The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY - AUG. 28. 1W1 cos F.tlSiS', WHEAT. Indication? arc that a fit as the wheat supply ll concerned, the world faces conditions not unlike those existing four years 1120. and When a partial failure of the foreign crops occurred smnltaneously with a heavy production in the United States, says the Review. The result was that this country had an unusually larse export surplus which it was able 10 sell abroad at uncommonly hitrti prices. It mav not be thai wheat will reach the figure attained in 1897, but from present calculations the entire surplus of this country will be required to satisfy foreign demands and under such conditions it is prob able that high prices will rule. The conditions of the foreign wheat supply, unon which prices in this country depend largely, are set forth in a recent issue of the Mark Lane Express. This authority de clares that France, which usually produces enough for home con sumption, will not raise over 300,. 000,000 bushels, thus making it nec essary to import some 60,000,000 bushels. The yield in the territory of northwestern Europe is estimated at 896,000,000 bushels and the re (pjirements at 664,000,000, thus leaving 268,000,000 bushels to be imported. This required importa tion is what the surplus of the United States will be if the home needs are taken at 400,000,000 bushel? and the surplus at 675,000,000 bushels. The Express says that the principal competitors of the United Mates. Egypt 3nd India, will hav nothing for export this year, while the surplus of Russia. Argentina. Australasia and the Balkan states will be exhausted in supplying the import needs of Italy, Austria-Hungary, China and the panish peninsula. Tin- means that there will be a ready market for the entire surplus of this country, with a strong probability that the American tarmer may name bis own price, as he did in 1 As an indication that foreigners are aware of their future demands it is to be noticed that the recent ex orts have been unprecedented! large. The July exports of wheat this vear were over 18,000,000 bushels, as compared with only 5, 500,000 a vear ago. The August record is even more rerr arkuble. During the week ending Angus! loth over 8, ,000 bushels were cleared and this was followed in the succeed ing week bl 9, ,000 bushels. Last week this phenomenal exportation continued, the clearance for last Monday being the unprecedented total for a single daj of 1,754,000 bushels. It is believed that foreigners in view of the prospective shortage have had tin foresight to contract fur wheat so that they would not be compelled to supply their needs while price- were being forced up on a wave 'jf speculation. This may prevent any wild advance such as prevailed three years ago. but the prices ate pretty certain to he above the average, and. a tin- yield is large, tl.e return- to tin- farmers may closely approaob the ligures of 1 897 1898. QQOSttQII A 11 w 9 rmi . Yes, August Flowtf Mill bU the lares' sale of any medicine in the civilized wurid. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought oi using anything else for indigestion and biliousness. Doe tors were scarce and they seldom huard of appendicitis, nerviii- prostration or heart failure, StC. They DSed August Flower to cit-an out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regu late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous aud organic action of the ,-y-tern, and that is all they took when feel lug dull and bad with headache and other aches. Yon 01m need a few doeea of Greene August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing tterious the matter with you. tiet Greeu'e prize almanac. Clarke A Falk's. 1 hubscribefor Tut OuOMIOLgi BTSIMCIIS LOCALS. Clarke A Falk's flavoring extract" are the iet. Ask your g -cer for them. !:. B. tiilhretL A: Sons will beep at all times a supply of hay. grain and teed i which thev will retai! at the !.west market rates. j28tl Why pay $;.Tt per gallon tor inferior paints when von can htiy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for 1.M per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years, Ciark & Falk. agents. nil Acker s T.ngiish Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the, worst eoid in twelve hours, or money re funded. 