1 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FKIHAV 1901 a 000) OPPORTUNITY. Inception ami WteCOtiOt of IOf ficiently comprehensive plant w.. enable the commissioners I a inks '.lit Lewis and Clark centennial in I90o the turning point in Oregon's history. Conditions are ripe for tbe develop ment of tbe s'.atc's resources l t this tine tbev have been merely prospected. Oregon is a terra ioCOgttiU '. eastern people, excepting a venturesome soall Who bave lakei their lives In their ban en I C a i to tbe fsr we?', to explore tbe terrors. Some of these have return i '. '.be east '. rv.-.:e Dtbl stories tbe delights of chmate and tbe marvels of productiveness to be found ir. Vict, ju. a Kiwm .. .1- , . .. . . gone back to tueir homes :o tell exaggerate : st tries of their imaginary encounters w:tL w;..i beasts and despera.ioes and to throw romai :u cast ever what is in rxary regards tbe easy an:! inconspicuous life of tbe I tregoniaos. If tbe surplusage of population in tbe east is to be induced to come to Oregon tometbing must be done to encourage them to explore this region Doubtless there are many wb. w u'..i fee; less timid about venturing to come here if they were assure .: that countless thousands of others are comin and that they would share in tbe surety of number?, safety from tbe dangers arising from the presence here of scalping Indians, desperate, shooting men and vast stretches of country where no one lives. The preliminary work of tbe Lewis and dark commission in very large part will .be to advertise this state tn the east. They must make known the pleasures to be enjoyed m viewing beautiful and eran : scener ies, tun town and majestic river?; tbe immunity from clangers of all kind excepting thoie incident to ordinary travel : uu:i tbe opportuni ties awaiting the man who come here determined to carve out a pro?jierirv for himself. Oregon is in the toation of a merchant who has desirable goods and who need oi.lv to mi.rit.- his wares knon to command patronage. Oregon need more people" wa the pertinent remark of Governor Geer recently, and if the Lewis and Clark conotueioners properly adver tise the centennial many of the needed '.jeople will be induced to come to this state. The opportunity presents itself. It remains witn the conim issior. to crasj it. A great duty rests upon them Their action w;i; determine the de gree of activity it I ireaor. that will follow the great exposition. K. I 1 ut: sat. A' dPPtl Mrs. Carrie Na'.ion tLe oilier day boarded a itssnbost. She invaded tbe iscred preoiootl of (be mei.. and her nos'.rils wt-re reg.iied w.:L the aroma 0: more or less tine otMri, .She went around tooog the suioKers. snatchioe cigar! from Ibfl men's mouths, until she arrived in front of a man who refused to be coerced in to breaking '.he tobacco hah::. When Mr;. Nation attempted to wr. p . his cigar from between Lis teetn. he tapped her none too gently on tin side of the head. Aunt Carrie then subsided and sought tbe woman's cabin. Tne press of tne country has bec-n discussing tu- propriety of ibii man's actions ever since, by some editors he is looked upon as a brute because he skipped a woman. a '.ne i.tmana News : by others he is uraised of re- puising in the only possible manner an av.uLK ol ins freetiom of aciioi.. The truth of (ba matter seems to be that twoirrespon,,,,, and ill-bred arsons seem to have come together, and as usual, created a scene. Mrs. Nation may perhaps be ex- cused to a certain extent oy the fact that she is a crank, and cranks arc always more or less mentally unsound. Tbe man. however, had DO excuse for acting as he did. No mat, ly man Will strike a woman under any cir cumstances. He COO Id have walked away, or be could have calied the officer of the boa: ard ba 1 Mr. Nation ejected be had no rich mit. a ruaoe n v si a ss99 t ( v ; Clarke A Fa.t Sav.-i-mc extras art? tne hes:. Ask JfOO' si' xer for :hetn. P.. B. Gilbrath & Sons ail! keer at all time a sopply o: hay. gram and reed which tliev will ret:! at lbs ...wes: oi.i'set rate. jSsVU Why pay t. " pe. ga. on tor inferior paints wber. you can bay Jamas E. Pat ton's son rroo: paints for 11.50 per ca" -l. guaranteiKt for y-ars. Cars A Fu.ii. agent, ml Acker's English Rented? will stop a ra aab a: ant time, and wii. ".ire tbe ort eo in twelve boors, or money re 5 CIS. and " Ct. I'lakr v, ag-iist. .: yor. wan: t: retain your n bave to kp yonr scalp clean arill make your Lair :.. . you crispy. Now we bave two oi tbe ve-y bast preparations for cleansing :nv seal) Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It sri . leave voor nair soft and gloasv. Price, S6 ana 5'' cents a bottle, at Frazer ? barber jiiop. The lu lea. t: Tne White Collar line. Bailey Gatiert, w:.l salt tbtOOffa roandttlp ticsets to Seaside and return, rickets good going from Portland over -.:,e Wbita Collar line. I P. A .'. Co.. V. X. Co. or tne A. k C. E. P.. ani return over saa.e ones. Baigage checked direct to either North Beacb, beav ew, Lng Beach. Breakers. 0-."ean F irs or Nahcotta. Limit of ticket vu:tu,oer loir.. J. M. Fi.,oon. ager. i. r ior acii sr. Won wi;. core wind chapping urn. Maau. tcturec by C arse Fa ."e on sa.e a lull .ine brnabas. I nain: jQiI 9 9 3 3 9 3 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Take them to day and youll be well to morrow. Baldwins Cold Cure Tablet o2JB (Cold in head ) 3 9 O 9 O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 MoCureoPdv?5c 9.. n4 (' P-e fir ; t 94 m4it jid by C.arkt OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM September 23-28. 1901 Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair : STOCK S Good RACING in Afternoons. the aies: Allreolions in New Audttariam Building Every Evening, wr.:. Good .Music - . .. DuauuiQi v4bp uroaaag tr Rgtas no ( gmport' Tiokats. "l'.'ia. Come and bring our iauii iea. j, g RAILROADS For furtlier ptrmhlf( uMr M D, Wl&VOM aec laoglm Portland. Orejon, On Sept. hakespeare, I i Atala in r cc i tav Dore. Union and Second Street. Local Phone 92, regulator LifjE. Dalies. Ponianfl & flsioria NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT OAK STREET DOCK. PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. an.' 11 P. M. ...Portland Boat... THE DALLES a: " :00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. I At I V EXCEPT SUNDAY STUMERS LATOR, DALLE? CV RELIANCE. A.WAT, '.ieneral Aaent. Tne Da'.'.e. Oregon. Si. Diary's Bcaaemy T'nder the direction of the Sisters of the Hol Names o Jesis and Mary. THE DALLES, OREGON. Thu cititti 01 :- .t-.i'j-.i'. - iltnatr'i near na Coltuni ia on ta Uoa of tna o h K. Co hence i: i easy of aeeess ior ail thiMewbode tt t. tsnun a osBfortable home an: a prog I -. -.-a: .-rarning (o tnetr danghton or mm- Tee i.atior. : academy i one oi ..-:.".'..: ..-.ii.'.r.v ' ;. I..-.- Paui:.. :r..- t .j-- ion oi Oregon being proverbial ior ita pure ..iter, bracing air. ami picture) .- wmniji .u.t.k-.vy mo rtraie.i ,ir. : 1 ::.k1 bv .ita:-- to r.ie: Academic honors Board and tint:, t. t-r acboUstic vea:. HSO t :dte oe resu::.ei Tueslay. Teptembet, 41b ' ' dataitetf iniotmatton apply t. the -uter qnstiot lugUMa John Pashek. The Tailor. Has jaai received lM(i 'aaopies o: tt.tr iaies: pa'.te.'u- in Gent's CI :ning 'ioods. H- ifuaran tee price and a good :.: cr no nay. : John Pashek. The Tailor. Tne BALDWIN RESTEURBHT VT. II ION ,iu lBr. First-yass 19 Ejery fespot. fn?all at All t?oars. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. Tne tame alvavi SOppiitd est in tne u.arKe:. with t lie t rront near CoOfti Tha !:ie. FRENCH cte CO., BANKERS. .-...art a 6er.er: Eatlt B ..-v.T- ,': Credit issued available ii. ..'. Eettern Mates. st n 7t anr) Tkilora r.t, i. ransfer eold on New Yorfc. Chicagxi, t. Louis. san Fraoeiaco, Portland Ore- jun, .-Nraiue ai... inn various point IB 1 irgon and Wasnington. Collection made at all poiuls on (av- orahle terms. C.ark 4 Fala are never coeed honday. T)on't forget this. I mm 7th will be presented to my customers complete in one volume, bound in Mor- larcre llm volume, IH. T. White Collar Line. me Daiies-Portianfl Route StT. BAILEY-GATZERT. DAILY ROUXD TKIP. Except Monday, Cascade Locks. Hood River. White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD ! Leave Portland 7 a.m. Arrive Tne Da'Ies S r. m. Leave " 4 Arrive Portland .10 " Meals the Very Best. rS"-.:nday Tri: I .-. Leading Feature. r..:- I.n'.te bas the ';-aniier: Bcatiie Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. -TAHOMA.- Dally Pound Trip? except unday. TIME CARD Leave Por:iand Leave Astoria If, .in iiuc am! ofriee F'Hit o: Aide Portlani mm: : cott prtonei. M 35 'Oregon. E. W. CRICHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. PILLOON, Agt. The Dalies, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. Yellowstone Park Line. THE U1XTXG t AF. BOt'l c. FBOJi PORTLAND TO TEK EAbT TEE ONLT DIREtT LIKE TO THE BTOKS PARK .. ''.V- lie. UiijiC;::. nniii;: i:- aaarvi. No. ItM t. M. So. 3. -j A M. No. i. Faa: mat: for Taeoma. seattiv olvciDia. ',mv Hartor a:;d soutii bend fjint.-. sp-'Kauv. ho- land. b. c, Pnllman, Miwcow. Lemstoi.. bui 1J A. M faioHump miningeour.- lie.ftitt. Minneup, IU, St. Fan.. Omiha. Kama ' uy. it. Uui. ' oieatv. and al. p.)iufe :aa'. and loathaaaiC So Vmik: sound Bxptsas 30 P. II. for neoma and seast.i acd lntermtUiat: p,jiLt- Fuliraan first-Claaa in.i t.mrut s;epen to y.:uuy.,i... : !. ,1:.: M. t.,m itebaogt vjatib okjd ;r:. is Colon depot eoaaaotlotM Bfte : : , x . for handsoaal: ll laairatad deacripUTe mattar, Ucsela. aleepioc-car raaerratiooa. ate.. oall on ..r n. ' A. D. CHARLTON, AMfSlant 'renera'. Paswnger Agent, i'.i Morri ...I. T-.to'.-orner inin;. eortun.: Oregon. Just What You uuant. New ideae in Wall f'auer ,-r.. wide variety a we are showing never I ore graced a single Btor. p.ea. itui'i ucn ir he- i n.ii j non creioo enecte at ordinary prices Good papers at cheap paper price Eiegant daaigne, tMtefn! colorings, yours for a small nrice. at our atore nn f k;..i street. Also a full line of houee paint D. W. VAUSE, Third St. I'lIU NiinnPjti 17 155 ' ml' A illustrated hyuus- 5 NOLAN. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Tt artificially digests tbe food aud aids Nature iu aoengtbening and recon structing the exhausted di:euve or pans. It Is tbe latest discovered digest ant and tonic. other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relievesand permanentlj cures Dvspepsia, Indigestion. Heartburn, Fiatulence. Sour Stomach, "at;ea. Sick Headache. Gastralgia Crarupand all other results of Imperfect digestion. price 50C andU Laree sixe contains -'.raes sna.-sic ii .r-?-V.r.rxu-.dyspep.:-.cia:.ea!ree "cj;red b;' Z DSITT 4 CD.. Crjicag Soid bv Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacy. me Camilla packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF HjLRtTFACTCKEBS Of Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON RiF.D BEEF, RTC mm mm L V. BONG, Pro First-Class in Every Respect MfcAL AT ALL BOCBS. Oysters Served in any Style. 17 lacond St.. Thi ljUes. Or just Received A iv:.. '.ineoi Fres'r. Printing and De ve. oping Papers direct irum factory. Solio. Rex. leko. "elox and Aristo in all i.es. Also a line of Piatee in Cramer. Crown, "eeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frame?, Albums, Multigraphs, And ail aeesgonee to oomplwte the .onttit of eitner the amateur or pro (eMionel pnotograpner. Our Eureka Combined Toning and r.xing oaw. is a dandy, lry it. Th A V C r., ,. i . - 1De l L: I'e. ipr for plate, n"n or devf, opine papr- has no eijual Enough for to deveioptij dozen plates 01 . 1 4a, Perwat Ueekg and white are guaranteed, if directions are IoIIavmI Ait ... a v t." - iw. nir .-i. i . , v . 1 ' , geiopar, genuine. and see that von get the We are prepared to coinpouioi anvand a., of your own formal end guarantee satisfaction. At tne oid p.aee, Tne Ia..e-, I 'rgon. 175 Beeoad .street. Geo. C. Blakeley. r L. Lane, j OENERA. jj ,1 a 3 Waon and Carnage Wark. Fiah Brothers' Wagon. DM M ilw Passe 159 BiacKsmirn lorsiosr m OREGON Shot like ahd union Pacific ME SCHEDULES rR.'H THE DALLES. aaani -RS TOR (ThteagD Portland Special, lit p. ui via Hunt . vc v. Sait Lake. Denver, Ft Worth. OniHhn. Kai' sa.('it . Si Louis, Chi CMJtc and the East. Atlaiitir Kxjre. I J JO b in vta Hunt .npt.u. ?t. ni -'t Mail, " if p. m. via sjx- itne salt lke. Denver. Pi Worth. Omaha. Kn: sm ity. 81 !.ru!. b sage and the Bast Walla Walla. LewlMon, BpokMM.WaUaet.Ptiii man. MlOMapoUs, Bt Paul, Uuluth. Uilwp.u kee. i'hieaRoaud Ea:. OCEAN AND BIYIE SCEEPrLI Finm I'ortlaiid. ' niUng'tfatM ml ;wt to chauut For Sati Franciwn, Sail even 6 dav i SO p. m Iwiiy eZMpt Utld.i'- . 00 ), m Satnrday, lOiflO p. m :aily Sunday , 9' a m, Culuiiiltla Hlvrr. To A.t,riii and W a-. Landings', r . m. - :r.4v tviiiaiiifttt- River. OniM city. Mcatbctf, BaleiE. ;ndeiHMide:i''v. ami m ay-LaMUnga. i ; p m expt ShucUt Tncaday. 4 0 p. m Monday, Friday raiUi and Way. ijiuding Satnnla: a m rue.iHv W 1 1 1 a tno Vta and VamliiU Htvtr t in rhur.i . Monday. ratuni:i . " tie a. m i irqffon city, Dayton an.i W'wUnaJsj Way-tawttngi Wdsy. unvc BipMia I :SDa m. Riparin to Lewiitcn. , ' rl a Ulrine xo eo to HePDi.er or potntr 01 uolnmbia Southern via B:se. aooU MM No . leaving The Iialle at ..' 5,. m mafc:iiK direct connections at Heppner jnnetfoi -:.ii Bie)! Keturnlng niakiiigdirtt'tcniuectiOL r HeppnerJhuMttoii and HiitK witt Sj. l.ar riving at The Dalles at 1 :i5 p. m. For iurtiicr particulars, call on 0? aJilress JAs. ISXLAND, Agent, The 1)h:1c Oregon ft Complete Lipe of Dm5s at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. 50 YLARS' EXPERIENCE aT V bW SEE TRACE rVIARrs JESIONS COPYRIGH'S Ati r..tn fndlfitf a stli ai.d dcnr if aacarialn our opinion free wnafbar lOTantKHi m proltatif pntcntable. Comniui lon itnetlrcooadentuu. Il mdb.okaO'i.'.J ,..(,( eeii t Iwr wonoti paiai ' ratObta UKn tnr.uwli J'.uni. a ' ral i ' 'i'.K', with iul cbarue, ii' toe Sciendfic American A i laftanwalj llim I in 1 wv.:1t ' all ' : oftv ..hid i iurual- '1 erai-. 3'HIXCI, I" --indent. Max a. oat. .-' First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banting Bnsineas transacted Dapoaita received, subject to bignt Draft nr Check. Goilactions made and proceeds prompti? remitted on dav of collection. Hight and Teiegraphie Exchange so.d og New York. San Francisco and port land. D- P. Thommwii. Jao. I. Bcefg. En. M. WmniAaig, Gao. A. Li H M Bsall