The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 04, 1901, Image 1

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    l)e Dulles
NO. 171
Wbcctable Preparalionfor As
similating thcFoodandBcgula
Un$ the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes DigesHonXheerfur
nes? and Rest.Contains neither
Opium Morphine norUncral.
P&apkm Seal'
lickeli Smili -
t&ernwit -
It: Ceri'unaJrJmki
)irmSed '
MM .iigmr
h':kiyrvrr ntrrar
Aperfecl Remedy forConsBpa
rion Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Facsimile Signature or
For Over
Thirty Years
TMt ecMTaun eewMNT. near tour errr.
People Object to the Sale of . County
Kuad Great Northern Secured It
In ashiontoo.
Ti eautborities haveatoppodeommuoiet-
tion with all other torts, except Colon.
: The United States, French, British and
German consular agents in Bocae Del
Toro told the Colombian commander
there that if the severe harbor restric
tions were not abated they would call
cail for gunboats. These representatives
produced a limited improvement only in
harbor conditions.
Caracas, Yentzuela, Sept. 'J. The of
ficial Gazette today published a memo
randum of the minister of foreign affairs
to all friendly nations, explaining the
complaints made by Venezuela against
' Colombia. The case is considered to be
a casus bvlii.
Niw Whatcom, Wash., Sept. 3.
Mocn feeliug has been aroused by the
action of f,e couuty commissioners of
Bkitlt county in selling to the Great
Northern Railway Company what is
knownas ' Waterfront" road, a public
blgbway stretching from Edison, Skagit
county, to the Whatcom county lioe.
Along t-,t (-amt route the Great Northern
is building iti Chucltanut cutoff. It is
HI I be tame grade desired by the rail
ed, anJ it proposes to u:e it for its
foadbt-d. an leal the courts interfere. For
0l)0 liie railroad eecured a title to it
'toio the rom m issionere. Dwellers along
Uwroad ;r tested, and com me i ced an
action to set aside ilie sale. The road
as aarl i i. n. on I idrug store. Price 50c and if 1.00.
public suber.ptiin in this city. Buei-'lot,:e K'rauteed. 4
tiess nan here appealed to Governor I ujni out.
ttfitl ar. I i,e gent the attorney -genet al ' Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
lOaoiDineooe an independent action on j ( the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the
lilf P1 01 the state to have the sale set ; stomach. Loss of appetite, Keveriehnese,
""k" I Pimples or Sores are all positive evideu
Orabbsd a Wuuuu't Psraa. cee of impure blood. No matter how it '
Ooitux Wash., Sept. 2. The boldeet I Decamp so it must bi purified in order1
in the history of Colfax occurred to obtain good health. Acker's Blood1
I Llexir has never failed tccure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, the druggist.
Thousands Kul Into Exile,
Every vear a large number of poor
sufferers whose lunge are s ire and racked
w ith coughs are nrged to go to another
climate. But this is costly and not al
ways stiic. Don't be an exile when Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
wiil cure you at hoine. It's the most
infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds,
and all Throat and Lung diseases on
earth. The first dose bringe relief.
Astounding cures result from persistent
use. Trail bottles free at G. C. Blakeley'e
Developments in Situation All
the Combine Strikers Are
ing Steadily Losing Game.
Pittsbikg, Sept. 3. It was believed
that yesterday's creditable labor demon
stration would give impetus to the steel
striker?' caii9e and strengthen them in
their gieat fight, but the developments
today were all favoral le to the masters.
Thirty-two new workmen from Philadel
phia, all said to be skilled, entered the
Star Tiuplate Works without molesta
tion; 125 machinists returned to work
in the Pennsylvania Continental Tube
Plants, and twelve imported men went
to work at the steel hoop mill in Monee
sen. At Puquesne, no further efforts
were made to get the men out. and the
works were in full operation. Painter's
and Lindsay A McCutcheon's mills were
running with increased forces.
It is stated at McKeesport that the
Demmler Tinplate Works will be started
within forty-eight hours with its old
employes. Three mills were put on the
night turn at the Clark plant last night.
The other six mills are operating in full
in dav time. It is claimed bv the
management that they have had many
applications from former employes for
work, but have refused them all, as the
plant is now fully equipped)
Referring to the statement attributed
to J. D. Hickey, of Milwaukee, that Mr.
Morgan had offered in contideration of
acceptance of the terms propoeed for ;
this year that in two years all the mills:
would be included in the wage agree
ment, President Shaffer said today :
"When Mr. Hickey was here he told
me of several supposed statements that
he was credited with, and eaid they are
untrue, as no doubt this one is. If he
made the statement, however, it referred
to the executive board and not to me
alone. That is ail I can say concerning
Mr. Shaffer said, further, that he had
heard nothing from the West and that
there is no change in the stuation, which
continued to be satisfactory.
of Cost
The opening of school days are always of more or
less expense to parents. It is either new clothe, or
now books or both; ami where there is a large family
to provide for, the cost is no trifle. Here is where we
intend to benefit von.
It is needless to dwell on the fact
that the boys' clothes we sell are of the
satisfactory kind. If they weren't.
we could not sell to the same
pie year in and year out. It
Mujor-Gcoeral Arthur Mae Arthur.
DlKVEB, Sept. 3 The News today
says : General H. C. Merriam, of the!
department of Colorado, wiil probably 1
be succeeded upon his retirement by
General Arthur McArthur, late com-j
man ler-in-chief of the American forces j
in the Philippines. Gfneral Merriam
retires from command of this department i
next November on account of age
limitation. Several well-known officers i
of the army have been reported from I
time to time as the next commander of
the department, but the name of General
McArthur is considered as final. It is
declared he will come to the department
of Colorado as a result of his own choice
honest goods to stand the strain.
Our boys' clothing tins fall is the
same brand we have handled hereto
fore our assortment as large, and the
prices just a little lower.
As a special inducement we of
fer until Sept. 12th a refund of
ten per cent, on any Hoys' or
Young Men's Suit. Overcoat or pair of
Pants, this amount redeemable in
school books, for which an order will
be given you on your book store.
For reference, we publish in the space opposite, a
revised list of the hooks adopted by the board of direc
tors for this coming term of school. Any copy listed
can be had through this store of your local dealer as a
premium on purchases in our boys' clothing depart
ment. The value of the book depends, of course, on
the amount of your purchases.
Our Stock is Quite Complete.
You may ssiect from
Little Boys' Vestee Suits 3 to 8 years $2.00 to $5.00
Little Boys Junior Suits II to S years 2.50 to
Little Boys' Double-breasted Reefer Suits,
to 8 years) 2.50 to
Boys' Double-breasted School Suits (9 to
'15 years) 2.00 to 10.00
Boys' 3-piece Round Sack Suits (7 to 15) 1.00 to 8.50
Boys' Long Bant Suits (10 to 16 years). 3.00 to 10.00
Young Men's Sack Suits (17 to 20 years) 5.00 to 17.50
Many of our Fall Suits have already come.
of School Hooks adopted bv the Board
of Directors for the coming term anv of
which can tie hud free n premium
on purchase in our bovrt' clothing de
First Reader
Second Reader
Third Reader
Fourth Header
Introductory language Work
The American Citizen
(iraded Lessons in English
Elementary Arithmetic
Practical Arithmetic
Elements of Geography
Complete Geography
Word LesBons
New Normal Mental Arithmetic
Natural System of Vertical Writing.
Elementary History of the I'nited
History of the I'nited States
A Healthy Body
Books I. 'J, 1! and 1, New Short Course
in Drawing
5 0
High School Adoption
Higher Lessons in English
The Essentials of Algebra
Latin (irammar
The First Latin Book
Caesar's Gallic War
Select Orations of Cicero
First Book of Physical Geography
Quaitiom for Physical Geography
History of Greece
Mediaeval and Modern History
European History
Students History of the I'nited States
An Academic Arithmetic
Plane and Solid Geometry
Elements of Pyhsics
Elementary Geology
German (irammar
(iovernment of the American People
Elements of Rhetoric and English
t ompositiuu.
Notes tor Teachers of English Com
position Englisii Literature
Webster's Hunker Hill Oration
Maccanlay's Milton
Tennyson's Princes
(ioldsmith's Traveler and Deserted
Elliot's Silas Maruer
A. M. Williams L Co.
f-. ta-i.
m mu etreet at 3:20 this afternoon,
Mr- A. C. Short, wife of a faroier
wlagon the Mitchell farm, one mile
tMtofColfag, was rubbed of her puree,
Woin 126, by a man who walked
PMd grabbed her purteaud ran.
W robbery occurred near the Hour
-and in plain view of a number of
Mrs. Short wae eo frightened
c dld not "otice the man cicely, and
ttftQt give a good description of him.
MHifle 1 tba luarlf and city marshal,
'0 started in pursuit, but not having
Meurate uWription there is little
"Wfcood ut , eapiwaj,
tru' '" "f "ataig tu ruioiuii
-....v Aug. Sl.-Bocas
"luai-v t,n,iu...i i...
Leave For Kufl'alo.
HOOD Rivkk, Sept. 3. lion. E. L
Smith, president of the State Board of
Hoi ticuiture, and member of tiie Oregon
commission for the Pan American Expo
sition, wiil leave Tuesday night, with
the Evening Telegram excursion for
Buffalo. Mr. Smith will spend about a
month at the exposition, working in the
interest of the state. While there he
will attend the meeting of the American
Pomological Aeeociatton, of which he is
a member.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 25cts. audoOcts. Blakeley,
the druggist.
A never failing cure for cuts, burns,
scalds, ulcers, wounds and sores is De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A most
Que.tlOII A lln h ere.l .
Yes, August Mower still has the largest
sale of any medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
nevei thought of U"ing anything else for
indigestion and biliousness. Doctors
were scarce and they seldom heard of
appendicitis, neivous prostration or
ht-art failure, etc. They used August
j Flower to cl-an out the syetem and stop
fermentation of indigested food, regu-
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
I nervous and organic action of the sys-
itHt.-., to i mi a no i o mi Bspesitlos,
Round-trip rates via 0. R- tV N. from
The D tiles, 8 1.1)0. Tickets on sale first
and third Tuesdays during June, Jul) ,
August, September and October, good fo
continuous passage going on dale of sale.
R.'turn limit thirty days from date of
sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of
Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip
within limit of ticket.
Arrangements can lie made by apply
ing to agent O. R. A N. Co., The Dalles,
v, herer y tickets will he honored on lake I U(j0i Qt Walding
tern, and that is al) they took when feel- . ,7 , l " u,rc"'u"
J i ru-eeii ii rn t utwt In lu o
tf Jami;s Ikki.asu, Agent
Del Toro is
inn.rgente. Jhev
Don't Let Tbeui aulter.
Often children are tortured with itch
ing and burning eczema and other skin
diseases but Bucklen's Arnica Salve
heals the ru w sores, expels inflammation,
leaves the skin without a scar. Clean,
Iragrant, cheap, there's no salve on soothing and healing remedy for all skin
eaithasgood. Try it. Cure guaranteed, affections. Accept only the genuine.
Only 25c at G.C. Blakeley 's drug store. 4 Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
We offer for a limited period the
twice-a-week Ciikoniclk, price $1 50,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1 50'
tUl"r at leas. on " , ' "" PPer8 U'r 2 8 Vr- 'Ascriptions
"i ICHBI .110 u,,,! ..,.., V " Vl I r.. l. .. ;,4 ; .
rj - .." Ulluer una uunr ujubi, uo iaiu in
Clark and Falk have just received a
full line of fresh Velox papers and de
veloped, the esuieas used by Mr. Lotlet
in hie recent demonstration at our store.
PP'ite the town nod command
at - - v i
Kill hnt . .
uial . . ,. " na Ban
law prevails ia Bocae Del T ,ro, 'alk.
Floral lotion will enre wind chapping
and auoburu. Manufactured by Carta
Clarke & Falk baye received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
strictly onre liquid paints
Subacribe fur Tu Cuuomicul
ing dull and had with headach jh and
other aches. You only need a few doses
of Green s August Flower, in liquid
form, to make you satisfled there is
OOtbing serious the matter with you.
(iet Green's pri.u almanac. Clarke A
Falk's. 1
Aaauine. New Dullea.
San FsANOiaoOi Sept. 3 C. H. Mark
ham who has been made assistant freight
and traffic manager of the Pacific system
Qf the Boot hrn PaelJa and the lines in
Oregon, hi arrived from Portland and
entered upon his new duties under
William Sproule.
In the future Southern Pacific trains
running hetwten Oakland and Port
Costawill be operated under the tele
phone Mock system, which is also being
installed on the Colfax division. Train
orders wiil coutinue to be issued by
telegraph, but information between
stations will I- conveyed by telephone.
Suhs'-ribe for I MX CUBOMCLM.
Geo. W. Lane, IVwamo, Mich., writes ;
! ' Your Kodol Dyspeptia Cure is the best
i remedy for indigestion and stomach
1 trouble that 1 ever used. For years I
, suffered from dyspepsia, at limes com
j pelling me to stay in bed and causing
uie untold agony. I am completely
i cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In
! recommending it to friends who suffer
! from indigestion 1 always offer to pay for
it if it fails. Thus far I have never
i paid." Clarke & Falk's J'. O. Pharmacy.
! noil I'lianiceil to 1'ol.ou.
Putrefying food in the intestines pro
duces eH'HCts liae those of arsenic, but
Dr. King's New L'fe Pills expel the
poisons from clogged bowels, gently,
easily but surely, curing Constipation,
Hiliuusuess, sick Headache, Fevars, all
Liver, Kidney and Bowel trouble!. Only
now" Tblal
We oiler one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not tie
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Y, J, Cuknkv & Co. Props., Toledo, O,
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve hi in perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
(Wry OOt any obligations made by their
West A Triiax, Wholesale Druggists, To
KIODAQ .t Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood anil
BIUOOUI surfaces of the system.
F. J. CiiLNHV A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Hold by drruggists, pi ice 75c.
Hill's Family Pills are the best. 12
lie Kil Ills Leg
Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of
Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with
a rusty wire. Inflammation and blood
poisoniug set in. For two years he suf
fered intensely. Then the best doctors
urged amputation, "but," lie writes, "1
used one buttle of Electric Bilteis and
1 1-2 boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve
and my leg was sound and well as ever."
Fur Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders
Electric Bitters has no rival on eaith.
Try them. (i.C. Blakeley will guarantee
aatisfactiou or refund money. Only 50
cents. 4
or. , . (1 11 . i. .. .... f , . A
sue in Ui uioiy uru stum. a '
- , You will not have boils if vou take
Olfford 8 FotOB Never Fade Clarke A Falk's sure cure foi boils.