The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 19, 1901, Image 3

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    9 $
The Last
Shirt Waist sale
of the Season.
There is no end
want to close out
Price that will
astonish you.
The stock is not large, but the styles that are
are clean and up-to-date. They must he closed
in the next ten days. The Waists are too well
jjj known to need any description.
Waists formerly retailing for $1.00. now
Waists formerly retailing
Waists formerly retailing
$2.25, now.
Waists formerly retailing
$-1.00 and $5.00, now.
The Dalles Daily Chwmiete.
AUG. 19, 1901
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All WasOO County warrants rugUteretl
prior t October 17, 1KK, will be paid
on prxHHiitation at my nflioe. luterest
ceaies after August 13, 1U01.
I y Treasurer.
Forecast Tonight fair; tomorrow,
fair and warmer.
We understand Davenport Bros, will
soon re-build their planing mill recently
out ny are at naynes spur.
Ground has been broken for the foun-
'ration of a prettv cottage, which will be j
built by W. A. Johnston on his lot On fi
the corner of Third and Laughlin.
The depression in the various
lines ot
business' during tlie hot weather lias
made no impression on the work at tlie
land oftioe, which has been unusually
large for the month of August.
Last Monday Charles Cooper sold Lis
entire interest in the Antelope branch
of bin business to Mart Clancy, who has
been in his employ. Charlie will now
(five Lis whole attention to his business
at Shaniko.
It seems rather more like home since
the "wind bloweth where it listeth" and
the festive dust is "flying high," with
the maximum temperature today at 70
and the minimum. "0- II the wealtier
t (be beaches is as cool In comparison
8 it hare, our Dallesites will
'lucking home.
soon be 1
Kev. Leu t her and family left Corval- j
lie edncsdtiv mn.nlna Ku luum Iav Tim
J ..... j j
"aiiee. He has made this his head
quarters for several years while canvas-8iDt-'
Ihe country selling musical instru
ments It is his intention to engage in
Wl Ui-iness in the vicinity of The
'Mies. --Gazette.
Prom the friends of Miss Ella Rice,
formerly of this city, we learn that that
Wing lady was recently crowued queen
W the Klks carnival in Laramie, Wyo.
Although having resided there but a
MQrt time Miss Kice claims that as her
birth place and feels honored in the
MttplllBMN thus paid her.
Among the passengers on the GaUeri
yesterday were Prof. A. C. 'ill. the
nw priucipai of Bishop Seotts' Academy j
ID Wtland, and wife. Prof. Newill
recently from Montana, and is aieojovment as the paity were well re-
r" "MI0 scholar of Bailiol College,
-vru, England. The
12th, "Alices us flr8t
term September
6 $ $ M
the Shirt Waist season, but
of our Summer Stock at
for $1.25,$
0, now
for $1 .75, $2.00 and
for $2.50, $3.00,
I HOI lAc Mi
an V with the new priuelpal al its head
much is expected of this year's work'.
Indians returning from the berry
patches on the Washington side of the
river have loud complaints to make re
garding the scarcity of huckleberries,
claiming that the frosts and sheep to
gether have almost obliterated any Bign
of the wild fruit on which they depend
for their chickamun to keep them dur
ing the winter.
At a recent meeting of the board of
fire delegates the fire chief was instruct- i completed, win admit tue uig steamBinps
ed to have die tire warden make a close now beine built in Connecticut by re
examination of all the chimneys and j ideDt Hi" for tue Great Northern Steam
Hoes on First and Second streets ; also ehiP Company.
to see that the post which upholds the A party of three gentlemen, including
awning over M. T. Nolan's store and a Telegram reporter, came up the river
somewhat interferes with the fire plug on the Shaver Saturday and stopping at
on that corner, be removed. ! Butler's Landing proceeded to mvesti-
Prof. P. M. Smith, who is preparing ; ftte tlie Possibility of scaling Castle
h. MT.tat, nnk.)n.l,..i.tili . Al. Kock. When about two-thirds of the
un j i lati i inn ivii ivc'uvuuiuii i ii
bany, says tlie statement of the Oregon
City Enterprise that he did not pay his
bills in that city was a falsehood, and
shows the receipted bills of that city to
verify it. He declares that tie will never
Idrink again, a resolution it is to
hoped lie keeps. Albany Democrat.
yeBterdav afternoon at the Gatzert
- nlilM stood a buckboard with team
tnnhltnhari waiting lr h Inaderf. When
H'ho,, !
the quarter whistle 'blew tlie horses de
cided they'd rather go the other way
and proceeded up the hill on a dead run.
They were caught on Second street ; but
the owner was compelled to wait until
this morning before making the trip
down the river.
The Davidson Fruit Company will be
gin next week canning pears. The com
pany e.v pects to put up about four car
loads of the fi uit. Most of the pears will
come from the valley, while some will
come from The Dalles and a few from
Mosier. The bulk of the blackberry
crop was shipped this season, the prices
being too high to admit of canning any
quantity. The company's box factory is
filling an order this week for prune box
es and crates from The Dalles. Glacier.
