The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 20, 1901, Image 4

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WascB Warehouse Mill Co
i ' '
Take l 'ourage,
Man i- in Your Midi
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds
Kejok-e and Be Happy, tor a Mikity , . ,, uj
. II,. Conies with Help and Hope in !"auqucil Lei o iw rcnuvxiaiii oixk
nit l l noii 1 1 is 1,1!
Headauarters for Rolled Grain, a;i kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts,
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
After TOO tire of using so-called kidnev rcinfrJIai
without "fly benefit, ON Lincoln Sexual Pills toi b
forever rid of those ilnll pains In yotlr hack. PicHrd
that old fogy idea of "pain in th kidneys'- and Iihvp
nil your bladder and arinry troubles cored, nni yog,
nights made restful liv the nn of nature's greatest
assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills.
Price, id .00 per box buy ol your druggist urgent
by mall on receipt nl price, In tiin wranper
Fort Wayne, Indiana
M. . Donnell, Agent, The Dulles.
ton Flour
This Floor is manufactured expressly for family
nn: Rvprv sank in guaranteed to give satisfaction,
We eel! oar poods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
I C CM X St, ff t
They overcome Weak
ness, Irregularity ami
omissions, Increase vijf-
- hi ami pans
of menstruation." They arc LIFE SAVERS" to rirls a1,
womanhood aiding' development of organs and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot d harm life
becomes a pleasure. ftl.OO PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold
by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio
For sale by Geo. C. lilakeley, Tlie Dalles, Or
Proprietors a I?" r OwT "
5 Purest Liquors for Family Use 3
Delivered to any part of the City.
173 Second Street. J
Phones : 51 Local,
H5,s Long Distance.
The First Registered Palmist liver in The Dalles, and the
Greatest Living Clairvoyant and Palmist.
Natural Healer of Modern Timet-, who hat no equal on earth, and is well knov n
in every city of the world, is now located at the European House.
Located bj Vision,
PORTLAND, Aug. 10. (To the Edi
tor.) Homer de Morrison, occultist, lo
cated bv vision the bullion stolen from
the Selby Smelting Works. In behalf
of occult science he Immediately com
municated by letter the facts to Mr. A.
J, Ralston, owner of the Selby Works.
The reports received la-d night prove
his statements correct.
It is pleasing to be assured that the
gold st"len from the Selby Smelting
Works was "located by vision" by ;i
Portland occultist. This proves that the
story of the confession of the thief and
that his assistance was required in re
covering the gold was a base Californian
invention for the purpose of depriving
Oregon of just glory. Editor of the
Portland iregonian,
I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Tle People's National Family Newspaper
To all old and new subscribers paying one year in advance we offer
1 rrviTTaolrlTT rPviVvnno a rt rl Rami "X7a olrl Tr !Virrm IaIm for SO Cr
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50.
IT is A MATTER OF HISTORY, from the remotest age to the present time,
that there are n few people who possess occult power sufficiently to enable them
to accurately reveal the past and give a correct forecast of the future. To Pro
fessor Homer de Morrison nature lias been most kind, bequeathing to him that
rare gift which enables him to read the lives of his fellow creatures as clearly as
an open scroll.
THERE IS NO HOME so dreary and Bad, no life so hard and blighted, no
heart so sad and lone, no condition of circumstance so complicated, that cannot
be set right and kept right atter a visit to this inspired prophet 01 modern times
COME ALL VP BUSINESS MEN who have deals, complications or embarrass
meats, and he will untangle the knotty pr
mean- that bring prosperity.
dened with the duties o: home and family. Cease your sighing and crying and
seek tlie advice of this gifted man, who can help you when all else tails. "Laugh
and the world laughs with vmi
separated, settle- lovers' quarrel
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council of Dalles City, at a meeting
thereof held on Saturday, the 3d day of
August, 1901, determined to construct
and relay a drain and sewer described as
follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point
where the center line of Court street in
tersects the proi-ction of the south line
of the first alley south of Fifth street in
said Dalles CltV, and running thence in
a northerly direction along, or near, the
j center line of said Court street and along
I the line of the old sewer now located in
said street, to a point where the center
line of said Court street intersects the
projection of the center line of the alley
i between Main and Second streets, in
said citv , thence westerly to said allev
lems, and point out the ways and and along the center line thereof and a
continuation thereof to the west line of
whose hearts and hands are bur- Union street ; thence in a northwesterly
direction, along the most practicable
route, to low water in Mill creek. Said
weep ana you weep alone. tie reunites the i council a, so at toe same time ucer
causes speedy marriage, locate- hidden treaH- mined that the cost ol the construction
and relaying ol said drain and sewer
thould he assessed again"! the property
benefited thereby, and declared the pres
ent sewer and drain now in existence
ttpon ami along the line above described
to be In a dangerous condition, and fur
ther provided that notice he given of the
construction and relaying of said drain
tires, removes evil innuences, cures in- ami arunxenness.
COME ALL YE DOUBTING, HOPING LOVERS, learn if your idol is true
or false, who your enemies or rivals are, hou to overcome them and win the ob
ject of your affections. 'Of all the sad words of tongue or pen, saddest are these;
'It might have been.'" COME ALL YE who anticipate change, travels, sale-,
trades, speculations, positions, law suits, marriages or separation; learn what is
best to do, and how to do it ere failure and misfortune overtake yon.
COME ALL VP WHO APE SICK. Do the doctor- know what ails you'.'
Can they cure you V If not come and try NATURE'S DOCTOR! His motto is:
"No CURE no PAY." All chronic or long standing diseases that have baffled
the physician's skill, cured without the use of medicine.
There are always partially developed mediums and cheap pretender- found in
every city. If you have been deceived by the false prediction- of such fraudulent
people, do not despair, but call and he convinced that Professor Homer de Morri
son will help you. Office hours 10 a. m. t" 8 p. m.
N. B, Palmistry taught. Mediumiitic person- developed. Home all day Sunday.
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing between
; Maximilian ogt and Philppine Chap
man, under the firm name anil stvle of
Max Vogt & Co., is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. Maximilian Vogt
will continue the business of said former
firm, and will receive and receipt for all
; moneys due said firm ami pay all debts
contracted by said firm.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 17th
, day of July, 1901.
Maximilian Vogt,
iv20 ow PuiLiri'iNE Chapman.
Notice to Taxpayers.
The boaril of equalization for Wasco
county, Or., will meet and be in session
at the court house of said county from
Monday, August. 'Jbth until Saturday,
August 31st, 1901, both days inclusive,
and will attend to any and all matters
which may come before such board for
The Dalles, Wasco Co., Or., August
3, 1901.
C. L. S(. H MID I ,
ae-d&wtf Assessor, Wasco Co., Or.
Why not spend the vacation at Ya
quina bay, where can be had excellent
and seer by publication ot a notice for fare, good fishing, good boating, safe
two weeks in The Dalles Dally Chroni- bathing, alluring rides and rambles,
cie. tbe first publication thereof to b The course and elites it the summer
I made on Mondav the nth aav of August, ! , , . ,,.,
1 1901, and final publication thereof to he ,cho1 of 1901 at Newport w,n affoni
on Monday the 19th day of August, 1901, l"t variety of instructions, diversion
j and further determined that said drain "Oil entertainment. No other resort
' and sewer be constructed and relaid as i offers equal attractions and like ad van-
above mentioned immediately after the tages. junll-tf
expiration Ol me time mentioned in saia I We offer for a limited
Published Monday,
Wednesday and Fri
day, is ill reality a lino
and fresh every-other
day Dally, giving the
latest news Ml days of
issue, nn'1 covering
news of the other :l.
it contains all Impor
tant foreign cable
news which appears
in the 1 rally Tribune
of same date, also do
meitlo and foreign
correspondence, short
stories, elegant half
tone illustrations, hu
morous items, nidus
trial Information,
lashion notes, agricul
tural matters, and
.'omprehensive and re
liable financial and
market reports.
