The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 17, 1901, Image 3

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    the Dalles My Ciwrnicte.
ACo. 17, 1901
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's
... -.., County warrant reentered
17, ikhk, win ne pain
t October
r it i. wi at my nmce
ZJ after u...ti3, 1M1.
County Treasurer.
Prof. Homer de Morrison, the cele-
the I
palmist and occultist, is at
House, 'or one week
A lubecriber of The
Chronicle asks
what's the matter with the ordinances
prohibiting riding bicycles at night
without a light and riding on the side
walks at any time.
The Long Hollow school district, So.
gO Will open the fall term on September
;iOth with Miss Doia Nielson, of The
Duller teacher. A term of four months
u-Ml he tausht. Dispatch.
, , , i mmm
Early crawford peaches are r.pening i
fast now and some beauties are brought
into market. Tn-re will be a good crop i
Of this variety this year, Dry Hollow
promising better than Mill Creek.
Rev. Barton, the evangelist, failing
to arrive, there will be no services in
the Christian church tomorrow as an
nounced. It is now uncertain as to
when Mr. Burton can reach the city.
In the neighborhood of 1300 people
ieft Portland yesterday morning for the
Elks carnival at Tncouia. While the
Elks of this c.'.ty sent no delegation, The I
Halle? had a small
representation on
hoard the train. '
The Brown Driscoll Symphony Or
OuMtra will furnish music 09 board the
Bsiie iair.-.rt and while at the dock
the;. wi I be pleased to have the citizens
of The Dallea and vicinitv viBit the boat
anil eoioy the music tomorrow.
At the iii'inest held over the body of
Viotoi IV'crson yesterday In Portland
no eigne of fonl play were discovered.
The physician wbo examined the body
giving his opinion that the bruises on
the body were made after death.
There are six prisoners in the county
jail, two are held to the grand jury or
ilistrict attorney lor crimes committed
in this county, and two U. S. prisoners,
one sentenced to six months' imprison
ment and 1 100 fine for selling liquor to
Indians, and the other 00 days and $100
fine for a similar offense. Both were
sentenced by Judge Bellinger of the
United Btatei District Court.
A dibpatch from Stevenson to the
Oragonian 8ave that there are Beveral
cases ol smallpox at Cascade Locks, and
that do precaution is being taken to i
prevent its spreading. Although it ie of
a mild type, Cascades should bestir
lierseli and take some measure to get i
rid of it, If the little town cares nothing
or uer own residents, we do tor our
people wbo are camping there.
Another delegation of campers left
thie morning for Colline, which has be
come the famous camping place along
the river, and the springs a very formid
able rivui of St. Martin's. The water is
said to be the same as at the latter re
sort, and the company who have leaBed
Collins imve put in improvements that
make it a very desirable place for in
valids, as well as those who go for an
oitiug. -"J
This morning Rev. D. V. Poling re
ceived a telephone message informing
him of the death of a very intimate
'"end, Louie I.ove. whn dirl tit Hit. 1 1 1 1 1 i t-
of his
mother in Portland veaterdav.
Mr. Puling will leave on the earlv morn-
"K train ior that city to conduct the
funeral services, which will take place
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. As
Wow mentioned there will be no ser
vices tomorrow at the Congregational
efeurch m this citv.
Wi have heen iniormed Beveral times
today that our forecast of last evening
'ld to materialise, that neither the
bust nor snow showed up. Well, we are
"t to blame; all we can do is to
"fder weather and if it fails to appear
Wre not mud. further off than some of
OB weather observers. However, toov
Mil te!l you what the Portland observer
I that is fair ior today aud tomorrow.
Onr part we'll order athunder storm.
l"6 niuxiiiium
Ileaeing drop.
today wae So, quite a
The fu
Owini rnpsinoH . ; it
tbere''ltof the examination held Aua nd "CU4,d ov lh People who were
Utb, MIL I. ,. 'e d ,8' , near. Those who witnessed their strug
Klva I 8t trade ; glee in the mighty waters were almost
J- I inith, J. M. O'Brien, Minnie certain that thev would be drowued.and
"MaaJU, Cora L. Copple, Ida Bell .Wre unable to txtend help. Judge
Award H. Hiu.u, A j Bcott received eeveral bruieea on hie
Hartwig: second tirade.
A"ce M rwZ J? 1 ' 1'
Jlo.hla A...... .1 M,.
I . l uiiirui 13 , Alton.
Bridges, Ruth M. Dutton, D. G,
Onnnell, Grace Camber, Ola Norman ;
third (trade, l.xie Strahan. Ortha
Waters, Maggie Kelly. Vernon W.Cooke.
Arvilla Poor received a second grade
standing, bnt M nnder 18 year of age
and conld not receive a certificate for
that grade nnder our statute.
Like the reet of common ordinary
mortals newspapers are far from infal
lible, a fact that is brought to onr at
tention probably oitener than to any
other class of people. Our latest error
was one of yesterday where we stated
that the close season for grouse lasted
until October 1st, whereas we should
uave iiacei me nate at August 1st. We
make this correction that onr game war
den! who is endeavoring to do his duty
in the matter may be exempt fmm anv
blame which might attach to him from
a mistake in dates. He informs us there
has been no violation of the law that he
is aware of,
A gentleman arrived in The Dalles
some days since looking for 500 men to
work on the Vanconver-Yakima road.
We hardly think he succeeded in cutting
them here, as calls from all eides have
been made ere this. Any man wi.o
wants to work nowadays can do so, and
Bt good wages too. In the neighbor
hood of a thousand men are now em
ployed by the O. R. & N. Company
straightening the road between this
place and Rowena. It is a busy scene
down the line and The Dalles merchants
are reaping benelit therebv. as supplies
are constamIv being nauipd f,.otnPfthie
C!ty to the various camps.
After explaining, warning, entreating
.nd .-.Mtanln.
irrigating out of hours, Supt. Crossen
concludes that this is the limit of the
season when patience is a virtue, and
from now on the most stringent mea
sures will be adopted to protect the
water supply of the city, and in thus do
ing protect the city against fires. This
is no joke either and from this time
forth rich and poor, learned and un-
learned, saint for some of the offenders
claim to be) and sinner ail will be dealt
with alike and the slightest deviation
from the rule will be subject to a fine of
$1, water to be turned off until fine ie
paid. 'Tis Btrange that citizens, who
are perfectly honorable in every other
regard, seem tc think this an exception
to the rule and proceed to "steal'" like
any common horse thief. This is not a
question wherein Mr. Crossen is con
cerned for his personal benefit ; but the
city's welfare ie concerned, and con
sumers should look at it from that point
of view.
The Carnival and Fair
Contrary to the usual order of thinge
a lare number of subscribers to the
carnival fund were present at the club
rooms last night and the question of
carnival and fair waB thoroughly die
cussed. It is to be a double header this
time, the carnival and street fair and
district fair being held at the same time.
The first thing done at the meeting
was to authorize the executive commit-
1 tee composed of E. C. Pease, L. E.
j Crowe, Ed M. Williams, H. J. Maier, J.
I I ' 1 Tnuturt ltr Phaa TV1 tnhal hanh nnH A
S. Fish, to proceed with the carnival.
Officers previously elected are : Pres
ident, E. C. Pease; vice-president, H. J.
Maier; treasurer, J. C. Hosteller ; sec
retary, J. 8. Fiibj assistant secretary,
N. H. Gates. General superintendent
of the carnival and street fair, C. J.
Crandall ; president of fair, Robert Maye ;
vice-president, E.G. Pease; secretary,
W.W. Williams ; treasurer, J. S. Fish.
The name of the affair ie enough to
kill it, but with such men mentioned as
prime movers, it will, on the contrary,
flourish aud be a splendid success. It is
to be called The Da) 11 Carnival and
Second Eastern Oregon District Agri
cultural Society. The district fair will
convene from October 1st to5th inclusive
and the cat nival and street fair from
Sept. wist to Oct. 5th.
The committee is already in corres
pondence with various attractions with
a view to securing them.
a Marrow i"
The Yaquiua Bay News hae the fol
lowing concerning the narrow escape of
a young lady well known in The Dalles,
Mies Ethel Nottingham having attended
school here last winter !
