AUG. 1". 1901 .1 FIRM STAXD. Governor Eogeri of wMblngton has taken a Strong aland in favor of the enforcement of the laws, Sys the r ii mi i e .i Bulletin. The people of toe state 1 are face to face with the question whether murder is to be punished or wbether law is ''to be made an instru- ment of lofffflerv for courts and lawyers." In one count v some tin rt v Murders and lynobingfl have taken place in the last, three years, with onlv one le2.1l banging. Experience everywhere proves that lyncblngs do ,, ., . , not serve so well as the enforcement of law as a deterrent of crime. In fact, where lynching is the most frequently fetOrtCd fo art? of Vio- lence are the most common, The Bar Associations of the several state might bring about an improve- ment in the record by forcing upon. criminal lawyers more Stringent Pule, Tim L-nv tn the situntinn lies in the jury box. When one nr two lurnrs hold out against a verdict of "guilty." MONDAY there is usually ground for the sus- ... ... . Tin (..ollins hot spring- are now open. picion that the attorney for the de- No hotei( bu, the flnMt of Pamping fense had B3tretbtng to do with the grounds. Hunting & Hosford, man inability to agree. So lout; as aers. Collins, Wash. aug.'Mni unanimous verdicts are required in capital cases, an unscrupulous at torney may make himself the most influential factor in a trial. Both Har Associations and public opinion are lenient in their judgment of lawyers who arc successful m securing the acquittal ot clients charger! with murder. The services of such lawyers are in demand, while lawyers of ,. .. " bishci standing in tneir profession P E 1 are seldom tempted by extraordinary fees to deviate from a half-formed rule to confine their practice to the nloll nnlirtQ xv. nn..iMo nur..iif, . ,, . of authority by the Bar Associations can entirely prevent the packing of juries, hut these associations might make that line of practice more dangerous than it is now. The state department at Washing ton lias received information to the effect that by the protocol of the foreign powers in China, Hour will be placed on the free list. Since it was announced some time ago that a duty of 5 per cent miyht be placed on this important export of the Pacific coast, commercial bodies and private citizens have urged the 1'mted States government to use every effort to induce other governments to allow flour to remain on the free list, and evidently the arguments, presented have been convincing. Free entrance of American flour into China will mean a great deal to the coast. It 1 a commodity that has only recently found a sale in the orient, but the Chinese have taken kindly to it and it is lively to become an article of daily consumption, it would have been a mistake to have hampered the trade by tarit) duties just at a time when It is getting a foothold. The growth of the floui exports to China during the past few years shows that the more accustomed the Chinese he come to its use the larger will be the quantity demanded by them: With f re j entrance for several years it will become one of the common neces saries, and that means that the amount of Hour required for a nation of 00, 000,000 will be enoimoua. it is certain thai the Paoifio coast will supply B good par-, ol the Hour needed; in lact. student- of trade on the other tide ol the Pacific have said that the time w cum. when tlie orient will take in the iuap ol Hour all of the wheat raised here. It if easy to see, therefore, ho im portant it is at this time to encourage Hour exportation. In cases of MUftl or croup giyg t little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest easy and have no fear. The child Tracers id York, OhlcS, will be all right in a little while. It t. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore never fails. Pleasant to lake, always ?(J"' Seattle Wash., and various points afegure and almost instantaneous in a- , n i j v i, ,, ,,, efiect. Clarke & talk e P. O. Pharmacy. I it. Tin.: vVe offer one hundred dollars reward for any ease Of Catarrh that can not Ije cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure F, J.Ciibni a Co. Props., Toledo, Oi We. the undersigned, hnve known F. J. Cheney for the last 6 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In alibusi-, nMa transaction! end financially able to carry OUI any obligations made by their nri,i- West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists. To ledo, O., Welding, Klnnan a Marvin, Wnoleale Druggist. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, noting directly upon the blood and mucoue surfaces of the system. F. J. Chknky A Co.. Props., Toiedo 0. Sold by drruggists, price 7Hc. Hill's Family Pills are the best. 13 a lie Wm Tortured. 'I suffered SUCh pain from corn? I eonld hardly alk,' writes H. Kobinson, Hillsborough, Ills. ."bat Buckleo'f Arni- . , , ... ca salve completely cured them. .Ws ,,ke mVM Qn ,pMn, Mf( tores scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. I'er- feet healer of skin diseases and pi les Cure guaranteed by G. C. Biskeley, the druggist. 2oc. tirsi.Nfegs LOcaLs. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your a' n:er for them. R. B. Gllbreth iV Sons will keen at all il supply of hay, grain and teed which thev Will retail at the Ijwest market rates. i2B-tf Tne White Collar line. Bailey Gatzert, will sell through roand-trip tickets to Seaside and return. Tickets good going from Portland over the White Collar line. 0. K. N. Co.. V. T. Co. or the A. kv C, K R . and return over same lines. Baggage checked direct to either North Beach, iseaview, Long Beach. Breakers. Ocean T '.irk or Xancotta. Limit of ticket September K u. J, M. Filloon, agent. Bstti to PanAmsriesn Bspomion, Round-trip via O. R. fe N. from -r, , ,, iQ1 m . . . , Tne Dalles, t8L90, Tickets on sale tirst and Mri Tuesdays during June, July, August, September and October.good for continuous passage going on date of sale, lL'turn limit thirty days from date of Sllle- Stop-overs will be allowed west of .,, u, 1( , Jlissoun river or St. Paul on return trip ; wuhin limit of ticket. Arrangements can be made bv apulv-i " . . v, ing to agent U. K. x Co., The Dalles, Whereby tickets will be honored on lake steamers in one or both directions be tween Detroit and IUifTalo. tf Jambs Ibeland, Agent Subscribe for Las GHRONICLK. riubscribe for Tut Ciiko.niclk. 9 9 9 Take them to day and you'll be well to-morrow. Baldwin's Cold Cure Tablet No2JB (cold in head ) NoCureNoPdy?5c &nd for Trt &mpi nd Medicil Manuel baliwm 6tn fltuitc 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 9 9 Sold bl Ci.rk' A l itlk, The lulle-, Or. Dryins nreparutioiui limply dc.vei op dry oatarru j they dry up tho iccretious, wbiob idbtve to the tnernbrane and decom pose, c.i i-m' nfar iiioru lerioustn atblethM the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry lag iuhalauta. fumes. smokeB and gaUBa and age that which 'ivauaea, soothes aud heals. Ely's Cream Balffi is such u remedy and will euro eatarrb or cold in the head and piea.-tamiy. a tn.d sic win be ' ailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 00. SU( hly iirotiier-;. ..t, Warren Si. . . i ui lialin cur g vithoat iaiu, does not irrn.ito or oanse ueeaing. 1;. sir,-ad- itself over an irritated and nngrj gwrftoo, relloT iua immediately th, painful intlaounation. With I 1) Cream Bain you aro aruicd against Nas.U Catarrh and Bay Fever. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Trausact a Genera'. Banking Busiuess. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Soui.t D v..l. ...... . J rp..i Li. '7'"" ! WMningtOB. ( "Hections made at a points on lav orable terms. The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd at Nolan' Profit-Sharing Association are 1 sot Dickens, 15 vols., publisher's price $22.50; 1 set Knight's History ol England, 8 vols., publisher's price 12; l vol. i.alh-ry of Bible Pictures, illustrated by Pore; 1 copy Thirty Years of Labor, by T. . Powderly; a $3 rebate to person paying the most cash during four weeks end ing Aug 3d, and a $2 rebate to person paying in second largest amount of cash during same period. Prompt delivery of all goods ordered by telephone. Seu fert & Condon phone No. 92. Give me a trial. M. T. NOLAN. White Collar line. MjNto PA Tne DaiiBS-Portiana Route Str. BAILEY -GrATZERT, DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, UaSCUCie i,OCKS, tiOOU WVCr, White Salmon atid The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave 1'ortland 7 A. II. Arrive The Dalles 3 P. It. Leave " " 4 " Arrive Portland 10 " Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. This Route ha the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. -TAHOMA." Daily Rountl Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Porthmd 7 a.m. Leave Astoria 7 p. M. . ... , , ... Landing and office Foot ol Alder Street : both utiones M ,51 Portland Oregon E. W. ORIOHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Ant. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. Clark's Cruise of the Celtic, LARGEST KTEAMMIH IN TIIK WORLD, Feb. 8th to April 22d, 1902. The megniOoenl wiutc star twin.Mieweteam er "Celtic." (20,000 ton) pecialiv chartered for thi-occasion, and tor 7 1 day k subject P'theor-j ilers of the director ol the party. To the Mediterranean ami the orient, occupying 74 day. Spending Is days in Egypt and Palestine, hotel '' accommodations Included. VUltlng MaillerM, tiicraltar. North Af rica, Malta, Rgypt, th" Holy I. ami, Turkey . UrMe, Italy , the Klvlera. KiiKlancI ami Ireland. Wit! attractive (optional) side trips across K i rope. Ticket good to top over in Europe on -eward voyage and to return by the White gtai iteaner Oceanic. MaJeaUc, Teutonic, tie. i I 01 of Trl, hrtt-.'laaa, from ..-v York back t,, New V,,rK. AOO am) upwards, according to statero irr. accornn:o dadon: including ihoro exeuniont, ho tel, fees, guide, drive- and all neci ssary espeueM. Ipnltl reaturoo Madeira. Malta. Is. lav- In Egypt and the Holy Laud, Constantinople,! Athens. Bone, the Riviera, etc. Under the management ol Frank c. Clark, of : .' York, l alro, etc. 1 r further particular- address HUDSON A KltoUMlli.i., Washington .street, The iJ.illes. Or. ii Intereued. tend for illustrate! program, J John Pashek, The Tailor. Ha- just received L000 samples oi the latent patttrni iii Oent'i Clothing ioods. He guaran tees priceN and a good lit or no pay. John Pasliel; . The Tailor. Tfie BBLDW1H RESTHURHNT - W. WILSON, Maiiauer. First-Class 19 Euery iespqot. n?als at 111 flours. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED, rm . 1 1 1 j llie tali e alwun h uil i ,.. best in the market :" . IT . . ' 71 Front 8t., near Court, The Dalles You will uot have boils if you take ' Clarke A Fulk's sure cure lot bolls. i Yellowstone Park Line. ' THK DINING CAM ROUTK PROM PORTLAND TO THK KAST. THK ONLY DIRECT LINK TO THK YELLOW BIONE PARK Union Depot. Filth and I St! abbivi. Nu. Fast mull for Tacoma, No. Seattle. Olvmola, Gray's Harboi ami South Head point!-, Spokane. Ross land, II. ('.. l'ullman, Moscow, Ijenistou, Buf- 11:15 A. M. faloHump mining conn- 5;!o r. M. try, Helena, Minneapo lis, St. Paul, Omaha. Kansas ( ily, St. Louis, Chios (0 and all points No. I. east and southeast. No. 3. Kueet Sound Kxpress 11:30 1'. M. for Tacoma and Seattle 7:00 A. M. and intermediate points l'ullman tirst class and tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points Vestibuled trains. Union depot connections In all Tirim-ina pities. Baggage Obeoked t. destination of tickets. For handsomely Illustrated desci Ipttveinstter, 1 tickets. Sleeping-car reservations, etc. 1 write call on or I A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Ueneral 1'assenzer Auent, 265 Morri son Street. comer Third, Portland Oregon. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM September 23-28, 1901 r4-TPn A O'ripnlf nrcil liglitUiLUiai and Industrial Fair. Good RACING in the Afternoons. Latest Attractions in New Auditorium . ,71, Building Kvery Evening, with (.iootl Music. Heautiful Camp Grounds Free. Special ll.ites nn (.'ampers' Tickets. Come and Urine, onr Families. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS For further particulars, address U. D. WISDOM, Sec, lauKlm Portland. Ortgon. Just "What You uiant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be- J twiv Kikvvu ii cuisti riui R. UCitl IIJllLgi" tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices, Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, vours .. ., juuin ior a small price, at our store on T or. street. Also a full line of bouse paints D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Clarke & Falk have on sale a fall line ot Piot 80(1 artist's brushes. if 4? X Tne Columbia Pack inp Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANnFAOTtTKERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages ! Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JBIKD BEEF. ETC. MM Restaurant L. V. HONG, Proprietor, First-Class in Every Respect.6" HEALS AT A I.I HOCKS. Oysters Served in any Style. st Second St., Th( Dalles. Or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food aud aido Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or-! i Bans. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. So other preparation can approach It in efllciency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Ga9tralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion Price 50c. ami Sl. Lan?e size contains 2K time tmes small site. Book nil about dyspepsiamiiileUtree ''repared by E R. DcVITT 6 CO.. Crjleaga Sold by Clarke AKalk'n P.O. l'liarniacy. Just Received A full line of Freeb Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, Velox UU(1 Arieto in all sizes. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Alliums, Multigraphs, And all accessories to complete the outfit ol either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Our Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Uath is a dandy. Trv it. The A. E. C. Dave! oner for nlaies films or developing papers has no eijiisl. Enough for 86c to developeGdocen plates or ti dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks and white- are guaranteed , if directions are followed. Ask for the A. E. C. De velopei , and see that you get the genuine. We are prepared to compound any aud ! all of your own formahc aiol guarantee satisfaction. At the old place The liallts-, I Iregon. 17.5 Second Street, Geo. C. Blakeley. L. Lane, GENERAL Wagon and Carriage Work. Flgh Brothers' Wagon. f.M and Jeffeon. Phone 159 BlacKsmitii loisiioer Oregon Shot Line Union Pacific AMD IiKVAKT TOR TIMK SOHKDt.I.KS FROM THE DALLES, ahhivk FR'IH Chtca go Portland Special. 12:38 p. m. via Hunt lngtnii. Atlantic Express, 12:60 a. m, via Hunt itigton. at. Pan) Fast Mall, 9:ir p. m. Via Spo kane. Salt lAkc, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha. Kac sanClty.Ht.lxiulg, Chi cago and the East. l :U p. m. Salt Ijike, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sasCitftSl. Louts. Uhl cago and the East. t:l-"ifl. m. Walla Walla, LewtstOnJ Mpokane, Wallace, 1'u 11 man, Minneapolis, Ht Paul, Duluth, Mllwnu kee, Chicago and East 'to a m, OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From 1'ortlHiHl. (All sailing dates sub ject? to change ) For San Francisco, Sail every ,r days. h;0t p. Dl, 4:00 p, m Daily except sundnv. :00 p. m, Saturday, 10:00 p. in, Daily except Sunday, ',:0i D. 111. Columbia Hirer. To Astoria and Way Landings. 1:00 p. m except Bunday, lllamette River. Oregon City, Newberg, isiilem. Independence, and Way-Landings, 4:30 p. m. except Bunday, Tuesday, Thursday, 4:80 p, m. Monday. Wednesday r riclay. CorvalllS and Way Landings ttuniay. m. Tuesday, Ttaursda) . Baturdaj . 7. IK' a. DJ, 1 1 itiin.'n unci 8:80 p. ni, Vmiiiiiii Kivora. Monday, Oregon CItJ . Davton and Wednesuny Wuy-1 andinrs. Friday. i Leave ; Itiparia : dally, I 8:40a. m. Hnakt- ltlvt'r. Itiparia to l.eiviston Leave Lewiston daily. .- ;li s. Bl, Partiee .leMrlnft to po to Heppner or points on Columbia Koiithern via HIrrs, should take No, -'. Leaving The DhIIc at 3:28 p. m. direct oonncotioni at Heppner junction unci KiKKs. Kctiirnlnix niakiiiKtlirt'etcoimectioii at HeppuerlunotloQ and IUkkk with v., 1. ar riving at The Dalles at i;0t) p. m, Koi further partloulart, call on or addreu JA.s. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon Complete Lipe of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. 50 YliARS' EXPERIENCE ggggggggsr . TRADE WIARriS JESIQNS COPVRIGHTS A nvone s.-mlli...- skeu Ii ami description run julekljr rwosrtaln our opinion me whalber ; Invarmon li probauly patentable. ' piunio UoiMitrletli i Bdenluil. Hanaooolioir I'atentl sent free. Cfldoil asenoy for securing paWi I'n.-i.ti! lukeu tlir.miili Munu & Co. receiv tpecial aotfet, wiiiiiii. clnirue, in lb. Scientific jftnericati. A hamlsi niely llliintnited weoklv. Largest Jr' wilal "f any iPiontlOo lournal. Terms, sas V'-ir: 1 -ur in,,fiih. L s.,tii iivull iihwmIim ' rs MUNN & Co.3a New York THiiel' Onioi J. ti. HCHBNCK, President. Max a 0OT. Fifst National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business iransactnl Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Might and Telegraphic Exchange sold eg New York, Ban Francisco anc Port land. D. P. Thompson. Jho. S. iOisWs Eo. M. Williams, Gao. A. Li"- U. M. BgALL.