The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 29, 1901, Image 3

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I o Beat
Boys do wear nut shoes "to beat the band" and ii seem hard t. find a
thai will look decent, hold together, and don't cos1 too much.
We Have the Right Kind
and they are the Best Shoes t be hal anywhere for the price.
Boys' Tall" Lace Shoos. 2?. to nl
Roys' Kangaroo Calf Shoes, 21 to ".',
: -s" Seal Grain SEAMLESS Shoes, 2 too1,
Same, sizes 12 to 2
Boys' Box Calf. Leather Lined Shoes, 2$ to 5$
Same, sizes 12 to 2
Boys' Calf Shoos. 12 to 2
& B ivs' 'alf Shoos, 2.1 to .".'
2 00
2 (Ml
2 25
2 00
2 25
1 50
1 75
411 Heavy Extension Sole.
Don'! get discouraged trying to keep the boy in shoos. Try a pair of our
n iL Ajttu& aft. Ajfc: a!5t- f- Ai.A 3 A -A A iJtfc A A A A A A- C afit A 4k.
the Dalles Daily Chronicle.
DAY - - - AUG, 29, 190!
Ice Cream
tunity to have an excursion on such a
night, and patronized it better, there be
ing but about a hundred on board.
Leaving the dock at :.'!0, returning t tie
Dalles City landed it? passengers at 11.
It was cettainly a beautiful trip.
Deputy Sheriff Wood arrested a man
by t tie euphonious nomenclature of Ju
lius A ndrews, for selling liquor to In
dians. He was examined before U. S.
Commissioner Huntington this mornj
ing, and bound over to answer the
charge before the U. S. district court.
Just to top off gradually, the weather
ah Wmioo county warraut reRiotere.i clerk l piviiig ue another little spell of
prior tu October 17, will be paid 1 the heat we so ''en joyed' a week or two
m presentation ut my otttie. Interest ago, and this afternoon the thermometer
stunds at '-2. There's nothing selfish
At Andrew Keller's.
I IMMI arti-r A Drast 13,1 BO 1
Cuuuty Treasurer.
Fruit par-kers wanted bv the Co'.um-,,
bis Commission Co. aug27-.'tt
Foreca?t Tonight fair, warmer ; Fri
day, increasing cloudiness.
J. r. Root is seriously ill with appen
dicitis at his home in thie city.
Saturday afternoon the ladies of the
Lutheran church will have on sale at I.
i'. Kickelseu's store, cakes and rye
uread. alio cut flowers.
Trie sheriff was busy this ufternoon
selling property for delinquent taxes.
orne choice parcels elicited lively bid
ding, and brought fair prices.
Owing tocircumstancee the mid-week-lf
prayer meeting of the Congregational
church ml) he omitted this evening.
Regular services will be held nest Sun-!
about us: let our friends juet returning
from the beach have a taste of what e
had so much of.
The report comes from Whitney of a
startling find of gold in the town that
ha set that burg wild with enthusiasm.
Whitney is the terminus of the exten
sion of t tie Sumpter valley railway re
cently completed, and is the center of a
rich mining and timber country to ttie
southwest of the Bonanza mine.
On Saturday, Aug. "1st. the Regu
lator will leave for I'ortland one hour
ahead of time, or 'J p. M. instead of
3 e. m.
W. C. Al LA WAY, jen. Agt.
H. W. French came In from his sheep
ranch at Wapinit a today and will re
main until about tiie loth of next
mouth, when he will again take up the
The ones ol A. Brooke for iarc-riy from duties of a etockman, which Hal flays he
thel. X., L, restaurant Dame Op beiore ', likee verv m,Jt;h. Mrs. French, wbo it
Judge Bradshaw yesterday, and Brooks now n Portland, will probably arrive in
to the county jail for a ,jav or two ailfj remain during his
!V da VS.
Wonder if they have your sileft?
We r.-fer to that calf-lined, winter
weifcthr . tan calf-skin "i."0 men's shoes
at A. M. Williams a Co'e. The
win'' price is only $8,80,
Opportunity sports a nice long lock in
front, but the back of its head is as barb
ae a cbiae egg, II man means to profit
b bv hie opportunities, a quick, sure g:ab
at that front lock the minute it is wilh-
We ".oderetand eleven race horses aie io reaching distance, will prove his only,
quartered in one livery stable and four salvation, a other words, If you need j
an her, the building of the stables at shoes, get them at the "Lincoln sale" at
the track being delayed on account of Williams k Co.'s.
the lumber failing to arrive. It is ex- I.. Brooks returned yesterday from
pecied some of it will be here tomorrow, a gj0rt trip to I'ortland, where he made
When work will be begun. arrangements for his Kaetern trip. Mr
The Da.les will soon be noted for the and Mrs. Brocks will leave Tuesday
number ol blooded horses owned by her night over the oreat Northern visiting
itierir:. The latest to be added to the relatives in Coicago, St. Paul and Ohio,
hst is a handsome .'.-year-old pacer, beside taaing in other Kaetern cities.
IMd bj the famous suideless i.acer. Thev will also see the Pan-American ex-
Norte, and which was rcirehased bv nosi linn hefore returning, being abeent
W, I
montoii a few daj s ago.
No Out? COuld imaurinn a - - ,1.- .,t .
about two montbe,
A short tune since M.
vening for a moonlight excursion on ' of Mosier, sold his tarm at Mosier to
tne Columbia than last night. The Robert Friend, and he is in The Bailee
weather was just right, the moon just today trying to find a house, when tie
r,ht, tne band just right and the crowd and Mrs. Dichteumuiler will make this
JOit right as far as it went ; but we can- their home. Having lived in Mosier for
not understand why our people should j the past sixteen years, it was with re
t have been delighted aith an oppor- luctauce they gave up their farm, but on
account of trouble with his eyes Mr.1
Dicbtenmmller is unable to attend to the :
duties of the place.
Some of the caFtern papers are again
printing an old problem which might
serve the Chronk LB readers food for
reflection. It is the problem of the man
with 75 cents in his pocket who was
compelled to raise .!. He pawned his
75 cents for 50 cents and then sold Ins'
pawn ticket for 50 cents, thus securing
the dollar needed. Who lost money by i
the transaction?
Fruitmen have now a splendid oppor
tunity to display their fruits where such
a display will count. The American
Pomologicical Society will meet at j
Buffalo September 12th and l.ith, and
fruitgrowers ale urged to send exhibits.
E, L. Smith, of Hood Kirffer, expects to j
be in attendance and accompanied by
bis daughter, will leave in company ,
with Mr. and Mrs Brooka on the :.d.
An old gentleman wishing to retire
from active life is desirou" ot selling his
farm of 160 acres, with fair four-roomed
house; small barn and other outbuild'
Inge, well fenced. 30 acres of summer
fallow, some timber. Six miles Iron:
Dufnr, twenty miles from town, will sell
on easy terms. For further particulars
call or write Hudson fc Brownhill, The
Dalles, Oregon. aag2Q'S0
Do you want to secure a nice home in
the most desirable part ol the city ? If
yon do, we can suit you. We have a
splendid six-room modern cottage on
Fourth street equipped with ail the
latest improvements, and will be sold
for a aood deal less than its duplicate
can be built for. If you are looking for
a bargain do not fail to see this. For
further particulars write or call on Hud
son & Brownhill.The Dalles, Or. a29-80
The general assembly of Congrega
tional churches and ministers of Oregon
will meet in The Dalies on September
84th and 86 tb. Jt ie expected that one
hundred delegates will be In attendance.
This body is not legislative, hut purely
advisory. Among Oregon Congrega
tionalists are found home of the strong
est men of the coast and the program,
which will be published later, bide fair
to bf one of great merit.
Many have made inquiries concerning
the progrOH of the committee on queen
of tne carnival. On account of so many
young ladies who have been considered
in tha: connection being absent from
the city, little OOOld be done by th"
Committee. A meeting a ill be held
next Monday night lieu definite action
will be taken as to whom the candidates
will be, and their names will be given
in due season.
Bast night the Artieanegave afarewell
party to two of their members, Mr. and
Mrs. T. A. Hudson, who leave us in a
short time for Bortlaud. A very plea
sant program was rendered, a splendid
iuuch served, and then it seemed as if
Tune turned backward in its flight and
made one and all children again, for
they pined with the greatest jest in the
! old-fashioned games and thoroughly en
joyed them. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson are
leading members of the order and will
b-1 greatly missed.
Mr. A. A. BoQney tells Of that e
were misinformed no i his losing any
wood at Wyelh last week. tic s.,ys the
most and almost only danger is from
passing looomotivep, and as the land
lying between hi wood and the railroad
was burned over lat year, there is no'
much left to take tire. There are alto
flumes of water near that WOOld be
I available tn case of a tire getting near.
