The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 26, 1901, Image 3

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    Boys ! wear out. shoos ''to beat the band' and
that will look decent, hold together, and don't cost
and they arc the
Calf Lace Shoes, 24
Kangaroo Jalf
Bovs' Seal Gram
Same, sizes 12 to 2
Bovs' Box Calf, Leathei
sizes 1Z to z
alf Shoes
to 2
alf Sho
18. 2
t,!- "5,: W 9-
The Dalles Daily Chronicle
AUG. 20, 1901
ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
AU WaiOO Comity warrant reitered
prior to October i" , 18H8, will ho uld
on prHHt-ntotton at my oflloe. Interest
ceitHfiM uftcr A ueoHt 13, 11101.
County Trrusurer.
Forecast Probably fair tonight and
Tuesday ; cooler tonight.
Excursion Wednesday night down the ;
Columbia by moonlight.
The talk of the town that "Lincoln" 1
sale at A. M. WilliauiB ACo.'s.
A. M. Williams & Co. report a busy j
iiay in their shoe department. "In-j
coin" prices help sell shoes.
Today County Clerk turned over
to tue county treasurer about ifOOOOdelin
qutnt taxes.
From all indications Wednesday night
will he a perfect one for the excursion
on the Dalles City.
The wheat market is off today. Chi
Mgo quotes 70J, closing nt 00$4, with
Liverpool an eighth lower.
Divhi Simon, father of Senator Joseph
Simon, died yesterday morning at his
home in Portland at the age of SI.
While In Astoria recently F. A. BtU
lett ordered a tilling machine fiom the
Astoria Iron Works for lite cannery mid
will lite it for ttiis year's pack.
For instance Men's patent leather
oxford; real swell boys are now $''
iattead of .?;!.50 all on acc tint of the
''Uoooln" sale ut A. M. Williams &
1" Portland during the storm yester
MJ ahernoon a lineman of the Oregon
1leplione Company, named Joe Smith,
maklog repairs on cable box on
"e Fast Side when he received a shock
"hloh killed him instantly.
Tiie county court has extended the
'"lie Kir the assessor to return the tax
Mil of 1901 or equalizing till the first
Monday jD October, being the 7th day
"' said month. Due notice of the above
Wll be given in the Wkkki.y Chiioniclb.
A youth who has been working on a
WBll farm near the city came in town
turday night and immediately pro
eeued to spend uie money. The next
NUBI he knew wna m i,f,r th I
recorder for being drunk and disorderly,
i ,the "border holds hie watch in
for fie. He declar(ldi h0Wever,
To Beat
the Band.
We Have the Right
Best Shoes to be had anywhere for the pric
to 5f .
24 In -V1
Lined Shoes, 24 to
411 Heavy Extension
discouraged trying to keep the boy in
"SIP 't?' tIf'SF iF V V W
that the recorder will not he his time
j keeper long, as he has learned a lesson.
Two more carloads of machinery ar
i rived this morning for the Wasco Ware
house Milling Company's power house,
i At the warehouse the floors are being
! torn up and new ones wiP he put in ; as
! well as many other repairs ainde in the
Dad Butts has a very desirable place j
' containing an acre and a half of ground
I. mi t .11 .
I m a spienuia location in me :aues;
iKotl seven-room house and a line or-
chard, for sale or trade for small farm
near the city. Also thirty-one desirable
building lots, ranging from 26 to $50 a
lot. 24-3t
Speaking of the "Irish Duke," who
gave a play in The Dalles last winter,
and who is now "doing" Corvallis, the
Granite Gem says: "Our people will
remember that this same bilk 'played'
at Granite a year ago laBt spring. How
he has managed so long to keep out of
jail is somewhat of a mystery.''
The Seventh Regimental band, which
came up on the Gatzert yesterdav, gave
the vieitors to the dock a splendid con
cert while the boat waited here; far
ahead of that given on their previous
visit. Some of the latest and most pop
ular airs were rendered in a manner
Which pleased even our most critical
The nigger babies are now stationed
on Second street adjoining Mays o
Crowe's store, a ta'get for the passer-by.
It ! said that a leading Dalles c.tizen,
whose family ie now camping atone of
the favorite resorts along the river, tried
hie luck hist night and after missing the
niggers ut almost every throw went home
and wrote to his wife telling her how
much lie "missed the children."
There is less illegal B'hing at this time
of the year now than ever before in the
blltorjr of the industry on the Colum- j
bia. The prospect for the fall pack is
not promising, some dealer! offering but
one cent end one and one-half cents on
contracts for flab, as against four cents
paid last year. Ttie Columbia River
Packari AaiOOtatlon is yet undecided
whether lie will operate this fall or not.
