fte Dalles Daily Clmmtete. fgCRSDAY - - - AUG, 15. 1901 Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. .11 n ..n tonnty warrant llflMiril " t octobr i:. ih. wm pm P.".P. i..n t my . lntereM MMMaftar .lOHN F. HAMPSHIRE. County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. ,,. arc thofo who eet away , .1 Messed i) those who stay r(lf ibat ho go spend all HlrU ! - II , others have no mink to paek. A. M Williams A Co have reduced l)M prices 0(8,1 ,heir n,en ? tan 8hcep So tin !" hk the present to buy. Go to A. M. Wiiliame & Co.'s and get aool COt to these hot days. Head beir td an J note reduced prices. I)ok out for tire these dave when we htve plenty of everything -'to burn,'' or rather that's i net in a condition to ianite. Mies Minnie Gosser ha accepted a po sition in the dry goods department of A. y, Williams & Co.. and assumed her duties today. Rtrt Monday the Wasco Warehouse Milling Company expects to begin tear ing out the inside of their old warehouse building, t utting in new .".oors and mak ing Other improvements. The school statistics show a loss in school population in Northwestern Ore gon, hot a earn in Eastern and Southern Oregon. Wasco made a gain of 300 school children between 1900 and 101 . This morning Harry Ohlegschiager, vrbo was accidentally shot TneBday after noon, was brought to this city to have hie wound ireoted, and Dr. Ferguson (111 08 he i?grt"ne along surprisingly well. ".' bnt !. Cotnan, eon of oar veteran cmouctor of the O. B. N., will he ap uoinif'l assistant general freight agent of ttie 0 :.' &N., with headquarters at Portloi ' Mr. Com aii'i sister isassociate editor i M nn eej 'a .Vlaga.iue. A Uardian sale of property was bad at the court house today. Mrs. Laoy guardian of the minor heirs of the estate of Hugn Lacy, deceased, sold the real property belonging to the estate. It was bid in by John L. Henderson, of Hood River, for $1 ,400. Wm. Wallace, who suffered a severe wound at the hand of Frank Green Toesday night and was taken to the hos pital, is getting along nicely and will be able to fie taken to the courthouse at 4 o'clock, when the preliminary exami nation of hie ase&ilant takes place. The the rtnometer'e a warm number today, marking 10' in the shade. What's the matter with the weather man in Portland, who said yesterday that we'd bave cooler weather and thunder showers today and then "by thunder'" we didn't and not a cloud in eight. From all indications he's not acquainted with Western eather, as he seldom hits it. A writ of review was argued before Jadg Bradehaw this afternoon. Mr. John L, Hendereon wab attorney for ap pellant, and Mr. 8. W. Stork i attorney for respondent. Under the code the writ of review takes the place of cer tiorari under the common law, and an investigation may be had of the pro ceedings ab initio. We did not learn bow the writ wae decided. It was taken J oin the justice .court in Mosier pre cinct. It might be supposed that during such cheated term one would be glad to get a glimpse of winters, but after viewing 'be cut which wae published in last I'lfht P Telegram of that "illustrious" Winters, who stole the btilion from the California smelter, we are constrained to advise that he be allowed to "take back I 1 1 gold" and keep his picture out i ttie papen, It's difficult enough to s.eef- tbeaa nights without being haunt- by men earioaturN. Hogs will continue to be a fine figure ' Tii. west for 'many months to MMN. J i.e recent drouth in the East ' Itandj to market and the short NPOl the oorn crop will send thousands of oti.er- bafani winter. There will be WMHto ihip Watt this xv inter as there iffier j It, (Jn tlie oth,r ;j8nd there Mt many chances that eaetern people M be lending to the coast for hogs. As MJa supply ir already short here, we can 'or gjod prices for the next vear. racific tanner. Ail weather is hot and while one ie ry:u 10 '-ontain his toul in patience, he m read with delight Dr. Kane's explo 'boos towards the North pole, where i thermometer ranged 70 degrees be ro; or Lieutenant bchwatke'a HMD for the remaine of Sir John NH FrarjVIin, when he traveled (or day with me inermometer