That the latest idea in the railroad
.....!.l Hmmmh.Ii. aI IhUmbI " muni
..''Il l ' F 1 I I i I ! I I 1 I V, I . I I V I . I ...... .
something to the public is proven
by the issuance of and the receipt
here of an imperative order to the effect
that no more passes are to be given to
simmers. The lucal agents are instruct
ed to enforce the rule strictly, and here
after the merchant or stockman who
asks the agent to send in for transporta
tion will be answered, "courteously but
firmly1 that such things can no longer
Hon. M. A. Moody and party, who
have been iu the interior inspecting arid
lauds, returned on the noon train, leav
ing this afternoon on the Regulator for
Portland. They report a most satisfuc
tory and enlightening trip, which at the
same time was not without its share of
ceived by the people in the different
towns where tbey stopped in tbeir
journeying!. Messrs Newell and Pin-
Right out of their boxes:
as fresh from the market as
can be. Nobbiest shapes of
the season. All the new
colors and styles shown this
See Dish-lay in Window.
4r J
Jta I
W !
Xh 1
jjjf j
New Styles in
chot will return fully enabled to report
understanding!' regarding the purpose
of their trip.
It has just been announced from the
Great Northern general offices at St.
Paul that the company's docks at
Smith's cove, Seattle, wili be improved
by dredging so as to allow the handling
of deep sea vessels. An appropriation
of $50,000 has been made for the con
templated improvements, which are to
be made at once. The docks, when
way to the top they found it impossible
to ascend further without the assistance
of climbing paiapherualia, which they
returned to Portland to secure. With
these necessary adjuncts they feel as
sured the ascent can be made by the
party which planned the trip some time
Perhaps the worst and most danger-
ous sidewalk in town is that on f iltti
and Washington streets leading up the
j bluff. Ab this thoroughfare is used more !
frequently now on account of its leading
I to the hospital, the walk should be re
; paired before some injury is received
; thereby. The more so because it is fre-jquented-by
patients often too weak to
j control tbeir steps as would stronger per-
sons. Another matter w hich should be
looked into by the city is the railing
' alongside of the walk leading to the hos-
pital, or rather the absence of railing in
: many places, making the waik danger
I ous at night.
While threshing on his farm about
eight miles west of Wasco, Wednesday
afternoon, W. H. Moorhouse suffered
the loss of another threshing machine
by tire, in the same manner as the one
that burned for him last year. The
machine was threshing from the header
in very smutty wheat, when about ''
o'clock an explosion took place on the,
inside of the machine, making a report
that was heard at the Leader, several
hundred yards away, and throwing the
tire from both ends and ali openings of
the machiue to a distance of twenty or
more feet. The machine was consumed
by the tire immediately, and also about
forty sacks and four acres of uncut grain
were burned before the crew succeeded
in whipping out the flames.
For inlan'.s and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Gifford'e Fotoe Never Fade.
D. V. Poling returned lat night from
Kd French hat, returned from hi? out
ing at Long Reach.
Miss Helen Hudson joined the camp
ers at Collins today.
Hon. G. J. and Mrs. Farley were pas
' sengers on the boat yesterday lor Port
land. Q. Li Harpham, of Grants, was in the
citv today and will return home on the
j 9 !l6 train.
William Vigelitis is in town from Ore
gon City on a two weeks' visit to his
brother, John Vigelins.
I Mrs. George Ruch left on the Regula
tor this afternoon bound for Seacrolt
cottage, on Long Reach.
Mrs. 0. Kinersly anil family were pas- 1
sengerson the Shaker tht. morning for .
Astoria and the beach.
Miss Myrtle Smith arrived from Pen
dleton Satinets v and left yesterday fur
Portland to be absent two weeks,
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Young and family
are at home after spending their vara
tlOD With Mrs. Young's mother at Oregon
Miss Elisabeth Bonn, after spending
several days at home left on the Gatzert J
yesterday to resume her vo-.'a! studies in
C. J. Crandall made a trip to Hood
River yesterday with a view to securing
lumber for the street fair and carnival
Mrs. Charles Townley has arrived in t
the city from Elby.Wis., and will remain
some time vifiting her sisters, the Mist- I
es Annie and Maggie Flioo.
Mrs. F.rnesi Lueddemann, who since I
returning from California ha spent the
time at the 1). M. French cottage at j
Long Beach, returned home Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Fred llavlev went down I
on yesterday's afternoon boat to Portland
and will decide later where they will
spend the remainder of Mr. Bayley'i
, vacation,
Miss Elizibeth Sc hooling, who, with
Miss Scott, left two weeks ago for Cor
vallis and Newport, returned home Sat
urday night and resumed her d titles in
A. M. Williams & Co.'s store today.
Mrs. Elvira Cobb, an aunt of Attorney
Sam Stark, has arrived from Jerome,
Ariz., and after spending a short time
with her sister at Mosier will return and
make her home with her nephew in The
Dr. Siddall and C. L. Phillips, who
left a week ago for the Greenhorn min
ing district, returned this morning.
