PBttSOKAli MENTION. B. L Brooks went to I'artiancl mi (lie boat ibis morning. Boo. Robert Majrl was u visitor in Portland yesterday. T. A Hudson went to I'eini.eton last ni(tlit to adjust rtg'aiii tire ions. Mrs A. J Tolmie left on last night's train on a visit tu he? toother at Dayton, Wth. Miss Virginia Marden liar returned from a Visit to the family of B. 1,. Smith at Hood Rivet. Mr. and .Mr-, .1. M Plaining and fam ily nave returned Iroin a visit in Mrs. Fleming's parents at Fisher, Warn.. Mrs. Nellie WillOO was a passenger on the noon trmn tor Portland wnere aha wilt attand the various millinery open loge. Miaa Lonite Rlntoul, who lias ti'.UL'ht B summer term Of lObool in tlie upper county rouutr , near liaker I lty. nai returned home. Mrs. J. X. Pordyce and tier mother, Mr-. I. McDonald, returned home Bun da; night) baving snen: a week at Clatsop Beach. Miss Ltllie Kelly and her niece, Min nie Hicks, nave returned from the cot tage of their mule. Hugh OoUrlay, a! Ocean I'ark. Long lieacn. MiH Etta W'ronn, who has spent her vacation atJoaepn, Wallowa county, and witti her litter at Albany, came up on last night's train from Port and. Mrs. W. H. Wiis. m and daughter, Winuifred, returned last uignt irom a six weeks' outing at Newport. Mr. Wiisoc met them in Portland and came up with them. Mrs. F. T. Sampson and two daugh ters. Win have spent t:ie summer camp ing at Cascades, came home on last night's boat. Mrs. K. M. Williams ac companied then.. Mrs. Eugene Cattron. who for two months ha- ueen visiting Mr. Cattron 's mother at Monmouth, arrived lo the city last night on tier way tu i er home at Wasco. Sne is tne uuest of the family of J. M Patterson. Does ii Pay t. Hnj iiep' A chap remedy lor coughs and colds is all right, hut you want something ttiat will relieve anil corn '.he more se vere arm dangerous results of throat and long troubles. What shall von do? cio to a srarmef and more regular climate? Ve, if possible; i: not poasinie for yon, then in either cae take the only rem edy that ha bean introduced in ail civil ized Countries With lUCWSI in severe throat ami lung trooblea, "Boachee'i German Syrup.' It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy tne tferm disease, hut aliava inflammation, eaueea easy expectoration, gives a good Dlght's ret, and cures the patient. Iry one bottle, Recommended many vears by all druggists in tlie world, and sold bv Clarke & Falk. liet Cireen'e pnr.e almanac. -Notice tu i iix pa) pv.. The board ol equalization for Wasco Or., will meet ami lie in session at the court bouse of said county from Monday. Augnst 26th until Saturday. AugDtt 81st, 1901, both das inclusive, and will attend to any ami all matters which may come before such board for consideration. The Dallee, Wasco Co., Or., August 3, IW1. C. L. Schmidt, aS-d&srtf Assessor. Wasco Co., Or, . BUSINESS LOCALS. You will not have ooiis if von take Clarki .v F;k'- r.- -.ire 'oi boiia. Wasco Wain Mils Co., Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi all kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, a;i kind-? Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ttSKSn Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOTI Plfllir This Hour is manufactured expressly for family UUJJ. X J Ul uge . everv sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in tne trade, ami if you don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. YOUR KIDNEYS. After vim tire of usine so called kidnev tiout any henelit. use Lincoln Sexua' P- ,cr rid of those Mull pains In your hack. U and h forever no oi inose mm pains in vonr PrcL- hi. . i...i ..Irl I,....- iH nf "nmn in thu L-!,!...... mra , r: 7'""r." ma all jroor.bladder and urinary troubles on r i 11Ilf) nigtits mine restnn oy me nee oi hat assistant Linooln Sexual Puis. price, 11.00 per box huv o) yonrdrogBist bv mail on rt-ceint 01 price, in plum w ran he LINCOLN PROPRIETARY . 