The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 28, 1901, Image 4

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of Wan.ic. VII in town
of Portland is n
E. S. Prut
Mr?. JoMDh I'.t
v isitor It) our city .
Mrs. Charles Adatnt i- home ffOBl a
cam pint; trip to the Lock.
Ron. an ! Mr- V. i. Pretty an 1 two
I'bildreu ar- aVW IfOO Goldndl.
Wilton J il own and fnmi y are reg
latere.', a" Hie I" n.V i iron Colfax.
Mi. 6. E. Bander and family were
retQrning Dampen Iron Cascades ts:er
day. Tt.e family of W. E. Walthar returned
from Camp Cajcade? yesterday afternoon.
Tlie Collins hot price are BOW open.
No hotels, f'tlt 'lie BSMl "f camping
ground. Booting it Hoafortl, man
ager, Collins. Wash. oc8ln
ti anything aii? jrOOr hair, so atii see; he's the headquarter for all
hair remedies. Reinen her that he
make ..:. tv of these good, tf
Commencing Sunday, until further
notice, the V. E. fc N. wi',. so!! round
trip ticket, I'liie to CaKOdM, tot ..
This rate applies onlv to parties of rive
or more (.4 vi.i for Sun. lays only. I agin
o 0. Bueki Beirne, Ark., says, I was
troobied with ao&attpatioa until I t ttgi.t
M:s Nettie r redden, who t.ns been p. Witt's Little Early Eisers. Since
visiim; in tlooo Kteer, came op on tlie
Gotten vetterda?.
Mrs. Alice Sheldon went to Portland
yesterday, where be will remain fui a
week with frtenda.
01 the product of this WelNknOOt brewery the t'nite.! State Health
Reports for June gg, 1900, says : "A more aopeiior brew never entered
the labratory of ttie (Jotted States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the liigbteot trace of adoltentlon, hut on ttie other ham! is composed of
tiie best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used With 'tin greet! !ene;if and satisfaction by old ami
voting. It use can conscientiously i-e prescribed by the phyticiani with
tiit- cersaintv thai a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
pOOtfbly be found. "'
then have teen entirely cored of my old
complaint. recoui merni then . Clarke
vv Falk's P. o. Pharmacy,
.lame White, Bryantsellie, In '.. layi
East Second Street:.
C aKe F."x' !'. 1 . Pharmacy.
Gifford's FotOS Never Fade
Prof. Homer de Morrison
,. . M l . t. 1 i... I 1
t. .... 1 Mm L v r.mnh. .nam le I'l "III,. f I.. .'.?. .-. f (leaiCU
m, , II U 'I I 3 . L ... v (.li.t .'tl. ,".
yeaterday in ttie city, retorning t. tneir running sore .-n both egs. He had
home at Ktngsle today. suffered 6 years. Doctor failed to help
F. H, Kiddle, :iie from him. Get DeWitt . Accept no m.ita-
Island City, is In ttie City interviewing tions.
st"f; men in tnis Vicinity.
Mrs. W. 0. Allawny and son. Delwyn,
came nr. t r-tn Lyle jeterday . having
spent tlie tieated lern at that piacs.
E ST. J odd, of the Pendleton Scoot
ing Mills, came Op tr m f'ortian t .at
bighl an.j spent ttie day In The Dalle.
Mr. W. H. Hobeon am! family came
tip from Cascades yesterday afternoon
having spent ttie summer in camp tnere.
Mis Maude Micnei.. who da- been a
ue: at ttie Neileen cottage a- Ocean
Park, returnei home on last nigh:'
Hoc. aud Mrs. E. 0 McCoy anu fam
ily, who have visited Portland and ttie
Sound cities were returning pa-'Seiiger-on
the 9:15 train iast night.
Judge am! Mr A. 6. Bennett aud
family, wno have spent some time in
Sacramento, at the resorts, and in other
portion u: California, returned tiouie
tnis m irning.
