The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 21, 1901, Image 4

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Wasco Wartime ling Ci
! Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds
Take Courage, Rejoice and ,'. Happy, for Mighty . . - p TTppH drain oi?llkin
m.w 9 in v.-ur vuht. ii- Comes with Help ami Hop,, in ieaaquan,ers xor j?eea ura,m 01 fiikhi
His Hands and Truth Upon lli Lips. iHeadauarterS for Rolled Gram, ail kinds
I Headquarters for Bran, Shorts,
After von tire of usinc so called kidney rpmpj
without any benelit, nee Lincoln Sexual Pills ami Jj
forever rid of those dull pains In your hack. Ijpoar(j
that old fogv idea of "pain in the kidneys " ami tlrtV),
all vour manner iu uiiiini) oio ciireii, nnd
night" made resttul oy tlie nn of nature
asuistant Lincoln Sexual Pills.
Price, $ 1 .00 per box htly ot yonrdruifuiai nrsent
b liiiiil on receipt of price, in plain wrani ...
Fort Wayne. Ind-.ana
M. ' Uonnell, Agent, The Dalles.
pporcssoD iMt de noitnson
and al! kinds
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour
This Hour is manufactured expressly for familj
nan: nvarv seek s ifiiaraiiteed to srive satisiacuon.
We eel! our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats
rhey overcome Weak"
ness, irregularity am.
omissions, Increase Vig-
or and oanisn pair,
of menstruation." They arc "LIFE S A V KISS " to fjiris a,
womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life i
becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PER ItOX BY MAIL. Bold
by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio
For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dalles, Or
TWVVt w w- lJt
I J. E. FALT & CO., I
9 Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City. f
173 Second Street. !i
Phones : 51 Local,
856 Long Distance.
The First Registered Palmist Ever in The Dalles, and the
Qreatest Living Clairvoyant and Palmist.
Natural Healer of Modern Times, who has no equal on earth, and it
in every city of the world, is now located at the European House.
well known
Located by Vision.
PORTLAND, Aug. 10. (To the
tor.) Homer de Morrison, occultist, lo
cated by vision tin- bullion stolen from
the Belby Smelting Works. In behalf
of occult science he immediately com
municated by letter the facts to Mr. A.
J. Ralston, owner of the Selhy Work-.
The reports received last night prove
his statements correct.
It i.- pleasing to be assured that the
gold stolen from the Selby Smelting
Works was "located by vision" by a
Portland occultist. This proves that the
story of the confession of the thief and
that ids assistance was required in re
covering the gold w as a base Californian
invention for the purpose of depriving
Oregon of just glory. Editor of the
Portland Iregonian.
IT IS A MATTER OF HI8T0RY, from the remotest age to the present time,
that there are a few people who posse-s occult power sulliciently to enable them
to accurately reveal the past and give a correct forecast of the future. To Pro
fessor Homer de Morrison nature has been most kind, bequeathing to him that
rare gift which enables him to read the lives of his fellow creatures as clearly as
an open scroll.
THERE IS NO HOME so dreary and life so hard and
heart so sad and lone, no condition of circumstance so complicated, that cannot
be set right and kept right after a visit to this inspired prophet of modern times.
(iME ALL YE BUSINESS MEN who have deals, complications or embarrass
ments, and he will untangle the knotty problems, and point out the ways and
means that bring prosperity.
COME ALL YE WIVES AND MOTHERS, whose hearts and hands are bur
dened with the duties of h"ine and family. Cease your sighing and crying and
seek the advice of this gifted man, who can help you when all else fails. "Laugh
and the world laughs with youj weep and you weep alone." He reunites the
separated, settle- lovers' quarrels, causes speedy marriage, locate- hidden treas
ures, removes evil influences, cures fits and drunkenness.
COME ALL YE DOUBTING, HOPINO LOVERS, learn if your idol is true
or false, who your enemies or rivals are, how to overcome them and win the ob
ject of your affections. "Of all the sad words of tongue or pen, saddest are these;
Tt might have been.' " COME ALL YE who anticipate change, travels, sale-,
trades, speculations, positions, law suits, marriages or separation; learn what is
best to do, and bow to d' it ere failure ami misfortune overtake yon.
COME ALL YL WHO ALE SICK. Do the doctors know what ails youV
Can they cure you? If not come and try NATURE'S DOCTOR! His motto is:
"NO CURE No lav." All chronic or long standing diseases that have batiled
the physician's skill, cured without the use of medicine.
There are always partially developed mediums and cheap pretenders found in
every city. It' you have been deceived by the false predictions of such fraudulent
people, do not despair, but call and be convinced that Professor Homer de Morri
son will help you. Office hour.- 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.
N, B. Palmistry taught. Mediumistic persons developed. Home all day Sunday.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
Km,'- to Fao-Autarloan Bapoiitton,
Round-trip rates via O. R. iV N. from
Tiie D-illes, $81.90. Tickets on sale first
Notice is hereby given that tiie com
mon council of Dalles Citv. at a meeting
thereof held on Saturday, the 3d day of "d third Tuesdays during June, July ,
August, 1901, determined to construct August, September and October.good for
and relay a drain and eewer described as continuous passage going on date of sale,
follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point ..... ,. . ., , , , . ,
where the center line of Court street in- Kiturn llm,t ,lurly daV8 iron, date of
tersecte the projection of the south line Mop-overs will be allowed west of
of the first alley south of Fifth street in Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip
said Dalles City, and running thence in within limit of ticket
a northerly direction along, or near, the
center line of said Court street and along
the line of the old sewer now located in
said street, to a point where the center
line of Baid Court street intersects the
projection of the center line of the alley
between Main and Second streets, in
eaid city ; thence westerly to said alley
and along the center line thereof and a
continuation thereof to the west line of
Arrangements can lie made by apply
ing to agent 0. R. & N. Co., The Dalles,
VTuwreby tickets will be honored on lake
iteamers in one or both directions be
tween Detroit and Buffalo.
tf Jamks Ireland, Agent
Says it.' vn Tortured.
"I suffered such pain from
corns J
Union street ; thence in a northwesterly could hardly alk,' writes H. Robinson,
direction, along the most practicable Hillsborough, Ills., "hut Bucklen's Ami
route, to low water in Mill creek. Said Sa,ye compU,te,y cured tnem A,ts
council a. so at the same time deter-
mined that the cost of the construction ! ,,ke mW 0,1 sprains, bruises, cuts,
and relaying of eaid drain and sewer sores scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Per-
ihould be assessed again9t the property feet healer of skin diseases and piles,
benefited thereby, and declared tbepres- Cure guaranteed bv G. C. Blakeley, the
ent sewer and drain now in existence " ,
upon and along the line above described druggi9t. ZOO.
to be in a dangerous condition, and fur- seaieo Bidi Received,
ther provided that notice be given of the .,,
construction and relaying of said drain 's'l bids will be received by Dr.
and stiver by publication ol a notice for Siddall up to 1L' noon the 15th inst., for
two weeks in The Dalles Daily Chroni- the erection of four dwellings on the
f f
f ?
f ?
OP- if
dob Printers
i 1 i - ;
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The Portland Evening Telegram's sec
ond personally conducted party will
leave Portland on September 3, for the
Pan American exposition at Bulla!,, and
olher points in the East. The thirty
members of tiie first party, which left
Portland on June 7, have alt returned
will he one of the greatest events of tl
season, and the admission fee is going
to be only 25 cents, 10 cents for chil
dren. aue.21-24
Hummer Kaourilomi lo lae s-.. (''.am.
(July 6.50 for the round trip from
'The Dalies to Long Beach, Tioga, Pacific
I'ark, Ocean Paik c r Naheotta, Wash.,
. vnoil for return until Sent IK. 1001
and report a jolly and most profitable B,wgge cnwked ,hrougtl to deatlna-
,rl''' i tion. Tlie steamer T. J. Potter will
rbe Evening Telegram quotes a rata . litTe PorUd dBu y ne,pt gund ay and
for the round trip, delightful iid tripi Monday, and the Hasialo dailv except
and pract.calh all necessary SXpeuSM 8Jndjlyi at g p , ,, U) p. m. on
while en route to Buffalo and during the Slltllr(JliVH. mMa drc, eonnectloni at
stay at the exposition. Al an Wtpt rl- AttorU ,nd a, .oo for a)l polntaon
need conductor accompanies the party ' Qn an(, Wtlb,ogUn bt.acliee, 0a,
and attends to all details of travel, it is a ;( Jaf lrehui(ji Tne M-
moat desirable plan on which to make for lbro n (ime urd to all beMh
tne long j jurney. loe telegram is to Ot
commended for it- enterprise, and per
HOW'S Til Ik!
We offer one hundred dollars reward
cie, the first publication thereof to be
made on Monday the 6th day of AllgUlt, i
1901, and final publication thereof to be
on .Monday the P.Hh Uay of August, 1901, 1
and further determined that said drain
ami sewer be constructed and relaid as
above mentioned immediately after the;
expiration of tin-time mentioned in said
All persons interested are hereby noti
fied that said drain and sewer will be
constructed and relaid as above deter
mined and provided for.
Dated at Dalles City, Or., Aug. 5, 1901.
Recorder of Dalles City.
corner of Fourth ami Federal streets,
Dalles City. Plans and specifications
can be eeen at the office of The Dalles
Laundry Co. Reserving the right to re
ject each or all bids. BUgl2-l0
Just received at (iilbreth ci Son's
lumber yard, a few carloads of No. 1
cedar posts and A shingles. They
are agents for Heath & Miliigan's cele
brated shingle paint. Call on them;
their prices are all right. Wood not
flumed is better by oOc a cord than wood
that is. j y 10
Sick Headache absolutely and perma-
A full line of Eastman films and sup- I nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
plies just received by Clarke & Falk. I pleasant berb drink. Cures constioation
Just received, at C. J. Stubling's, a!11"1 ""digestion, makes you eat, sleep
carload of BcblitZ Milwaukee bottled i aml happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
II aa ; w . . . . . . n , nun vac. i' aac r ,
lyon's French Periodical Drops
strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish
DLSIKLD RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
CAUTION ,!"w-" "'"nterfcits snt imitaiums. Thn uennino is pnt up only in paBte-lo,-ir(1 Car-
wnwiiwn Urn wiiii l.-ii'-Miiiile Kienaiiire on sine ol il, buttle, thus: JiSbu-am
isuuaior Circular u, W1U4AJ1S MFU. CO., Sole Agents, ClTliod,0tUO. jMACS--s?
Lor sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dalles, Or.
TUB People's National Family Hewspape
sons COntemplatiOb n trip East will do
veil to Investigate its offer before mak
ing other arrangements. People from
all parts of the state are already enrolled
for the second party.
Haven ly t Camivul
All the transportation hues in the
Northwest are arranging to give special-
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure
V. J. Chunky & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known K.
J. Cheney for the last LS vears. and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all butl ,,' a
ness transactions and financially able to ' j5
carry out any obligations made by their
Jly29 lw
Young lady wishes to do sewing by
i the day. Telephone L',4 for further par
! ticulars. jylll-lwk
i Clarke & Kalk have received a carload
j of the celebrated James E. Patton
! strictly nre liquid paints
Commencing Sunday, until further
notice, the Q, R. & N. will sell round-j
trip tickets, Dalles to Cascades, for 1,
This rate applies only to parties of five I
or more. Good for Sundays only, laglm 1
C. J. Stubling Las just received a
larue consignment of Schlil.' malt ex-
tract, strictly non-alcoholic and one of
the bttst remedies in the world to build
or broken-down constitu- ',
the druggist.
ly low rates to and from the Portland I firm
carnival, which runs Iron- Sept lh to I West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To -Oct
18, and the excursion tickets will be ledo, 0., Walding, Kinnan it Marvin,
good for seven davs. This is the longest j Wholesale Druguists, Toledo, Ohio,
limit ever Kiven oil such tickets, and will J Hell'l Catarrh Cure f taken inter
give people ample time to tee all the' nally, acting directly upon the blood and
riBui- oiiiucticu wiin uie great expoei- mucous surlaces of the system.
F. J. Chk.nkv & Co., Props., Toiedo O.
It ion.
With two full uiilitarv bands, a mili
tary tournament, a horse show , athletic
sportt, exhibits of uiining, agriculture,
horticulture and manufacturing, a full
midway, fireworks and an array of
amusement attractions, the Carnival
Hold by drrugxists, price 7ftc.
Hill's family Pills are the beat.
for . VV'
Drying propnrations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the MOVetioua,
which adhere to the membrauo antl decom
pose, causing a far moro serious trouble t hnn
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fuuies, smokes and Mnufla
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in tbo head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
00c. size. Ely Brothers, 56 Warreu Si . , N. Y.
The Balm curea without pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surfaco, reliev
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
Don't luii, It Id,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mvsterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain ia gooe. Sold by Clarke &
To all old and new subscribers paying one year in advance we offer
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50.
Published Monday,
Wednesday uwi Fri
day, is in reality a flue
iinl frstfa every-other
ilay Uaily, giving the
latest news on days ot
issiic, and oovsring
news ol tin; other
It cuntaiiiK all Impor
taut foreign cable
news which appears
in the Paily Tribune
n( sMiiio date, also do
mestic a nil fAMlai,
storie.-. t'lrirHiit
tone illustratiuiis,
morous Items,
trial loformatlou,
fasbiun notes, agrieul-
turHl matters, ami
OOinprebeilalvo and re
liable tliiaiicial and
market reports.
. hii-
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arse
& Falk.
V Undertaker and Embalmer
11.00 per
lion prke,
lea i.
We furiiisli it wjth
Beial Weekly Chroni
tie (ot 12.00 per year.
Pubiuheu ou Thurs
day, ajd known (or
nearly sixty years iu
every part ol tbo uni
ted State;, as a ns'loo
1 family iiewst,aier
of the highest cihus,
for farmers ami ViU
gers. It eontuiiis all
the most Important
feii. -ml news ol the
laily Tribune UP
the hour of guiiiK K
pre"; an agrieiiluir!
department "( tne
highest order, h- en
terlaiiiiug readoig mr
every member ol IBS
famllv.oldand yoaWti
market reports whicn
ure aeoepted as M",nj
orlty by larm-rs and
merchants, and IS
clean, up-to-doe, lie
teresllng and lUSlTUS"
Kegular siibwrlp
tion price, 11 per er.
We furnish it ViM
Semi-Weekly CbroBI'
cle (or 11.60 lr ye t
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
Clark and Falk have just received a
full line uf fresh Yelox papers and de
velopers, me same as used by Mr. bo V 101 I a fuf matr'H' g aT"
in bis recent demonstration at our store. IIUMM W O.
Cor. Third and Washington Stb.
All orders attended to promptly. Ixmg
distauce phone 433. Local, 102.
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