26 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. If you want to retain your hair you ' have lo keep your scalp clean, -oap will make your hair i.arsb, dry and crispv. Now we have vo of tiie very bejt preparations for cleansing the scalp Kgg and I'ine Lir BbampOO, It will leave your nair soft and ulossv. Price, 2S ant. 50 cents a b )ttle, at Frazer's barber chop. Tiie Iia'.ies. tf Tne White Collar line. Bailey Oat.'.ert, will sell through roand-trip ticket- to Seaside and return. Tickets good going from Portland over the White Collar line, i . K. & N. Co.. V. T. Co. or the A. it C. K. I:., and return over same lines. Baggage cheeked direct to either North. Beach. Seaview, Long Beacu. Breakers. Ocean Park or Nahcotta. Limit o! ticket September loth. J. M. Fi'.ioon, agen:. A lee. tlTJ. It i a mystery wiiy women endure Backacha, Headache, Nervousness Sleeplessness. Meiaucnu ly, Fainting and I:2v Spells when thousands have proved that Eiectric Bitters will quickly cure snet: troubles. "1 inffered for years with kidney trouble." writes Mrs. Pnebe Charley, of Peterson, la., ''ami a lame hacK pained me go I conld not dress my self, hu Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and, although 7M years oid. I now am ahie to do all mv hontework." It overcomesConstination, improves Ap petite, gives perfect i ealtb. Only BOc at G. C. Blakelev'a drug store. ?, Fioral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arte & Falfc. 9 T.i,.a 9 9 idie uiem 3 9 today and youll be well to-morrow. Baldwins Cold Cure Tablet No2iB (Co'd in head1, IMoCureNoPdy25c ind (or Trtt fcin'.plc nl e -J I c I Mnul r.i,iin bn PfRUM 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 3 3 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ")id hv Clarke h.i.K, Tiie Dalle;, Or. OREGON STATE FA R SALEM September 23-28. 1901 Great Ag'ricultural and Industrial Fair. BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW Good RACING in the Afternoons. Latest Attractions In New Auditorium Building Every Evening, with QOOd Music. Beautiful Camp Grounds Free. Special itatea nn I ampere' Tickets. Come and Bring lnur tami'iee. SPECIAL RATES Ofl all RAILROADS Kor further particular", address If, D. WISDOM, Bee., lauglm I'ortiand, Oregon. J On Sept. 1 Shakespeare. rocco; Atala lav l(re. in Union and Second .Street regulator line, Dalies. Portiaoo & Hsioria NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT OAK STREET DOCK. PORTLAND, at A. M. and i: P. M. ...Portland Boat... THE DALLES 7 :00 A. M. and 3 :00 P. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. at M. STXAMBB8 iULATOR, RE DALLE CITY RELIANCE, C. ALLAWAY, General Agtnt, Tne Dalies. Oregon. I nder the ilirection of the Sisters of the Holy Names Jesus and Mary, THE DALLES, OREGON. Institution la pleasantlj iltuated near the ColuoiMa on the Uneof the O K. & N. Co. tbenee it la easy 0: seeeaa for all those whode-u- ti secure comfortable home and nrijre-, live ..-at oi learning for their danghteis or ward- The location of academy is one oi t.i-; r.iost healthy on the Paeirii- slope, thi- por tion Oi Oregon fating proverbial for Its pure water bracing air. and picturesque scenery. Thi academy 1- Incorporated and .itb..ri.eii by tti.- .staC'- b- nmfer .tcadeuiie honors. Board and tuition i-er scbola-tie year. ir) Studies wli: be reui::eil'I Uvlay. .v-pte:.iber. 1th K..r detailed Information apply to the .