They report things lively up that way
and strangers going in every day to de
velope and locate mines.
Miss Irene Adams, who left a month
ago to attend the Kpworth League con
vention in San Francisco, and also has
been at Shelburne, Long Beach, came
home Saturday and is at her desk in
Pease V Mays' office today.
Mies Evelyn New man who has spent
the past month with Mrs. H. W, French,
returned yesterday to her home in Port
land, having renewed acquaintances here
and had a pleasant visit. Mrs. French
accompanied her and will spend some
time visiting relatives there.
James Snipes, who has been in Port
land end Collins Landing, where he ac
companied Engineer Hntherford, re
turned Saturday night. He says a cold
caused Mr. Rutherford to have renewed
rheumatic pains, but word from there
today is to the effect that he is better.
Yesterday morning Win. Patterson,
father of Otis Patterson, receiver of the
laud office, arrived iu tlie city from In
dianapolis, Indiana. Mr. Patterson is
iU vears old and this is his hrst visit to
the coast. He will remain for a year
visiting his sons, Otis, of this city, and
Orin, of Long Creek, in this county.
Miss Stella Alexander, of Pendleton,
aud Misses Nellie White and Melvema
Dolman, of Paris, Texas, came up on the
Gatzert yesterday afternoon ami re
mained over until the night train. While
in the city they were tlie guests of .Judge
and Mrs. G. C. Blakeley. Miss Alexander
is on her return trip from the Pan
American exposition, while the other
young ladies came West on the Epworth
League excursion and have been guests
of their aunt, Mrs. N. E. Dolman, of St.
Helens, who is a sister of Senator Geo,
In Portland,
Saturday, Aug
. 17th, to
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sewa
In this city tins morning
August 1 'th.
to Mr. and Mrs. Peter
ter. weight pounds.
Path, a daugh-
Attflitlou Itnlmeii.
Tomorrow evening Wasco tribe of Im
perial Pedmen will have com and veni
son at the wigwam. KlSbaMtiotOU has
been very kind to his red children and
in honor to Him, who has made of one
blood ali races of the world, tlie festal
board will bespread on Tuesday even
ing 4 ago it 20 th, and all red man will be
lnKf ii riling .
If the parly who came to my ranch on
Sunday, August llth, ami took a brake
rope from there, will return the same
there will be no questions asked. This
is inserted here (u avoid further trouble,
as f know the party and the buggy he
came in.
A i .. Iahoubm,
Why pay $1.76 pei gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James K.
PaUon'a sun proof paints for $1.. 00 per
gallon, guaranteed (or years. Olark &
Falk, agents. ml
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Special in
Sec our Show Window
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our Btore. A new fresh,
clean slock. Give us u call. Proinpt
delivery to any part of the city.
...MAYS t CROWE...
RUBBER and Garden Hose,
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers.
f you an; in need of anything in our line, figure with
us. for it will par you.
We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
I prompt attention,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Spring and Blacksmith Supplies
Agent for KukkvII v (.;.' Engines, Threshers and Saw Mill.
Telephone l.r7.
lying Distance 107
Till, 'i I, ni- K t-l vrl.
Sealed bids will be received by Dr.
Siddall up to 12 noon the 15th iust., fur
the erection of four dwelling! en the
corner of Fourth and Federal streets,
iJalles City Plans and specification
can tie seen at the office of The Da I lee
Laundry ('o. Reserving th" right to re
ject each or all bids. augl'-'-l i
HllllM I" Kent.
Fight room modern dwelling honie
heated by furnace; good si.ed lot with
stable adjoining ; located ilia desirable
pari of the city. No trouble to rent
rooms enough to pay house rent. Call
on or addiess Hudson A Brownhill, The
Dalles. augti-td
Just received at (illbrelh & Sou's
lumber vard, a few carloads of No. 1
ce.dar posts and A shingles. They
are agents for Heath , Miliigan's cele
brated shingle paint. Call on them ;
their prices are all right. Wood not
tl umed le better by r(Jc a cord than wood
that is. jy 10
Cor. Second & Lannbliu Sts THE DALLES OR.
says :
S. H, Allport, Johnitown, Pa.,
"Our little girl almost strangled
to death with Group. The doctors said
she couldn't live hut she vuh instantly
relieved by One Minute Oough Cure.
Clarke A Falk'a P. O Pharmacy.
James White, iiryantsville, Ind., MJf
DeWltt'l Witch lltizel Salve healed
running soles on both legs. He hud
UffWred ti years. Doctors failed to help
him. Oet DeWltt't, Aceept no imita
tions. Clarke ,v Falk'w P. 0, Pharmacy.
Clark A. Falk are never closed Sunday.
Diin't foruei this.
Undertaker anil Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sta.
Ah orders attended to promptly. Long
livtance phuim 4'M. Local, I"-'.