Knockout Drops "I bti. a saloon-k jt. and used to think that r r. ur.'i rye. o: niey and rane Wert pt ipef rem- . k . and . : II t" i if 11. v .1 :uaint- ance werv of aru 5 n . o n N o Lnotli , Kimethinf atieast " a thott n : times ietter II L Acker's Engl:-';. Remedy for Omp:- i Colds A gOM v agr I l -zan to eoagh Hid found out then that lock and -' wis :. . d J so: worm an . 1 ..- - ..:.:..:. tntr.k that th ble Would rue into consumption I I i.: .; .tk in pa.-:.-, medicines somehow or other 1 tried Acker II:.. Il.-nietiy. t'ne bottle did the hu::.e m knocked! that couch out oompleU an '. i- ha. never erne ha- . ara::.. T:.- never a day pae that 1 dor. t say a e d Word about thh wonderful medicine I al inm toryot to ay that I an. stronger and :i--hier bow, aim taking the remedy, man I v.a he: iff the couch te:an I write this letter voluntarily and I heel fllllj and am pdad to do it." (Siimed) Cam. Rvubll, : -:: Pixouiie. Idaho. Soid at 2Bc c and. II a bottie. throughout Uh fruvii ?tat ai i anada ; and it Eng- In i. at 1. 2c.. Bd., 4 bd. If you arenot attafied after buying rerun. ::.e botth to your drugcit. and get your tnoney hack. cv " MfeK. B. M i . - . i-.f '-. a. m IM I.OCAI t, Clarke A Falks Sv extract? are tne heat. Ask yonr e -cer for them. P.. B. Oilbreth A on wll keep at a:: time Mppt? of hav. gra.n aiid 'eed which thev w:ii retail at the ..'t: market rate. VP an ted -A small fami'y to occnp; tne home and keep hone (or ao Med i lower. L :ea te:,:. can b bad. Wasco Mil Mil! Co., of ail kinds, oi f11 kin roo dr. t hut :l:n for e is Apply at this :r!iie. The Collins ho? sp No hoteis, hut th erounda. at-er. Co'.iin?. Wtath Why pay t'. 78 pe: s-ijr' paints WDfc vin Eattoo'i uc prx 5 Z2J n.. r.- are now f.ce: oi carr:p:nc i H'Miord. man auc l-la ;r.'erior can bey Janie E. : a:r.t- for U0 per Headquarters for Seed Grain Headquarters for Feed Grain Headquarters for Rolled Grain. bmi Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ?!1wib Headquarters fcr -Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour YOUR KIDNEYS. After you tire of nsine so called kidnev remedi.. Withoot any hem-lit. use L;ncoln Sexnal P:::? hpJ hi forever rid of thoee .lull pains In yonr haok. I!,r(j that old fopv idea of "pain in the kidney 11 a,i (i al vour bladdaf and urinary troohlot cored, ami root DifhU ma)e restfni hv the nse of nature'f picatest as-ietant Lincoln Sexual P::'.s. I'-re. 1 1.00 per txx buy ot yonr drnpgi; oratat bf niai! on recpint of price, in pisin wranner LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO. ran Wavne M 7. Donoell, A cant, The Daiieg. ita'.at.'i. ca Tht? rionr it niar.ttfactured express'.y for fami.y 'je. everv sack if cnaranteed tc pive satisfaction. VtV ?e.. onr poods ;owor than ary n vise ;r. tha trade, and i.' yon don't think ao ani gf. our prices and t convinced. Clark A nil For a: Blakelej .a-itat ik far-off Labrador. fur HsDiri in Thnt tntintr n Hirr J o it Mt'lircl nf the lieatli uf u u'-eti Victoria Reports ar ii nj.- .za ' the ojcr;i .!. " ". pa-' w J."el in The interior ant unon the oa.' of Labrador The .sf'at.n wa. peneral j peak:r4.-. a m d me anc "he fatali ties aruuiif the Indians fewer thai usual, a i?'hc. auppiy of run- wa se cured, mi none of KllcA peculiar va.ut as some of thos taker, during "fir preeading winter. avs ;he v.. fork Sun. The highest prior paid for a sinirie skin if .ast winter's eatcfa was (300, which wn for a black si.'rc- fox the kinr of all the fur-heariin.' animals of La brad .it Kxactlt double tl .. am. .i wa.