The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 31, 1901, Image 3

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! To Beat I
the Band. I
Boys do wear out !ivs "to boat the band," and it seems hard to find a 2
f kin ; that will look decent, hold together, and don't cost too much.
We Have the Right Kind I
and thov are tlio Real Shoes tn 1. had atuMvlmiv i,.,. Vi
- y - .ivi- uii u u i. LUI UH JM H.''.
B iys' Calf Lace Shoes, 11 to 5 j ". $2 00 $
$ Bovs' Kangardb Calf Shoes, 21, to 5$ 2 00
Boys' Seal Grain SEAMLESS Shoes, 2 to5J 2 25
$ Same, sixes 12 to 2 , .... 2 no
Boys' Box Calf, Leather Lined Shoes, 2 to 5 2 50
Same, sizes 12 to 2 2 2" W
9 Bovs' Calf Shoos, 12 to 2 7 Ho ft
Bovs' Calf Shoes, 2$ to o m. 1 75 O
f All Heavy Extension doles.
Don't get discouraged trying to ko'j the boy in shoes. Try a pair of ours.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- - - AUG. SI, 1901
les Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wanc-u ( nuntj warrant registered
prior tu October II, 1S18, will be paid
l prerirutatioD at iuj office, Interest
MM after lucukt 13, 1 so 1 .
County Treasurer.
Tce Uregon Stereo ptican Lecture
Company, at the Vogt tonight.
Tiere it a move on foot in Wasco to
reet a good Qrit-cltM opera houee.
itwd ijr Wasco.
Wanted A woman to do up stairs
ork at tbe Umatilla House. Apply at
'ut bote: at once. MgSl'tf
As tbe :.ret of the month comes on
Maria, we presume collections will be
kade Wednesday.
it Illustrated geography of the north
Het, C mc and learn 0? your state
''iu tt.e eoture tonight at tne Vogt.
A!, around Oregon in ninety minutes.
MuMtrotta nature; the finvt oolite
lion ever exhibited. Don't pase the
opsra l lute thil evening.
what - t g matter with the water
days0 .Something's wrong and
NeoH be investigated, or our people
"; b impelled to swear of!' drinking
Wt iew of Mt. Hood aud the coast
Mt alone worth double tbe price ot ad
iM.on. But then- the Oregon Stere
Wean Lecture Company it's out for
Us" health, Tonight at the Vogt.
0 loadf Ol electric light poles . 00
'!. j befog hauled through our city
'mind us that ere long we will emerge
mil the darkoON that has enveloped us
- )1 a city as well lighted as any
" iU ktse on the coast.
Miry I Connolly, ionneriy a resident
uj ' Hri'ain. declared her intention
; '" wing a citizen of tbe I 'nited
and to lurther tbe object of nat
MJ tatioo Ibt forswore alt allegiance to
JJ Jr. Kdward III, King of Oreat
'":n and Ireland, emperor of India,
"MMWeJ the Faith, etc
TU biograpVeor moving pictures, of
JJ. 78810n PI," which Will b ea
JJJJ? f0- Ktfklal the Vogt, are
2 T W tL1 tb MM w ou'd Uaaw
Z lr'r 1,0 0ut boold misa aeing
Id every wbero they have
aod , Crowd, Uve TtlTrlT'
jeen more than aatiafied. Tbe on-
ttHMMM will bo .giveD uoder the
auspices of t he Methodist cimrch and
you cannot atl'ord to miss it. At the
close of the "Passion Play," views of
Sheldon's "In His Steps'" are often
A diapatch yesterday said that Frank
Cram had purchased the stook of goods
formerly owned by Samuel McCartney
deceased, and will go into business at
Hood River at once. Frank ie a sulen
did dry goojs man and we wish him suc
cess. His brother. Win, will not be a
partner as announced a few days since.
Herbert Condon , of the Moscow, Ida
ho, state university, and Mrs. Noff,
formerly Mies Condon, are attending
the bedside of their mother. Mrs. Thos.
Condon, who ie very ill with typhoid
fever at Vaquina Day. Mrs. K. S. Bean,
another daughter, ie somewhere in the
East and cannot be located. Kugene
J. P. Lucas, receiver of the United
tatee land office, at The Dalles, spent
la?t evening and today here. Mr. Lucs
ie returning home after an absence of
two weeks spent at Salt Lake and inter
mediate points, returning via Weieer.
Mr. Lucas feele improved in health and
better abie to resume hie labors. Daker
P.epu hlican.
Mr. H. D. Parkins returned from The
Daiiee Monday night, having uninten
tionally paid a vieit to Waeco on his way
back. Whether it was from the love of
Wasco or the tboogbts of a certain lady
of Tbe Dalles, we are not ahle to say :
but our friend was evidently rattled
just a little. Moro correspondent to
Wasco News.
C. M. Cartwright end J. P. Van Ilou- 1
ten are expected from where they went
recently to receive the importation of
sheep made for the D. 8, v L. Co., from
France. Jt is perhaps ne of the iargett
and best importation- ever made into
the I'nited Mates. This is the first in
portati in of ewes from the national Mud
Mock of t rance ever made into Ameri
ca. Observer.
1: was a "peach" in every sense of the :
word that came to tfie CH80X1 LK office
this morning, having been raised in the
garden of James iiipes, on the bill. It
was an Karly Craw ord, measuring
twelve inches, beautiful in appearance
and as sweet to the tat'.e. The tree from
which it came bore many measuring
eleven inches, but this was the queen of ,
them all. It takes The Dalles to furnish
peacnes what ie "peaches."
Malcolm Southwell, who was tried in
Justice BrOVOblU'l court yesterday for
larceny of a colt from H. P.iddell, was
bound over to tbe grand jury in the sum
of HS0. It has been but a matter of two
or three months since Southwell was
charged with larceny of a blanket irom
an Indian. Various otber complaints
have been made concerning a gang to
which I e belongs, aud it ia high time
tbey were taught a thing or two, or
"three or four."
Tbia evening about i o'clock J odjee G .
C. Blakeley, with Cornmieeionere N.C.j
Wvans aud W. J. Harnuian, will leave
on a tour of inspection of the county
roads between tbia place and Tygh, par
ticularly Tygh grade. Heavy loade with
a traction engine or two passing over
this grade has placed it in a bad condi
tion and the commissioners make this
trip w ith a view of Improving not only
that but any other portion of the road
which may need attention.
Tomorrow will be the last Sunday in
the conference year of the Methodist
church, and Monday Dev. U F Hawk
will leave for conference, which meets 1
at Waila Walla. While pastor here Mr. '
Hawk has won the esteem not only of
tbe members of his church and congre- 1
gation, but tbe community at large, and
while it is hoped he will be returned to
the charge he hae served so well, there
ie always an uncertainty and the confer.,
ence may see lit to remove him.
Archer Mountain, a few miles heiow
Deacon Pock and the Bridge of the
Gods will be the next point of interest
to e visited by the exploring party
which recently climbed to the top of
Beacon Bock. An excursion will leave
Portland tomorrow evening on the
teauner Regulator, which is furnished
free by .her owners, and will begin the
ascent of Archer Mountain on Monday.
Tbl party will be augmented by a ge
ologist and photographer. From tine
time on throughout the season explora
tions of all the important places will be
Jo It I'ay to ataj t-heap?
A ch -ap remedy for cough and colds
is all right, but you want something
that wi.l relieve and cure the more se
vere and dangerous reeuits of tbrOftt and
lung troubles. What shall you do? Go
to a warmer and more regoiar rlioiftte?
Vee, if possible; ii not possible for you,
then in ei'.fier case take the OXLY rem
edy that has been introduced in all civil
law countries with success in severe
throat and lung troubles. a "Boechee'l
German yruo.'' It not only heals and
stimulates the tissues to destroy tbe
germ disease, but allays inflammation,
causes easy expectoration, givea a good
night's rest, ami crjrea the patient. Try iottie, Recommended many yeara
by all druggists In the world, and aold
bv Clarke ,i FaU. oet Green e prize
almanac. 'I
Deep Myotery.
Jt is a mystery why women endure
Backache, Headacbe. KerVOUIueei
iveeplessnete, Melancholy, tainting and
Diz.y Bpelll w hen thousands nave proved
that Eleetric Bittt-rs win qoiekiy cure
such troubles. "J suti.-red for years with
kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Pbebe
Cheney, of Peterson, la., "and a ia:ne
bacK pained me so I could not dress my
self, bOt'ElectrlO Bitters wholly cured
ine, and, although ','' years old. I now
am ahle to do all my boueework.'' Jt
overeojMelConeti peMoe, improves Ap
petite, gives perfect health, only QOo
at Q, Oi Blake ev s drug s' ;re. 9
At The Dalle Employment Office; a
place where vou can procure help with
out coat or trouble. Mail or phone
Va Hal Kltl 1 IT,
28 lmdAw Manager. :' Art teniae o r imn,
The move wade by the Columbia
Commission Company recentlv in plac
ing on each carload of fruit shipred by
them rt label bearing the trade mark of
The Dalles is a good one. Too many
carloads go from this place marktd
Portland, and thus this section fails to
receive the credit due it. Eastern tirms
and Eiatem people in genearl have no
idea whore the best fruit hai's from.
Why would it not be a ipiendid idea to
take this means of advertising this e.
tion and piact in each box a circular
giving, In compact CltChy manner,
lotnc pointer! concerning our orchards
that would not only astound Kieternere
but do us any amount of good.
This year our fruit men are receiving
good prices. Previous to last year, When
the fruit was shipped on the consign
ment plin. they were compelled to wait
several month?, and even then were not
sure of their pay. N uv payment i
made when tne goodl are delivered.
The prunes this year, though not so
large as usual, are a splendid crop tor
packing, and being two weeks abea I oi
most other Shipping points. Will be dis
posed of in about a week, The prices
have been considered good, 35 cents be
ing paid for Italian and 4J cents for
1 1 ungarian.
Perhaps the best crop this year is
peaches. !n this section this is an off
vear for apples. The pear crop is 1
nothing to brag on, but is fair. David- 1
son Bros.' agent w ho was in our city a
short time since, contracted for most of I
that fruit raised in this neighborhood.
Takn on a whoie. orchardists are in j
the lead this year.
St. Paul's Episcopal church Kev C.
. H. Lake, rector. Morning service at j
11a. 111. Evening service at 7 ;30. Sun
day school, 12:15. All are invited.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. P.. I
Clifton, pastor. Regular service at 1 1 1
in the morning in the new church 1
on I'nion street. Sunday school at 10 j
a. m. ; B. Y. P. I'. at 7 p. m.
Congregational Cborch corner Fifth j
and Court streets. Rev. D, V. Poling,
paator. Rev H H Wycoff, field secre-
! tary for the C. C. B. S;., of New York
City will apeak at 11 o'clock tomorrow
morning. He will speak of the work of
his society. The pastor will speak in
the evening. Topic, "Christ Before
Pilate." The choir will render an an
them both morning and evening.
United Brethren church Services to
morrow ns follows: Sunday school 10
a. 111., Mrs. C. W. Barzee, superinten
dent. Y. P. C. N. at 7 p. m., Frank
Mullikin, president. Preaching 11 a.m.
Will give you a warm welcome and try
to do you good in each service. The
church is about two blocks east of the
head of the new brewery grade. L.
Harter, pastor.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner !
kiftll Lllllt W" .tall ill Pull 1 lllDDUB '
F. Hawk pastor. Services at 11a. m.
and 8 p. m. Tomorrow will close the
present conference year. The closing
services of the year are usually of spe
cial interest to the members and friends!
of the church. It is probable that all 1
who have returned from their vacation
will j iin those who remained at home
in attending these last services. The,
services have been well attended all
through the warm weather, the cooler
WMtber will bring out large congrega- 1
t'ons. The pastor will occupy the pil- j
pit both morning ami evening. The
"iriging will be of special interest. Mrs.
W. Bordofl will assist tbe choir. Miss
Myrtle Mlcbell will sing a solo at the
evening service. Sunday school at 10!
a. m Class meeting at 12:15; Kpworth
LfHgoe at 7 p. m. Gentlemanly ushers
will assist you to seats. Special invi
tation to visitors in the citv.
..The New York Cash Store.
I3S and 142 Soconri Streot.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Special in
Sec our Sbow Window.
New Grocery Store
V have :i'l(lctl a (irocoiv lVpart
ment ( our store. A hew fresh,
clean stock. Give us a call. Prom pi
delivery t any part f the city.
...MAYS t CROWE...
JAsilev 8t Benton,
Headquarters for
Family Groceries,
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Stoves and Steel Ranges.
167 Second Street, THE DALLES. OK.
lyon's French Periodical Drops
strictly vefiretable,per
ectly h&rntl6M, ur to etccontpllth
Greatest know female retnedy
up t'tilV
Btwftreof oouptevrftlti iRd Imltsttaott Ttosgtnvlpi ! M'Jt
l' ' Willi fill' ltd. 1. K ILT FIU I 1 1 J t' UII Millt Of I In liollil'i I hil-.
bciiO lor Cucuiur tu WILLIAMS UWQ CO.. fcOle AguoU, Clef Humi, Ohm
For sale bv (ieo. ('. lilakeley. The litlies, Or.
Bor "ibi.
School Opens Sept. oili
Arrangements have been made with
lor Infants and Cniidren.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Why not ejiend the vacation at Va
qilina buy, where can he had excellent
fare, good tishing, good boating, safe
bathing, alluring rides and rambles.
The courses and exercises at the summer
school of 1001 at Newport will alf.ird
great varieiv of instructions, diversion
and fiitertinment. No other resort
offer! equal attractions and like advan
tages, juull-tf
lour ear
Hiows the state of your feelings and the
slate of your health rd well. Impure
b o"I makes ilneif apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, 1'imples and
Hkin Mruptions. If you are feeling
weak ami worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
1 1 MX) acres more or less lying on the
Columbia river about seven miles Irom
The I'alles. About 101) acres of river
1 bottom the rest good upland suitable
i for fruit and pasture. One of the best
dairy or milk ranches in the county ; a
Ismail house ; good barn ; some orchard
and plenty of water. Also other town
end county property, Apply to Oibonal
v Mari'eu, Masonic building Third I
I"1"1' angdO.lm toM.-.Btfc,,
An old gentleman winning to retire aehool hooka, lb'
1 from active life desirous ol selling bis '. 'I' exchange any
farm of 160 acres, with fair four-roomed Hl"' U,""iry '
bouse; small barn aud other outbuild-
ings, well fenced, ii) acres of summer WM MICHELL
fallow, some timber. Six iiiilen Iron. I
l)ufur, twenty miles from town, will sell
00 easy terms, Kor former particulars
call or write Hudson V lirowuhill, '1 he
Delleii Oregon. aug29 90
Do you want to secure a nice home in
the most desirable part ol the city '.' II
yon do, we can suit you. We bave a
splendid six-room modern cottage on
Fourth Ntreet equipped with all the
latent improvements, and will be sold
for a giMid deal less than its duplicate
can he built for. If you are looking for
a bargain do not fail to aee thin. For
. further particulars write or call on Hud
sou A Hrownbill.The Dalles, Or. au'ii 80
handling id the new
il authorized to make.
' i me bet w een et . I
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third arul Waslilnutori Sta.
A II orders attended to
d ml. tu. phone -i',
. Local, lb:
1 AM
Acker's liliuxi Klixir. It euro ell blood
diseases wiiere cheap Saraaparillaa and U "yto'og lUl Vr hair, go and aee
so called purifiers fail , knowing thit we i fMW ; ha'a the haadquarlera for all
aell every bottle on a positive guarantee, heir remadiee. Remember that he I
Ulakele;, the druggiat. I mtkM iecltJlf of theeefooda. if '
W nU lll HISBU.
i deire I.) nay to the people of Tim
Dalles t.bat I, l D Oirdner, of portlendi
won thn piano which Btai awarded me
upon piesentation of tick-t SUM, Hav
ing no use for a plan i 1 have iuntriicted
i ' , i uiiirt to dispose of same at any
reasonable price. I'arties iiiieresteti
in a v call aud examine piano at (iuin
buit'a Luading igar and Tobacco
bouse aug-'ti t(
entauriba) for in. usumhi.