PBMOVAI BKTIOH W. E. Ml lit?, raj Lye, i it tbe ci:r. C. i !':. ;r if in 1'o-tiar.d or. bttt ines Mr !-:" r. Pott sr : vis iting tne wholesale, millinery stores. J. Lei at) . Her Ierift an1 '.' T, Pratber sre ;r. the citj :i H rod Lver. Sir? W .Lord rel iraa a-, r. gbt from her eottage Bbi I a rat, Lou I.a..r.. Mif M:r. Cl M re;nrtet ;. J M an I tad&v retooie bar stc .:: Bl e I M nes Uege. Mr. eni Mrf. F. L H v.::::-z a--:ved DOOM ..: Difjl I "" Long Beacti euert tbey : j'.-t rent t: fOUUDtt. Mr. E. F. Sbar and farxi'y ear re- nisi: :toL L.ug Beac and Portland. Cbarle l:ei. whc if etts-'-.'-yi'd :t Jobns'oi' Bros.' f tore at Dafnr, caa.? op from Portland iast night and .ef: ::.: mom i:e i n I'ufur. Mrs. E M. W;r. ar.d t W W ;: came op c iut Ragnlatot rseterdav ha v - ; -: A - ' ! Mft. J T. Paten a ea le, Clan ; Baach. If MOM Julia a.3 Clara N:-se fer. b" hav --er. : v.i -c a: 1. -r.g !.aer. and vufa friend In Portland. returned on ".iir 'Titz-r: yeteriay a;:-rn:c. F. B t:.e '3,iie: acvo:i pai ed by lira. Bijrtbn. paid -.ne ru a abort vi?it t -day. returning to H -od L'Ter oc tre Iegn.ator thi afternaot. Bagt Kaac left Wehi-:ay nigbt lot -josaiie. He arili vif.t Paodlaton. W.i .4 W A. and tf;e: v. &: ifre re tenting and tnav reoiatt tc Bf Eane 1era.aner.- y. Urn. J. B. Cnl:n and -61-. d--r. C.rton Condon, returned q .a-, mgr.: lra:n. r.av.a ter.- tne nat we- at tbe C .t-.ai of 8, French, at he -barne. L n Beacb. Mi. Sharer, ar.ose IKlit dau-t.ter H'. d :r ;j:ec: a: ;a--t Mon day ar " wa- : 'tigr.t r.ee i r treatcuent re'nrne.: b ue iat nigbt. tbe iittie cbiid hav.Dk; improvad atd being on the f'.'ad ' . Tr-v. BUS'NESS LOCALS The Coiiinf bot spring a-e cw OfaM. No hateif. bn: the noeat of carrying ground. Hunt ng A Hoafofd, nuan agar. Collint w"4r.. ancSln I: arytn;ng a.if y ir.r na;r, g and w Frajfr . he toe tiead:oarter for all :.a ranie iie. Reaea.ter t:.at be nin ?-.-;. a. :v o: tt.efr goodf. tf CoBamancing f'today. nrt:i fcrther Botie, tr.e o. P.. k N. :: v. r. -ond-trip tiL-ket. Dallat tc Cifcade. for 1. Tr i rate at-: :ef or ' - par.;e ;f ivr or nuore. 6ood for r.n.iayt on y. iagim O 0 Buck, Beirne. ay ! m tr : . nt : a:. n net; '. I 7'r ''.';:. L:::le Ear y BiaMV. .nce tban nave :en er.f.re y cured k; Dj dM c: n : .a.rt . re..- -a. u.er. .. t:.ea i. ars Palk'l F 0 Pr.arraacy. Jan-.ee (Pbita, Eryantv ."'.:?. Lttd. ayt DnWitt'l MTHell Ha. - "a re tjea.ed t:r.n:og -e r. N -?g. He r.ad lofferad year. Dovtort iaiied t: help :.:rr.. 'et i'rW:-,? . Accept n: -.a. ta li r.. C a-Kr Fa. a' I '. Parrnacv. THE CELEBRATED .COIcUlWBIA BREWERY.. AUGUST BUCHLEK. Prop. Of the prod DC ol thll wel.