The Dalles Daily Chronicle. VON PAY sept. im BAM TOR 'XT Brain? eottot tat nothing without industry, says tbe Bulletin. H . moy men w::b good mtn Is and ex cellent educatsor.s art WOfktng for ordinary salaries. without prospects of improve nf-r.t an J wr.b a :!ke'.ilKc 1 tbat a ar-: rn. tl-;:r rowers it will diminish ".Loir income. These men do tbe.r w rk pretty regularly, but tiny never I mort than ihey must. They giv tbeit ever. i ncs '. atnuseniesL The like to sit in a c ub three ti-.::r a'te: oer and drink and chat. TLt :r r .. ins coofined to tb newspapers, rragazine and occasional nove notaiwr.t- tap great novels. They denounce their employers for itnpid pltilisUnes and wonder ny soch flunces get v. wr'.l :r, the v,.r i. These easy-going gentry arc firmlt convinced tbat merit, to-wit. inetn selves, is not recogr.ized by mankind. The lawyer who arrives at bis office about 10 o'clock and departs before who cies his door at noon on Saturdays and who .ves himself lone vacations, need not be amazed if bis practice is not so large as that of tbe plodder who is at his d?k about 8 o clock wj.' works until I aDd who Spends his evenings in the law library. The lea ling lawyers are the men irho work tbe hardest. o in tbe newspaper business '.he man wbc takes great pains not only in writing bis article, but in gather ing and verifying the facts, is tbe man who bold Lis position, and draws the best salaries. Hard work is demanded of the newspaperman. Tbe da when the "iourcalist" could get drunk with impunity, when be did not need to be respectable, when be observed none of the conventions, is past. Competition has either killed or cured the newspaperman of tbe old school. Ue has been driven out or reformer! by superior industry. Jt is so easy to get stea ly. reliable, competent men that tbe brilliant but lazv man is not waste.:. In every business same ruie holds. Tue cierk who studies every detail of the business, who :loes not shirk responsibilities, who gives tbe best that is in bim to his wo:k. is tbe one who is promoted and wbo m tbe end becomes manager of tbe con cern and a jartner in the business. There are examples of men who have done well through sheer good luck, and of others who have worked hard and have failed, but it is a pretty true statement that a man will get paid sooner or Inter for the work be does, and tbat a man must pay. soon er or later, for even wasted hour. Tbe sultan is having bad look lately. He has bad to pay a ii'.tie bill due to tbe United Mates, and now be has found it wise to accede to some demands which France bus formulated. The sultan is fortunate only when be has a iarge num'er of potentates or nation? M lea! with simultaneously. Tnen be is in a position to turn some o: them against tbe others, ani thus be able to escape. At tbe time when, by bit atrocities in Armenia and other parts of bis empire, be was winning the title wtiicL Gladstone gave him of tbe 'Great Assassin."' be could v. or., his wili unchecked, because he had to deal with the -conc rt. is when bis opponents are reduced to a single nation tbat trouble comes to bin.. It is estimate'': that Oregon and "Washington may product- upwards of 40. ''00,000 bushels of wheat this year, which fl a very rVfptOf bl amount for less tbas a million people perhaps forty-live busuels per capita It is estimated that Kurope,. will need 270,000,000 bushels of wheat tbi year. By tbe way, if tbe United Stales could not fill this gap tbe jeople of the old world might be in a serious state of mind. MISCELLANEOUS nfclds. The Bfl balloon nsrr.t took plucr in :":. In IS? titers Wet UMfl 'bi:ea in London. Ther, are new ;..JOO. In and hne IM members in the h .!!p cWmntoa. while Scotland. - ; :. .n".,-r imputation, ha- fvnffland ha r. ven-.v aurplUS of . S Th, shipping Ira .t along the On- . -.-n in lii-rmnn hi.nda. ia-: v. ..r - - nine into n ihl m ral r tosrraphs ai 1.1 SINKS? LOCALS. Carre A Fa.fc nave on sa.e a ft v. ::iict end artist's brashes. .art! & Faik't ivortng es:r,,.-- te baat. Ask jroor r" "ear for :Lem. K. B. liilbfetfa ''on? will keep a: all :.aies a sufiiy :.ay. fain aci leed r.icr. ;iiev trill re:a.. a; :iie ...wes: niarse: ra:e. ;i'r-:f Why pay 1.78 per gallon ior infer ; or pain.; .'.:.en vou eao buy James E. Pat ton' i sun proo: paints for $1.50 per gallon, f.raiteea i.-r 5 years. Cart & ralk, agents. n:I Bnbacribs ur lut lubokicls. TaKethem 2 today and 2 9 9 9 you'll be well 9 9 9 g to-morrow. Baldwins 2 Cold Cure 3 9 3 9 9 9 9 Tablet oBB (Cold in head I NoCureNPdv.?Sc 3 3 M,nu fcl.n Sir. f:ntic jf. Bald by Clarke & talk, The I'alies. r. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM September 23-28, 1901 Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. BIG LIVE STOCK S Good RACING in the Afternoons. Latest Attractions in New Auditorium . Iding Everj Evening, with 'iood Music. Beaotifal Camp Grooadi Free. Bpeoial l.dt -if; Campers' Tickets. Cume and our I aii'ii?fc. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS For further particular, address m. i). irispoil, lacui iaag'.m Portland, Oregon. I On Sept. 7th will be presented to my customers Shakespeare, complete in one volume, bound in Mor rocco: i Atala in larjjfe folio volume, illustrated by Gus- tav 1 re Union and Second St roe:?. Local Phone 92. regulator line. Danes. Poriianfl k flsioria NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT OAK STREET DOCK. PORTLAND, a: T A. M. and 11 P. M. ...Portland Boat... THE DALLES a: "rOO A. XI. and 8:00 P, M. DattT EXCEPT SfXDAV. STKAMBBB REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. Al.LAWAY. ilieneral Aeent. Ttje Dalies. Lrepon. Si. main's BcMemy T'nder tbe direction o: tbe Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, OREGON. Tu;- initiruti ii. i- .'.air.:.:. ituau.l :.r the ia on the "lire of the O. R. d: K. Co thence it i awy Oi MOHi ior all th.-e who dc-s-.r. t. Mean a raiafoftablc hoaM and a pragis. sl.e ol .earniup for tneir dangbttn or v.inj- Toe i'at:on aeauem;. i one o: :.a'.tr.y on tae !'ai.-:r:' -ioj.-. ihi .k tion o: ' i.-evnii being nr.'.verbial ior i pure v..:er. bracing air. and plOtunaUe iscener;. The academy i mooniratd and auttioried by th- .-ut t.. coaler AcadetuH- honors b'urC anrt tuition )r choiaU' year. 1S0 st ifiie? will oe raumc1uMlay. September. 4th Pot 'letailr-l ;:.(..rciati n apply to the iter "'.trior auglo-ita John Pashek. The Tailor. Ka' nst received 10O0 samt'ies of tba latest pattern in (.-ieni's Clntbinc Goods. He rtiaran tees pri'.-es and a good or no pay. : : John Pashen. The Tailor. Be BALDWIN BESTIBBNT It tf, SflLSUN, Manue. r. First-Qlass 19 Every F)esp?ot, rnals at f tyoort. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. Ti.-e alwavt, supplied witi. the hefit in lbs inarEft. Ti Front St., near Court, The Dalies. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a Genera". Barking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in , tbe Eastern tatee. Mtfbt Escbange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Chicago, St. Louis, ban Francisco, Portiaud Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various point in Oregon and W ashinyioo. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. I Clark A Falk are never cioaod Haoday. Don': forget this. Iff. T. White Collar Line. 1 LIU UaiiUU iUlllQUU uuuiu Str. EAILEY-GATZEKT. DAILY ROPSD TRIP9, Ejco .1 r. Cascade Locks. Hood Rivc-r. White Salmon and The Dalles. t:ye card i.eav - P --:.an1 Arrive Tne Dalies, leave " Arrive Portland. Meals the Very Best. T" lav Trips a Leading Feature. " Konte has the randest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. -TAHOMA." Daily Pound Trips except cnday. TIME CARD L8ve Portland Leave Astoria . a. :. 7 p. M. L3tid:tig and Foot of Aider Street: both ptiones. M 351, Portland) 'Jregoti. E. W, CBICBTOK, Aeent Portland, J. M. F1LLOOX, Act. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. Yellowstone Park Line. THE U IKING f AF. ROV1E FROM PORTLAND TO THE F.AsT. TEL ONLY DIRBCT USE TO TBI VELLOW BTOKt PAKE e i ve. Ubiie P?fC niii is; : 51- a reive. No. 2. 15 A M No i. M P. M Fai: mail (or T' :..r. Seattle. Olyn-.pia. iray Harbor and r-outi. pomta, sp-.iiant.-. Bow iand. B. C PaUman, Moaoow, Lafriatou b;.: (alo Hump minnijr c-"i!i try. Heivria. Miuiimm lis. at. Pau.. Omaha Kansa.- City, tit Louis. CtaiCagO a:.d all pointi eat and aootaaaaC Puaet .-Mnii.d E.xpTv (or raoojaa and aaattlc and inlermediate poinn. No. ,5C P. M. No. 3. ;SS A. M. P'i'.mat. firsv.-.a.. and tounst ...-p..-r tf' Minnaapolli, . Paul and Mimout: rival point Without change. Vwstitiuiecl trains. Tnioi. depot imnHSBllOMI in all ptincipal cities. Bawrajfe chciil t.. dedtlnf ti'iti of ticket. ror liandaomaly Uluauatoddaaoripttvanattar, ticKeus. ieepiiiK rr-. ations. etc . oaU 00 or write A. D. CHARLTON, Aint Qaaaral Paengr Agent. . - Morri on Stroot. aornar Tbira. Portland Oragon. Just What You uiant. New ideaa in Wall Paper here, fcucn wide variety a we are showing never be fore graced n single atot-k. Real imita tion cretun effecta at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper price. Eiegant designs, tasteful coloring!, yoars fur a small price, at oar store on Third tract. Also a fail line of boose paints. D. W. VATJSE, Tliird St. Nortuern Facinc 4. "V - J J A j-r if IV J-y "lew NOLAN. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Ti artificially digest the food and al Js Katura m suengtbeniog and recon structing ;ne exhausted digesuye or sana. Itistbe latest discovered digesi Ent and tonic. other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in Btantly relieves and permanentlj cures Dvspe"r:a. Indigestion, Heartburn, v' ' I- -e. Sour Stomach. Nausea. Sick Headache, Gastraipia Cramps and all otbex results of imperfect digestion. rrleyc anr.Fl. Larpc stie contains 24 '.mes ssa..a::e B kftllalsontdjrapepaianiHHaHiiaa r -spared bi1 E " DtWTT CD-. Crjicag Soid by Cirrite A F'k' P.O. Pharmaej Tue coiima pbgkldo Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF AXCPACTCBKRS OF Fine Lard and Sausages ' Curers Qf BRAND HAMS & BACON JP.iFP BEEF. FTC MM Bestaurant L Y. HOSG, Proprietor. First-CIass in Every Respect MLAL AT ALL BOVBS. Oysters Served in any Style. " laooad St., The Ijaliet. Or just Received A fall line of Fresh Printing and Ie velopiDg Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, 1 eko. 'eLx and Aristo in all size. Aiso a line of Piates in Cramer. Crown. eeds and Stanley. Tray?. Printing Frame-, Albums, M ul tigrapbe , And all accessories to ooinplats the OQtfit of eittier the amateur ur pr t'essiona. pbotofrrapbsr, 0'ir Eureka Comhiosd Tuning and Fixing Bati. is a dandy. Try it. Tne A. E. C. Dsvslopsr or pla'e, fiims ur developing pa pat I has nOMQal Eno'ifr-li for R5c to develops f, d-.en platsg or ri dozen Veiox 4x'. Pwrfttol blacks and white are tr iaranteed, ii ilirctir.ns are (ollowad, Ask for the A. E. C. Da. veiuner, and see that you get the genuine. Ws are prepared to coin pound any and ali of your own forinalu and irtarautee satisfaction. At the old place, 175 Second .v.reet. The a!.e-, OfSg in. Geo. C. Blakeley. L. Lane, 1 ! E K A L a I nm AND. Wagon and Carriage Wark. Fiah Brothers' Wagon. Tuirt ani MRi PMone 159 Blacks Horseshoe Oregon Shot Line akd Union Pacific r zrr.T TIME SCHKDCLS! THE DALLES, aaans raoa rh-.oafo- PorUaad SMdaL i-iias v ia Hunt Ingtoa. A : iaii tic ti H h n. via Hunt inptor. St. lu' Ks: Mail. :SS m. V1H S- kaaa. .t IaIo. Dan vet. fx ..rth. Omnha. Kar unM'lty.ST lnii. Chi Cffo KUd tin East. "alt IjiUe. Ie:-.ver. Ft. Worth. t)m:iB. Ran. a Cltj . St 1 oul. t at rac.' and Iht MM. Walla WaUa, l'uiston. siokana.Wanaoa,enU' man. laaeaMlia, st. !'ar.!, luiluth, Mitwaa Wet. Cbieagoaad Laj.;. OCEAN AND EIYER bOKDTJU Prom I'artland, hi'.ina datp Mil)- jeet t. ebaagi rot San Franrisoo, Kil every 5 days. xi-'lt saDaaTi :00 p. m. -aturday. 10 oo !. m. Haily i-xt-ejit Sunday, firSO a. in. Colombia Hli -r. Astoria and We Landinca. : d m. txcept ji:ndT. WlllaniHtte riivfr. Oraaoii rity. Kearbetg, al?n;. Independeuoa, and w ay-Landtnga, . r m. xiwpt Bond. TnevliiV. Tlinrday. Saturday, i a. rr.. 4:80 p m. !imday. VdncadtJ FriaT. C irvaTU f:1 Way Landtnaa. Tneadai V I I iHltlPTIr Hllll T m Tluiril Mllill 1 1 I t( I i r r Mondn, Sattuda Oragnn City, Dayton and w'ednmay Vay-LandiutB. rnday. "Miakr ltier. Rinaria to Leariatoa. Kifuiria duiiv. a S3 a. n.. Iiton daily. R U a. ni. Parti ei Saatring to po to Heavi er ot ointt mi ( Hirr.bia r-outhem via Risfra. should laaa No. j. leavin? The lia'.le at u:2b p. m. makinn .tiwt oonnaotioni at Happnar .muenon :.d Kici.-- BatnrnltM! n.akinedirwteonuernon i'twiiT junction and ltige with iXo. :.v;np at The ballet, at ; M v. m. Foi fnrther j.artiuiRr. call on or addrs J AS. IRELAND, Afent, The Iaiie. ' ' Complete of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THt DRUGGIST. 50 Y LARS' EXPERIENCE "oi mm - JESICNS Copyrights A nrone nndltit- a akatak and Saaanpti 0".ftT j,--.:r -mi .ur ntiiiu,n free wl.e: J iilvoilUoCI i i.r..lmIT rw.ieoiuble. ' "" ':"""'T. i .in ainctif eonDdaiitiai. Handbook OG ra II lr-. digest mreiu-j- tor aecuriug - ' '; P itauta taaen thr.juih Mum. it C' tv tn V M'.fi'., wrh .ut cnarn'.. m lie Scientific flmencaita A i.andaomolr lUuatrn'Mi weekK. l.nrire x atioii i.f anr K-ientiU'- j.ionial. -: .ur na.iitha. H. buid bj-ull i.coe. WUWK &Co.80-B -New Yprir t ncHSNca, r-reaideut ,HiT. i atfiiei First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacwd Deposits received, subject to flight Draft or Check. , Collections made and proceeds prompt remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold cs New York, Ban Francisco and porl- land. D. P. Taoatraoa.sio. 8. ScaMCS. Ed. M. WiLLiaata, Gao. A. Lisas. H. sf. Bbalu