The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 21, 1901, Image 3

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The Last
of the Season.
There is no end to the Shirt Waist season, but
we want to close out all of our Summer Stock at
Prices that will
astonish you.
The stock is
not large
left are clean and up-to-dat
out in the next ten days.
known to need any description.
Waists formerly retailing for $1.00. now 60c
Waists formerly retailing for $1.25, $1 .50, now. 65c
Waists formerly retailing for $1.75, $2.00 and
$2.25, now $1.25
Waists formerly retailing for $2.50, $3.00,
$4.00 and $5.00, now $2.00
jjrr nfii flft - iBf a- & W
The Dalies Daily Chronicle.
AUG. 21. 1901
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All (Vmro County warrant regiHtered
prior to October 17, ikok, will be paid
od presentation at my office. Intercut
oeaaet artnr Aufcixtt 13, 1001.
County Treasurer.
Forecast- For tonight and Thursday,
probably fair. Maximum today, 80.
Prof. Homer de Morrison announces j
that Saturday, Aug. 24th, will terminate !
hie present stay in this city. It
Fred lusher, of this city, is at present
In Salem training his handsome 4-vear- i
Kdniond .S., on the state fair track, j
Having entered him in the trotting
Yesterday at The Dalles Hospital Ed. i,e may report his conclusions to con
Burchtorf underwent a successful opera- gress next winter. Mr. Newell will re
tlon for vericos veins in the leg. Dr. i turn to The Dalles tomorrow nignt, on
f'eruuson informs us that he is getting ! hie way to Baker City, where he will
along splendidly. j Bt0p for m0re investigation. Mr. Newell
Are you looking for a loan on your real : thinks there is a great future in store ior
property? If you are it will pay you to j Eastern Oregon when the natural aip
call and ee Hudson & Brownhill. Wijdv of water is conserved.
Dave IllOU V tit Irian at a raaaAttahlu ralu !... . ...
"'interest on real property only.
, v
Work has begun in earnest on the sub
Hation of the Wasco Warehouse Milling
Company, on Laughlin street, the lum
er. for which the carpenters have been
waiting, arriving few days since.
About a week ago Mrs. G. W.
BOIOblnion came down from Celilo to
receive medical assistance, and today, it t
uia suggestion of her physician, she was
HUB to Good Samaritan Hospital In
Portland , leaving on the morning train.
Hudson & Brownhill have a few
nooses for rent rooms from four up
Hto u month and up. These
ertiSB arc in uuod IhmImm a.wi
desiring good homes for the winter can't
totter than to call on the above geu-
"ineii at the r
utlice on U'linhini.trm
?7 or e J- Hi Jackson who will
W01 show you the property.
ia'iies are seen n
but few of our vounir
am the ntmate tn.iuv -1
-iicinqg committee for queen of the
,rn,val ie Cft"'mt upon them at their
" was thought beat bv those in
.u, uie committee to make out a
' those desirable for tbe poaition of
oaTr.'1 Ua"iD P-raonally on the
to .m 8 a8ceruin ''they wil'n
much i v CUte,t- ln thi nnor
not on? ""novance cau'ed laat year,
niy t(J tfae committee, but to those
but the styles that are
They must be closed
The Waists are too well
V mf- 8!: W f; 'V' v v v
who objected to having
entered, will be avoided.
In the Hex property at Susan villa,
owned by DalleB people, a six-inch streak
of galena in the five foot vein of mill ore j
is being developed. An average sample
lent to Colorado-Philadelphia Reduction
Co., showed lead 54 per cent, silver 84 '
: oz , gold .08 ay.., total value of ore $90. i
Colorado smelters pay a premium of 30
! per cent lead ore. The company is i
working two shifts, putting down a winze 1
i and drifting. Values are increasing .
rapidly with depth.
I Some time since John C. Parent was j
; taken from this city to the soldiers' j
i home at Koseburg, and last Tuesday at- i
! tempted suicide by cutting his throat i
with a razor, nearly severing his wind
! pipe. Mr. Parent has been a great suf
i ferer for years with no hope of recovery,
and it is not to be wondered that he
j grows despondent. It will be remem-
bered that he attempted suicide some
two years ago at his home in the pines
j near this city. It is said lie will again
Hon. M. A. Moody returned last night
from Portland, where he accompanied
F. H. Newell of the U. S. geological sur
vey, the latter gentleman leaving that
place today for Mt. Hood, where he will
take observations of the watershed that
IP ,n Ha an men tanntuH tniiuf onin
I III" 1 ' inn .i fa iui ni u ,!
her midst in the person cf Miss Mamie
Helen Flinn, who with her parents
recently moved to this city to make her
home here and who will commence her
work as a teacher of instrumental music
and elocution September 1st. Miss
Flinn received tier musical education
under Fid ward Heeeelberg D. Lssenelli,
in the Denver College of Music. tShe
also studied elocution under .John Wetzell
of the school of oratory in the same city ;
and, as those who have heard her will
testify, she'is an artist in both.
Twenty engines larger than have been
will shortly be in operation on the 0,
K. & N. on the division between Uma
tilla and Huntington. About naif a
dozen have already been taken to La
(irande, where their station will be, and
that number would have been increased
still more but for a wreck ou the Short
Line which smashed two. The new en-
itines are among ttie finest in
the West.
The mountain
grades liaye rendered
them a necessity if heavy loads are to be
hauled. Weighing considerably over a
hundred tons each, they carry thirtv
tone of water and fifteen tone of coal.
Six ate for passenger service and the
balance for freight.
It waa the intention of Tin Chkonicuc
to publiab a lift of the coinmitteea ap
pointed by the executive committee of
Right out of their boxes;
as fresh from the market as
can be. Nobbiest shapes of
the season. All the new
colors and styles shown this
See Disblay in Window.
New Style in
V ILiF -"Si4- 1
the carnival and street fair; but owing !
I to tbe unfinished condition of the list, j
as well as of other matters brought up
at last night's meeting, we are com- j
pe'.led to defer giving an account of busi
neae transacted until tomorrow's issue, !
when we hope to give our readers some
idoa of the work the committee is doing j
and of what may be expected of this
year's fair. The matter of the location,
whether the grounds will be on Third
or Fourth streets, is being discussed pro
and con and will be decided tonight
However, it is about certain the old lo
cation will be chosen.
The CnuoNici.i: has been wailiner in
vain for at least a sample of poetry, in
spiied by the "sad sea waves" and com
Ing from the skillfull hand and fertile ;
brain of its editor, w ho now summereth
whera the waves dash and roar, and we i
: wondered much bb to the cause of his
silence. However, after reading the :
i following from a letter received this j
i morning we at once concluded that any j
; inspirations which he may have had,
were nipped in the bud by the chilling j
! frosts of his summer resort. Mr. (iour
I lay says: "The day, or rather the!
i night following the day of your iOJ-in- j
! the-shade record in The Dalles and 88
Ot midnight in Pendleton, namely
1 Thursday night, ice froze on still water ,
at Ocean Park. I did not see the ice, it i
is true, and take the fact on information
I that ought to be reliable; but I do i
i know it was cold enough for ice, as I
I found lying in bed with three folds of i
blankets and an extra heavy comforter
: over me."
From the numerous complaints which
' are daily made concerning the behavior 1
j of some of the boys in our city between I
the ages of 10 and 10 it would seem The ;
1 Dalles must be a training school for the
j future of these lads in tbe jails ami pen-
itentiary ol our state. The latest comes
! from residents along Mill creek, between ,
j the Ninth street bridge ar.d the residence
' of Wm. Hoering, where the boys collect
and commit all sorts of depredations,
'principally breaking down fences and
stealing fruit and melons. Besides this i
they are in the habi' of battling in the
creek, which would not be objected to if
the boys behaved in a proper manner,
j (.In the contrary it is impossible lor the
people in thai vicinity to go into their
orchards near where tbe rascals are
without hearing the vilest oaths and
most obscene language. To say the res
i idente in that locality are becoming very -tired
of such proceedings does not ex
I press it, and they have determined to
put a stop to it. A few of the boys they
know and the rest will soon be appre
hended, uot only by them, but our of
ficers as well.
For Infants and Children.
lit Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
At I M
At a council meeting held lft night
Conncilmen French. Kelly and Wjlon
were Absent. The meeting wa a short
one and littir bueinese transacted.
The question as to the repealing of the
ordinances granting franchises to the
various transportation companies for the
use of the land along the river front was
brought up. As the former ordinance
was drawn up by Judge Bennett, a
motion was made by Councilman l.iebe
that final action on the iiestion of
repeal be deferred until his return about
the lirst of September. A vote beinu
taken, Councilman l.iebe stood for de-
ferment, while Leinke, Shackelford, i
Wakefield and Toomey voted nay.
A motion to repeal the ordinance" was
then carried.
The question aiising as to wh?ther the
Otty had tbe right to grant the franchise
given to the D. P. ,V A. N. Co. to use t lie
land so long as it remained an independ
cut company, percipitated the repealing
of the ordinances. It seemed reasonable
tO Mr. Liebe that as Judge Bennett drew I
up the ordinance it would be advisable j
to consult him as to its legality. The D. !
P. & A. N. Co., have, at the same time, I
gone to much expense at their landing;
at the foot of Court street, with the)
liberty given them by the franchise. It !
will, therefore be the duty, and no doubt i
the pleasure, of the city to do the square
thing in the matter.
The application of lr. Siddall for the j
use of the streets adj lining his lot dur
ing the building of his residences on
Fourth street, was referred to the com-1
roittee on streets and public property.
Fngineer Brown's report that the en
gine house was in need of repairs was
also referred i: the committee on streets
and public property.
Mrs. C. McOowan was in the city
yesterday from Deschutes.
Thos. Gavin, of Pease Mays' Shani
ko store, is in towu today.