-knoan brewery tbe rc;t-s! 9tateB Hea.:: F.eport for .'nne 1800, fay ; "A tnon BO pat lor brew never enterev tre labeatory of the Darted tatf Health. n-tK-irte. It m a ban :::e y davoii of tne f .i,-ritit trace ai adulteration, bat . B t:.e other band ; t 0J ?xed o tne Vx-st o: malt and ctmii.'eet of bopa. Ite tonic qoallUaa are of the high est and it can be need with the greatest bnerlt an i ati faction by old anc yoc.ng. It ue can confcientionf.y he praacribad hy the phyaiciani a t! tne cera:iitv ;hat a tetter. ptrer or mors ttboMMtl I U-verage could DOl poefip.y oe iound." Bast Second Street THE DALLES. OREGON. -. OS Never Prof. Homer de Morrison r Crandall & Barget ; ealebs b Robes, fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS risl Shrouds Funeral Supplies EMBALMERS Etc. The Daiies. Or. lyon's French Periodical Drops DESIRED KE5LLTS riMTinal R- - wnterfe us a aril. i.i x F n a.e ov Geo. C. B.ase.e r. 3:de or : ffvi.e a.--...-: v.' e"e.n-: Jn; T:ie 1 1 iiie : . a -.ornn.-.sr. female recu-dy . at ur ,r..r .n wka'.e-a-.l Ta: Tir . tt j.iinwt"i -'-h.. ttnnini Cbt tb- Chb h s-a'. a rorn;" 'LI iffcr. now ea.fic've of itnpioTra to tne jr '. tr.e I-w :n-Hodfon Cc Tb, ..r .: r-r-i aawaUas&i first prrecta at. MlTj: ever it. tOfttatKi Tt- wofl I g eataat Trance ClatfTojratit and H-m Ut cul en 'jutt.it aaily no 5;r of if Km: Miirr:.)t i w;tna: donbt c- s .. .... ..... -4.gjs.: si I'iiirn :i. :. "ror.d terday afternoon no:, and w;l. remir. V teUs it tbsae is Btnmt. i 1. or ns on nnti. atondsi vialtinf his mother and irland raabin roc lowin UieaAection at sist-- F- S. GUNNING. . Blacksmith. Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. :n 1L.:. arrived in tbe city on Iron, Steel. Wheels. Axles. Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Dm It l'a t.. i;u.. I heap' Le y.v. ai:re ra. ta:;g..: r.'S:-:-a:it:-- r-erso:.- iev '. ntr. Ha.- r- naaaot bis tevaalcd batbsl c-i -r 'emeitv ;or cougn? an t c:.a -. .. ... - setio aate o::tt no tcre u-.-t;.iL' au -tr i:.-'-"?riii at cii.-e. tnat w... 'e.teve una cure t'.- a. .re e- A IS fa. rig) it, Dat you want something e.:eve ana care t!.r a, ..re ver an : .in2-"'-ns reu:ts ol tnroat and Telephone 1ST Lone Dietetic Hor. Secoii & Laofblifi Sis.. THE LALLES OE, I.ncated ii t'iion. Pattlaaii. Att. 1 T. IhafMitM lOUC trouble. Wl.; aball vuu uo: Go tie Jii.:ri'r..oecuiti!. ..x-atec by vju.ui taeou. . n t.'.r. :rnn: the Beibv rae!t:az tv -.n- Ir. to a wa-mr and more regmar climate Wl;; ... onnlt uOmttt b imeiedJaiasr eora- Ye. ::' poffi-.ue : not pjssi' it- tor yoo. r.-.unt'.'at! or ;-tter Sot- t. it- a Ka.- then ir. e::ner cae takt- the c in: v rem- tor., ttier : :..t --.r.y w The retorts re ady tbat :.as been :r.trodaced in a.. ..- wuatim ""; ,., m .. , .-an; r. taur: :2a: tn--eo.c throat and Inne troot.'ies. ''Bschee'e itoien trom tnt 8aitr Bmalttne Works tu -ir-Gornisn Svrnr,." It no: nn'v hua and 'atil or :tor. by a f-otUnc .e-:u;tit Thi. 9t':n; ).3tes the tines tc dettrov -:.e eiTtd .ast pr " b:- statement- met ge-n. i.