The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TH CRSDAY . - kVQ. 16. l1 Tf SXCLUStOX ACT. Tbe Chinese exclusion act expires May .r. 1902, ani therefore tbe next congress will be colled ttpol 10 laj wbetber it b&ll b re-enacted, a tbe lDion. Tbe Chinese minister has teen trontiog witt ai. his power to bave tbe law lapse Without further inquiry. I0t bis efforts have rather been offset by MTUi!) interest along tbe Pacific coast. Tbe California state feile-ation of labor, bas taken a band in tbe matte: an:l proposes to send out an address on tbe whole question of Asiatic exclusion an I it is hoped by this organization to secure enotiib signatures to its pe tition :o represent tbe foil voting strength of California. Doobtlett other states along the Pacific coast will take littilar action berore tbe national congress assetcbl.s in De- cem bar. There can be little question that Chinese labor is a serious menace 10 tbe American woikmen. It Las beer so pro fee m the past and conl 1 not help being so in tbe The average newly Imported Chinese laborer will woik for little or nothing and will lire on even ess. .ur own working-men can t compe'e tbem except in skilled American cool 1 : ot tra.ies. Tbe undertake to accept Chinese wage;. this neccs sri!y wouid be a;ke;l a corporate interests will not pay any more for work thr-c ibey are obliged to. And tben. too. it i; areue.l. .'apanese labor is. if anything, cheaper than tbe Cbinee. l ahfornii the ezolasiOD act be BO frame : a? U) include Japanese. L .'Lgres must deal ith tLis questioti in Ihe interests of the Pacific coast, whether it tie Chinese, -'apar.ese. or both. rr? ones of tbe Chaplain H. W Untied Mates navy, s; eas.:: ir the Church of the Stracgen in New York last Sundav evening, aai 1 1 "La winter whe-r. at Bar'nan .,es. we found tbe West Indian BrUiah fieet there and invited one of the British naval officers of bich rank on board of our .. ,. .. snip to dine with us. Tne con versa- Uon turned on the rx.wers opposed to us during the war with !pain and tbe British officer said : Gentierter.. erhaps you knew that England was with ou. but you bave no idea of what Lnsiand really did for you. 1 was on leave when the Spanish American war broke out. and to gether with several other officers was immediately or lered back to duty. We had at t . points sixty-three of our ships waiting to be 'irdere.1 out in case of any nava. demonstration being made against the United Mates by the other powers. Jf any such demonstration ha: baefl made we woul i have hea led tnem O-. 'MM' t. L . Tue Albany Democrat lavs .iowc tDe following conclusions, wbich it will t difficult for any perauo io reason to gattissy. u:. .i w:.itL g t. sbosr ibat Um labor litoation is riot iu any sense partigac in political significance, bat that democrat! and republicans cat. agree upon cartatE common and sensible grounds: 'As soon as a man qoitl a Job is not bis. and be bas DO furtbOf c m MOtiOB w-itb it Tbat is tbe long and snort of tut situation. Wbaft evei a nan strikes be Li- 'uit bis job. and it is n-mt of L.s business wuo is put in Lis plaot, Tbat is. tbe strikei hixr- no iitu-. to disturL tbe man wbo Uik- bii place, vbotvgf be is. Tbat is none of bis butioaej. Wbile tbe striker is QDrtMODtble, tbe employer is aisj uureasonabif.. He sbouid sbow a spirit of con promise In tbe settlement of differ ences ietween b:m and bit t-mjuow-t nd Bbould not be UOadful Of tbe fact tbat be does not Luxe to tbe laborer." UiCkle ome ISew .Jersey njercbantb dia charged several clerks because they -. a week ofl to attend a state rr 11 it ia encampment. VM in tbe tVCBt of a riot in any emergent re quiring ;be service of tbe militia tbee mercbaotf would doubtless be tbe verv first on?? to bow! for military interference and protection. alip I a ;ew dayi lion a v4..e. containing, saleable government peper. t tatec probably tnroneh mistake from our wagon at tbe railroad camp en tbe mis sive grcanJ he.,"' town. As ttiese papers b replaced Without treat expense aDd delay, tat- party Who took "-J " :rg tnam a: i v.t v am . si : mum or re turning them 10 us UlfOOfft) tne poet ffice. N Bitetafee to 'he identity of tbe papers car, be ma ie as the name o' VT. E. v.ea-t Wil DC foand thereon. a. L. AsnaaaoK, W. P.. Straw ARtt a' 2:,:-lr e Jttractors. Nntlce lirr. Tne rward o: equalisation for Wasco cotnty. Or., w' 1 meet an J be :n session at tr.e 'ou-t house of sa.i .vtrrty :rom Monday. Anffoet Aueust '1st, 19 :r. int.. a:nraay, o'.r. sa s in. I i:s:ve. and will attend 10 any ntd all matters wnichmay come :ti re such board for consideration. Tbe Ia..s. V"a ; Co., Or., August S, 1901. C. L. ?cev:: . . a ' j& a .: Asesso-. W ,v Co., Or. Why no: ?:?d -.:.e ?r at Ya- quliia bav. where ct t tsclient fare, gwi Blhi&ft, grxd boatiOfi safe batLinc, al urine ride? and ram Die. T:,- MiraM and exf'r-ire? a". I nun mer cr.D:. of 1901 a: Newport w:!I afford reat xr of toatroctiont, diversion bdj raieria r.mer... -o ..uer rewr: offen eqaal a::ract;cs and like advan tages ;uD".l-tf t . 2. IJ . Ill&t 1 ol. Sotiue ty scpf- :,erery e ven tne coon. lenden: oi Taaco coan'.v. Of" eftor.. ... tioiJ tbe rr.-.:iar examination di applicants fat f tite ..rid count; ropers a: ine ' as : idws Commencing Wednesday. A'jpujt at a. m. and continoiag until Satur day. August 1. at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday I'ennmansL ip, history. spelling, a.geor&. me. ach ao; iaw. Tbursdty Written Arithmetic, tne- ory of teaching, gramniar : . Oa-set-ping. pt.yeics. civil government. Friday Pnysio.ogv. geography, men ta. ariu, luetic. com position . pnysica. geography. atnrdav Boianr, n.ane .ejmetry, iterator, genera. :.:story. Lng.:s:. psycho, ogy. vo COCJCT1 rapaaa. Commencng Wedoeaday, Aogott 14 . . , . a1. j cock a. m. and c;.nt:nu:rig unt: Fridav. Au(tuit 6 x p First, second and tnird grade certificate! Wednesday Penmanebip, iistorv ortnogranhy, reading. Tnursday Written arithmetic, theory o? teaching, grammar and aebool law. 1 riday 'ieograpi. v. mental arithme tic, pbyaiolagjy, civi. Primary certificates Wednesday Penmansnif . ortbogra. pi.y. Tnursda;. Art of qoeetioniog, theory of teaching, methods. Friday Arithmetic, phygioiocy . C L Gtnaiai . Ciunty supt. Wasci. Liu.. Or. 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 Take them to ddy and you'll be well tomorrow. Baldwin's Cold Cure Tablet NoliB (Cold in fteac I oCureNoPav25c 4f)r la- f-g fttmf Kii: Man, t imu cui PfjiHiti 3 "o,d by Clarke & ia't. The I ies. I r FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Trattaaei a &aaaraj Bankir-t' BuBtness. 1 .... - I ; .1 . . : 1 : , . . Ult Lastert, -tatei- , Si, bt Egebaar and TalajrapbtC Transfers gold ,t. Ka York. Chicago, est. Lout. Man r rancisco I ortland Ore gon, -eatt.e aL and various points in Oregon and Washington. rjrable terms "'.ions ina le a a. ti.n't on lav- The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd at Nolan 'r.tit-Sharinfi Association are 1 Bet Pi, ken. 15 vols., publisher's price $22.50; : set Knight's History ol England, 8 vols,, publisher s price $12: 1 vol. Gallery of Bible Pictures, illustrated by Pore: 1 copy Thirty Year? of Labor, by T. V. Powderly; a $3 rebate to person paying the most cash during four week? end ing Aug. 3d, and a $2 rebate to person paying in second largest tmount of cash during same period. Prompt delivery of ail goods ordered by telephone. Seu fert A Condon phone No. 92. Give me a trial. IKE. T. NOLAN. t White Collar Line. Tbe Daiies-Poniaon Route Str. BAILEY-GAT2ERT. DAILY fcOTJHD TRIPS, Except Monday. Cascade Locks. Hood River. White Salmon and The Dalies. TIME CARD Leave r:.and Arrive Tne Dai.? Leave " Arrive Tor:. and. Meals the 4 10 Verv Best. Sunday Trips s Leading Feature. This Jiute has the Graodeet reeiiic Attractions on Eartn Ponland-Astoria Route str. - TAHOMA." i.y iounu irips except TIME CAPD ir. jar . Leave Po ar. j stria Landing and office T ol of Alder Portland. Street: both phoaea, M 351, Oregon. E. W. CBICHTOK, Agent Portland. J. M. FILLOON. Act. Tbe Dalies. A.J TATLOB, Agent Astoria. Clark's Cruise of the Celtic. UARGRn BTSAmBU INTEir.OELD, Feb. 8th to April 22d. 1902. Th ::.aaui'icer.t White star ta ln-ciew tttaw e: tltic, 20,00) totM t--:ta5iy chartered fat t:. .easion. and (or i days' subject t.- the or-de- o: the direet.-r ot tnv l-arty. To the Drilitrrrauran and the Orient, occup) me 74 (la a. Spending 18 day- in Eaypt and Palestine, hotel accomr.. Jat. .u- m-.-lndd. Vialttag Madiera, rallar North Af rica. Malta r.oj.t. ih H.ilj I.n,l. Tnrke l.reece. lial.i. the RjTtvra. Btaglaod and 1 rt-iunn a::ra"tiv- .,ittt'.iial. -id tr.t ..-.-r-eis Ticket good to itop over in Eurow no ::.ev c: 1 .hi. , urn V liic itauW --.-.u -r C-e: i '?iitonic. Aic ( of Tri. Brat-ctaaa, : . i N- . Tk 4IM ew York i upward; ..c-.,rditig t itataiooni accnmru.. J. .-)!. including tbotx eaetmiona, ho Mia, fear, igUeea. drive at.d all DCaiwa7 vai? lecial Feature Mad--:rv. Malta. '- 1 - ' Egypt -.!,! the Hoi;. Luna . onatantlnopie, AtiMtU) Lorn-. Uw Kivier-.. -?lc. "nder t.,e managemenr of Fra:.'' !ari. oi New Voek, Cairo, etc 1- : irtbef iMir:i-u..-.r addrtf HI DaOM A KIKIH Mill.!., ""atttilHl -tree:. Thv Dalies. Or ). intereteii. end ior :!!utrattl vr -era.:.. John Fashek. The Tailor. Has ust received 1(KK3 san:ples of ttie latest pattern8 in Gent's Ci'itbing Goode. tie guaran tees price and a QOd Bt or uo pay . John Fashek. The Tailor. TAG BALDWIN RESTAURANT a . 1 1 MfH, Waaaaer. Fir&t - c;ia&5 it) Every fe&p?et T.?al8 at fill r;ours PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. , ., , . bait la mark P ""t"1 tl-nuiaei. 74 Front St., uear Court, The Ualles. Vou will not bave noils if vou take Carte A raik'r sure core foi boils. n 1 era n Yellowstone Park Line. TEE UXSTSQ ' AT. F.O' IE FK-Xt POKTLANP TO TEE EAST. TEE OKLT DISSCT :.:SE TO TEE VXLLOW- BTOKK PAJUC DIM Doe;, nniaii: Sis f: m&.: for Teeoma, rtiitit. Olymoia. :iry Ea:bor and Bontb Kend point. Bp aaae, Ro 'and. B. C, Pnttman, M iwoow . Lc visUM B MoHnnip Eiinine emn try. Keit-Dik. Miiinenta lis. St. Pau.. OniEhh Karsa I . Bt 1mis. (.'iiifac,' and ti. i:tt esu: and MMttbeaaC Pneet viuiid Exrirw! 'or taeonia and rfcrtit and lniermediate fvinu No. U A M No. 4 at F. :00 K. M. PBllaMUl trst cla and tor.r.s: sleepers IB v ;m.eap-.li5. St. Pau. and Sliour. river point w:tniu: change. Vest.buled trains, t'cio:. connections ;r. all t'r:iicjp. cities. BafiCHse checked to destinntinc of ticker. r'or tiaud' descrsptiv matter, ticset sleepine-car reservations, etc.. eat! on or write A. D. CHARLTON, V fx uenera. Passeneer Aeent. Murr; revt. corner Third. Portland oreson. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM September 23-28, 1901 Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW Good RACING in the Afternoons. Latest Attrai-tinr.s in i-tr Anriit or.utn Building Every Evening, with Good Music. Beaotlinl Camp Qroaoda Free. pecia. Rate "c (. ampere' Tickets. Coiue I and Bring our Fami'iee. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS For further particulars, address M. D. ITlSDOlf, ec.. lang'.m Portland, 1 regoc. Just "What You cjuant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Sucl wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced n single stuck. Keai imita tion cretun effects at ordinary nrices GotKi papers at cheap paper pricee. Eieirant designs, taetefu! colorings, voors for a etn.l price at our ore on third street. Aleo a (nil linekif bouae painte. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Clarke A Falk bave on aaie a full line of paint and artist t brusbec. mm mm m II me column, mm go.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF M a y r r a dr kek or Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON OR1FD PEEF. FTC. Em Resiaurant L V. HOKQ, Proprietor. First-Class in Every Respect EAL AT A I I BODK. Oysters Served :n any Style.. v- 3.ttrt Si s! Th Halle.. Or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Mature in strengthening and recon structing the exnausted digestive or gans. It is the latestdiscovereddigest ant and tonic. So other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Isausea, Sick Headache. Gastralgia Cramps and all other results ot imperlect dieestion. Price EOS. and fx Large snte contains !H tlmee small aixe Book All t bout dyspepsia mHiiedfree H-eparedbyE " DeVITT fliCO., Ctjieog Sold by Piarke &Fa!k's Y O. Pharmacy. Just Received A full Ime of Frest, Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. SoHo, Rex, Deko, 'elox a,jd Ari-'t' in a11 ize;- Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, eeis and tan,ey. Trays. Printing Frames, Albums. Multigraphs, And all accessories to complete the onttt of eitner lue amateur jr pro iessiona piioiograpuer. Oi)r Eureka Cutnbined and Fixing ilati, is a dandy. Try Tne A. E. C. Developer for plates. fi:ius or developing papets has no equal Eoongb I r S6r to developefi dozen piatee or 6 dozen Veios 4s5. Perfect olacks and white' are guaranteed, if directions are fu.iuaed. Ak for tbe A. E. C. be veioper, ai.d tee tbat vou get tbe genuine. We are prepared tocompou:.u anv and a., of your own fortuuiH-and guarantee satisfaction. at tbe old place, L78 reeond treet. 1 fie ialit-, Oregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. 1 L. Lane, iEXEKAL Waen and Carnage- Work. Fieh Brothers' Wagon. Tiurt anil Jefferson. Phone 159 BiacKsmHQ Horsesiioer Oregon Sholt Line Union Pacific nsr art rim ih.eafro Purtland Stxnai. 1:5:25 p. it,. via Hunt TIME M HEDLI.ES PROM TBE HA1.1.ES. 4 aarn TRIM Salt lke. Oonvcr. Ft Wortt. Omaha. Kar a City. St. Louis. Chi cago and thv East. 1 :06 p. n. injruin. Atlantic Kxprws. '....TOa m ' la Hunt tngtan. -t Pau' Fast Mai'., f 2ft p. m. via Spo kane. Salt I-ake. Denver. Ft. Worth. Omaha. Kan- a City ,81 LoniStChi' rag,' and the East. Walla Walla, ljewlstou. Minneapolis. St. Pau!,l)uluth.llllwrn . -r . (.'hicairoand ti- i U S. at. I f. m. OCEAN AND &IVEK 80HEDTJLE Prom l ortlai.d i All sailing dates sub ject b) chaugv i For San Francisco, Sail every ft days OP T1- m. -1 M T '.aiiV xevit -undny. - Oti p. m. -Mturdav. 10:00 p. m. DaUy Sunday, I Of a. m. (oluuilil ItlTrr. To Astnria and Wav Landings. '"' p. m. except Bunday, i!lan,-tte Rter. Cttf, Ncwberj;. -alem. IndeiicudeiiCf . i:nd kv LaiiuLasrs. i v m. exeeM Sundav Tnaaday, 1 hursdtty. -aturda . i . a ::. f:pa. -Von day. Wednesiiv Friday" . :i and Way-.-.ndiugs Tuenday. Thur.lH . Saturday. t:00a. m. Willamette and 8 10 p m amhiU Klvera. Mtmdaj, I iregot, City, Invtnnand aadneadaj Wty ljiidiiis i'riday. Buakc ltUer. . Leave Leu is tot Kiaria to Lewiston. i .ft1!!''' xve Kipuria dailv. n. nt. 40ga" Pi rtie 3t:r:ng to ro to Beppner or point in ! ..!-.. bia southern via Biggs. hald :ate No. .. leaving The Indies at BrSS p. m mafcinn Un innectlons at Heppner juncUon Mud Hicei, Beturalog making tlirertc-mnecaon at Heppnerlunction and F.igg with iMo. i. ar riving at t'iit Dalle at I :uo p. m. For further particulars, call on or addn-'c .IAs. IRELAND. Agent. l"he Dalles. Oregon. J Complete C19C at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. GO YtARS' EXPERIENCE a v ay . mm Trace Marks Designs Copyrights A i.tone .ondlnp n vketch and deeripti"r ma' qol.'Klr iia.-ertam nr hi,imii (ret- itiietber i iiiflnn i probai iv imlajliHtlaS ' wn 't' 11 aUMtl cuaOdaniial. Handbook (in Patuu lei fr n iwit mreni jr fur icanti(r Wni- r . ei.' later, tbrutuib Muni: 4 Co. r - ' ; Wncttt without cbarae, in tail Scientific American A hinaop,piT ii'utjtratv-tl veklr. 1rcet c-.r UI4U1011 "f ni'v iiMemttfle 5uriiaJ. Ternu r W U N N & C a . V .la ;: n e w y c r k VhahiOMI.-Hi. U. J s. ScEac, i'rtideut. MX A VOOT. LHA1..C' First National Bank. I THE DALLES - - - OREGON 1 A General Banking Bueineee transacted 5 AMD tswpututc received, subject to Mg' Draft or Check. Collections made and prooeade promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange New York, 8an Franciaco an "ort land. D. P. Taoaraoa. Jao. H- rxaam -En. M. WiLLuata, Oao. A. Laaaa. U M . figALL-