Mis S.t.ina Pbirman came home last
night from their cam p in tue Mt. Hood
diatrict. Her sisters. Mrs. Retat and
Miss Christine Pnirman, will remain
antil Saturday,
Mr,. Harriet N
r Crandall & Burget c
All kinds of UNDERTAKERS Bwill Shrouds
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
The Dallas, Or.
uritinMii I
RUBBER and Garden Hose,
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers,
tfyou are in need of anything in our line, figure with
us, fur it will pay you.
We operate a PLUMBING-. TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will hav
prompt attention,
lyon's French Periodical Drops
fectly harmless, au
Qreateat known
re ti ac
Beware--' wnnw-Wi an-' Itnltatloas. Theaennlne I poi up
tor w:?n farsimtie ilenatare on -ule of tin? bottle ri ,i .
,r (TILLIAUS ilKo CO ?...c Aun:: CMTtUuid uniy.
For sale bv lieo. C. Blakeley, The D.ilies. Or.
tfeshtoftnn stTet. Rnntiis
te ven
wtiri baa
Thi first registered esreUatb Bntgradn
at psltDial ettr In Portland Th-' wuriil
2 satestTraeet ClatTTorentand BertM 11 oan
D- c" sttttd asttyon all :!a:r" of if
Priif de Morrison i u itnout ;i doubt the most
ctentiSe PlBiltsnd Clalf to ant In tae world
toda; a- locates hidden treasure, reunites th.
emrated. t'.'l!- if ther tniurl. o I. o (rn or. :
your land enaiii you to win the sftecuon of
one jroo desire
eaimislry taught, tnedlumlstic oeraens rjeret- j
. H ... i the ue of hi re -.'en led hetbil
Spent tne paal two months visttins net teas cures chronic and to-called lacurahle dls j
ei-r Mr. A. H. Cortiso, o: (irami a free treatment for the poor
Dailes. and friends it. this eity, left on Mrthnd three .,ueUon all
the ti ton train for her home at L'jue - "-
Bock, 1 ". Loeatwd Vlaloe,
. r t- Portlsnd. a us. 10. T. he Kditor), Bomer I
C'iari- an i'uyn. mayor of Tygb, is dr Mmilaon. ncwiliin Inealsit hi ililmi llubul
Join: tnisuiess in Tne Dalies todav. The ' Uon stolen tronn the tfelby -m-iitinc Works. In ,
maytir' proclivity f .j r tish stories, wbich
wa to tir joiinen'. in mfier years, seem
to have given place to a quiet dignity
sini.-e Mr promotion to the mayoralty.
...Blacksmith. Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.
Iron. Steel. Wheels. Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies'
Az-:n: tot Roasell a Co. - Bntdnesi Threshers ami saw Mills.
SSteancl' i r3 Cor, & Mill Sts.. THE DALLES OR.
.i: : :i'u.t u-.-ii' .. ;a:c -i-n-it-.-.v . .rn-
muntcated by letter Ihi fact t. Mr A. .! Etals
ton . owner of the ielhy WorJti The reports re
i elred la.: oighl p: hi- itatements correct.
"It :- t.;.;asui2 to i. SJSURd that IheKOld
Mr. an 1 M's. .lame Bninei came over imMM Irom tae seiuy .-niLitins Work w.t-
from the Klicsitat valley yeaterday.
cated by vision' by a Pottand oecultlit Tin
T.r.iv. Hi-ir th.. sf.i-v ." In. .... r, It,., t, l.u
Duruni tr.eir stay tiiey viaited ttie ime: and th'a: bis assistance was required in 're-
soda spring on it.- little IwliakUat. ana
1 tk- every jne else v. ha troes there are en
thusiastic over the curative propertied
'it the water.
cnvi'tmr tiir sulil Ka- a base California Invetl
ti.-:. t.u purpot- r depriving meson ul Just
giory KQitor rortuna oreeontan
V. .-. Lend Office, Vancouver. Uasr...;
Ju.y 18, 190 j
Sottce i- hereby Riven tht i: ro::idisnce
with the rrevtsfens of trie act of Concress of
furie:;. 1878. entitled 'An act for the uleof
timber iai.a in th.- state ol i.'allfornnt, Oreiion,
S'evadi and WashioKton Territory, a- ext mied
m all tne pttblic land state- by a t of .iiau.t I,
Prank a. Ball, of Pareo. w nntv of 1 ..
state of North ltakota, ha tni. ilay iil-ii n
office hhi sworn itatetnent Sn saaf, for the pur-1
chase of tbe . t- and i. and K:. sWW of Sec l.
In rptN, B 13 E, ami will offer" pro..? to show
mat the land souebt is i lore ealoable for its
timber or stoue than for egricultuisl purposes.!
mcldie Bonr ul' ho rht numiior nf SUd toSStabliil tti- .:: r . .i;,l .am: .
inKiuie ngun ... ne trie number ot thv ttgliKT ...... .. . : ,;. Dttici uVan I
conv.-r. -!;:: .'t..i.. . I .:'.r0.iy. the l"tl. .lay I
of October, UNI.
He name as .-Cr esses Darid Q. Nacfay and
Annie 0 H Maclay, of Farao, N. D,, and Knoch
Have. am! Leoil i.ii'... Mica. WaC.
Also David . "i e . . ..; F irx. .-..;:ntv of
i desire to lay to the oeople of Tiie c'ass, tate of North Dakota, - ihi da tiled
, 7. , In thisornee bis sworn statement No for j i. i. nriner, ot rort.anu. ti. purcbax tin N . oi nk 4. NK
and .-. ol 'u o; recl-. in , i , N. I;
and will offer; i roof -mm mar the laud lonebl
is more valuable it- !:i,:iA-r .r tna:. iur
.' .i i . . r 1 t ' !: - I . ..... . '1.1 r, . .-.r in! i .i hucln-i
nf no use (or a piano I have instructed to said land beion m reeister nd i roi
Mr. Gombert to dispose of same at any ;, jgj MOl' " '!" ":' n"""
reasonable price. Parties interested ft. mMn.S ,wlm, ''"' A Balland
Annie O. H. Macla; of Pargo. N. U,.and buocb
tin-, call and examine piano at Gum Bay and ieonmth of Luca Wa-..
Aim U.lilr I) II. Ma. .a' : laKil. COtllll O
as. ttateol North Dakota baxthbday hied in
Here i a poasle going the roonil:
Take tlie nuniier of your livinc brother.
Doable this amount. Add it to three.
Mu.tip y t;.e resuit by nve. Add to it
ihe iiuaiher of livinj sister-.. Multiply
:ne reu,: by ten. Add nuaiber of
ilea-.:,? of bro:tiers and sisters. Bobtract
150 from tbe result. The right hand
Bgnre will be the oamber of death ; the
living sister- ami the left figure wiii
show 'iie number ol living brother!.
on tie Piaoo.
wor. the piano which w- awarded me
upon preeentation "f ticKer 3U86. Hoe
have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy G-rocer es.
Pioneer G-rocer.
ill Co.,
uiiil Tobacci
aii''' tola oince her sworn sutement No lor the
pu robes I tbe tout beast quarter (SE'i of .w
ben- Leadini: C'ua'
IV i . .- ui -i..-r it,.. vaiMlmn at Ya. Is.lnTPtN, K I K and i otter or of t.
.;.A- that the land .mailt i more valunhle for
u.iia hay. where cat. la-had excellent its lmber or itom than lor aarwullur l pur-
uueea, anu to eaiaoiiM ner r.aim n h;o lar.u
before the reeister and rscdver ol tni office at
Vauconv.-r. Washington, :. Thursda; the l'.ih
day oi Detober. 191 I.
b narnes as wimesaas i'i Id Maolay
ind hraiik A Hal : Kr... N p . and Enoch
Hayes and Uson am.ti. i.u vVenj
Any and all person claimihf a.i ersely the
above-devrlfAHl l.iud- ir. rr. ..-.('. . their
claims in thi- off) m on oi bet ore a. d :-.'th day of
ct..lxr. 190
ilylT lOw M k. DCNBAH Keelator.
