ONE WEEK ONLY. I1C IS IN TOWN Wasco Will Mill Co., Man i- in i His Hands akc nuraae, or,!' M ids mil Trutl jf)1C( ill turn Btld His Lips !' Happy, with Heir for a and 1 M ig I op( hty in hod nonm k noRftrson Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain 01 ?n kin Headauarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SSJBSSt Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- YOUR KIDNEYS. After von tire of using WJ-CulrH kirinpv rHInp,ije without Biiy benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pill.- and b forever riil of those dull pains In your back. I i nard that old fogy idea ol "pain in the kidneys" and hata all your bladder and urinary I rou hies ennui, tnd vr,Ur nights made restful hv the use of nature's neatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Tripe, $1.01) per box hoy Ol your droggin oi sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO Fort Wayne, Indiana M. . Monnell, Agent, The Dalles. ton Flour This Flour ip manufactured expressly for family nu mrv Biii-k In vnaranteed to uive satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don t think so and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, moralise vi or and banish "pah PENNYROYAL PILLS of menstruation." Thev arc "LIFE SAVERS" to ffirlg womanhood, aiding development of organs and body, No known remedy for Women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure fl.OO PER ItOX $v MAIL. Sold by druggists. DC. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio For sale by Geo. C. Hlakeley, The Dalles, Or J. E. FALT & CO., I Proprietors ffYTkr. Awl " of mm "w mm mm Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. P 173 Second Street. J y Phones : 51 Local, S6s Long Distance. The First Registered Palmist f;ver in The Dalles, and the Greatest Living Clairvoyant and Palmist. Natural Healer of Modern Times, who ha no equal on earth, and is well known in every city ol the world, is now located at the European Mouse Located bj Vision. PORTLAND, Aug. 10. (To the Edi tor.) Homer de Morrison, occultist, lo cated bv vision the bullion stolen from the Selby Smelting Works. In behalf of occult science he immediately com municated by letter the facts to Mr. A. J. Ralston, owner of the Selby Work-. The reports received la-t night prove his statements correct. MRS. FRANCES PARTLOW. It is pleasing to be assured that the gold sb len from the Selby Smelting Works was "located by vision" by a Portland occultist. This proves that the story oi the confession of the thiet and that his assistance was required in re covering the gold was a base Californian invention for the purpose of depriving Oregon of just glory. Editor of the Portland I Iresonian. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. AN TJNPK ECEDENTED OFFER! a 4 aw j m e w wm The people s naiionai mm mw To all old aud new subscribers paying one year iu advance we offer Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50. NEW IT IS A MATTER OF HISTORY, from the remotest age to the present time, that there are a few people who possess occult power sufficiently to enable them to accurately reveal the past and give a correct forecast of the future. To Pro fessor Homer de Morrison nature has been most kind, bequeathing to him that rare gift which enables him to read the lives of his fellow creature- as clearly as an open scroll. THERE I- NO HOME so dreary and life so bard ami blighted, no heart so sail and lone, no condition ot circumstance so complicated, that cannot be set ri'ht and kept right after a visit to this inspired prophet of modern time.-. COME ALL YE BU8INE8S M EN who have deal.-, complications or embarrass ments, and he will untangle the knotty problems, and point out the ways and means that bring prosperity. COME ALL VE WIVES AND MOTHERS, whose hearts and hand- are bur dened with the duties of home and family, ( ease your sighing and crying and seek the advice of this gifted man. who can help you w hen all else fails. "Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone." He reunites the separated, settle- lovers' (juarrels. cau-es speedy marriage, locate- hidden treas ures, removes evil influences, cures tit- and drunkenness. COME A LI. VE DOUBTING, HOPING LOVERS, learn if your idol is true or false, who your enemies or rivals are, how to overcome them and win the ob ject of your affections. "Of all the sad words of tongue or pen, saddest are these ; 'it might have been.'" COME ALL YE who anticipate change, travels, sale-, trades, speculations, positions, law suits, marriages or separation; learn what is best to do, and how to d'. it ere failure and misfortune overtake you. COME ALL VE WHO ALE SICK. Do the doctor- know what ails you? Can they cure you V If not come and try NATURE'S DOCTOR! Hi-motto is: "NO CURE No PAY." All chronic or long standing diseases thai have battled the physician's skill, cured without the use of medicine. There are always partially developed mediums and cl ip pretenders found in every city. It you have been deceived by the false prediction- oi such fraudulent people, do not despair, but call and be convinced that Pr fessor Homer de -Morrison will help you. Office hours 10 a. m. t" 8 p. m. V B. Palmistry taught. Mediumistic persons developed. Home all day Sunday. AT THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. SEWER NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the com mon council of Dalles City, at a meeting j thereot held on Saturday, the 3d day of August, 1901, determined to construct and relay a drain and sewer