-a5f. hut a!. ay ir.San.aiatun. caue eay Wtpectorati'in. give; a g-.v : niifr.-- reft, ai.d e ore ti.e patient. Ir. um. I Ktie, Recommended many yean d'n'k':f in the wo .1 Fa'k an : o .: Liet 'arreL prtic bv al d by C.a-K" a.manac. We offer for a ii'mted period tne t wice-a-wet-s Chhonkle. price $1.50. and tne Wees y O'egociac. p-ice 11.50' i- itr uar-er f S a y-ar ."-'thrcriptionB nndr mi offer mnt be paid in ad vance, t -t. : te..n :.ave jst rccatvac a foil Una o-' ire:. Velox paper and de va ;ir. :;.e -am- a uea ny Mr. Loeick :r. '-f-r.t :-u r ' .; :. JUIiVE rUB rl tLILA I.1 C - Lii.. : :t: Vaaeoover. Waab.! I II IW1. .:'. .- ::.' :z ..-:. ':a:.-- wr:. ..- .; :.-.- of Conerssss Jane- :.::t!i! - Ar. a-: iot the ait- ot tim- : i- . t: : :: tr- -:t- of a::(on.:a ri.r. . Kara : : isbineti cTettitcrr ' aaexteuded proTei tbat tbe storr ol :.. unifss im oi tn-sr.'-. ::.at r. a-itance : : u : r-V. it. re eovenne tne ffoid wa .. t.i- California inven ti"i. tr w;:j:r deftfir.e 'Jre-i'-r. : ;:: elory ' tditor fort.and (MBoatan.i KOnCE F-.'B PUBLICATION. f s. Land Offic-.. Vancouver, v. aar... )u y u. ISD1 Itatiet i- bereby given tbat it. eompliance witi. I be MQI'tBtona of ibe act of ::ffrre o: .'ntie. URB, eutitivc - An so: fat thr Mleof t....w Una in tbe state i altfornin. rwrot.. Ve-.-a.u an: W jhi:.st"t. Terriior. ' a-eiteri.1! ro a.; tne pubiie iand 'tale by a-t o: aug-att i. :-r:.a A K'... ot Fa:. eoant 0? as ate ol North tiakots, ba- :... day Died In Ibis oflice his sworn statement Si l. lor the par- ..!' I :r.- . :.- and :. d ;'. . aW4 ; :: Tt i N i. '. E. an-: wil! offer prool t.. aow that me lati tongbt i tv.-i'- vsluabie for its timber or stoue tbi I - icriealtuo t':rt..ej. and tf emab;i-r hi- elain hi ud iand before tr.-reg;t- it.: re-e:--- oi ::.: ofSeeatVan Wesbingtoti .'ii'irMtay. tae lOtbdar PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakerv. and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer Was War ilm Mil d He :. Annie 0 H y. iia.. H ad Lt Amo ParW -tat..- . : ;.. tr.;- ortie- I ttte mi re .-.. ind sE 4 o! N : - : er;. : Jl . !r tne uaeoftnc Xn rfaei : In Tp S tN h K W y. ai.a will offer prooi n shw t: . : . -.: : . nt: : more vsiua.0.- : : :t. UmtMt or itone thai, for atrtoultu-a! part e ... establish m Blabn 'aid iand ia;for ti.e Register and heceiver ol IbUoAea at V"o- tr, Raab. oi. Wtinx:ay tbi '.::. a: Ana .-t. t'i H- names .- witnesses H -rne" ; said .and i.i' k la reels ler and : Ibis ofneeat Vancouver. Wasm etor..'-: Th is-'-.a. . the 10th day ol letobet MM H. name- t- v.;:.,-..e- Fjn A . Annie -1 H. Mao.sv of Fargo. V l.. an-t . Hyf tnd i. mitt. ; :. ;ea- tt a-i. At. AnnieO !;. Maetaj . f rare- eoant! f as, stale of Sort:. Dakota, baa lbl day n.u In this office her sworn :..:.. : : No .