The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 30, 1901, Image 3

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Boys do wear out shoe? "to beat the
that will look decent, hold together, and
and they arc the
Calf Lace Shoes, 2i
,'s' Kangaroo Calf Shoes, to 5$
Boys' Seal Grain SEAMLESS Shoes, 2 to 5
Same, sizes 12 to 2
Boys' Box Calf. Leather
Same, sizes 12 to 2
Calf Shoes, 12 to 2
'alf Shoes, 2 to 51
All Heavy Extension Sole.
Don't get discouraged trying to keep the boy in shoes. Try a pair of ours.
3f v i
The Dalles Daily Chroniele.
AUG. 30. 1901
I Ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All County warrant reentered
prior to October 17, 1 K!K. wtll e paid
on presentation ut my office. Interest
ceae a.'ter utruotI3, 1 i0 1 .
Coauty Treasurer.
The 1 'regon Stereoptican Lecture Co.
Saturday night, Aug. 31, at the Vogt.
Tut W. C. T. U. convention will be
neid a: Wasco on September.'nh or 10th.
Forecast Tonight and Saturday,
9&owr- and thunderetorms ; cooler Sat
urday. Coral "-aturday night and have some
tiling to talk about Sunday. At the
Toe Union Meat Company will ship
1500 head ol sheep to Trotitda.e tomor
row on tiie Dalles City.
All pointl of Oregon visited in ninetv
minutes, with a vocal guide while you
wait. August 31et at the Vogt opera
Saturday afternoon the ladies of the
Lutheran church will have on sale at L
0. N'ickelaen'l store, cakes and rye
oread, alto cut flowers.
The bom alone are worth double the
Pnca admiaiion, but the Oregon Ster-
'.are Co. ie traveling ijr its
MgitQ, At the Vogt tomorrow night.
The condition of Mr. J. F. hoot, who
inflating with appendicitis, is about
M reported yesterday. It is not thought
wimble to ptrform
an operation as
Mai rgi has set the pace and ie hav
'&Ka Dew eidewa.k bui.t in front of the
WBr location ol The Dalies National
" Who'JI be the next to take up
In sidewalk rjooglioa.
lam Wilkinson recently purchased
'Mold -iraith lot, ad fining Tom lias
M I reaidtnot and will soon commence
a Mai modern residence thereon, which
I Id much to that block.
It fit I
" uat a iubs thev
'randpa 'AbJUt
A(jJ"' Daniel going
make about it,
what, Saliey?"
into the lions'
, J K'less it must have been the
wcucoi tnev
ever saw.
I t. A b ...
""runt, wtuch greets ones nostrils
- - iwreuriiiv i.u r.i . . i , o . i
A. I)
"-u.n vu iu u. r. ix
uiikirfia i. i . .
iu leant, doi me
10 I-revent
Something should be done ;
the newer, which empties
To Beat
band," and
don't cost
We llave the Right
Best SI
to be had anywhere for th
to o.!
Lined Shoes, 2 to
there, calling one's attention so ioudiy as
they pass. It sine'ie to heaven, but
mortals down .here get the benefit before
it reaches there.
Finest collection of tinted views of the
North west ever shown . Come and learn
of your state, at the Vogt Saturday
night. The thermometer says 91 today. Tem
perature, however, often depends on
temperament, and everybody decides
that question for himself, no matter
what the weather man says.
Rev. H. H. Wykoff, of San Francisco,
has 'phoned he will be here and speak
in the Congregational church Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock. He will also
speak at Hood River in the evening.
Patrona of Dr. (ieieendortf'er, who met
Miss AbOie Miiis during her short stay
here in the capacity of trained nurse,
will be pleased to learn that she will re
turn about September 10th and resume
her position in his office.
We have heard of the "House Boat
on the Styx," but The Dalles has a veri
table house on the sticks being built on
the side of the rocky knell back of the
Christian church and apparently resting
on wooden legs. It would be a Bplendid
place ior an observatory.
Wednesday night while riding horse
back down Chenowith creek. Roy Mans
was thrown oft' and bis horse kicked
him, inflicting a bad bruise. Dr. Fergu
son went down and attended him, dis
covering he was not injured seriously.
He was brought hume yeste'day and is
getting along nicely.
Our watermelons can t be beat, as any
one aril I declare who visits the patches
near loan. Wl ile the valley melonsare
planted in damp soil and soaked the
season through, ours grow on the eides
of rolling hills, without any irrigation,
and, feeding on the sunlight, are finer
and sweeter than any others can possibly
be. This year's crop is a dandy.
This morning the committee decided
to build the stables for cattle southeast
of the race track, on the tad leui an
place where a pond is situated in winter.
There will be Sou feet of cattle bedl
and 600 feet of stables for race horses.
Trie grand etand, which aril! seat over
500, wi I be built on the south side of the
track. Work will be begun on lheee
buildings Monday.
Mrs. Oerald Wen of Mosier was se
verely injured in the face and shoulder
in a runaway accident Monday after
noon. She and her 1 L'-year-old son
were going down the east grade of the
Moeier hill when their team started to
run. M's. Weis jumped, but her son
held to the lines til! the team, came to
a stop going up the opposite hill.
Hugh Gourlay, editor of The Dalles
Chronicle, is sojourning at present by-
the seaside. It ie
said he proposes to
stay until he gets tne accumulatioi ol
siav until m
.ii i
. ... j i i
ecaiee auu ciiri removea urn nae oeen
gathering on hie cuticle during the past
year eo when he returns home be may ,
il seems
too much.
hard t' find a
I 50
. .. AAA
be known as the new man. Leader. If
that 's the case what about the editor of
the Leader and others who remain at
home ?
M. J. Anderson, who is In the city to
day from Dufur, in speaking of the ap
prehension concerning the failure of
grain in that neighborhood, says the
people were more scared than hurt ; the
crops were never better, uor so good.
He says if it hadn't been for that little
frost that frightened everybody todeatn.
the farmers would have been compelled
to rent land from other counties on
which to stack their grain.
It is the intention of the committee on
attractions to have an Indian day at the
fair, when Lo will be bias tiee. The In
dians were not the least of the attrac
tions last vear, a fact which they seemed
to fully appreciate, and no doubt they
wiil have no objection to coming in
larger force this year. Beside, arrange
ments are being made to heve Indian
races for men, women and children,
with special prizes for each. This can
not fail to be a winning card.
On aturday, Aug. Mist, the Iso
lator will leave for Portland one hour
ahead of time, or 'J p. a. instead of
:! e. M.
W. 0. Ail km k, ien. Agt.
A party coneistina of F. W, Hickey, of
Washington, D, C, W. C. Staata, Misses
E. White. Mabel Nome and Maud Aine
wurth, came up from Portland last night
and early this morning made the trip to
Wishram, the Indian village on the
Waehiugton side. Mies White is the
official photographer for a New York
art journal and is procuring Indian pic
tures. It will be remembered that Mil
White reached the top of Castle Rock
with the party who climbed it a week
ago. Her house boat is still anchored
The fruitmen are waking up to their
opportunity and have decided Commis
sioner D'jbcl, shall not want for good
fruit to exhibit at the Pan-American
exposition. A lew days since W. If.
Taylor sent a crate of handsome prunes
as did also A. Anderson. Kmlle Schan
no forwarded a crate to him today. Only
those wiio have attended a like exposi
tion realize what il meane to Mr.
Pooch who s besieged each day with
visitors wanting to see what is new from
Oregon to be remembered by our fruit
men. The express charges are paid
heieaud a receipt is given eo that the
state will refund charges.
