KnockOut Drops " I nm it salOOtl'ki per, and Used to think that rock and rye or wli.-kiy and quinine 1 unit i old. Most of n.y si quaint III been a h oi the j rtatiu p ! i on. '-" . v. . V N Bi Minn:; Ingatleast J" a thousand times lx?itor Ii fa Acker's Bug lis t. Remedy tot Couch- U!i(l Colds. A goodwhili agi I began it . ana tuunit out tin thai T,i-k und rye wii i good. I sot worse and i was beginning to think that tin trott Mi would run into consumption I didi I tain any stock In patent medicines but mmehoa or other I tried Acker's English Remedy. One bottle did the bustncM for n knocked that couch out completely and , lias never come back again. Tin re fa never a day passes thai I don't say a good word about this wonderful medicine. 1 al most forgoi to say thai 1 tm stronger and fleshier now, since taking the remedy, than 1 was before the cough began, 1 write thfa lettei voluntarily and cheerfully and am glad to do it.' (Signed) Ckbi.-. Hvmble, -a ; .keeper, Fooatello, Idaho. Bold at SBcflOc . ami a lxittie. throughout tin United States and Canada ; and in Eng land at is. 2d.. tis. 8d.,4s.tid. If youarenot satisfied alter bf.yii, return the bottle to your druggist, ami gel your money back. If. aut.'inri-.' rV ohm a ant ft. K. u. BOOKEB a i. a. i-r.j. Mm Vm leak. For sale at Rlakeley's Pharmacy, HOUSEHOLD SUGGESTIONS. Odd lifiii of I ai 'ul Doaetlr Infnr IllBtlnn for rlif- RfSMJ M.mne- i f r . Beeswax, broken in pieces and pip Within the fun!- of white woolen und white silks laid away, wHlover come an tendency toward yellow ness, say the Brooklyn Eagle. An experimenting houaewifi? ha discovered thai grape juice imparts a delicious flavor to ice cream. Small decorative ooxes. for the work or dressing table are now di vided inside a a rack, into Which are lipped in an upstanding row either cards wound with baby ribbon in variegated tints or fancy winders in cut cardboard, bone or ivory, tilled with sewing silk- of different color Ti is makes it easy to burriedlj single out. when dressing, the shade re quired for replacing, say. th drawn ribbon suddenly broket i slipped off from a fushionable slip bodice, or the silk needed for a bastj stitch or Shaded embroidery. These dainty and useful receptacles art frequently evolved from bonbon boxes, und are oovered with figured silk or art net., in whit" or gat tints and de "rat. il with a -pray oi forget-me-not or a cluster of violet - and panales. A cupful of cold boiled rice added to :int breakfast muffin mixture or pancake batter add a very agree able 'ouch of variety. Si. in. new dessert dishes in frosted -ii-..--- an it. the form of large wide oueued daisies, tin- flower forming the dish, th stem the, foot. Before using sponge neat it ami Shake il well, 'hen let it remain in cold water all night, next day rinse 1' through two or three fresh water to remove all -ami and dust it it beennu ' tug. oak in warm water witl ammo nia in it. a teospooi ful of liquid am monia to a pint of water lieing the right proportloi i !" It lie in this an hour, then rinse flrsi in warm, tbei it in i rreiit o air to dry, uppngi should always l -ft where it will iin thoroughly. BfatftMi LO0AX.B. Clarke A Falk's Qavorine extract- are the best. Ask JTO0 x-er for them. K. B. liilbreth .v. oii" il keep at all times a supply of hay. grain and leed which thev will reta.i at the i.-west market rates. J26tl Wanted A small Family t" occupy the home and keep hoQW for an u;ed widower, Liberal ttrini ian ) had. Apply at this otlice. y22lfln The Collin? hot springs are now open. No bote I, but the tinest ol camping grounds. Booting A Bos ford, moo aers. Coliins. Wash. ensS-lflfl Why pay f-i.To net gallon (or inferior paints when vou can boy James E. Pat ton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 6 years. Clark A Kalk, agents. ml In cases of CO Ugh or croup (ivs the littie one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest ea.jy end have IK' fear. The child wi.i be ail right in a little while. It never fans. Pleasant to take a ways safe ;ure and almost instantaneous in affect. Clarke a Falk e )'. 0. Pharmacy. Just received at Qllbretb tV Son's lumber yard, a few carloads of No. 1 cedar posts and A ' Shingles, They are agents for Heath ti Miliigan'i cele brated shingle paint. Call on them ; their (rices are all right. Wood not Homed is better by 50c a cord than wood that is. jylO Tne White Collar line. Baiiey Gatzert, will sell through roand-trip tickets to Seas de and return. Tickets good going from Portland over the White Collar line. 0. K. .v N. Co.. V. T. Co. or t tie A. A C. R. R.( and return over same lines. Baggage checked direr', to either North Beach, Seaview, Long Beach. Breakers, Ocean Park or Nabcotta. I. in, it of ticket September 15th. J. M. Filloon, agerii. Bon s Tut We or!er one hundred dollars reward tor anv case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall e Catarrh C ore. F. J. Cuknuy iS: Co. Props.. Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the iast 16 years, and be lieve bim perfectly honorable in al. busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists To- le i,,, 0., Waldiog, Kinnan & Marvin. 1 Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio. Hah's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. F. J. Chekev A Co.. Props., Toiedo 0. sold by drrugtrists. price 75c. Ihll't Family Pills are the beat. 12 Wasco Mob Milliu ft., . - - - -.-s- - - - I Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pU kin Headauarters for Rolled Grain, au kindf Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, mTll'fe'ed Headquarters fcr "Byers" Best" Pendle- YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou UK 01 nome o caiied kolnev rempdies without any henent. use Lincoln isexun. PUUaod be forever nil oi tnose uuu mina in vuur ohck. that old logy ntea 01 pain in tne aiooeya hII vottr bladder and urinarv trouhlgl cnreil t.iolits niHile restfili bv the i'lTard snd hove Illiil Hnn. ItfP of tint II ru .... .'. : ' . " vrniiHii . . - T . . 1 . . W v , . ' , 1 U, In Price, T00 per box buy ot yotirdrogglei i rsent by mail on receipt of price, in plain a-ranpei LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO F -rt Wayne. Indl ma M. .. Doonell, Asent, The Dalles. ton Flour This Fionr if manufactured expressly for family use everv sack ic euaranteed to give satisfaction. We sei, our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don t think so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Frices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. I J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors u J"JQ Owla" of lyon's French Periodical Drops 2 Pui 'est Liquors,r ,!!y Use I I 'in t n u ii.' ui 11 J.,., v..w - Strictly vegetable, perfectly harralesa, sure to accomplish DLSIKED KL5LLTS. Greatest known female remedy. bAUIlUn ton with fac-sln ilgnatun oi - .!e ' ih bottle thus jrfl Bsad fr Circular u Hru Ci Sola Aaent. Cleveland, oaio. - ' F ir sale by (.tco. C. Blakeiey. The Dalies, lr. i Pbonea 51 Local, 868 Long Distance. 173 Second Street. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also ail kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, increase vip. or ana nanisn "pair, of meustruation." They are IIFE SAVERS" to firis at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure, 1.00 PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold bv driiffirists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL Co., Cleveland, Ohio For sale by Geo. C. Blakeiey, The Dalles, Or AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER! Tne People's National Family Newspaper A caitaiuK Itvl.uLf. Mr. Porkanlard wa contused. Hos ioii i such :i devious oity, A little Diias ol aeven aununera aj-.sed him. ami patting her kindly on Mie head, he queried: "Biaay, pleaae tl' me v.'hr- lt.- COn Street is"" Th e, apostle of culture stood anaat at hii dreadful audacity. When bad found her voioe i nid. CUttintfb : "How dart- yoi address tnt try sueh an appellation . siasy ' I vuubl bnv vou underatand, sli that i an nut an Information bureau If yoi wish t' know 'h whereaboutfc ot Keacon street pray nonSUll a eity directory or appi) Uu bluoted menials "f t be iav " Mr. Porkaulard looked pussletl tif .ste KWept oft. "I doi 't beliose 1 kiu reinenux-r ull them direckabuns," he muttered. ohiu Btate Journal nm . iitmi Heakfaal Holla, Boil and niasli nix potatoes and aifi into them on quart ol Dour. Add three n i ' -lien ' el ejjjj-. ion I'.l'liptlf bu'ti r and "in- uake of yeast or ball u cup of baker' yeast, i. t riat over nitfbt. in 'he inoriilng break uSamul bits, roll quleklj In your dugers and mak them cnvelupi i . . j - . . putting ii bit ii' iiutt.-i under the turnedovei lid. l.i i riai again and bake In w hot oveu, Cioyd Uuuxekseplua' i v i, in i i . ! betas Paapla. MtM Trill J loVf to near the bird- Jack Uownrlgb (warmlyltw do i They never itlenpl a pleas beyond their ability. Btraj Htorles. I'. T. Tnomas, Bamterville, Ala., 'T vrae sutlering from dyspepsia when I commenced taking Kodul 1'ystrt.psia Cure. 1 took severa. bottle? and can digest aoytbing." Kodo Dyspepsia Cure is the only preparation uontaininp all the natural digestive fluids. It gives weak stomachs entire re-:, restoring tiieir natural condition. Clarke & Palkt P. O. Pharmacy. our t ao Shows the state of your feeling- and t tie state of your health a.- well. Impure b.ood makes iteeii apparent in a pals and saliow complexion. Pimples ant. Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and o'n out and do not have a beaitt y appearanre you should try AoKer's liiood Eiisir. it cures all biood diseases wnere obeap Sarsaparillas and so called purifiers iaii ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee, liiakeit; tne druggist. Bati to HaaAnirlcaB Eapottloa, Eound-trip rates via 0. Ii. a: N. from Tne lubes, :.'!). Tickets on sale lirst and third Tuesdav- during June, July , August. September and October,good for continuous passage going 00 date of saie. h'turn limit tnirty days fron. date of saie top-overs Sill be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul 00 return trip wittiin limit uf ticket. Arrangements can be made bj apply ing to agent 0, B A N. Co.. Tin- Dal lei w iieret y ticketc will be booorsd on iuke steamer? in one or both directions lie tween Detroit and Buffalo. tf J.mki IrkLANIj Agent D you want to retain your hair yon have to keep your scalp clean. o3p will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the yery be.H preparation- lot olMOSlog the scalp Egg and Pine Tar Bbampoo, It will leave your bail suit and gloisv. 1'rice, l'"i and 60 cants bottle at I raser'i barber itliop, The Iaiies. tf DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the C'. partnersh'p heretofore agisting between Maximilian Vofl and PbilppiUC Unap man, under the firm name and stvle of MrtX Vogt & Co., is tins dn ilis. i ved by mutual consent Maximilian Vogt will oontioQe tin- holiness ol -aid format tirm, and will receive ami fur noneyi due said firm and pay ui. debts OontrBCted by said firm. I luted at The Dalies, Oregon, this l?th day of July, 1901. M iXUHUUkM Voot, IffO 0 PuiLII'iINK Ch.m'Man. Floral lotion will core wind chapping and sunburn. Manulactured bv C'urke & talk. SEWER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the com mon council of Dalies City at a meeting thereof held on Saturday, i fie 3d day of August, 1901, determined to construct and reiay a drain and sew er described as follows, to-wit . Beginning at a point w here tiie center line of Court street in tersects t tie pn ection of ttie south line of the tirst alley south of Fifth street in said Dalles City, and rnnnimr thence in a northerly direction along, or near, the i enter line of said Court street and along the line of the old sewer now located in said street, to a point where the center line oi said Court street intersects the pre i-ctioD of the ceuter line of the allex between Mam and .-econd streets, in said city : thence westerly to said alley and along the center line thereof and a continuation thereof to the west line of Union street , thence in a northwesterly direction, along the most practicable route, to low water in Mill creek. aid council also at the same time deter mined that the cost of the construction and relaying of said drain and sewer honld be assessed against the property benefited thereby . and declared the pres ent sewer and drain now in existence unon and along the line above described tr. be in a dangerous condition, and fur ther provided that notice be given of the c instruction and relaying of said drain, and seer by publication oi a notice for two week in The Dalles Daily Chroni cle, the first publication thereof to be ninde on Monday the 5th day of August, . 0 . and final publication thereof to be ;in Monday the lBtb nay of August, 1901, and further determined that said drain and sewer be constructed and relaid as above mentioned immediately after the expiration of the time mentioned in said notice. All personp interested are hereby noti fied that said drain and sewer will be constructed and relaid as above deter mined and provided for. Dated at Dalles City, Or., Aue. 5, 1901. J. DOHBRTY, Recorder of Dalies City. BUSINESS LOCALS. A full line of Eastman film? and sup plies just received by Clarke St Kalk. Just received, at C. J. Stubting's. a carload of Schliu Milwaukee bottled beer. Jly29 lw Young iady wishes to do sewing by the day. Telephone 184 for further par ticulars. jySMwk If anything aiis your hair, go and see Frazer ; lie's t tie headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he makes a ineclaltV of these goods. tf C. J. BtUbllog has just received a iare consignment oi chlitz' malt ex tract, strictly D00al0ollolic and one of the best remedier in the world to build Bp a weak ur broken-down constitu tion. jlyflO-lw NOTICt The following county warrants will be cancelled by the county court in thirty days from this date unies called bv the parties owning same within the next thirtv days Date Antt Chas Bradlev. July 7, 1893 1 70 Wm Blum. . . .July 7, 18!);; 1 20 Mrs Bird ... March 12, 1892 1 70 Lee Blanton March 1", 1S9l 100 Robert Heard. March 1, 189L' 1 00 Tom Branch . Nov 12, 1893 1 riO Wm Black Mav 6, 1892. ' 20 A T Beers Juiv 9, 1892. 1 70 Chas Cannon March 10, 1808 , 1 70 Tnos Dorson May 6, 1892. 1 90 D W Ebersoll . .Ian 7, 1893. 1 20 M J Finlayson.. March 12, 1892. I 70 V A Haumes .... .Ian 7. 