Wo somewhat doubted the immensity of
the amount said to have been burned,
but could not question the Veracity of
I our informant as to the tire. However,
we'll take Mr. Bonney'l word for it.
Invitations have been received in The
i Dalles to the Wedding fit Alv.i'i W .
Patterson and Miss Anna Brown in
Boston on September i"th. After the
wedding they will live i:-. Washington,
D. C, Mr. Patterson is a brother of
Register Patterson of the land offloe and
has many friends in The Dalle. He I a
been in Washington for several years
and has graduated from Columbia ltnl I
versity law department, having alst
taken post-graduate work leading up to
the degree of doctor of lawr-. He is now
connected with the census bureau,
Miss Brown, who was formerly a resi
dent of Henpner, has been at the New
England Conservatory of Music in Bos
ton for several years, and hnc attained
wonderful success in hei vocal training,
and is accounted one of the most e:i
gagiiiL' singers ever graduated from the i
New F.ngland conservatory.
"My kingdom for a house'' from ail
indication will be the cry this fall. In
spite of the fact that a number of houses j
: will lie built, real estate dealers are al- !
ready besieged with the demand, not
'only from people who are desirous of
coming into town to school their chil- j
dren, hut for the most part from new
Comers to the West. Another difficulty re- ;
gurditig this question arise? from the fact
that thoe who are desirous of building
are confronted with the scarcity of car-1
penters, which is the case throughout
l!stern Oregon. Then too, building !
this year is not what it was even a year
ago, as regards the expense incurred,
and he who would a builder be must,
needs pay the price. However, in spite
of difficulties, our citizens seem more'
than ever determined to supply the de- ;
mand, and will allow no one who comes
to our city to say fie "hath not where to
lav his head."
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Stroot.
The BARGAIN STORE of the Citv.
Special in
See our Show Window.
New Grocery Store
We have added ;i Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A ih'w fresh ,
clean stock. Give ua a call. Prompt
delivery t any part of tin' city.
Bong it i ri r Oregon,
The book "Song Birds of I ireon and
Washington," published in Portland
this summer bv William Rogers Lord,
has awakened an interest in many i
minds in recard to our feathered souk- j
sters. Bird music is, to the writer of j
this, the sweetest music in the world, 1
and every songbird should Vie protected
ever, as life is always made better by j
music, and wtien we stop to listen to the
burst of melody from amon the tree
tops, we are listening to that w hich is I
sweet innocence, and not any thing de-I
irradine, but rather ennobling, I am
glad that we have in Oregon an hundred
varieties Of song birdn, and that this 1
spring a new one came to our town that
sinus the rweetest songs; and even in,
the night his sontts are heard as hei
drowsily sits on bis perch in the trcs. i
Children should h taught to love the
birds, and to place seed cups and bath i
dishes in protected places so that our
bird (rieijds may find a Welcome and
come near us.
The Other evening an owl, a common
owl, was sitting in a tree near camp,
when he called to bis mate, "loo-loo!" j
And she answered from away in the dis
tance "oooo!" There is something
plaintivelv sweet in even the notes of j
an owl if you will only Stop to listen to
it a moment. There is DO bird that does
more harm than good, not eVM hawks,
tiie enemy oi the poultry yard, foi he
does more good in destroying hi' insert-,
and mice than he does harm to the poul
try populai ion,
William Rogers Lord has written the
writer of this tha' be expects to return
to Oregon Withifl a few months and
wouid be pleased to visit the Schools of
The Dalles and give u lecture on "Birds"
to the School Children and to as many
adults as would care to attend. 4 new
bird to Oregon and Washington has been
reported to Mr. Lord, II has been seen
near GiliQOfe'l pond, at liockland,
Wash , and :l is the yellow-headed
blackbird, eominofl enough to -a,i-forniaoe,
He is a beautiful bird with
his glossy, nlai k plumage and his yellow
head and Becfe. -Mr. I.rd will soon put
out the second and more advanced edi
tion of his book "ii birds.
SviiNti IlKLMOUftMC,
foi Kiit.
A five-room c.ottitge on Federal street. 1
Apply to Mr. M. 0, Stone. aL'-3t
(Mark and Kslk have just received a
full line ol fresh Velox papers ami de
velopers, the same an used by Mr. LOflgl
in his recent demonstration at our store.
Tut lAoses Niiciit Alarm,
"One night my brother's baby was
taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J, 0,
Snider, if Crittenden, Ky., "it. seemed 1
it would strangle before we could get a '
doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New
Discovery, which gave quick relief and'
permanently cured it. We always keep j
it in the house to protect our children
from Group and Whooping Cough. It
cured me of a chronic bronchia) trouble
that no other remedy would relieve." I
Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat
and Lung troubles. 500 and $1,00, Trial
bottles free at. Q, C. Blakeley's drug
store. Ii
Won tiit, Ptftoo,
I desire to say to the people of The
Dalles tnat I , J, D. Qirdner, of Portland,
WOn the piano Which wan awarded me.
upon presentation ol ticket l'IIHi;. Hav
ing no use for a piano 1 have instructed
Mr. Qlimbert to dispose of same at, any
reasonable price. Parties Interested
may call and examine piano at Qum j
bert's Leading Cigar and Tobacco
house SUg26t(
Why not spend the vacation at Ya- 1
quina bay, where can he hail excellent
fare, good fishing, good boating, safe
bathing, alluring rides and rambles,
The courses and exercises al the Hummer
school of 1001 at Newport will afford
itreat variety of Instructions, diverslonj
and entertainment. No other resort
offers equal attractions and like advan- l
tagec. junll'tl
Hudson V Uruwnhill have a few I
houses for rent rooms from four up
price 6 a month and up. Thcee prop
erties are In good locations and parties
desiring good homes for the winter oan'l
do better than to call on the above gen
tlemen at their office on Washington
street, or see j. H. Jackson who will
gladly show you tne property,
I 'ir Nule.
Twenty bead Ot horses, ranging in
w ight from 1100 to HUH pounds. All
halter-broken, and some broken to woik
Apply to Htraube Brothers. Kndersby,
Oregon, jiy 86 Imw
M ki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and Constipation, A
delightful herb dnnk. Removes ail
eruptions of ti e skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 26 Otl
and 60 Ote, Blakeley. the diuggim.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress alter eating
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 6 cts
and 60 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
A full line of Kastuntu (Bui and sup
plies just received by Clarke it Kalk.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third anil Washington Sts.
All ordere attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 488, Local, it1-.
OurMtloii AiiNvt' erel.
Yes, August Flower ntill has the largest
sale of any medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmother!
never thought of using anything else fur
indigeetion and biliousness. Doctors
were scarce and they seldom heard of
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. Thev used August
Flower to (dean out the System and stop
fermentation of 'indigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate tho
nervous and organic action of the sys
tem, ami that is all they took when feel
ing dull anil bad with headach.'n ami
other aobee, Von onlj need a few doses
of Qreen's August Flower, in liquid
form, to make you -tall shed there is
nothing serious the matter with you.
liet Oreeu's pri.e almanac. Clarke it
Falk's. 1
In cases oi cough or croup gK" tha
little one One tlinote Cough t lure. Then
rest easy and have no fear. The child
will lie all right in a little while. It
never faiiM. Pleasant to take, alwaye
safe sure and aim ot listantanSOUS iu
affect, Clarke 4 Falk's P. O. Pharmacy,
II the action of my bowels in not eu?y
and regular serious complications must
he the final result. DeWitl's Litllu
Early Risers will remove this danger,
safe, pleasant ami affective), ClaikeA
Falk's P. O, Pharmacy.
When font hair appears div and to
have lost 1 1 h vitality it wsnts something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
the hair needs .vle'ii it gets n that con
dition. We have tiie Crown of
S ience I I il I r jfJJJ ulllj 'i"ci t II 1
( 'oi-...ll!.' ICI I 'C-L-'JW I " IC t lit V
uiii pure dand ruff m"1 all
scalp diseases. Fur mile at l's bar
ber shop Prlee hue and 78o a bottle).
Tor Ijit:iii.t, :tuu ShUdftfl,
Fhe Kind You havn Always Bought
Bearu the
8tfntuuio ol
You will not have boils if von take
Clarke A talk's sure cure foi boils.
At Tim Dalies Employment OHeei I
p ice where you can procure help with
out cost or trouble, vlail or phone
V u'iifci. ktl i i:v,
gsVlsjsJsfcsj Manager.
Oifford a Fotos Never Fade.