Do You Cough ? There orders were ssued and went into effei : veetertlev afrvrao n. errh n Use rvorvivMiy hr i old, just let it alo!u. tiuna . pi " I mtft T wwl i when I '-ant ins: y v. a d enn Its II a few day ofcour.e;ho cough) ng Mid spii of mu at sometimes lasted sev eral Wi tu hut after a w. .1 trouble would sub Fi.'.v. I w v s n -ticed 1. r. each roid v. a- worse than the one before. !y th- atseemi I to gel Weaker, and the least chance in the weather started tin Coughing gain Tnt last cold a. themoi-t severe ( r:. 1 v ..- ..'. trig! : tied. oi-j dr.. and home treatment did no cood. A friet.d told me about .Arker English Rem I) I pot :i bottle, and ymi never saw the like of the way it artt d. l-i tin bottle wat 1 wai w ell. My throat felt asstr ingand well a- rottlu he. Sinn- then I have had ho more trouble. I think Acker's English Remedy so strenirtheri!- thi delicate lining of thi throat that v. i sally resists "ii" i hanges in tempera ttUa,anditbuUdsuptheconstitution a-weii."' (Signed ".v.v.:r Schwab, 061 Gold St. Brooklyn N Y SoblatiV.. -V. and$la bottle tbrooghout the I'rii-' d States and enada a:. I ;i. litis land, at Is. 2d., 2s : I.. 4- tfyouareuot satisfied after buying, return the i t ta your dru?c:-:. and get your money back, ttv oafitoriae t' ab .- pa unlet, w. l: 004X8 l CO., j'ptturt, Am Fera. B ak-.-y Pharmacy. Potato I'erasllaa, ikima. Sept. 1 The A N KTH i kiva. Sept. 1 I he suit ment of Yakima fruit and melons, now beinc u.a.le oreafc a., re, rds. North err. Pacific Agent 6. A. Orat.aui said to day that the company :s handling twice the aai KHUt of int. by f x:res that a ent ok: year. r!v- r day wes-. hound train S take: upwards ta ears of M miirtj the load reached a .ittte more then 100,000 nottndt, Si tons of which went lo Seattle, and the rest Tacotca and otbet Sound citiet, creat has oec me the ktafll tl a" the rail road company :..s serionslt c oeidered putting on ir. ex pre! train to carry Vakima prodocu totheSonnd. should the business continue to increase i: has done in the ia?' two years, that WOUld be tbS jd'.v teas.ree way of iu.ud '.in? it. I'ers.iii in n positi in to ktw state that ::.e retnrns which Y..inu farmers receive for their fru t amount to '..L0O r a day. This does no; use ri.ts'ern shipments by last freiiM.t into account , Transportation charges prob aplv amottnt to one third or one-baif of the va:ue of the fruit. AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER! Tiie People's National Family newspaper To ail oid and new subscriber! pa) ins BM year in advatue we offer Tri-Weekly Tribune and Serni-Weekly Chronicle for S2.00. Week! v Tribune and Semi-Weekly Cnrc rv'cle for SI. 50. . NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY Pobllahea Monday, w sdaeasta and Kri day, In reality b fine ad infY. c . ery-other- daf Daiiy, s- lag tlM tateat news days ' i5iic, a n d covert n( IMWs ol tl;? otner :.. It eotitains nil t tart forciftr. cable i . v. - v :,n ii ewean in tht I'atly Ttfbnnc ol same date. a!' do r.: tu ai.d fntelcn cot i esiondenec, short tortes, nlsganl lialf tone illustntt,i bll in item?, i'd':- t r : s . laforaattou, inhi, m notea,agTiea taral laalian. and Joaptet . snd re iiab'u Bnaaclal and market retiru TRIBUNE.'.Ht Hon prue. rabacrlp pet NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. t u m id p i (Inly Lai ursions to for the h tae e ( itud trip ial. rom We f;:rii:-r. : wit! Soav. Weekly Cbrout etc for (2.00 pi: jreat Published ou Thurs day, aaa known fnr t. srly is:. ysan i: e,ery part th. Utth I -t t:te a uatttm n! fsmi'.y toewspanei of the highest class ! ( : far:;u:. and villa sjen, it i otttaini ail the mi-st linpottant c- neral w i of the FhitlT mbuni op to tr-.