at any rtMAnoblf price. Parties interested may call and -x mine piano at OHIO ; berl's Leading Cigar and Tobacco 1 house an. -' tf j Tne White Collar line, Bailey GttMfti 'will sell through roood'trlp tickets to Seaaide ami return. Dokeil good going from Portland over the White Collar i line, O. 1 A N. Co., V. i. Co. oi the . t 0i K. K , and return over same lines, ii iggage check ed diied to either North lieach, Heaview, Long Beach, Hreakeie, Ocean Park or Nahcotta. Limit ol liektt September 15th. I. If, Filloon, i agent. utscribe for Till Ciihonul.