-.-. . for the r irei.a- : trie :::..-..-. i-ter iK - ..f li. m Tr I N. h t fc and will otter - f t. v tna: sr.- . t. : - ..' i: . r.. re va.uar.ie : r Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi ?n kin Headauarters for Rolled Grain. ai kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, 0" Heaaquarters fcr "Byers Best" Pendle- ! . id G Ma- .- ..:. ! a' N V.. and iti.b LU - ab .. ..t- lb itement N f : NK.-'A... NK-4. ' I ' r (,' D t-)l ton Flour Wa se: oar Koxi .i.w and Be' i-ur rirn.e am Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats This Floor i manufactured expre.y for familj :-e . everv sack i truaranteed t give sat isiactiari. We set. oar voods lower than any bonaa in tne trade, and 1: yon don't Uunk ao call and ge' i-ur pnrMB and iie i.-onvincexi. v. . I .itn K. r. Kooantoo sod lu 'imaer or mom iban tor aanealtor-j pur- I! . 1. arrett : of ! -rt.and ": Anv and all person.- ciaimiag adverselr tne 1-- nbed lan Is are .-e-.'i-r-teo t. r..e tneir c latest u ::.. ".. e o: or before sain Xttb lay oi a-;1..: . . . jun: let w ! :' NhAfc K-ri.ne: TIMLMh LAN D SOTIOI. C S. laind OBii:. ancouver. W ait. )etl s. ran. otie .- r.eter; giver tna: ir. comp!:an 1 itn tne p.- --m--u- of sn- ae: i I ongNas of nne ...-. enSltiiti An : .' : the lei of .:. ;.. tu- -t.,: . a.i.'o-r.ia 'reeor. Nevada a:.-: V ..-iiLlon Te:-:t..r:. a.--X ended t. pabli land states br aet of Ae ist rnoms- ' i.omats itt' '..--.nt ' a3 iat- tr;- perebaas lb ou!r. naif norlheatt onarse si . ind .;. ..4.' nortbwast tw:--r im .'. .: ibii 4 n -rti. ranae ! east, tt M . . eita....4t. r.e- n.aicr. t. '.i..: uinO tefiJte tn- ree.'te: Tel.. of this oflW at .ncouver washinfton. on Tbarada; tbe i-tn daj of Qatobai. '. '. ane names- a wiine fiavid G Msclav n:.'rsnA ba. : Kara N P. sod Eoocc Ha;.e and Lfon smitr. ..' l.n ra- tt a... Any and all psissaii claimine ad eraal she ar..i-.e-de-rined a. id- 1 r-.. .-1 led u Hie loefr elaims ib tfcl-off: e fstutu sat ; let:, da: : 'CI iti-r. I,: lnr V. R pOMSAK. iter. iter. N'.'TICE Fii: Pt BL1C4TI0K. La...: 'ft .: Vanr.n-.-. tt nr. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS They overcome Weak naaa. irrepuiuriry and oiniviioDh. increase eij- or nij': lan:.-)ii "pairi of menstrtwtion " They a-.- " LIFE SAVEK" - to gins a: W Oi nam hood, nidinrr dereiopmtnt of orpani and bxlv. No known remade fur women equal th-m. Cannot do harm life beeomea a pleasure. 1 . M PER V MAIL, .sold by tirugiristb. I U. MoTT'S CilEMU AL CO., Cleeelan 0 For sa.e by Garj C. B.ak-'jev. Tr.e Dal lea, r unnuer kaoaraloas t. tne Goaaa Only bO tor the round trip from iisrsb rl : that the ini The Dellee to Lane Baach, Tioaa, Pacific itc North l'aa :.. i.a.- ibi d-.j filsd mace final proof in rop or: ,, bis e.ai:. and Park. Ooaao 1'arfc of Nahcitta. Wash.. tr.- iwon itoteasaai Ho. art for mat said proof srill b made before the Kseiler a ... B inm K'.llJ I.JI IC.UI II .lljhll .Try.. u, je'i. tLsfBare checkad thr uitt. ti deetioa tion. Tne steamer T. J. Potter will leave purtiand da: y BlCapt rumiay and .'. in iay, and. :he Hasaaio dauy saoapl unday, at h p. u... and 10 p, in. on Saturday a, making diracl o nnactioosal Astoria and at Ilwaco 'or a!, poiataon .. I. i more . ,. ;t.. aine- .: ;t.ae- , tan: Ian . u: Uk mi. ofhe : Vam a -7th day of oct-;h.: ISDI Me name Ibe loth Mayea. leviS U Haix irl: smiln.a!. if LtiCl Ai. and all saisosu Bboeedaaeribed at.d- ClalTIS In lbl. Ofhee OK OeK he: 1901 ItrlO-Mw tt Hit iand kOOni - lions tr...: lot uoi.b hi. otaigi snd assei sr if : M .;.'l4; !n- . . - w.:tie ..:. tt :. Li aU'l w ash ns: an ! KMOtver ot tne I a Laud ufbee at Van ami sr W ain11.3r.on us. Tuesday, epiestcarr la.'t vu Ira b. Hewett :.- .e v 0 Washington, irkn atailf B E N I for In- MMStb baif of n-.rthwest qbsrter, a i0 e-t calf of Ktu'lisssi quartet of twen'.v-uiie t-.wKnir tr.ie n -rrn ra - te. e:isr. tt x. H- imna the f....nw:ne :'.ri-e- t. pr .. ::.-: day il pi si. a i. Resiatsi NOflCK FOB PCBUCATION mtm i' ij-rea.Jence ni-on aud anon ., , of -a.'! . :.d vi- w ins '.son eaen of Buauo P. O.. wasblnf I. I. I j j tt I: DI'Msak on .'a lreiani!. aei,- i t,e Iia . fir tbroQfb. time card to hi baacti points. j 'S-2w our r m e Shows the state of your foelingi and the state of yoot btaltb (al Vail. la. jure h.cK- i mak- itsei: apparent in a pa.e and sallow cou.p.exion. Pimp las and r?Kin Eruptions. If yon re feeling weaK and worn out and du not have a baaltb appearance you ei.ould try Acker'n Blood Eluir. It cur all b.ood disea wnore cneap arsaparilia aiid so called purifiers fail; knowinj; thi- we se . every teittle "n a positive jjuaraiitte. L.aaeity tn- drugi'.. Lih't OfflCI ar Thi. Usllbi Ob July M. ial. I Ni.siee .- r.-reov g: .ei. tna: me (::...? IMliied ."tt.-- na.- n.eO uotiee of bli inietil. u. ! loaae : s..'.af in -.l i- :: of ni- i.ti... and that Mid pll Of Will la maxie t-ifore tXje hev'.ite- and Heeeivsr al In- Iialle jrwti on Men day, septatuber B, IfSil. Vfei. t rant la l. I.iifrr. of Ucwier. 'never.. H K N' 'AH IB lb t . (KHsndE! -i r TiH. RUE, ! H- iim In- follwwio; a itneaaw h nr.. . ... eontinnoBs reanieuce m-o: ami swtlivafaaa oJ iaid land, rts Lba. a. acn'in H J MbIst and fwlls aehsn bo of The PaUes, Oregon and alien Rakarta of Muaiar, orejr in jit: jay r U i aj itiste: 1'. T. T nOfB Mi Sun.terv:lie. A a., "I watt surferinu from dyspepsia a pen I i- :i ineuceo takine Kodo. L -i-eoeia lie, from indigeation. Ko.lo! I'rspepaia Cure. 1 took serera bottles and sea Don't bn satiafied witi temp -ary re- ef fruu. ilidlgeSUon. K-i-lo. I'v-p.p-ia Cure permanent. and COmplataly se- SunOS fl: PUBLICATION. LaMfc 'rr.ti at . h . PatXM .Of Ju , .-. !a-: N :.-. i- ..ere:--, is. -l. thi: thr Mii..r;. t- ualpro.ii i movaa this complaint, it reiievee per- ajure is tiie on. v preparation cootainibi; a' .. manantlt tseean. it a..ows the tired .!i tha oatorai d.gaative fioida. It g,ee. Biomacn iriect rem. I'letinv; aou s weak stomachs entire rest ,n""" ' Tnasafsaoa t t st.siuaci4. Nature raoaiwat sup- ... T. .. IIIa. i... If B V.. i..w .... SI ' Si , ' . t - ,1 1 N 8 E tt ii - p;ie from the food we eat. The sensible p i, Puarmacy. li- :.i Uo lollOWlQB Wlthe I" pfOVS ,. ... Ll. n,a lr.m.r.l. ,a . L'.l.., bi conUnu '.- rsaidsncs upon and cuilnat.oi. "r --- --" ul aid land luiipepsia Cure, which digests what von :,: - :,?.' ; o "f. l-r:;JJr"- aod w t U aefislai Ciarke talk e r. U. Pnaraiacy. digest aoytbini Kodo. Dfanapaia restoring their natural condition. Clarke A talk's Clarke A rata have received a canoed of the celebrated James K Pattoa strictly unre liquid painte WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Barden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers, If you are in need of anything in our line, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-. TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All order? entrusted to us will have Hi Lu (.ill SEXTON ( WALTHER, THE DALLES. - - - OREGON. T1tT t Tyt:titii n.J tiinHm'UXii'ia 0i j i.jxjlji xu taiiLaXXJAt- ft t The Dalles, Or The Chronicle, Job Printers. J Nl l ? ? I i SB I I IT"TT.1TTTT TTTT1 1TTT I 5 I l't milTITHI't ITTTt TT'fTTYfl lllllU firiT YOUR KIDNEYS. After VO0 tire of onlne so-caiid kidnv remedies without any lienetit, use L-Jicolr. Sexual P;ll" and be forever rid of those null pains in your back. Discard tbat o.d fopy i lea of "pain in the kidneys" and have &.. von? b. adder ar.d urinary troubles cure and yonr Dignta tuade raatfnl bv the ne of uati -j i gieatest aatistanl L.ncolr. Sexual Pills. I'r'ce, $1,00 per hos buy o: yourdrugti-t orset.t i v tuail on receipt of iiriee. in f iain ratr. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY JO. Fort Wayne InrLana. II. ' Donnell, afant, The Dalies. snuiiinii4ii.. aa ea-a-ra ia-r ra :a a.-a rjiAaa. tAa.aa.aa'a ia:a'i, 5 ' I I C. d. STUBLIG, ll'jl.K I t AUD RBT, Wines, Liquors Cigars I Family Orders will receive prompt attention. 4 I ufirliiii Pltees ; bsai i i t . i ,,o l . Next door to First National Hank. THE DALLES, OREGON. .nnr.r.r.rirn. r . i.ki . c ) J. E. FALT & CO., j of "Tne Owl." Purest Liquors for Family Use V 9 Delivered to any part of tlie Citv. I er Pboaai . 51 L'-ical, I a Second Street. t Long Distance.