SUICIDE OF WM. VANBIBBER. f New Materials for Fall... We are dow ready with tin wring of French Flannelef tes. ifooda are the choices! that has over shown for the money, The pattern a to Flannela at J1.00 per V on can rest assured there i first The 'en are yard . nothing etter for the money, i hv opening price is ISc lcr yard See Window. $2.50 Shoe llr IV sible to sell a splendid and that's what we are tin' best s2.5i shoe for shoedom mad-' in the 1 Fall has brought, Styh durability are not neulecte a two-hftv shoe shot from our store that will cer tainly bring relief to many overtaxed purses. It's jos shoe at $2.50 doing. We have women in ail est styles that , comtort L and MenS Suits. 4t a Great Sacrifice. Cost, profit and value are ignored. We admit that every bargain is a loss to us: our only aim is to sell the mer chandise. We do not intend tocarry vcr, no matter what the loss mav be. for One Week Only ,oo ,0( ) $18.50 Suits now 10. r5 14 K ).( )0 8.00 ().( )( I s.( K PEMSE 5t MAYS. I 1 ! f In the C ...The New York Cash Store... $13.25 I I. SO 10.00 9.75 7.00 6.00 4.75 4.oo The Startling, but niengor, report is bratighl in the city by Mr. Anderson jtttt as c ko to press that Win. Vanbtbbec hud commltttd inlclde by banging hlm I Nil iti the cow shed adjoining his home on Ith creek, three miles below I the city, about 11 o'clock this morning. He was found by Ton i.aurensen at 1 o'clock. Wont was at once broOgbl to tin- city, and Coroner Butts bM just left for t he Vanbtbber place. rhe newt hM given the entire city a terrible shock, Mr. Vanblbber beibg one of onr oldeel and most highly re ipected citizens, it is thought by n.i that 't must have been a temporary tit ' ol Insanity that cause.! the terrible deed, tor to far as known, other I bail that lie has been verv detpondtOl since he told I out the dairy business and had nothing to occupy his mind, bablt having had a strong hi 1,1 on him ) there was not the tlightett cause for the act. Further particulars will be given in tomorrow's issue, it being impossible to obtain details at so late an bonr. ROCKY CHENOWETH SUICIDES. 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Special in Mens Straw 25c See our Show Window. Cut III- i ttroat Laat Nitio mi St . Springs. Mhi tiii - "he D?!les Daily Chronicle. Teachers' Indltate. Tr;;A' - SEPT. :;, 1901 Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soua 1 At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wasco County warrant!- registered prior to October IT. ISM. will be iait no presentation at my office, ceasei after A uRiittt 1 3, 1901. JOHN F. BAMI'SBIHE, I'ouutr Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Passion Play Tonight at the Vogt. Look out for the col lectors tomorrow. Forecast Tonight and Wednesday, lair. Tiie ladies of an Eastern church are to give a "rubber" Bocial. We!!, well, ha neckst. Wanted A woman to do up stairs work at the I'matilla House. Apply at the note! at once. augUl-tf Wanted Man to clerk in store ; email lalary ; experience not necessary. Ad irees , care ClIBONlCLK. seiti-tf Mr-. The. Condon, wile of Geologist tidjn, an.! sister-in-law of J. B. Con don, died at Newport yesterday. Dr, Elbelman reports that J. F. Hoot, ho hai oeen lofferiog for several days ittj appendicitis, is convalescing. Elgbt teams wanted bv J. C. 8ullivan. auiug igr eaev level Oraif tcriDei wegoo work with no up-hill haul. gei M per day. Bep3-1 wk Don't imagine the biograph pictures ol the J'aBbion Play, which will be 000 toolgbl at the Vogt, ere not wort:. se,.;ilfc.. You'll tl,i8e a g00cj (j) 11 you fail to attend. MiM - '.e.e i .ambell, the well-known Jprai. ,. VQ0 rf;eritiv returned from ,'" '! -ang at the Firfct Prest.y Wriaoeborcta yesterday morning. Her olo, rendered with rare sweet nees and "M rei Ion, wag great I v enjoyed bv the 'rfeeodienoe. Telefram, U.l . .. " 'f."' t -i i pun J j. liiilf uf Liti undivided one-half io in t,f k'ui ut,,. - "vjoiouc, a I JC per I I V , r a,,d White JacKet mining claime tU Trout Creek district. These I'lalf.L are located up near the Ked J,: property prospt,.t( School Superintendent iilbert and his assistants in making their visit in our city a pleasant as well as profitable one. The attendance of interested visitors will also be appreciated. Tomorrow Professor French will dis- and W wiieie E. Bchaono see that it is shipped to Mr. Dosch, paying the ex press charge! himself, with the assur ance that the state committee n ill refund in the course of a few months. The case of J. W. Ryan and C. R. tarkey. who were arrested for assault and battery, came up in Justice Brown bill's court iast evening, Ned Gates ap pearing for the defense and F. W. Wil son for the state. At 9 o'clock the pugilists were lined $ 10 each. Starkey paid his fine and went on his way re joicing, s bile Ryan, io default of pay ment will languish in jail for the next Ove days. C. L. Phillips, the well-known grocery man of The Dalles, and 0. T. Sheppaid are at work practically developing tbeir mining interests in hicb tnev have solid mor.ey investment, eays the Whit ney Record. They have three ledges, two of which are fine, beyond a doubt. "We