Sunday afternoon County Judge John
Hi Scott of Salem, and Miss Nottingham
of Portland, strolled up the heach from
Nye Creek, and reeted on the rocks at
Jump Off-Joe, They reBted almoet too
long, and were so busily engaged in ad
miring the murmuring sea waves that
they tailed to notice the onrush of the
roaring and restless incoming tide.
Wueu the rock was almost covered they
awoke from their reverie and attempted
to make their eecape.' The maddening
waters swept them down aud for eeveral
minutes thev were tossed about by the
j waves aud dashed against the rocks aud
crags and were almost drowned, when at
last thev were thrown HOOD the beach
neck and head, but wa. able to walk
back to the hotel. 109 young iaay es-
jcaped uuinjured, but badly frightened.
that, Sketch or the I.lveo or Mr. anil
la S. Sargent.
In 1S3S, a young man of '2'i years, ac
companied by hie wife of JS, came by
the tedious proceeeee then available,
from the Empire state to make their
home in the then little known territory
of Wisconsin. They located on a tract
of land about 10 miles oast of the mining
village of Mineral Point, and together
bravely began the work of making the
wilderness to bloom, theirs being one of
but three habitations in a etretch of ten
miles of prairie and wood, the others
being thoee of .loeeph Cribble and John
The young man taught school some
during ttie wintere, and faithfully they
both labored for fourteen years, bravely
meeting the trials and hardships of pio
neer lite. At the end of that time, owing
to low prices for their farm products,
they found themselves but little better
off than when they came here, and de
cided to try some other field. Accord
ingly, in the spring of 1S62, Ciey eold
their holdings here, and started over
land for the distant territory of Oregon.
There they renewed the work of a pio
neer life, undaunted by past experieneee,
and it is a pleasure to know that their
pluck, perseverence and industry were
not unrewarded. Prosperity crowned
their efforts, and In a few years they had
secured a competence, and with health
unimpaired, have since enjoyed the
fruits of their enterprise, living com
fortably and leisurely at the pleasant
little city of The Dalles, Oregon, on the
banks of the majestic Columbia river.
Since retiring from activity they have
treveled considerably ; visited the
World's fair at Chicago in 1S93; the ex
position at Omaha later, and their native
etate, New York. This year, when they
are tespectively So and 84 years of age,
this remarkable couple have again made
the trip across the continent, spent two
weeks at the Pan-American exposition
in Buffalo, and visited at other placee,
including a brief visit at Mineral Point
and a trip in a buggy from here to their
old farm and the village of Hollandale
and return in one day.
Now, who are they? Why none other
than Mr. and Mrs. Isaac N. Sargent.
They found but few remaining of the
friends and acquaintances they left here
39 years ago. Of the favored few they
met were Mrs. William Robinson, of
Hollandale, Mre. Joseph Gribble and
Mies Mary Riley, of Waldwick ; MrB. P.
E. Phillips: Mr. Samuel Jenkin, and
Mr. and Mre. W. H. Bennett, of this
city. Mrs. Sargent is an aunt to Mrs.
Isaac Stephenson, of Marinette, and be
fore coming here they had spent two
weeks at the borne of their millionaire
relative. From here they went to visit
friends at Waukesha. They will return
home by way of San Francisco. The re
markable mental and physical vieor of
this aged couple is a wonder and joy to
all their friends. Tribune, Mineral
Point, Wis.
There will be no services in the Con
gregational church tomorrow.
St. Paul's Episcopal chinch Rev. C.
H. Lake, rector. Morning service at
11a.m. Evening service at 7 :30. Sun
day Bchool, 12:15. All are invited.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B.
Clifton, pastor. Regular service at 11
in the morning in the new chuich
on Union street. Sunday school at 10
a. m. ; B. Y. P. U. at 7 p, m.
Methodist Episcopal church - Corner
Fifth and Washington, liev. Clyssea
F, Hawk pastor. Services at 11a. m.
and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Class meeting at 12 :15 : Epworth League
at 7 p. m. Regultsr services roaming
and evening.
United Brethren church Services to
morrow as follows: Preaching 11 a. m.
aud g p. m. ; Sunday school 10 a. in., A.
M. V. P. C. N. at 7 p. in. We wil! give
you a warm welcome aud try to do you
good in each Bervice. The church is
about two blocks east of the head of the
new brewery grade. L. Ilarter, paetor-
For intauts and Cuiidren.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
&Ku&ture of
Don't be satisfied with temporary re
lief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure permanently and completely re
moves this complaint. It relieves per
madbntlv because it allows the tired
stomach perfect reet. Dieting won't
rest the stomach. Nature receives sup
plies from the food we eat. The sensible
way to help the stomach is to use Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure, which digests what you
eat and can't help but do you good.
Clarke Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy.
Gifford's Fotos Never Fade.
It W.Staats is in from Dnfitr.
O. B. Frishee ie over from Trout Lake.
Mre. L. Sullivan ie In the citv from
Portland, the Kiiest of Mrs. J. B. Cms
sen. Rev. V . F. Hawk came up from
, Collins Lauding Ml the Regulator this
j morning.
Mies SalinA Phirman left this morn-
ing for the Phirman camp in the Mt.
Hood district.
Hugh Glenn went dow n on the early
, morning train bound for the Glenn col
' tage at Seaview, Ling Beach.
W. 0 Hadley came down from Moio
I yesterday and if ft this morning to j on
j the campers at Colline Landing.
Among the visitors in the city today
are Robert G. Robinson, iortfe Terry
and Nathaniel Scott, of I. one Hock.
Miss Bottemiller, a trained nurse.
; from Portland, came up on yesterday s
j boat to accept a position in The Dalle-;
i Miee Virginia Marden left on the Reg
olator yesterdav afternoon to join the
family of E. L. Smith, who are camping
i at Collins.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Laughlin and
j family returned home last night after
some time spent in their cottage at
, Sheiburne, Long Beach.
Miss Millie A. Byiiam, of Indiana, ar
rived in the city yesterday and left this
1 morning for Dufur, Where she will visit j
her uncle, Hev. W. C. Smith.
Mre. J. A. McArthur, who has spent
the paft week with friends on Wind;
: river, four miles back from Carson, '
- Wash., returned home last night.
I Mre. S. N. Wilkins, who has remained
j in The Dalles with her father, J. W. j
I Moore, since the death of her mother,
! left on the Gat.ert yesterday afternoon, )
j on her way to her home ot Corvallis.
Mrs. J. M.Smith and daughter ar
rived yesterdav to spend a short time
1 with her husband who is manager of the
work on the O. R. A N. road below the
j city.
T. P. Crum, who has spent the past
'six months abont three miles south of
Hood River, in the hone of benefiting
his health, has returned to this city i
much improved.
J Miee Edith Cox, of London, England,
j who hae been visiting her cousin, Mrs. I
J. M. Russell, left yesterday afternoon
for Portland, and will leave soon for her j
; England home. Mrs. Rneeell accom-
panied her as far as Portland.
A. S. MacAllie'.er, who spent the past
month i t his sheep ranch at Twicken
ham, Wheeler county, returned home
Thursday. Mr. MacAlleter saye the heat
hae been intense out in that section and
the trip home wae a "warm one."
Rates tit rail-American Kiinmtlnn.
Round-trip rates via O. R. & N. from
I The Dalles, f81.(K). Tickets on sale firet
'and third Tuesdays during June, ,lul ,
August, September and October.good for
continuous passage going on date of sale.
; R 'turn limit thirty days from date of
: sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of
Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip
; within limit of ticket.
Arrangements can be made by apply
ing to agent O. R. & N. Co., The Dalles,
' whereby tickets will be honored on lake
steamers in one or both directions be
tween Detroit and BufTalo.
tf Jamek Ibkland, Agent
Notloa to Taxayrii.
The board of equalization for Wasco
'county, Or., will meet and be in session
; at the court house of said county Irom
i Monday, August 26th until Saturday,
I August 31st, 1W)1 , both days inclusive,
and will attend to any and all matters !
which may come before such board for)
The Dalles, Wasco Co., Or., August j
1 8, 1801.
0. Sot mi in ,
aM-d&wtf Assessor, Wasco Co., Or.
Why not spend the vacation at Ya
quina hay, where can he had excellent
1 fare, good tishing, good boating, safe
bathing, alluring rides and rambles.
The courses and exerciBes at the summer
school of 1901 at Newport will alford
great variety of instructions, diversion
and entertainment. No other resort
offers equal attractions and like advan
tages, junll-tf
When your ban appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life aud vigor. We have what
the hair needs when it gets In that con
dition. We: have the Crown of
Science Hair dffijfjjV irower a n d
Cocoaniit 'rciwnfisjBr 'Join. . 'I I, i
will cure dand VmmM ruff and all
scalp diseases. For sale at Krazer's hitr
her shop. Price 5Uc and 7oc a bottle.
Notice ie hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore ex'iHting between
Maximilian ogt aud PbilppTne Chap
man, under the firm name and style of
Max Vogl it Co., ie this day dissolved
by mutual consent. Maximilian Vogl
will continue the hueiness ol said formei
Br IB i and will receive and receipt for all
moneys due said firm and pay all debts
contracted bv said firm.
Dated at The Dtlies, Oregon, this 17th
day of .July, 1901
Maximilian VoQTi
IjySO'SV PfUMPHNB Ciiai'Ma.v.
lluu'l Kub It In,
Just wet the affected part freely witli
Mysterious Pain Cure, a K.;otch remedy,
aud the pain ia gone. Sold by Clai ke v
Floral lotion will core wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke
,4 Falk.
.The New York Cash Store.
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Special in
Sec our Show Window.
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh t
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of tli city.
RUBBER and Barden Hose.
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers.
f you art; in need of anything in our line, figure with
us. for it will pay you.
We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will luivo
prompt attention.
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springa and Blacksmith Supplies
Aaeol ior uicirii .v (!o,'i Knatnesi Thresbars end Bew Mills.
Telephone iV.
LOOK Distance li)7:i.
Cor. Second
M-ui.i tuiifc iieealvetf.
Si-.iii-il bids Mill bu received by l)r.
Siddall op to 1. noon the loth iuit,, for
the erection of four dwellings on the
corner of Fourth and Federal itreeta,
Dallea City. I'ians and ipeclfloatlODI
can lie heen at the oflic-j o( The Dallea
Laundry Co. Reserving the r ik Jit to re
ject each or all bids. aul'J-lo
HwUMe I"
Klahl loom modern duelling hOQIt
healed hv furnace ; good si.eil lot with
Hlable adjoining ; located in a deairahle
part of the city. No troul.le to rent
rooms enough to pay house rent. Call
on or address Jludnoii A llrownhill. The
Dallea. aogetyd
It (ill. Una I In- OlttM.
Tlie fame of Hucklen's Arnica Salve,
an the best in tint world, extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect healer ol
Cuts, Corns, Burns, bruises, Mures,
Scalds, boils, Ulcers. Kelons, Aches,
JJaius ami all Skin Kruptions. Only in
fallible Pile MM. 96a a box at (, 0.
li'akeley's, drug store. 1
ill. I.N
& UflfUl Sts, THE DALLES OR.
j Mrs. S. H. All (irt , JohnatOVOi J'a.,
MX' "Our little girl almoet i-tranled
j 14 death With Croup. The doctors naid
abo couldn't lire bnt she wan ii -i i iii Iv
relieved hv Omi Minute OoBgh Cure.
Olarke A Kalk'n i'. O. J'liaruiacy.
Janiai White, Dryantavile( Ind., aya
PeWitt'l Witch Hm Salve healed
' running sores on both levrs. lie hail
Buffered 6 years. Doctors failed to help
hilll. (let DeWitl's. Accept no imita
tions. Clarke iV. Kalk'a I'. O. I'harmacy.
Clark ,v Kalk are never cloned Sunday,
Urn 'l. foNM this.
i Undertaker and Embalmer
j Cor. Third and Washington 8ta.
AH orders attended to promptly.
distance phone 433. Local, 102.