H. Herbring returned last night from
camn near Carson. Wash.
iTjaeici nnii'ii r.uuuu iru ui: uir nifi-
nooo train for a short vacation at Long
Beach. y
1 - T - 1 -. I I II... !,.;, .... .l.n . . F . .
A. S. MacAllister
the Shaver bound
was a passenger on
lor Portland this
Mrs. E. F. Sharp aud children left on
today's boat for a short visit with Mrs.
Sharp's parents in Portland.
Leslie Clarke returned yesterday
i morning from a week's visit with the
! family of W. C. Allaway at Lyle.
Mrs. C. F;. Wales, of Koodhouse, 111.,
i arrived in The Dalles vesterday and is
i visiting her sister, Mrs. John Gavin.
Mrs. J, E. FMlerson, who has been the
guest of Mrs. Wm. (ileason, left on t fie
; noon train today for ner home in Port
M. F. D. Morrison, M. A., a tourist
from Jerusalem, Palestine, was in the
city this morning, leaving on the east
bound train ai noon.
B. H. Trumbull, commercial agent of
the IHinois Central Railroad, with
headquarters at Portland, is in the city
today accompanied by his wife.
George Hitchcock, formerly of this
city, but now of San Francisco, with his
friend, Mr. Robertson, has been camp
ing near Mt. Adams and returned today
ou their wav to their California home
Mr. H. P. Steers and fainilv left tudav
on the Bailoy (jiaUert for Portland, where
they will reside some time to give Mr.
and Mrs. Steers' oldest boy and giri the
advantages of the business college In
ttiat city.
Messrs. L. K. Crowe and K. M. Will
iams, who attended the Folks' carnival at
Tacoma on Klks' day, returned home
last ninrht. They report the carnival a
decided success, and can no doubt give
many valuable suggestions regarding
our own carnival.
r.iruirr IfallfH i I - M ,. I
The Koseburg I'laindnaler has
following t9 say concerning the mar
riaae ol a former Dalles girl at that
place :
The announcement of t tie marnaie of
Mr. .& M. Kenfro and Mill Mollle Nor
man last Saturday evening Rt9:S0tfU
i a pleasant surprise to the many friend
of the young couple who had carefully
disclosed tiieir intentions from even
'their OSOtl intimate acquaintances. Th
wedding took place at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. J.
Norman, Kev. W. A. Wood of the
Christian church officiating, t he witness
es being the relatives and a few favored
frivndl of the BOntraOtlni parties. Sup
per was served immediately after the
wedding ceremony and the bride and
groom departed on jesterday'e local for
Portland and Tacoma to upend their
hoa VU) 000 and visit the Kiks' carnival
: at the latter place. They will return
in about ten days and will at once begin
housekeeping in thin city.
The bride is a very popular young
lady w hose talents and accomplishments
and many admirable qualities have, en
deared her to a large dic e of friends.
The groom is eijuaily popular, having
, been for several years a trusted employe 1
I of the .Southern Pacific at this point, i
, They have the beet wishes of all their
acquaintances, in which the 1'laindealer
heartily jufns.
You will not have boils if you take I
Clarke &. Falk's sure cure lot built.
The City Council Voted So
Mglil'n MrrtlnK.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Special in
See our Show Window.
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Pepart
mt'iil to our store, A new fresh,
clean stock. (Jive us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city,
RUBBER and Garden Hose,
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers.
If you arc in Deed of anything in our line, figure with
us. for it will pay you.
We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
prompt attention.
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
-llh.4l.KH 1 H
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
AK'-ntfoi RusjwU v Co. - Kniins , Turesbafs and Saw MtUta
Telephone lo7.
Long Jhstance 107
r icM. i i i imt
Last evening Wasco Tribe, No. HI, I.
O. K. M., had a very agreeable time at a
banquet, which these lied Men term
"t orn and venison. " A bountiful refec
tion was served by that prince of i ater
ers, Mr. K. W. I.. Skihbe, of which all
partu k in a hearty manner. All tOMtl
were drank in sparkling water. The
primitive red man knew not the taste of
fermented l.quor until the New Kngland
I'uritan introduced ruui among them.
The Improved Order of Ked Men imi
tate the virtues exhibited by ttie al ong
ines, but eschew their vices. Therefore
temperance is among the teachings of
the order, and is practiced by all true
Red Men. Wasco Tribe is looking for
ward to an era of prosperity, and several
palefaces have been sighted in the for
est and will soon be adopted into the
tribe. Work will be continuous now- ai
the council tires, and in the neat few
Cor. Sccoiid & LaiintiliD Sis, THE DALLES OR.
mouths it isexpeciel the tueinbt rship
of ttie (rib Will more than double.
Onk Win, Wvs PuMMMVi
If anything ails your hair, go and see
Fraei ; he's the headquarters for ail
hair remedies. Keiiiemher that he
uiul"' a n' ' . ialtv of these goods. tf
Gilford's Fotos Never Fade.
A. M. Williams OX Co.