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headqua.rters for Feed Grain ol p.ll kin
Eeadauarters for Rolled Grain, axi kinds
efc "
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ofndMTLLkFnEQEEi
Headquarters fcr 4iByers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats
This i ioiir in mannfaotured expressly for famil
use. t-v-rv sack is guarantied to b: ve aatiafaction.
Wa sei. nur uoixls lowor tiian any house Id the trade, and if you don't think sc
oal and 140: enr prioaa and ie convinced.
fare, good tisiiititf, good bottUngi safe
batbing, allnring rules and ramhie.
The c inrees and exerciaoi at tne inmmer
gchool of 1901 at Newport will afford
great varsetv ol imtfUOtioOli diver-ion
ind entertainment, No other resort
tiller-, e'j'ia. attractions and like advan
tages. )onlltl
Hudson i. BrOWUbill tiave a lew
houses tot relit roomi froui four Up
price a uioiith and up. Tliee prop
ertie? are ,11 good loMttOQI god parties
They overcome Weak
ness, nrreffularity ami
oaHaaionBi Inureo-so vio;.
"r am; liani.-n "palri
of menatruatlon." They are LIFC BAVEBS" to gitla a.
womenhood, aiding development 01 organa and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do barm life
become a pleaaure. Jt.t.00 PEU li HV MAIL. Hold
' druggist. Pit. MOTT'S ClIEMK ALCO., Cleveland, Ohio
For saie by (.. C. Blakeley. Tne Dalles. Or
Land 1 ifsc
yt Was lauiuiuvr uonniniii n in -e ...11.
I" i". On iv of for trie round trip from
fc'Vjj! j ' v i ! '' ' ' , : " ; - The Dalle to Long Beach, Tioga, I'aoiflc
nsmsd lettier imried notice of his in'sntloi ki
make Dual proof In lun'ort of bin claim, and Park. Oeean I'm k or Kabrotta. UTaah..
desiring g-.od home for the winler can't r' TitV Allium cl Warn good for return until Sept. 15. 1801.
d i better than to call 00 the above lien
tlemen at tbeir oflee on Wstbington
treet, or lee .J H. JsoktOO wh
gladl) s:oiw ymi tiie property.
fill il-
Twenty iie.o! of hOrtM, ranging in
weight Iron) U00 to 1400 pouoda, All
tjaiter-iiroKei. god -nine broken 10 work
Apply t0
Aeker'i Dyepepaia laoiet- are sold on
it positive guarantee. Curef iieart-lmrii,
rsiing ol lbs food, diatrsn after eatmg
or so) I 'ui of dyspspsis, Oos littie
Beer See
Bbowi tue state of yuur (eslingl and the
state of your health a- well. Impure
blood make, itseu apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimplei a:ui
Skin ErOptiOD. 1' VOU art- ieenng
weal; and orn out and do not bsvei
healthy appearand you ahould try
Arkn-', I '. hp' Kitvir Tf .n-j .. I i 1.1 1
p. m., ami H1 p. m. on ,.
' . ..r. ..,1.,.,. . ..... , ..n 1
i..- ,n.. v"i- 't"ton auu
..Hi...... i,...r....K t 'Ui'r.iiiiiiT n 1
Iraube lirothers. Kndersiiv, lUiam Olson, sacl
1. 11
1 v l'-i me
r. washitiijton. 01. 1 11.-l.y. t oiler M Baggage cheeked through todestina-
iru it. Uewett. tioo. Tbe iteamer I. J. 1'otter will
Wah:-.t..i.. w:... ni..l. li K No. ieave Portland daiiv eseept Sun.iav and
9577, for the tontb naif of uortowest juarier, . '
id west naif oi Huhwi nuartvi section Monday, and the liassalo daily except
i..-u....i. ,""ii-.ii. ,11. - ....... in. 1.. i, ei- t? .
vest, W M. Sunday, at
He name! Hie following will I
hi - ,- mt 1 111:. .ii - r,-.:.le!i, Ill tin hii.1 en 1 1 leaflAn
. laid laud vis Astoria and at letSCO for all point 00
Jai ie. gU anil Colons' Fll SCl oi -ar 1 . , 1 ,.. , -.ii
1 n Washinetou and li II li mid Oregon and Washington neaehes Cell
llusun I u, wasaing. on .a. Ireland, agent, Ttie Dalle.
tor through time card to all bSSOll
point, ily3-8m
0 iM.led purifiers (ail 1 knowing thir we
sell every laittle on a positive guarantee.
Biasslej Ibe droggiat,
W, R. Dl'fsBAN, Kvglsti
tahiet -ives iiiniiediate relief. 2 cts mat said proof will be ruade belorv Iba Kvaia
and 60 CIS. Blakeley, the druntit. lerand Keveiver at The lhe Uragouoi lours
gar , pteniber 80 , Vlf .
t II Haul 1 . TttowMun
oi Tin PaU, Qregoti, U, i No W7i tor Ul
an-4 Sod ' . !W U -.- J", 1 IN, ti 1! I. VS M
, li, aaaiv Ike following witnesses lo nrovs
100 Will not iiave boils if vou take bia eoalinuoun resideuie upon sud oullivatiou
Gierke eS Fslk' stir care foi boils. of said Uod vu
Paul Car lerlg, R i el ton, ler.. Mlcksr and
Gifford's Fotos Never Fade. l-7..V" : ' :
t) in t be -alii-lie'l with temp, rarv re-
", ,' . '! lief from indigestion. Kodo. Pypp (;r,
N. ti.. is tiered given mat lbs following- ('ur permanantlt ami
liAlnt-: ..'ttl.T hn.. llte.1 lnilli ,1' Ml. 1 1 1 It'll! inn
i. ma.,, liual prool lupport i lu ' Isun, aud moves tl, is lompiaint. it relieve per- ('ore i- th
A full line of Lasiman tiiun ami sup
p.iee just receive! hv (,'iarUe it talk.
maneotlv because it allows the tired
stomach perfect rent. Pietlng
rest the Itomaoll. Nature receive Bin
plies from the Qod eat. The sensihie
way to help the stomach is to use Kodol
l'Vspepsia (Jure, which digestn w hat you
eat ami can't help Put do you good.
Clerked Fsik'i P. 0. PbsroiMy,
i'. I, Tiiomas, Sumterville, Ala., "I
was Hollering from dyspepsia when I
communced taking Kodoi iKaoeosia
1 took several Ixittles and cau
completely re digest anything." Kodoi lvspepsia
e only preparation containing
all the natural digestive fluids. It gives
OB t eak ItOmSOb entire rest, restoring
their natural condition. Clarke & talk's
P. o. Pbsrmaey.
Clarke it Kalk i.ave received a carload
of tbe culobrated James 11. Petton
i strictly 'am- liquid paints
Job Printers.
After vou tire of using so-called kirlnev remedies
without any benefit, ne Linoolp Sexual Pills and le
forever rid of those dull pains In your hack. Discard
that old fogy idea of "pain ill the kidneys'' ami have
all yoor bladder and urinary troubles cart H and your
nights made restful lv tiie n-e of nature greatest
assistant Lincoln Bezusl Pills.
I'rtce, $1.00 jier bog buy ot yoor druggist or sent
by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrappei.
Fort Wayne. Indiana.
M. . Donnell, Agent, The l)alleg.
WtJOLKSAtg AM. lltTA'l.
I Wines, Liquors Cigars
j Family Orders will receive promDt anention.
mill. 111 Phone aa
1... nt Hi. i. lotH.
Next door to First National Bank.
,tJr ",JJrA-' T-Ar.Mra,raar. w. urj ra miTiunufWiir
Ar i
-L. I ' i t , , . atfaiB SM M
ot M "The Owl."
5 Purest Liquors for Familv Use f
J elivered to any part of tlie City.
Phones: B Local,
173 Second Street.
t6s l.oug Distance.