-ister Superior. suglo-im John Pashek. The Tailor. Has jUSt received low .samples of ttie latest pattern- 10 Gent's Clothing iiooda. He unnran tees prires rtnd a good lit or no pay. : s John Pashek, The Tailor. Tiie BALDWIN RESTAURANT w i LBONi Hauagei . First-lass 19 Euery Respect. m?als at pll rours. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. 'I ne tahie glwaVS beet in the inarise'.. mpplied with tiie Front near Court, The Dalies. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Trausact a General Banking Bumiess. 1. -tiers of Credit issued available in the Eastern states. Sight Kxchange and Telegraphic 'i'.-anstere sold on New York. Chicago, M. Louis, .san Francisco, i'ortiaud Ore St. piaru s mm gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections uiadH at all points on fav- orable terms. 1 tJtJitT " 1 7th will be presented complete in one volume. Douna in lviui- larce folio volume, IKE. T. - . Local Phone 92. white Collar Line. me Daiies-Ponianfl Route Str. BAILEY-GATZEHT. DAILY BOUND TKirS, Fxcept Monday, Cascade Locks. Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland . 7 a. i. Arrive Tne Dalies o p. U. Leave " " a" '' Arrive Portland '. I'1 ' Meals the Very Best. "Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. "This Koute bas the Grandest Attraction- on Larth. cenn Portland-Astoria Route Str. -TAHOMA." Dai:y Round Trips except Sunday. TIME Leave Portland Leave Astoria CARD Landing and office Foot of Aider Street: both phone. M :3-t1, Portland, ' iregoii. E. W. ORICHTOS, Agent Portland, J, M. FILLOON', Agt. The Da! lee, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. J Yellowstone Park Line. THE DIKING Art ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIP.Ei-T LINE TO THE FELLOW- STONE PARK ouii Diptt. nmaM i su No. :. Fast mail for Tacoma. .-cattle, olympia. Gray's No. 5:50 V. Mi No. 3. 7;00 A. II, Harbor ana .-oiith lieiid points, Spokane, Koss laud. h C.i i'ullman. Uoeeow, Lesiistou, But 11:15 a M faloBump mining coun try. lleUn.i, Miiineatine lis. St. fail:, Umaba. Kansa- i lly. Bt. Louis, Cbieago ami all points No. 1. and MntbaaSI. 1-uget Bound Express Ul30 P. If, for Taoorns and BsiitUe aud interuaciliate points Pullman first eis ;,nii tourist iieepen, to Minneapolis, Bt. Pauiaud Missouri river piiiuts without change. Vestibuled trains. Onion depot connections In all principal cities. oitjCK.t.' euei-iktsi o 'ie-'.i:i ill, i! o: ucKers. Kor handsomely IllinnrftteddeacriDtive matter. tii !kets, sleeping car reaervatiuna. etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant iieiiera! fassi-nger Agent. 2S5 Morri son -jtreet, corner Third. Portland Oregon. Just What You uiant. New ideas in Vv all Paper here. Such c w ide variety ae we are showing never be fore graced n single stock. Keal iwita Ni M M $9 - tiou creton effects at ordinary prices, Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D- W- VAUSE, Third St. ' to my customers , I A I illustrated i ua- NOLAN. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artiticiail7d:?ests the food and aids future in sirenpthoniug and recon structing the exhausted digestive re runs. It is the latest discovereddigest Int and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dvspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence. Sour Stomach, Isausea, ick Heartache, Gastralpia ( ranipsaud all other results of imperfect ciieestion. Price Mc. and fl. Large size contains 2M times smaiise.BookP.i;r.boutdyspepuimalieUIre cpared by E n. D-'I rT CO.. Chicago Sold by Clarke AFalk"- P.O. Pharmacy. tub coiumDia PacKing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF II ANTJFACTU BJ5KB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JR1F.D BEEF. F.TC. mm mm L. Y. BONG, Proprietor. First-CIass in Every Respect HEALS AT ALL BOORS. Oysters Served in any Style. I 87 Second St., The Dalles. Or just Received A full line of Fresh Printing aud De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, V'elox and Arieto in all ize. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, eeds and Stanley. Trays. Printing Frames, Albums, Multieranhs, And ai! accessories to complete the OUtflt of either the amateur ur pro fessions photographer. Our Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Bath is a dandy. Trv it. The A. E. C. Developer for plates, Bins or developing papots has no equal F.nuiigh i'r 35 p. developed dozen nlatee or 6 do.en X'eiox x.". l'erfeet iilanks ...i - j i- nt M h.te- are guarantee.!, it directions are followed. Ask for the A . K. C. I)e- vetoper, ami genuine. see that you get the We are prepared to compound any and al! of your own foriunin- and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place, 17i The Dalles, I ireg.m. Seoond Street, Geo. C. Blakeley. in' esgssg L. Lane, GENEHAL Wagon and Carriage Werk. Flah Brothers' Wagon. Third aud Juffcon. Phoiie 159 4 BiacKsmith Horsito Oregon Shout Line AND Union Pacific DIPaST FOK Cbioao I'ortliiiid Special. 12:28 p, m. via Hunt Ington. A tlantle ' 12:SQ 11. tn. via Hunt IngtoD. ; st. Paul KHt Mail, v.S p. m. via rfpo- kane. TIME SCBKDCLE8 FRDM THE DALLES. IRKITI nun su.t I-ake. Denver. Ft Worth, OiiniliH. Kan sast'ity. St liuis. Chi cagu ami tin- hast. ' p. m. -alt I.nke. Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha. Itan shs. City, si Ijniis. Uhi OagO ami the Kast. 1 IS a. ns. Waiia Walla, Lsnriston, Mpokana,Wallaoa,Pall- man, Minneapolis. St. Paul, Duliith. Hllwau kec, Chicago and Last. I a tn. OCEAN AND EIVEK SCHEDULE From I'ortlHiul. lA'.! sailinjr dates sub ject to chatiK" 1 For San Fiinrico. Bail every B days. 00 p. m. p. m Daily except Sunday, - ai j. m. Saturday, 10:SO p. m. Daily Sunday, 6:00 a. in. Columbia Klrcr. To Astoria Hnd Waj . J 1 r I : tf p. m. 1 XPCpi siindav. WiiiuiiiHttH River. Oregon city. Kewberg, rnl"ni . independeitoe, and ay ljuidincs. 30 p. m. ezesM Bunday, Tuesday. Thuraday, atu rilay. i", 00 b. ni. 1 90 p m. Monday, Wediicadty rr.iav irvallil and Way Landing! Tnesday, rhoraday, Saturdit . 7:00a. in. V 1 1 1 11 01 1 1 Mini 30 1 U aiiilnii Ktvava. Mondsji Oregon City, Dayton and w ' dnuay Way-Lanainga, Priday, Leave Rlparia dally, 4li ;i m. simkr Itlrer. , heave Lcwiaten Kiparia to l.eivistou. s ii'lf.'iu Fartien desiring to ro to Heppner or point on Columbia Southern via Higi.. should taae No. J. leaving The Dalles at U:26 p. m. making direct connections at Heppner Jnnctton and Higgs. Beturnlng making dlrsctconnscti on at Heppner junVtlon and Biggs With No, 1. ar riving at The Dalle at 1 :0.t p. m. For further particulars, call on or address J AS. IRELAND, Agent, The Imlles. OngOO. Complete Cii?e of Drus at I M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. 50 YLARS' EXPERIENCE v gT Resigns ' COPYRiCHTS Anrone ssn4iag a sketeta and tfeserlpi in t:1 q UcUlT lue.jrtaii! our opinion free wliemer iiiv.-nn. .11 is prnlmnlv r.itentalile. "omniu ; itonaatrietli conSdenttat. Ilmidbookui. I siewa . -ii' !rf;. (ildHat nmiiH-y for aefiiring pan-'i ' I'n. Liken through Aluuii 4 I N ' p:-'-lil nofit-t', wit hout conritct in the Scientific American. A hniulsi.-iiolr llliistr-.'od weoklr. Urtel dilation "f aii e,iiiilil' louriial. t-'r".1'' .-. M U N N & Co. 3 '" l N g vv Y o 5itM' new - sr v v- .himton n. j. i, bchsmcs, I'leaident. JUn A VooT. Canniei First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON Jj A General Banking Businees transacted g Deposite received, subject to Sigbt a Draft or Check. Gollections made aud proceed prow' remitted ou dav of collection. Hight and Telegraphic Exchange soid r New York, Han Francisco and Port land. D. P. Thompsow. Jno. rJ. bcat Ed. M. Williamb, Gao. A. LH ' H M Bball.