The Last Sbirt Waist Sale of the Season. There is no end to want to close out all we Prices that will astonish you. The stock is not large, but the styles that are left are clean and up-to-date. They must be closed out in the next ton days. The Waists are too well known to need any description. Waists formerly retailing for $1.00, now 60c Waists formerly retailing for $1 .25, $1 .50, now. 5c Waists formerly retailing for $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25, now. Waists formerly retailing $4.00 and $5.00, now. I PEASE 5t MAYS. $$ a '' ;f 8& $ rhe Delias Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY AUG. 23, 1901 ice Cream and IceCream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wnaco County warrants reg-lntered prior tn October 17 1HOK, will be paid on preneiitntltui it my office. Interest OWlMI after A UgQIt 13. llJOl. JOHN Fa ItAMI'SIIIKE, County Trenail rer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. When we get the fair and carnival off our bunds let us agitate the rest room question mentioned in another column. It it- about ten degrees cooler today than vesterday.the thermometer register ing 8'j. The west wind is greatly ap preciated. A rumor is afloat that some of our leading business men will put in a $100, 000 ice plant in The Dalles beiore next manner. Good. The condition of Mrs. Isabella Gray, who has been quite ill, is much im proved, and she will no doubt be able to be about in a few days. Miss May Sechler, of The Dalles, who taught, the intermediate grade in the Antelope school last winter has been chosen principal for the coming term. Marriage license was granted yester day to Dolly McLennan and James Warwick. These parties are from Antelope, and may they live long and prosper. The Seventh Regiment U. S. Infantry ud will make a round trip Sunday, Aunust 2ith, on the steamer Bailey Uauert, and while the boat is laying at The Dalles they will favor the citizens with the linest mutio. ft988t U ... - , i runes 01 the very best variety are on : me muve. Hue mornintr. two carloads Of Drilnvi uml ..t i ; II , ,,,,,, UI1L. ul ,,.-lri wert. uuipjjeii - .oicru nines; tomorrow three or 'our more will follow, and each succeed "g day will lollow suit until the crop is disposed of. Edwin, who was formerly employed in Menefee & Parkiiih' music store, was married in Portland on the 'Oth to Miss .Sadie Hall. They will "iike ,l,e'r 'ome in Portland, where Nr MoKenile has accepted a position ") a large music etore. Articles of incorporation of the Colum- I inun Ul Wild - 1 U (II Mining and Milling Company have - wen m the state department. The oipany will eDgage in mining end ttuei development work, with head 'lUer8 i The Dallee, and operate witb pitalof$fJ00,000 divided into share 00 00 4 $- the Shirt Waist season . but of our Summer Stock at $1.25 for $2.50, $3.00, $2.0 bub dffcr W- l Tjjgf'. ojjL !nj;i. i valued at $1 each. T. A. Hudson, I Timothy Brownhill, L. L. Hill and E. B. Dufur are the incorporator?. The sight of the luscious fruit being i hauled into the city continually is enough to make one's mouth water. While the ' prunes, peaches, plums and pears are an i especially good crop, good apples are a scarce article and will no doubt be apples ; ol gold before the season closes. Biograph pictures of the Passion Play ! will be presented in our city about the I lid of September. The various churches throughout the East and Middle West , tiave taken hold of the entertainment, and it will be given tinder the auspices j of the Methodist church of this city. "A friend in need is a friend indeed,'' : and so while theater-goers are pining for j "some place to go," along comes our old j Btand-by "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which, good or bad, never failB to draw a crowd ed house, and announces an engagement for next Tuesday evening at the Vogt. I The D. P. & A. N. Co., announces an ; j excursion for Wednesday night, August j 28th, for all ot which our people no doubt will be extremely thankful, as a i pleasant ride on old Columbia by moon light is always greatly appreciated. The Dalle band will furnish music, and the Regulator will leave the dock at H:30, returning at 11, John Doe and Richard Koe were ar-1 j rested last night for robbing an Indiau , j in the East End of town. The aboriginee . I left for his home near the musical waters : I of the raging Yakima., and the reeal ! citrant individuals, after receiving a1 I lecture from the officer, were sent on j ! their way. Certainly material for rob- j i bing is a scarce article when white men I ! tackle an Indian. The committee inform us they are now i ready to receive applications to be prin- ' cipal participants in the carnival wed- ding, which will be the event of the, i fair. We understand the assistant sec- . retary of the carnival has signified bit ;dosireto sacrifice himself, but it takes ! two to make a bargain and his extreme baslifiilness has led him to advertise for : ; seuled proposals. Pedestrians on the corner of Second unu Union streets are apt to turn up their noses in a manner that woulu make a passing friend consider them putting on airs. In this conclusion they call the lurn, for the air in that neigh borhood certainly is accountable for the upward tendency of that member. The foul odor which exudes from the Hewer in the neighborhood of the China house located there, is a menace to the health of any community aud should be looked after. What Tuic OMMKJOIiI wants to know now is. where is The Dalles fisherman Woken of by the Oregonian, who came klown from Trout l.afce with 1000 trout If he reached here safe he hasn't men tioned tbe fact to hie friends, for news papers always claim friendship in such asee. Campers, wno nave remrueu oui there, have the temerity to call it a Special Fridaij and Saturday. Stiff Bosom and Negligee Shirts. New, Styles; all sizes, from 144 to 17. Jood values at 85c and $1 . Friday and Saturday only 55c See Disblay in Window. Men's Neckwear Every season. new shape Special out this Friday and Satur day only. 35c jfc 'A slfci A. $ Jfa. iAj aHk A xlS . ft v i A aUk. ML !W; V IT V "ST V VVlJ fish story. The new version of an old tying that "all Dalles fishermen are liars, but not all liars are Dalles fisher- ! i men," may he proven true by the report j ; of the Portland man in this case. 1) eeeine that Ben Oppenheimer, the j ; erBt-while traveling man, has been "do- j 1 ing" not only his friends but everyone j I with whom he comes in contact. The Leader says: "Mr. Oppenheimer was In Shaniko for about three or (our weeks leaving here about the middle of July, and while here done some of our citizens, i ; He represented himself as an agent for , I a life insurance company and received , ; from ten to thirty-hve dollars apiece ; from the following: J. J. Wiley, Chas. U'Ren, John McGilvery, Krnie Doty, ; Fred H. Davis, Tom Henegan, Bert j Weber, all of Shaniko, and W. N. Wiley 1 and Jim Silvertooth, ot Antelope, none I of whom received their policies, but have 1 received experience. Fen Batty also , mourns the loss of a hoard bill of some $40. Mr. Oppenheimer left his clothes ! with Mesers Wiley and U'Ren to show j his good intention of returning, and they . now think of opening a second hand ! store, as neither of the gentlemen can , wear the clothes and they don't know : what else to do with them." Humor r steaatoa ore e, ituiiway It is rumored that a land deal was consummated in Ashwood last week, which if true means much for the future of our town. The deal consisted of the purchase by Messrs C. E. Lvtle and A. M. Kelsay, acting for themselves and others, of the entire Wood's townsite as now platted, eighty acres of the Crater homestead and an option on 200 acres more of land adjoiniug. This insures the permanency of the present location of the town, from the fact that the in terests which now control the futureof the town are strong euough to hold it where it is against all odds. It is sur mised, and with reason, that these gen tlemen are not buying up this land and the townsite without some definite as surances as to the futureof the place. This, taken in connection with the well- ; authenticated rumor that the railroad mm oe extended at an early dale, leads u,e erv reBoi!a nif coiiriiieiour' hirst, that the Columbia Southern Rail way will he extended, at an early date, to the Ashwood country; and second, that the terminus of that road will be the present pectur. town of Ashwood. - Bros- CASTOR I A For infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Clark and Balk have just received a full line of fresh Veloz papers and de velopers, the same as used by Mr. Lovick in bis recent demonstration at our store. Subscribe for Tuk u. THE REST ROOM. Something or Whlrh Tit Hull" I Madly In d. Much has bpen paid in favor of a free reading room for The Dalles, and there i is no iUeetion but that it is badly need led here: but Colfax, as wetl as othet j towns surrounded by large farming sec i tions, have solved a problem equally as j important in the introduction of what are termed rest rooms where people Iroin the country may find cheerful surround lings when they have a few hours on j their hands. To those who hav given the queftion thought as they consider j the large number of farmers who visit ; our city everv day, it is patent that such a place would be a boon to the weary i teamsters and farmers. It would not tie necessary to carry on j am thing so extensive as in some places, j where are found attendants with whom children may be left while parents are ; engaged in transacting business affairs Which have brought them in from the OOUUtry. Our farmer"' wives are will ing to look after the children, but no doubt would be gratetul for a place , where they might make headquarters J when in the citv. A waiting room with such conveniences as mav be required to meet the needs of visitors who are in j town for a short time, would answer the purpose. Then a reading