. A ft A $; 0 & " & i; - . - - - BoysdowettT out 5 kind that will look decent, A We Have the Right Kind and they are the Besl Shoes to be had anywhere fur the price 1 $ Bi vs.' Calf Lace Shoes. 21 to 5 $ Bovs' Kangaroo Calf Shoes, 2 to 5 Boys' Seal Grain SEAM LESS Shoes, 2 to 5$ $ Same, sizes 12 to 2 $ Boys' Box Calf, Leather Lined Shoes, 2?, to -V, Same, sizes 12 to 2 & Boys' Calf Shoes. 12 to 2 & Bovs' I !alf Shoes, 2i to 5?. f i f All Heavy Extension Sole. Don't get discouraged trying to keep the boy in shoes. Try a pair of our PEASE St MAYS. J, A: A: JT.; -Jf ' fiutti 3Jp v IT WW WW rhe Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY AUG. 28, 1901 n and Ice Cream SoUu lw,. 4J WSUU.il At Andrew Keller's TREASURER'S NOTICE. All VfaiOO County warrant registered prior t October 17, 1K9X, will he paid on prene iitatiim at my ottice, Intereni ff uT . i i A UKUHt 1 . 190). JOHN F. RAKPIBIBIi County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Moonlight excursion On tiie Dallei City tonight. Tickets r)0c. Boat leaves at 8 :30, re turning ty ! 1 o'clock. Fruil packera wanted by the Colum bia Commission Co. aug27-:it Forecast Tonight and Thursday , fair ; wanner tonight. Maximum today, 89 Trie Tinted Artisan assembly will have a social time this evening at their room1 in the K. of P. hall. There ure many ways to pay news paper subscriptions, hut most of them are paid with reluctance. "You'll have to hurry'' if you get those Sidewalks all repaired and in good OOudition before fair time. tart at once. Tbe readers of Harpers' magaziae,wbo were so taken with Uilbert Parker's "Right of Way" will be pleased to iearn that it will be published in book form by the 20th of September. Capt, Nelsou brought the Reliance up eiterday from Portland, where she lias been an inmate of Supple s hospital for disnbla ! Steamers. She is now in readi ness when tbe demand requires her Mslstauce, B, W . Paper, who was arreated Satur day night for drunkenness, asked for a lory trial yesterday, and by producing six itnaM who swore he wan "straight es die," blew the city in for $o jurors' 'ees, and walked away scott tree. We notice that many of u'lr exchanges ers making a specialty of mentioning POenomenal wheat yields. Now, let our Iwmeri call Rl IhiCbsoiiiomi office and live lu (heir reports so that we can toot "ur horn, otherwise it tooteth not. while working on the new residence w. H, Crawford at Centerville vester y before noon, 8. F. French fell about twelve feet, injuring his right knee bad-'J- He wag brought to the city and Ur. eodorffa gave him the surgical as "stance needed. A letter trom C. E. Bayard, who with IN. bayard, has been upending tbe ouuiier at Newport, says they will leave A $ ft 0 ftAftftfi ft .A A A - . . v , v- -v To Beat the Band. Bhoea "to beat the band," and hold together, and don't cost A - si that place Saturday. They have been enjoying themselves immensely arid Mr. Bayard'l health is much improved. He says he's coming home to get warm. Yesterday, at the advice of her phy sician, Mrs. L. H. Nichols, who has been very ill oi stomach trouble, was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital in Portland. While Mrs. Nichols was improving, it was thought best to take her where she will receive ttie most skilled nursing. There is some talk of endeavoring to have a game of baseball between the league t?ams Portland and Spokane daring the fair. It is to be hoped the teams can be secured as they will prove a great attraction. Dalles people seldom have an opportunity to see a good base ball game, and we are sure our visitors from t tie country would greatly enjoy it. REGULATOR LINE. On Saturday, Aug. 3ist, the llegn lator will leave for Portland one hour ahead of time, or 2 P. tf. instead of 3 i'. Mi W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt. On Monday last while the 4 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Siierer, was playing about the warehouse at Biggs, where Mr. Siierer is employed, she fell from the pla.form, knocking two of her ' upper teeth far into the j 4 W, meaning her lip badly and cutting the lower lip to such an extent that the skin fairly dropped over the chin. Dr. Beers was called and did his best for the child, but it was thought advisable to bring her to The Dalles. Mrs. Siierer arrived with her yesterday and they are stopping at the Umatilla. Blood poisoning has de veloped and the child ;e very ill. We were not aware that The Dalies is considered a Mecca for romantic, or for mat matter, any other runaway couples ; ' but at least one such couple evidently considered it to. About a week ago Oeorge Armstrong, aged 2:;, and Lva La Masters, aged 10, broke loose from all restraint and ran away from Cor vallis. Word was telegraphed to our marshal to look out for them an 1 photo graphs o( them tent, which that oflicer showed to Deputy Sheriff Wood. Vester- ' day as the latter keen-eyed cfli'-ial wa. walking up Second street he met a bus-picious-iooking 0 uple v. biotl he a! once decided were tbe runaways and watched 'them enter the I'nion street lodging house. He then informed Chauiplin, who followed and interviewed them, but to no avail as neither had the ieast re gard lor the truth. Later, in company with Wood, he returned, and this time they confessed. Word was sent at once to the sLerill of Benton county, who an swered that they need not be held as it had been decided it was use less to attempt to do anything with Tbe young man left yesterday afternoon for Hood Iiiver and the young woman A A A A A A A A A AM w v ..... . r v Vw i i i I it seems hard to find a t too much. $2 00 2 (it) 2 25 2 00 2 50 2 25 1 50 1 75 i s i had left the lodging house last evening. She is without money or friends ami tier future may be imagined, as she seems totally devoid of any refined feelings in the mattei . Many Wheeler county people will re gret to learn of the death of Oeorge Gray, the well known Heppner stock buyer, which took place at St. Vincent's hos pital, Portland, July 28th. He was a ro- bu?t man but succumbed after a very brief illness. His trouble commenced with a gathering in one ear. and ended with mecingiti. Journal. Another i ncie Tom'i Cabin Pare. i li such a thing were possible, surely Hariiet Beecher Stowe would rise from her grave in protest at the wholesale slaughter of that wonderful story which was such a factor in the abolition of slavery from the South. That every broken-down theatrical company in the land should presume upon the admira tion of the people for "L'ncle Tom's Cabin" by adopting that play as a last resort, seems like sacrilege of the worst character. Where these people have the advantage is from the fact that everyone goes to see "l'ncle Tom's Cabin." Many, who object to theaters of any sort, and even refuse to attend such a splendid play as "Nathan Hale" which appeared in The Dalles last fall, tl ck to see " l'ncle Tom's Cabin," and in nine cases out of ten hear a lot of the poorest actors butcher the original story until it is difficult to recognise it. And so there was a good house at the Vogt last night, aud, as usual, the au dience was badly disappointed, for tbe fact that thej had played in the Mar ijUam and other tirst-class theaters was considered a recommendation. One feature which is very objectionable and I an insult tO the audience as well as the manager of an opera honse. is the habit that poor companies have of Imagining themselves in a little country town w here their "superb" acting cannot be appreciated, and continually laugh while performing, instead of consld ring the fat that people have paid their money to see a mighty poor ihoa at best. Then trie absurdity of using a scene representing a street in some large city for a garden scene, ut St, Claire tel ling Tom to take Kva In out of the nigbl air when she's already in a warm pur. r, and many like omis sions. We will say, however, that Charles Hums in the various cnaracters assumed by him, showed himself a good actor, aud far ahead of the remainder of the company, particularly so in the mad scene between him and Cassie. Haley, a- tbe Oer man character, was also good, especial I v so in his specialty work, and while "Marks" over-acted his character, yet he was passably gopd. However, we presume if auothei i troupe appears next week in "l'ncle 'Touj's Cabin" they will be greeted with 1 a crowded nouse. THE BOOK EXCHANGE. it win Omar in The iiu Pnblie School. The follow ing I lusses w hich have tin llhtd their hook? used !st term will purchase new books of the recently adopted series at the Opening of school September !';h : HANNi IB Class Cyr's First Header. 2 A Class Cyt's Second Reader. 3A Class Cyr's Third Header. :M Cleft Cyr'S Fourth Header, i vxt;i Ml. 4B Class- Heed s Introductory. 7 B Class Heed A Kellogg's 'ra Lessons. lElTHMKl ic. ,1 SB Cias Wmtworth's :a Class- Went worth's IP Class Wentworth's 8B Class- Wentworth's Klementary. Elementary, Elementary) Practical, QBOSiRAPHY. M Class- Frye's Elements, :a Class Frye's Elements, 4B Class Frye's Elements, ph veto LOCO . li! Clees StOWtll's Primer of Health. HtBTOE . 