Regular subscrip
tion price, 11.80 per
We furnish it with
Semi Weekly Chroni
cle fur 12.00 per year.
Published Oil Thurs
day, and known tor
nearly sixty years in
every part ot the Uni
ted .States us a nation
al family ncwtipaiwr
of the highest class,
for farmers and villa
gers, it contains all
the most important
general news of the
Daily Tribune up to
the hour of going to
press ; an agricultural
department of the
highest order, ban en
tertaining reading for
every member of the
family.old and young;
market reports which
are accepted us auth
ority by farmers- and
merchants, nnd is
clean. Up-to-date, in
teresting and instruc
tive. Regular subscrip
tion price, l per year.
We furnish it wltn
Semi-Weekly Chroni
cle for ?l..r)0 per year
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
KatltlMine Bisters Install Officers.
Last evening at the regular meeting of
Harmony Temple No. 12, Rsthbone
S;-ieru, tlie following officers were in-
stal.ed: P. C, E. Chrisman ; M . h. t
li-.-de 15'irgei ; E, S.i Laura lllakenv : K
Lillian Gavin; M. of R, and C, Minnie
Oosser, M . ol P., Susan Walther.
For the good ol the order it was an
nounced that Prothei Merrill had a
birthday, and being our only bachelor
brother it was decided we should cele
brate. The brother was somewhat shy
of his age. Put the sisters all forgave him
when he announced we were all to go to
Kellers with him where refreshments
w ire aw aiting. To say they were en
joyed does not express It, anil all joined
in wishing brother Merrill many returns
of the day.
Nai i, ii W WD P. Gi
On Friday, August Kith, Mrs. Nellie
L. QlittiOi state organizer of Oregon,
as-isied by her brother, C. A. Marshal,
organized one of the largest orders of
this kind ever organised in the state,
there being P.'o charter members. The
organization was conducted in a very
pleasant and profitable manner to all,
and all went home at a late hour saying
it was well to be there. The oAeeri
elected to govern the new cotiucll which
shall le hailed as The Dalles Council
Knights and Ladies of Security are:
President, A Lverding; vice-president,
taut conductor, Mrs. Nellie Waud ;
guard, Mr-. P. M. Wing, sentinel, ('. ,1
Alexander ; organist , Mrs. 1. Kelly.
Working HA Hours a liny.
There's in rest for those tireless little
' I little workers Dr. King's New Piilc.
1 Millions are always busy, curing Torpid
Ague. They banish Sick Headache,
a limited period tne
r , a. "
All nersons in tor., tad haMhv i.otl- wiwwwtwe. UHBOMJCWt, price il.OU,
tied that said drain and sewer will be j end the Weekly Oregooiao, price .$1.50,
constructed and rt-laid as above deter- both papers for !f2 a year, hubscriptions
mined and provided for. I under this offer must be paid in ad
Dated at Dalles City, Or., Aug. 5, 1901. I vance.
J. DoffEBTY, wt .i i ; .
u uie acuon 01 my ooweis is not easy
Recorder of Dalles City.
A full line of Kastman tilmi and sup-
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish
DPSIkPO RESULTS. Greatest Known female remedy.
PAHTIflll "CWi,rt"'l counterfeits an'l initiation. The Pennine is put up onlj In paste-lioanl Cat
UMviiun ten with fae-sltnile signature on tide of the bottle, thus: -7vg
Semllyr Circular to WILLIAMS UKU. Co., Sole aieni. Cleveland, Ohio. Jf- rS"
For sale by Oeo. C. Hlakeley. The Dalies, Or.
I V n: II- ..... I . If.. .... I.. I... 1,.; 1
.... ..,. e uu, "-'s n u "" Uvr, Jaundice, Billiooinesi, Fever and plies just received by Clarke ft Falk
ver , w. .urc. l auec , i . ui o-iJ" Vim.. Th.,i
drive out Malaria. Never
weaken. Small, tate nice, work won
ders. Try them. L'oc at Q, C. Hl.iKelev's
1 1 ni if hi I , i rt' -
ft I . i... . : i ...1 .
i iin i ue iBtisueii wiin temporary re-
lief from indigestion. Kotio; Dyspepsia
Cure permanently and completely re
moves this complaint. It relieves per
maoenth because it allows the tired
stomach perfect rest. Dieting won I
rest the itomSOb. Nature receives sup
plies from the lood we eat. The sensihli
.lust received, at C. J, Stubiing's, a
and regular serious complications must
be the final result. DeWitt's Little
! Parly Kisers will remove this danger.
j Safe, pleasant and effective. Clarke &
: Talk's P. O. Pharmacy.
gri)e or carload of Schlitz Milwaukee bottled Eruption, cuts, burns, scalds and
beer. jly'.'h lw j sores of all kinds quickly healed by
Young lady wishes to do sewing by ! DWitt'8 Wi,c" BaN. Certain
the dav. Telephone 134 for further par- ! c,lr' for ,jile8' Btwr of Counterfeits.
ticuiars. jv31-lwk luSIVSif!1 Jho rlglngl-DeWiit'g.
' Clarke & balk s P.O. I'tiarmacv.
Clarke & Kalk liave received a carload
Of the celebrated James E. Patton j
Strictly mire liquid paints
If anything ails your hair, go and see
Frazer ; he's the headquarters for all j
hair remedies Kemem lwr thai
Commencing Sunday, until further j makes a suecialtv of tha goods. t
notice, the O. R. & N. will sell round-
I., Ml I I.UIt 11 If,,
trip tickets, Dalles to Cascades, for .$1.
lust wet the affected part freely with
way to heh. the stomach is to use Kod.d ! ratt' PP onlv W parties of live Mvsterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedv
livsneosia Cure, which digests what von 1 or mure- lio,nl ,or Buodgjfg Only, laglm j and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
eat and can't help hut do VOU eood. i C. 3. Stublim? has iust received a
Clarke i. Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
For infants and Ciiildren.
Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears th
In cases of cough or croup give the
little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then
rest ea.y ami have no lear. The guild
will be all right in a little while. It
Mrs. M K. Mans; senior vice-president. ! never tails. Pleasant to lake, always
Mrs. P.P. Oakes; prelate, Miss Agnes safe sure and almost instantaueous in
Colleary; corresponding secretary, W. j effect. Clarke d Falk's P. U. Pharmacy.
A. Crawford; financial secretary, C. A. I , , , ..
n ii . t . . . c I floral lotion will cure wind cbaDDins
Prondfoot ; TrMMNr, Dr. 0. L. Handers ; .,, wubatU, Manufactured by $$&
vmiii , ui i ' n , .,iiDD i n, it, . v on lao , as.T : n- ; ot r alK .
large consignment of Sohllll' malt ex
, tract, strictly non-alcoholic antl one of
the best remedies in the world to build
up a weak or broken-down constitu
tion. jly-TMw
If you want to retain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap Sisters of the Holy Names of
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the very
best preparations for cleansing tbe
scalp Kgg anil Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your hair soft ami glossv.
Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's
barber uhop. The Dalles. tf
Si. Diary's Hcaaemy
Puder tbe direction of tbe
Jesus and Mary.
Sick Headache atisoiutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constiuation
antl indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 25cts. andoOcts. Hlakeley,
the druggist.
This Institution is pleasantly situated ne.Hr
tile roliitni la oil the line of the O. ii ii N, Co
tbenoeltti easy of seoess foraii those who do
sire to ecur' a eonifortable home ami u progres
StVS seat of learning for their diinghteiH or
wariln. The lwation of the academy in one of
lie- must healthy 00 the Pacific slope, this por
tion of Oregon being i.roverblal for its pure
water, bracing air, and picturesque scenery
Tbe Academy is incorporated and authorized by
tbe State to confer Academic honors
board and tuition tier scholastic year. lto
Htudlea will be resumed Tuesday, September, Ith
For delsllcd Information apply to the Sister
superior. suflu-lta
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