-. boat :' bim-.-: t press an ac-i nit it il department of thi bUjhi si ord r I as en tertalning reading for every tnember of thi faniilrold and yon tin m,iri : ivi ,'. w in'-; n'f seeepted a? autn orlty by f:m,,T mid mere bants, Htid i clean, up-to-date, in terestinc and Inatruo n s. Retro tar ml serln- tioi, j.-riee. Ie: yvat. We funii'h it aritfi Semi-Weekly Chrobi i .- tot fl.U l cr : ear F jr sa e PEHi tS I M K vl J i .N . Am. a Schmidt ntiuc t Carson i ns ref.t't a Wart.. Portland fternoon. Hiss iron, an Chris ,'r.wiiiie returned on the Rewnlator veste-aa1, Miss Ruby Groat i- h''i - from Pir1 htttd, where she has o-et: a Student a the hu: bet S C I ;t-. Mi- Ethel Rusrk, ol rhls cite, a a P3set..,-r the boat this morning for a week's cislt in Portland, Mr. and Mrs. C E Bayard at,.! Mis, Mas ;one-. wiio nave tpet;' trie summer at N-w; --. returned Mine last tn:.t. E. Jaeobsen i in the city, "Jafeey" ioig extreme v happy these days, and hiE friends .. i.r !..? re.-c m to, H w is It, E. J. T H Jihnston i sr. f-om Dnfor today. Mr .1 hns .:. -.ot; that two we-ks n ire wi I see th harvest aboot oeel in 'hat n-it n borhood. Misatiraca Scott sagainat bet case in Tits Cbboniclb office after a month's vi t . Imw mother al Coreallls and a trip in Newport, O. Kiners ly, who is now traveiiny for me ra . km ;etit nonaay aac jP-ltft(. Hair yesterday it, The Ia' ieartntr at noon nM.nt r Tbs I'a.ier to L n Bead . T: ga, i'aeinc Park, Ocean I'aiK ir Nabeotta. Waab., ccivd f;r retitrr until Sept, 15, i0i. Baggage checked through to destina tion, i tie steamer I. .'. Potter wil! leave Portland daily except Sunday and M tiday. ar.d .De Qasaalo daily except Sunday, at 8 p, m., Ld 10 p. in. on 1 Saturdays, making direct connections at Astoria aDd it i waoo ir all poit;t on Ireg m ,.n i Washington neaches. Ca'.i ni. ...-. I'e.ant. ae:.'. Trie I'alies, for through time card lo " beaeb poiiits. l3 -m Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co.. The Dalles. Or a ii4-ii!tT--ii4-i4 4 ijwai,yaaw -Ta,i-..i i MR Pot Hif. Twenty uead of ii..r?es. ranging in weight frctn i0t to 1400 pounds. All a.ter-br.k-t.. and some broken to work, Apply K Oregon, tr.vjhe Krott.ers. ' 3 w N Z Endersby, l" lmsr At The Dalles Employment Office; a t ii v here v-.m can pr-i'.'tire help wiih ou! c st or tronb e, .lai! rir phone I m .v Kbllet, Manager, todav for Pendleton. Miss L-mi Liehe at.d her cousiri , Mi Em :v Lie1--. v bo has oeeti Btaoostrapl et foe peae i'; Hays for the tiaa few w eexs. left this morning for Portland. Mrs. Cnar!- Hiinonsoo, who was called In Sp --: ,i i . :i t u r. three weeks agM on nrcounl nl r. tie i oess of tier grand n other, retnroed uome this morning. Rev. C F HawK left m. tbe 13 train la-it niiftit ior Wn 1a U'alia to attet,a the M"' hodist confer en oe, which eon vanes be e tomorrow. At the request of his tar -h lie ,- i . friend an invitation to that hjd t oiee. i: The Dalies nes' vear. When your hair appears dry and to Lave iost its vitaiity it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what the nair needs when it gets :n that con dition, 'e have tne Crown of r-, "tower and VgL-r T ir.ii . T: cure dai rnfl a- d aii ca.; diseasec. Fur saie nt Fraaer's har ber shop Price 5hc and 75c a bottle, We oJer for a iii-tted period the twice-a-weti CnTJtOKlCUt, price $1.50) and tbe Weakly Oregoniao, price $1.60' both papers ior i a yen: Tio-cr:p:ions C. J. STUBbljNG, inesf Liquor Family Orders will receive promoi attention. Cigars Next dour to Firs National B i.imi, Lous i. Phone 3; Dlat, 1001, THE DALLES, OREGON Ulide- vanoe. tnis offer mnst be paid in ad The Collins hot springs are n w open, No hoteiS, hut the finest of camping grounds. Bonting & B oef ord, man gen, Collins, Wash. ang3lm C.ark am: F.e have just received a fall iine of treit W.r-x paper' and de- velopers, the name a need by Mr. uovick tore. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. Roger Sinnott end Mrs. .' E Fish left 'n irtt nigbt's train for Rathdroiu, In. nr.. wi.-r,. t;. wi. he pr,nt a' n,e ;n tit reLVI1, demonstration at or wedding of their brother, N .' Sinnott - and IliM I-idnre I'nrce, . w:.n; uc etir at p!a.e tomorrow morning at S o'c ock. F.ora. lotion wii. enre w:m: chapping ami a tobnrn. Vlanufacturec. by C-arn r -aiK A B Thoo ps in and on. Aifre.i. came nn last ntghl from Portland. Mrs. T son": . .vgt L .is and Edna. ave r toroed from theheacn end wi! rema:r, it Portland nati Improvemanta on their t.oo-e o'e compieiad sufficientiv for th-m lo oeea py it. Miss .lniia Hi;, has returned from Portland and will, at the opening ol Bjt' Monday, take the place ' -r ite-. Melissa, it: the Btgt) school work Mies Hi.) - nfw in Por'iand .ii 'Hi- I tn- tne Utter part of this m 'i th i . ,eave for iirton. w here tne will visit ' an Is an I also taKe up studier in special hraocbos Register J F Lucas, ol the .and office, arrived bom Uet n i tr i t inn, Portland. iiHving pa-'d tn- itig!. he city Sunday morning on his return tr.p ironi L.tKer Ci'V Mr I.titM" also vi-:'ei Rnmpte' and Whitney, iti the mioing seetione. His m ''iier. Mr- I. T (acao, wh ac i mpri il him, remained for a visit In i'.'airie Citt A fnli ine ol Eastmai l.k.s and sup- plies . us- reee-vo'i by Ciarke i Falk. Qifford'fi Fotor Never Fade. Suoscrtne for '1 Bg CUAOXICLS, Prof. Homer cie Morrison c 9 J. E. FALT & CO., Propnetot-s as TIlC Owl." Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of tbe City. 173 Second Street. Phones : 51 Local. B66 Long 1 hsiauce. r I tov DA CsVMs1 W fmt. apt. I Mrs, I'. 1. -t raft, bapt. M re, f. I. Uowi w f-- ol A, st si f.t ieoeral boparintendeoi I ns. nf ' ne Cireal S wthera, t.n w -s k: lad in th icident in Montana on Pridai . and m ithei ol Kirk Downe, v. no Wrts aio killed, arrived it; thi ciu this sgorning m. efl f r the West, Tne party will m.e the refnin- in UlMgow, Mnnt., and rfiirn Ki- with Ibem iui mediately. Pbe funeral r n li.-l in Vaabiogton, D. C Tbe body of Kirk Diwn, the son of the dead ioperin taadent, eannol be fonnd, niost likely having ' PS ... UOMd il the Kiln--. H, A. Kennedy has bean appo nted assistant w'-n'-r. SUperinlendaol t' Q ce-i u.e it Mr Pnsisje. Vu to the pr-taani 'in..-, Mr, Kennedy h-is iiei. em ioye I an (.uperiiitcnden' of the i ;. lTaaUtaatn atreet. Rnou I'utti i a m. nnut t..- : resift- r, 1 a n ti.- r.t irrd'i- ; pal a -t ever si. H.iri'uu.i The siorld'i l -.-mi ira'., i lalrvoyant and Berba 1st can .. i aaltad oally oa all affaire ol if- Hrn' di llorrlaon la sritiwut a doubt tneainsl K'ieiitin Palmi'tand Ulairvo. ant iu tne world t'ia b locaUa hidden trosaure, reunite toe separated, lelui if ttiet. . siioral, I ou fi ir land ei.a..;r- you to win in lafteouou of u:r y.n mr- taught. BBsdiuniiaU nersot del oped Hen.- by tin ua of bit revealed be i. teas eursaenronlc aodaoaltcd lonrable dli i sMa res neatssent f'ip t w't iaad tl, date oif btrtb and three 'luettl :.- nil . tte auawered at . m-e. THE CELEBRATED .COItUIHBIA BREWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER. Prop. Of the product id tnis we. -known iirewery tbe United Mates Health Report! for June 1900, says: "A more en oei ior orew tie ver en tared 'ne labratory of the Cnilvd states Health reports. It is tbeolotaly devoid ol ttiH siijiit-1 trace of tdultaratl m, but on tiie other hand is oompoeed of th- tiest of uialt an choicest ol Imps. Its tooit lQalitis)l are of the higu est and it citli he ued with Inn gr.'at."t Iteoeflt and sal isfaciion iv old and young. Ite use can oonsoientioualy he preeoribed by tiie physicians srltti the oersainty that a iietter, purer or more srhOHMOUte ieverage could tint possibly he found." 