The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY - An;, so, WOl THE SLEEPING CAR PORTERS. The seven thousand Pullman car porters have formed a union, They have B grievance. They find that the fees of the public arc diminishing. The man or woman who used to give the porter twenty five cents has lately been insulting him with fifteen cents or a clime, says the Republican. Some of the porters are afraid that unless this tendency he checked the tip may descend to a Dickie. They purpose now to refuse all tips of less than a quarter, but how they are to enforce the quarter does not yet appear. While many of the stories of the union of the porters and their probable strike mav be imaginary, they serve to call attention . .. iu me puiu.'is iis as ufiui;, us lue Chicago Public says, "one ot the meanest business swindles of the time." The same paper sums up the essence of the swindle in a few lines which are here quoted: "Porters." it says, "are paid from $15 to $30 a month by the sleeping car companies. It will be understood that this is not living pay. lint the porters are ex pected to eke it out with tips from travelers, notwithstanding the travel ers are forced to pay a good round price to the com pan', for the accom modation they get. Sleeping car tips, therefore, are in fact, not tips to the porters, hut tips to the company which hires them and ought to pay them." There is not a person in tbe United States who has ever traveled in a Pullman car who does not known and resent the facts set forth thus succinct- ly. Vet the abuse continues. Tb8 American public does not grudge the tip. It is probable that the generous American would tip the porter it he were paid as much again as his employer now pays him. It is the meanness of the thing that galls. And yet there seems no way to remedy the matter. If tin- Pullman porters should go on a strike, there would br seven thousand men ready to take their places and to accept even the five cent tip that the present employes now dread as a possibility or oven to do without tips altogether. Travel ers can, of course, refuse to tip tbe porters, but very few of them have tbe courage to do so. If one should try it once, he would probably feel mean over it the rest ot his life, It is probable that relief will come in this tlirection only when the rail roads generally get to running their own sleeping cars, instead of renting tiiem from the Pullman concern, and Offer freedom from the lip nuisance as an inducement to secure passengei trafiic. . Seuator est. who has been one of tbe extreme free coiner- ever since free coinage came up first almost n quarter of a century ago. s.iy- it would be "suicidal" lor the demo cracy to put free silver forward as an issue in 1904. A good many other men win, voted for Bryan as tbe Missouri senator and 1900, stand with did, in 189(1 him on this question of the necessity of dropping it now. On the other hand, are hundreds of thousands ot th ir were ood democrats, and Brjan Isone of them, who want to make at least one more light for the whit.' metal. The,e men will have SODieilling to sa ahout the selection of a candidate ami tin- fraoiiug of a platform in 1904, The greatest natural wonder of the J'acilio coast is the Josephine caves of Southern Oregon, forty-two miles south of Grtnt'l Pan. These wen- discovered only a few years n"o by U a hunter, who pursued a bear to its den in the entrance to the caves. They are situated in tbe heart of GraybMk mountain, surrouuded by I the rugged ranges nf the Cascades and art1 said to be the largest caves In the woi Id, How Tin: We offer one hundnd dollar- reward for anv CAM of Catarrh that can not be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure P. J. CttBNBY A Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known I . ,i. Cheney for the last 18 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all bust neei transactions and financially able to carry out any obligationi made by their firm. West & Truas, Wholesale Druggists, To- ; ledo, 0., Welding, Rinnan A- Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. Hair.- Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. F. .). Ciienky A Co.. Props.. Toiedo O Sold by drniiriist9, puce "oc. H ill's Family Pills are the best. 12 Says it,. W" m Tortured, "1 fullered such pain from corns I could hardly alk,'; writes H. Robinson Hillsborough, lllt,,"buj Bucklen's Ami ca aive completely cared them." Acti llkH m wc on PM,. bruises, cats, sores scalds, hum, boils, ulcers, l'er- feet healer of skin diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed in G, c. Blakeley, the' druggist. 26c. 2 BtlSIMCSS LOCALS, Clarke & Falk's Savoring extracts are the best. Ask vour v x-er for them. R. B. (Jilbretb & Sons will keep at all times a supply of hay. grain and teed . winch thev will retail at the ljwes: market rates. j26-tl The Collins hot spring are now open. No hotels, hut the linest of camping 1. TT . i . e rt grounds, nunung ,v. nosiora, man- agers, Collins, Wash. aug3-lm Tne hite Collar line, Bailey Gatzet, will sell through roand-trip tickets to Seaside mid return. Tickets good going from Portland over Hie White Collar line, 1 1. R, & X. Co., V, T. Co. or the A. A- P I' 1.' anil rati,,- . v.,,- Hmam Baggage checked direct to either North Beach, Seavieiv, Long Beach, Breakers, Ocean Park or N'ahcotta, Limit of SeP"mb" ' M. Fiiloon, Batel t Pan-American Imposition, Round-trip rates via O. K. & N. from Tbe D1,M W1.90. Tickets on sale first aim tnird l uesdays during June, July, Aniriiat. MAnlAmKar anrl nf nlu mw. rontinuoue pa99a?e going on date of sale. Return limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed weat oi -U1350url river or est, ran: on return trip' within iiaiit of ticket. Arrangements can be made by apply- ing to agent O. K. it N. Co., The Dalles, I Whereby tickets will be honored on lake j steamers in one or both directions be- i tween Detroit and Buffalo, tf Jambs Ireland, Agent 9 Take them to day and you'll be well to-morrow. Baldwins Cold Cure Tablet No2JB (cold in head) NoCureNoPdytfc 4nd for Pffsj fcomple nd Hdicl MinucI blcJtn 6n t s .,h 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 tald by Olark & talk, The Dallas, Or. Dry!!!? preparations sininlyd vci- P dry catarrh; they drj-up the secretious, which tdbere ti the membrane and decom pose, causing afar more serious tn lubletbtt tuo ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. int; inhalants, fumes. Kinokec and innffi and use that which cleanses, soothe-, and aw- y h -r6""1 Jialui i.s .such u remedy auii Vi;jj t.ur0 r, vt poldlntha head easily and lileasantly. A trial size will be mailed for in cents. All druggists sell the & k). size. Ely Brothers, "! Warren St . . K. V. The Balm suree without pain, does not irritate or cause meeting. It spreads Itself over an irritai. d and ungry surface, relier. ins immediately tbe painful Inflamaaation. With Ely's Cream Bain youaro arujed against Isaaa) Catarrh and Bay Fever. FRENCH & CO. j BAN KERS. Transact a General Banking Business, Letter of Credit istned imllshls U wV8tBrJi SJtt,et1, transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore- leoil. Seattle WuSll.. Ulll I'lrinn. .Mn. Oregon and WasiiiiiKion. JSffSS. "" " " 'V i The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd at Nolan's Profit-Sharing Association are 1 sot Dickens, 15 vols., publisher's price $22.50; 1 set Knight's History of England, 8 vols., publisher's price $12; 1 vol. Gallery of Bible Pictures, illustrated by Pore; 1 copy Thirty Years of Labor, by T. V. Powdeily; a 3 rebate to person paying the most cash during four weeks end ing Aug. 3d, and a $2 rebate to person paying in second largest amount of cash during same period. , Prompt delivery of all goods ordered by telephone. Seu fert & Condon phone No. 92. Give me a trial. HI. T. NOLAN. White Collar LinejWnrthppn Panifip Tie Danes-Portland Boole Str. BAILEY-GATZERT. DAILY HOUND TRIPS, Kxcept Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland , Arrive The Dalles Leave " " . i A. it. .3 p, M. .4 " .10 " Arrive Portland Meals the Very Best. .Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. This Route ha the Grandest eeuic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria ROUte Str '-TAHOMA.'" Daily Bound Trip except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. Leave Astoria 7 r. M. M. Landing and office Foot of Alder ' DHral'i UIJl" piwuwa, m ooi, lortiauu, u,wu' E. W. ORIOHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Ant. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Ajjent Astoria, Clark's Cruise of the Celtie, LAROXST BTBAM8BIP IN THE WORLD, Feb. 8th to April 22d, 1902. The nugntfloent White star twin-ictew steam er"Celtlc,' 20,000 ton) rpeciallv chartered for the-fK'casion, ami for 71 dys subject to the or-; ders oi the director ol the party. I To tii- Stadlterranaan ami the orient, : oecnpylng 14 dayt,. Spending U dayi (n Siyptand PaletUne, hotel ; acoommodatlovs Included. Viittlng Madiera, Qloraltnr, Norn, Af rica, sirtita, Bgypt, lh Holy Land, ! Turkey, iirffw, Italy, the Kivier.i. Bnglaod and Iralaud, NVit attractive (optional) tide tripaaoroMKu ' rope. Tickets good to itopoverin Europe on homeward voyage and to re' urn by the White sti iteamen Oceanic, Majestic, Teutonic, ive. .'ot of Trip, llrl-,-l!, frntll Vork 1 buck to New York, W-Jon and upward-, a coord Ins to stateroom scoosuno datlon; Inoludlng short excursloni, ho tel, fee, guide, drives ami all neccuary expenses. Special K-aiur- Madeira. Malta, isdars In l.aypt and th- Holy Land, Conatanttnople, i a then.-, Rome, it'.'- Riviera, etc. Under the management of Prank C.Clark, of! Ni-w York. Cairo, etc. For ( irtn.-r particulars adilress BUOSOM A HliOH'NIIII.I., Washington street, The Dalles, or U interetted, sand for illustrated program, John Pashek, The Tailor. lias just received lOOO samples of the latest pattern-- in ttent's Clothing .doods. He guaran tees prices ami a good lir or no pay. : : ; : : .Tohr Pflshol- TVia TnilrkT Tfie BALDWIN RESTHURHHT W U. IVll lON, Manager. rl L ri . i- r-. l Mrbi - vid&s in tuery itesppct. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. k8t In the market. 71 Front St., near Court, The Dalles. You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure lot boils. UulUlulll 1 UU111U Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING PAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO TlIK BAST. THE ONLY DIRKOT LINK TO THE YKU.OW- BTONE PARK Union Depot, Finn anil 1 Sis No. 2. Fast mail for Taooma, No. Seattle. Olyxnpla, Gray's Harbor and South Bend points, Spokane, Ross land, B. C. Pullman, Moscow, Lew l ton, Buf 11:15 A.M. fsloHump mining coun- SiSOP.M, try, Helena, Minneapo- lis, St. Paul, Omaliii, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago an,! all points east and southeast. No. ;;, No. 4. Pueet sound Express 11;80 P.M. for Taooma and Seattle 7;0OA. M. and intermediate points Pullman tlrst-elass and tourist sleeners to Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points without change. Vestibuied trains, ruion depot connections in an principal ernes. Baggage Obecked to destination of tickets. . for handsomely illustrated descriptive matter, I tickets, sleeping car reservatious. etc., call on or i write A. D. CHARLTON, UsslstantGeneral Passenger Agent. 255 Morri son Street, corner Third, Portland Oregon. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM September 23-28, 1901 Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. Good RACING in the Afternoons. Latest Attractions in New Auditorium , Building Every Evening, with (.iood Music. I .,..:... I J . .! mauuiui viimp virounus free, npecial uutut ui visustr tnw auavour or pro Rstes on Campers' Tickets. Come fessional photographer, and Uring Vour Families. j Our Kureka Combined Toning and Fixing Bath is a dandv. Trv it. SPECIAL RATES On all RAILROADS Th. A. K. C. Developer for plates, Blms or develonlna nanais hn nn mimI B'or further particulars, address M. I). WISDOM, Sec, ItQgllS Portland, Oregon. Jtist What You uuant. i New ideas in Wall Paper here. Sucn wide variety ae we are showing never be fore graced t single stock. Real imita- tion creton effects at ordinary prices, (iood papers at cheap paper prices VluMn, i)ji.;.na ...... I r street, aiso a mil line oi house paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. 5 me CoioiDia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i i) K f F.D BEEF. ETC. U BBsiaurant L. V. HONG, Proprietor. First-Class in Every Respect MEALS AT Al.r, HOURS. 1 I . c, . ox i Uysters berved m any btyie. S7 Second St., The lMlles. Or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It, artificially digests the food and aids Nature iu strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gang It is the latest discovereddigestr 1 ant and tonic. Ho other preparation can approach It in eiliciency. It in stantly relievesaud permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Oastralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion, i Price SOc. and fl. Large site contains 2Vi times small sue. Bookftllnboutdyspepsiumatledfree spared by E 0. DcWITT A CO.. Crjlcag Sold by Clarke &Falk'o P.O. Pharmacy. Just Received A full line of Fresh Printing and I)c veloping Papers direct from factory. ISolio, Rex, Deko, Velox an(J Aristo in all sizes. AIso a line of Plts i" Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. TrayB, I'rin ting Frames, Allituns, Multigraphs, And all accessories to complete the M4dfc .1 1,1 .1 Enough for a.rx- to develops 6 doxen nlates or li ilozen 'elox 4x5. Perfect hlacks and whiten are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Ask for the A. E.G. Ie veloper, and 6ee that you get the genuine. We are prepared to compound anv and all of your own formalte and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place, 175 .Second Street, I he Dallen, Oregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. mj iAit nnm L. Lane, UKNEKAL i ! Wagon and Carriage Work. r Flh Brothers' Wagon. Tiiird and Jeffcrton. Piioue 159 1 BttDitK ...AND... tostoer OREGON Shout Line Union Pacific DIPART for Ch caifci Portiand Special. TIME SIHKDUI.KB FROM THE DALLES. arrive FROM salt 1-ako, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, St. Lotus, Chi cago and the East. 1 11:3S p. m. I via Hunt j ington. Atlantic I K.xpress, ! l2:8Qa. m. via Bunt ' ington. I St. Paul : Fast Mail, j 9: Zip. m. I via Spo I kanc. 1:06 p. m. Salt Ijike, Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, St. Loum, Chi cago uud the Fast. Walla Wall, Ixsxvlaton. rtpokane, W iillane.I'iill man, Minneapolis, St. 1'aul.Duluth, Milwau kee. Chicago and Fast. 4 16 a. B, so a m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE Prom Portland. (All sailing dates sub- jeet to change.) For San Francisco, Sail every ft dayK. BlOO p. m. 4:00 p, m ; Daily ! except : Sunday, I s:0n p, in. (olllllllllfl Hirer. To Astoria and Way landings. 1:00 p.m. except Sunday. satuKiav, 10:00 p. m. Dally except Sunday, 8 :00 a, m. H II him.-lt.. Hlv.-r Oregon city, Neeberg, Salem , i ndependeuoe, and M ay -Landings, 1 :80 p. m. except Sunday. Tuesday, i hursday, Saturday, li d) a, m. 4:80 p. m. Moiulay, Wednesday Friday, Corvallii and Way Landings. Tuesday, Wtllamatte and S:30p, m lamlilll Itlvera. Monday, Oregon City, Dayton and Wednesday Wuy-Landlngi. Pnday. Thursday, Saturday, 00 u. m. I 11 VP Mnnke ItlTer. Kipariu to Lewiston, I.cavi' l.i'wistoi, dully, '1 a. ni. Kipiirin dally, 8:40 a, m Parties .leslrine to ro to Hennncr or I point on Columbia Southern vin Iligg. BhouM lakeKo. 2, leiivlun The Dalles at V2:2: p. m. : making direst connections at Beppner Junction j and KinKs. Returning makingdinotconnectton i ni Heppnerlunotlon and iiikrk withlNo. j rivniR at The Uallcs tit 1:0.' p, m. For furtliLi particulars, cull on or address. JAri. IKELA.Nli, Agent, The Dulles, Oregon. Complete of Dms at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. SO YliARS' EXPERIENCE V BV VMM Trace Marks Jesigns COPVRIGHTS AO Anyone sendtns kiifii and description but 'en .iy ajosrlaln our opinion free viicilu-r a inreutlon is probably patentable. Conimnnlc' tioiis si ru'iiy ooiifldentlal. Handbook on I'uii-un (in Irnv oll,.si iitem-y fur wcurini.' (ittteins. r.ili' taken t lir. xiuli Jlunn & Co. ri'ceiv, tpttjai iiutlce, without cliHrirc, In tlio Scientific American, A hsudsomsiy Hlnstrsted wseklr, Mreesl 'ir eulatlon f uriv unlontlfln Inurnal, Terms. U a Jgyi four montus. If. bold by all pewsdsalers. Crunch Onto, v fit . Wahlolon. O. i J. S. Schbnck, Preeidetit. Max A. V0OT. Canine' First National Bank. THE DALLES m m m OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Cheok. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection, night and Telegraphic Exchange sold o New York, Han Francisco and port land. BIRBOTOWa D. P. Thomfbo. Jmo. 8. HiUM En. M. Williams, Gao A. Lisa. H M. Bball. AND