The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY --- - AUG. 16 A BARMOXIOVS PARTY. Tin? wefk the repuH icons of Iowa and Maryland have bld state con ventions and showed tbttl they are thoroughly united. It was the same in the earlier convention in Ohio. Republicans everywhere have good reason to be satisfied with their party D n H ,t rl.r fpfllnr manifested. AUkl MI li- s-s v. w "p. Iowa republicans, whose plurality last year almost touched 100,000, held a splendid convention and adopted a platform in foil accord with the principles of the party. Until March 4. 1908, republican- will be m contro. of ill branches Ol Ihe government, and the term can be ex tended by the election of a republican majority in the next house, the prospect of which is undeniably goo i. No dissensions are smoldering within republican lines. National conditions are highly satisfactory. There is a continued treasury surplus, and it promises I democratic panels say threatens' to be larger than was ex pected after the war taxes were re duced. The opposition, 00 '.he other hand. is torn up in on astonishing way. One wins of the democratic party is studying how it can best repudiate the national platforms and leadei of tut I as I i cuujii'tii.-iis. ii. .ui; singular operation democratic leailers admit that they cannot foretell re suits. In Missouri the day of reckon ing is put off until next year in hope that the patty division will he ies. acute. It may. however, grow worse instead of better, and Mr. Bryan's attitude indicates that It will. The republicans have every reason to be lieve that they can maintain the present wise effectiveness in all de partments of the government and enjoy the confidence of the people by deserving it. They have states to win. and Missouri is one of them. One of the question; here is re publican disfranchisement., and that should induce every republican in the state to do bis utmost. GREAT WHEAT YIELDS. The reports of the yield of wheat in the Paloasc conntry this vear are little short of sensational, savs the Review, f orty hushels to the acre has been considered a heavy yield, but this year it hardly calls for com ment. Instances are reported almost daily o; (arms going over fifty bushels - - - S) to the acres, and the total yield is certain to be a record breaker. Wuat i; to be especially noted is that some of the farms that are pro ducing the best crops 'if wheat are on land w hicb a few years ago wa? considered worthless. It was called sage brush desert and was of no value except as a piece for pour pasturage. People settled upon It with mis givings, for it was thought that it might be In possible to raise any thing on the land nn.l any attempt to improve n would be time, money and labor wasted, As a matter ot fact thi? despised land has turned out to be hL'blv productive, and it is. destined to be come out ot the most profitable wheat raising sections in the state. It is not improbable that fioai this very land which a few years ago would not have been taken as a gift, there will lie raised a larger amount of wheat than In any other section in the stale of (quul aiea. This will be a great year botll SI to showing what amount of wheal may be raised, and also as to where it mav be raised. And still the mining deals OOQtinue to lit- nade, and the ndbey obaoges hands and the instruments are ihnad, sealed and recorded. )f course, old Oregon is still asleep; but some new blood, as well as foreign capital, is finding its wav into these gold fields mod things "look good" in these n, i, I rV i .i ui i. mineral ribbed Jilue mountains. It would fcvm that this activity will ., . . ... , aooner,!' later fructify into a ueacb , ire of a mining boom. Let the good people get together and. metaphonc- lnt ally speaking, pound out of shape the lirst knocker who strikes a ham mer blow at any trade, big or little. Sumpter Miner. Notice to taxpayer. The board of equalization for WaSCO county. Or.. nieet ami te 10 session a: the rourt house of said county from Monday. August 20th until rattirilttv. August 31st, 1901, both date inclusive, and will attend to any and all matters Which may come