'o Firt Wayne, Indiana M. .. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. a lihvs f0r - t-'ieateat "r sent Prof, and Mrs. C. M. Sissons, former ly of Hood River, win. have heen guest of Mrs. Sisson's sjster, Mrs. J. F. Ha Worth, ieft last night forPalouse, Wash., wi.ere t.e fia- accepted the position of principal oi the public school at tnat place. Mr. and Mrs. I. X. Sargsnt, .Vise Kathryn Sargent and Mis- l;cnei Mor gan, wno have visited the Pan American Ls : osition at Boffalo, and also stopped a positive guarantee wiin menus in leconsin on tneir re turn tri . are at home, having arrived on the Regulatoi this niorning. The Collins hot springs are now o;en. No hotels, 111' the finest of camping ground-. Hunting & H os ford, man agers, Collin?. Wash. augS-lm If anything ails youriair, go and see Frazer ; tie's the headquarters for all Dair remedies. Remember that he nukes a srcdaltV of these goods. tf O. 0. Buck, Iieirne. Ark., says. I was troubled with constipation until I bough) DeWltt's Little Early Risers. Since then have been entirely cured of my old i complaint. I recommend them. C.arke i & P alk'e P. O. Pharmacy. lames White, Bryantivllle, Ind., says DeWitt's Witch Hazel saive healed ; running sores on both legs. He had suffered 6 years. Doctors failed to help 'him. Get DeWitt's, Accent no imita-1 uons. Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on Cures heart-burn, racing of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pione Grocer. J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors ThC Owl." Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. 173 Second Street. 1 Phones "1 Local. 868 Long Distance. lyon's French Periodical Drops THE Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DliSIKEl) RESULTS- Greatest known female remedy. PlllTlflli Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. The lenultiu Is pat up only in paste-board Car UNVIlUn tun with f:li---miili MiMiatun Mill' i" I 11 1 point! iini aciuiior Circular Ul WILLIAM- Ufti CO., Sole AgenU, Cleveland, Onto. CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUIVIBlfl BREWEKY AUG-UST BUCHLER. Prop. Oi the product of this weli-knnnn brewery the United St:-.:ef Health Reports for June 1900, says: "A more superior brew never entered the labratory of the United .State:' Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the s lightest trace of adulteration, but on tlie other hand is composed of the best of malt and choicest of Pops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can he used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously he prescribed by the physicians with the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found ' For saie by Geo. C. Hlakeley. The Dalies, Or. East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. , ssvsvsvsv- sv tvsw'svs ivsvsvsv iv sv-sl DIED, At Colfax, Wasn., Sunday, Aug. 26th the infant son of Kev, and Mrs. Fiesner Won tn- Piano, I desire to say to the people of Tlie Dalle that I, .I. D. oirdner, of Portland, won tiiH piano which was awarded me upon presentation of ticKet 2u8ti. Hav ing no use for a piano I have instructed Mr. Qu ruber t tu dispose of game a' any reasonable price. Parties interested : tablet gives immediate relief. '2 cte and 60 i ts. Blakele) . t:i- druggist. Hudson Oi Brownhill have a few . bootes for ren! rooms from four up price f6 a month endup. Tnese prop erties an- in good locations and parties i de.-.inng gijod homes for the winter can't d j better than to call on the above gen tlemen a; their ottic on Washington Jlrt-Ht, nr see .I. H JacltSOD who (fill ' gladly show you trie properly. Gifford's Fotos Never Fade nay ca!! ami examine bert's Leading Cigar house FOUND. piam at Gum Tobacco aug26-tl ; Prof. Homer de Worrison At Ti e 1'alies (Employment Office; t J place where you can procure help with ou: oat or trouble. Alail or phone V.vriiEi KSLMSYi a2) Imti&W Manager. . Doep U yiter) ster. why women endure Headache, Nervonsuets It is a in Backache, eepleasneca, Melancholy , Fainting and Dirzi Hpellswben thoaaands have proved t'i it Electric Bitters will quickly cure ncn trooblea. "J suffered for years with kidney trouble," write- Mr5. I'hebe Cheriejr, of I'eterson, la,, "and a lame back pained me so I con Id not dress my self, hot Electric Hitters wholly me, and. although 7.". yeart- old, I now am able to do all my booeework." It overcomeaConstipatioo, improve- Ap petite, giver perfect health. Only 5(Jc at G. Ci Blakelev's drug store. n . ; ili '. A ' A A VA'lAl WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, 1 RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers, C. d. STUBLIplG, tVUOLKSA I.t AND BKTA'L Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive promDt attention. Next door to First National Lank. 1 Condon rn.,.- 93a. Long nut. lotti. THE DALLES, OREGON 1 If you art' in Deed of anything in our line, figure with uh. for it will W REPAIR SHOP prompt attention. pay you. operate a PLUMBING-. TIN and BICYCLE Vll orders entrusted to us will have THE DALLES, - OREGON. MOTT'S W j h , ii B , mi ,r-t- I;, in ,, l'i K I I.AM). IIRSJCOII S Tbc Qnt rtftstered welts Um Brstgr4n- nr- pilmlsl ever In erii,u,l. Th'- srorid I fleetest Tisues Clairvoyant and Herba l! ean Ci.'Ci. siilt-.l nails .in nil H(f4irsof ilf Hr.ji de UorrUon i Mritaout a doubl the moil cured I elenttke I'aimi.t mm Ulalrvn nut in tne ur!o u'.irtN iii .m-rtie :inji,ii ircH-ir.', reunite mk HParatsd. leJU tf loera U nice rti. ;. tu ih jroiirland siisblN you towlu ihs artceuoo ol one yoc iJeiri' eainiUtry taught, nsdiunUHo nsranni deri I ul.! Hest 1)7 trir utsaol to- revealed .'iet ' lees ; enrea chronic and no-called incurablu 41 eake. Krso rreatoieiit foi t i i pooi Heini II, date nf birth and three MUusttona all t'.'tler an.iw LTiil Mt clu e, PENNYROYAL PILLS of meustruation." They are "LIFL romanhood, nidinff development of known remedy for women equals Uicm bessrnsa pleaeure. Bl.OO PER BOX 15V I) fl ri,,r,r,l i ' ,i ITTH! .'II E1!, I' . 1 ri Ml , , ... ..... . ucuutvau vieveianai untc For saie by Ceo. (J. Uiakeley, Tne Dallee, Or Tliey overcome Weak ness, irregularity aud ; omissions, inorua.se vip or and banish '"pair, 1 LIFE BAVEBS " to rirla a-, organs and body. No Cannot do harm life .MAIL. Sold I'lirKmiil de Morrison, m-rniu i.ooni.t b lelon AOff, 10 tTn Mi- Edt ...lt(i! Iiv . it lli-bii! u,,r see Shows tlie Jtate of your feeii ritr- and the state o! your iiealtti taff well. Impure bloo.l inakrr. it-eii ano.irenl in imIv li-i. toln I row 111 Selby meltillK VV.irtv I . I i.iiif iif occnll clenM be Inmeiliately com- and sallow complexion, rimples and I muntcated by letter the (aol to Mr a I Kali Snin Eruption,. If you are MU &J2&' weak and worn out and do not have Ml 'BAKCW HART LOW. kMlik. u,.n..M. mn .I.....I.1 ... ' "" l P I'S .' aure.l that tblld ' itoien from tn seibr amaitlnjt work was -in Aoker's Blood Bliiir. It eortw all blood ted bj vuion bya Hortianaocvuliui rhu j provei that tht-storvof flif i iiilewi n ol tin' dlseeiee wnere Cheap SarsaparilU- and lhie(andthatbUaltancewareUircdiii r o oallad nnriflaea fail - knr.wine Ihl n WtrlM the told wi s base ralilornla In - so oauea punnere ran , anowmg tiii ae ,. ,, ,.ur( depriving regom ii sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. ' -!"r ' : K . t i t . r Cortland tiregooian biakeie; the drugKist. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Crandall & Burget UNDERTAKERS rfS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shrouds Etc. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LaVnOmoi at iiik Dams, Or. , July 1901, . Motiea I hsseb riven timt un- i..i;uwii:b hv Hore- Ii tPhm and ,,;,-. till ., : l"llnc,! "'"'r na-nu-i mill i III intention oy Boree, omicnes ana pmpiM tin to oulce final nrooi in muportoi hi claim, and used Boeklen's Arn lea Salve. Then that said prool will be made belorv the KuuU mil. inn tt i I i.i- ruin-, i 'it., i 1 . . iiiiiik- be UMn'l ITear a Mask. .....I...... l. ..!.. i.: i.i. j.ui nrri wtthu i ,1 - 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 ri - I lllinicil they vanished a- will all Kriiptions, Faver 8oree, Boils, Uleers, Oarhnnclei and Felons from it- use. Infallible for Cuts c.'ornw, Bnroe, Bealdi ami fiie-. Cure goaranteodi 39oatG. C. Blakelev's ilru itore. 0( oldler'l biiicrmia'r. U, lli AOStin, a CIVll war veteran, of Wiaohester, Ind., write- ".My wife war sick a long time in spite of (food doc tor' treatment, but wut- wholly cured by lr. Kioi'l N'1 Life Pille, wbiob worked wonders for her health." They alwayt, do. Try them. Oolj -oi'ato U, lliakeley's druu iore. dav. Kepiember ", iwot , vU u 111,4,11 0, Tkonpann, ( Tin- linn.-. Orfion, II K. N". UTS for tee ) . 8Ki and aVj AW .' . I IS, .OII..W M He name tbe followlui wllnesaaa lo prove his ennllnaoua retidenoe apou ami cultivation , ul raiil laodi viz. Haul i art. uk. K 1 Klt.ni. ten. Mickey Lee acbanuu, ail of Tbe Duiu-. reeon. ilnM JAV H. Ll'itAH, Itaeitter. i Executor's Notioe. Mottcels bsfeb aiven tint if, z Doansll has been dill) appointed executor oi lbs iai win Hint testament of AaapLuchlnferi dsrseisd a: uerkon having cltlmi uaaiuit lbs estate Mini Ann Luobluger no hereby notified to present ilia same to niei verified as by t re quiiedi within tlx months from tin- date ol uu notice Dated at Ualte i itv Hill Tlh da Ol June. l'.Hll. juui ji Uo.s.sKLL, Executor. Rates i .1 'i v un-r i. .. i. Bxpoaiiiosi , Kouud-trip raten via (). U. tv N, (rou: 'The Utiles, H I !0. Tickets on sale lirst and tuird Toaedafs during June, July, Auguit, September and October,good for i continuous paMaSje ttoing on date of Hale. Raturn limit thirty dayi from date of sale, htop-overs will he allowed weet of Mieenurl river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can tie made bv apulv lug to anent (). K. A N. Co., The Dalles, Kuvral V tickets will be honored ou lake "leainerrt in one or both directions be tween Detroit and Buffalo, tf J..ll; laiLAND, Auent Comaieuciiiit Sunday, until limber notice, the u. U. A N'. will soli round trip tickets, llalltts lo Cascades, lor $1 This rate applies only to parlies of five j or more. Good for Sundays only, laglm aw'S Thin: We otler one hundred dollar.-, reward for anv case of Catarrli that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure F. .J . Quinsy A Co. rros. , Toledo, o. We, the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for the last 15 year, and be-I lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and tinaucially able to carry out any obligations made by their hriu. West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, o.i Waldlufi Kin nan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surlaces of the system. 11 J. Chunky A Co., I'rope., Toiedo O. Hold by drruggists, price 7nc. H'lll'fc Family Pills are the bst. 12 I ! 5 I f f 1 t f Iff I ? i L 3f i i I f r 1 J 1 ? I Iff! Hit L4 AAJLAi- , . . n'rr'rrtTt'TT TrftT TT tt The Dallee, Or. The Chronicle, dob Printers. I t p. s. GUHnino, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. OKAbKB in- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Aacnt lor Kuaacll & (JtS'S BflfUMS, TiMalMH aud Saw Mills. ttiuMioTs, Oor. Second & Lanjblin Sts, THE DALLES OR.