t i f i i i To Beat the Band. mo Boys do wear out shoes "to beat the band," and that will look deoent, hold together, and don't cost it seems 00 much. hard to find We Have the Right Kind and they arc the Best Shoes to be had anvwhotv tor the price 3alf Lace Shoos, 2 to 5J. $2 anearoo 'alf Shoes, 24 to 54 2 si loes, 24 1 54 I I '.MVS Bovs 1 t vs' Seal Grain S E A M I -E Same, sizes 12 to 2 Boys' Box Calf, Leather Lined Shoes, 21 to 5$ Same, sizes 12 to 2 Bovs' Calf Shoes. 12 to 2 Boys' 'alf Shoes, 24 to 54 All Heavy Extension doles. Don't get discouraged trying to keep the hoy in shoes. Try a pair of ours. PEASE 5t MMYS. cV .:L: vfc, jjffi, ALjjarjft ft 4 TL- n -'- n51k kntnk he nothing to mar the pleasure of the The Dalles Daily cnwmieifc ticket win not be widtoob. TUESDA' Ice Cream AUG. 27, 1901 '-() and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All n uicii County warrant registered prior to October Mi 1898, will le iall on premutation ut my oftice. Interext cease n rt i' i ii l'uhi I :;, mm. I OHN F. HAIWI'SUIKK, County Treunurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Uncle Tom's Cabin At the Vogt opera house tonight. Forecast Fair tonight; Wednesday, cwler. Fruit packers wanted bv the Colum bia Commission Co. aug27-ot ' You'll have to hurry ," the tickets for the excursion are going fast. When them (too Goo eyeB bother you call on J. E. Adcox & Co. and the doc tor will examine them free of charge. Take viiur children to ttie "Lincoln" sale and shoetl.em for school. All kinds oi shoe? and all at bargain prices at A. M. Williams !c Co.'h. Harry Harkuess resumed his duties in Pease & Mays' store today after an ab sence of several months, occasioned by a severe attack of rheumatism. The "Lincoln" sale is on for all week at A. .M.Williams & Co.'s, so if you can't go one day go the next but by all mean- g0 if you need shoes. It'll pay you . William Wallace, who was stabbed One time since by Fank Green, has been discharged from the hospital and nil morning went to work in the scour ing mill. Fire at Wyeth last Thursday destroyed :W0o cords of wood belonging to A. A. aw. uvuuny, rassengers Who came iu Friday night Bav the wood was stiii barning, Saturday Manager Crandall let the ''intraet fur 150,000 feet of lumber for the street carnival and fair, to Haven-' port liros.' Lumbering Company of Hood River. Don't forget the excursion tomorrow '"ght. A pleasant time is assured. The IMW land will furnish excellent new UlUle. Tickets on sale at the office of tbe Regulator line. It will be beautiful on the Columbia tomorrow niiiht. and nil ah am 14 au-il I party, jectionable characters, who might annoy those about them. The report which reached here Sun- 1 ; day of the death of Joseph Smith from a ' Bhock received while fixing a cable Itox , j during the storm, was premature. Smith fell from the cable platform and was badly injured, but at last accounts was I al've' i i We understand Frank Cram, formerly with A. M, Williams & Co., and his i ' brother, Win Cram, will engage in the , dry goods business in Hood River at an ! eariy date. Frauk had a taste of Lewis- ' i ton weather, which was sufficient for, ' him. The thunder storm was very heavy at j Mt. Hood Sunday and the guasts at I Cloud Cap Inn were treated to a bril-: ' liant electrical display. Never in the . j history of the iun have so many guests visited the mountain as during July and August. A few days since Mrs. J. C.Cowles re-! ceived word of the death of her sister in : , Florida from a bowel trouble, and this ' morning another letter advised her of the death of a brother. At the same time her fathei and mother are both danger ously ill of the same disease. Twenty live girls employed by the Walla Walla Produce Company as fruit paokeri caught the strike fever and de manded three cents a box instead of L',L. cents. The affair did not come to a walkout, the girls serving notice and ! attempted to enter a gate peek ing pro tection he grabbed tier and only bv the strongest effort did she extricate herself. A gentlemtn, whom she informed, start ed after the culprit and overtook him, but finding he was intoxicated it ws thought best 10 let him go after a severe leCtOte. Such Should not be the esse. I The plea that he was not accountable and would not harm the girl, is a poor one, and in nine cases out of ten the victim receives, not only a severe fright, but injury, as in the case of Mrs. UM worth, near Fossil, mentioned in yester- 1 day's telegraph. Arrels should be made in such cases and the viliisn made to feel 'the power of the law when lie is snWv ciently sober to understand what di ink ' led him to do. APPLES AI.'D SPUDS. Oregon Will He raiieii i pea in supply Hie Immense HemKnd. Y.... Smith, of Hood River, tells the Telegram that letters are in uring in from Illinois, New York, Bolton, St. j Louis, Baltimore and from all Eastern cities, so far as that is concerned, inquir ' ing about Oregon apples. The drouth ' in the East has made a practical failure i : of the crop, and thev must get their sup ply from this country. He says that i 1 buyers are besieging fruitgrowers at , ' Hood River to secure their fall crops in : advance. Some few have already soli? I at 11.36 a box to be delivered this fall, ! but the maj irity are holding back. Mr. j I Smith says that there is no question but 1 1 that the best grades will readily bring j $1.50 a box this fall, and probably more, j : And in Northwest and West Germany I the crop is a failure and people there are depending on the United Stales for fruit, and a majority of the Eastern 1 states are depending on Oregon. Talbot j J. Albert, Unittd States consul at I Brunswick, Germany, writes the secre ; tary of the State Horticulture Society, ! that the prospects for winter fruit in ! the northeast and west of Germany are j the worst that could be possibly thought. And the irrepressible spud is riding a j ' high horse too, according to Mr. Smith's ! statement. The drouth has made this ; crop a failure also in the Eastern states, and letters are pouring into Oregon to secure every shipment. The fruitgiow 1 er and the potato-raiser can just about ; name the price ol these products by early fall, and as we have prospects for a The Eastern Oregon Railway Com-j RrP of 75 l,er cent of the averase in pany.just incorporated, will construct : aPPlpB aad tl,e Oregon spud never fail?, and operate a railroad from Arlington to man' thousands of dollars will reach our Condon, forty miles; to construct and throughout these channels this operate telegraph lines and transport j 'd" Music and Moonlight ON THE Columbia River VENBMT EM. AUGUST 25 1 50 STEAMER DALLES CITY Steamer will leave dock at 8:30 o'clock, re turning at 11 o'clock. MUSIC by the PEOPLE'S BAND. Tickets, 50c On Sale at D. P. & A. N. Office. lCk jiV A Al.ySk. Jfc jAtaS-.WSfc A S alk B A. A A-tfn A . : agp v; "SK'"4 -W1 'V V- ' ff V V! !Wt 1T as usual filled ttie house to witness this moral play. The play was well handled by this company and the music was thoroughly en joyed by all present. The Marks. Cute and Topsy did their share to make the people laugh, and in 'act all are worthy of mention. Spokesman Review. At the Vogt tonight. ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. freight and passengers. Arlington is to be the headquarters, and the capital stock is $500,000, divided into shares' valued at if 1 00 each. L. K. Moore, J. B. : Hosford and J. O. Elrod are ttie incor porators of record. Every visitor to the fair last year stopped longest at the fruit exhibit, and well they might, for a handsomer dis play had not been Been in this sectiou, nor any other, for many a day. This year, however, the handsomer exhibit will be In evidence, so say the commit tee. which wili hold a meeting on Sat urday afternoon at 1 :.'!), with the view to impressing all our growers with the fact that their co-operation is needed. Few realize what it means to have such immense power introduced into our city as will lie brought in by the Wasco Warehouse Milling Company in the course of a few weeks. With its advent many industries will no doubt be the outcome. Among the Brat should be a cold storage and cannery. That a place aiirrnnrluil liv unfli riri-liurwls 'A H is The promptly getting their demands. . . 1 v 3 m b 4 I iJalles should have been minus a can- Twelve pei sous succeeded in reaching Inery thus long is a surprise to every vis the summit of Castle Rock in two days ! jtor wno lias been shown about our city. Saturday and Sunday. It is supposed There is now no reason for further de to be 121)0 feet high and very difficult of 3uy. climbing. Today the party intend to' A letUf rt.ceivej from Rev. W. tackle Archer mountain farther up the krw,nr) paetor of tne Lutheran chorch, river and another almost unsuccessful , , , , ,llf,nths am for a visit point. Sunday was the nineteenth anniver sary of the connection of Rev. W. E. j Potwine with the Church of the Re deemer in Pendleton, where he is high ly esteemed. Rev. Potwine came West in the pioneer maimer and reached Peu UletOO, via Portland, when it was a mere illage. There were 80lt0 applications for the thousand positions to he fiiled by Amer ican teachers in the Philippines, and yet teaching there is not a sinecure. School rooms are small and the number of pu pils large, and the teacher has to strug gle with children who do not under stand English. Just received at the American cigar store and news stand, 10,000 Stratton A: Storm oc Owl cigars. We buy them in large quantities, pay cash and take our discounts, therefore can afford to sell them cheap. On next Wednesday and themselves of the opportunity to enjoy ' Thursday we will sell 7 for 25c, 15 foi toe ride. Th h. .n .u. LL 50c. 32 for II. Remember