The Last Shirt Waist Sale of the Season. Theffi is no end to we want to close out all Prices that will astonish you. The stock is not large, but the styles that are i left are clean and up-to-date. They must he closed See Display in Window. out in the next ten days. The Waists are too well known to need any description. Waists formerly retailing Waists formerly retailing Waists formerly retailing 'Z.zd, now. Waists formerly retailing $4.00 and $5.00, now PEASE 5t MRYS. .,i, infSr lift; aft- ;N-" (Ik ;jV. Br B$i V- V V -v- -W V Wk W The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY AUG. 22, 1901 Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wani'o County warrant) registered prior to Ortfilter 17, 18tlH, will be paid on premutation Ht my ofHce, Interest ceaten after AuKimt 13, 1901. JOHN P. HANl'HHIHK, County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Forecast Tonight, fair and warmer; tomorrow fair. After four weeks' illnese of typhoid fever, Misg lieseie Lang was again able to Leon the streets yesterday. A warrant was issued this morning for the arrest of Malcolm Southwell for the larceny nf a colt from George H. Kid deli. A decree of divorce was granted by Judge llradshaw, in chambers, in the uit of Laura Manley vs. Joseph B. Utility, Thin morning Dr. D. Siddall let the contract for the building of four cottages j on hie property on the corner of Fourth j and Federal to Contractor A. Anderson, and work will be begun at once. The Seventh Regiment U. .S. Infantry ; band will make a round trip Sunday,! August '.oth, on the steamer Bailey QtUtrt, and while the boat is laying at The Dalles ihey will favor the citizens i with th lineBt music. a22-3t We'll leave it to our readers if our ! Prognostication of frost last week wasn't bout h sensible as that of the observer j 'or yesterday when he said "probably ; nr." Any body could prognosticate a mat fashion. I. A. Hudson, who will leave the tirst of Btpttmbtr for Portland, has rented " residence on West Second street, to oe! Koontl, of Five-Mile, who comes Wo town this winter for the purpose of -vuuuntig ins children. DepiUv V. s. Marshal Roberts ' came "Pon tlt. noon train today with a U. ; rnieoner, who i "av punishment in J" and 1100 fine. ia i.. n The prisoner's name j wn smith and he was sentenced in 'HfBllait)r' court in Portland. M "s the intention of its members to "ive the V M n a tim A, 0,BD'2ed some UMI loot i The Dalles, well on it feet J 'all. h w"8 the desire of tboae SSff that the ,ree room oouid be in ei,ape for be Jge of t,je 515 wh0"ehulin wheat into Clty ; but t will be impossible to so the Shirt Waist season, but of our Summer Stock at for $1.00. now 60c for $1.25, $1.50, now. 65c for $1 .75, $2.00 and $1.25 for $2.50, $3.00, $2.00 SnLjA w!?fe; '.flffS,:; jJrV w JT" V; V- V tk A A Jk arrange for this year, though it would no doubt have been appreciated by them. Yes, you're right, we're about to have another spell of "right smart" weather from all indications. But don't tell everybody you meet; it may be they won't find it out if you don't mention it. The Chbonioi.k only informs its readerp on the (juiet that the thermometer, af we write, indicates 90 degrees. The newest venture in the newspaper field in Oregon is the Whitney Record, a neat little four-page weekly edited by J. L. Huffman. From the appearance of its advertising columns, Mr. Huffman made no mistake in choosing Whitney as a newspaper town, and the people of that little mining town are fortunate in having such a lively sheet visit them weekly. How about that sidewalk around your lot? Will it be full of holeB in wait for the pedal extremities of our visitors tuthe fair? If we can do noth ing toward that fete, we can at least not be responsible for the fate which cer tainly will befall the feet of any one who happens to step into the numerous pitfalls in many of our sidewalks. By all means hammer down the nails and put in new boards where old ones exist. The gentlemanly burglar, who visited the residence of A. B. Hammond in Sail Francisco, July 5th, and relieved Mrs. Hammond of $28 in cash, has been caught by the police and has been iden tified by Mrs. Hammond and her maid. The prisoner admits his guilt and also acknowledges having committed other burglaries reported t the police. He gave Iiib name as Robert Stone and af- i terwards said that it was not his right name. Prof. J. H. Ackermau, superintendent ( of public iustruction, left Salem Tuesday night to attend teachers' institute in ; Wallowa and Union comities. The 1 Wasco county institute which will beheld in The Dalles September 4th, 5th and (th. will be favored with his presence on ! the 5th. He will also attend the school officers meeting on the tit h. Beside our i local educators, President Hawley, of t Willamette University. President Camp bell, of Monmouth Normal, and I'rofee j sor French, of Monmouth, will also be j in attendance. Misses Emma Creightou and Bessie fSnipes have returned from a journey around Mt. Adams. The young ladies iHt (ioldeodule August 2d in compauy witi; R party from that place. The party sentenced j traveled on horseback and were well pre the county ; oared for all the adventures they met. Hough paths, dense foiesls, treacherous streams, wild animals and falling timber did not cause them to loose ttieir cour age, but only made the trip more inter esting. They made the complete circuit of Mt. Adams traveling about 275 miles aud keeping norne distance from the mountain most of the time. There was only one day that they traveled on the now line. Tbey visited the lava beds, soda ipringi, Steamboat, Fith and Trout Special Fridaij and Saturday. Stiff Bosom and Negligee Shirts. New, Styles; all sizes, from 14.1, to 17. !ood values al 85c and $1, Friday and Saturday only 55c Men's Neckwear Every new shape out this season. Special Friday and Satur day only 35c TBI mm mm OUw HK-. -r "w "v 'V lakes and many other places of equal in terest. The ladies of the party are said to have been the first white women to travel over this path. Part of it has not ; been reeentlv traveled by any one. The north and west sides of the mountain ! are by far the most beautiful and are the ! most seldom visited. Every member of ' the party is delighted with the trip and j have a strong deBire to start on another journey of the same character. -- The annual meeting of the Columbia rivor conference of the Methodist Epis j copal church will convene in Walla Wal i la September 4th and continue over l .Sunday, The ministerial membership 'of the conference numbers 186, but at 1 least H0 preachers are expected to be in attendance. Bishop Mailelu, I. D. LL. D., of New Jersey, will be present and ; will conduct the work. The Columbia river conference is divided into four j : districts, under the charge of presiding elders. The districts aud the presiding elder! are: Spokane district, Rev.! Henry Brown. D. 1).; Moscow. Rev.; i Charles Cibson ; The Dalles, Rev. Robt. i Warner; Walla Walla, Rev. M. H. j ; Warner. This will be the first time in nine years that the conference has met ; in Walla Walla. Seven Day at Carulvul . j All the transportation lines in the! Northwest are arranging to give special j ly low rates to and from the Portland carnival, which runs from Sept 18 to Oct IK, and the excursion tickets will be j I good for seven days. This is the longest : limit ever given on such tickets, and will jeive people ample time to see all the; i eights connected with the great exposi-, sition. With two full military bands, a mill : tary tournament, a horse show, athletic ' 1 sports, exhibits of mining, agriculture, ' horticulture and manufacturing, a full midway, fireworks and an array of I amusement attractions, the Carnival will be one of the gieatest events of the ! season, aud the admission fee is going to be only 25 cents, 11) cents for chil-j dren. aug2l -24 Don't be satisfied with temporary re lief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently anil completely (O moves this complaint. It relieves per , maueutlv because it allows the tired 'stomach perfect rest. Dieting won't rest the stomach. Nature receives sup plies from the food we eat. The sensible way to help the stomach is to use Kodol j Dvspepsia Cure, which digests what you eat and can't help but do you good.. Clarke Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. CASTOR I A For infants aud Children. Ibe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Of You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure core foi boils. THE FAIR IS ON. Well Kccna rommlllfM Appointed ml Kridy For ork . Pieliminary arrangements for The Dalles Street Carnival and Thirteenth Annual Second Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society or words to that effect were completed at the meeting of the executive committee last night, and everything is now in good working order. If the members of committees given be low do their duty, as it is expected they will, there cannot fail to be such a lively time as The Dalles has never seen. After discussion as to the adv.sabilitv of holding the street fair on Third or Fourth streets, it was decided in favor of the former, probably taking in more i ground than last year. That there will ' be a noticeable improvement over the I grounds of last year, may be seen from the fact that it will require 130,000 feet ; of lumber for the fencing, buildings, etc. ; ' ! the arch will also be more elaborate ami will be fringed with electric lights. It is the intention to have at least two bands our own band and dhe from abroad. The committee is now In com munication with various attractions, which will outrival the time-woru Mid way of