1893 1 2d W i Hiukie Nov U, 1892. . 1 00 .los A Keona March 11', 1892. 1 b0 John Kotler Jan 7, 1893, i' 20 R I Moore ..Mav 11, 1894 3 10 Wm lethn Julv 7, 1893 1 no W M Murphy Inly 7, 1898. , 2 00 Mrs B C Nelson . .Nov )0, 1893 1 70 Ed Nuton Nov 14, 1892 1 70 W H Palmer March 9, 1894 L' 00 R A Pown Mav 11, 1894 3 77 It W Robertson. . Nov 10, 1893. 1 00 Jos Raben.. . Mav 11, 1891 3 IP Geo Stiles. . .Sept 12, 1992. 170 W J Sonderlancl. Nov 14. 1892 1 00 t P -aunders Jan 7, 1898 1 20 John Smith . . Jan 5, 1894... 4 70 Jas i. Smith Nov 14, 1892 . . 1 50 John Wickstrom Jan 5, 1894 4 09 m Wedekind Mav 5, 1893 . 1 70 Frank Unit Jan 11, 1892. 1 70 By order of the Honorable County Court o) Wasco County. Oregon. Dated this 10th day of July, 1901. A. E. L.vkk, Count v Clerk. Nuiiimfr BaeorSlOM to the Hen Count. Only JO. 50 for the round trip from The Dalles to Long Beach, Tioga, Pacific Park, Ocean Pai k or Nabcotta, Wash., good for return until 8ept. 15, 1901. 1 Baggage checked through to destina tion. The steamer T. J. Potter will leave Portland daily except Sunday and Monday, and the Ilassaio daily except Sunday, at 8 p. m., and 10 p. m. on 1 Saturdays, making direct connections at Astoria and at Ilwaco for all points on i iregon and Washington beauties. Call on Jas. Ireland, agent. The Dalles, (Of through time card to all beacb points. jl3 2m Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and sores of all kinds quickly healed by DeWitt's Witch Haael Balve. Certain cure for piles. Beware of Counterfeits. Be sure you get the original DeWitt's. Clarke &. Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. To all old and new subscribers paying one year in advance we offer Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50. NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. i'ubiiiifrt Monday, Wednesday and Kri day, is In rettlity a fine rtini fresh cvery-other day Uaily. giviiif; tin latest news OH days of issiiv, and covering hows of the other .". It contains all lmpor tant foreign cable news which appears in the Pally Tribune Of sane date, also do mesttc and fnreipn correspondence, short stories, slogan! half tone illustrations, hu morous items, indus trial Information, iashion notes, agnciil ttiral matters. mid comprehensive and re liable financial and market reports. Ki'eular lion price, year. subecrip Jl.ou jair NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. We furnish it with Bern I Weekly Chroni cle for 93.00 icr year. Published on Tlmr day. sad known for nearly sixty yean in every part oi the rai ted States as a ua'ion al family itewspspH of the highest class, for farmers (1iirt vllln gers. It contains all the most Important generul news of tht liaily TriOUM Dp to the hour of going tr press: an agricultural department ol the nighest order, has en tertaining reading for every member of ttu family ,old and young; market reports which Bre accepted as iiuth ority by farmers and merchants, sod i clean, up-to-date, in teresting and instruc tive. Regular subscrip tion price, ti pei year. We furnish it with 9emi-Weekly Chroni cle for 11.80 per year Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life ami vigor. We have what tlie hair needs when it gets ;n that con dition. We have the Crown of Science H a r fjgff1$j& rower and Cocoanill re.m-jHjHr Toilii Thev will cure dan'', JBULd ruti ai '1 al scalp diseases. Pur sale at Frazer's bar ber sliop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle. it Olrelles i ho Oloue . The lame of Huckleu's Arnica Saive, as the best in the world, extends round the earth. It's the one erfect healer ol Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, I'lcers. Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptious. Only in fallible Pile cure. 25c a box at (i. C. B'akeley's, drug store. 1 hubscrilie lor Trnt CnuoNicut. St. Rain's Jcafleny Coder the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Namee of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, OREGON. Ibis institution U iilmuautly iltimted near the t oluiiii la on the liie of the 0, K & N.Ob tnenee it m eaay of aeeeu fur all IbOSS who de kite to kecure u comfortable home and a iro(rt tlve keat of learniag for their daughters' or wards The location of the acadetuy is oue of the mml healthy ou the Paeitic slope, this por Hon of Oreuuii being proverbial for iu pure water, bracing air, aud plctures,iie scenery The Academy U Incorporated and authorized by the Hiate to confer Acadi-mie honor Ihatru and tuition tier acholaaUe year, lu studies will be resumed Tuesday . aeptember, Itb for detailed tulormatiou sppiy to the hlster superior augio Ita I i f f f f i I I I 1 ft The Chronicle, The DslleB, Or. Uob Printers. I I i f IL 4 E3 Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. HaV