The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 15, 1901, Image 4

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    KnockOut Drops
" I an. a snlooti-Kt i "" and u.sou to think
that rock end rye, 01 whiskey and quinine
ttn pT 'per rem , . t --
i dif- ; i ''.;i;h-t ,
ami i i Ids. Mixti
nf u.y ai quaint I
aim - WPTi of the '
-anu i i i r. inn.'.''
' t' w 1 k i. o tea
soniethinputleast - '"
thousand timet
better. 1: is Acker's
SI 0 p I is h Bono ly fur
Coughs end i . Ids. A
good v trii, ago I beejal
U COUgh and foUbd OUt
ilnt. that rock and rye
WSJ :. tt .;. I cut wotsm-
and 1 was b winning to tiiink that tin trou
ble would run into consumption. 1 didn't
taki any stock in patent medicines, but
somehoa or other I tried Acker - English
Remedy. One bottle did the busineas foi
im knocked thai couch out completely
and i; has never conn- hack agaii.. There i
never a da passes that 1 don't say a e-M.d
won', ab lut this wonderful medicine. 1 al
most forgot to say that I em stronger and
fleshier now, -since taking the remedy, than
I was before the cougb began, l write this
letter voluntarllj and cheerfully and am
glad to do It." (Signed) Chris. Hi-mble.
Sa.. on-keeper, Focatello, Idaho.
Sold at 26c., 90c. and $1 a bottle, throughout
the United States and t anada ; and in Eng
land at Is. 2d., 2s. 5d., 4s. 8d. If you arenot
satisfied inter buying return the bottle to
your druggist, ami get your money back,
ttv autho'iT- fltr oA. ffUttftuUft.
w. JL BOOKER CO,, iv) ito teak
For saie at Blakoiev's f'harniacv.
Hi sim;s LOCALS.
Clarke A Falk's flavoring extract? are
the best. Ask your r "er for them.
R B. Uilbratfa A Rons wil keep at all
times a supply of hay gram and teed
Which thev will reta.l at t lie I 'West
market rates. jUo-tf
wanted A small family to occupy
the home and keep house for an aged
widower. Liberal terms can he had.
Apply at this otlice. j yL'.-ltn
The Collins hot springs are DOS) open.
o ooteis, oat the noes: ot camping
grounds Hunting A Hoeford, man
agers. Co.lin. W as;.. aug:- n
Why pay $1.7$ per gallon for inferior
paints when vou can buy .lames E.
Wasco 1Mb Mill Ci
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi ?n kin
Headauarters for Rolled Grain, an kinde
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, KSflS
Headquarters fcr kkByers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour
After vou tire of nsine so railed kidnev
without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Plllaaodbi
forever rid of those onll pains in vonr hack. Ii,.ara
that old fogv idea of "pain in the kidnevs sod jjJJJJ
uii yqnr idmhisi mmi, iiuunir- nuen. an(
nights made restlnl nv tne use ot natim
assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills.
Ppce. 1.00 per box huy ot your dnig;.,..
bv mail on receipt of price, in niain arrannef
Fort Wayne. Indiana
M. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles.
f Mai
This Hour is manufactured expressly for family
use: ever-. sack is guarantee!! to give satisfaction.
We sen our goods iowor than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
and get cur prices and be convinced.
Patton's sunproof painte for 1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for - years, c.ark a Hihftst Prioes Paid for Wheat. Bariev and Oats
i li li ii i ' Kyt n I a (.-n'ory tr.. u.i
ill- Nudrrn 'hi, lu. l(lr
1 ht almost total disappearance ol
the old-fashioned "bull's-eye" silver
watches is source of wonderment
to even some ivatcb dealers, h is
practically impoealble to pick up on.
now among; them A Chicago Trib
une reporter made the rounds of the
watch, pawn ami junk shops in (pies
of one of the.-f old t imepreces, and
did not hnd it. One dealer said he
knew where a single specimen was,
bat lo'er admitted that the owner
either had sold or lost it. A veteran
watchmak-r. wtio can make a -catch
b hand. In referring to the disap
pea ranee of the "bull's-eyes," said:
"It is oi. natural, I suppose, that
hy -,h. uld disappear. None of them
were first-class timepieces. I mean
that the lies- of -hem would var
Be much as a minute a week. The
cheaper machine-made wa'ohes keep
better time and cost leas. The firs:
of these old 'bull's-eyes' carried the
regulation Virdge movement. One
hundred years au'o the v'irdge
watches were carried by all business
men. Later the English Watchmakers
made 'bull's-eyes' witn improvements
on the Virdire movement. J haven't
sect a Virdge for 'w or three years
- a matter of fact, those old-fashioned
key-winding silver watches are
worth D&)tj what the silver in the
cases amounts to. The metal repre
sents about a dollar in value. Th -works
are worthleaa. Only one or
two small wheels are taker, out by
the dealers. Bometimea they are i
useful In repairing family heirlooms, '
What ar, the;, u.irtli0 Why . nothing I
it all as time-pieces. The best way
to get one i- to keep on inquiring
among the grandfathers and great- !
uncle- until yon run across one, and
then heir r or buj It II is praotioal
lv worthless excepl as a relic"
Falk. agents.
In caes ol cough or croup give the
little one One Minute Cough Core, Tneu
rest eay and have DO fear. The child
will be all right in a little while. It
never fails. Pleasant to tafee. a waye
safe -lire and aimist instantaneous in
effect. Ciarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
Just received at Qllbreth A on'e
iumlier yard, a few osrloadl of No. 1
cetlar posts and A shingles, They
are agents for Heath A, Miliigan'i cele
brated, shingle paint. Call on them;
their prices are all rijrt, t . Wood not
Homed is better by 50c a cord than wood
that is. jyln
Tne White Coiiar line. Bailey Oiatzert,
will sell tbrongh roanri-trip tickets to
easide and return. Tickets good going
from Portland over '.lie White C'oliar
line, 0. R. iv N. Co.. V. T. Co. or the A.
& C. K. P.. and return over same lines.
Paggage checked direct to either North
React.. Seaview, Lung Beach. Breakers.
Ocean Park or Nabcotta. Limit of
ticket September loth. J. M. Filloon, :
Bow Tbls
We ofler one tiuinired dollars reward
for any cate of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall e Catarri. Lure.
I . J. CaSNEY & Co. Props.. Toiedo. 0.
We. the undersigned, have known Y.
J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West ii Truas, Who.esa.e Druggists, To
ledo, 0.. Wa.ding Rinnan 4 Marvin.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system.
F. J. Chevev & Co., Props.. Toiedo 0.
Sold by drruggists. price 7oc.
Hall't Famiiv Pills are the best. 12
E. FALT & CO.,
Proprietors Owl."
lyon's French Periodical Drops
r saw
Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sii'c t i accomplish
DfcSIRED KESL'LT'S. Greatest known female remedy.
Imitations. Taeaenainewpui up "n.
ton woh rmc-slmlle signature on .-.Je of the nettie inai
band tor CtreaUr w William- uru Co s-.. agont: on.u.
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City. P
173 Second Street. J
51 Local,
Sdr Long Distance.
For saie bv Oeo. C. Biakeiey. The Dalles, I r.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
Pioneer Grocer.
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity and
omissions, increase vijy.
or ana Dan ISO "pair,
of menstruation." Thev are " LIFE SAVERS" to p-irls al
womanhood, aiding development of orpans and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life
becomes a pleasure. 1.M VF.ll liOX BY MAIL. Soul
by druggists. 1K. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland. Ohio
For sale bv Geo. C. Uiakeiev, The Dalles, Or
Tne People's national Family Newspaper
To ail old and new subscribers pavioR one year in advance we offer
Don't he satisfied aitn temporary relit-:
from indigestion. Kodoi Dyspepsia
Cur.- jiermanentiy and completely re-
oiovet this complaint. It relieves par
manenth because it allows the tired
stomach perfect rest. Ihetinfc' won t
rr! the StOmSOb. Nature receives sup
) ies from ttie iood we eat. The sensible
way t help :uf stomach ie to use kodoi
Dsspepsia Cure, ebich digests what you
ea' and can't help hut do you good.
