vol. xin THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY. AUGUST 30, 1901. NO. 107 CASTORIA cclaWe PrcparalionforAs si nfla t ing the Food andRcg ula -tins the Stomachs andBowels of Tronioics Digesiion.CheerfuI ness am Rest.Coniains neilhcr Oiminv.Morphinc nor"Mincrai ot Narcotic. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Okni of DrSAKlTLPlTCHEn l-:"Jun Seed " Alx ?mn ,.,.. -Ue -rihi'r 'vrf -Jarnuxt -lli CertxniSida -IPrm.frrJ- hiiMnr navtr. ADerfecl Remedy forConslipa fioh Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tai' Smiilc Signature or NEW YORK. : COPY Qc WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNTaUR COMPANY, NCW YORK CITY. THREE GET NEW JOBS New Position Created For Markhaai in Sun Francisco Miller Takes Traf fic of Southern Pacific Oregou Line. toman 0. R. & N. Pobtlasd, Aug . 29. An O. R. A N. circular wi . be issued today announcing the a; point moot of Wilbur E. Coman to bttniltant genera! freight agnt of the 0. B. & N. vice K. B. Miller, resigned to take service eUewliere. Mr. Miller ail be appointed genera! irright and pMtengtfT ur-!i f of tlie 'reon lines of the Southern Pacific, and C. H. Mark DtO), who now boldl that position will (0 to San Francisco m assistant freight traffic manager ol the Southern Pacific Company. Tnie reu inutujent of officials, is sai l to Save ij .l iiil bearing on the bhruion nation of Oregon railroad interests. They dad a rt-ady been efficiently harmoniz-d. Hr. Millar, ae general freight and pas snger agent of the Southern Pa-ibc, will report to tba head office in San Prancisco, ii'tae Mr. Markham now does. B. Gatnpbell remains as general traffic mnager of the O. R. A X , without htviug big authority extended over the "toothers. Pacific, ae rnanv expected. Neither is there any change in the etatus of General Passenger Agent Criag, of the ,J K. A N. It ie deemed unlikely that Wtbar ciiangee will take place in the official staff- of these Oregon roads. S-w Huir at Uuud Hirer. Boon BlVia, Aug. 28. --Frank Crair. 'orcueriy ()f the firm of A. M. William Co., of The bailee, has purchased the took of goods formerly owned bv Samuel McCartney, deceased, and will Mftf -n dry ff.fo business here as soon as he c' ecure his stock of goods. Uluu't Wear a Ma.k. BjH her heanty was completely hidden Mores, blotct.es and pimples till she Bucklens Arnica Salve. Then 'J2 Va,"ebed as will ail Eruptions, "er.h0reci Ulcers, Carbuncles 7 r. "8 from ' uae. Infallible for ZT' orns, Burns. K.-ilri. r.,l Piiuo How'h Trili.! We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, 0., Walding. Kinr.an & Marvin, Wholesale Drugiiiste. Toledo, Ohio. Hali's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. V. .1. Ckkney & Co., Props.. Toiedo 0. Sold by drrugEifits, price 75c. R,ll'l family Pils are the best. 12 Ktara tu I'an-Aiiifricuii Exposition, Round-trip rate? via O. R. & X. from The Dilies, S1.90. Tickets on sale riret and third Tuesdaye during June, July, August, Se;teiiirer and October, good for continuous passage going 00 date of sale. H.-turn limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs will .be al lowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can he made by apply ing to agent O. P.. & N. Co., The Dalles, Wuwrofcy tickets will be honored on lake 'Learners in one or both directioue be tween Detroit and Buffalo. tf James IggLAMD, Agent Notice tu Taxpayer. The board of equalization for Wasco county, Or., will meet and be in session at. the court house of said county from Monday, August 2i:h until Saturday, Aogoat Slot. 1901, both da I inclusive, and will attend to any and all matters w hich may come before such board for consideration. Tba Dalles, Wasco Co., Or., August 3, 1901. C. L. Schmidt, aS d&wtf Assessor, Wasco Co., Ur. CONVICTS ARE ! ON A STRIKE Tu Hundred and Fifu Prisoners at Walla W alla Refuse to Work Walla Walla, Wash.. Aug. 28 ; Another row. more serious than any of its known predecessors for some time, resulted in the shooting of a convict in the state penitentiarv today. Becauae the man was shot 250 fellow convicts have struck, and refuse to work. They are locked in their ceile, and their fate is uncertain. The trouble took place in the jute mill, the scene of many a brawl, which are said to never reach the public ear. George Howard was the victim of a guard's rifle today . The shot struck him in the leg, necessitating removal to the prison hospital. He is said to have a bad record. Guard Collins claims he persistently annoyed him in this work. ; Howard finally walked away from his , work, and Collins brought him down with a well-aimed shot. By violence the guards preserved order among the 250 convict9 in the room. ! With one voice they refused to continue ! work, and were marched to their cells. I All visitors are denied admission to the I prison today, and it is baldly possible to ' state what is going on. Howard was sent up from King county - for eighteen months for burglary. Walla Wali a, Aug. This mort ! log the situation at the state penitentiary i is still grave. Warden Catron is hopt I ful of having things quieted within thirty-six hours, but says he does not know what developments may be made, j When the call came 200 convicts took their places in the jute mill, but fifty are still locked in the cells as refectory. Unless these submit immediately heavy punishment will be meted out. A startling denouncement is possible. Convict Howard, who was ehot yester day, is resting easily today. Strayed. From mv place Aug. 18th one dark bay mare, short mane, weight about one thousand pounds, age 9 or 10 years. Brand JC on left shoulder. Any infor mation ae to tier whereabouts will be liberally lewarded. G. W. PaMMi a25 luiwkly Hood River, Or. ore drug Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds ami eores of all kinds quickly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel balve. Certain core for nile. Beware of Counterfeits guaranteed. 2ScatG. C. Blakelev'e i Be sure you get the original DeWitt'a. ; Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. store. Kefuee to Pay Upward. ! Sax Fiiaxcisco Aug. 29. President Rail too, of the Selhy Smelting Worke, ' announces that the reward of 125,000 ; ' which was offered for the arrest and con- ' i viction of the thief or thieves w ho stole $320,000 worth of gold bullion the night i of August 5th, will not be paid as euch, I but that the detectives and others who weie instrumental in recovering the ' treasure and sending the robber, John Winters, tc jii, will be liberally com- ! pensattd for their services. Winters was under arrest when the reward was offered and President Kaiston eays his conviction was expected. The company, however, thought he had accomplices, and also feared that the gold had been taken out cf the country, and for these reasons offered the big reward. It is: stated that several of the oflicere who worked op tba case lave been settled with, but the amount paid them is not . known. A Deag .Mymery It is a mystery why women endure I Backache, Headache, Nervousness Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickiy cure such troubles. "I suffered for jears with ; kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cheriey, of Peterson, la., "and a lame back pained me so I could not dress my- i self, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me. and, although 73 years old, I now ; am aMe to do all my housework' It overcomesIConstipatioo, improves Ap- I petite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at G. C. Blakelev'e drug store. 3 Old Noldler'a fcijierltmce. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes : "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doc tor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, whic'i worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them. Oolj 'Joe at G. C. Biakeley'e drug store. 3 Mrs. b. H. Allport, Johnstown, Pa., save: "Our little girl almost strangled to death with croup. The doctors said she couldn't live but she was instantly! relieved by One Minute Cough Cure Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. Subscribe for TliK Ciiuuu. Lincoln Sale f 9 First Warning! This Sale will not last forever. Come Soon9 Shoes are goings? Never had pncli shoe days before in August as during this sale. Every day brings more buyers they In turn telling others and helping to spread the good news. Good Shoes at wholesale prices, and even less. Every one of the Special Tables mentioned below con tains bargains extraordinary. Shoes for men, women and children. Shoes for present wear and suitable shots for fall. School shoes for boys and a good lino for small children. You pay only a small part of the regular value ii you buy during the "Lincoln Sale." j? j? Come ! FREE ! with every shoe pur chase of $5.00 or over A bust Of Lincoln. Gentlemen Don't fail to look overthe special $2 Table. On the 90c Table there is an uncommon lot of Children's Lace and Button Shoes, in black and chocolate kid, with good, comfortable broad toes capped. Sizes run from 8 to 11 : values to $1.75; and sizes from 5 to 8, for little tots good strong soles, roomy toes: black or tans. There are Boys' Shoos stout and honest, but not all sizes. A few pair o'" blacks, also a few tans; sizes to fit niot boys: Shoes that were $1,35 and .I.T"). There are also a few pair of Ladies' Black Kid opera Slippers; cheap at t Ik regular price of $1.20. Some finer Ox lords in small sizes; narrow toes: were 2. oil and over. On the $2.50 Table you will And a line each of Ladies' and .Men's Stylish, lTp-to-date Shoes, suitable for fall wear. The price should not be a cent less than $.'.5o what we intended them to sell for at time of purchase. The Ladies' Shoe lias a medium sole, broad round too. patent leather tip, and is made of a good kid stock The Men's Shoo is a viO kid made on the popular broad last and welt solo; has all the lines and curves of a 6 Shoe. On the $1.20 Table is a lot of Ladies' Kid Button Shoes that are worth the regular prices of $2.50, $2.00 and $1.7.") every day in the week or they are not worth a cent. A batch of Men's Shoos that still carry a $1.50 tag yes, and several pair are $2.50 goods. The only drawback being that they are in large sizes only 9, 10 and lis. Shoes for little girls on this table, too sizes ruuning from II! to 2; nice dressy Sitoes that will be just right for school wear; good materials, honestly made. They wore $1.75 and $2.00 tans and black. Ladies' line 4-8 trap black kid Sandals; French heel. Were $2.25 ; if you are in time you may got your size. On the $2.00 Table are shoos for men and shoes for women. Good enough for anybody for the' are bang-up good onei. The price on the cheapest shoo on this table was $.'!. Some of them $3.50 and still more. .Men's patent calf Oxford ties; some tan eulf skin shoes and some vicis. Some extra good things in ladies' black kid street shoos welt soles, military heols ami fashionable round toes, pat. lipped. The $2.15 Table is covered with Pingree's composite $8.00 shoes for women that never Hold lor losa than $3. Good styles every 0116 of them. A. M. Williams Co. I'ou'l liub li lu, Juat wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a bootch remedy, and the pain it gone. Hold by Clarke & Falk. 1 Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle