The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY AT',. -I". 1801 AMEHh A2tS LIVE A'(?. The morality statistics tor 1900, as compiled bv (be cental bureau, give pre It conclusive evtnenca mat thp lcmcpvi'v of hnuianitv n '.lie United '.ate is increasing. Tbil is -- .-,! lit- M,n rnnnrtp 1 """- 1,1,1 - y decrease in the proportion of deaUM hy 1.8 in 1000 over 1890, but also by the decrease in death from iliwases usually occurring early in Am. mh,,h nr.. rentier tn advanced years. The good effects from Improve sanitation and the more genera i...,i.i. adoption of precautionarj regulations are DOttceaOie in .ue returns f;om the cities. Comparing Ml of the larcer municipalities id 1900 with 271 in 1890, it is found that deaths have decreased at the rate of per Unfortunately. too much reliance cannot always be placed in the death reports of cities. Many, either through careiessuess .: a desire to make a good sbowmc, do not report all the deaths that oc cur. Hut. as health departments in all parts of the country are beginning to realize more forcibly the necessity of collecting accurate data, '.he tendency i? rather in the direction of greater cart in gathering tigures than nii.aPri it u n.aratftra nr.-ii.nii;.. that if there is ary inaccuracy in the comparison, it is on the side of show inc a sma'ier decrease then really occurred. A most encouraging feature of the report is the pronounced decrease shown ;l deaths from consumption .l 1900 as compared with 189 The deaths from this disease bftve fallei away at the rate ot ."'4 per 100,000. Ibis is doubtless due to the awaken ing of the public and medical mind to the ravages of this disease, result ing in the adoption of intelligent preventive method-. Tbe fuller realization of the effects of tbe western climate and the increase;! facilities for consumptives to reach it and make their home there, is no doubt also a iarge factor in reducing fatalities of this sort. What will It profit David B. Hill to get the presidential nomination In 1904 if he ha- Williatu J, Bryan as an opponent on an independent ticket ' The chance- that Bryan wili accept a nomination against Hill. Gorman or any of the other re organizers who are personally obiec tionahie to him. if any should be nominated, seems to be kept in mind by some of the- democratic leaders. It would he easy for a versatile person to show- that a convention in 1904 which would be in line with those of Chicago in 1 890 and Kansas City in 1900 would be orthodox, white one that would be run by the reorganizes would be heterodox Bryan could accept a nomination in l!t'i4 from a liryanite convention, and ?tili be "regular." Tub is a Oiroumttancc wbicb is apparently giving some concern to a few of the Cleveland democratic bosses. Kvery editor Dttkos enemies. A little squib aimed a', no one in pr. ticular, will bit some liollow-bsftdgd mdividoal, SOd tlS :t'- once declares birns..-'f "agin" tbe paper. Tne paper may Lave given bin many compli mentary polices, but tbe usagioarj tbrust puts him on his digiolty und be at once osiablisbos i.imself as a critic, bat be hain't eooogb nerve to go to the editor sritb bis su;j loosed grievance. Just notice rind you still see that the men who are 'agin' their aomc paper arc. a- a rule, men who would nut be missed if tues would leave tin community forever. (n every question of iucai interest tbe home paper stands ready to make a Ogbt fur tbe best interest of tbe greatest number of citizens at ils back. Milton J.agle. Clarke & Falk have on saie a full line of paint and artist ' bruehee. m StaltSS LOCALS. C arKt- It Falks tit: extract? are the lsit. Ask your u -cer them. R. B. liilbfetb ,v Sons will keep at ai! tiuiee rt supply of hay. gram aiul teed WhlOh thev wili retail at the I west Rjarket rate. f3bt( Why pay $1.78 pei gallon (or inferior DaitttS when yon can huv James E. patton's sunproof paints (or 11.50 per gaiion. guaranteed tor o years, l .;i:k s Falk, agents. ii. I Acker's Ettfliab Remedy wi.. top a COOffb at anv time, and Will COM the wofJt C01li in twe vt. il0urs or maamj re. funded. 