Ciarke & ra.k's f (i. Pbarmwjr,
P. T. Tiiomas, Suaitervilie. Aia., ''I
wae aufiermg from dyspepsia when I
commenced taKing Kodoi Dyspepsia
Cure. I took severa. hotties and can
digest anything." Kodoi Dyspepsia
Cure is the only preparation containing
j all the natural digestive fluids. It gives
weak stomachs enti'e rest, restoring
their natural condition. Ciarke & Falk's
P. 0. Pharmacy,
Your fate
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
b.ood makes itse,; apparent in a naie
and sallow complexion, 1'iu.pies anc
Skin Eruptions. If you are tee. nig
weak and orn out and do not have a
health; appearance you should try
Acker's ll.ood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases wnere cheap Barsaparillai and
so called purifiers fail , knowing this we
sel, every bottle ot) a positive guarantee.
BiaKeit.-r the druggist.
Rats t" I'Hii - a tuer lean Bxposittoa,
Round-trip rates via 0. K. i N. from
Tne Dtllea, 181.90, TiCKets on sale first
and third Tuesdavs daring J nne. Jul ,
August September and October, good for
continuous passage g ling on 'late of saie.
Bitom limit thirty days from date of
sate. Stop-over- will be allowed west ol beer.
Notice is hereby given that ttie com
mon council of Dalies City, at a meeting
tliereoi neid on .saturdav ttie .'.d day of
August. 1901, determined to construct
and relay a drain and sewer described as
follows, to-wit Beginning at a point
where the center line oi Court street in
tersects the pre action ot ttie south line
of the first aiiey south of Fifth street in
said Dalles City, and running thence in
a northern direction aiong. or near, tne
center line of said Court street and along Tom Branch
ttie line 0! the o,d sewer now located in Wm Black
aid street, to a pom! where the center
line of said Court street intersects the
Drowction of the center line of the aiiev
between Main and Second streets, in
, said city ; thence westerly to said alley
: and along the center line therein and a
i continuation thereof to the west line of
j Union street . thence in a northwesterly
I direction, along the most practicable
route, to iow water in Mill creek, said
council also a! the same time deter
. mined that the cost of the construction
! and relaying of said drain and sewer
i ali0uld be assessed against tne property
: benefited thereby, and declared tbepres
1 ent sewer and drain now in existence
upon and along the line above described
to be In a dangeroui- condition, and fur
ther provided mat notice be given of tne
construction and relaying of said drain
and seer by publication ol a notice for
I two weeks in Thf Dalles Daily Chroni
i cie, the first publication thereof to be
ma ie on Monday the oih day of August,
1901, and final publication thereof to be
r. Monday tne 19th uay of August, IW..
and further determined that said drain
anil sewer lie constructed and reiaid as
above mentioned immediately aiter the
expiration of the time mentioned in said
notice. .
All persons interested are hereby noti
fied that said drain and sewer will be
iris-ructed and reiaid as above deter
mined and provided for.
Dated at Dalles City, ( r.. Aug. 5, 1901
Recorder of Dalies Citv.
Tne following county warrante will be Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
ancelied by the county court in thirty -rrr-i-i m.-i i o : ttt m m, Pn
w etrKiy iiiuuLitt ttuu oemi-w citiii oiijuic iui ot.ou,
days from this date uniess called by the
parties owning same within the next
thirty days
Chat Bradley
U'm Blum.
Mrs Bird
Lee Bianton
Robert Beard.
A T Beers
Cbas Cannon
Tnos Doreon
D W Ebersoll
M J Finlayson.
E A Haumes
W I Hinkle. .
los A Kenna .
John Kotier.
R F Moore
Wm Met hen
W M Murphy
Mrs S C Nelson
Kd Nuton.
W H I'aimer
R A Pown. . .
G VV Robertson . .
.los Rabeu
Geo Stiies
W ,1 sonderlarol.
C P Saunders
John smith
.as L smith
John Wickstrom .
W m VVedekind . . .