described as follows, to-wit : Beginning at a point w here the center line of Court street in tersects the projection of the south line of the first alley south of Fifth street in said Dalles City, and running thence in a northerly direction along, or near, the center line of said Court street ami along the line of the old sewer now located in said street, to a point where the center line ol said Court street intersects the projection of the center line of the alley between Mam and Second streets, in said city ; thence westerly to said alley and along the center line thereof anil a continuation thereof to the west line of Colon street ; thence in a northwesterly direction, along the most practicable route, to low water in Mil! creek. Said council also at the same time deter mined that the cost of the construction and relaying of said drain and sewer should be assessed against the property benefited thereby, and declared the pres ent sewer and drain now in existence upon and along the line above described to be in a dangerous condition, and fur ther provided that notice be given of the construction and relaying of said drain and seer by publication ol a notice for two weeks iu The Dalles Daily Chroni cle, the first publication thereof to be made on Monday the 5th day of August, 1001, ami tinal publication thereof to be on Monday the 19th day of August, 1901, and further determined thBt aid drain and sewer be constructed and relaid as above mentioned immediately after the expiration of the time mentioned iu said , notice. All persons interested are herebv noti YORK TRI-WEEKLY DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing between Maximilian ogt and PbilppTne Chap man, under the lirm name and atvie of Max Yogt & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Maximilian Vogt will continue the business of said former firm, and will receive and receipt for all moneys due said firm and pay all debts contracted by said linn. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 17th day of July, 1901. Maximilian Voqt, jy20-5w Philippine Chapman. Notice to 1 .i '. it v r . j The board of equalization for Wasco n!BUNE 'nil Ml V Iff VI I I ; i - . ' ' SB I I ( I t lit 111 LliQUInti at ttie court house pf said county from Monday, August 26th until Saturday, August 31st, 1901, botli days inclusive, and will attend to any and all matters which may come before such board fur consideration. The Dalles, W asco Co., Or., August 3, 1901. C. L. SCHMIDI , s3-d&wtf Asiessor, Wasco Co., Or. Published Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, i in reality n tine and fresii every-othsr-i!ny Dally, giving tin latest news on dayi oi issue, and covering news oi Uie other .;. It contains all impot lant foreign cable new- which appear! in the lJaily Tribune of same date, Alto dee mestle and foreign correspondence, short stories, elegant half tone illustrations, hu morous items, indus trial information, lasbion notes, agricul tural matters, and comprehensive and re liable financial and market reports. Regular subacrip iion price, S1.60 per year. We furnish it with Semi Weekly Chroni cle for 12.00 per year. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published on Thurs day, aad known for nearly sixty years in every part ol Oil- Uni ted States aw a nation al family newspaper of the highest class, for farmers anil villa gers It contains all the most important general news of tin Daily Tribune in to the hour of going to press; an agricultural department of the highest order, has en tertaining reading for every member of the family, old and young; market report which are accepted as auth ority by iarin-rs aud merchants, aud is clean, up-to-date, In teresting and instruc tive. Kegiilar subscrip tion price, $1 per year. Wo furnish It with Semi-Weekly Chroni cle for fl.fiO per year Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or lyon's French Periodical Drops iteut Are Niimeroue. CotU plain tl come from tne interior1 that never within toe memory of the oldest mountaineers have the bears ben ! go t.;,i m now. Stockmen are oecon.-j iug apprehensive for the safety of their , enves and sheep, for the reason that the bears are being literally starved out cf their retreats in the mountain-:, and have begun to prey upon the young stock. The severe fros1. that ruined garden Vegetables and fruit blossoms early in tin season has also cut off the natural food of the t ears by blighting the onck- ' leberries. a- well a the numerOUl other tilings upon which they subsist. Throughout the entire mountain re gion tliere are wild berries in abundance during ordinary seasons, and the bears prefer to remain in their native haunts unless forced out by the pangs of hunger. Tbil summer there are absolutely no ' be-riee at all, and tliere is even a sc.irci- 1 tv of srild honey, on account of the blos soms being killed bv tiie frost, thus pre- ' venting the bees from working. The bears are therefore on short rations, and are farced to oonlioe themselves to a ' die: of re 1 ants ami nine b Might, It is the opinion of i took men tiiat before I winter sets in the bo.irs are going to be extremely troublesome. ll has even : been suggested that for the protection of yoUQg stock, hunting parties will have to be Organ I 0d , and the in nintains 1 cleared of wild animals- beforejthe nui sance can be abated, or safety jbecou.e assured. Dyspepsia can be cured by IMlgJj Acker's Dyspepsia Tablet. Oue little Tablet will give immediate relief or1 money refunded. Sold inhamlsome tin I boxes at To