A. A. Bonney, the Wasco county stock
inspector, returned Monday from a trip
to Antelope and Tygh Valley. In the
Antelope country Mr. Bonney found the
range horeee badly affected with the
(range, lie aaye ttie stock m en win nave
to build vata and dip the horeee like
eheep in order to rid tne animals of the
disease. The presence of mange among
the range horses of Wasco county, says
Mr. Bon Bay, undoubtedly came from
contract wit h the Indian ponlea, which
are very fou! with the disease on both
the Warm Spring and StttCOO reserva
tions. Mr. Bounty reports the wheat
crop In Wasco county to be the best for
years, ami the prospects are that t lie
Parol en will receive good prices for their
In yesterday's CltROMtCLI "Svdney
Melbourne'" called attention to the fact
that William Rogers l.ord is desirous of
visiting The Dalles schools upon his re
turn to Oregon and giving the bovs and
girls a lecture on "Birds." Kvery
parent and teacher as well as our citi
zens In general, should encourage his
coming. As a community w know too
littie about the birds, giving them abso
lutely no thought. As a consequence,
and from the fact that they have been
: thought ol only as prev, the birds of the
United States have decreased forty per
cent in the last ten years. Visitors to
this coast remark upon the scaicity of
bird life here, ami it certainly is to be
regret ted. The bovs should be taught
to love these beautiful aongetera instead
I of Cona'derirjg them legitimate prey for
their sling shot. A visit from Mr. Lord
would do much in tins regrd not only
among the vounger boys, but older as
well, making the study of them a de
light. Let us encourage his coming.
The Paaatoa Play.
The biograph pictures of the Passion
Play of Oberammergau at the First
Methodist church last night brought out ;
one of the largest crowds which has at-
; tended an entertainment in the city this
year. Preceding the pictures Miss Bu
chanan rendered Mr trt's "Minnette '
Upon the violin and in response to an
encore rendered Schumann's "Trail
merei." The entertainment will be re
peated tonight with the addition of
forty seven views from "In Ilia Steps."
The evening was enthnsiastical.'y en
joyed by all present. T' e Wyoming
Tribune, Cheyenne, July 29.
At the Methodist church in this city
September '.id.
Advartlaod Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain- J
ing In the postottice at The Dalles un
called for August 30) 1901. Persona
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised :
Adams, G A
Baker, J H
Ciansey, A M
Chenowith, H I.
Daiss, Wilhelm
Foster, .1 T
Failing, Stella
Hulbert, J M
Hannah, Self
Martin, Sie
Mills, W E
Put., Maggie
Short, Lottie
Vanderhost, Cash
Woolsey, Harry
J. M.
Ackerman, Lillian
Brown, Rodrick
Compton, ) i
('ramer, Louise
Dashell. Mrs. Geo
Flood, Creed
I iilliam, S R
Hausen, Harold
Hildebrand, Jake
Matlock, Rufua
Meucie, Tin
Robiuaon, G W
Wall, Jennie
Woodward, Fred
Williams, Charlotte
For kI.
1000 acres more or less lying on the
Columbia river about seven miles from
The Dailes. About 100 acres of river
bottom the rest good upland suitable
for fruit and pasture. One of the best
dairy or milk ranches in the county ; a
small house : good barn ; some orchard
and plenty of water. Also other town
and county property. Apply to Gibona
V Man'en. Masonic building Third
street. iQgSO.lm
An old gentleman wishing to retire
from active life is desirous of selling his
farm of 180 acres, with fair four-roomed
house ; small barn and other outbuild
ings, well fenced. 30 acres of summer
fallow, some timber. Six miles from
Dufur, twenty miles from town, will sell
on easy terms. Ior furtner particulars
call or write Hudson A BrownhlUt The
Dallas, Oregon. ' BUgdQ-30
Do you want to secure a nice home in
the moat deal rable part ol the city '' if
you do,' we can suit yen, We have a
aplendid six-room modern cottage on
Fourth street equipped with all the
latent improvements, and will be sold
for a good deai less than its duplicate
can be built for. If you art? looking for
a bargain do not fail to see thili lor
further particulars write or call on Hud
son 6l Browrihiii, The Dalles, Or. a29-30
i'or Inlants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears; tho
At The Dalles hmployment Office; g
plaee where von can procure help with
out cost or trouble. Mail or phone
V t&'Hgf, Kki.i.kv,
a28-lmdNiW Manager.
gOf Kut.
A five-room cottage on Federal atreet.
Apply to Mrs. M. (.'. .Stone.
...The New York Cash Store...
I3S and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Special in
See our Sbow Window.
New Grocery Store
W have added a Grocery Depart
ment D our Btore. A new fresh,
clean stock. Give ns a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
Tot lanaea Night Alarm.