- for a skin o th aame -a-riety. a very nonte ntio I year ar- Price. ,l tf- ie-r scarcely si pond a pr-sen aa tn' were 'his 'sine ,as" yar Mar:e: Kins. naw brought a. much a -'. a akin, sol tbia .spring for from $: to s Traders are e pecially proud of the ottera and rr.;r.;c which the oota.i frun. Lab pa'.ion. guarantee-: for 6 years. Falx. apeLt. Id eaes of coufh or croc; g:v? the ;ttie one 1 'ne MiOOte OoQffa Core. re?t ea?y and r.ave nc fear. The chiid trill he a.l fight in a l.ttie wtl e. It never fails. Plaatant t: tase. a way fe su-e and altHOtt :nstar.:aneous it affect. Clarke A Fa Ik s P. 0. Pharmacy . Just received at 01 Prett A ?:n'' noiber yard, a few oads of No. cedar p:ts and A sr.inp e. Tne;. are ape:. :s (of Heat l & M;..ipa:. Cele brated ihinglc paint. Call on tbetr ; tneir trice are a.l rlgt.t. Wood no' rimmed is 'w.ter py aOc a cord wood ttiat is. jylo Tne V'i;te Collar .:nt. Fm;.ey Ciatzert. w..i sei. tLroupr. roand-tric tickets tc . de and re:ut. Tiosets gxid poinp frott Portland over ti,e Wr.;te Collar line. 0. R. A N. Co.. V. T. Co. or tne A. A C K. K . an.i return over same ines. Bippage onecked d:rect to either North Beacr., Seaview, L np Beaci.. Breake-s. Ocean Pa-k or NabCOtta. Limit of ticket eptemrer lo:r.. J. M. Filloc-n. agent. Hi.v . Tni We ofi'er one hundred dollars reward ior anv case of Catarrh that can no: re cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J.ChbxKT A Co. Props.. Toledo. 0. Wa, tr.e undersigned, have known F. J. Cneney for the .ast 1 years ani De lieve him perfectly nonorab.e ir. all buti neE transactions and Bnancially abie to carry opt any obligations madt by firm. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats 1 5 J. E. FALT & CO., "The Owl." Proprietors of I lyon's French Periodical Drops 2PuLquoretert,,yU8eJ ieUVcroU VU Ull 'ai i nit: v. j . y 173 Second Street. J y vctretabie. TKTfe; lv harr DESIRED KE5LLTS. Greatest sm wu CAUTION si. : Orwan - mnierTttti aac MI'u C aMtat -ci. Tbe aeaaiae u pai t or. s:ie ;ne ;n;.e mus urc to accompiia female remedy . I u: up "c!T ;r si f 1 Th 51 Local. B6S Long Distance. e bv Geo. C. Blate.ev. The DallW, I 'r. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to snpply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS They overcome Weak ness, irrepularit y and omissions, vicr- or ana oanisn "nams of menstruation " They are LIFE SAVERS" to rriris at Teomanhixvl. aulinp d'Vt-;opment of orpaus and body. X0 known remedy fur women aqnala them. Cannot do harm life become a pleasure. Ml.OO PER BOX BV MAIL. Sold bv drufrpists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL Co., Cleveland, Ohio For eaie bv Geo. C Blakeley, Tne Dalles, Or SWR NOTICE NOTiCt AN UN-PEECEDENTED OFFER! Tne People's (aiiooai Family newspaper To all old and new subscribers paying one year ir advance we offer A Troax. Wholesale Druggists. T W'eS led:. 0.. Waiding. K.r.nat. & Marvin. Wholesale rrngpists. Toledo, bin. Ha..'s Catarrh Cure is taken inter naHy, acting directly upon the Mood and mucous surfaces of tne system. F. J . Oaxmnr A Co., Props.. To.edo 0. 'V drrugpists. price The. Faa.1 ' Pills are the bt. 12 Sole peculiar rador. which have fur fineness and uster Th- h':r.:ent from the interior of Labrador nad n'it heard of the dea'i. of Queen Victoria until ney emerfred from ti.e wooda a few cays at'o So mail matt-r car reach h"ni uurintr the wtr.'er Keti tin- resideoti alotij, the coaf had only six man from autumn till spru:tr. and tht-se had t' !.e ':. . - t - : nv. iiv (itjj? oa sieirn. for io of proper road and other means of conveyance. Don't be satisfied with temporary re lief from indigestion. Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure permanently an ', eonpletel) re moves this complaint. It relieves per TLaner.t . o-ea'ie it al. 'ws the tired eiomacL perfect reet. won t rest the Itotnaob. Nature receive sup- let from tne lood we eat. Tne sensible way to heip tne stomach is to use Kodoi Deapepaia Cure, which digests wnat you ea" and can't neln but do s oc good. CI (.