els. Hlakeley the druggist, j Experience is the nest Teacher. Cse Acker'- English Remedy in any case of coughs, cools or croup. Should it fall to give immediate relief money refunded -j Cts. and 50 CtS. Hlakeley, the drug gists. Greatest of All " Every one in San Antonio Texas, says that Acker's English Remedy is the greatest thin ever put up lor coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup and consumption I have been using it over lour Why not spend the vacation at Ya quina bay, where can be had excellent fare, good fishing, good boating, safe bathing, alluring rides .and rambles. The courses and exercises at the summer 1 school of 1901 at Newport will afford great variety of instructions, diversion and entertainment. No other resort 1 ofl'ers fcijual attractions and like advan tages. jnnl 1-tf j We ofl'er for a hunted period the 1 twice-a-week CUBONICLE, price $1.60, and the Weekly Oregoniau, price $1.50, both papers for .J a year. Subscriptions' under this offer must be paid in ad-j vance. f Ii the action of my bowels is not eay and regular serious complications must he the final result. DeWitt's Little Early Risers will remove this danger, bate, pleasant and effective. Clarke & folk's I'. O. Pharmacy. Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and Ores of all kinds quickly healed by 1 DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Certain cure for piles. Beware of Counterfeits. Be sure you get the original DeWitt's. Clarke A Falk's P, O. Pharmacy. If anything ails your hair, go and see' Kraer he's the headquarters for all! hair remedies. Remember that be makes a inooialtv of these goods. tf Han't Hub It In, Just wet the affected pari freely with MjTSteriooi Rain Cure, a Scotch remedy, Slid the paiu ie gone. Sold bv Clarke & folk. Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Beware of connterfeits and Imitations. Tbe genuine is pat up only in paste-hoard Car- ion won lac-blame snnaoire un nleor tin- l.olli,' llm-. Stud tur Circular to WILLIAMS MFG. Co., Sole Agents, Cleveland. Ohio. For sale by Geo. C. Rlakeley, The Dalies, Or. CAUTION years for all forma of throat and lung trou ble.?, and have vet to come across a case where it (ailed. We have four little ones in our family, and neither my wife nor I have everlostanlght'ssleep because of throat trou bleu among the children. I guess that i- more than anv other family can my, Acker's English Remedy isjust as effective for grown UP people as for the young, It seems to g, straight to the place where the trouble lies in the throal and bronchial tube- and lungs. b soothes ami heab the irritated tissues, 1 ens up the phlegm and nun ii- iii the breathing passage quiets Ihc nerves, invigorate- the constitution and Stops the cough ing My advice to parents i- to always keep a bottle in the house, It will he a constant bateguard against croup." (Signed) F.ii.ZiMMhitMw Antonio, Tex, sou at is,- . " fi tri'lt UrmiraeetMsi Pilise, KUUtt and Canada ; and in Kuxlend, at Is. Sd.. Ss. .d. If yon are not laUSStd a'K-r buyuis, return lha Iftillk) to jour (irugstal anil get your luuuey back M autiurw tin ulmi nuaraitUt. W, ll. UOOKMM t CO.. fropriatori, VM lor, Kur Site at d .tamey'i, t'liarmacy. tied that said drain and sewer will be constructed and relaid as above deter mined and provided for. Dated at Daller City, Or., Aug. o, 1901. J. DoHSRTY, Recorder of Dalles City. BUSINESS LOCALS. A full line of Eastman films aud sup plies just received, by Clarke &. folk. Just received, at C. J. StuPling's, a carload of Schlitz Milwaukee bottled beer. jly''!' lw Young lady wishes to do sewing by the day. Telephone 111! for further par ticulars. jySMwk Clarke & talk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Cat ton strictly oure liquid paints Commencing Sunday, until further notice, the O. R. A N. will sell round trip tickets. Dalles to Cascades, for $1. This rate applies only to parties of five or more, tiood for Sundays only, laglm C. J. Stubling has just received a larue consignment of Schlitz' malt ex tract, strictly non-alcoholic and one of the best remedies in the world to build up a weak or broken-down constitu tion. )ly89l If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry aud crispy. Now we have two of the very beat preparations for cleansing the scalp Egg and Cine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and glosev. Price, go anil oil cents a Pottle, at r razer s the Uoluml i on the line of the O. it. ,v N, Co. barber ebon, The Dalles. tf ' nieuoe it is easy of access forull those whode I sire to secure a comfortable home and a progres Sick Headache absolutely and perma- 1 rito Jfuc neiitlv cured bv using Moki Tea. A ! uiust basilar on the KaelloslpM, this por : lion of Oregon being proverbial for its pure pleasant herb drink, ( ores coiistinalion water, bracing air, and picturesque sceuerv. . i-j. Ml1 vm, , , The Academy is iucorporated and authorued by and liullgestion, makes you eat, sleep ,nt. 8UU) u, confer Academic honors. and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or I eaw awT tuition j scholastic year. lnO mAMV husk ',.., An.i M) Rl.kala I will be resumed 1 uesday, September, ith mone uacK. -olis. nnuoucie. uiaaeiey, , i-r M, ,,,, . ,,,,,.,, ,i,.. si., , Si. piary's Wemy of Cnder the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, OKEUON. This institution is pleasautly situated near m y : n b If f i 1 I I ii ' I f The Dellea, Op. The Chfoniele, Job Printers. 1 I the druggist. iupetlor, auglU-lia Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle.