IEl;aiAi MftNTioN. E T. itllsan came in from Antelope yesterday . W. H vcjft aid Wn,. Henrich. of Moro, a-e re,:itere,.i at the Ctfiatllle. Mr. Inez GaBlbel and Mrs. Sfellle Ksillp are Antelope vilitoft In tbe City. Mr. and Mrs. J. M Dathl came in froni Endersby yesterday an! remained over today W. H. Blgjre, Waeeo. wa doing basin--'- ::. she ta! eg yesterday and this bi rn ng. BUSINESS LOCALS The Collin? hot p'injr" a n--w ojien. No hole s, hsit the Moest of aantptafj gTOOnde. Hunting A Hosford. nmn-a-er. C illloa, Wash, aug."--! in If a.. y v.;r :,.r.-. gc an i see Fruit e r ; he's the hea icnarters for all ha:r recaedret, Betnenibet that he soakee a ! . claUt of these gooda, tf ConttMnctng Sunday, until further notice, the O. R. & K. tall round trip tickets, DalHM to Cascades, foe r THE CELEBRATED 1 retnroing rate applief or, partial of five Mrs Wu.. M thai was a ' a. re. If . d 'or ::r. lavs jr. . t;.n: CIH nigot. . O . O I' ic. Re.rne. Art;.. sav . was 1u-t J. f. M:-rt a missionary nf . ... ... the Baptist chorcb, is a gnest at tbe troub eo a ith i-onsUpaUoa OttUII boafht home of W, C. Allaway. r'tWi::'i Little r.ary Riatfg. Sinoa O. C. Seta IB, of the Qoldendale Sen- then bare been entirety cured of my old tin , is over iron; that pace vis.ting iron. plaint. I reo?n mer. tt.t-u.. C.irke a Fa s - P. O. Pharmacy. ...GOliUpIA BREWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLEE. Prop. O: the product of this we'.'.-knoeti brewery the Unite! States Health l; - - M,e i. i. says "A more npetior brew never entered t- labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the s.ik.-r.t-ft trace o: adulteration, hut on the other band ii compoead ol the beat ol malt ami eboieett of hope. Its tonic iia.ities are of the high est and it can le used with tne greatest benefit at:.', satisfaction by old and yOMtg. Itl use can consoien turns' y he prescribed by the phyiiciani ?:t. the eereaintt that a letter, purer or more wholesome beverage could not pOMibly he found." Et Second Street, I HE DALLES. OREGON. I u i ee4 friends ai i transacting bniineei Htt. T ' Ben (ert and fau.i y returned borne .as: evening Iron tbeir summer acting at &hel borne, 1. : : Beach Jasper Wyman re n-ned or: the Sat s'.srt yste-It u. Portiand, where ne en-nt va.:at. .. :. - in :uer. Mi vacation in P Cora .' i es. wfv has spent J I I a .u a. came hoiiif or t:.e Da .e.- CitJ .ast evening. Mr' SI rr U m Si ' ier, M.-s Hands K'liin and Pansy I. dy left tid m irn imf to Spend a s:, ort t.uie at Wi lie a mon. Tr.e Misses Annie and Maggie t'iian nini Mrs Charles Toaoley .ef: n. 'n;ni to visit tnei brother Iir. Fiinr.. in P. i.-:. an '.. M-s. E. Kurtr and family, Mrs. P. MrNamara, Mrs. Hague. M.sses Han.; -son. Patter and tuintber have retnsaed irom Ooeoota, wnere tt.ey nave ueen can. ping. Roy Grimes went tc Pott land yester day f or a suort visit. CJpon bis return Boy wi.: go at once into the country, baring shown trie mod ; idgaient U ctpv caf - -isin for vocation for at ,east a : . u;e. Mrs. i". I r -enc:.. wno nas been absent in tr,e fcl.s" , i- t:.e past three mentbs, arrive ; h T..r in tne ear.y morning train. Most of tbe time was spent a her n .'rue :r. Lynn. Mass.. wi.i t. gtie has n it visi.ea since she came West a bride. Fa-ner .'