The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY CARRIE RATION, ACTRESS -At last, after manv months of battlinc against fate. C srrie Nation finally lias struck her gait, ane nai been doing stunts 10 vaudeville show in Philadelphia, raking in the dolltn of the curious ones and mak- ins bfe miserable for the managers c . oi uie nouse. . coursr. wtri raw ize the woman is a drawing card, aud for this reason they put up with a ooil deal of her nonsense. Sue has stormed and fussed, swung her ftrtns and declared herself time and again, b'-it she draw? the crowds Just t e sani2. And what is more. Carrie lias adoptei one of the main char acteristics of the performer in stage life. She wants to be the WnoiQ ihe wants to be the whole thing. She dem endt that her name appear on the bill boards in large letters, and she flatly icfused to have bar act sandwiched In between those . ., . oi nit o.uei men hum wumeu un iic program. The wild woman of Kan sas bad to cither open or close the program of the evening hi had her way, because the manager evi denlly stood little hatchet. m some awe o be: And this is the same- woman wLo terms had increased from about 4.1 declared sbe was on!v carrying on months per year to 0.7 months since he the crusade against the saloons for had one int0 oflW , , , ,.' . , The regular program opened with a the sake of religious belief and not u)k QpQt by PftBeh I for mere notoriety or money. Sue f Monmouth, his object being to show smashed for the sake of temperance, what I ne reading implies, and at the Sbe went to fail, she defied tbe riybt eloeeol his splendid address his listeners nfth.1.. in infP-f..... im har .h. bd comprehensive ideas of the manner was hysterical, wild and fearless. Then her husband left her. anil she was practically driven out of Kansas. Sbe went east and sold hatchets, any thing to ma;;e a dollar and keep her name in tbe papers. To accomplish tbe last object she persisted in call- ing upon maj ors and the chiefs of police of towns she visited. Then came the tempting offer to appear in vaudeville, not in a sons and dance, but in her role of a smasher. And there she is now. standing nightly before audiences of curiositv seek, ers, exhorting, swinging her arms and waving her hatchet for a salary of so much per night. W. W. very vividly illustrating his talk by a Union. direct conversation with a child, in de mmm veloping an idiom and relation of words A recent attempt to force a Lon- contained therein. In methods Prof, don hotel keeper to draw the color French is certainly a master, and the line against 200 colored delegates to State Norma! 801,001 at -loDncutl1 re . , , ,. , ., fortunate in eecuring so able an in- tbt method 1st ecumenical council, to . , r , , , structor. Prof. French is principal of meet there in Wesley Chapel, signal- ttie training department. ly failed. These delegates were to Tne teachers and visitors present are : be guests at a fashionable West End Suljt C L Gilbert, Pres W C Haw lev, hotel, a', which a number of wealth v Prof R C Frent;h. Mrs I: c French, Prof , , ' J B Landers, Bessie I nderhlll, Lexie Americans were quartered. uen c. v, nmn , n i n w w 1 Btraeban, willit McDoogali K Freer, tbe latter learned what was goiDg to LouiM RioUiol, Tina Bin too I, Dora happen they entered a vigorous pro- Kieleen, C I Thompson, L P. Allard, J test and demanded that if the colored T Neff, Mai! Riddel 1, Kisie M Ball, delegates were admitted they should A!lce M Bal1' Anna Horton. Jl'lia A . , , . Hih, Inez Fitzgerald, Hella Unite, Kate Ix; accommodated m a separate part . , ... , . 1 1 Davenport, Madge Warren, Ruth W of the hostelry, representing that any Bturgasi, James Springer, Kate Martin, other method of dealing with the Stella Brown, Edna Browr., Christine case would not be permitted in the McNeil, Maggie Kelly, Grace Gambel, United States. The proprietor had E Miller, Bertina Cramtr, Kata Roche, .. , ' . . Lua Wrenn, Anna Thompson, H W tbe courage lo refuse, and is Quoted l- ii l- u n . i n, B 1 Kelly, E H HartWW, t.assie M Cheese. assaying: -I could not think ot Hester Kent. Joels Spink, Ada Bell, offering an insult to such men as Loin Rowe, Minnie Elton, Content Elton, Bishop Derrrck of New i'ork, bishop A May Seeblar, Puny M Groat, E Maie Jaoer of Philadelphia, Bishop Gaines Bar"etl' alinft i''""an. Mrs E D it,, , Baldwin, Margaret Baldwin, Daisie K of Atlanta and Bllbon Arnett. I .,, , , . ' Allaway, Kehecca S ilson, Maude ii told the American, that when the Michel!, Emma Roberts, Anna Taylor, Indian princes were here no one Cooper, J W O'Brien, Mary N objected to meet them, and 1 do not Campbell, Floasie Adklnsoo, Alice M propose to make anv distinction at I-'. Willema Dodge, Lottie Covey, the expense of the Africans." An Eastern newspaper auggeiU that owing to the price of potatoes being almost H b sad: and beyond the reach of r oturjoon people, that rice be Substituted as the Staple article of liet in place of the l)lgbpriced sputls." It declares boiled rice and boiled potatoes are similar in their , mgredientli POMOMiog tDOUt the saae poroeoUge of starch, glbumio- , OUS flintier and water. The poor people have not expressed their views ctl In the Moxie district, near North Vakioja, Washington, there are at least twcnty.flve artesian wells that now to the surface. J he tempera- I turc of the wator as it comes to the surface is 70 degrees and is largely 8EPT -4 1001 U9e(' for !'T'6ullnS purposes. A sur face Mow is reached at an average depth of about 1,800 feet. Some of thee wells furnish sufficient water to Irrigate sixty an land. 1 eiehtv acres of- A national convention of negro bankers, the first of its kind ever held in this Country, is being arranged to bo held nt Buffalo Spnteniber 26th. . . ... . . . . The prime mover of this undertaking . , ,,, is John Clayton, president of the l";rs'. Colored bank, of Philadelphia. INSTITUTE IN SESSION. a tonelaa Report of Thin Moralng'a Proceedings- Thnat Preaeat. With apologies to our reporter who tarnished an extended report, whieh for iaek of time and eraee we were com- pelltd to abbreviate. ... ., ... f- ... igmblad 'n High acbool assembly hall this morning. The day was an Ideal one, coo! and clear. The attend- 8n"e UraP- This niorniht! teuton oji'iifd with tinging, Conducted by City Sunt. Lan tiers. This was followed by a few brief introductory reniarKs by County Supt. C. L. Gilbert, in which he stated Hint th:s was the thirteenth annua', institute held in this county and the sixth that hn bad culled. He also pointed out the fact that the average length of school in whicii that imp rtant study should be taught. Prof, W. C. HaWley then talked upon history and civil government, explain ing in the first place their relation to one another. He clearly outlined the American policy of the United States in regard to immigration as compared with that of European countries. Tne his- tory of the United Mates is cosmopoii- tan in character, and the influence oi toreiBners has been reat in Pfof Haw!ey epoke umlerstanding:v a!,d in an interesting manner, and we regret our inability to publish the ex- tended report of both his and Prof. French's address, as handed in by our reporter. Prof. French aeair. snoke on reading. oeu v. prown, .uuuu nigman, i't. a nam, L H Arneeon, Vernon Cooke, Matlle Matthews. Neva Harvey, BessieN Hast iiu'S. I.iiii-H (iomliKivt I.mIK, v,sitors-Mrs b B Huntington, Mabel Boortnan, Miss bigman, Chas tark, and Edward Baldwin, Dyspepsia can bfl cured by using Acker's Dyupepsia Tablets. One little I,lbi,lt Bivt' inunediate relief or "0 'nded. Sold lo baudsomt tin boxes at 88 ct.s. Rlagaley tbe druggist, ' , Dor,'!l"lLl?lTfi,0?!M,1, iy constipated hut take DaWHt'l Little harly K,eers now and then. They will keep your liver and bowels in good order. Easv to take. .Safe pills. Clarke 5c Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior l"iuls WbM vou can buy .lamee E. PUon'8 BUn prjo( paintB ,or K50 Pr gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A Kalk, agents. uil On Sept. 7th will be presented to my customers i Shakespeare, complete in one volume, bound in Mor rocco: i Atala in large folio volume, illustrated by Gus- tav Dore. Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. regulator line, Danes. Portland & fistoria NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT LEAVE: OAK STREET DOCK. PORTLAND, at . M. and II P. M. ...Portland Boat... THE DALLES at 7:00 A. M. and 3:00 P. M. DAILY EM EPI SUNDAY. BTBAMBB8 ! REGULAT R, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. St. piary's Hcaiemy I nder the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLE.-'. OREGON. Tui- toatltation It plaaaantl) itu:itei near the Colnml la on the lire oi the O. R. & S. Co. thence it is aaajroi accw lor all tho-e- who de-sir.- to secure a eomfort.ible home and a progres sive seat of learning for their daughters or ward. The location of the academy is one of the most healthy on the PaelHc sinpe. thU por tion of Jrevon being proverbial for i's pure . water, bracing air. una pietOretque scener;. The Academy i i ucorpo rated and authorized by the state to confer AOMrmic honors Board and tuition jer ichohullc year. $IG0 studies will be resumed Tuesday. September. Itt For detailed information apply p. the si'ter Superior. augio-ln John Pashek. The Tailor. lias just received 1000 sanipieo of the latest patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. He guaran tees prices and a good lit or no pay. : : : : : John Pashek. The Tailor T06 BHLDWIH BESTflDBHHT W . ttll.SIIX, Manager. pirst-Qlass 19 Euery IespGt. n?al at f fpodrs. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. Tbe table always supplied with the best in the market. 71 J runt ."st., near Court, The Dalles. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a Genera". Backing Business. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern Slates. .Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, bt. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Waah., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday, Don't forget this. , I IKE. T. jjjfjj jte collar Line. tub DaHes-Poriiawi Route Str, BAILEY-GATZERT. DAILY ROUND TKir-, . Except Monday, Cascade Locks. Hood Rjver, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME Leave Portland I Arrive Tne Dalles. 1 Leave " " Arrive Portland. . . CARD 4 .10 Meals the Very Best. aj"V-nnday Trips a Leading Feature. 'This Route has the Grandest -ceuie Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME Leave Portland Leave Astoria CARD . T ,. , ... Landing and onice Foot oi Alder Btreet; both phones, M 351, Portland, Oregon. E. W. CRIOHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalies, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. " Just What You uuant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. 8uch wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Keal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, vours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Yellowstone Park Line. Till. DIKING All KOVTK KKO.M PORTLAND To TBI EAST, THK ONLY DIKEi'T LINK TO THE VXIXOW. STONE PARK Union Depot, rninanil isis No. J. KHt mnl! for Tacoiuu. se.Httlc (ilympiu, Gray s No. Huroorana h.mtu Hem! iwiiiit-, Spokane, it"- land, b. C, I'ulliiinu. MOSCOW, U'B ist.ju, H il f -1115 A. M. IfJoUump ininliiK Conn try. lialena, Minnaapo- lU, 81. Ptiul, Ornnha. Kinsii- ( ity, tit. I.'tli.s. Ubioego urn! all poiuU No. 1. rt and soiittivast. Punt Hiiunci Extmat i p, m. (or Taaoiua and sttic and interaiediute , SlM r. . No. 3. ;uu a. L , PullaUM flrt-cla.ia and tourut hlin to S&ttn-4.PUlUd M,ito,,ri r,v,rpoluU veaiibuiafi train. Dolou dapot conaaoUoui in an vancipai ciiie. Bung .ciieckwi to destiuation of ticket, KorLandomely illuitiated (taaoripttv niultt-r, ticket, aleepiiiK car rcer aliou. etc., call on Of i A. D. CHARLTON, Asiianl t.enc-ral PajMoaar Aacnt. .W, Morri ton -street, comer Thirt . Portland OrMon. I jr aAJ kV iti iai Mi Pacilic J NOLAN. TKfi iGioiiia PacKing Co.. PACKERS OF poRKand beef MAXCFACTG HK KS OK Fine Lard and Sausages j Cursrs cf BRAND HAMS & BACON JRJF.D BEEF. ETC. U Bestaurant I, Y . HONG, Proprietor. First-Class in Every Respect MKAI.S AT ALL HOURS. Oysters Served in any Style. .ST Second St., The Dulles. Or Just Received A fall line of Fresh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, Yelox and Aristo in all sizes. Also a line o( I'iates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and S'.anlev. ! TrEVB. Prill tin B Frames, , . - ' - r , , i Albums. MultiBrapns, ! c 1 Anc1 3:1 acc 'gsoriee to complete the 1 'ut5t J,eUlbe' U,e nater t,r W tessiona! photographer. Our Eureka Comhined Toning and rising Bath is a dandy. Try it. j The A. E. C. Developer for plates, Minis or developing papers has no equal Enough for 85c to developed dozen plates j or 6 dozen Yelox 4x5. Perfect blacks and wliite are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Ask for the A. E. C. De veloper, and see that you get the genuine. - . 1,1 c are prepared toconipound any and all of your own forma!;' and guarautee satisfaction. At the old place, 175 The Dalies, Oregon. second Street. Geo. C. Blakeley. L. Lane, IKNEKAL Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TMri ml Mcim fhu 159 J 'JJ"S LaaaUtJ asaw i ..."fcyaifcT Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artilicially digests the food and aids JNature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or. gans. It isthe latest discovereddiuestc autnuu tuu.c. ro oiuer preparation CaD approach It in CfticicuCV. It in- Wy"UeesdrnianeQtly cures vZrJXP'' iDQlgattlon, Heartburn, latuleuce, Sour titomach. Nausea Sick Headache, GastralKla Cramnsanri allnthir rofiiiltiu. 5lV5! mP8n a uol"erre8UUbOr 101perfeCtdlge8tiOn. gMSiaadg. .IrtegifecontolMSWtlmaa am. U .lawbook all aoout dy8PMa" ISS t. , , "V1'"! O0lu "y C larke A halk'e I'.O Hharm... llactsim ...AND... t ft iaraaa( r iki Oregon Shot Lime and Union Pacific D sr art FOR TIME SCHEDULES PION THE DALLES. AliRIVE FROM ( h MMgO- Portland special. 12:2ft p. m. via Hunt ington. Atlantic BxpfVM, 12;fi0 b. in. via Hunt lnton. St. 1'HUl Kast Mail, i S V- tn. via Spo kane. ait Lake, Denver. Ft Worth, OmaliR. Kan laaCltjr.Rt. Louis. Chi capo and the East. 1 : p. m. -alt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha. Kan sas City. SI Lottta, Chi cago and the East. i 15 B. B. Walla Walls, U'wlston. Spokane. Wallace. Dull man, Minneapolis, si. Paul, nuiuth, ttitwao Lw, Chicago and East. 30 b m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From rartl:utl. (All sailing dates sub ject to chauK.' ) For San Francisco, Sail every S davs. 00 p. m. i 00 p. m Daily exrpt Sunday, - ai p. m. Saturdty, 1":(X p. m. Dully except .-undny, 0.CH' n. in. Tnetday, i buraday, SattirclH . 6 .00 u. m. t'nl win!. la Ktver. To Astoria and Way ljindings. 1:00 p. m. except Simdav. WlllHlllelte IMver. Oregon City, Newberg, Balen . I ndependence, and w ay-Landinga. Corvallli end Way- IMp. m. except aunday. 4:110 p. m. Monday, SVednctday Friday. l.:iliditlgs. TuewJay, Thursday, Saturday, 7 li a. II). WlllHiiirttf and VHniinii Rivera. 80 p. m Monday, Oregon City, Din ton and " edn.?fia'y :iy-i Jna:lll. '') Leave Rlparia dally, 3:40 . m. Simke lilTer. , Leave Ripariu to Lswlaton. g:S0a!aL OT Parties efilrlng to rro to Heppner or 1 mnts on Columbia Southern via Higcv. should UiKe No. 2, leaving The Dalle? at 12:25 p. m. making direct connections tit Heppner junction and Hipgs. Returning niukingdirectcomiecUon at Heppner junction and Illpgs with ,No. 1. ar riving at The Dalles at 1:05 p. m. For further particulars, call on or iddran vAS. IRELAND, Agent. The Dalles, Oregou. Complete Cir?e of Draos at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. J. H. SC iiasca, hreaident. .ux a Voar. Latthiei J first National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Basinees transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceede promptly remitted on dav of colloction. Sight and Telegraphic Exchauge sold 01 New York, San Francisco an:' Dort- land. DIRSOTOKS D. p. Thompson. Jno. S. BoSOMM En. M. W'illiaub, iKO. A. Lists H M. BitAi CO YLARS' EXPERIENCE I ai 1 RACE. -JtBlGNS CCPVRIGHTS fir Arifor.e seii1lhu n s'kclcli and i'""1! ", ' Hn. Ulr ujccriaiii our opinion frtow 1 1. ' IliToiiilun n prolinuly paienioble. . " " ,' .,311 Ion m nc-tly co.iDdciit lal. 1 lndbik on nJ" Mill fr,-c. (fldcsl u.Micy tor c.-urini: 1T I'.iiHi.u taken tlirouali Munn A to. tyicial notice, without cbame. in tne Scientific American. A h ruli miidx.mPlT lllnalraled wet'klr- Lr'" ja atiiin of tiny H-ieii! lb' Journal. ' "'Tlluaa, ir: four n.oiitli.IL bold by all ne'" ,. tint MUNN &Co."'B! New m