have," said Mr. Phillips, ' a seven foot vein on the Ground Hog in the Greenhorn mountains. We have four, other claims in the vicinity, two of which ehow rich values. Two of them are free milling ore, running very high in values." Mr. Phillips had with him an exhibit of four ounces of pure gold taken out j Uct by pounding the rock and washing it. We had hoped to be able to give a list today of the voung ladies who would tie in the contest for queen of the carnival, but upon asking for a report from the committee we found them lornewhat handicapped. In deference to the young ladies who objected to the mode of voting last year, aL.d to prevent any Damei appearing which Blight be ob jectionable, th 'adies decided to make the nominations themselves, after con- ' suiting those who were suggested at their first meeting. N W, it appears, many w ho would oiherw iee be w iliing to serve, are bfi'kward for fear of defeat, ! and but a very few have consented to I enter. 'lor voung ladies should not look at it from that standpoint. Jt is changes in echool books, and upon the not a contest for the most popular voung courBe of study and school records. Tbil morning a telephone message w as I received by Charles Michelbach from Sheriff Totten, of Skamania county, to the eireet thai Harold L. ChenOWetb. better known as "Rocky Chenoweth," I i had committed suicide by cutting his throat last night at St. Martin's springs. No further particulars have as yet been j received, and Undertaker Burget will leave this afternoon to bring the body to this city. For Bt least two years past Mr.! Chenoweth has been a enll'erer from tuberculosis and. at intervals has gone j down to Si. Martin's in the hope of re- I ceiving benefit, but in vain. No doubt I despondency regarding his condition,; OQpleii with the fact that be lias always Tomorrow morning promptly at V o'clock the teachers' institute for Wasco county will commence a four-days session including the school officere' meeting Saturday. There is no doubt but that i dreaded being a burden to his friends I there will be a large attendance, and j and often declared he would not be, led every citizen should co-operate with , to the fatal art ... : Harold Chenoweth was born in Bever- I New Grocery Store We ha vo added a Grocery Depart menl to our store. A itew fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. ...MAYS CROWE,.. ley, Randolph county. West Virginia, forty-two years ago, and came to The Dalles fifteen years ago. Daring the past few years he has been in the em ploy ol Chas. Michelbach, and, with his cuss tbe subject of reacting ami 1'rolessor other employers, Mr. Michelbach found Haw-ley will lecture on history. Supt. I him honest and industiious. Before Landers, of our city schools, will also talk on the course of studies for state high schools. Professor Banders also has charge of the musical program, arranging not only for the day sessions, but for evening as well. Some of our best music talent have consented to appear. Before receivintr certificates of attend ance teachers must be present at least sixteen hours previous, and credits on attendance will count only on presence at dav sessions. Suffice to say the teachers, as far as possible will tie ttiere. State .superintendent Ackerman will be present Thursday, and after attend ing the institute at Albany will return to The Dalles on the late train Friday, being here for the school officere meet ing Saturday. Superintendent 'iilbert's idea for call ing this meeting, which U something new, is the hope of bringing about a mere mutual relation between echool officers, teachers and patrons, invita tions have been issued for school officers and patrons in general to attend. There are 272 officers in the county, and many from Hood River, Mosier and this city will be 00 hand. It is hoped that the more ibo.ated districts will semi at least one representative. At t his meeting State So perinteudent Ackerman wi.l lecture on the recent JVIaiet & Benton, Headqu B rters for Family Groceries, Miller, "rest and are considered good Here's hnninir katui thai -VfJu'!i strike it rich. -Antelope Herald. y Aoy ' our orchardiete wbo may have "". which they are deeirous ol exbibit K t the Pan-American ex position at . " ' tu,y lev 't at the Pacific r-B Office or at Maier & ex- Benton', lady, but that we should have some one w hom the people consider fitted for the position and who w ill grace the carnival. All cannot be queen, but they can at least artist in making this Important feature of ttie affair a success. Beside, in a financial way it means much to the carnival. The most prominent young ladies in our neighboring eities have allowed their names Q be used, and surely we nave as many fitted for a like position as they. We hope to have a favorable report from the committee in the course of a few days. OMf Council RsMSSi On account of circumstances which unavoidably prevent, and that the meet ing may prove of tbe most benefit to the largest number, tbe council meeting to have been held tonight fias been post poned until tomorrow Wednesday night. G. J. Fai gy, Mayor. President Campbell will tell of the new text books and will lecture on the relation!- between trie director and teai - or ale. 1000 acres more or less lying on the Columbia river about seven miles, from The Ditiles. About lU'J acres of river bottom the rest good upland suitable for fruit and pasture. ne of the beet dairy or miik ranches in the county ; a small house, good barn ; some orchard and plenty of water. Also other town and county property. Apply to GibODf i Man'en. Masonic building Third street. augHU-lm If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of tbe yery beat preparations for cleansing the scalp F-gg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It; will leave your hair soft and glossy. Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's barber chop, Tbe Dalles. tf coming to this place he was wheat buyer for a Minneapolis flouring mill, and also followed other mercantile pursuits He was a man of exceptionally tine I education, and of him it may be said he was most honest and kind to everyone but himself. Were his friends ill or in trouble "Rocky" could not do enough for them and his unselfishness no doubt I led to hi tragic death. ! He came from a fine famllv, his father formerly being a leading contractor In Beverley. It is not known positively, J but presumed, that his father is dead,, while his mother and sister are stili living n that city. Jap. si, i, i i About B o'clock last night two men I entered the Japanese headquarters of I ' the railroad camp at Bowena station, and began shooting at the three .Japs who were sleeping therein, with what intent it was difficult to decipher, as, if robbing had be.n their only object, it1 I Was a Strange way to proceed. Two of the daps were shot, one seriously, and before they could reach the section house the viillani had lucceedsd in getting1 a w a v . One of the men reached the section 1 and gave the alarm, but the other could not at first he found. Later MrH. For wood, of this i ity, who had gone down , to visit her eon, who is employed 00 the j road work, in company with the wife of the section boss, heard moani and upon going to a shed near by, found one of the Japt seeming badly irjired and blood How ing from his wounds. He was taken to the section house and, with the other injured man, brought up to this city on trie !i 1 1 5 train, where Drs. Logan and Qeiaendorffer dressed their wounds. One received gun shot wounds in the back, but to what extent he was injured we have not learned. The other was shot jn t he face. They were both taken to St, Vincent's hospital on this moruiug'B train. It is supposed i he shooting was done by tramps; hut a- a saj difficult to get the straight of the story Irom the daps, little is known of Die culnrils. Will Nol I'ay lliein. 1 I To Aw. Whom Ji Mai COHCMNI I hereb) refuse to he responsible for any bills contracted by my wife. ll'MVI J. Wii.kv, SHAMko, Sept. '', 1901. Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves and Steel Ranges. 167 Second Street, THE DALLES. OR. lyon's French Periodical Drops strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS, Qreateat known female remedy. CAUTION Jt'w:mof ruuiiUTfVi's uimI tilth til loots Tbfl MflulM I IMlt up only V 1 j Willi I ill' i ft. . lr MifMUttiM- oil ..It- i i T I lie li il r ji I'm- feeuu lor Cnt uJur to WllAA AM, HoJu Aicuta. L luvclaml. Onltt i ni Car For sale bv (ieo. I'lakeley, The Dilies, Or. '.S0C '.ll.-c. Pacific collage opens October 1st tuition . per year; oounl ami lorn Isbed room! ifU.oO per week. Here are ' Unsurpassed advantages at a minimum cost. For catalogue and other informa- j tion address, Pacific College, N.wbarg, t Iregoni sept.'i -4 ! Nut for iti'olteenl.glsts. Naw Vokk, Auk. SI. A stone plow,' believed to be fail f 3000 years old , has j been unearthed at Bloom field, N. L, by j workmen on a culvert. . School Opens Sept, i)ili Arrangements have been made with I.C to act asi agent fur school hooks. He the exchange an y and January I . I handling of the new is ant boriaed to make. ! I Uie between ept. 1 30augl fuu7i,'id"" WM. MICHELL, the Kind You toe Always Bough) Under1aker and Embalmer Bears tbo T . tfTTT" . . . i All orders attended to promptly. I.onif Toa White Colhir line, Halley datert, will sell through round-trip tickets to Seaside and return. Tickets good going from Portland over tbe White Collar line, i . It. A N. Co., V. T. Co. or the A. & C. It. It , and return over Maine lines, iiaggage checked direct to either North Keach, Seaview, Long Heach, lireakers, Ocean Park or Nahc.otta. I. in it ol ticket September loth. J. M . Filloon, agent. If anything ails your hair, go and see Krazer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that ha utskes a a; realty uf these goods. if I distance phone I ,1. 108 w u tiie pianv. I desire to say to the people of Th Dallea mat I, J, D. iiirdner, ol Portland, won the piano whicli was awarded me upon pieaeulaliou of ticket LMHti, Hav log no use for a piano I have instructed Mr. t ii 'iibei t to dispose of same at any reasonable price. Parties iutereated may call ami namiue piatio at tium bert's l.eaiiing Cigar and Tobacco bouse aug-ti-lf subscribe for fits Cuaou:t.K.