room, with ' the latest periodicals, might be added, j These restrooms have been maintained In some sections of the middle west and j have proved most attractive as well as j a great convenience to people who are: j visiting the city. Many farmers who I j are obliged to remain in town several; j hours while waiting to do business find j I that time hangs heavily on their hands j and as a rule there is no place to which they may go for rest or satisfactory I recreation. They must walk the streets! or lit in their wagons when they might just as well be employing their time to j some advantage. In this particular the restroome sup- ply a long felt want. Here farmers ate able to meet and confer : they may read the news of the day ; they may eat their luncheons in comfort instead of bolting them while perched on a cart ; they may clean up after a dusty ride or drive and their wives and daughters may enjiv social converse or reBt after a day's shopping. 1 nrlft Tiiin'n Cabin. The ever popular play, "Tncle Tom's Cabin" will be presented by Sutton'a big New York company, at the Vogt 'opera house on Tuesday, August 27th. i The play founded in one of the great 1 books of American literature in spite of j i its frequent appearance ou the stage, ; never seems to lose its power of attrac ! tion for young and old, and the company i which is scheduled for Vogt'l next weea ; is one of the best on the road judging! j by the comments and newspaper report wbic'D preceded it. The paity includes thirty people' : travelling in their own special carB and ' carrying with them all the parapherna lia and scenery required for a proper performance of this grea. American j slave story. Bl ki Atteatiaml All members of Cascade Lodge, B. P. j ' 0. Ei are requested to be present at the j I hall next Saturday evening. A regular , : meeting will be held and business of the greatest importance will be brought he- fore the lodge. By order exalted ruler, j Itelirf Carpi Mi - -1 1 k - I i There will be a meeting of the Relief Corps tomorrow night at H o'clock. All ; members are especially requested to be ! present. By order of Mrm, J. Mi I' a i i kknon, Secretary. WurhliiK -' li ii ik u Hay. There's no rest for those tireless little little workers- Dr. King's New Piilc. I Millions are always buey, curing Torpid I Liver, Jaundice, Billiousness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste oioe, work won ders. Try them. Socftt G. & Blakeley's drug store. - Incases of cough or croup give the i little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then reel eay and have no fear. The child will be all right in a little while. It ' never failn. i'leasant to take, always safe mre and almost instantaneous in .effect. Clarke A Kalk's B. O. PbtriBftCf. Watch for the Lincoln Sale Monday. A. M. Wn.iiA.Mfc A Co. ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Special In Mens Straw Hats. See our Show Window. New Grocery Store We have added it Grocery Depart ment t our store. A new fresh, flt'tin stock. !ivc us a fall. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. MAYS WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Barden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. f you are in need of anything in our line, figure with us. for it will pay you. Wo operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will liavo prompt attention. SEXTON c WALTHER, THE DALLES. - - - OREGON. F- S. GUYING, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. DIALII ix Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axlea, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Aiest tor RiumII A (Jo.'i Engines, Threshers ami Sew miiih. Telephone 157. Long Oistance 10711. Are you looking for a loan on your real property? If yon are it will pay you to call and bee Hudson A Brownhill. We have money to loan at a reasonable rate of interest on ical property only. We offer for a hunted period the tw Ve-a-week Ciihomi i.k, price $l.o0, aud the Weekly Oregonian, price 1.00' both papers for t a year. Subscription! under this offir tUUIt be paid in ad vance. ! James While, BryantbVille, Ind., says Ill-Witt's Witch Hazel halve healed running sores on both legs, lie had Offered 6 years. Doctore failed to help him. Gel lii-Wilt's. Accept no imita tions. Clarke h Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Hud ron Ac Brownhill have a few houses for rent-- rooms fiom four up price '. a mouth end up. I iu-st- prop erties are in good locations aud parties desiring good homes for the winter can't do better than to call on the above gen tlemen at their office on Washington street, or see J. H. Jackson who will gladly show yon the property. 25c CROWE Cor. Second & LanzbliQ Sis, THE DALLES OR. If anything ails vour Pair, go and see ' Franer ; he'a the headquarters for all ' hair remedies. Remember that he ntkeeaen ialtv of theso goods. tf Subscribe for Tiih. CnaoMPMh Giffurd's Fotos Never Fade. A. M. Williams dX Co. LINCOLN EjN sale.. Slr&d X I