At Portland an operation was per
formed upon Jack U'Null, the well
known railroad man, consisting of the
removal of an absent:-. His many val
ley friends will hope for hi speedy re
00 vary. Albany Democrat. We have
beard Ol a person baviol an absent look,
but tnis ie the first time we have
learned of its removal. That equals the
case of The Dalles uiri who had the
"goo goo" removed from her eye.
A meeting of Wheeler county sheep
men was to have been held in Mitchell
Saturday for the purpose of devising
means of putting au end to the lawless
slaughter of their flocks, which has been
going on for some time. A band of
sheep belonging to Waguer& Boyer of
Wheeler county was shot into last week
in the Hlack Canyon country in Grant
it seems
too much.
hard to find a
1 50
1 75
shoes. Try a pair of ours
" '
: A atuaViftl g Am
a,c "V- "V W "W" W -w i
county, about sixty head being killed.
It is now pretty generally believed that
the sheep shooting has not as a rule
been done bv cattle raisers but by sheep
men. Sutton's big Uncle Tom's Cabin Co.
played here to a large audience and gave
excellent satisfaction. The specialties
were first-class between acts and kept
the people in a joyful mood all through
out the evening, iMiensnurg iNews.
This company appears in Portland to
night at the Marquani Grand, and in the
Vogt opera bouse in this city tomorrow
night, (iet vour tickets at Clarke A:
The examination for teachers' certifi
cates being identical in the various coun
ties of the state, county superintendents
extend the courtesy of grading papers
written in their county and forwarding
them to the county desired for granting
of certlficatei. In t he recent examina
tion Miss Kate Davenport wrote in
Multnomah and was granted a firbt
grade certificate in Wasco county. Miss
Ruth Sturgiss also wrote in Multnomah i
and was granted a second-grade in this
county. Miss Willema Dodge, who
wrote m Marion, was given a third
grade for Wasco.
Martin Madison, who owns a fiue
farm three miles south of Colfax, claims
the pennant for the best yield of
threshed this season. Mr. Madison
threshed an average of sixty bushels
machine measure, from forty acres of
Little Club wheat. This will weigh at
least 89 bushels, making the largest
yield yet reported in that vicinity. The
land was measured, ami Mr. Madison's
! word will be taken by any business man
in Colfax. Mr. Madison s land adjoins
that of K. 11, Newton, who had an aver-
age of 53 bushel and 12 pounds per acre
from 100 acres of wheat.
Late yesterday afternoon the skies be-
gan to frown and our people were re-
minded that thunder showers naa oesni
predicted for Sunday. About 7 0 clock
the rumbling beuan and the lightning
was fierce for a time, shooting desper
ately across the heavens in a manner
Which is uot otten seen in this section!
At 7 :l!0 the rain came down as il it
meant to settle not only the dust, but.
the forest fires as well, which it succeed
ed in doing so well that the atmosphere
is beautifully clear today, making one
feel glad that he's livin'. The rainfall
was ,8 of an inch. The storm extended
far into the country, and it is said i'ort
landers felt more at home yesterday
than they have since the first of July,
for, strange to say, they have had no
rain worth the mentioning since that
Yesterday afternoon John Burns, who
for the past four years previous to a
month ago, lias been steward on the D.
P. & A. N. Co.'s boats, committed sui
cide at the Belvedere hotel in Portland.
During the time that he was with the
company he seemed steady and not a
hard drinker, though it is reported that
of late lie has been drinking heavily,
which, Witt family troubles, OftMtri him
to take hit life. Ho was well thought of
by hi? employer, but I Ml than a month
ago resiijned hie pMitlOtl as steward of
The Pallet City and since that time hat
been Koing down rapidly. Yesterday he
did not appear at breakfast or dlB&fr,
and one of the chambermaids went to
his door in the afternoon and the heatd
hitn coughing. Some time afterward
the girl suspected that something M
wrong with Burnt, and on entering hip
room she found that he had made a DOOM
of hit thirt and handed hltHMll to a
clothe? peg in the clothes closet. A
nnmher of lettert were left by I. i n and
'one read: "Laura: This if to certify
that I am iti my right mind and perfect
, ly sane and perfectly sober. Dot having
tatted liquor for the patt seven days.-'
Barm will he remembered Bl the ttew
:ird who prepared the dinner Including
tront) on the boat for the rivers and;
harbors committee, when in the city
about a month ago.
speed Program for iie District Pair
October 1st to October 5thi
Following it the speed program for the
district fair, which convenes at ThO
Dalles from October ltt to October 5th
inclusive :
Tl KSDAY, OCTOBBB 1, 1901.
No. l--Trottine race, mile heatt. - in
3 ; 2 :40 class. Purse, 1180.
No. '2. Pacing race, mile heat?. - in :
2:35clM8, Puree, $150.
.Punning,'., mile dash. Porto
I No.
! "J in 3
j No.
1 2 in
1VBDSFSI) Y, oc mum:
l Pacing, 2:26 class
Purse, $150.
5. Pacing, 2 :40 clat?
; for horses owned in
mile heats,
mile heats,
thit district
prior to Aug. 1, 1901. Purse, $75.
No. 6. Running, 5U mile dash ; telling
1600 : weishi for ace. 2 lbs off for each
i 00 down to 1100. Purse $125.
No. 7. Novell v race, under laddlo;
horses to carry 135 pounds; walk '. mile,
trot '..mile, run lmHe; for horses owned
in this district prior to August 1, 1901.
Purse if 75.
No. S Trotting, 2:40 class; mile
heats, 2 in 3; lor horses owned in this
district pr;r to August I, 1901. Purse
No. 0. Trotting, free for all
heats, 2 in 3. Pnrse, 1260.
No. 10. Running) mile
Purse, $75.
No. 11. Running, mile
owners' handicap. Purse, if 175.
No. 12. Trotting. 2-M class;
hea's, 2 in 3. Purse, $150.
No. 18. Trottinu : pole team race for
teams owned in this district prior to
Aug. 1, 1001 ; driven to wagon by the
owners ; mile heats, 2 in Purse $75.
No. 14. --Punning, mile dash.
Parse, $75.
No. 15. Trotting ; Shetland pony
pole team mce for teams owned in this
district prior to Aug. 1 , 1001 ; driven to
wugon bv bovs not over fifteen years
mile dash. Purse, $25.
No. 10. Pacing, free for all; mile
heats, 2 In 8. Purse $200.
No. 17. Running, . mile dash. Purse
No. IS. Punning, furlongs dash ;
telling, $K0O; weight for age, 2 His off
for each $100 down to $200. Purse $125.
The association reserves the right to
alter, amend or postpone any or all of
these races, should the board (if directors
in their judgment and for cause, deem it
expedient to do so. Anv race that can
not, in the opinion of the judges,
' finished on the last day of the meeting
mav he com inued or declared oil , or en
1 vided according to proportion at end of
the race. All entries must state colors
-xof rider or driver, and 00 OOfM allowed
jo start without colors,
l Was the Pteo
, , , ,() to ,he ,e0,!e of Ti
I desire to Bay to the peop e
Dalles that I, J. ! Glrdnor, of Portland,
won the piano which wa- awarded me
upon preaentatlon ol ticket 2086, Hav
ing no use for a piano I have instructed
Mr. Qombtrl to dlapoaj Ol same at any
reasonable puce. Parties interested
may call and txamine piano at ium-
bert'a Loading Cigar and Tobaoeo
boose Hugjo-tf
for iulaiits and Children.
i The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
ij giguuture of
Moki lea positively cures Hick Head-
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Kemoves all
eruptions of tl;e skin, producing a perfect
coin pie ion, or money refunded. 86 Otf
-rt . I 1 1 i L, . J lt
ana ou cis. wuew.
Subscribe for Thk CuaoNici.K.
Music and
Columbia River
mm mm. m a
Steamer will leave dock at 8:30 o'clock, re
turning at 11 o'clock.
Tickets, 50c
On Sale at D. P. & A. N. Office.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Special in
Sec our Show Window.
New Grocery Store
YV have ;ull'l
ment to our store. A iiw jregh,
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery t any part of the city.
I n cases of cough or croup giv e the
little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then
rest ea.-iy and have no fear. The child
will be all right in a little while, il
never fails. Pleasant lo lake, always
safe Mire and almost instantaneous in
effect. Clark A talk's P. O. Pharmacy.
We offer for a limited period toe
twice-a-week CiiaoMi i.k, price $1.50,
end the Weekly Oregonian, pneu tl.&O"
hoiti papers for 'l a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance. '
li the action o( my bowels is not easy
amj regular serious complications must
i tt tht) nillt ruiUt. D. Win's Little
j Karly Hisers will remove this dangtr
safe, pleasant and effective. Claikti
I Ftlk'l PiOi Pharmacy.
" "
A full line of Kastman films and
i plies just received bv Clarke A Falk.
i fl
a Grocery Depart
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and VtfMhlflMtOn t.
A 1 1 Ofdori attendee! I
distance phone -li
i promptly. I.uiig
.J. Local. Il ''.
i Don't ha aallaflad with temporary re
lief from indigestion. Koch. I Dyspepsia
Cure permanently and c nupletely le-
moves this complaint. It relieves psr-
uoinentlv because It allows the tired
I SlnmMh perfect rest. Dieting won't
lm ibe stomach. Nature receives sup
! plies from the food we eat. The sensible
way to help the stomach is to use Kodol
' Dvspapaat Cure, which digests what you
and can'i help bat do you good.
Clarke A Kalk'e P. 0. Pharmacy.