for fall. Suits. 4t a Great Sacrifice. Cost, profit and value are ignored; We admit thai every bargain i a loss to us; our only aim i to sell the mer chandise. We do not intend to carry over, no matter what the loss mav be. New Material 4 A I III I Ull f f i I I We are now retdy with the first sli wing of French Flannelettes. The poods are the choicest that lias ever been g , iwn for the money. The patterns are equal to Flannels at $1.00 per yard. You can rest assured there is nothing ' el ler for the money. ( hir opening price i: 15c ter yard See Window. $2.50 Shoe sible to sell a -i and that's what vt ft f i jt A V, Here's a two-fiftV shoe shot from our store that will cer tainly bring relief t'i many overtaxed purses. It's p08- ndid shoe at 12.60 re doine. We have the best $2.50 shoe for women in all shocdoni made in the best styles that Fall has brought. Style, comfort and durability are not neglected. For One Week Only SiN.o Suits now 16.50 tq.oo 14.00 " rt 10.00 8.00 6.00 5.00 M $13.25 I 1.50 10.00 9.75 7.00 6.00 4.75 4.oo PEMSE 5t MAYS. A iX' A sr -j. syc The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY - - - SEPT. 2, 1901 I ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Vfaaro lounty wimut. registered prior to October IT. !!'. will be paid im pre-eu t t i on at my office, luterest SeMS arte r DUl 13. 1 90 1 . JOHN F. II AMI'hl HE, Couutv Trur. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. See ti.e "Passion Play'' tomorrow Difbt. An exquisite line of furs can be seen at Pease Mays'. Shown today (or the first time. The county clerk's receipts for his work from his constituents during the month were 1288.56. Wanted A woman to do up stairs wort at the Umatilla House. Apply at the Lote. at once. aug3-tf Wanted Man to clerk in store; small Salary : experience not neceesary. Ad dress , care Ciiuonicm:. sep2-tf H M Beali, w ho for some time past has oeen with his faoiily in San Fran s, returned to The Dalles today at noon. Ladies' black merceriz-d sateen under skirts are shown at Pease & Mays in a urea- variety of styles and the prices astonishingly low. E I Burchtorf is again on our streete after a two weeks' stay at the Dalles hospital, where he had an operation per formed for vericose veins. And now the weather man is giving u a "frost.'' Well we're "not eo warm" as were, hut we didn't erpect frost g0 6oon. The rainfall yesterday was .2". Marriage license was granted today by ti.e ,-ounty clerk to R. B. Anson and Hltn Hodeick. We hope they may U .ong and prosper and grow up with the country, A'ler the summer s vacation there be a regular stated communication Wasco lodge No. ir, A. F. & A. M., 'fe evening at o'clock. Full attend ance desired. By order of the W. M. t Mary's Academy begins work to uorr'j , Hn(j ttlfc Bcbfx)J yw tQ J" Vfcr.v successful one. The Sisters made preparation to accommodate D, UUUj"r of pupils, and are now 'oady to receive them. torday Utft Jobnaon, stepson of ujes B. Bandy, died on Upper Eight Wit from poison oak. He WM xtu burial took place m the Dry Hollow burying ground yesterday after n oon at 2 o'clock. Purng this month Sepal proceed ingl will be commenced against the owners of lots ic North Dalles for delinquent taxes. So we see our neighbors in that fl Mirlsh inc city forget to pay their taxes as well as we of the euburos. Miss Jlosa Wilcox, whose home is in the valley, but who has been engaged in cooking for the workmen on the electric line between here and Dufur, was brought in to the hospital yesterdav. sufferine with typhoid fever. Go yourself and tie sure to take the children to see the moving pictures of the Passion Play tomorrow night at the Vogt. Thev are said to be beautiful as well as touching. Admission for adults I will be ")0 cents ; children 25 cents. As a result of the trip made by the county judge and commissioners yester dav, a number of men will leave to morrow to make improvements in Tygh hill grade. New places for turning out will be made, and the road improved generally. We made the inquiiy Saturday as to what on earth is the matter with the water. Echo an.-wers "what'.'" but that's the only answer we bave received as yet. What we, and the rest of the communicy do know, is that if some- ! thing is rotten in Denmark so it is in The Dalles water at present. i On Friday, August :!0th tne home of Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins whs the scene of a happv gathering. Mr. Archibald Puah, a brother to Mrs, Hopkins, whs surprised, the occasUn being hi birth-, day. It was a typical old Southern watermelon gathering, as about fifteen watermelons me.te I away among the thirty guests who had gathered to make i this occasion one long I i oe remembered by Archie. The store of J. P. Bftbn at Hay Creek, Crook county, together with hie enrire slock of goods, was destroyed by fire re cently. The fire started from the explo sion of a bottle of chemical of some kind which Mr. Hahn was warming over a lamp, preparatory to selling some of it. He carried no insurance. The building cost (M and was well filled w ith goods, the value of which we have not learned. From the spirit manifested Saturday night at tne meeting of tbe committee on fruit to be exhibited at the coming fair, we wiU have such a display as was never sbown in Oregon before. Mr. Schanno tells us every member was full of enthusiasm, whicn portends much. Another meeting will be held tonight. We understand Davidson Br 04., of Hood River, will make an exhibit of canned fruits. I W. A. Franlz, who came up today from Viento, tells of a serious accident which occurred Saturday evening at the Oregon Lumbering Company'a mill there. About o SO o clock, while I!. I). Bryant waa running a gang edger, an ! immense aiiver struck him in the neck, penetrating about three inches and causing an ugly and serious wound. His physician, however, considers that there is hope of his recovery. An agreement was filed in the state circuit court yesterday between A. Kel ler, of The Dalles, an 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gross, whereby the minor son of the latter couple is to remain in the custody of its mother. Keller is the grandfather of the boy and early in the week sued out a writ of habeas corpus alleging the child was being restrained of his liberty by his parents. The agreement is the result of an amicable understanding be tween the parties. The boy's name ie Lloyd Gross. Oregonian. What The Chkokicle says goes. If you don't believe it. just consider that in face of the weather prophet's pre diction of fair weather for yesterday, the faintest request of this family journal for a Btorm was granted, arid the rain fell alike upon the just which means us and the unj ist our neigh bors;. And it was a delightful rain, too, settling the dust, clearing away the smoke and making everything beautiful. Deports from Prineville, Antelope and along the line say the storm continued at intervals all day yesterday. Three men got into an altercation near the Union Street lodging house last night about 10 o'clock, tbe principal participants being Sharkey and Ryan. Ryan wae somewhat assaulted and bat tered before officials put a stop to the proceedings, fun upon the arrival of Deputy SLierill Wood and Nigtitwatch man Alitky they were taken in custody, Sharkey being put in tiie county and Ryan am John Doe the latter of whom if being held as a witness in tbe city jdil. The case will come up before Justice Brownbill this evening at 4 o'clock . School teacher-- of every description i but all firet-cla-s will hie themselves to The 'Miles tomorrow, f or the ioitittlte will begin work Wednesday morning at ! o'clock, in tbe High school building. The program promises to b; I splendid one. Among other things will be a lecture by Prof. Hawley Thursday night and an illustrated lecture on Europe, with accompanying vie-, by Prof. French Friday night. Oar teaoberi will make a special elfort to be in attendaine this year, as by the new law, for every teacher already employed by a district, and wbo is present, that district receives Then lor non-attendance there "may,'' not must, be a penalty. At 1 o'clock ten years ago today an alarm sounded which, though striking no more terror to our residents than is usually experienced when its sounds are heard, portended one of the worst con tlagrations the city tias ever suffered, and before evening alrnos' half of trie town was laid low by the (ire fiend; business nouses were swept away, fami lies were without a home and panic reigned supreme. While a few will never survive tbe blow received, beauti-1 ful homes now dot the places where lee , I pretentions buildings were located end j business is carried on in more energetic ' manner alxive the former ruins. So far h.xve we recovered thst but few of our residents are aware that today is the anniversary of that terrible calamity, i Today is labor dav. and the parade ' which took place this morning in The 1 Dallet between the hours of 7 and S WM ' indicative of t he labor which dally goes i on in our city men. women, hoys and girls all hastening to their daily avoca tion, is it not n fact, however, that this parade should be many times its sirs; that, with the natural resources; which The Pal'es P09MNOI, we should ; have pay rolls no; excelled bv any town its s::'- in anv state'' Bnt with all this discrepancy we cannot fail tii note the fact that business here is as steady as a j die, and old Dsllesites who grow dlacon tented and branch out, usually return, satisfied to remain. If this i the case under existing conditions, what would j ( it be were we Improving our opportutii ! ties? As much as we know and appreciate vi Oregon audits resources, knowing the tailing of our real estate dealers we are : jigj wont to accuse them of overestimating Its productiveness, but here is a fact. Which none can refute and which is told v " by those In nowise interested in a pe f cuniary manner. Might years and a hell ago D. H. Seers came to Hood River : gjji : from the East in the most Straitened a. circumstances, scarcely knowing which I way to turn. He did a little carpenter' ' work, and finally booghl an orchard. Persevering and energetic he now real-1 j izes the results of hie labor and this year actually estimates h! apple crop at $10,- I 000, A few days since he sold ilOO box- es to Carroll for shipment to Pawson City at $1,55 a box. fhere is no limit to i ; what may lie accomplished in Oregon. RUNAWAY. Tivii Children Were Thrown nut and I red encc I nj n red, Citizens in the vicinity of Second and Washington, as well as Third and Court, were badly frightened by a runaway, about 10:30 this morning, in which two children figured. Fred, the S. year-old son of Mr. ami Mrs. A. P. Vance, who keep the fruit stand on Court street, was I driving a one-horse buggy, with which ...The New York Cash Store. 138 and 142 Soconci Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Special in Mens Straw Hats. 25c See our Show Window. 4& New Grocery Store We havo added a Grocery De part pi en t to our store. A new fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. MAYS CROWE he delivers goods for his father, and tiad taken Delia ffaroer, the 12 year-old daughter of Jack Harper, up to Rrch's grocery. s they were returning, on the corner opposite Rncb'l they encountered young Marquiss riding a wild horse, , which he kept whipping and causing to ; run against Vance's horse. That, to gether with the light shapi which 1 Marquiss wore, frightened their horse, and although the children warned him several times lie paid no heed. Finally the old horse, which has always been very gentle and trusted, started on a run, going down the alley back of l.iebe's residence. Retching Court he turnel ' up the street and the children were thrown into the middle of the road. He proceeded on the sidewalk, knocking out a hitching post in front of the re corder's office ; tlien ran into two posts which held tbe awning in front of the city jail, knocking toat structure down. When he struck the third he was de , tached from the buggy and flew up the . street. i While the girl was but sligntly scratched, the little boy seemed badly hurt and was taken to I)r. Ferguson's ohice, where it was found that his right arm was sprained at the elbow and wrist and his face bruised. Tins after noon he is resting eaky, and while his parents are indignant at the cause of the accident, they feel thankful that it did not result more seriously. j Hummer Ksuurdoaa to tne lea count. Only 6.50 for the round trip from The Dalles to Long Beach, Tioga, Pacific Park, Ocean Paik ut N'ahcotta, Wash., good for return until Sept. 15, 1901, P.akrgage cheeked through to destina tion. The Steamer T. J. Potter will leave Portland daily except Sunday and Monday, ami the ila-salo daily except Sunday, at 8 p. m., and 10 p. in. on Saturdays, making direct connections at Astoria and et llsaco for all points on iregon Aivi Washington beaches, ('all on .Ja. Jreiand, agent, The Jlalles, for through time card to all beach points. jly8'9m lbt)U acre" mora or leal Iving on the Colombia river about seven milee from The Dalles. About 100 acres of river bottom the rer-l good upland suitable for fruit and pasture One of the best dairy or milk ranche- in the county: a small house , good barn ; some orchard and plenty of water. Also other town and county property. Anply to Gibofil V Mar 'en, Manonic bunding Third street. augltti-lm FOUND. At The Dalle F.mployuient Office; a place where vou can procure help with out cost or trouble. Mail or phone Vm t i fa. i Km lit, 2 lindA Manager. JVIaier & Benton, Headquarters for Family Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves and Steel Ranges. 167 Second Street, THE DALLES. OR. lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly liarmle-..-., sure to accomplish dlmki I) KliSULTS. Greateat known female remedy. pailTiny Beware of sonnterfelts end Imitations. Tbessnulne Is pal p onlrla sesterboerd Oar UnUllUn ton wil li till- simile hluiiuliire on lito Of IIIB boltlo. IbllSI .VX 'v-"V . benU lor Circular tu WILLIAMS .MS'Ci CO..tOlS Auents. Cluvelunil, OblO. 6SBHE5' For sale bv QOO, C. Hlakeley. The i'lliea, Or. I n. ill. I oII.-kc Pacific college opens October 1st. Tuition $35 per year; board ami lorn-, ished rooms gg.60 per week. Here are! Dnsnr passed advantages at a minimum I cost. For catalogue ami other inforina- tion address, i'acitic College, Newherg, ( Irsgon, sept8-4 ' Nut for A r ImeologLU. Naw Yohk, Aug. 111. A stone plow,' believed to be fullv 3000 years old, has j been ooeartbed at Bloomfletdt N. J.t by 1 workmen on a culvert. CASTOR i A For IntAOtl and Children. School Opens Sept. otli Arrangements have been made with l.t mm to act as agent for handling of the new school books. Ha Is authorised to make the exchange any time between Sept. I ami January 1 . 30anglw WM. MICHELL, !H Kind Yo Have Always Bought yndertaker and Embamer Bears tiie B4;uat.uro Tne White Collar line! iiaiiey Gateerti will sell through round-trip tickets to Seaside und return. Tickets good going from 1'ortlaiid over the White Collar1 line, 0( K. A N. Co., V. T. Co. or the A. A C. H. 1 , and return over same lines. Baggage checked direct tu either North lieach, heeview, Long Ueach, Breakers, ! Ocean I'ark or Nahcolta. I.init of) ticket September I5tbi L M. Filluon, agent. If anything ails your hair, go and see Frazer; he's tbe headquarters fur ell heir remediee. Remember that ha makes a pptctaMf of these goods. if Cor. Thlril and Washington Bte. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance pbons 483, Local , lOi, h in, it,, piaeoi 1 desiru to -ay to the people of l i e Dalles I, I. P nidi;ei, of i'ortUno, won the piano which wan awarded me upon pfHsttittaiioii of ticket oho II. h ing no use for a piano I have instructed Mi liunibert to dispustt of same at any reasonable price. lrties imerestud may call ami ex smiue piano at (ium ben's Leading Cigar and Tobacco house aug'Jti tf subscribe for Pug CuauNuxK.