28 cts. and 50 Stt, K.ake'.ey, the druggist. K yon want to retain your hair you 10 vo;'-r P Cieaa' Mi wi.. make your netr :..irsn, art and crispy. Now we have two of the very bMt preparations for cleansing the sea. i Kgg and Pine Tar Shampoo, It Will leave vour nair soft and gloeSV, Prirt?. .i an.: of cent a tv:::e At r razer s barner Bbop, lne I'a :es. :t Tne White Col. ar line. F.aiiey 1 tatiert, IbroOfh roand-'.rip tickets to easuie and return. Ik'set g md go;ng from Portland over the White Co. lar line. I '. K. & N. Co.. V. T. Co. or tne A. & C. R, R., and return over lame !;nes. i'.aigage checked direct to either North Beach, Seaview, Lung Beach, Breaker, Ocean Park or Nabcotta, Limit ol ticket September 15th. J. M. Fillooh, ager, : A l--i Styeterjr, I: is a mystery why women endnte Backache, Headacr.e. Nervousness 5 eep.essneis. Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells wben thousands bare proved :.ia: Eiectric Bitters will quickiy cure sncr. troubles. ' I suffered for years wilb kidney trouble, write Charier, of Petsreon, It.. .Mrs. Pbebe "and a laaie bacK pa:ned me so I con Id not dress my self, btr Electric bitters wholly cared me. and. although 78 years eld. I now aa. a"ie to do all u.y nousework." It overcomeeConstipattoo, improves Ap petite, gives perfect health. Unly 60c at G, C. Blakelev'i drug store. 3 Floral lotion will core wind chapping and sunburn. Slannfactared br C are & FalK. 9 Take them to day and you'll be well to-morrow. Baldwin's Cold Cure Tablet o2Jfl (Cold in head ) NoCureNePdv25c 9 9 9 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 lo- P'ee ftimple ind c i : Amur ; : )in "old by Clarke cc ralk.Tbe Dalies. I r. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM September 23-28. 1901 Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. BIG LIVE STOCK S Good RACING in Afternoons. the Latest Attractions in New Auditorium Building Kvery livening, with iood Music Beautiful Camp Grounds Free. Bpeoial Kites un ( ampera' Tickets. Come and Bring Vour Fami'ieg. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS tor further particulars, addreae m . D. WISDOM, Bee., lao(lm I'urtiand. Dretfon. On Sept. 7th will be presented to my customers i Shakespeare, complete in one volume, bound in Mor rocco; i Atala in large folio volume, illustrated by Gus- tav I h re. M. T. NOLAN. Union ami Second street-. Local Phone 92. regulator line. Dalles. Pornanfl & flsioria NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT OAK STREET DOCK. PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. and 11 P. M. ...Portland Boat... THE DALLES a: 7t00 A. M. and 3:iX) P DAILV EXCEPT SCXLAV. iULATOR, DALLES CITY. M. REl RELIANCE. lWAY, 'ienera! Agent, Tne Dalies. Oregon. W. C. ALL ' nder the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesjs and Mary. THE DALLES, OREGON. ThU :nt:tuti.)i. i- p!eaauti situate,! :ier the i. oi'.i. ..! ui. the In o: the O R. A X. Co. thence it i- easy of aeceaa lor all those who de-ir- t, -r,:ure a eomf . ruble home and a progrea rive leal .earning for their danghtera or vard- The looation ol the academy ia one of the moat healthy on the Pacidi ilope, tin- nor tion o: Oregon being ,r..verijiai for its pare water, bracing air. and pletareeque scenery. T.-.-. Academy l- in orpor.itd and a.iti.- rued by t;.. state toconfer Academic honors. R.-ard and tuition ;r aebolaatle yea:. 1S0 Studiei will be reaomcQ Tuesday, September, ith For detail-- information apply to the sister Superior agi.'-ita John Pashek. The Tailor. Has jmt received luiX) samplea of ttie latest patterns in Li'Mit's Clothing iiooiU. He iiuaran tees prices a o1 a g wii tit or no pay. : : : John Pashek. The Tailor. T T N, M ill) Mel r . pirst-Qlass 19 Every lesp?et. (Tiqziz at f f?ours. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. Tne taiiie a.wat. neat in the market. supplied with tne Tl Front St., near Court, The iMlies. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Trausact a Genera". BankiEp Business. Letters of Credit issued available in ii..- Fastern .States. Si. mary s Hcaaemy He BRLDWIN HESTHUBHN Sght Kxchange and Telegraphic New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such Transfers sold no New York, Chicago, wide variety as we are showing never he St. Louis, San Francisco, I'urtiand Ore- fore graced a eingle stork. Real imita- gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Clark & Falk are never cioeed Sunday. 1 JJon't forget this. White Collar Line. Jiiu UQiiuu ruiiiQiju uuuiu Sir. BAILEY-GATZERT. DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, j Cascade Locks. Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Arrive Tne Dalles. 3 P. U. Leave 11 " 4 " Arrive Portland 10 " Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. This Route has t he Grandest Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. -TAHOMA." Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a, X, Leave Astoria .7 P. II. Landing and office Foot of Aider Btreet; both phones, M 351, Portland, '.'regou. E. W. CRICHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Daliee, A. J. TAYLOR, Atjent Astoria. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING I AP. ROC1E FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST, THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE VELLOW- STOKE PARK Uaion D;r-::. Firiiia! : si; arrive. No, 3. Faat mail for Tacoma, No. Seattle. Olympia. Gray a Harbor and south Keiid p,5int. Sp,)iiane. Ros--land. B. c., FnUinan, Mo-eon . LewUtut.. 1', ::' is a. M (aloHump mining eonn- SitOP.M. try. Helena. Minnea: lis. St. Pan:. Omaha. Kansas city. st. Louis. Cbloago ami all point No. 4. eat and southeast. K0.3. Paget sound Expieea 5) P. M for TaCOUla and Seattle 7 ;00 A. M. and intermediate point! Pullman rim .class and toumt slet-p. to HinnaapoUa, si. Pan: and Missouri river point Veattbtiled traina. Onion depot conneetioiM ii. al. iJriiicitMil i ities. lUHiindv t. of Mki tm K,)r Uaiid-omeiy illiutrateildew.Tiptive matter Bejteia. eleeplag-car reaervattona, etc.. oatl on ut A. D. CHARLTON, AaaJetant triiera: i'aueer Agent, Its Morrl i-ii. street. urner Tlunl. l-urtiariil uream;. Just What You uaant. tion creton effects at ordiuary prices. uooa papers at cneap paper prices. Klegant deeigne, tasteful colorings, vours for a email price, at oor store on Third street. Also a full line of bouse paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. L Mm Pacinc jT , j mil1 J-y Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive o.--rttins. It is tne latest d'scovereddtgest ant and tonic. So other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in atantly relleveaand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach. Nausea, Sick Headache. Gastralpia Cramps and all other results of imperfect digestion, Prlcec arirt?l. Larpe size contains 2H imes saa..si2e. BookaUobontdyspepslafflausones CEarcd bv E !"!. DCWITT A CO.. Cb'cag Sold by (It.rkt- iv Falk's P.O. Pharmacy. Tie coiiilia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANtTFACTOttKKS OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON iJRIF.n BEEF. RTC. mm mm L. Y. BONO, Proprietor. First-Class in Every Respect 1 EAL at ai i hoi it- Oysters Served in any Style. 87 second St.. The Dalles. Or just Received A full iine of Freai. Prioting and Ie veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, 'el"x and Aristo in all si.e-. Also a line of 1'iates in Craaier. Crown, eeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Multigrapbs, And all accssoriee to oomplwti tbe outfit of eitiier the amateur or pro- iessiona; pbotograpbsr. Our Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Hath is a dandy. Try it. The A. E, C. Developer for plates, mme or developing papen lias noeqaal Enough for 86c to develop 6 dosan plates Of D dozen eiox 4xo. IVrieet blacks and whites are guaranteed, if directions are followsd. Ask for (be A. E. C. I)e et the veioper, genuine. and see that vou Ne are prepared toeompound anv and ah of your own formula! and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place, 175 Second Mreet, Tne 1 d..e- , I Ireg iu. Geo. C. Blakeley. L. Lane, SENSUAL SB i Wagon and Carriage Wark. riah Brothere' Wagon. IUrl and Jefferson. Pbone 159 BiacKsmltn lorseioer Oregon Shohf line and Union Pacific DSrABT TIM K Stt HE DU 1X8 KRilM THE DALLES. unrss fe am eh leago PorUaad Bpaolal. ll:16 p. m. via Hunt- illfttOll. Atlantic 13: 60 h m. vlh Hunt Ington. St. 1'hu! KHt Mil. 9 2r p in. via, Spo HHIIf. sncr ijite. Denver. Kt VN ortli . Onnilm. Khi; tMOltjr, Bt.Louu, Chi l'H(tn Hllii tllC Kat. t m. Salt Ijike, Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha. Kt Ml i ity. m Louln.Ctal rtig,. nnd the Kitst. W alia viih. Lewrtaton, upokaiie,Walhiee,Ptill' man, Itloneapolti, Bt. I'anl. liuluth. Ultwin itHj. rhii'agoiiml Kat. m. OCEAN AND EIYEE SCHEITLE From I'ortlHixl. ailinp dntt ib )eet to (.'hauKL-; p, n-.. 1:00 p. re Fur San Fnnoiaeo, Sail ,'verv .". i'.avs. Daily .'XrMt Hondav, -W.p'm. aturilav, lBtOS p. in- Daily exeept Bnnday, 6:00 a. 'in. Ciiiuiniiiii River. Tu Astnrhi and Wa; Landing!, " p m. 'xoep: -undav. Vrtllametta River, Oregon City, Kewberg, .":il':m. Independence, ana r ay Landlngi au p. m. exeept S'li-.ila-. Tuesday Thntsday, Bataida) . i. 01' a. n. ToeaSay, Thnnday Saturday, 7:00 a. ni. 4:30 p m Monday, WedneaSiy Friday. k'aitil an.! Way Landing! VTlllametfe and Vamln Ktvera, "p. m Mondei Oregon Clty.Dertonand " eunejoaj Wajr-Landinga. rrAt hnukr River. Rlparla to Lewliton. Leave Levueon 'idilv. Hum::, liUllv . 3:SDa. m. rte deslriue tn ri to o: lunt- on Columbia Bouthern via Hirst-, ihoald tali,- No. J. leaving The Dalit-.- a: 12:25 p. m makiiiK direct connections at Heppner juuetio nd Bigga. Returning making direetconneettoo :it Heppner junction and BiKRs With (No, riTlng at The Dalles at 1:06 p. m. fot inrther partionlara, eaii on or addreaa JAS. IRELAND. Agent. The Daiu-. Oregoti Complete of Drjs at M. Z. DONNELL, THt DRUGGIST. 50 YliARS' EXPERIENCE v ev . J3EE design: CorVRIGHT A:,v.-ine wntHn a nkefh and descrip-" ', tit iwoartaln .r opinion free ' J uv..i.r - iu i, , . : .uencable. Tompu .-'ricllye,,iitldeiili.,; llanduook ol I otil free. Ol leai atfen v fwr aeeurir..' paU-. Pal H.ti taacn inr.iuu'ii Mun.'i Jc C'u- reteifa ut nor,:., -in.u; cbarea, m tue t-avs?s,liEV JB1BIVS ivtuv, A h ndaAcgelr Uhartratae ek,r. iJifeaai ' .'Ula'.H.ti ,,f anv arior.tiile Journal, 'iwi. . i - lour n.'.nln, Jl. aoiu uyull t -- ;di: St lltM K President, Caabla' First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Buaineee transacted bepomts received, subject to Sigi.: Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegrapbic Exctiange aotd c New York, Han Francisco and Port land. DIRBOTOKS D. P. Thomfboh. Jiio. 8. Bcanat Ed. M. Williams, Go. A. Lues H. M. Bball.