Bled Quarts at a Time "1 arr. a knife maker nadVorked ri" a rr.rr.her o-' years ::: the New York Kri:e Co.'? fa" tv a: V.'a'der. X S" Piftt thing I knew I COfBBMnced to Meet: :rom Ihtmotttb ?.:. e in: at a.- r.-.u.'". a a .uar: o: !v,xi would come v.r from rry '.'jr.:; ..: time Every time I . "':-.e.; th bl ou tpnrttd 0111 I". v,a- IM fall) c t s r onded ear etos ssot looked a Be solemnly en, declared u n gr tror.e ar.'.'. the Other ;.- af?ece !. The-- may bt l. ".::. Cv. for '.;:c :: vou an I trorkins ;r. : l .ha knife factt 9 home bat 3rdr ttmpi ve On rJav I av ar. adver::.e:res: o: :re samples of Acker I English Remet n C resumption, being given away by our homedrr.g gist . kValkei & Eat r. 1 got one of (bese bottles, and it relieved me. Then I b--ugr.: m lit ! regular :. andnn? improvement wa eontinnoaa. although slow My ioct rs were astonished ana ac was I. After dark '. hated to spit, because I' was afraid i: m:g::: 'r. bio d and I wanted to know f - sure. I have nc -;a- -- for at las: I an .. - Kd mar. agate. A'.th-'.ugh one the other -s a- - :. .. . ar answers well a? two lungs . far as I can set I want everyone . know the ::: and that is why I tel. them here." Signed A H S s. fail : :.'.-:.r I For sal? a: Blakey's Pharmacy. r.As e:u-r.t : u. re n Ilia i Idingc, par. in stent to Pi i PBMOftAI KKSTIOX Mrs. J 8 Bcbeock left .Li m rnioi for Portland. Ms M-i-e Kid ir ier outing a. Nee port. K i: Kir.', r. w - ...r.d UmilT tru :nt'.- r..ncL al Base.'ver.. tee E :'e millinery I a:. : r?terdv. M'. . K I'lsrsin we:.: .t.wn t tie via:!0-: y-s:-J8y and will spec tWC rts- u: St. Martin' . r.: Mr at. -J Mrs. Smith Frenct uav:ng the s" . .!.;;. :n their cot ace at LjLg ieac:.. cam? :. . a.- Saturday night. Mr. at..: Mrs. W A Jottoal in and Mrs Cany Ballard were i.Assrnt-..'- rteterday afternoon for Portland ::e-r -tiey will n.ase .i snort visit. Lealie Butler spent yeeteiday and to day in the city. Mr. fiatlei says it's a bus t.ine now it. Hcod River, and keens them al a buttliog. Mrs. V Evertrtnsh, of Tacoma. who has hevn ran.pinj: atCbeoowitb, tt'afh., returned yesterday ant: is a gnes: at the home of '.1 A Liebe. Pr. 0 D Diane, who has ieer. in !'.r: .aud fill ting his parents, came borne on ttie noon train. Mrs. i'oane aril! re main for a snort time. Mr. and Mrs. H 1' Kee, irho have reen attending the carnival in Astoria and viaiting in Portland, returnee: yes lerday on the t.-ia'.rer;. '..mes ..T McDonald, at. employe of the K:aKe McFal; C ..ill tan y . in Portland, i me np .-.I'.uriiuy nigbt and sp-n: until ves:era.iy a:ternr'jL wHb friends t.ere. M-s. W p M..rris a'.ii daughter), Mies Constant-and ft'atKO, hr.v- re tuned home a!ter several rxi'jn'.fis stay a: tt.eir Crook c-juutv ranch, near Ku.ery. Mr. and Mrs. I' M Frenc:. and Con- suinee retnrnea Mturaa; nigol sron. t:.e:r samm-r :. .r: e a: c::-:.- LotM Doa'l l.cT Thni v:Vr '''ten chl dree ae tortored ::': iteb ing and burning eeatema and othet sum : teases hut Bocsl-r.'s Arnica t rt s :: era sores, est els tLfiamuiathm. -st-s :: r -kin a set-. Ciean. Iraevant, cheat', there's no salve on -a:: Beg . : Iry it. Cure guaranteed, -c atG C. Blakelev's drugstore. 4 Pot ""ait. Taenty head of norse . ranging in weigt.: from HOC to i4' pounds. Al; ba ter-broken, an i sou.- broken to work. A: . ; t. :raut'e Brothers. Enderaby, Oregon. y 25 Imw VCbes your :...;r a r wears dry and to I nave lost ;ts vitality it want something ; : give it life and vigor. We navr what tti" hair nd" when it irets in that con dr.ion. We have ft the Crown of ! Science K I tfgtc'g 'Grower and. : .. . 'Qf&r It: 7..; sca.j dieaatee. F ir sa e a- F'an-r s lar ber shop. Price 60c an : 76c a Lottie. We offer ijr a iimiied period the twice-a-weK CnBOKlCLK, price 1.50, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50' hot I papers f i" a yea" . 'i'scriptioni under tbil offer must be paid in ad vance. : The Collins not spring- are now r-fWn. No boteli, hut the finest of camping gmunds. HiHjf.Uir Hos: .rd. man agers. Collins . Wash. aug3ln - -a A :: icgn having ha I s-v?ra. a ksets w :. v r--.:;.erting. Mr. ! ret.cL :eeis much improved in health. .Mr F J K arrived la The Dalle n'urday, trona a visit in l-wa and -r middle stales, and 'fmain ui.r until tomorrow wit: ner i'.enc. M -- Iaora Tnompaoo, Mr. Ka ey -an.e Q !'-u. I'...rtiatnj and spent yes'erdav . vra. Mr- Ka -v ir one uf Port and s leading moaiciene, iwinn tiie contralto D t. e C urigregati jtia. eborcb in that l' -r-n gte ii lu.iiir llsitrTl Htx!' R:vEh. Aug. 31. a iorest hre .i. the Ceecade rese'vi , j.-:st tiorvt. of Mt. Hood and west of the middle fork ol H 'jc K.ver. is destroying tome of the :?st ctrder and fir t.u. her in the state. Tne rtre has been hurning for the past three een-. and ha a. ready c ..verve three r Jour IbOOMUld aore. T;,e for et ranker- frou. I;;fu . ;?;ted the heigh fwrtiood oi tne f. r- it hrst -'.arte-:. uv sin..-- n.a-Je :. tO put out tue hr.-. Clark and F:s nave iot received a fall .ine of frt-si. Velos paper ani de ve ojer?, the same as need by Mr. I. ivick in recent demonetration at our -tore. Floral i . tior. wi: co'- wind chapping and an burn. Manufai -ured by C arte cc Fait. CiarKe &l Fa.s nave received a car.oad of the ce.ehrated James E. Patton stnctiy our- liquid paints Yoi: wil. no! have boil i ''on taKe A (oil ine oi Kas:n:ar. f,ms and sup plies just received by C a'K- i Folk. G-.ord s Fotos Never Fade. Snbscrit fir Tm Cm.i'SK-ti. Prof. Homer de Morrison tea p AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER ! Tne People's national Family newspaper To all old. and new snhscrihers nayinc one year in ad van r we oiler Tri-Weekly Tribune and Serni-Weekiy Chronicle for S2.00. Weeklv Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chvc:e for SI. 50. NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE l'libiif-ru-ii Mondav, eciUMad ami frt day. I in realitr Bn nd tna e very-other iisir Dailgi lag tlu latest new or. iiaT of ismk. am BOVeflUg row? ol lb OtfaCI It run tains .;i Impor : f.i-isi. eaat Bet Which ap;vr :c the toaUf Trit one ol tana date, alao do m-tir and foreiftl orTtHtT-ondertrv. h.irt --. tagani hal: tear Uiastratlons. bn n. us Items, indus trial bifonnaUoi lashton note as.; :. mra matters, and i.!i;,':.'n,ii;vt and rv .:.t ti'. ancia' a: : ::.a:v: tej.irts. R-.vuUr mbserii tm pru. i. ' ?..' ;ear. We (Bmisb i: wltl ele tor I. per scar. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRiBUNE. lubUhed oi. Thurt- its- an.; known tor ! early Slltj year ir, . . MJ part i ;' ttu fui ted Statv r? nah-n'.- a'. family newspafet the highest elate, c : '.: contain .iV. s aeral "f the ballr Triimi ut- t. tin hour ol c uns i" p- an strrlcultural trtment ot th-. cirht order. h SB tertainlng reading for , fx member -'t ta- tamiiV.i.ild a:;.: ) market rej-orta Ui I ceeptH a aath- orlty by farmer and merchants, am! it i lean, Uto-dte, in : re:. nc and ::..:ruc U K:i;!ar utc:.i' Hi :. erteC) II pet year W, fur: Sr. it witn Semi-Weekly Ubroni i . ' '..' per year WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers, If yon are in need of anything in our line, figure with u. for it will pay you. We operat. a PLUMBING. TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON c WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co.. The Dalies. Or C. J. STUBLING i: ASH h,-T w Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive promo! attention, Nes: door to First National Ilar.i 4 DoDdoii Phan '.:t4. I Long JMt. toe l . THE DALLES. OREGON. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to snpplj' every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. ! GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. C c J. E. FALT & CO., Proprie-s . The Owl." 3 Purest Liquors for Family Use y 9 Delivered U any part of the City. Phones 51 Local. B5fi I Xing Iisiante. 173 Second Street. J i It) Mt4 II lAtllllll tl LL1 ' X1 f i The Dalles, Or. The Chronicle, Job Printers r TTTI II IT I IIIITiril ITT TTTTT TTTT 1 TTTTTTTTTTT tTITTt ITTTTT I X ITT TXT j '''' YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of uslne Bo-ca'Ied kifinev remeriiee aritfaont any beDetit. tipe L:r,co'.r. Sexua! P.'.'.? ar.d be forever rid of tiiose tlnll iain in vour back. Iicard tiia: old f"kfv idea of "pain in tf.e kidnet ' and l.ave u v-ur inadder and urinary trouble? eur H . and jrOOf uiitl.tH made rnttu. bv t tie nae of natt ..- t pieatest a.iii'ant Ltacoli. Sexual P.l.s. Print, .-1.iki per bux t)uy ot your drugn;!t orer,t by inai. on receipt ol price, in plain rarf-i. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY JO., Fort Wayne, Indiana M. ..; Tne Iialiee. OlYMPU, ."pt. I, Bar. John Lrides. ret.r : u. we!. icuu i. in thi tod Cnetia.iT CODntiee, died a: Lie borne I Iua.w:-- yc-;. r;l,;. u!:r a:. L.ties: f two wee-. H.s dentil uu. to uerltonilii, Deceeaed vh ; eari o: uf and be vl i ,(' n ! tvr children, tour boys eod on,- i l;-v. Mr. Uri-io;' nad iieen refideol of Toaatet for tnree y4re. H- f u bfOttMf R Bridge. ex-tate iAt,d roDQlUIMiooer III ..r.t H rt-. t. BPOKANK. AOV 81 411 rep .!- hoi that tbe wrect on tn Great Northers ranroad. forty n...e east ' Kalitpall, Mont., was tne wort in (be r bis. tory, and one of tbe BltMt atfon: nj; m tue annals of Aaiericai. ral roadiot. Tnirty.ei(bt live were luat and iLirteei. pareMI injured. Tbree of tne injured wi.l ur-!y die, and ti.e otner were seriously blirt. ., l , i it n i oa ltfa. I;.. lUR1 t A M KftOUN. it:n 0 M..r.":. rorl j...: i.v- .:.n: ,i : H-:.u . ah rtir of itt- witoout a 4ouct ti l c.jir n ml iu in. I :-'-: Ml y..'ir on :' eai npad Uiavi itr.l. t..J. if iner 1 ra,n-i.. land euai,,'- you toarin uV " ... desir . .utr.. uiigi,t DiOinmiat. i-r-H -!. f.;- tii- i.Kr. .... rtnraati e im earonk at,-- - ' ; hrc ir,:ani!i! ( t..- po, : lf t.;rfi. n: : . . a:.-v...-rwJ j". r: k. i tMaiMfl b . tatae iin! Ave 1' To - Editor,. 0 i i 0 0 0 THE CELEBRATED .GOIiUJVIBIfl BREWEKY.. 'fT-TTHT "arrnrjT -pr,n 1 . - W w --4 W . . . . M .rr. mun ion, rated l ictlei Hi. .act t ii' A. ' hat :- oi ttM ;.,.; V. i- T;.i ;t. r I tail ...ui.'. pp hi Malaoieiit 'irr-i !t:s tt. ksi HABTUiW - in in br aaanrtii that tne fold t. lr. a... stueltius W , ri . 'U- eaud b) rittos by & Kotlaud ucoultitt Tow !:.'. til. t,iy of tne .,nfw,.,. oi tr- au: ' i.i- xai.laoc. .- r,uir..,i in re- '1I,U tlir K'j.H a I.ox ' allfornia invei,- i floi tor tn puriAMr i det,e. .:.r ortto3 ol ,uit i - MtlOf t"of...u t .rjjiiiaL 0 i i 0 F S. GUflMlHG, ...Blacksmith. Horseshoer and Wagon-maker. . MALM 11 Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Aleut 1 ' Uutael. vV Co I tmiUCT. Ttirrstier aud oa Mllia. Telephone 15". L,lii IbHlance 111.6 Crandall & Bof get Robes, All kinds of UNDERTAKERS Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies EMBALMERS Etc. The Dalles, Or. A TT Of the product of tbi well-known brewery tne United '..e- Ha til Rei irte 'or Jane "S. 1900, says: "A mora eopeiior brea never antared the lebratory of tbe (Jotted Mates Health reports. It is abaolata devoid of tne siititeat trace of aduyeration, tint on ttie other band is cut p..ed of '.ii- tjet of malt an f eboioeet of tmpn. Its tonic (.ua.i'irr tr ,i tr,e t,it,. est and it can br ud win, tt.- greatest oenti: and sat ufa.'Uon by ul; and voang. It- use can eoneBientiooeiy be ire.rr;reu ty the pbyeieian wi-.!. the cersaiutv that a better, purer or more w huiesoine Oe'.erage Coiiid nut poealbiy be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Was wrtisi Milling Ci, Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ell kin Headquarters for Rolled Grai n ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts , StffiSc Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton a lour fbie Hour i manufactured exprebly for fanii ? .or:. r,i-r. mui-k ig guaranteed to give aatioiaciiou. our goods lower -ha,, anv house ir, the rra,l. a4 i, A't trnni fM Wi se an get ,-ur prim an ! I- convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats MOTT8 Cor. tan & Uoitth Sts., THE DALLES OE. PENNYROYAL PILLS of monstruation." Thev are "I il l' WOmanhOOd, aiding tievelopuieut of mmm.Vm and hodv Know m remedy for women equaU them. rannot do harto-li omm a pleasure. i.m PEB BOX BY MAIL. -d For aale by Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dalle, Or They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, increa-e v:j.r- They are " LIFE 8AVIiKS" to girifi a- ISO