5B Cieee Thomas' Elementary, 7A (."lass Thomas' United State--, civil. QOVfekSMEKT, 7A Class Dole's A merican Citizen. All other classes below the High school will not purchase new books or exchange now, but bring their old books to school. Instead of exchanging at present most of the classes will continue With the hooks they have been using un til they have finished them. A few grades that cannot complete the books j now In their hands within the tifteen I months given for tbe exchange will use ' them as long as most benefit can be gained from their ijse : and then ex I change before ihe introductory rates ex pire. There will be a few classes to ex change at times most advantageous to school work during the coming term and before the end of December. Due notice will be given to pupils and parents in advance so all may be prepared for the I , exchange. No High school books will be ex changed now ' But when subjects have been finished the new books will be 'nought instead of the old series. Pu pils of the High school should await the purchase of new books until they have conferred with the teachers. The above suggestions on the x sbange refer to classes only. It individual pn ' pils iiave old books they wisii to ex I change for new books of the same grade I or in families who are holding books for younger children they may exchange at ' any time. An effort has been made to reduce the expense ot the introduction and ex change to the minimum. It will be seen that less than one-fourth of the books will be actually exchanged, the remainder being used until they are. I completed and the new series substi Iflted. Considering the lower prices of the new books.'the reasonable introduc lory and exchange rates, the cost to the 1 district in making the change will not' be great. 3, s. Landibs, Snpt. j The rHMoti J'lav. I i A large audience witnessed a biograpli production of the "Passion Play," at the! First Methodist church last night. The' , machine was operated by Pro). B. R, 1 Dunn, and the entertainment w as a sue- , ; cess in every way. During the evening sacred music was furnished on the piano and violin by Misr Florence La Dupe and Wiilatd Dons. Prof. Dunn opened' the program of the evening bv giving a number of views of the late Spanish- American war. lie then gave twenty two views from the life of Christ. J he entertainment will lie repeated tonight I at which time forty-eight sacred views from "In His Steps" will be produced. Sail Like Herald. Aug. 9th. Artisan, Attention! Matters of special interest will come up for the consideration of every Arti san this evening. All Artisans will re ,gret it it they are not present. G. K. f INUKRS, M. A. TORIA For I&iiatl and Ofiildrcn. lbs Kind You Have Always Bought fars the &UaLUlu oi UK FOUND. At The Haiies Employment Office; a plaee where yoa can procare help with out cost or trouble. Mail or phone V ( HBL Kfci i.kv, sSS'lmdAw Manager. Moki 'lea positively cures Mck Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Ketuoves all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. cts and 50 cts. Ulakeley, the druggist. Music and ON Columbia River WCDHCSDAT Mid. AUdUST 29 STEAMER DALLES CITY Steamer will leave dock at 8:30 o'clock, re turning at 11 o'clock. i MUSIC by the PEOPLE'S BAND. Ticket, On Sale at D. ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Special in Men$ Straw Hats. See our Show Window. New Crocery Store We have u 1 I 1 a ( ! rocery I .i 1 1 orient i our store. A new (Yeah, ! clean stock. Qiye us a rail. ProMopJ delivery to any part f tha city. ...MAYS CROWE... SJSajSajSBKSBBJJSJSSJS ncaMS of cough or croup give the little one One Minute Cough Cure, Tbeu rest easy and have no fear. The child will be all right in a little while. It never tails. PlesSSHl to take, alwayn safe sure and almost Instantaneous in sffWct, (jiurkc ii Fslk's P, 0. Pharmacy. We offer for a limited period the twioeaweei Chsomiclb, price 11.60, and the Weekly Oregoniau, pries)$1.60' hoi i, papers for a year, subscription under this offer must be paid in ad vance. 1 ii th- action of my bowela in not easy and regular serious complications muni ' be (he final result. DeWilt'a Little ' Karly Kisem will remove this danger. : Safe, pleasant and effective. Claikerit Falk's P, O. 1'hariiiacy. Clarke & Falk have ou sale a full Hue ' of paint and artist's brushes. Moonlight THE . . . SOc P. & A. N. Office. 25c WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Triiril and Washington Ste. All orders attended to promptly. Long distS)OOS phone 438, Local, 102. When your hair appear dry und to have lost ita vitality it want something to give it life and vigor. We have w hat. the hair need when it geln lu that con dition. We have Jf the CfOWU of Hcience Hair tfyjflfcltAB ' 'fowei .1 ml iicoanut i re.ioifluJB 1 on, I'bey will cure daiel aawsaW mil and all M ..lp disease, l or aale at Kra.er'a bar ber ahop I'rke U)c and 76k) a bottle. Clark aud Falk have iul received a ful Hum ui fresh Yelox paper aud de velopers, the saute as used by Mr. I.ovick in hi recent demonstration afour store.