this is for v eiw, and the agent assures us the boat will return by 11 o'clock, there be- 'K nothing to delay her. There will1 next Wednesday and Thursday only. Return of the favorite Sutton's big New York Uncle Tom's Cabin Coaipany in the East, announces his marriage in Saginaw, Mich. While his congrega tion were not positive as to Ins inten tions when he left here, yet there was a surmise as to what his visit would por tend, and they will gladly welcome their pastor and his bride, who will leave for home about the od of September, reach ing here so Ihat Mr. lirenner will con duct services the following Sunday, Sept. Sth. The law makes no allowance for drunkenness, neither should the par ents uor guardians of the girls who are from time to time annoyed by the sim pering idiocy of the men who roam about our streets under the influence of luiuor. The fright given a prominent young lady on one of our street corners Satur day night, should cause renewed vigi lance to be used in The Dalles concern ing these persons who call themselves men. Upon returning from her work about 6 o'clock on the evening men tioned the young woman was overtaken on the corner of Fourth and Washing ton streets by a drunken fellow who had followed her from Second street. As she Work on tin- O. It. A N. Ji.ick. It might be well for any man who is now out of a job to visit the various rail road camps between here and Rowena, and before he gets very far away from the city he will find himself employed, as the contractor! expect to hire at Iea9t 590 more men. The wjrk extenJs not only along the line in Oregon, but much bridge filling is being done in Washington and Idaho, Contractor A. Mason being in charge. Between this city and Rowena there are eight camps, instead of sis as mentioned Saturday, beside one at Hood River and one at Bridal Veil. As soon as the work is a little further advanced two steam shovels will be in use, one near Ttie Dalles and one at Hood River. The roughest part of the roid being between here and Rowena, the most important, work will be done in thai section. Between 1 lie Dalles ana uooa , River there are forty-eight curves which Will be reduced to fifteen. The total j saving in curvature will be over 000 de- j grees, or better than 'J', full circles, I making the gain in distance to Rowena one mile. The company is now contem plating an extension of the improve ' ments on the track clear into the city. Travelers over the road will this be benefited in ei, joying a much mora pleasant ride to Portland , com plaint often being made regarding the roughness of I the trip. Wmllit-inlav Klilii. nt(. JSIIi. I - - ! The combination is a good one The 1 Dalles people on the Dalles City with The Dalles Band and delightful music. Steamer will leave I be Wharf at 8:30 P, 1 m. and will positively rtaflh the dock on return at II sharp. Rmnd trip, oOc. CASTOR I A For iulants and Children. The Kind You have Always Bought Bears the srf Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, liidigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of ti e skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 eta and 50 cts. Blakeley. the druggist. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping I and aunburn. Manufactured by C'arae 1 A Falk. Special in 1en$ Straw Hats. 25c See our Show Window. New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery 1 ),,-tyt roent to our Btore. A new frew n . clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery t any part f tin oity. ...MAYS ( CROWE... WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third nnd WMhlncton tBi in cases of cough or croup give the little one One Minute Cough ('ore. Then rMl aaty and have no fear. The child will be all right in a little while, ft never fails. Pleanant to take, alwayi : safe Mire and almost instantaneous in effect. Clarke ,V K.tlk P. O. Pharmacy. (,n,Mr , p.omptly. Long We offer for a hunted period tne; distance phone 433. Local. 102. twice-a-week Ciiuumi i.k, price if 1 .50, , and the Weekly OregonUn, prien 11.60' ; ,Wl bt) uilaitd mMl MlfiporA,y goui pnpererorea a yea. . "u-wripuooe M fro lHtUW,ti,t. Kodul DrspepaU UIJOBf llilO 1liCI IIIIJBb t3 JIJ III Bll vane. t if the action of my bowels is not ea- and regular serious complications must be ttie final result. DeWitl's Utile Early Risers will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant and effective. Claike& Falk 'a P. O. Pharmacy. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke &. Falk. j Cure permanently and completely le- moves this c(iiiiplaiul . It ielivun per manently he, .iiirc II allows the tired stomach perfect rest. Dietiug won't eel the stomach. Nature receives sup plies from the loud eat. The sensible way to help the stomach is to use Kodol lnspepsia Cure, which digests what you ea and can't help but do you good. Clarke & Falk's P O. Pharmacy.