Chronicle. VOL. XIII THE DALLES. OREGON, MONDAY. AUGUST 2G 1901. NO. 163 She Sialic L .. til "-vl AYcgctable Prcparationfor As similating llicFoodandReguIa linc ttic Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DigestioivCheerfuL ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium-Morphine nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. (! tfOUHrSiHVSLItlVlttR impkw Sad- i fbrkrllr Sake - I Jpprrmml - . Ill BffMMfcdMi rlm'tNi '.Uufiv A perfect Remedy forConslipa rion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms, Convulsions .Fcverish neaa and Loss of Sleep. Vac Simile Signature of KFW YOHK. rm i ' E.XAST COPr OF WRAPPER. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CMT0 COM PA NY. NEW YOHK CITY. Twenty-four Hours it VI If.-. Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 24. Quar-1 terinaster Joseph Matthews, of the United States cruiser Newark, who was niarriedyesterday to MiBs Eva May Sain, ' of Camden, shortly before undergoing an operation, died early today at the; hospital here. Matthews had recently returned from the Philippine!. He came J here for a brief vacation, and while bathing last Sunday dived from the board walk into two feet of water. His bead (truck t he sand and his spine whs i badly injured, Matthews was engaged to marry .Miss Salu, and being informed that he was not likely to survive the Operation, he sent for his liancee and they were married. Hammer Kxouraloni to n sn, Coast. Only $1)50 for tlie round trip from Tlie Dalles to Long Beach, Tioga, Pacific Park, Ocean Park lt Nahcotta, Wash., good fur return until Sept. 15, 1001. Baggage checked through to destina tion, The steamer T. .1. Potter will luim Pnlanl JIU K,i..,lu a , ,A I Car ll j Va Monday, and the Ilassalo dally except Sunday, at 8 p. m., and 10 p. in, on Saturdays, making direct connections at Astoria and at llwaco for all points on Oregon and Washington beaches. Call on Jai, Ireland, agent, The Dalles, for through time card to all beach other aches. You onlv need a few dosee of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. (Set Green's prize almanac. Clarke & Falk's. 1 Monqatto' Bite Vi his Fatal. Havana, Aug, 24. The third death from yellow fever, resulting from the bite o a morqulto, occurred this evening. The victim was Miss Clara Maas, of New Jersey, whose death occurred on the seventh day after she was taken ill. Of the six persons bitten recent'y in the course of yellow fever commission's experiment, three have died, and tlie doctors say the other three are suffering from light attacks of the disease. Miss Maas was a nurse, and wished to become immune. Seven Iuyx lit Carnival. points. jly3. Hoy Hhut Wliile at I'lay. All the transpor'ation lines in the Northwest are arranging to give social ly low rates to and from the Portland which runs frotr Sept lb to Oct 1H, and the excursion tickets will he good for seveu davs. This is the longest limit ever given on such tickets, and will give people ample time to see all the sights connected with the great exposi sition. With two full military bands, a mili tary tournament, a horse show, athletic J snorts, exhibits of mining, agriculture,! CRIME OF AN I ARCH-FIEND Man oi' Indian Descent Assaulted a White Woman Summary Punish ment Will Probably Be Dealt Out to Him if He is Captured. Fossil., Or., Aug. 24. Gus Delore, who has much Indian blood in his veins, i committed a criminal assault upon Mrs. , Samnel rnsworth, a white woman, at i her home at tlie month of Bride Creek, on the John Day river, last Sunday evening about dusk. The place Is in a thinly-settled communitv, thirty miles southeast of Fossil and fifteen miles norttiwest of Mitchell. The news reached here last evening, and officers at once set out to capture Delore. If he is captured summaty punishment will probably be dealt out to him. Delore had been drinking i eavily in Mitchell on Sunday. He left there in the afternoon with considerable "fire water" in his possession. On reaching the Unewortlis place he rode up to the door and made improper proposals to the woman of tlie house. She became indignant, and ordered him to move on. She hastily closed and locked the door. The man then jumped from his horse and tried to gain an entrance. Mrs. Uneworth. in the meantime, had sat dnwri on the floor and placed her feet against the door. Delore became angrier than ever, and battered in the door. He then seized the woman and committed the assault. Two small sons of Mrs. Dnsworth did all they could to protect their mother, and were struck several hard blows. Delore remained at the Uusworth y lsce for some time, and then proceeded on to the ranch of A. S McAllister, where he had been employed breaking horses. There he was found next morning by Henry Heldtmati, of Fossil, a cattle buyer, and Nat Shouen.of Richmond, who went to the ranch with the object of buying cattle. Delore got up as soon as the men left and started for his home in Crook county, about sixty miles away. He was afterwards seen at the head of the West Branch, twenty miies away, where fie traded horses. Samuel Uusworth husband of the out raged woman, had in t he meantime been informed of Delore's act He met De lore about ten miles from his home, or while he (Uusworih) was returning from Summit Prairie. Tlie men had some words, but as Uusworth was without arms, he could do nothing. Delore made off rapidly, and Uusworth continued on Ins way home. The officers are determined to capture Delore. Sheriff Cotgleton, of Crook county, will aid Sheriff Keeton, of Wheeler county, in the search, and they will be assisted by numbers ol deputies. V.iM'urvi'u wh An,r 9A As a horticulture and manufacturing, a full result of the careless discharge of a gun j midway, fireworks and an array of by tw o small Vhivh t.hia uftttrrinnn .Ineelvn ! umilsemellt attractions, the Carnival Qanby, the l'J-year old eon of Mrs. E. ' will be one of the greatest L. Cauby, widow of the late E. L. Canby, cisnier of the First National Bank, lies cold in death. While the shooting is believed to have been purely accidental, the circumstances are remarkable, and, following as it does the tragic scenes at tending the closing of the bank four months ago, has attracted much at tention here. .'IKHUiili AUnvveieil. Yes, August Flower still bae the largest sale of any medicine iti the civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion and biliousness. Doctors were scarce and ttiey seldom heard of appendicitis, neivous prostratiou or hart failure, etc. They used August I lower to clean out tlie system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regu late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the sys uj. and that is all they took-when feel dull and bad with headaches and Mrs. S. H. Allport, JohnBtown, Pa., says: "Our little girl almost strangled to death with croup. The doctors said she couldn't live but she was instant ly relieved bv One Minute Cough Cure. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Voqt 0era house K. J. CLAKKK. Manager. events of the season, and the admission fee is going to he only 25 cents, 10 cents for chil dren. aug21-24 When your hair appears dry and to I have lost its vitality it wants something ! to give it life and vigor. We have what t lie hair needs when it gets in that con- I dition We have the Crown of Science Hair rfSgHKjjft .rower and; Cocoa nut Creaii.TgEBr Ionic They I will cure dand ruH a-d nil; scalp diseases. br sale at rrazer s bar ber shop. Price 6(lc and 75c a bottle. Eruptions, cuts, bums, scalds and sores of all kinds quickly healed by IJeWitt's Witch Hazrtl Salve. Certain cure for piles. Beware of Counterfeits. Be sure vim get tlie original fe Wilt's. Clarke & Falk's P O. Pharmacy. Are you looking for a loan on your real property? If vou are it will pay you to call and see Hudson & Brownhill. We have money to loan at a reasonable rate of interest on real property only. Subscribe for Tut Cuboniclk. TUESDAY, AUGUST 27th, One Night Only. Uncle TomS Cabin, Tlie BAKNI'M of them all. The Greatest Cast, the most iorgeous Scenery ever given this touching master piece. 30PEOPLE30. Best selected company on the road. Special Scenery. Special Curs. Kemrvtd Scuta, 50f. Children, 2.V. I,, s,- ,u"i seal will hi on .iiili- ut Clarke A hill i. lirugklvre. Lincoln Sale V Yes, Abraham Lincoln,- grand Old Abe. The idol incarnation of truthfulness, fidelity and justice. Verily a of all honest men. The name to conjure with. thousand dollars -shoes don't im ' Lincoln Sale" No man, or set of men on the 1'aee of this earth holds the illustrious name in in greater veneration than the partners of this concern, and when we tell you this sale is named "Lincoln Sale," in order to impress on you the absolute truthful ness of tHe statements used Herein, you may believe us, for the man who'd use Abe Lincoln's name as a certificate of character for a shady state ment is a horse thief, and vou know that is not our measure. Too much faith in Spring weather leaves us today with four worth more stock than we had last year this time. This won't do, prove with age, and what is more we need that money for fall goods will be the most uncommon price cutting time. Children and blind men can come and be as sure of real of their lives. This sale will especially appeal t reasonable folks who can tell a straight story when they hear it to economical people who know a cut price when they see it, and to doubting Thomases who have been fooled much and often by counterfeit price cutting: "Lincoln Sale" begins Monday at 9 a. m. bargains as thev are On tHe 90c Table there is an uncommon lot of Children's Lace and Button Shoes, in black and chocolate kid, with good, comfortable broad toes capped. Sizes run from M to 11; values to $1.75; and sizes from 6 to 8. for little tots good strong soles, roomy toes : black or tans. There are Boys' Shoes stout and honest, but not all sizes. A few pair of blacks, also a few tans; sizes to lit most boys; Shoes that were (1.35 and $1.75. There are also a few pair of Ladies' Black Kid Opera Slippers; cheap at the regular price; of $1 25. Some finer Ox fords in small sizes: narrow toes; were $2.50 and over. On tHe $2.50 Table you will find a line each of Ladies' and Men's Stylish, Up-to-date Shoes, suitable for fall wear. The price should not be a cent less than (3.50 what we intended them to sell for at time of purchase. The Ladies' Shoe has a medium sole, broad round toe, patent leather tip, and is made of a good kid stock. The Men's Shoe is a vici kid made on the popular broad last and welt sole; has all the lines and curves of a $5 Shoe. On tHe $1.20 Table is a lot of Ladies' Kid Button Shoes that are worth the regular prices of $2.50, $2.00 and $1.75 every day in the week or they are not worth a cent. A batch of Men's Shoes that still carry a $1.50 tag yes, and several pair are $2.50 goods. The only drawback being that they are in large sizes only 0, 10 and lis. Shoes for little girls OH this table, too sizes running from I 1 i to 2; nice dressy Shoes that will be .just right for school wear; good materials, honestly made. They were $1.75 an. I $2.00 tans and black. Ladies' line 4 strap black kid Sandals; French heel. Were $2.25; if you are in time you may get your size. On tHe $2.00 Table are shoes for men and shoes for women, (lood enough for anybody for they are bang-up good ones. The price on the cheapest shoe on this table was $H. Some of them $3.50 and still more. Men's patent calf Oxford ties ; some tan calf skin shoes and some viois. Some extra good things in ladies' black kid street shoes welt soles, military heels and fashionable round toes, pat. Lipped. THe $2.15 Table is covered with 1'ingree's composite $15.00 shoes for women that never sold tor less than Good styles every one of them. A. M. Williams Co. BM'I Hull It III, Just wet the affected pari f reel v with Mvsterioue Pain Cure, a Scutch remedy and the pain is goue. Sold bv Clarke & Falk. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle