l)c Dalle VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 2 1901. NO. 1611 CASTQRIA ANcgctable Preparation for As -simUating iheRxxiaiKlBegula tini the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digeslion.ChperfuF ness and Rest Contains neither Opium, Morphine norlincraL CT NAHCOTIC. if Old DrSAMUB-HTCHER ,t'.x Smntt Iwktiu Stuu - .perfect Remedy forfonsiipa fl in . Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea VVornis,Convulanns .Fever ish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. t :ofy or w?a?e:r. Worli of tth Batcbarias, Asi P.I a, Aug 31 A letter was re ceived todav by the fish warden from Superintendent Brown, of the Salmon B ver hatchery, stating that he had a cored 1300,000 gga and fiad 700,000 at tbe eyeing station on Boulder Creek. A letter war a. so received from the superin tendftit of the Clackamas hatchery, Hating that 4,900,000 aggs had been se cured there and 1,000,000 at the eyeing D, Mr. Van Pusec estimates from Ida reports he has received that he will btshie to turn loose into the Columbia river this vear at least 15,000,000 young lain I and by next year easily dontle or pr bablj treble that amount. Doas It I'ay to Huj Cbosyf? A cbap remedy for coughs and colds right, but you want something that rill relieve and cure the more se vere a:, j dangerous results of throat and iaug tr mbles. What shall vou do? Go I a a.' in tr and more regular climate0 as, possible ; if not poeeinle for you, Wen h either caee take the ot'tY rem i" he-n introduced in ail cii il-,;-1 antrias with saooess in severe throat and lung truablas. "BuSchee's wsrsiao Syrup." It not ouly heals and M. . tiiM iineue" to detroy tfie liseaae, tml allays inflarn mation , Msei sasy expectoration, gives a good ftifbl i rest, arol curee tlie patient. Try 'tie, Recommended many ears jj Iraggists in the world, and sold Clarke Falk. Get Green's prise tai.ttc. 2 Harmaaa in Ctosise West. X, Aug. 81, Commissioner Si ii expects to leave for Oregon in I isa Isys, , j.end his annual vacation Ml me, While away from Washington btwill visil a uuintr ol locsl land ' fi,e. and aapeeially those of Idaho, J'V d Washington. It is probable ltl' Lave a conference with the ; hi Itate Ofleiatl regarding the recent tt'surj'ieretanding over the withdrawal inde in the interest of atate selections. Xhnuaaudi. s. ,.i uio Exile, Every jr a large number of poor Batafl w tlOSS lunge are sore ud racked h ooagbl are urged to go to another "taate, But tine is costiy and not al sore. jj,JD.t M exie 9bm Uf j I Sets Discovery fur Consumption BOm uU at home. It's the most "l.;.b,e medicine lor Coughs, Colds, mmu 1 Tl wi i.'irfjt f,d Lung diseases on ",l,lt' Tt.e first dose brings relief. Mounding cures result from pereietenl Iran bottle free at G.C. Blakeley's ug Mora, Friee 50c and f j .00. Everv , "'e guaranteed. 4 ' ; Subscribe ior 1 us Cmm7l. I CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature CASTQRIA THt CCNTAUR COMMNT, MCW VORK CITY. Ore Nearly Half Gold. Baku City, Aug 31. A wonderfully rich strike was made todav in the old Virtue mine, eight miles east of Baker j City. Ttie mine has been noted for rich pockets or shoots of ore. The one opened ; up t iday is larger aud richer than any heretofore discovered. It is on the 400- ; foot level. Ore has been taken out of thiamine in times past that went as bigb as $100,800 to the ton. The ore which is now being taken out is eaid to tie oU , . ...u ijwrwu, pm 'mi, "",tlJ ' $200 new ui'ii to i ne ton. i ne exieui oi toe discovery is not known. ' He Kfit Hn. l.fg Twelve years ago J. V. Sullivan, of Hartio'd. C mn., scratched his leg with a rustv wire. Inflammation and blood poisoning set in. For two yeare he SOf fared tn'eoaely. Tnen the best doctors urged amputation, "but." he writes, T used one bottle of Electric Bitters and , 1 .3 boxes of BttCaian'l Arnica Salve ana mv iekr was sound and well as ever." I For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt At m aai ea. mm hf Use XT For Over Thirty Years Hhetim. s.res and all blood disorders; suax, vsiiutssstw irtsagisiw, j Electric Bitters has no rival on saitb. M0' ' WgJdtaf , Kinnan & Marvin, Try them. 0. C. Blskelev will guarantee Wholesale Drugg.ets, Toledo, Ohio. satisfaction or reload money. Ooly 50 "'" Catarrij Cure taken inter- ii.. . : .i: .1.. .. i... i.t ..... l .. ,i cents 4 : ' i in: Obi, Do 1 Headache, Pains in vaiious parts of the bode, Sinking at tbe pit Of the st imach, Loss of appetite, i-everishness, Pimples Of Sores are all positive evidon chp of imteire blood. No matter how it TTZVSSZ 111 mZ to obtain good hea.th. AcKer s KlooO Etexir bat Mvar failed tccore Scrofoloai or syphilitic poison- or any other blood . ........ r rl i tea tea. It is certainly a aronoenui remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley, tiie drug- gist. si u tics to 'i axi"o era Tt.e board of eijualizdtion for Wasco county. Or., will meet and be in session , ,t the COUM house of said county f rom Moudav, August gtitb until Saturday, August 31st. 1901, both dajs inclusive, and will attend to any and all matters whit n may come before such board for -consideration The Dalles, Wasco Co., Or., August 3, 1901. C. L. SCH.MIM , s3-dAatf As-essor, Wasco Co., Or. 8ick Headache abaoiaUle and perm.- nently cured by using Moki -tea. A I leasent herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes yon eat, sleep and benny. 8atislaetion guaranteed or mouev back. 'X cts. aodoOcts. Blakeley, WHEAT AND FLOUR SHIPMENTS Make a Yen Goad Showing, Flour Fxports Incrcttiog. PORTLAND, Sept. 1. The wheat ship ment from Portland for ttie second month of the cereal year were 495,556 battel, a gain of about 20,000 bushels over last month. Four shipments for the month were 53,975 barrel, or more than double the shipments for .Inly. Re duced to wheat measure, the total ship ments of tl mr aad wheat for the month were 738,444 bushels, compared with 941,804 bushels for the corresponding month last year, and 700.253 bushels for I August, 1890. The slight decrease as compared with last year, is due to the fact that the carry-ovel stock of old wheat a year ago, was more than twice as large as that carried over this vear, an.i the new crop also came ou the ! market from ten days to two weeks ; ! earlier than It is coming this season. The shipments for the two months of the new season are 970,372 bushels of wheat, an 1 75,796 aarrele of flour, com pared with 1,216,121 bushels of wheat, , and 98,322 barrels of flour for the same period last month. The flour shipments from Portland were cut down in August ! by the strike in San Francisco, which : tied up the regular line ot steamers on which flour is always carried from ! Pottland. This, however, may not ! prove unprofitable to the port, tor the flou' will gj foreign Jirect, and this port wtifre the trade originates, will receive full credit for the business. . .... . Law .mh vvmpuw " mi. Salem, Aug. 31. Four convicts were committed to the asylum Thursday by ; rain that commenced to fall shortly after Justice of the Peace O 'Donald. Secretaty , 2 o'clock, turning into a perfect cloud of State Dunbar refused to accept the : buret between the hours of .'; and 5, and commitment papers, because it did not ; then continued with great force until appear that the sheriff' had summoned . nearly 10 o'clock. There was no loss of tbe jQ8tjce l0 Berve in ttie absence of the j county judge, as provided by law. This afternoon Superintendent Lee, of the ! penitentiarv, swore out complaints I ajf, the convicts, and a new exarnina- j tion was held, and the former error cor- ' rected. There are several patients in j ttj(? aevlum wbo were committed by i,lsti(.ee without the eherifl' calling upou ' .... I toe justices to act in the place of the . , co,lnt-v J,jdKe- i How's TblS! We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh ttiat can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. r.J.y.,t,t.v.J...uu0.,xU,ruU,o. We, the undersigned, have known r J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be '"r ",UJ p-.j - ness transactions and flaancial)y able to carr- out an-v obligations made by their , i : t. : --i v., i.i.. : ., 1 1 i. ; firm. . ii- - r. t m i i 1 .. :.,,. 'i' r nail 1 acting uireciM ujjou uic muuu nnu mucous surfaces of the system. F. J . Chunky A Co., Props., Toiedo O. 8old by drruggists, price 75c. Hill's Family Pills are the best. 12 Mrs. Nation Arrested. ! Ngw Yoax, Sept. l.-Cawla Nation, t ,,;. , k, :,,,1 IT... . i avenue, charged with "raising a crowd end creating a riot." She was released ... ...,.,ll....u . ... i :. nowever, upoo wm layrwwwwi corl that she would go direct to her no.e Before being arrested , M rs. Na- tion entered three saloons and two con cert halls, and in string language lec tured the bartenders and the persons rfe(J , d,ff) crQW(J (ollowe(1 bw frol rent resorts. A crowd lOIIOWM ner irom p. ace 10 piaee, . -. ... i .. constantly growing larger and more boisterous, and finally the police inter fered and arrested her. A never tailing cure for cute, burns, gcalds, ulcere, wounds and sores is De Wilt's Witch Hazel Sa've. A most OOtbiOff and healing remedy for all skin H.,i,.,.. AaawsI onlv the irenuine. & P. o. Pharmacy. l.oo t Hue it lo. , MiZLiSi SSiA and the ialn is gooe. Hold by Clerke A P1X. I A. M. THE CITY IS . ,..-. N K WA K I Cleveland Damaged to the eikoi oi One Million Dollars fight Hours of Downpour. Ci.evxi.ano, O., Sept. 1, With the breaking of daw n this morning the citi z -us of Cleveland awoke to look upon a scene of devastation and destruction Grn'a August Flower. In liquid causeu by a raging flood. While the!form- tu lnk '0" ,iab', ''ere entire city was more or less affected, the nothing serious the matter with you. . . . ; iiet Green a priae almanac. Ularkn iV great volume of raging water vented iu Vaiki, i aner ov,r m,le8 OI me ett8lern f,oruon : nf tlii 1'irv woil i' n. imI no iiniiiiint . f I. . .' . damage estimated at ll.UUU.UUU. ', The overt! w was caused hy heavy life. The waters spread over an area in the eastern part of the city, nearly eight miles long and a mile and a half wide, This extended from Woodland's Hill avenue to East Cleveland and back to Fast Madison avenue. Great volumes of water poured from Doan and Giddlng's brooks down Quincy streets, swamped .... .. lenna stieet, rushed like a mtliraca , T1 , .. , down L"on avenue to Eocltd avenue, ( anu then on to t,len 1 ark ,'lace, where houses were undermined as though built of straw and large damage was done to strt-ets nmt nronertv. Over a large share f this exclusive residence territory the water rushed ' witli terrific force, varying in depth from one tO ix feet. Culverts, trestles and bridges were torn down, and for hours 00bng mmtd otptbla o( ntemming jd Hun,,re1 o( re(iidents were imprisoned in their beautiful homes like stranded islanders, and were almost panic Stricken, agpciting to be called Upon to wade out into the swirling waters almost any minute. B, W. Porfoll, Kintersville, Pa., says he suffered 2" years witti piles ami could Obtain no relief until DuWitt's Witch iiu-l Salve ellei ted a permanent cure. Counterfeit-! are worthless. Clarke & Falk'g P. O. Pharmacy. ' 1 ..... ... ,, u... Mi. .. .i.u. in i ,,.. Huron. Mich writes. I Lave tried many pills and laxatives but DeVV i 1 ... i ...... t .. r I I i ' .. 1 tola. . i I have ever '.sed." J hey never gripe, Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Don't wait until you beaoaao chronical 1 constipated but take DcWitt'l Little! Karly liisers now and (hen. They will I keep your liver and towels in good order. Fasy to take. Safe pills. Clarke A Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Henry Rraydon, Harris, N. C., says "I took medicine 20 years for asthma, j but one bottle of One Minute Cough v-,r BIO me more puuq limn uny tiling elseduringthat time. Btat&OfbOort." Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. r .. j.j .1.1 ...... . 1. 1 I Experience is the beat Teacher. Use ! Acker's English Remedy in any case of I relief money refunded tb cts. and 60 cts. Blakeley, tbe drug- gists. x THE. y Lincoln. Sale OF Good Shoes at wholesale prices, is still on' Williams !, - iinn ADBWArad. Yes, August Flower st iil has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilize,! won, Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion and biliousness. rViAna were scarce and they seldom heard of appenaicuia, nervoai prostration or .... i. ...... f.:l..-.. ..... Tku u...l ..,,, nr..., mi.....,.,,. ...... Flower to clean out the system and stop , ,. , , , fermentation of undigested food, regu- late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the ayi , , ,, , , , . . t.'in. and that is all they took w hen feel- Inn Hull mill im,i with han(4aphs mni nig iu,i ami nail wun neaaacnea ana other m lies. You onlj need a few dosea Cieo. Y. Pane, Pewamo, Mich., writes : i "Yonr Kodol Dvananaia Onra is the bast , . " .. . , , reuiedv ior lOQIgaSHOa ami asomswa trontile that 1 ever used. For years 1 sultered from dyspepsia, at times com- pelling me to stay in bed and causing m untold asnnv I am ramnlabslv me unioKi agony. i am i ompieteiy cured tiy Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, o ,. , , . recommending it to friends who suffer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it if it fails. TIiiih far I have never , j a I, i .j . paid. Clarke & Falk s r, O. Pharmacy. Bates to Pan-American EspositloR, Bound-tnp rates via O. R. .v N. from Dllea, 81.90. Tickets on gale first nd t,,ir'1 Tueadaya during June, July, I August, September and October.good for : .1.. .....(.... I.. wu""uuu" I"""" h, ; turn limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of M issouri river or St. PhiiI mi return irin lam on rttiirn trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can tie made by apply ing to agent O. K. A N. Co., The Dulles, Wuorel v tickets will be honored on lake steamers in om ir notn Uirecl ioiih he- tween Detroit and Hutlahi. tf ilAMKN BELAUD Agent Many physicians are now proscribing Kodol Dyspepsia (.'urn regularly having found thut it is the Lest prescription they can write oe-au-e it is the iur preparation which contains the elements necessary to digest not only some kinds of food hut all kind and it therefore cures indigestion and dyspepsia no mallei what its cause. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. If you want to retain your hair you have lo keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your liair tiarsli, dry and Now w have two Oi the yery L A, . Al t l AS m, ..... , r.,rl,,,.7. Will leavu vour liuir soft and g ossv. ,,ri(.ei ,,,, ,() ,.,.lltM H ,,. Hl ,. rMZerM ,mrber ,;ho, Ttl(. OMm. tf lt.t Ifrt'Iirtnil II 1 Mir rirHli'lfJA Ii1 Norris Silver, North Stratford, N. II. ' pun-based a bottle of One Minnie Cough Cure when suffering with u cough doctors told me was incurable. One bottle relieved me, the second ami third almost cured. Today lama well UtaO." Clarke .. Falk's P. O. i'harmacy. atreysd, FrOOO mv place Aug. I Jib one dark bay mare, short mane, weight about one thousand pounds, age U or 10 years, Brand JO on left shoulder. Any infer- .. .i . .. i ... l.. ..... .ii i inauoii as to ner oeieaoonis win ne liberally .ewarded. J. W. PiBaOVa, M laWkll H00 RtW' r' Oyspepsia can be cured by using Ukm'i Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Hold iu handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley the druggist. Co. NOTICE FOR 0 S. I mill I tiller. ruti.Kw noN. Vancouver, Wash. ( Mn 28, I '.ni. ! ,,?PMbc. '! lr.e?.iha. . 55E25P?S li l''s. eniiUeil "AH net let t to sale ..f (tin I I,,, l,l. I., ,... atBtaa .,( i .. I r . r , , I .. , ! Nevada and Washington Territory,'' h extended I to all the publti lend states by aol ol August loni Prank Stew Hit. "I lone lli.ek.t nlv in ! nullum, Btato ol Urofon, has this day Iliad in im.. iiii.ii -i'ni ..ininnnii .,1' -il , lnr nil" purchase of the NWi; of Se 10 In Tp No I N, It no f-. ". h i in wi UlT IHIIHl tl, sflllW nnt tlin ..n,l .Miioi.t i- ,... , i, i.. i... ii. unit me inna sougnt i ntniirr nr stone than for agricultural purpne , 'mil to establish hN ciiiiiu to said land before I tbe Register and Receiver ot this office at Van AuUg, '"" WednaMly the ""' "" names :ix witnesses Homer V, Wood' wiirtii. (lodfrey I. Bmlth, M. K, Robertson and Harry M. Barrett, all of Cortland, Or. A"v l,'r"1, claiming advently tbe abovo desonbed lands are requested to Ml their I claims in iiu office on or before said Ulh day oi august, ivui. jtiit i-int w . B, DUNBAR, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTIOB. I' S. I.iiniI Otliri Vanonu er, Wash., July a, 1001. Notice Is hereby given timt in oomnllanee witii tbe provisions of tbe act ( Congressol June k 1-7--, entitled "An set dr the laii oi timber lauds In the states of California, Oregon : Ni-mhIh nml W ii-lilmtlnn 'r,Tilt,,iy, " iiNexteudwt i t., nil the i.nl.lle Inml Mules liy net ol AiiK'int I. lew, 1 111111111' r. innMix'k. in rmii. ennnty ol Cass, stat 'i North Dakota, iia this day tiled In this office in sworn statement No, iJ7l, for I I . . 1 1 1 : 1 i 1 1 . i of tlic i.iilli li.tlf in.rl I itnMlSa gee , unit south ball north weal .iirt.r of ".aa.(n township 1 north. rniiKe 1.1 east. W M. H1M, ,,, ,,1,r ,., ,,, sh(UV lllt th sllUKht ' more valuable for Its timber or stone tbanloi I iiKilenltiirnl piiri uM- Mini to i stiihlNh Ills i hilin to said land before tbe Register and Heeeiverol ' ootobeMWl'' ' "nd,r' lh" I H names the following witnesses Knosh Hayes, Lewis H. Halge, m P. Olsdwln ami f.aou Bmltb, all of Luoas, Wash, Any nml nil parsons eiiii iii i iik sdverselv the above-dssnribed lauds are roquested to HI than ootXrooi mc" " b,ot,mW ,Uv "' iiyiuliiw w, R. DUNBAR, Register. NOTICE FOR PL B LIGATION. Lamo Orrica at Taa Dt.uis,Oa., Inly -Mi, I'Kil. Notice Is berebl given thai the following named sottler bss filed notloe of his In ten clou so I lin.Li, liiuil t.iin.f In siii.i.i.rf .if lil.i lulm Mini 1 thai said proof iii be made before lbs Kwlsbn """ receiver it i ne uanos, ursgon, on man dav. HaoUuihar 0. 1901. via. i r'tum-iN i. i.u,i..i ..... ni Mosler, Oregon, H, E. No, m ;u fur lbs K' j NEVi Slid 1' . M.', Mac. to, T i N, It t'J K, V.'. M. Hi- iiiimui, the following uitusasei tn prove hi., ..nli,iu..iis r.-Ki.leo. e upon ami OUlUvaUOU Of Chas, a. si hut', ii i Malar and (mils Sebasv no of The Dalles, Oregon, and Allan RhImtIs of (I osier, Oregon. j I s '. JAY P, LUCAS, iti-KiHter. Administrator's Notice. Notloe Is beeby given thai lbs undersigned, by mi ordei id the nounly oourl of Wusc uut), -rate of (ireiii.ii. has been njuulutad .uliiiiiits urater of the esttte ..I sltttle Robart, t)aoaased. All persons having olslms sgalusl lbs estate ol -urn ii eased are no tided to preaeul them, wiiti ii., proper vouehers, ui my atiorueys li udsoa .v Brownblll, ui their otflee at I he Dalles, Oregon, with, n sis ' mutbs from the date ol this nollea. Dated this 1 1 1 , day of Jui , ro 0, I . ll'illART, Administrator ol tbe estate ( Mltlle Hobart, dneasisd, jly7 Executor's Notice. Notice la hereliv alven tlist M . Iiniinell Iiiin been duly appointed executor oi lbs last win .ii,, i ... -iiihi. iii i.i .inn i .in n i him i . u, i'ii-.., i. All persons having staims sgslusi tin estate oi seio Ann huebiiigei me hereby notified to present the aauie Ui me, verified saby law re ijiilred, Mitiiin six months from the date of no-. in. lire. I'aie.i ni Dallas ' iiv tin-, .ih .i.i ni Jane, I'xn. iiiii-i M DONM I I . Kxu'iitor. NOTION FOH PUBLICATION. LANoOrnca Ai iuk d alum, Or., Inly It, I'jnl. t Ni.lli e N hereby ttli.-n thul Hie li.lluwIi.K named satllei has Hied m. th e ol hi Inienttou .. iniike inml i.m.i.I In I-ii i.i.i . 1 1 ,.l lo elalin, anil that mil. i proof hiii in- utads belors tbe lorn tei ami Reoelver at Tbs Dalles, iregon on i hun. day, Heplsnibaf i nn, sis, William 0, Tliiiuiuaiiu, of The Dalles, Oregon, li K No, UJ76 (or lbs Hlti ami iU HVV'4 mn. -.',, T I N, it II K. M. He names tin- following witnesses n, sNtve hit, coiitliiiiniin renlileuee umhi an. I eultlvatlon of ni. I i ..... I viz. : I .ml i ni i. i ir It I KIP. ii. Ten. Mi. i.i, ami I uS eonanuo, ail oi I he paiiex, i.iegou. 1.141 j .1 l I i .1 . i iv main . I'm., I (liaiigeit I'olson. Putrefyiug food in tbe intestines pro duces effects liau those of arsenic, but Dr. King's New Pile Puis exad ttie poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Coustipatiou, Biliousness, Nick Headache, Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Ooly '.'5c at Oi C. Blakeley's drug store. 4 Oifford'a Fotoa Never Fad tbe druggist