9 The Last ! Sbirt Waist Sale of the Season. There is no end to a i i 4- ii we want to close out all Prices that will astonish you. The stock is not large, but the styles that are left are clean and up-to-date. They must be closed out in the next ten days. The Waists art1 too well w known to need anv description. 1 X Waists formerly retailing for $1.00, now 60c Waists formerly retailing for $ .25, $1 .50, now. ft5c w $ Waists formerly retailing for $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25, now $1.25 I Waists formerly retailing for $2.50, $3.00, f $4.00 and $5.00, now $2.00 ? PERSE 5t MAYS. 0 $ The Dalles Daily Chronicle. IJATURDAY - AUG. 24, 1901 Ice Cream and IceCream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wasco County warrant registered prior to October IT. 1X08, will lie tall on present tt Inn at my office. Interest j cies after AUKimt 13, 1901. JOHN K. HAIUI'SHIKE, County Treasurer. I WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Excursion Wednesday night down the Columbia by moonlight. Forecast Tonight and Sunday, possi ble thunder showers, cooler.' Mrs. Emma Southwell was today Ap pointed administratrix of the estate of Joseph Southwell, deceased. The machinery is now being put in place in the power hou9e of the Wasco Warehouse Milling Company. Yesterday Dad Butts disposed of the Coubert property east of F. C. Sexton's residence, to Q, X. Watt, of Moaier, who bai moved his family into the city and will be a permanent resident iiere. Franktou district, near Hood Kiver, has just finished a new school house, the 'oet oi which, including furniture, was MM. School will begin some time next "onth, with Miss Stella Brown, of this ci'y, as teacher. The absence of the usual number of farmers in our city on Saturday is indi cative of the work that is going on in the country about us. Tiie harvest "mat be gathered in before business in town can be transacted. Dad Hints has a very desirable place ''ontaining an acre and a half of ground iD a splendid location in The Dalles; Kwd seven-room house and a line or WJttd, for sale or trade for small farm "ear the city. Also thirty. one- desirable Hiding lots, ranging from 8S to $50 a '0t' 24 Bt It is said that there will goon be a tel Pbone circuit in operation from the Ottflo coast to Boston. Jt is doubtful ' couveraation can be maintained at ""instance, and even were it possible, U uot probable that anybody will Mkl 0M of it at existing long distance ""spbone rates. A report from Independence save that JJ Ann Mn. of that city, hae re u a Government commieeion as a Jcher , Unalaeka. The eame ecbool SLw i 8he wil1 m chftre w" Pre' ' over last year by her eister, Miee bo returned to the a few we8 ago. Miee Manu ie a the Shirt Waist season, but ! Negligee Shirts, f r cj i . " of our Summer Stock at all $ $ $h$ 9 ft 0 $H$ $$ ft $ $ 9 $ 9 graduate from The Dalles High school and a niece of D. J. Cooper of this city. She waB for a time an employe of the Times-Mountaineer office. Among the carloads of fruit being shipped today was one of watermelons, which are a splendid crop this year. Wagon load after wagon load of these delicious melons are hauled into the city each day, unnoticed by those who are so accustomed to the sight, which would be a treat to residents of less favored sec tions. The case against Malcolm Southwell for larceny of a colt from G. H. Riddell came up for hearing in Justice Brown hill's court today, with S. Stark appear ing for defense. The State examined several witnesses and the defense moved for dismissal on the ground that there was not sufficient evidence to convict. The court overruled the motion and granted the defense till Friday to secure evidence. Southwell was bound over in tfie sum of sfoOO to appear at that time. Another case of diphtheria is reported at Endersby in the family of Cap En dersby. No eerious results are appre hended from any of the cases reported. Dufur Dispatch. We can scarcely conceive of a case of that disease (prob ably dreaded more than any other by parents of young children where eerious results would not follow, if not to the patient, to some one who contracts the disease from those who fail to realizu bow dangerous diphtheria is. The greatest of precaution should be taken. Among the eightetn races on the speed program of the district fair one will be for the trial of the speed of ttie Shetland ponien, which belonged to the dog and pony show. No doubt this will be ae interesting as any race ou the program for the little iellows are as fleet of foot as any of their bigger brothers and display a wonderful amount of strength and endurance. Any one who may imagine these little ponies are only nt for pets and training, will dis cover tiieir mistake by riding behind them. The comulaint of Mr. Dosch that the Oregon commissioners at Buffalo are not supplied with Oregon prunes for exhibi tion should not be allowed to go un heeded. The only beuelit to be expect ed from the Buffalo exhibition will come, if at all, from an increased immigration induced by the excellence of our pro ducts thus placed before the people as sembled from different parte of the United Statee. We believe the money thus expended by the state will prove a profitable investment, but the best samples of our fruit, especially, should be there to be seen. A plan is already being formulated in Walla Walla for a straw carnival next year when a holiday will be declared, laruiere will bring their straw to th.-t City and a parade will follow. There Will be speaking and a noonday lunch in the court house square. After that i Special Fridaij and Saturday. Stiff Bosom and New, Up.tO-Date Styles; sizes, from 144 to 17. i Good values at 85c and $1. Friday and Saturday onlv 55c See Disblay in Window. Men's Neckwear Every new shape out. this JjL season. Special ft Friday and Satur day only 35c f i I they will drive into the country and j scatter the Btraw where it will do the ! most good. Prizes of value will be of- fered and n genuine good time indulged j in. It wouldn't be a bad idea for The j Dalles to follow suit, for surely none I who are compelled to travel over the I roads leading to our city will deny that j a few loads of straw would greatly bene- fit them this year. The residents on south Court street ! have built new sidewalks in front of ! their homes and the pupils of the High I school and of the Park school, will have a good road to and from their residences, j The irrepressible small boy looks with dilated optics on these sidewalks and feel satisfied that when the "beautiful snow filling the world below" embraces, with its wintry clasp, hill and dale, : mountain and glen, he will have an en joyable time coasting down Court street. He registers a protest now against city marshal or property owner cleaning the walks of any accumulated snow later in the year. Davenport's planing mill, which was burned to the ground last Thursday, is being rebuilt. The total loss by the tire amounted to about $7,600, with no in surance. The box factory will not be replaced at present, and only a tempo rary covering will be erected for the new planing machinery. An unfortunate in cident of the fire was the absence of water in the flume at the time. A farm er living along the Hume had unrightful ly turned out the water the night before and was using it for irrigation. Had the water been in the Hume the mill com pany would have easily saved $2,000 worth of cedar posts. The accident is to be regretted, but it will alio id a val uable lesson to others. Glacier. The first incineration at the new cre matorium near City View park, Port land, took place Thursday afternoon, tho body of E. P- Sine, lately an attorney from Lexington, being the first to go through the process. The casket con taining the body was placed in the retort at L':4ri p. m and was completely incin erated in three-quarters of an hour, nothing but about three quarts of ashes remaining. The furnace had been heat ing lor an hour, but t he oil had been shut of!' and the inner surface allowed to co il for five minutes before the casket was placed in it, so that there was no sign of llame or heat to shock tiie most sensitive. The casket was covered with an alum-soaked sheet, gently slid into the retort, aud the door closed. There are twenty-three bodies in the vaults awaiting cremation. "A most interesting trip" was what two of our Dalles citizens pronounced tiieir visit to the camps of Kilpatrick Bros and Collins, railroad contractors who are now eu gaged in straightening and other wiae repairing the road between this city and Kowena, They found ttie cauipe nicely situated and speak particu larly of the neatness displayed therein. Camp No. 1, Horns A Anderson's head quarters ie situated at the Anderson place; No. 2, ie P. P. .lohnon camp; No. . '..). W. Hastings; No. 4, W. F. Nugent: No. 5. engineer's camp, and No. ft, Sullivan Bros. The visitors called at the headquarters ot .1. W. Hastings. W. F Nugent and J. C. Sullivan all of whom were most cordial and howed them about the various camp. Tliey took lunch at the latter camp, presided over by Mrs. .7. 0. Sullivan, where they weie received In the most hospitable manner. Work is progressing favorably especially at t lie Sullivan camp where a large force is at work. About 900 men are now employed on the work, and they hope to secure that many more when harvesting ie over. The straight ening of the road will cut off at least a mile between here and Kowena. Regarding Ketie of AetlOOl Hook. In order to lessen ttie expense of the exchange and introduction of the recent ly adopted school books, Sopt. lenders is making a divllioQ of the subjects and text-hooks new in the hands of the pu pils for seperate date of exchange. In subjects that pupils have completed and are ready for another book, the pupils will of course purchase the newly adopt ed books. In case? where the branch of study will be completed at the middle of school year or at the end of fi-st term, the classes will not exchange now but continue with the-old books to the last of December and then purchase the new book. This will save exchanging now and then laying aside a comparatively new book to buy another at the middle of the year. When subjects will be com pleted at the end of school year they will also retain the old book to save the ex change. There will thus be a lew ex changes made at the opening of school, Sept. 9th, bIso some at the close of De icember. By this plan, considering the reasonable exchange price and the re duced price of the new hooks, the cost of the change of book will bt? reduced to a minimum, and will not tie much greater than the regular purchase of new books. One cf our dealers remarked that he did not believe the cost to the entire district by the exchange will exceed $150. The books will be received by the first of September, and next week Tiik Chronicle will publish a list of books to be exchanged at the opening of ecbool and those in December. Unfile Tow's Catin. Sutton's N. Y. Uncle Tom's Cabin Co., gave its first performance at the Grand opera house last night. The com pany ie composed of some very clever people and has some fine specialties iie tween acts. The King Sisters are fine buck and wing dancers, and Vic Guion does an unusually good juggling and ladder act. Marks, the lawyer, Cute, the speculator, Aunt Ophelia, TopBy and little Lillian, as Eva, are clever performers. All in all the company is first class and deserves patronage. -Miner, June 14, At t tie Vogt opera house one night only, Tuesday, Aug. 127tb. Il the action of my bowels is not easy and regular serious complications must be the final result. DeWitt's Little Early Risers will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant and effective. Clarke Ac Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the LINCOLN SALE. commences Monday. Shoe Buyer. A. M. Williams A Co. of interest OUR CHURCHES There will be no services in the Con gregational church ti morrow. St. Paul's Episcopal church - Hev C. H. Lake, rector. Morning MfftOM at 11 a. in. Evening service at 7 :30. Sun day school, 13 :1ft. AH are invited. Calvary Baptist church- Rev. W. B. Oifton,. pastor. Regular service at 11 in the morning in the new church on Union street. Sunday school at 10 a. in. . B. Y. P. V . at T p. m. 1' nitrd Bret hren church Services to morrow as follows: Sondav school 10 a. m., Mrs. C. W. Bree, superinten dent. Y. P. C.N. at 7 p. in., Frank Mallikin, president. Preaching 11 a.m. Subject: "Obedience And Not Sacrifice. 1 the Criterion of Life." S p. ni. subject "Bringing I n to Captivity a Giant." We will give you a wsrm Welcome and try ' to do you good In each service. The ' church is about two blocks eat of the head of the new brewery grade. L. Hurler, pastor. Methodist Episcopal chlirch Corner Fifth and Washington, Rev. I'lvsses j F. Hawk pastor. Services at 11 a. m. : and 8 p. m. New members will be re ceived at the morning service. The . choir will render some special music at both services. There are only two more Sundays until conference which will convene at Walla Walla Sept. 1th. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Class meet- 1 ing at 12:16; Epworth League at 7 p. m. Gentlemanly ushers will assist TOO to 1 seats. Class meeting on Tuesday even- I ing. Prayer meeting on Thursday even ing, nui will tie welcome at all me services. Don't be satisfied with temporary re lief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently and completely re moves this complaint. It relieves per manently because it allows the tired stomach perfect rest. Dieting won't rest the stomach. Nature receives sup plies from the food we eat. The sensible way to help the stomach is to use Kodol Dvspepsia Cure, which digests what you eat and can't help but do you good. Clarke .v F"alk's P. O. Pharmacy. KM. Attention! All members of Cascade Lodge, B. P, O. E. are requested to be present at the hall next Saturday evening. A regular meeting will be held and business of the greatest, importance will be brought be fore ttie lodge. By order exalted ruler. In cases of cough or croup give the little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest easy and have no fear. The child will be all right in a little while. It never fails. Pleasaht to take, always safe sure and almost instantaneous in effect. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Subscribe for Thk Ciiuonk i.k ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Special in Mens Straw flats. See our Show Window. New Grocery Store UY baya added a Qrooggy Popart- jiienl to our Ktora A imw fresh, cloan stock. (Jive us a rail. ProPlPj delivery to any part i th it ...MAYS tfi CROWES... LINCOLN with every purchase amounting; to 95-OO or over at the Lincoln" Shoe Sale commencing Monday C A. M. Williams SX Co. i Ad oi l I t l.f'i tr. Following is the list of letters remain : ing in the poitofflce at The Dalles un called for AUgOel L't, 1901 i Persons calling for the same will give date on i which they were advertised : I BerneU, James Davis. Clementine Crawford, Maud Dooglae, Mtry I Durral, D M Dire, Mike j Event, Pearl I Fisher, Fi itnk E Hnghee, Stella Morrison, 0 A N I teen, Edward , Purrice, George Fen wick, K Folton, t red Mollis, Michael Martin, Second O'Dell, Erwln Price, A .1 I Miepnam, sivrenui laiooti, i o Talbot, Southard J. M. PvriKUsoN, P. M. I StHll ltlll KM flviMl. Sealed bids will lie received by Dr. Siddall up to 12 noon the 16th inst., for the erection of four dwellings on the corner of Fourth and Federal streets, Malles City, Plans and specifications can be seen at the oflice of The Dalles Laundry Co. Reserving the right to re ject each or all bids. BUgl2-10 Clarke A Falk have ou sale a full line of paint and artist's brushev WM. MICHELL, I ImpIa m4 Law A f im It I km 0 m u nut: drvK anu c ud m Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 488, L teal, 1012. 25c