Frank Wait
Bv order of the
Julv 7, 18Po
. Julv :, 18!:;
March 12, 1892
March 12, l92
March 12, 1801'
Nov 12, 189S
May 6, 1892.
Julv 9, 18M2
March 10. 1893.
May 0, 1892.
Jan ". 1891
March 12, 1892.
Jan 7. 1893
. .Nov 14, 1892.
March 12, 1892.
Jan 7, 1891!.
. . Mav 11, 18P4
Julv 7. 1893
. . .Julv 7, 18!3.
. .Nov Hi. 1893
. .Nov 14. 1892.
March !', 1894
Mav 11, 1894
Nov 10, 18!3.
Mav U, ltf-J
sept 12, 1992
Nov 14, 1892
Jan 7. 1899
. Jan 5, 1894.
. Nov 1-1, 1892
. .Jan 5, 1804
. . .Mav 5, 18!)o
.Jan 11, 1892
.$1 70
1 20
1 70
1 00
1 00
1 liO
7 20
1 70
1 70
1 W0
1 80
1 70
1 20
1 110
1 00
2 20
3 10 i
1 !0
2 00
1 70
1 70,
2 HO
1 60
u 10
1 70
1 80
1 20
. . 4 70
. 1 60
4 00
1 70:
1 70
Count v
Published Mimrta:. .
Wednesday and Fri
day. Is in rsallt) a lint
and freiiii every -other
day Jjuiiy. r: . Iiik the
latest news on days of
issui . and severing
news ot the other :;.
II eontaina h1! Impor
tant fnreifM! cable
news which aptiears
in the liaily Tribune
ol sam- date, also di.
mestlc and fori-ien
correspondence, short
stories, elegant hali
lone Illustrations, hu
moroua items, iudus
trial Information,
fashion notes, agrioul
mru'. matters, una
comprebensivs and n-liaoit--
Onanclal und
market rejoru.
tiou price,
11.30 per
We furnish il with
semi Weekly Chroni
cle lor Ci.QO ct year.
Published on Thurs
day. ii3d known tor
nearly sixty yean in
eery part ot the I'ni
ted states us n nation
al family newspaper
oi the hiphc.-t class,
for fanners and villa
Rers. It contains all
the most Important
genera! news ol the
liaily Ttibuue up to
the hour of itoing to
press; ar Hpriculttirai
department ol the
highest order, has en
tertaining read ins (or
every member of tla
family.old and ynttOI
market reports whleh
are iiecepted as auth
ority by farm-rs and
merchants, and it
clean, np-to-dste, in
teresting and instruc
tive. Regular subscrip
tion price, II pel year.
We furnish it witn
Semi-Weekly Chroni
cle for $1.50 11 year
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
Court ot Wasco Coanty, Oregon.
Bated this 10th day of July, 1801.
A. E. I.AKL,
Countv Clerk.
keloids Nun: WhIIm Hulla.
Walla WALLA, Aug. IS Mrs. James
l.adeuceur coujuiitteii suicide about nine
miies west of here last night by talcing
stryennine and then jampiog iuto the tweetj Detroit anr! Boflali
Missouri river or St. Paul 00 return trip
within hunt of ticuet.
Arrangements cai. oe made by apply
ing to agent (). K. & N. Co.. The Dalies,
ebtrtby tickets will be honored on iake
teamer- in one or tRith directions ba
Walla Walia river. She had ieen in il!
naaittl lOf gome lime, sue left sevei.
children, the oldest a girl aged 16 years.
and ttie youngest an infant ol 16 months
Hat husband was at hie sheep camp
severs niilei ara at the time. Two
ema., ciiiidrer. witnessed the urowning
of their mother.
Acker s Dyspepsia Tablet! are eoid on
a positive Cures iieart-burii,
ra sing of the food, distress after eating
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. cts
and 10 cts. Biakeiey. tne druggist.
We ofl'er for a limited eriud tne
twiee-a-wees CnuONlCLK, price $1.50,
and tne Weekly (iregonian, price $1,51 ,
both papers for $L' a year, huhscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance. '
Jambs Ireland,
If you want to retain your hair you
have to keep your ca:p ciean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
eriepy. Now we have two of tne yery
beat preparations for ceansing the
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Bbampoo, It
will leave your iiair soft and giossv.
I'rice, 86 and 5n cents a bottie, at 1 razer's
barler itiiop, The Dalies. tf
Notice if- hereby given that the co-
part oar ship haratolora existing batwaeo
Maximilian ogt and I'hilppine Cusp
man. uniier the (irn name and Itvle of
Max Vogt it Co., is this day diaaolved
by mutuai consent. Maximilian Vogt
will continue the hosioaej ' said formei
hrm, and will receive and receipt for all
A full line of Eastman fiiru? and sup
plies just received by Ciarke & Falk.
Just received, at C. J.'e. a
carioad of Bcblltx Milwaukee bottled
ljM lv
Young iady wishes to do sewing by
tne day. Telephone 114 ior further par
ticulars. jy31lwk
If anything ails your liair, go aud see
Frazer ; he's the headquarters for al!
hair remedies. Remember that be
makee a troeciaitv of these goods. tf
C. J. Stubling has just received a
iarue consignment of schlitz malt ex
tract, strictly nun-alcoholic and one of
the best remedies in tne world to build
up a weak or broken-down constitu
tion. ljr9aVlaj
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
ttie hair needs when it gets in that con
dition. We have $ the Crown of
Science Hair j?algfjV '.mw.-r and
Cocoanut reau Sufir Don, They
wih cure dan d mil and all
scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's bar
tier shop. Trice 50c and Toe a bottle.
summer Bxcttrstoni to tne Sea Coast,
Only $0.50 for the round trip from
The Dalies to Long Beach Tioga, I'acibc
I'ark, cean Park or Naticotta, Wash.,
good for return until sept. 15, 1901.
Baggage checked through to destina
tion. Tne steamer T. J. Potter will
leave Portland dai.y except Sunday and
Monday, and the Hassaio daily except
Sunday, at s p. m., and 10 p. m. on
Saturdays making direct connections at
Astoria and at Ilwaco for all points on
UragOO and Washington beaches. Call
on Jae. Ireland, agent, The Dalles,
for through time card to all beach
points. jlyS-Sm
Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and
sores of all kinds quickly healed by
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Certain
cure for piles. Beware of Counterfeits.
Be sure you get the original DeWitt's.
Ciarke k F"alk's P. O. Pharmacy.
St. diary's pcademy
Cnder the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names of
Jesus and Mary.
n (.oil,,-. Uiobe,
Tne fame of Bucklen's Arnica
BlOOeyi due said hru. ami pay all debts as the best in the world, extends round
Commencing Sunday, until (tinner
notice, ttie O. K. &. K. will suh round
trip tickets. Dalles to Cascades for fl.
This rate applies only to parties of five
or more. Good (or Sundays only . lagim
contracted h said lira..
Dated at The Dalies, Oregon, this 17th
day of Juiv. laOl.
Maximilian Voox,
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C arte
A 1 alt I
the earth. It's the one erfect healer ot
Cuts, Corns, Burns, Brnisas, Sores,
Scalds, Boils, Titters, Felous, Aches,
Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only in
fallible Pile cure. 25c a box at G. C.
B'akeley'e, drug store. 1
Subscribe (or Thk Chuomcl.
Ibi.- luatittition is pittaMintly a iuku near
tne t 'uluiii r la on the lilts of tUe (; K N (Jo
ttieiiee It is easy of aecM lor ull lhue who dt
ir, U i ec'uri- a conifortablt-- home and a ,:,.ur
ive s.-at of learmnK lor their dung titer or
wards The location oi tin- saadaSSJf liohe Of
the most baltbT on the Pacific Nlope, this por
Hon of Oreeon behiK imjverbial lor it ,,,,,,
water bracius air. and uiclum.iue ,
The Academy o incorporated and authorised by
the sjUH U confer Academic Honor
Hoard and tuition per chobtstic yeai. tic
: Htudie will be reaumed Tuesday, aeptember, tth
j Kor detailed informatlou applv to the iU:r
, Biiperior. auglu m
i ?
Job Printers
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