last year. The ladies, who were out yesterday i interviewing young ladies who had been l mentioned to enter the contest for queen, I report good success, a number sicoitying i their willingness to serve. It has, we I believe, been decided to present the 'ruling sovereign with a handsome dia mond ring. i It is to be hoped that our people 'as ' well as our neighbors in the country j will -assist the committee's by beginning to arrange for making exhibits, j The committee's appointed for both i the street fair and district fair are as I follows : Honorary Committee President, Hon W I. Brudshaw ; vice-presidents W H Wilson, (4 H Baker, L W Curtis, H 0 i Rooper, A M Kelsay, E P Ash, John Fulton, A Stewart, W W Steiwei, Hon M A Moody, G A Liebe, G W Johnston, Thos Burgess, J H Sherar, W H Moore, E O McCoy, W H Biges, W B Pretty, Peter Ahola, A S Blowers, J H Oaks, N C Evans, W J Hani man, V J Furnish, George Conser. (Jueeri committee Mesdames G A Liebe, D M FreDch, C J Crandall, W H Moody, Q J Farley, J S Fish, G C Blake ley, E M Williams, T J Seufert, W H Hobson, J S Schenck. J M Patterson. Cooking committee MeBdames C L Scnmidt, E Beck, M Z Donnell, J L Kellev, S Bolton, A S Bennett, B F Langhiin. McCrum table Mesdames E M Wil son, J M Marden, E Schanno. Fancy work MesdameB C B Cushing, H S Wilson, C J Stubling, L E Crowe, A J Tolmle, E C Pease, F L Houghton. Art MesdameB H Glenn, Shackelford, Esbelmau, H W French, J T Peters, E O McCoy, Miss Harriet Marden. Cereal G T Parr, J L Kelly, J C Yea ger, R H Gutherie, L Rondeau, C W Dietzel, Thomas Bolton, R C Judsou, W A Johnston. Mineral N Whealdon, T J Seufert, Henry Diet .el, J E Edwards, H L Vorse. Accommodations Ferd Diet .el, J 8 Fish, J M Toomey, F W L Skibbe, S S Smith, X Brownhill, J P Lucas. Sport and amusements John Hamp shire, J H Worsley, Otis Patterson, Ed Hostetler, Frank French, Leo Schanno, John Cooper, W A Crawford. Parade J M Patterson, Hon G C Blakeley, L A Porter, Gus Bartelle, J S Landers. C L Phillips. T A Ward, F S Gunning. Indian M Donnell, J T Rorick, Chas Adams, James K Kirk,0 D Doaue. Photography Mesdames W Lord, A E Crosby, F H Van Norden, Ed rrerich, WH Wilson, and Messrs B A Uittord and Arthur Seufert. Poultry J Bonn, S Wilkinson, H Zeiuler, F Stratton. Fruit E Schanno, E Kurt, G E Sanders, W H Taylor, R H Weber, N C Evans, R 0 Judson, K J Middleswart. I.IVK STOCK. Cattle Frank Fulton, C M Grimes, Frank Taylor, James Wood, Levi Chris man, N Burgess, C P Baled. Horses -Hon H L Kuck, h ( Sexton, John Brook house, .1 D Whitlen, G N Grosstield, Robert Mays, Jr., T H John ston. Sheep A R Thompson, D P Keti hom A W Fargher, O A Young, C M Cart wright, Frank dabel, T H McGreer. Watch (or the Lincoln Sale. A. M. VlL UUMI A Co ...The New York Cash Store... 133 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Special In Mens Straw Mat. See our Show Window. New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our stoic. A imw fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. .MAYS t WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If you are in need of anything in our line, figure with us, for it will pay yoUi We operate a PLUMBING, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders i ntrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON t WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. F- S. GUHNINC ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -J1EALKR IX Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies ak'-ui lor RumU v fin Kiwi no, Thrwlwri nd San miiu. Telephone l.r7. Long Pittance 1078. Are you looking for a loan on your real property? if you are it will py you to call and bee Hlldaon & BrOVOblll, We have money to loan at a reauouahlu rate of Intf tit On real property only. We offer for a li tinted period t he twice-a-week 0HROM1I i k, price $1,60( and the Weekly Oiegonian, price $1.50' fx)th papers for 1fi a year. BobtOflptiOni umler thie offer muet ho puid in ail vance. ! James Wiiite, iryantnvill, I ml . , -uyu DeWitt'l Witch llael halve healed runniutc Doren on hoih lega. lie had BUtl'ered 8 years. Doctors failed to help him. iet DeWitt's. Accept no imita tions. Clarke &. Falk's J'. O. i'harmacy. iiudtou a Brownhill have a fuw houses for rent rooms from four up price $0 a month and up. Theit) prop erties are in good locations and parties' desiring good homes for the winter can't I do better tbau to call on the above gen- . tlitmiin ur thftir tttH u ,,,, WJ uu. jitreet, or see J. H. Jackson who will gladly show you the property. 25c CROWE, nor. Secoiiu & Lanolin 8ti THE DALLES OR. If anything till yOQf hair, go ttml net) ; Iib'h the heailijutti ter- fur ml Imir reincil jett. astBMlbQf ttttt ho inukew a f Ultv of tOM tfooiU. tl Subscribe for Tu CmqovioI'V Giffbrd's Fotos Never fade. I A. M. Wtttlfa) 4 Co. rrr) ' LINCOLN KAI.F.. JJ ff WltL V Mm f ii.