"One night my brother's baby was
taken with Croup," writea Mrs. .1. C
Snider, of Crittenden, Ky.,"it seemed
it would strangle before we OOU Id get a
doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New
Discovery, which gave quick relief and
permanently cured it. We always keep
it in the house to protect our children
from Croup and Whooping Cough, It
cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble
H at no other remedy would relieve."
Infallible for Coughs, Colds. Throat
and Lung troubles. BOO and $1.00. Trial
hottles free at (i. C. Blakeley's drug
store. .'!
Won the I mud.
1 desire to say to the people of The
Dalles that I, J. D. Oirdner, of Portland,
won the piano which was awarded me
Upon presentation of ticKet -'0Hti. Hav
ing no use for a piano I have instructed
Mr. Gumberl to dispose ol same at any
reaMinahle price. Parties interested
may call and examine piano at Gum
bert's Leading Cigar and Tobacco
house aug-O-tf
Why not spend the vacation at Ya
quina bay, where can be had excellent
fare, good fishing, good boating, safe
battling, alluring rides and rambles,
The cooraea and exercises at the summer
school of 1901 at Newport will afford
trreat variety of instructions, diversion
and entertainment. No other resort
offers eijual attractions and like advan
tages. JOB I I -tf
Hudson A Drownhill have a few
houses for rent rooms from four up
price ft; a month and up. These prop
erties are in good location! and partial
desiring good homes for the winter ctn't
do tetter than to call on the above gen
tlemen at their office on Washington
itraetj or tee J. H. Jackson who will
gladly show yon the property.
I- or "laie.
Twenty head of horses, ranging in
weight from 1100 to 1400 pounds. All
baiter-broken , and some broken to work
Apply to Rtraube Brothers, Ludcrsby,
Oregon. jly Jo Dnw
Moki lea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indignation and conatlpatlon, A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
00m plexion, OF mOIMy refunded. 88 cte
and otj els. Blakeley, the druggist.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a poailive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distiese after eating
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 2o cte
and M Ctl i Blakeley, the druggist.
A full line of Kastman films and sup
plies juet received by Clarke A Falk.
You will not have boila if vou take
Clarke & fralk'e etire cure loi boils.
School Opens Sept, ojli
ArrangementH have been made with
to act ai agent for handling of the new
; school booke. He ih authorized to make
the exchange any time between Sept. I
and January 1 . SOknglw
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third anil WashinKton Sta.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phono 41(1!. Local, 102.
OileMtlon AllMwereil.
Yes, August fTloWOriMll has the largest
sale of any medicine in the civih.ed
world. Your mothers and grandmother!
never thought of using anything else for
indigestion and biliouaneai. Dootori
were lOkroe and thev seldom heaid of
appendiuitla, nervum proatration or
heuit failure, etc They used August
Flower toenail out the -vslein and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action "1 th" liver , stimuUte the
nervous and organic action of the sys
tem, and ttiat is all they look when feel
ing dull and bad with hcadach.-H ami
other achee. You only need a few doses
of Green August Flower, in liquid
form, to make you satisfied there ie
nothing terlona the matter with vou,
Oet Grweu'a prise almanac. Clarke a
Falk's. 1
En flesei of BOUgh or croup give the
lithe one Mne MiOUtC Cough Cil'e. Then
rent. Miy and have no lear. The child
will be all right in a little while. It
never fails. PlMMQl tO take, always
aafl Hire and almost instantaneous in
effect, Clerked Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
II the action of my bowels is not Ml
and regular serious complications must
be the BOOl rOIOUi PlWUt'l Little
Karly Kisers will remove this danger,
riafe, pleasant and effective. ClaikeA.
! Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
When your hair appears dry ami to
have lont Us vitality it. wants something
; to give it life and vigor. We have what
tlie hair neede when il gets n Mutt con-
jdltion. Wetiave the Crown uf
Science II a i r tftifaitiigu irowei ii ii d
CnCOnO Qt 1 'reamH Wr Tonic. They
will cure dand MP roll and all
1 scalp diseases. I'or sale at Kramer's har-
: her shop Price 50c and Tin a bottle.
Gilford's FotOB Never Fade.