. l. Murpr.y. wiio was a former schoolmate of Rert Baldwin, is ill the city visitine nim. Father Mur pt.v nas re-.-entlv finished his studies at Btitiaiir-. aui abiu' ttie ist nl Sept. wi assume duties in trie nniversity wbiel the Catboiies recent:y porcbased in Portland. James V:,itr. I'.-vantsv: ,e. Ind.. ayg I'eU'itt's Witcn Ha.'-' Bahre healed running sores on botn iegs. He had ufiere : years. IV.cors failed tc help i.:m. lie' riet':t'4. Accent tv m.'.ta lions. C:ase A Fa s's P. 0. Pharmacy. Oifford'fi Fotos Never Fade Prof. Homer de Morrison r Crandall & Barget . alees is Kobes, fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Or. umnMii i c iiinumikkwp PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers, If you are in need of anything in our line, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-. TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will hav. prompt attention. SEXTON f WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictlr vegetable, perfectly harml DESIkEI) LTs. CAUTiON Isware of cuaaierTalf m im,i.-'ias. The rn m - ' up oi r IB la-'.'rm'..- 5irnav:tr on side of ".fin Emhuc ioim c : accomplish female remedy. ir pas.- ' ii'ti Ca sale bv '.ieo. C. B.ake.ev. Tr iliee, i t . V ali trictor. street. lt,"n 1'OBTi.ANO DBtOON tc. : tKaict- . a w-.. . :.. -r: ..adi;-at- i-iifri-: erer ir. ho.tiau-: Ta- i;M , vt itTianee lalrroyant an ; He-tia :: cut. or aosoltll daily on a;. nSi:r :f pT'i: MorTi-or. : v::s-;t . d.v;-,: :ae m.:-jt HttentJOc '.t.isit and (.'lair'.i' ant :u :v world itniMV h- .o.'itw- hidden Ratsure. re':n:re the let telli :.' :are Ei auaetsi, a .. ot m or. jrtxit land na'. . jroa to wia tils aitcction oi ont- ;o- dire r,:...,t.y taugi.:. aaadluailstlc tro:;- dseel-"T-e: Hea.- t y tne uea oi hi- r"a.e; .-'' Ism earsa cbronic aod . -called laearable dls awca f tn-aJai'r.t for 'a ixx r wen.i ?. date o: b:rt:. - t r j all letter a i: v ered at ence. F. S. GUNNING, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. Iron. Steel. Wheels. Axles. Sprines and Biacksnaith Supplies Azeut : r Uuell v (.' - Lng. Threshers aud saw Mills. Teleptioce 1!". Lone I'iatanre lTi,. Her. SeuOQl & Laus'Diin StL TEE DALLES OR, WHER WASHINGTON SWORE. t nrnn-r '-rrlHl') FlMter Tell ,if tb 'Irat P re t ii nl ' Uisvr m ir. diacusainf! t,- lanfruae uaed treatie. between f sernmemts a ''ei - tur or m e ntl ' irni"T S- . Johr. W. Foster explained in a lecture tj Vale .tudent.- reeeutlv that a trea" ietweer. -.he L'ttited Suites and Great Britain :r. 1783 bemn with th"",- Id I :,r i.?.ni us 'fi. rur abotrl those it treat on tehnVf ol im Mr F ..r,.r tna the Tbe '"U'l.I.i." " t " expla rifii,' I' i ins uni When he ate he tui p. pa - J' again.' tie d- if I'll e . i ce or taswquek- r'. much the aaosxe ..: ' it- ST.- On It I'ay o Hay Cbea" A cbsap reojedtr ior cotifftis and colds i- ol I - Landuik . '.,! V. anil.ZtoL.. o. 'I Ueil .j . -ep rigot, :m you want eooieti.;Dfr l.ncuted tj Viaioa. Porttaad. ai:z. Ii - T the Editor. Boner ae iorri. :. oirriiitiK. loeated brtrision tne oul .'. 'i -i.'ler. ;rom t:.-.- seloy nieitiuir WorS II behalf of oceult science he liaaisdiatelr our. -munuatett oy letter tii: faet t. Mr. A J. Kal ton, owner of the selbjtsVoriM Toe teporta r : lit :.iZQt pr -v- ai- tatetnent- ittwt. URB. .-HAS' !- PABTLOIT. "It i.- pleasing to be at;rec that tne zold ittNcn trom toe Belhr Bmainnc Works araa 'lo cated by vision by a Potlaii'i .ceult:t Thi proTsa that toe story of the enfest-n of the and that bii assistance iras rmutted in re coTeriny tbe fold wi a oa-.- California ;n-t.-tion fo t..e noraoac 1 1 depriving ursgoa ul just , florj ' Kditor Portland onsgoniaa. NOnCE FOB PUBUCATIOK. s Land Office Vancouver. Wash., J Ju.y L. ISDl.i Kottse hereby given that In compliance With Th, lrOVWon( Uf the act of I nzre- o: June:;. iT. entitle,! "An act for tr.- lalsof t . laud.- ir. the tate 1 : 1 ali:'.-r.i.i. "re-zoi.. Nevada and Wasninzto:. Territorv. a- extended to .1 II tne pobiii land utea by at of AUCtlaS I, IStt, Prani a. Ball. Farzo : tint- :' Mt- o: No:b I'aiiota. oa toi- day tiled in Ibli office hi sworn Untenant No .. (or thenar chsw of the loti and and i aWW of -. i. ir. Tp i N B ;.. E. anu onVr proof to ihow that the laud Eooyhl .- mon valuable lor Its timbsr or atone than for sgrfcaltnial noipossa, and to establish bi e.airr. ' aid land before the register an -, rsceseef ol tola office at Van- J eonear, Waablngt :. . :. rhuracwy, the totfc iar of Oetaeer, I ) i. He a- wif I t MaC::v atlii Annie 0 K Maela; Fano. !. and Enoeh Haysa and Leon smith, ol Lucai Waac. Also Daefd G. iiaclav, 1 For eonnte of aav. atate ol N.,r?:. Dwtota. haa th: da-- nied in this office ..v.xti. itatanient .s.-. jsf. (or the purcbaae of the N , : SK-4 -v. ,.. ne-.. and BE , o; Nl -4 oi Ve1 i-. in Tp i X. H 1.'. . am! v il. orler i r of t ,b.. tnat tbe l.,u,: ;z:.t f.ior- vaiuahie f. r it- timber or stone t.,at. for latrielilttl.M !'.-- -e- aad t esUblist. hi - eUin to aaid land before tne rekistef md re elver of tbiaoffieeai V aueonver, VVaabt' gtoa.oc Thntt os' . tn- loir, day of in-: -a : He names a- witoeases Prank A Bali and Annie O. H Maola- ..f rare, . .!.. and Enoch Hay ti '.rn; icon amttl ol Lucaa Wash A." Al.i.l.-O II. Maela-. "f harsr . count; 1 a. stat ol Son Dakota!, ha- tbi- day n.eii In ner sworn statement No j.s. for the narehasc f the utbeaat -lua'ter -sK-a of set bKinTpSN, K Li E. and iil ..rt-- prooi In tnat tn land -oiiz.'.t is more vaiual.le for lte,iataeroT stum- tn m (or cartealtnrO pas peoaa, and to esmt...,:. bar '-.aim t.- said land before th rseiater and rac river ol this office ai Vancouver Washington, on Tbarsda; Inc UWn ! : oetobet If 1. -n- na::ie- a.- ittlCtoaa Ia' :! ti Mtelay an-i ratiA. A ikt.. o: Karz . N I' . and Enj.-h Barycasnd Leo, anitl of as ',.; Any and ! persons clainiaa sd srsely lh above-dosribad and- ire requested to Die tbeir claim iu this office oi. or before aal f loth day of ' ict ibsr, lau. ;.;:- low v. ft PCNBAB i.eirister NOTICE FOB PC BLICATIOX. Lai.u Oftr.e at Vancouver W ash July I". 1.''. Ki tici ii-reb-- given that tne follow! ng na...e,i baa h-ed i.otns.- o.' hi lotention t'. naite final proof in iup ort of m claim, and :.. f ,si 1 pr..-f wi. be nude r.efor. the Kettit.-r e a - . at. - ept- mie: l Ira ft. liewelt Wasninaloo. n m..d- H. E. Ko. " i .-iit. f i. rthssea .juarter. sod west ball ; tou'hwsa, qrasriss of atetlon iweai i lownsbn tmee north, rants twelve aWSt, W M if. : ibs following witaessca to prove bi continuous rea.dence upon aud cultivation Of an! ia;.d viz Jai..e F-.t ind ' .!.' Flu seat) nl sara P O, a'sobiltgtOfi and Ir In II liaro and William Olson ear ., of Bason r 0. w'asblnit' toll PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all Kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer Was Q J Mill Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi ?u km Headquarters for Rolled Grain, -vil kinds Headquarters for Brana Shorts, jytfftKSl Heaaquarters fcr "Byers" Best" Pendle ton Flour Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats This rlonr is mannfactorad Bxpreealy for famii; oee: averv aar is guaranteed tr- give satisfaciion. We se. nur eoixi? lower than any nous in ttie trade, and it yon don't thing se Oall and ge- OUT tnd ue cunvinced. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS Tbey overcome Weak- Doaa, irraffularity and ODaiaaiona, liiumasti vi- or and banish "paicj of meustruiitii.n." They are "LiLFE sjAVBfeM to eirta a; srogian hood, aiilinp deealoptnont of orwang and Lody. No known remedy for women equals them. .annot do harm life becoroea a pleasure. $1.00 PER JiOX IJV III AIL. Sold by drtiKist!. DB. MOTT'S CUEMK AL CO., Clerelund, Oliii rur sale lv (.'. Biakeiev, Tne liaiies. r -.a- re i-Vf niid wn tne more g rare tad daUagaioas results of ttiroat and lOHgj tr.iut,,et What von dur' (jo t.. a warmer and aiore regular, elimate Ye. poatible; H not psi.,iiv loryoo, men :n e.'.ner oaae '-ur -.tie u.v; rem euy '.hat has heen introduced it. a II ci ii -!ted countries :::. 8iicrer in severe tr.rjat and iuns; trooblea. "Boecbee'i iernisi. -yrr.n." It not oi, y i.i and stiiinj.ate- tii tiasue to rleetrojr tne Ifenn diwea-e, DO I al.ays it.tiatt. tnat i:u'' easv espectoratioOi ftvea t f nigbt'l real, and cure tt,e patient. Irv hottia, Jtecri:iimet.del niaio ma'f l.v ,! 1 1 r r i ..'-' - in toe wor.d atot sriii! ;. c ... .. Z Valb lit,' (.raer ' i.iiu ant said prool will U tueds beton lbs Heals n i . . ar he 6. ra.i. uet urewn i p'tae ... , , , ... almanac. 8 aa; 1 5,101 We ofler fur a limited friod tne . ' T'""" " nl TI11 .;e- Oragor: H t Ko. tic- tot tti, twice-a-eet URKOmOlai, pni.e ?.. )J. -r ( . ,avua ;,,, s .. l. w ii " and thai W eeltlv llranitiiar. brum tl RA - loll ring Wltueaaaw Ii. prove ana the " eeg'v uregoman, price bi eonUnuoua rssiUsncs upna and cultivation totn paperr for tj a vear Nubseriptiotis : : . . .....Ia.r rt-ia t f-r mfial i naid ii mA. 1 '- EH " a-, sad nniier tnis oner mu. ue pau. it. aa ... .. . . . Summer atacorstoais tn tr,e r-a i .imhI. , our fare ' shows ttie atate of 1 he Dalles to i. jng IMaCU, 1 loia, faClDC Park, Ocean 1'a-k or Kabcotta, WmH., g'od for return until sept. 15, 1901, liJt-age Checked throogfa to destina tion. Ttie steamer T. J. Potter will leave I'ortiaud da;:y eieapl Sunday and M today, and the Haualo daily except our tee.ihL'- ami ttie state of your healtr, as e... Impure bloc I makes its,..: apparent ;n h paie and sallow complexion. Pimples atid Skin Eruptions. It you are feeling weaK and STOrQ out and do not have a baaliby appaaraawa you abonM try Aolier ltoa,d KilTr r oilra u! li'rl Bondar, at 8 p. m. and lo p. m. on a. . t .. . ' diseaites where cheap .ir-aparii.a.r and Saturdays, making direct connections at iij .io -T i oallad purifiers fai. ; Knowing thie we .-VBl.iria ;ui'i rt . i v, ui ) oi a.. I'unjir uu -it lt -t Tru r.ri , mini Kori K r' 'I; PI BLK aTlON. ..AM, ' tTT.Ct .IT (Jreson and tVa-thingt-u. neacne- l.'ail on .las. Ireiand. agent, The I'aliee, for thruugh tune card to all iarach points. j ll I'm I m t i,e -atisbed aiti temp' rary re- lle( from iodlgaation. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permeoenUj and oompiataly e- L.oa. tie on a positive eaaraDtee, the druggist. a nee. HI I'-..- Ul Jul? taoi. ! i. ;ierh gi .ei. ttia' ine (ollowiug. .. r.-. '''' t .In-., ii nl. tr.ii fi.i.i i. mur r.i,a. t-ri.-o' a tut.(art ot m, . jam. . and mover ttiif cooipiaint. it relieves per il, in on' baOMM it allotgg the tired stomach perfect rest. Ihetinc won't rest the stomacli. Nature receives gup plies from tt,e lood e eat. Ttie sensih.e way to help the stomach is lo use Kodol Itvspepsia Cure, which digests m hat you eat and can't help hut do you good. Ciarke ra:k s P, U. I'liaruiacy. VI J a V y I.CC'ab affister 1. T. Thomas, Suuitervilie, A a. , " wu- laffaring from dyspepaia unen I oommaaaad taking kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 1 took severa. bottles and can ili-.'--st toy thing." Kodol Dyepepeia CON is tlie only preparation containing all ttie oatOral digestive fluids. It ver aeak ItOIDMbl entire rest, restoring their natura. condition. Ciarke iV Palk'l F. 0, Pharmacy. Ciarke 4c Kaik nave received a carload of tbe celebrated James !.. Fattoa itnctlv on re liquid paints .ui:mwi.u I CgS- I w i i Trie Dalles, Or. The Chronicle, Job Printers VI i f iiminiiimminnintiiiiiiimiinftniiHTiininTui ' TTTTTYT YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of using Bo-cailed kidnev rpmediel wittiout any benelir. uae Lincoln Sexual Pills and he forever rid of those dnll paitis in your hack. Iiscard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys' and have aii your bladder and urinary troubles curt- ' and oar nigi.ts made restful hv ttie ne of natt s gieatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price. s..o.i p,.r box tmy ot your druggist orsei.t by mail on receipt nf prior, In plin wrappsi. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY JO., Fort Waj-ne. Indiana. M. V.. Donnell, Agent. The Dalies. a -ii ar-iara-r-iiaia 'tui C. J. STUBLilG, W POLKS AUI A N p KKTA'L Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Dank. H Uondua I'boaa ia i t Long 1'iai. luui. THE DALLES, OREGON. 5 T "'- aT.,.r.ra-aa wjr. urwtr.i r n 9 J. E. FALT Sl CO., Propnator, TllC OwI.W Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to my part of the City. Phones : BI I.'-ical, 6 Long Distance. 173 Second Street.