ranging from H to M degrees belowzero. RutO! watn't that glorious weather! It tis aing, "On Greenland's lev Mountains" till the bov brings a fresh pitcher of ice-water. The steamer Colombia of the O. R. A N.Co.,wIiich has been tied tip in San Francisco on account of the strike, ar rived in Astoria Tuesday morning, hav ing been delayed twenty-four hours hv contrary winds and a heavy fog. The Columbia had but a partial cargo and only two consignments of perishable ittutT. The crew was made up of office employes and Filipinos. The steamer ' Elder got away from the California port Sunday, and both vessels will lie tied up at Portland until the strike is over. A destructive tire occurred at Havnes' Spur, three miles below Hood River this morning at 1 o'clock when Davenport Bros.' big sawmill burned to theeronnd, having caught from spontaneous com bustion. It took but an hour and a half for the whole thing to go up in flames and the proprietors suffer a 18,000 loss, with no insurance. Hesides the mill i ; nine freight cars were destroyed, thirty cords of wood, 15,000 cedar posts. 10,000 i feet of dressed lumber and 40.000 feet of rough lumber. Mr. Davenport was ab sent in Portland at the time of the tire. -o often is the inquiry heard as to 1 who am McKinley's cabinet officers that ' we publish them for the beneGt of the school hoys and girls, and perhaps the older hoys and girls will want to pin the list in their hats. They are: Secretary of State, John Hay ; Secretary of Trea sury, I.yman J. Gage: Secretarv of War. Elibu Root ; Secretary of Nvv, John D. I Long: Secretary 0: Interior. Ethan A. ' Hitchcock : Secretary of Agriculture, James Wilson; Postmaster-General, ' Charles E. Smith : Attorney-General, P. O. Knox. The close season for fishing went into effect this morning at ri o'clock and no more salmon may be caught in the waters of the Columbia until the 10th of next month. The fishermen on the Washington side have tw enty-four hours i more oi the season than the men on ttie Oregon side. The closed season goes into j effect in Washington at midnight on the i loth but the men will not be disturbed until after daylight on the 16tb. On ' that day ail will be warned that a vio lation of the law will carry with it all the penalties. In a letter received hv Mrs. W. E. i Sylvester from her daughter, Mrs. M. B. 1 Murcbie, she tells of the misfortune i which has again befallen them by fire. ; Just before coming over to T.'ie Dalles ! to visit during July Mr. and Mrs. Mnr i chie had moved to the farm, which they rent, about two miles from Yakima, and the day Mrs. Murchie left here on her j : return home, the house was burned to i the ground with the entire contents, i I The household goode which as the house I wae rented, was their only loss were ! ineured, but the loss is a heavy one, tire j having visited them when in Lswiston ; totally destroying the etore owned by : Mr. Murchie there. Yesterday Hon. L. Y. Sherman, an old schoolmate of Hon. W H. Wilson, whom he had not seen for nineteen years, arrived in The Dalles from Spring field, Illinois, and is the guest of V. H. ; Mr. Sherman is a prominent man in Illinois politics, having been speaker of the house of the 40th and 41st General Assembly, which adjourned in May. He j ie visiting this coast for recreation and ! incidentally looking up some legal (pues- tions in connection with the First Xa- tional bank of Vancouver for the trea- I ury department. This afternoon Mr. i Sherman will return to VaaflODvar I companied by Mr. Wileon as far a.s Cas cades and Saturday they will visit l)ng Beach. His stay ill be short on this coast, as he is compelled to return home by the L'Tlh. KuKll.h Want MtOOU ..itlr) Hurnm. R. B. Wilson, the able representative of the Burlington Company, stated in Pendleton yesterday that if they can be found oO.OOO horses will be bought in this section for the Finglish cavalry ser vice. "Already'' said Mr. Wilson, "our people have shipped out more than 7o cars and the number will have reached 1UJ hundred care within a very short space of time. "The horses neei'ed are those from fourteen-two to (jfteen-one hands high, and are otherwise not valuable. Those desired for the South African war ser vice are lighter than the RogUth govern ment would use for their regular cavalry or the American ttovernmeut either. ... . . II.. . a . . ... ...-..L.. :. in . I ,umu ra 1111 neucr, men yun uc.r .r... jnfurllifttjon possible regarding the latest to the livestock owners of this region, gittbodl adopted in his profession. In the first place they cannot be told to j jeH ,;iizaheth Bonn, who has been in others to any advantage, and in the Portland for the past few months study seeond place they will be removed from ing voice cultuie under Herr Schott, is the range and will therefore leave it for I "pending a few days at home and will , , ,. . . .1 . 'return Sunday. Friends of the young the other claeees of livestock that " I hV hMTLHof r ttthott't opiBV I more valuable." ion of her voice aay it la most flattering The E.G. flays: The feature of the and that should she continue its cult i , removal of the horses from the range ; toy. 'um ,n tiuj bco"1 won' of value because the range it juet now r 0 n'5l . quite tmall in comparison to the number j Suttcribe for Tua CMlQglfllg. of livestock bands that are owned in this I territory. Throughout the present sea son, and all of last winter and spring, there has been much talk about the , shortage of feed, and the difficulty in tinding range to keep the bands goinit. Angthing that will remove from the range a large number of animals that are now eating up the grass will relieve the situation from its present strained con- dition and be of benefit all around. ASTORIA S FISHY SUGGESTION. They Shnnl.l Attend to Kettle or Mall Their (Inn A Pallee canneryraan when asked what he thought of the opinion of a prominent cannervman of Astoria re garding the closing of the upper river so salmon can go up to thir spawning grounds, said the law is very good were it enforced whenever fishermen take more fish from the river than they can sell, as they did at Astoria during the heavy run last month, and rather than sell them to The Dalles cannery man for three cents a pound cash, threw them into the river torot. When the stench got so bad and the attention of the board of health of the city of Astoria was directed to the matter, they called on the deputy fish warden and made him deputy sheriff to stop this nuisance. If the Astoria papers would do half at home what they wish to do away from home they might accomplish good re sults. The Dalles fishermen and boat pullers pay for the privilege of fishing. They do not ask their prosecuting at torney or the attorney general of the state for opinions to Bave them from paying $1 each to the hatchery fund. They ask no favors, bnt only just treat ment, where the law permits all to tish. Where the tish need protection is right at Astoria, the late heavy run hav ing proven that, when they took all. The Dalles or anyone above Astoria thirty miles neither saw nor heard of a big run. Do not halloo, "stop thief" while you are stealing. Wait until you have finished. I'BKSONAl. MENTION, Wm. Donaldson relumed to his home at Kingsley this morning. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Coop are visitors in the citv from Goldeudale. W. T. McClure, of Mosier, is registered at the St. Charles hctel, Portland. J. M. Kussei, of The Dalles Scouring mill, ie in Portland on a business trip. Miss Emma Maloney ieft this after noon for the Walther camp at Cascades. Mrs. Lina Wilde is in city from Port land, the guest of Miss Carrie St. John. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glasius returned last evening from attending camp meet ing in Portland. Miss Nettie Fredden has returned from a visit in camp with Miss Graoa Hobson at Cascades. Misses Julia and Clara Nickelsen left ion this afternoon's boat bound for a vacation at Long Beach. John Totten, sheriff of Skamania county, was in town yesterday and re- tnrned'to Stevenson todav Mrs. Cheese, Mis. Morris and Miss Cassie Cheese were passengers on the boat today bound for Trout Lake. John Booth, w ho is now one of Hood River's merchants, came up from that place yesterday, returning on the Gatert today. Mrs. W. II. Wallace, of Portland and Mies Elizabeth Powell, of Los Angeles, SDent Moudav witti Mrs. Judd Fish in tbje ei ty . Mfe R s Hnntingt0Jli wll0 baB speut several weeks at Shelburne, on Lona Beach, returned home on Die Regulator 'a,t night. Mrs. Dinsmore Pariisb, w ho has spent month vtaiting her graodmptb- er at Newport, came home on the boat yesterday morning. Mrs. Chas. Simonson left last night for a two weeks stay in Spokane, having been called thereon account of the ill ness cf her grandmother. Edward Baldwin left yesterday for Portland, where he will j in his mother who went down Tuesday, and together they will visit Long Beach. Miss Rosemary Baldwin came up on the Regulator yesterday from Portland. Mrs. Baldwin remained over today with Dalles friends in camp at Cascades. Mrs. J. H. Cross accompanied by her sister, Mrs. DeWitt, and Miss Mabel Cross, came up last night from Portland. Mabel will spend her vacation ol home. Mr. and Mrs. K. O, McCoy and family and Mr. and Mrs. G N. Ooslield, left yesterday on their way to visit the Llks' carnival at Tacomaand at the san e time to take in theister hound city, Seattle. Df. and Mrs. Hugh Logan were par t-engers on this morning's train bound for San FVancisco to remain for at least two weeks. Dr. will attend clinics i during Ins stay there, obtaining al I trie . . . THE FAMILY LIBRARY. May Me Mftr Owe of the Moet -trartlte Keatwre In the Home. The lilnarv I HOW within tin' each of all cWutaea, Competition between the publishers and the multipltettj of authors has forever banlahetl the dnj when a moi1 volume was a lux ury, and the booh-ataHs havr placed treaoures of literature where the poor max reach them, suf" Har vot Holt Cnhoon, . in Woman's Home Companion. The pom in BUrae rW become rich ill spirit. Itookv are cheap thai thej ufteii materialise In the hand r thoae who love them t and sometimes the poa aeaaor hartJlj know hi or whence they come, So the lihraix ha IWJl on It tier. -me a feature of the hum.. but a neceaalty. The collection book- is bound to ! made, li comes without effort, There Is ulwa.vs room for one more (took, and l he ttrst thing you know there la a ensefnl. and b "and bx the case rune over and am other cae mnreraliaes from ,,,ne where. Maybe th fotnllj carpenter nails it together, and aorae one else give H n coat of paint; hit. r on the books crowd that ease; tinallx there is a roomful,, and lo! you have a li bra rx. You make room for the books you loxe. Hnl llean. Tropical Stle. hnl a pit n ii is that the red or pink bean is noi more In use In the United Stan -. In Mexico and aim ng the an.ni. h California no meal Ls com plete without them, nalu table ilih, and 1 The) are a not require t he boiling that while beans do. Put three .mifuis of tin-, beans intu boiling hoi ....... ..jr. xx a t er ii. ilti noi in. iir ' in-jxaiei on . let them boil until done, to add hot water from tin It. careful time to time to i in o i he beans ir more if you beittls a re t hor- prevent burning, si u dried Chill peppei i an stand it . W hen l I otighlx booked put a generotw suppi.x of pork or bacon fat into o fr.vinfirpan. ! and when boiling hot pour in the boiled beans. Salt to taate, and add enough I hot M Bter lo make a rich oroxx n gravy. To var, thla diah aometimea a frieil onion is .jixeii a- .m adllltlonal flavor. ashingtou star. blekan 1 at let a, Cold do . hen or veal cutlets max be made Into a decorative dish bj for mini; ' a ring of potato on each and filling the j spaee xx'nli green peas. F'or a pint of ! meal make a panadu of one cupful ( milk, two heaping lablespoonfuls of flour, .me large tablespoonful of bill ' ter. one teaapoouful ol chopped purs I ley, one tea spoonful of oniou juice, and : salt ami oalirika to taste. When il is done mix the meat with It, and when very cold form ii into cutlets. Roll them in egg and breadcrumb. On the top of each squeeze with h pnstr.x bag a ritiLT of hot mushed potato, with which baa been mixed beuti 11 egg, and j hake until a golden brown. Kill each space witli green peua, seasoned xxiih I cream, -: 1 1 and pepper, I inclnnatl j Bno;ulrer, Summer HarKalnii. I On Dad Butts' bargain counter will be 1 found the following bargains: Six miles east of The Dalles 280 acres ; i lot) acres wheat land, all under fence. Price 2,000, warranty deed, half cash ; i balance on time at per cent. F'onr hundred acres deeded land five and a half miles from tl p city all under fence; 150 acres in cultivation. Two j ' large springs of wate-; good house, barn j 1 and outbuildings. Bight acres in grapes j and ten acres in orchard. Well adapted for stock raising. On the following terms : $4,500; $2,600 down and the ' balance at any old time to suit purcha ser, at 7 per cent . ftlO-13 f.'harte- Meiiiliei'f 'I'thn Notice. Mrs. N. L. iustin, state organizer of I the Knights and Ladies of Security, on the ltith of this month will Organize a council of this order lo be hailed as The Dalles Council K. & L. of S. This bo i ciety pays accidental and old age claims and does not increase with advancing years. Those who wish further infor ' mation will do well to call on Mrs. (instill or 0. A. Marshall at the Obarr House. Admission as charter members one dollar; after the charter It close.!. live dollars. 51I Sealed NMfl ttacal V4. Sealed bids Will be received by l)r. Siddall up to 12 noon the 1 6th lOBt.i for 1 the erection of four dwellings on the corner of Fourth and Federal str-.-t-, Dal I at City. Plans and specification can he seen at the office ol The Lalles Laundry Co. Reserving the right to re ject each or all bids. gllg210 11 the. action ol my bowel I is got eaty and regular serious OOmpllOtUoni must be the final result. DtWIU'l Little Flarly KiBern will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant and effective, t'laike .V F'alk's P. 0. PheMQt v. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. Tbi Kind Yoi Have Always Bought Btara the ..The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Special in Men Straw Hat. See our Show Window. New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A ticvv fresh, clean stock, lim us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. ...MAYS f CROWE... WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Barden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. f you are in need of anything in our line, figure with us. for it will ay you. We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON WALTHER, THE DALLES. - - - OREGON. F. S. GUNNING, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -HE.tl.Klt IN-- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies a hi ut fur KuiM-ii .ii (Jo,'s BnniiMB, Thrtahan and Saw Miiu, Talapbona 17. Long Dittanot n)7i!. lldiiHe l.i II. lit Kignt room modam 1 wel 1 1 Iiohhh hftatei! hy ftimactj good wieil lot with Htahle. tdjolniog; located in a deoiratile part o ItiH city. No trouhle U) runt room I tuoagll lo pay bOOIf rent, ('all on or addrati Hudaon ,v Browohlll, the llalles. 0g6td Nasal CATARRH In all IK i-lu.'.n there lUoiiiit in BiaaaliaaBib Klj's Cream Halm filBtiinti innigat tai li.uia ttia tii-1 uaa pf wbraaa. It bumb ettank a"i dHvat Bay a Colli lu Ilie Ik ml ' renin Italin la ilar.ed Intotbo noatrili, Bpradf over 1 1., in. luiimne and It alwurljed. Keuallaliu uieUiuUi aild a cure fullowi. It oot dry iur duet not j.rudure BBjaMlagt l arge Hiza, 60 cent at Drug ginti ir ly BMtl i Trial hue, 10 tenia by inun. Mi inui UKItb. oo Wurrau Street, Naw York. Gifford's Potos Never Fade 25c Cor. SeuoDd & LaoiibliD Sis,. THE DALLES OR, llrg, S. !l. Allport, JohoatowOi l'a., hi. "Our litl let girl aliuoHt Htruiiifled to death with croup. The dOOtort Haid she. pOllldn't live hut he waH iiihlanlly reliavttil hy One .Miniitt, OoUgh Cure. Clarke .V I'ulk'a I'. O. I'haruiacy. Jaiiiva White, I'n yantsville, Iiul., eaya DaWltt'l Witch lla.ul Salve tien!e.t rannlDg aorea on DOth lega. He hail Hull'ereil ti yeara. PoOtOfl (aileil to lielp lllin, iet PoWlli't. Accept no iniita- tioua. Clarke iv balk 'a I. o. I'harmaoy, WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Thlrii and WMhlna(tun Sta. All order attended to promptly. I.oug distaoua phono 4'A'A. Local, 102. Clark A Kalk are never closed Sunday, Dou't forvet thit.