The Dalles Daily Clmmfete. . . . Al'o. 16. 1901 Ice Cream and loeCream Soda At Andrew Keller's XRKASl RER'S NOTICE. mtrmnta rrgitcnM . 1SHK. will ! pal.l ..r M Oi t-.i.ei- I" w at 111 T offlce. Interest jHI" arte' iiiru.t 13. 1901. JOHN F. HAMPSHIRK. i i.iiniv TruMimr. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. If von ure interpetPd in the street fair be at the . Inb rooms tonight. John ThomM, rho wae ail judged in sane, taken to the asylum this owing. Fore.t-Tonight and Saturday, de cidedly oioier; killing frosts with heavy Idiot BOO towntd morning. Travt- to Ootid Cap Inn never was better. So tar this season the Mt. Hood Stage Co. has taken over 250 people to Mt. Hood. The family of 0. Kinersly has moved into the EpiBCOpilUn parsonage, recent occupied by F. T. Sampson and fam ily. E K. 1. vile, president of the Cilum bia Southern, has procured a couple of lot in Bhanlko, Bnd, we understand, will begin the erection of a residence thereon in the near future. Frank heed was examined before Jus tice Browniull yesterday on the charge ol assault with intent to kill. After hearing the testimony the jiiPlice held Keed to the grand jury in the sum of (500. J. D. Fte?.of this city, has purchased the ranch m" .1. J. Snyder at Lyle. Mr. tstes hat chirff of the nsh hatcheries on the Little White Salmon, but bis iamilv make their home here during the inn'et month. V N Sayre & Co., commission mer chant! of Portland, hnv rented the Me Omiick property Kni.h of the Columbia Hnir. ' f 1 1 1 in n branch bouse They will he read v to begin their here. work of packing tomorrow. Our Eight-Mile, Dufnr, Kingsley and Tvgh neighbors are going to receive the I feather forecast each day commencing Monday. Mr. Brooks having made ar- raneeuients with the Seufert & Condon I Telephone Company to send them out, which no doubt will be greatly appreci ated by residents there. Waliace Wilson, of the Baldwin res taurant, received word yesterday of the death of his brother's wife, Mary WiiBon, wife of Waiter R, Wilson, at their home in Portland. Mr. Wilson was desirous of attending the funeral today, but found it impossible to obtain anyone who could look after his business here. Good summer apples are in demand j joit'now, but TT I T, .'LI. iioou reiver nuue hub year me majority oi trie summer ap plt-e here are of the Grovenstein variety, and as t:,e trees were permitted to over bear lat summer, they are bearing no i shipped about ,5,000 boxee of Bummer; apple las: year. Glacier. W. Lord. F. T. Hurlburt, D. J. Harris ind A. E, Hammond have filed articles j incorporating tbe Cline Falls Power Co. , Suvera; weeks ago these gentlemen, i throogh A. E. Hammond, purchased these superb falls, and since that time MN had men at work surveying irriga- 1 on ditches, which when completed will irrigate vast territory that will be made to Uoasoa like a rose, which is practical- J unproductive today. ' Iroai '.eorge Ferguson, who arrived j ' night from Collins Landing, we ; WB that resort is well populated with ttmperi, there being about 35 differ- ni can us. Mr. Feiguson says that Engineer Rutherford, of the Diamond Mills, who wont down tbe first of the week badly crippled with rheumatism, ready shows signs of improvement, aou yesterday was able to lace his shoes, hiUi he was notable to do when he left bome. Smoke obscures the face of nature in 'to locality, and iu irii..i,i.Qt ,n... alaa and ni.n.,nii. kin. ir.ui t Vtlore npticsof the ordinary citizen, SetQl tube in an anerv mood ""' ' KUthers her brows like gathering! Jowl, nanlni her wrath to keep it nursing her wrath to keep it hut a shower will cool nature's I L. ecited leu.jer, and our atmosphere will ojoves this couiplaint. It relieve per fcun amahuiaa 1 L : n .....j j - "H"' has tbe moat delightful climate , ' " ' Mtr. .; L Li 11 L I ia the wurld. 