1 i WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Sprinklers, I: you are in Deed of auything in our line, figure with u?, for it will ay you. ye o a PLUMBIXG-. TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. AH i lers entrusted to us will have prompt atU'iitioi). SEXTON & WALTHER, THE DALLES. - - OREGON. Lawn Mowers. r ? a iiii.. aklliiUiil''' la-li-H Li Ii t-aJ 4-4-4 4. i 5 The Dalles, Or. ft 1 f f The Chroniele, Job Printers i Wrr-tTTTTtTTTTTrrrTTTTTTTTi irrii : iiTtimim YOUR KIDNEYS. liter vou tire ol t'.nc so-called kidney remedies without any lenelit. use Lincoln Sexuul Pills and lie forever rid of those du'i pains In yonr hark. l)i?L-ard ttiat old fiiiry idea of "pain ti tbe kidneyb" and have all your o. adder at,G urinarv troubles CUrr'l, and your niyiits n.ade restful by the use of natvo S gteatesl Will unt Lincoln Sexual Pills. 1'rice. shoo per box buy of your druggist orient by mail on receipt of tiriee. in plain wrannei. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY JO.. Fort Wayne. Indiana. M, '.. Dnnnell, Agent. The Dalies. Crandall & Burget a- fi()bes All kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies p embalmers Ete. The Dalles, Or. m 1 Wrtisn Ming Co., East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON i Located it) taiua AUK 'Tn r.'lili F. S. GUNNING, ...Blacksmith. Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters ton Flour We sail our L'tKK'.r lower 't ca:. air: jjei .-ur prices aud !- for Seed Grain of til kinds, for Feed Grain ot u kin for Rolled Grain, an kmdf for Bran, Shorts, VtgittS fcf "Byers' Best" Pendle- rbig Klonr iiiauiifactured expreesiv for bunii) tliaaa ..V 1 a . . - a Jam nai nui-a ih jruiirauieen to give UtleineuacM Dan any bOOM in the trade, and if you don't turn Ml i Mil , lULCU . K laaatll flUeiaion I W K .a. rman ni I ineiioryoi lite (-iiImskiii i tn- i A. l"i . il Ml, iiii. 1.. e . n.i. ruian, Ol fhll and that hLiuliauii was MruilKd in n . ' IS) Faryns Fail diVWlon, spiII b ertine sovertnalbasjold wsa base CalKoroU ... .. .... . . " I tiou (or ttti uurpuM ul depti' mr ua'i Boperiri'endeut "f the Kalisjie, division. glor; Edlto: Hortland urf oniss "ni -r ii.- Mftirlson, oseiiltut. ;-aiwt i -. ll"n lbs I lun atoian irosa tbi seibr asaatUng WorS In ladi 4 ii ni ateull wiienac hi' Issa cdlatelj cnap Munloatsd b) latter tbe (aeui t' Mr A.J ita bin, uanur uf tin -tibv Vu:k- 1 In- Mrt n ' .:.: v- in- it,-ni.-iil- -.irre t MHN KBAKI I- I'AKl LOW i "II plsasiai lo Be issused Mat tn-eold . i ... wi . ... ito.e iroui tn. :.. oie:tiuK wa.- -io iron, ateoi. w net is, Axtes, oDTiuxe ana xsiacKBmttn DUDDlies .,..1 t. U,. i lint I I.IK Highebt Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats MOTT'S -llh.U MS IN list Telephone 157. Long Distance 107:;. AK'.'Ut t'r Russell .s. ' ' - t.iisii.i - . I iir-,iiur and saw Mllit, nor. Secoud & LaosbliD Sis : THE DALLES OR, PENNYBOYALPILLS They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and oniiKKir.nK iinrrtiae Vlif- of in,.nBira.: ., or and bauiab "pain m D ustruation They are "LIFIi SAVjEKS" to girls ' k.?X r;.dvU f"e d8felP" of oranTtnd body- Knowa remedy for women equals them Caunot do harin-1''0 Jl-PEB liOX BY MAIL ! uy arusrtrtata. LK. Moi X'g CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio tor sale by Go. C. Blakeley, The Dalles, Or