before Ittch board for consideration. The Daiies 8 io;. Wasco Co.. Or.. AQgOSt C. L. ScBMtDT, Assessor, WaSCO Co., Or. t.S.d&a t: Teaehers' ftsamiaatiob. Notice is herehy given tliat t lit conn ty superintendent of Waaco county, Or egon, will iioid the reuiar examination oi applicants for "tateand county papers at Tne I'alies, as follows KOK state PAPgRS, Commencing Wednesday, August l i. at ' a. m. and continuing until Satur day, August 1", at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penn mansbip, history, spelling, algebra, reading, t 'hoo Uw. Thursday Written Arithmetic, tne ory of t Mushing, grammar, book-keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, r, imposition, physical geography . Batordaj Botany, p.ane geometry, general history Psychology. English literature. KOK COCXT PAI-KBA. Commencing Wednesday, August j-t. a: c i 'cock a. u.. and ontinoins until rrulav. August jo, at ClOCk. p. n, . First, second and third ktrade certificates. Wtdnetdav Penmanship, history, orcliogr;, .hy . reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of leaching, gramma- and school law. i-riddj Lieograpt-. mental arithme tic, physiology, c i v l government, Primary certificates : Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra phy, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, metnods. Fridav Arithmetic, physiology, C, L. GlLBBBTj Ccunty Supt. Wasco Co., Or. Acker's. Iyspepsia laiiiet; are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures neart-liurn, ra:sing of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little lamei gives immediate reuef. 25; cts and 50 cts, Blakeley, t:;e druggist. We offer for a limited period the twice-a-wees Cbboxiclk, price $1.50, and the Weekly Uregonian. price $1.50, ootr. papers for $2 a vear. Subscriptions under this offer must he paid in ad- vance. Moki Tea positive y cures Sick Head- aL'hfc- indigestion and constipation. A de.igtjtlu. herb drinK. ftemoves all eruptious of the SKin. producing a perfect complexion, or monev refunded. 28 cts and 50 cts. Piakeiey. the druggist. Commencing Sonday, until fur'.iier notice, the o. R, A N. will sell round trip ticsete. Dalies to Cascades, for 1. Tfiis rate appiies only to parcies of hve or more. Good for Sundays only. Isglm 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Take them today and you'll be well to-morrow. Baldwin's Cold Cure 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 S7 9 9 9 3 9 9 Tablet No2B (Cold in head 1 NoCureNoPdv25c 3.. Sold by Ciutki Falk.Tlic Dalles I r FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Trausact a Genera'. Banking Business. lettere of Credit isuned available in the Eastern tatee. Sluht Exctianire and ! ,. .. Tfissrs aold ou New York, Cbieafo, it Louis, Han Francisco, Portland Ore- g0B WMtli VHriout poj)eu in Oregon aod Washington. Coliectione made at all poifltl on fav- ,.i,i. .-,... The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd atNoieiVa Proftt-Sharing Association are 1 sot Dickens, 15 vols., publisher'! price 22..0: I Bet Knight's History ot England, 8 vols., publisher'! price $12; l vol. Gallery t t of Bible Pictures, illustrated by Dore; l copy PnwW1v n 3 rabate j .... v. v during same period. Prompt delivery of all goods ordered by telephone, fert i)fe Condon phone No. 92. Give me a trial. White Collar Line. Njf (f The Daiies-Portiana Route Str. bailey-gatzert: DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, Cascade Locks. Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME Leave Portland Arrive The Dalles. Leave " " Arrive 1'ortland. CARD 4 ,1U Meals the Very Best. unday Trips a Leading Feature. "This Route has the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA." Daiiy Hound Trips except Sunday. TIME Leave Portland Leave Astoria . . . CARD M. M. Landing and office Foot oi Aider Street: boti: pnones. M 351, Portland, Oregon. w j. CRIGHTON, Agent Portland, M. FILLOOX, Aet. The bailee, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. fMatrlrQ HmicP nf fhr faltfo LABOBS1 STBAMfBIT IN TI!K K08LD, Feb. 8th to April 22d, 1902. Tiit niagniSeen? White Star twin-set steam er ( title.' IQflQQ tun- sic-ially ehrter..-d fur the occasion, am! fur Ti days subject t.-the order- of the dirtrt.'r ol tbeperty. To the leiliterranran end the Orient, oeenpytog 7 4 days, iding 1 day in Key, t a: accunimodali-JU.- It ! Ha.ea.tint luded. (siting M .,ii. rH Bleraltar, N..rti Af rica, Malta. Bgypt, Buly lurkey. l.reet-. Ital. lie KiTlera. England ami Ireland . v. it- attrn' ti v -'.irtiiiat: il- ttipt across Kj rope. Tiekets good tu stopover in Buropeon .'."niewani voyage and to re urn by the white ta: teamen Oceanic, Majestic, leutouu-. osc. t out of Vrlp, nrt-cls, from ew York ict t. New fork, B-iot' at .. tpwanb, aceonUng t. statero... acoaguno dation; inoludbu abort exenrstons, ho tels, lee-, nuidei. drive!- aiid all nec-. ar; expenses. Special features Madeira yit.. ISdatf . si i ind the Holy Land, 1 akgVtantiii i A then, ltom- the Kiviera. etc. t inier the nanegemen! oi Frank C. Clark, .if N'.-w '.lrii. Cairo, etc. Foi further parttealari addrea. ill lit.N a BKOWNHII.L, Wbiiii:t..i! str.'t. Tb'- lnlles, Or. i. interested, ssnd f': lUtutrated prograni. John Pashek. The Tailor. Ha- ;ust received 1000 samples ol tlie latest pattern in Gent's ' " 'itiiur,: Goads. Hf uuaran leer prices and a good lit or no pay. John Pashek, The Tailor. TQ6 BfiLD WIN iSESTflUBBNT t Vt . 1 I SON, Manager. Fir&t-Qlass it) Euery fespet. fTUpli at fill rourfc. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. T, , , , , . J ' t;r 8,,"e41 tbe best in the market. , 71 Front bt., near Court, The Dalle. Vou will not have hoili if vou take Clarke A Falk'c sure cure lot boils. i Thirtv to oorson n&vinfi the most cash C. M. T. Pacilic Yellowstone Park Line. TKK DIKING I A K KOflK FROM PORTLAND TO THE BAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LIKE TO THE YEU.OW- STONE park Uuice dsjq;. FiTtnaad I sts AHBIVK. No, Fas: mai'. for Taronia. No. Seattle, Olympla, sra; Harbor and Smith Bend point. Bpokane, Rocs land, B. C, Pullman, Moacow, Letsietou, Bnf- li .15 a Jl ialoHump mining eoun try. Helena, Minneapo lis'. St. Paul. Omaiia. Kansa City. Bt, Loutl, Chicago and aU point! No. . oast and southeaet, Puiet Bound Kxprws U I P. M. (or raeotna and Seattlt and Intermediate polnti 5;M 1 M, No. 3. t;00 A. M. Pullman nrst ila? and tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, St. 1'aui and Missouri riverpointi without change. Vetttbttlad trains. Onion depot conneetious ! in all principal cities. haireairi- cnecked to destiiwtion o; ticket. or itandaoaely Illustrated deaoilptive matter, tickets, sle-jpinc-eai eervatiou. etc.. call on or write A: D. CHARLTON, Assistant General 1'asseniter Agent. iV Morri son Street. corner Third, Portland Oregon. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM September 23-28, 1901 Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW Good RACING in the Afternoons Latest Attractions in New Auditorium Building Every Evening with 'Sood Music. Heautifui Camp Grounds Free. Special Rates (in t ampere' Tickete. Come and Bring Your rami'iee. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS For further particulars, address M. D, WISDOM, Bee, iauglm i'urtiand, I iregon. Just What You uaant. New ideae in Wall Paper here. 8ucn wide variety aa we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Keal imita tion creton effecte at ordinary urioea. Good papera at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, Uaeteful colorinin, yours iorl small p?ice, at our .tore M third etreet. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, TMrd St. Clarke A Falk have on aale a full line of paint and artist's hruabee. ml f 1 cars oi Labor, Dy i. i during four weeks end- - 1 Iftrfffist amount oweasn Seu- NOLAN. tdg coiumma PacKiog Go PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MASCFACTl' KERB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers ol BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIED BEEF. FTC. MM Bestaurant L Y. HONG. Fr'iprietur. First-CIass in Every Respect MEAl.s A 1 ALL BOUKS. Oysters Served in any Style. S7 Secoivi St., The iJalte;. Or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. I (.artificially digests the food and aids Mature io 6Lrengtheuing aud recon structing the exhausted 'digeatiye or gans. It lsthe latestdiscovereadigest ant and tonic. Ko other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache. Gastralgia.Crampsand all other results ot imperfect digestion. PrlceSOc. andtl. Large size contains 2M times small size. Book all cboutdyspepsiumaliedfree ''-spared by E PS. DC WITT A CO.. Cbicaga Sold by Clarke iFalk's P.O. Pharmacy. Just Received A fail line of Fresh Printing and De veloping l'apere direct from factory. Solio. Rex. Deko, 'el". aml AriBt0 in a11 Bis5eg- Also a 'ine ot ''ate6 Cramer, urovrn, ,eeue anu Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums. Multigraphs, And all accessories to complete ttie outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Our Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try it. The A, E. C. Developer for plates, films or developing pa pet I bae no etpial Enough iot 36c to developer, dozen plates or b dozen Yeiox 4x"i. Perfect blacks and white' are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Ask for the A B.C. Ie veloper, and see that vou get the genuine. We are prepared to compound any and all of yiur own formula- and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place, 175 Second Street. The I Isllea, i iregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. L. Lane, OKNEKAL Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Ttlrt am Jelwi. Phooe 1S9 Biacksmirn ...AND... noises! aH aHII.'alH.aam Oregon Short Like Union Pacific nai'ART roa CbtoagO" Portland Special. 12:25 p. m. via Hunt Ington. Atlantic Bgpress. 12:SB a m. via Hunt infton. st. Pan) Fast Mail. 9:96 t. ni. via Sih kaue. TIME scHKDUl.Ks FROM the Dalles. ARRIVE FR1M sait Lake, Ocnvcr, Ft. Worth. Omaha. Kan-1 sasCity. St. Louis. Chi- 1 p: V m. cago aiid the East. alt ljtke. Penver. Ft. WOrth. Omataa. Kan a ity. r-t Louis, I'hi cago and the East. Walla Walla. lwlstnn. -rMikant. Wallace. Pull man. MioueKill. St Paul, I 'ninth. Milwau kee, Ubiragoand East. 1.15 a. m. 1 h m. OCEAN AND EIVER SCHEDULE From l'ortlau1. lAl! sailing dat nub Sect to nbauge.) For San Franciscn, Sai I every B days. :iX p, m. 4:00 p. m Daily ageept Sunday, -:00 p. in. Saturday. Ui:0t' p. in. Daily ex(H.'it Bnnday. 6:00 n. in. (.'oluinlila Itlrer. T, ' Astoria and Way l-andiug. 4:00 p. m. except Bunday, Willamette Ittver. Oregon city, Nowberg, Salem, Independence, and ay-Landtaga. SO p. D, .xoept Bunday, Tuesday, Ttrorsday Batnrda 0:00 a. m, i K p m. Monday, W wlnesdey Fridav. rvallis and Way ltiidiiifts Tuesday, ThiiTiln . Satardaj . 7:00 a. in. Willamette an.l ti.aip. m. CamhUI Klvnra. Mnnds). Oregon City, Davton and w 1 dn--.i;! Way-Landings. crtday, Leave Riparia duilv. :;:'ii m. Snake Kirer. l.eavt Lewiston daily. :4i u. m Kiparia t Uewiaton, gj 1'artief. leslring tf ro to Bepptier or pomt. mi Columbia Southern via Bifrtrs. Hhould take No. .'. leaving The Dallee at p. m. making direct connections at Heppner Junotioti and Bi(ift. Returning making direct oonnsctloi at HeppneriunoUon and liiifgs withiNu. riviii): at The Oallei at l :0;'. p. m. for further particulars, call on or address JAB. IRELAND, Airent. The Dalles, 'iieg.'ii Complete of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. 50 YliARS' EXPERIENCE aV . Trace Marks JESIGN6 Copvrigm rs & Anv.aie sondlnir a aketeb and deeriit'"r niu" qui- sly saoartaln our opinion fret- wfietii.-r .i Invention la probaohr rnlentabie. Commni 'inns trictlyt'.innduiitial. Handbook on Patents . ii tiMC. U iei iiuii,-v n,r ieiinn.' puien--. 1'iUei.ta taken tbroufb 31 nun ii Co. racelss tprfial ao4lM, alt bout obaiga. In tos Scientific Jlmericatt. a handsomely nin. r .-.i k:-. i rKpi: rtr- "Ian f i i . v , .-, 1 1 iB nijriial. '1 i-rwf reari lour muutbs, :. iold bgaU neirsdsalen MUNN &Co.3GiCr&ada New Yon. Traill!- I Washioaton. V. 1. 6. KCHBNCC, Prssident. Max A DOT, Casiiie' First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. , Col lections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange soid oa New York, Ban Francisco anc port land. D. P. Thompsom. Jao. 6. Bcaaaca Ed. M, Williams, Qq. A. Lisaa. U. M. Bball. J AND