-eat Foren Firen. Vaxcoi'TBa. B. C. Aug. 18 The for est fires wmcn annual y destroy thou sands ol delate worth of property are now raging on tne Britist Coiumhiar CoeOt. Keport today from up the coas s:ate that severa. emai. is.ands nave teet cjmp.eteiy denuded of trees ana tne wood ie so dry that fires on tne main, and, once started, spread witn fearful rapiditv. P. T. Tnomas. cumterv;iie. A;a.. "I was siitJering fron. dyspepsia wnen I commenced taain Kodoi Dyapepaia Cure. 1 took severa. bottlaa and can digest anything." Kodoi Dyapepaia Cure i the on y preparation containing al. tne natural digestive fiu.ds. it g:vei meat toma?!i? enti-e rest, restoring their nature' condition. Carse c. Falk'l P. 0. Pharmacy. ke it Fa k's P. o. Pharmacy. V; y not spend tne vacation at Ya q'i:na hay. wrere can be pad excellent fare, good fisning, g 'od boating! B-fe bathing, alluring rides and ram hies. Tne c jurses and exercises at the summer chO'j. of 190 at Newport wil; afford g-eat varietv of instructions, diversion and entertain mant, Bo other resort ode's e'juai attractions and iike advan tagea. junll-tf Mrs. H. Al.port. J ibaatown, Fa., says "Our iittie eir. a most straugied to death witt. croup. The dOOtOfl said sne couldn't live but stie was instantly re.i-ved bv One Mmate Cougt. Cure. Clarke A Faik's P. 0. Pnarmacy. Acker'a Dyepepaia Tableta are ao I n a poaitiva guarantee. Cures tiea't-hurt.. ra sing o; tba f xid, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. ()q Iittie lah:et gives .mmediate relief. 2oj cte and 50 cts. B.akeiev . tne druggist. We offer for a limtted period the twice-a-weea CBBOHtCU, price 11,80 and the Weekly Oregoman, prion 11.50, botn papers for $2 a year, subscriptions under tl. ie offer must be paid in ad vance. ' tnur ir Snows tne state of vour and the state of your heaitt. as wei.. Impure blond maKes itaall apparent in a pais and saliow complexion. Pimplet anc. sam Eruptions. II you are weas and o'n out and do not have a bee! thy appearance you should try Acker s Blood Elixir. It cure ai. blood disease nere ''Oeaf, ;arsapar;.ia- ana so called purifiers fail , Knowing tr.i- we sil every bottle on a positive guarantee. L.ake.'.T Tne druggist. Notice is hereby given tnat the com I tnor. council of D.t .es City, at a meeting ; thereof held on saturdav tiie .J day of Augnst. l!-01. dete-mined to construct n I relay a drain ana sewer described as ioIiows. to-wi; Beeinnint' at a point where trie center l:ne of Court street in tersects tbe projection of tbeeoutb ,:ne e:r tne first a.iey soutn o: rlttn street in i said I'a.ies City, and runnine trience in ; nortne.y direction or near, tne enter of said Court street and . the .ine of ti e o d sewer now located in , aid street, to a point where tne center ine of said Court street intersects tne I projection uf the center iine of the ai.ey netweeti Mam and Second etreet?. in said city thence wester. y to said aiiey ; and a, out tne center line tneren; and a i onntinuatiun thereof to tne west iine of ' Union street . inetice in a nortr.westeriy iirection. tne mot practicable route, to low water in Mill creek, said . cuunci! also at tha same time de'er mined that the cost o' the construction and relaying of saia drain and sewer snou'd ne assessed aeainst tne property benefited thereby, and declared tue pres ent sewer and drain now in existence .i :. : a. :.g t:.e iine ar.ove described to :e in a dangerous condition, and fur ther provided mat notice be given of tne oonatroction ana relaying of said dram and seer by publication o; a notice for two weeks in The Dalies Daiiy Chroni cie. tbe Qrt publication thereof to he made on Monday the 5th day of August. 190 . and final pnb ication thereof tr. be on Monday tne 19th aay of August, 1101. and further determined that said drain and sewer be constructed and reiaid as above mentioned immediately after the expiration of the time mentioned in said notice. Ail person? interested arc- hereby noti fied that said drain and sewer wil! be mitrocted and reiaid as aiKve deter mined and provided for. Dated at Di.e? City, Or.. Aug. 5, J. DoasatTTi l.ecorder of Daiiee Citv. Tbe following county warrant will be Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for S2.00. an el. ed by the county court in thirty Tr--.-i.i m:i -. c. -rr-r.-i-i -n - r. , v e-rKiy Lnuuue nu oeu.i-wetr.iy uronicie ior ol.ou. days from this date called bv the parties ownine same within the next thirty dave : Cbai Bradley. Wm B um. ' . Mrs Bird Lee Bianton Robert Beara. Tom Branch Wm Biack A I Beers . . Cbaa Cannon Tnos Doron I w Eberaoll M J Fin .ay son. E A Ha times W F Hink.e. : o? A Kenna -Ior,n Kotler. B F Moore W g; Metben w M Murpby Mr? S C Nelaon Kd Nuton. U H Pa.mer K a rown G W 1. iberteon . . Jos Laben. . . Geo stiiee. ... . W J sonderiand. C P "-aunders Jonn mitb Ja? L smttb John Wickstrom . W n. 'edesind . . . Frank Wgit By order of tbe Julv 7, Its0? . . Ju i'v 7, 1893 . March 12, 1892 March 12, 1892 March 12, 1892 . Nov If, 188S Hay 8, l,i July 9, 18f. March 10, 18" May 6, 1".' Jan ". 1K'. March it;. Jan 7, .Nov 14, Marcb 12, . . . .Jan ". Mav 11, Juiy 7. Juiv 7. . .Nov 10, . . .Nov 14, March 9, Mav 11. . Nov 10, Mav :;. ish sept 12. 1992 Nov 14. 1SW Jan 7, 1893 . . Jan t, ISM . Nov 14, 18M. . . .Jan 5, 184 . . .Mav 1893 . Jan 11. 1892 Honorable 1 189! 1892. lsu:L 1883 lSf4 1MT. l y-'o . 1- : is'c 1894 ism 18l3. Ami .1 70 1 20 1 70 1 00 1 00 . 1 o 7 20 1 70 1 70 i m 1 so 1 70 1 20 1 (HO 1 tiO 2 20 3 10 1 '00 2 (NO 1 70 1 70 2 00 1 80 J 10 1 70 1 60 1 .. 70 .. 1 50 4 00 1 "0 1 7u Count v NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY 'utiiih"d M'ii(la. Wednesday and Fri day. i in reality a tine and fresh every-other-day hiaily. giving the iatest news "r. day? oi ifsut. a n C covering new? t tb2 other ;. It contain uli irair tact foreign cable new whicii apjears in the Paily Tribune of same date, also do mestic and ioreiKii enrres!ondenee. sho-t utories. elegant hall tone illustration, hu morous items, indus trial information, fashion notes, agricul tura'. matters, and comprehensive and re liable flnandaJ aud mariiet reiHrt. TRIBUNE. Regular tiou price, year. uiser:i. tt.! !-.: We furnish it with semi Weekly Cnront cle for 12.00 r yeu: NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. J'uhlished on Thurs day. ad knurn for nearly sixty years in eery part of the t'ni ted states as a nation al family newspaper of the highest class, for farmers and villa gers. It contains all the most important feuernl now of the 'tiily Tribune up to the hour of going t., press; an agricultural department of tbe nighest order, has en tertaining read Tip for every member of th. family. old aud young market reports which ae accepted as autb ority by farm-r and merchants, and is clean, up-t.-dnte. in tereatlng and instruc tive. Regular subscrip tlun price. II vr J eur We furnish it witn emi-Weekly Chroni dc ior II. au per yei o Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or Coort or Wasco County, Oregon. Dated tbis loth day of July, 1901. A . Lam, County Cierk. BUSINESS LOCALS. A tul line of Eastman fi:ms aud sup- Comoenoiog Booday, unti furtiier notice, the U. K. N. wil: eeli round trip tickets. Dalle to Cascades, for This rate applies unit to pariies of tve or more. Good for BoodOV! on y. lag.m Acker's ling ist; hemedv will atop a DQOgb at anv time, and will cure wornt cold in twelve honrs, or money re funded 28 eta. tne druggist. and -V1 cts, ll.keie. Batee t" Pss.AMerieoa Eapositloa, Round-trip rates via O. R. N. frum Tne Da.ies. Tictets on saie hr-t and third Tuetdays curing June, Ju , August, "-ejitemtjer and Oe-tonr,good for continuous pB-age going on date oi tela R-turn limit thirty days from date of sa.e mop-overs wil ne a.iowed west of Missouri r:ver or bt. Pau. on return trip w :tn:n iimit of ticket. Arrangements can i-e made by apply ing to agent 0. R- N. Co . Tne lu lei Wberel ticaete mi be b mured on mae steamers in one or both directions t--iwaea Ietroit and huffa tf J.'.Mts IgRLAPP, Agent I! you want to retail, your Pair you nave o keep your Crt p ciean. -oap ail. Uik your hair liareb, dry and crispy. No we nave '.mi of tne yery tlt preparations fur c eunsing the sea i Egg and Pi no Tar SbaoBpoo. It HI leave your nair soft and gloeev. f'nee, '.'-'i and 50 cent a bottie, at Fraaer'e Oarixjr hop, Ine l)a ie. tf Florei lotion wil; cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured bv C arae A ralfc. plies just received by Ciarse 4 Faik. Just received, at C. J. tuh;ing's a carioad of BoblitI Mi wauaee liottied oeer. j y29 Iw Youug lady wisnee to do sewing by :ay Te,epnone 134 ior further par ticulars, jvol-lwk If anything aiiS your nair, go and see Fraatr; he s the iieadquarters for all nair remedies. Rememler that be meaes a Oteialtv of tnese goods. tf C. J. r-'ubling has just received a .arae consignment of rc!iii!z mait ex tract, strictly non-aicohoiic and one of the beat remedies in the world to buiid u; a weak or hroken-down constitu tion. j!y2i-lw Wnen your hair appears dry and to nave loal "s vitality it wants something it life and vigor. We Pave what tne nair needs when it gets in that con d tiotV We have the Crown of i-ienoe li s - 'Grower and Cocoa nut 1 rean yjuSw Tonii i. cure dand aaaai ruff ai d afl sea ; disease-. F ' uaie a' Frazer's lr tser stiop. Price 5k- and 75c a tjottie. It Girdle 1 he Globe. Trie fame of liuckien's Arnica a:ve, as tne nest in the world, extends round tne earth. It's the one erfect healer ot Cuts, Crns, Burns, bruises, Sores. Boaldfli Roiis, Caere. Feious, Aches, Pains and all Skin K-uptions. Only in fallible Pile cure. L'5c a box at Q, C. b'akeley's, drug store. 1 hubecrihe fur lux Culusru. summer Kxi umlon to tne Sea ( oast. On;y 18.50 for the round trip from Tne Dalle, to Long Beach. Tioga, Pacific Pars, Ocean Park or Nancotta. Wash., good ior return until sept. 15, 1901, Baggage checked through to destina tion. Tne steamer T. J. Potter wili leave Portland daily except Sunday and Monday, and trie Hassaio daily except Sunday, at B p. m., and 10 p. m. on Saturdays, making direct connections at Astoria and at Iiwaco for ail points on 1 iregon and Washington beaches. Call on Jas. Ireland, agent. The Dalies, for through time card to al! beach pointe. jlj3-2m Lruptione, cuts, burns, scalds and sores of ah kiods quickly healed by !eViu'e Witch Hazel Salve. Certain cure for piiea. Beware of Counterfeits. Be sure you get the original DeWitt'e. C.arke A Faik's P. O. Pharmacy. St. plain's Academy I'nder the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesu6 and Mary. THE DALLES, OREGON. Tot institution is pleosantU situated near tl ium-la on tbe In e of the () h & S. Co thence it i. easy of aei-esa for all those- who de sir. l. - wture s comfortable home and a progre sive seat of learnlug for their (In lighters or nam- Tbe location of the academy is one of the musjt healthy on tbe Pad Ac slope.' this por tun. of iirewon being proverbial for its pure water, bracing air. and picturesque scenerv Tbe Acadeinj' Is incorporated and authorized by to. slate to confer Acad-mlc honors biaird and tuiuuu per scholastic year u - wll! be restitnedTuesday, gepBNabs r. Ith for detailed information appiy to the Bister taaarier. augio im f'"wii i mi ii 1 1 u 1 1 1 , uioiiiiij...-. ft IS O i i j j t f Tht Dallaa, Or. The Chronicle, Job Printers I .3 m I I i i i StV SaV ftla1li-siJiiiutiJiii..rfMiP Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle.