The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY ".. 1901 THE COLLEGE BREt MAS. Whs good loot I ( - tion ever )o a rrat is M often asked, ercl y ;': ; have been ur.f. rtooaM -1 -- -have bal lbs advantage. TL.c r is simple enough, as '.be W. W, Union: It tloes everything for bin It makes bin: a rear. ::' L- Las La i tbt- natural soenta! capacity .. rasr the opportunities beli c.:t ' . - I: no', college :: ar.ytbini --'.it ecu I not succet L Wl Live r... uea mvii say that i fellow goes x c for is to team L w to lay tbrow a bam mar di row a r' sbe'.L T: Is may be a part tht collegiate cart er, but :t is ibe foun :a tion of practi study. 0! course, it the student loes nothing but train he is boon I u his lessons. take Ibe mar. who leaves w:tt. - ' ploma. a degree and big b muscle, ar.i be is in pretty good condition to begin the more serious battle of life. tt may be that Latin, Greek and calculus are not us very much it ordinary business careers, bnt d Itbei is the cooscle. What be Is taught these tLini? fot is t broo let) - bis intellect tu-y arv :.-u: : ' -.-lis t. the braic. A college edc ati m potsa fjnisLir.s '.ouch to the y ung man that can never be acquired to any otbei way. tl enters a r-..w. uu tamed youth : be come Dot :. p i isbe I, leetoal man. Be Is fitted to begin bis l&ter career with every advantage at bad. His mir ". Las been tra to stu-ly not only books but condi tior.s. and he is aoie to gras situations w;tL all the greater ala:r:'y. T: s .s a genera! conclusion. All young meu are not alike, but, :r..:.z a general average it is safe to assume the college-bred mar. Las :. vastly better opportunity to attaii .."..imate success than the boy L: left school after he Lad finished the eighth cra-de. Tbe mistaKes of the few, the oo ntlemsmly acts of a small band of student; Lere and there may Lave unjustly made more impression upon the general public than to-: polite, mauly young fellows who constitute the i&rge majority of our college graduates. tLe yooog maz who has tbe opportunity to go t college and j .'.t.L i It.' In I &T tbe productiot of cigar etles in tbe Unite.! states reached the enonoOOl figure of 4,15352,471 . Within the last three years. Tobacco says. "1,476,629, I cigarettes Lave been clipped from the record" of the output. Two causes are assigned for the decrease in the DOMnopUon of tbe cigarette one is tbe ast'resstve crusade that hai been waged against it in the form of federal, state ar, i municipal legislation, aooovpanie I by the active oppoaition of employes to its use by their employes, and the other is toe suppression of COD)' petition through tue combination ..f manufacturers. aeh Oi Ibese .: fiuences has doubtless Leer, at w irk; but it is in established fact Lbat tb decrease in consum i.riag to past three years meens "either that an equivalent of at least ,00 smokers have ceased to use paper cigarettes, or a la r.un.oe: are more moderate in their use.' The main vt.v..- toe :: :,e .a tbe use of cigarettes were mentioned some month: ag . 1:. 'J o-.- Telegram Tney are two: first, business meg will not employ eignrette-smoking men; second, respectable young womtm will not "go with such young mea. You see a gii! smiling and obatthag with a young male person who It ;r. tbe meantime rolling and lighting a cigarette, and yon need no prophet or clairvoyant to pencil in words or other outlines that girl's future. True, many good people make a cigarette occasionally, or even ha bitually, in moderation, but a boy or you'.ii who i a "oian-:t fiend" is properly ostracised by both business men an.i decent aoeittT. T.erax. QaeatJoa Anfree1. Vm. Attguv F werrt: has :he largest ot any snedleine ir. the civilised w.-r i. Y .- r an i gr&r. ,:r.. er never taoagt.t n: -:;r:c;.:re e.s :'.: ;c.:.eet::.n and astfSt. Doctors were s.-ive s.ri i 'iey sr .:-"!. heard of i Aiti. nerv prottratiOfi or beart (allure, etc. rney u?ed A::,.u: Flower to clean oct i.e y:e::. a:-.i s'.ip ;erajer.:a::-'C of r.r..:':ges:c food, rcga ,ate trie action ver.Siimrj t- nervous and organic action of thesys f x. at) ;. that .5 a ". : : -y ' i Ink Anil and Ha' With htadacbM and other ache. You ?r. : eed a tea do?e? 'iireec's A : :t F J". .n .: uid form, to niise - isfled t;e-e : Lj'.i. rig r" tbe :. With too. 6et Green's prize almanac. Crk A Fl s. 1 StMHt BtarorMaM : i iiir r C""t- - trip 7: i Da lee I I. r. Bca liofa, 1j.'.:: Fh-s. '.'rat i a . r Na: tta. Vgh.. $:. -i few return until Sept. 1$, 1901. Basjgage :becfced tbronsi tc Te steaaier T. . Potter will leave Portland -.. y except Woodsy ate Sloodajr, sod .nr Hs - Ja s Sou day. t S : . ., nd a. .-r Saturdays, ai.i i;re.t cooneetiaci a: Astoria and at Iioo Jor all poittt :r. irefon and Waabinftoo Ca Ml as. .-ear;. aeL: (or tnroncfa t..e nrd p:'-s- oe i'i es a., .'a.-: l3-2m !. I SI L' ( .A I u ,arr t u e o ft. t in H I market trt- i iy ring extra::: are zr i" v-r ;;r therL. Hons will seer at all .: bay, grain and :eed ret at the - west per gallon for inferior l rrtH nov a jt :' :. otts for KM per t 5 var. C.ars A l -. u . Pa": E .s . agents. ml Tne White C a- '..r.e. Bailey -Itatze.-t. will sell tr.rjrjt-:. roaad-:r:: ticket? t: eas de ni return. Ti-rsets gd eoing front I ortlani over tbe White ' F.. it S. Co.. V. T. Co. or tbe A. A C. R, B . and return over sxe 1 nes. Ee ..-t.rjsei dire'', to either North Bea.:.. ii?avit;', Ljl Eeach. Brease. Ocean Park or Naacotta. Lircit of ticket Stfptemoer lota. J. M. F ion, aer,t. P. T. trttrtterriiie. Ala., "I was sr.fer:rig froa. dypepsia rt.en 1 e.':: meoced tasir.j Koaoi I'yspepsia C"re. 1 rook severa. bottles ar.d can digest acytr.iaj. Kojj. I'Tspepsia Care is the or. y rreraration .rr.tatning al. t:,e natarii.. f.uiis. It g ves weak stomatas eatire rest, restoring their natural condition. C.arse i Fa.s's P. 0. Paarraacv. KoJsou i Brownbilt aave a iew houses i or rer: rooms from four up pr.c ' a moat:, and up. Tnese prop erties are .n pood locations and par:..-; desiring gjoi names for the winter rtn't do better than to call on the above gen t.emen at their ofc:- on Washington :rf" or see J. H. Jackson w:.o wi.. glad y -now yon tne property. C.arse i F&.s aare on sa.e a fall line o: paint and artist's broabaa. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM September 23-28, 1901 Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. IIH, LIVE STOCK SHOW Good RACING in the Afternoons. Laiaal r-r. lioat in Ne Auditoriom Boildiog Every Lveoing with Good Music. Lena. :' Camp Grooads Free. pecial Katas n Catr.per TiCKeta. Come and Bring ,ur Fanoi'iee. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS For limber addreac m. d, V18P0II, laa., tu,Mi. Portland, urtfos. i J On Sept. 7th will be presented to my customers V i Shakespeare, complete in one volume J und in Mor- J ipeare, comp rocco; i Atala in large folio volume, illustrated byGus tav Do re. XVI. T. NCLAN. Union and Second Street. Local Phone 92. regulator line, pc pnn an NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT OAK STREET DOCK. PORTLAKD, a: - A. It. ati 11 P. M. ...Portland Boat... THE DALLES A. M. and Z.dti P. M. ,ELJ A.NCE ALLAWaY, Geneva Aer.: - :dl,es. Oregon Si. marg'slGaiei " nder the direction o: the Sisters of the Hol Nanes o Jesus and Mar', THE DALLES, oregox. ..! ;sit:;uu j. ;.- ; ;:ux :b Uolnntl in on t&e Ui e i tne 0 R. & N. Co taence :t i eaayof a.-.--- tito-e wbo de alt) t wute a cotniurtar,...- :. r a t.r.sre ttva et oJ .eatnintr iur d-i::sbien or .rt- Tee 1-cation ! t:. aoadetc; i one of r.. t ..taOt. il Pai.::.' -. 'j.e. :r..- i-or- t: ic of Onann being provarbiaJ for ; tiute water- brac::.c air. a:-.6 i.:c:u:- ,t- 'enery Tnr .icaaei.iy i in';ortjorate: ui.o r:.:ed by tate to conler ACMemle booon B..iC ar.d tuition per ie:toia.: year. S'' Studie) will te raaamaa Tueaday, Mntembr. itb i it detailed ir.torciation ani-.y t Ibe -.ter s'tnenor. aoato-ln John Pashek. The Tailor. Ka j isi received liXM) sarnrlei ol ttie .atett ;atttrii in Gent's C ''.'.'ng 'icD i. guaran tees prices and a f toi Bl cr no t-av. ; : : : : John Pashe:;. The Tailor. Tile BHLBWIN BESTHUBHHT t VV . W ILaUK, Manager. p rst-Qlass li? Every fYespet. ffieals z: fill Oocrs. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. T:;e ta:,. a ae Sttpplitd with tbe bast : IbS liiariel. i Front St.. near Court, Tt.e !aiie. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Tra'.sact a General BacktEg Bus:r-ess. Letters of Credit ieened av&i.abie in ttie Laetern lale. Bifbl Pxctiange and Te.egrapbic Transfers old on Nf York. Chicago, Bt. L'luin. ftan Fraooiaco, Portland Ore gon. BaattU Waab., and various poiDU in Oregon and Washington. Coliactione made at all points oo fav orable terms. Ciark A Falk are never ciod booday. Don't forget this. white GoMar Line, TBe Baiies-Portianfl Boute Str, BAILEY-OATZERT, daily rousd trips, Escep; Monday, Cascade Lock-. Hood River. VThite Salmon and D.6 Da.f5. :e c--d Arrive T:.e Dal lea. Leave Arri re Portland. Meals the Very 5r:. gT' bi .lay Trips a Lea i 1- Tr. ite Irandeet ceoic A::rac;.-T.s on Ear::.. Portland-Astoria Route Str. " TAKOMA." Dally Round Trip? except "rnnday. TIME CAPD Leave Portland T .... t. Leave Astoria 7 r. m. Landiiie and office Ft ol Alder Street: both phones, M 3-ol, Portland, 'Jregou. . W. CBICHTOK, Agent Portland. J. M. FILLOOX, Act. Tne Dallas, A. J. TAYLOB, Agent Astoria. i Yellowstone Park Line. TBI U1XIXG ' AF. ROt'lL PBOM PORTLAKD TO THK KAST. TEL ONLY DIRECT LIKE TO THE VSLLOW. STONE PARK -tvE. V;.:: K;o:. Fill: n: .t-.- t. No. Fan: mi:: for TaC r:.a No. S;St P. M. No. 3. tiSS a. M. Seat'.ie. Olymnitt. rrKy Hartxjr and Boatb bend points. Sp..aii. Bota iar.d. h. "... Pullman. MoaaOW, Lewiatul.. Buf- a M bUoHunip mining ooon try, Helena. M InnaaiDi 111. St. Fau.. OmnU Kansa- ity. St Lottla, .ctcago anc all p.;nt et iiid aauibaaati Fun;: ...uiid CxpraM X. for Tacoina and ei.::.e and :i.;c.-E.ed;ate p..Lt-- Nc 4 :ot P. Px:'..mar. fim ola ana tount i,ietri to Mioneapolia, st. Paul aud iIiiuo-. r:-.e.- p,iui wttbont cbange. Vestibuled traini . I'nion depot eonoaatiflSM .:. .. pnticipM. .tie-. Baagitse CtiecaeO to dentin'!. I ticket. fur bandwimeiy lilnntrated ie..-r:p:: ve nvatter. t.-aeti. bieepiug-Ca: :e-.e: i.- et. . uatl urt or A. D. CHARLTON, A-:tai;- lei.ere. Fa.v"iige- Aget'.t - t :. 4Ji. SitaaliOOlUI Tnird. For.. and Oregon. Just What You uuant. mm rCa Mil J'Y ' Nea ideas 10 Wail Paper here. 8ucb a ide variety as we are showing never fore graced a single slock. Heal : in na tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper pricee. Elegant deeigne, tasteful coloring, yoora for a aotall price, at oar store on Third street. Also a fall line of bouse paint. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Nirtlen Paciu Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. !' art ficlattyd'Sfestathefc iandal ratureTa s'reri-:bct.:ug a::d KCOtf stracting tbe exhausted digestive ---sans, li Istbe latest discovereddigest ant and t .. Ko other preparation can approach it in efflciencv. It ln stantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Futtnlence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. H-fida;.a. Gasrralc... 1 t.::.: -ai.a all other results of imperfect digestion. p-ioO" aTtdfl LargestteeontaiasSH times saauste S . , r t i djrpepianiiEadtree rsrcS bv 01 P.O. Phari ne GoiuniBia pbckieo go. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF raKRi Fine Lard and Sausages Carers ot BRAND HAMS & BACON iKRIFP BEFF. RTC. an RBstamani L. Y. BONG, Proprietor. First-Class in Every Respect MEALS u .ui. Borns Oysters Served in any Style. s.ind St., Tbt IjaUe. Or Just Received A fall line of Fresh Printing and De valopiag Papers direct from act r . SoHo, Rex, Deko, Velo'x and Aristo in all -i.e-. Also a iine ol Plata, in Cratner, Crown, eei& ani -'.anley. Tray. Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, And a.. arcesoneg to ompletS tbe o-itbt of either tne amateur jr pro iessiona. photographer. 0'ir Eureka CocDbioad Toning und Fiaiag Bath is a dandy. Try .;. The A. E. C. Developer for plate, fijme or davalopini par.eis has no e ,aal. ' Enonirh for.15eto develop Ad ten i ate or o dozen Veios 4sj. pern tol 'lauas and w i. tes are guaranteed, if 'iireotins are fo.iowed. Ask for the A. E. C. I'e- talopar, and see that you get tbs genuine. We are prepared to compound any and a'., of your own fortaalse ar. ( guaraotsa satisfaction. At the old place, 175 Second Street. The I'a..e-, ' 'reg m. Geo. C. Blakeley. E J L. Lane, 1 i k I Biactsmitu AND. i Wagon and Carriage Wark. Flah Brothera' Wagon. Ttirt ant Jellcoi. Phone 159 Horsesnoe OREGON SHOIJ LlrE a union Pacific TIM I SCHEnCLKS I ROM THK UALXJCS. aam ra x HI. 'ortlaiid IM K ir. latl i! M I '.Jike. Honvcr. F: .ir;;.. Omaha. Khiv uCltr.SI ini. Chi cjisr - uii.J ;j v r.ast. p. m. Eapm. Id . m. logtoo. Bt fmal r Mall, v i1- p. in. vih J10 kaaa. Si it iMke. Dor.ver. Ft orth. Omaba. icn atCitir.Sl jftui.e'bi oato aiii tb Beat. v. . : Walla, iwit.-i-. r.n.Wi,:iff .l''!t: . M.Tiiajmi:. Paul, UalathtHflaran tt. ChIca(o and Et. I ni. OCT AN AKI RIVXB BOEEBULE Frnm l'urtlnn't. I'. i'.ingr dato sub to cbnuKt' i F - Ban Praaelaen, ;. -vorv .". day. i It ol ombia River. r . a. f X(H?pt T a-: irla and STa; sal;:rlnv, !" t.. :i Lam Sja. il latnfttf i:rfr. OteiroB ';ry. N- bafiji n. . In'dereidetiev, snd .T-lnd;iiC!. K) f .m. exeaM Sunday. rneadsy, (atni a. ir. 4 p m. Vcnday. (tedncadty Fnaar. Ijtn0.::a . numuiv Saturday t laaablll Btlrara Monday, rafon i iry, Dartor. nad wdn?oy VVay-liandlnn. 1 r.iny. Snab JtiTf r. RI:Kr:ii :.i Le is:on. Leeve daily, - B a. ni upana i a m. Pprtie l salTii e to rc to H"t.t,-,er or "- iintnwa souuiern rsa r.izirs. Mi.iuia f 2, ei-;np The Datle? a 1J:J-'. p. m mating - : r.nertion at Hppner junction ud Bjs. Ketunilnfr makin(tlirwt ponnecnon it Beppnerjunctlon HIkk witb No. rirtng a- Tbe ioa;ie ar 1 :ui p. m. Fur t arttCQlara, r-alt or. or address As. LRKLAXn, Ae-: :. Ibe liiUles. Orafon. Complete Cii?e of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, TH DRUGGIST. 50 Y LARS' EXPERIENCE mm k sr , TRACE MF"5 jEStGNS Copvrichts 4'; - i foiie f'T'n.Ttg & i;Mrh and dcucripf i" et.b ' .. v ..r-.itn .i:r imi.( i. lrii wdfc'. iier a iDventlon i prubatir t .itentable. '.iun)uiii' ii' riciiyi nt : :i.mdL-.okon Kat-t. i. asane f.r ..-urtng uatent. PotauU taaen thr mirh Jtnni k Cu. reeelT tthoot r.arf.,-, iu tbe Siieiifific fliiierican. I ii. "i- ni t II aDranil wp)c t. i.itrmt fr it.', r nriT m-icti'U)' kmrnaL Tnn- reir: n., 1. ..ul i,ll rfwudi MUKNCl! New Yorif XaX A. VooT. casaisi President. First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Genera. Banking Business transacted Dapoaiu received, aabjoct to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompt.? remitted on dar of collection -Hight and Telafraphic Exchange sold ca New York, Han Francisco and port land. niREOTONS D. P. Taoaraoa. Jao. B. Scaaata. En. M WiLLiajaa, Gao. A. Liaaa.