0. M. Cartwright, of Hay Creek, was ru L. e-..ger on Thuradav's train for QhU -i . ' a. ii be BOee 10 r,wive 100 ewee , J bucks of the BhHUltaThr Wil were t...r,.hu .v.. . . .1 ""I" Und Co. ' ii.oru lur LI1C XJaiUWIU in France. Tlieooi bocks wil! arrive shortly in Shaniko and will be immediately taken to the company's ranch. Mr. Cartwnght was accompanied by Mr. Van Honten, and 1 both will visit the Pan-American expo ; aition before returning home. - Shaniko leader. Qoail may now be shot, for the open season for these birds and prairie chick ens began on August let. The specie of quail known as "Bob White" has pro tection at all seasons of the vear. Grouse can use all their constitutional rights and caw all they please until October 1st; but we have been informed that some hunters, without the fear of pon ishment before their eyes, have been slaughtering these birds with impunity. Our game warden should see that this law is enforced, for it is a very satisfac tory measure. Most of those who have subscribed to the carnival and street fair have been advised personally of the meeting to- j night at 8 ::J0 o'clock at the club rooms, tt is especially essential that there be a large attendance so that it niav be talked over and definite arrangements ' made. If you have anything to say In Pr09Pi'i 'or obtaining trim this season. I the matter, or any kick to register, now j Gilbert Palmer arrived in the city last ! is vour opportonitv. Be on hand and niht from Beatri. ". to take charge i ' M . .... .01 some ot the crews on the road below I yon ill have as much right to suggest i tne Pjtv as anvone; but if von absent vonrselt i ... ",,,,, . , i o,. .. i u , Miss May W ashbtirne, a sister of Mrs. ,u.r,c. ..u.u vour pea. eve.. .1 me j arrangemeute don't soit you. This morning, after a night spent in i tossing about in a vain attempt to gain a little sleep, everybody accosted his neighbor with "Weil, did yon sleep any j last night r and in very few instances was the answer in the affirmative, for a hotter night has not been experienced in The Dalles for many a year, the thermometer refuging to go below 70. At 10 o'clock it registered 04, with a breeze blowing which no doubt came from well down south some place. As a general thing our uiehts are cool enough to asm re rest after depression from the heat of the day, but last night, j oh no ! Today a cooler breeze has I favored us, but not bo you could notice j it to any great extent, the temperature : being 95. The body of a man supposed to be ttiat ! of Victor Peterson, who either jumped I or fell from the steamer Regulator Mon- I j i day morning near ancouver, I found in the Columbia river near the I.. . ... ancouver ferry on the Oregon side, last j night. The body was dressed in under- clothing and as no papers or letters i were lound, ldentincation was at pm difficult, but from the appearance of the body it is practically certain that it is that of Peterson. There is a big bruise on the head. An inquest was to have been held this afternoon. Foul play bad been suggested to District Attorney Chamberlain, as in searching tbe miss ing man's clothing one of the pockets of the overalls was found to be cut. He, however, gave as bis opinion that Peter son bad accidentally fallen overboard. Wdi.ld-Be Cattle Tnievex. I Last Sunday night about midnight an attempt was made to steal seven steers belonging to W. J. Harriman, of VnArfil.v vhioh w ere pastured on his ; - ' k t u l' l y iiu;:'.iw mi UJ, uun icmcu yjjr v. u ; Harris, and it was onlv due to the sleep-1 ; lessuess of Mr. Harris that they were j ; not atnlen and three voun? men. who i br, i hnrhnod T V i noon ii . tj vitui ... ..... sent to the pen. It was a foolish move, J as Mr. Harriman had been warned that tbe attempt would be made. Further, every cattleman and butcher would have been informed by 9 o'clock that morning and tbe thieves could not have escaped. ; Mr. Harris was ill that uigbt ; had it not . been so, he claime he would have given one of them tbe contents of his shotgun. ot with tbe idea ol killing him, but to mark him as inch would-be thieves de- serve. ! The first alarm was given DJf Oil flOKi which began to bark... neighbors' dog being there that night taking part in tbe choruB, giviug tbe young men a genuine surprise, as one of tbera remerked "Why , he has another (log." Neither had they recokeued on their voices being familiar and recognized and the corral close to the buuse. When the cattle were driven out of the corral they commenced bellowing and Mr. Harris went out immediately arid called them. As they had been raised pets tbev answered and were soon in the corral again, The boys went away cursing their luck bnl nrobablv learned a Jess on. and are aware they will he closely watched in tbe future. . Don't be satisfied with temporary re- lief from indigesi ion. Kodol Dyspepsia )jef frou. indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia rr r.rmai.erit!v and comnletelv fe- n.uduli ' lll'H HP II H IWH I I . I TU lunii, ii.i , eiomach perfect real. Dieting won't rest tne siomacu. .m,ui .ra.n - I . u Nature receives sup plies from the iood w. eat. The aensible , ' r - achool oi iwi ai iewpori, win uu.u Df apepaia Can, , which d.gesU what y.u areat varietv of iu8tructioDS. diveraiou rV?iJiJS B'!!T-DUr,6,h.r resort Clarke A ralk s I . u. rnarmacy. ..i,.Minna and like ad van- mv to naiD me eiotuacn to upj iuuu. i Bobacribe for Tuk Cumomclic. PBRSONAI. MBMTIOM. N. Blodgett is in from Pufor. W X. C. Kvans wa up from Hood lliver yesterday. E. C. lae and Fred Bay ley returned yesterdey from a business tripto Shaniko. W. Lord left today to pin Mrs. Lord at their cottage at Shelburne, I,ong Beach. Otto Metschan, son of Hon. Phil. Meiechan, is registered at the I matilla today from Salem. Mrs. Maude Mitchell returned last night from Portland, and resumed her duties in the postoffice today. Mrs. Robt. Ross and daughter re tnned yesterday after an extended visit with relatives in Portland. Jasper Wyman, of Donnell's drug store, left this afternoon to spend his vacation at his home in Portland. Mrs. M. F. (ioss, a nieoe of leptity Sheriff fexton, is in the city from Den ver, Colo., the guest of her uncle. Mrs. Rebecca Wilson, of Dufnr, is among the teachers taking the examina tion for certificates at the court house. G R. Smead.oftbe Rlalock fruit farm. s about our streets today looking up the L, L. LftnPi arrive(1 j,, the city Wene.. day and will remain a short time iog her sister. Messrs L. E. Crowe and Ed M. Wil Hams were passengers on the Gatzert 1'aatar.lnti LumJ I . ,1... 1? I I. carnival at Tacoma. Geo. W, Simmons, of the Pacific Bridge Company, reached the city last evening and left this morning for the scene of activity at White River Falls. Mr. and Mrs. M. Z. Donnell and Mrs. J. M. Marden have returned from their camping trip to Cloud Cap Inn and Trout Lake, reporting a most enjoyable time. Miss Carrie Butier went to Portland last rn.lav afternoon. She expects to return this week, and will leave shortly for an extended trip East, taking in the Buffalo exposition before returning Glacier. Miss Susie Gambell, who has been teaching vocal culture in The Dalles j since last fall, left on the boat yesterday i afternoon for tier borne in Portland, j Miss Gambell has been very successful I a a a t A. i 1 u r I i nr.. a n.l i.- . . . . . i .. . . i 1 ' " WHvi'vi ucir. nun w c i rn ill will I r- torn hero to th fall. ... . Misses Martha and Constance hpnl doni who ,eft he,e Hbout . mon,h ag0 attend the Epworth League convention at San Francisco, returned home last "f , nuuru reiuvcs in me v n.aiueiie vauey, anu report a splendid trip throughout. Married . In this city Wednesday, Augult 14, by Rev. Prank Spaulding, Miss Miuuie Peiae to Albert Ijiuc Thursday, Aug. 15, 1901, at the Cath olic church in this city, bv Rev. A. Bronsgeest, Miss Alice Dashney to Franlt H. Moe. noun. This morning, August 1 ri th , to Mr. and Mrs. L. Coraini, a 12-pouod son. In the past Comini has been mourn ing tbe lose of bis eye, which hindere him greatly in his work. Today he is a happy man, claiming be has a new natural born stone-cutter. Not Head, Nor Sleeping, Who would have thoueht at this stage of the game of anyone accusing Senator Mitchell of being dead, and yet the Pittsburg Post in an illustrated supple ment, furnishes a photograph oi tbe "late John H. Mitchell, senator from Oregon," together with the news of his demise and a biographv of tbe distin- gai8ied gentleman Wouldn't that jar you? Senator MjtcUe:i dead. No doubt this would be j,00(i new-to politicians who are desirous of trvinB on his shoes, but iust at ore- eent De i8 a prelty lively corpse. As old Chambers, a former Dalles expressman laaid, 'Th corpse aint dead vet," and Oregonians hope will not be for many years to come. A (I . i : i ".! Letter. following is tbe iist of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un called for August lb, 1901. Persons calling for the same will give dale on which they were advertised Allen, Mr lien net, A A Campbell, Charles Douglas, I Kvans, Sia ( letui.e, Mrs t Hansbew, Mrs K F Leak. H A l.'trev, Vivian Hawk, Alfred D 2 Johnson, A Lewis, Mrs Capt McWilliams, J J McDonald, .lobu l McDonald, A S Mack, Nina Moore, Mrs Frank Robinson, C K Smith, Kditb A Stoltenberg, Louise Thompson, Millard Me Fall, J A A gjjjiyjj Pace. jeo C Keed, I gjjjj H J. M. Paukkson, P. M. Why not spend Die vacatiou At Ya tuina bay, where can be had excellent fare, good fishing, good boating, sale . rall.nH JJJ JJJJ nmm) . . . . .t... unui r . - - - T7 . tagei. juull-tf Irallratt tlo A-Mlnlna. KnnoR Chronu i k : Yon tell my ma that I'm a long way from home. You see left The Dalles Monday on l'J p. in. train. Had break fast with "Grai.dma" at Meacham at !' a. in. mil morning and reached La Grand at 10:30. It seemed a live town in the edge of Grand Ronde valley, where one looks for milrs over a grand stretch of grain and meadow, with here and ttiere willows markiuir the course of streams from surrounding mountains. The railroad follows the south side until she pulls out through low hills to Powder river vcreek' up which it fol lows for some distance where she opens out in broad valley with great stretch es of meadow all ttie way to Baker City which is on the bank of the Powder, whfre we take the .impter road follow ing the Sumpter valley through one con tinuous meadow alKiut n farm wide, in the head of which is Mimpter. where we change cars for Whitney, crossing by very steep grade "ver into the head of Burnt river. Whitney is in a beautiful location and has a future. Already it has two hotels, three saloons and a paper rive weeks old, witti 700 subscribers at 0 cents a year. Am looking after Siddall and thick 1 will pull him through. E . Ktrlj-1vo Vriir In Trnnalt. A tombstone '8 years in transit has jual been claimed, and ill ic put in position at Louisville, The stone was fuumt in tile cellar of a business house ai 170 Fourth ave nue. It has been claimed bj Mrs. Fannie Meeka, of UOlii Weal Walnm street. Vearx hgo the cellar v. a -used as a warehouse bj ludgfe A Force, steamboat agents, lr tear ing down the building for the erec tion of a ue one the si one was round crated ami in-t as ii ;b shipped in 1859. The -tone wa; iti tended for I nlherine. wife of Bar- nej ltla,vne Leyland. She died Muj : ii. is.,;.. The atone wan made in Phil adelpbia. na- shipped Im iea I to New Orleans, and thence rlVCl' I to Louisville, It was lielieved ! have iieen lost iii Harney Leyland died is yearn ago. He anil Ibis ftrsl wife are buried in Cave Hill I cemetery. Mrs. Meeks iv daugh ter by a second marriage. Chicago J Record-Herald. i lad Praof of it. Jiuison (proudly) I never deceive I my w ife no. sir; I tell her everything. ! Bilfion- Ves, 1 Uncw that longago. 'Wba' how V" "She tolls it all to m wife, and niv j ife tells it to me." Stray Stories. Old Joke Over Again. "Did you eer hear that George Washington had all ijnpcdimeul in his speech'.''' I "Why, no. I i i he?" "Well, they aaj lie CO U Kin i ien a ne. rnuuuei phia Bulletin. Si. inn. ci KarKalnN. On Dad Putts'' bargain counter will be found the following bargains: Si miles east of The Dalles 2S0 acres ; 100 acres wheat land, all under fence. Price 12,000, warraniy deed, half cash ; balance on time at S per cent. Four hundred a. -res deeded land live and a half mile from tie city all under fence; 150 acres In cultivation. Two large springs of wate' : good bouse, barn j and outbuildings. Kight acres in grapes ; and ten acres in orchard. Well adapted for stock raising. On the following terms: $4,500 ; if '.',500 down and ttie balance at any old time to suit purcha ser at 7 per cent. alO-18 Charter Jiiii.r 'lak Nolle. Mrs. N. L. instill, ntate organizer of ! the Knights and Ladies of Sectiritv, on the 16th Of this month will organize a council of this order to be bailed as The Dalles Council K. & L. of S. This so ciety pays accidental and old age claims and does not increase with advancing years. Those who wish further infor mation will do well to call ou Mrs. (instil, or C. A . Marshall at tbe Obarr House. Admission as charter member one dollar: after the charter B closed, five dollars. no-lb s. ii.,1 nnu Keeeivag Sealed bids wii! ba received by Lr. Siddall up to 13 noon tbe 15th iust., for the erection oi four diveiiings Ofl the corner of Fourth and Federal streets. Dalles City. Plans ami specification can be seen at the office ol 1 l.e Dalles Laundry Co. Reserving the light to re ject each or all bids. ai)g210 11 Ibe action ol my bowels is not easy and tegular serioun complication! must be tbe final result. DeWitt's Little Karly Risers will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant and effective. Claike.v Falk's P. Oi Pilar in aflf. CASTOR I A For luiauU and Children. Hi Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ! Signature ot ...The New York Cash Store.., 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Special in Men Straw Hat. See our Snow Window. New Grocery Store Wo have added a Grocery Depart ment to our Btore. A new fresh, clean -t jck. Give us a call. Prompl delivery to any part of the city. ...MAYS CROWE... WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Barden Hose. Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If you arc in need of anything in our line, figure with us. Cor it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. F. S. GUNNING, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. PIAJ.I1 IN Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Aic-ut for RuMell ,v IJo.'i Koalaaa, TbraaneM and daw Mill. Telephone 157. Long Ditttnoj 1078. Il4 li ICrl.l. Klgbt room psodflvo dwelling Imom heati"! by f irnacc good i(ad lot with Htabie idjoiningi looalttd in a dciirtbl jiart of the city. No trouble to runt rOOKU lUOagtl to pJ hOOM rent. Cull on or .obii' Hudson ' Bron i.hiii, Tin lirtlle-. HHli-llJ Nasal CATARRH In all I'M t . i ll.W lliouU) b; elaiauaafai Ely' Ciiain Ualin . . iu. t... -and In nit M dbl'UKll UMMBfaBti It Curat ' arrl. ami drivtt tWM a aul4 iu ii.i: uuicbly, 0MMH liulm I . d Into tbe noatrllt, ipreada ov:r lije u.i uil.ra.iv aud it abaurucd. Kciiof ia im-lut-diuui aud a MN followi. It U not drying- doe ao jiruduce ipaailng Large KUe, 00 ai llrug. g .i - II u.a.l ; Trial Hur, in ciili b mull. M Y 1KMJT1JKKH, 66 Wurreu Wraet, New York. Oifford s Potos Never Fade 25c Cor. Second & LaunbliQ Sis, THE DALLES OR. MrH. S. H, Allport, Johoitnvo. Pa., nu- "Our little jlil aln.oHt Hlrai.Klfd to dealt. vilh Qfoup. Tbi dOOtON the couliln't live b it bt wat iintt.ii.tly relieveil bv One Minute OoOfO Cure. OUrki a Kaik i r. o. PbaraMflfi JuuifH White, Iwyantbville, iuil , ayi DfWItl'l Witeb Mazel Salve bealeil iiinninit Horen on both les. lie bail lUflWrod 8 earri. PontorB failnl (Obolp him. liet DeWni H. At'iept no ui.ita iOM. Clarke & I'alk'H I'. O. Pharmacy. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Wa8hin-ton Sta. All or.loiM atlei.ibii to promptly. IxiOg iiatauca phone 4'dii. I.ocul, 102. Clark A Falk aro never clottxl 8nnday. Mju'I foritel thit. i