Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle. El SE5DAY AUG. 14. I I hop.sl n actomobilm Thai aotoiBODiics wi!'. comr rapid, ly into quite generE; uk ;s no: to be reasonably doobtetl. Year I year tbeywii.be bo:t c-eft'.iy .arpr. red and cruet cbespeoe:: ub:i. Sna..y in one form or anotLet tbe) may be come sitto?'. s- COB BOB a b:c Id mre dow. The are ito expense a mc-s: ; (i pit r, HI nothing of ibeir disagreeable featurce, bul tbr.t they bave come Dot r.'.y 10 stay, bul to mnkipiy an.1 becoibe a BOMB OS node of 0OO0ySOI foi peopie and t-snsrx.r.st: . t '.j: cjo. tnod;.:es :n is; I nlk, :? prncl Be ly certain. Ooc malt of invention of ttis sort w;,. be u er.sb.e a :ar larger proportioti f poopie stork :z in cities tc ItTC In ".be country W;tt eiec'.ri: street-isrs. &::!: : ..;. bicycles asrl eiectrocycies. aJt&oet cjbjiy Dj cb;:ses car. easily sper.1 h:s working boon :r. the city and bis nights Ottd evening an I ntrc:ng in the country or some quiet, homelike suburb. Tnee ma chines of conveyance wfl not i :. J transport persons, cut goods as welL, trave.:ng out :n tbe suburbs it all directions at the speed of a fast passenger tra-.n. ar, : erery thing :: a nan s door fvt or ten tnnes from the near: o: a .argc- city as quickly ana cheaply as it :s r. : delivered by wagon :r. tbe Ibickh it.bab.ied districts of the city proper. Already actomob. es are nnnCTOOJ io and around .arge Eastern c .tie, though few of them art yet in use here: but when, as will happen in a short time, tbeir cos: is not mo-e than one-third or one fourth what It is now. and when tney are mecnan:: ally fterfecte.i. we shall hat tut a in p.enty. Tr.: consideration is likely t: gtve rise to another prediction that tbe borse is doomed to "go" tuat is. go largely out of use . but ;r spite of tue coming increase of the automobile and otter machines of cot vers. tee. there w... ue io: si .irre Dcn'r.tr of Lors-. Urbatl sr,:: 6tL urbat popttlaUoos vill Lea m?llltit lj decessiLg r.t,2.:.er of borses. it proportion to popalatiin . but a . arE Dunobe: of '.bfre &s:rs.;s ii. '. tt i. srsys be is derrat::. Al::. as Um ratces are coMtaottj dinioiafa r in area. ar:i wat a:-: ie't are iLO'e urgecy it cienjaLa ;as't.r:Dg cat lie as:: -beep, it is co: dkelv that good Lories v... ever be as cuea; again a tbej were a tew ears rtCO. Tbtsvigbt easilj happen, bowetrer. if wars sbouid tea:, and rcaLy pt'-'pie tc-t-fc a siau'.taDeo'-s sotios tt -go tatO bonas." Te.egrart. P'if:y-tve ousDeis p( wneat to tbe acre is wsat tbe PalOBM OOUDtrj fas do. and tbe farn.tr b: watts aty tbiog better tiiac tnat u:u,:i be ctoseiy vatobtd. Now -f a pnee sbaii pretai.. tuere wot': be ar t kic. sv.r.2 g tall teat. A few iayt s r. e a tg va.uab.r gj s rsajes: : ; : - a- -.oteL prooati y ttrongr. a.tt irom our watpoc at tse rfci.-ac carsj .t tse VOU iot poaads beij tt r., A tsete papere cii.r.ot b Fvplaead tb at grea' expeiise and daiaj, tbs pirt;. vbo took tbea. wi.. cosier a favjr os 01 by ,eav mg tne:; at Tit Dsaoi leu cftce or ra torning t:,ers us tsrosgs tse u - office. Xa nwtaks at tc ts identity tbe papre ..as ba a. a ur tb naOM j' W. 1;. Mtitr: n .-r :. A. L. Aitpaasoa, a' i:d-lw hi. .- .ar i oi. .r'';o" Nolle to Iaiit)rri. Tne board of equalization for W aw.o county, Or., wi.. meet end t g aaSSi I at tne court boue of aaid oaaatf lrunr. Monday. Augutt 2'ir ':t:.. jav. Aofuat 3:it, 1901, bott, dan iaolgaSee, and nil I attend to any nc a. matter. whicr. may come bef ,re snab ooard lot consideration. Tne Ia..es ( ,, August 2, 1S91. C. L. Koratpg. a;;-d4wt.' Aseor. Vnagg Co., Or. bnbacribe for Jut Che jvhs. THE HOLIVI'P MAH. 1 a I PI Mt1 .. hrvW. Rll StMiflM iBin o , i a n.a fcy a f.lrrtnr I omit T- r." ; i B ij may d for oh :-ra . rem . he ,ur r--rct. Tbe up-to-aate Bill l . vt tii ver! with "he times, anr. ;i . - -. ptiv.r rhe.r . .... ; r-.r s r. as bTnti retujrth. Whl a.ay i cal'.eii tb retrir i&Sdencc :ru-k. a reeentjj a in it recti .. Madrid. - - r..v It "rrr: r I a n.ar. ' niu a sreil a me. Tr-is -.-' tan e-r arrr--; u. f her i Hflwaim 'b- perfttjon bia .: .. . . - - - m ejrant v fin r.c e at was : i rreei on ' - leak, j. ... - T ra r I t . llln.ltlktluL Koticc ftp : i. v . - Mtt 0 : Bid tt r. :it foci Tular tiis .Li:. , st Ti. Dallas, ilk bvs FoL ST ITS I A3 EI.S. fc". c rt. si: . - f ttattl S4:ur- flr Angns: 1" si , B'doek p. tt. er-.. op. .--tjra. rri-.Lj. sc:.o i&w. T:.".?sdy ITrittaa Ar.-.oajetic. tea if tesrr. is j. crane nsa? t:ok-seep:og. p:. ys. ci. c: v .. g; re-t n.es:. -"-.'-..'- - gr -grif :. y . meD tal ar.-.aieii: c-oo.i;'D.:ios, tiysiu. BWfiaptov. "atsrjsy E:.ary. p'.ane geometry, genrra. bistonr. EacUafa .::era:are. psyefaotocj C:srsesc.L Wecsejiay. Asgnst 14. a' - . jicec a. rs. asi c-jntisn sg ss::. Friday. August ic. at 4 '.'co-ca t. m. F.-s: . :.z asi ts;:i i't vert.s rates. m pSr;Jay r'eSmaSSS : f . sistorv. ortsocar'hy. rearing. Tsarsd.y Writtao aritboMtic, "uery of laartiiwg. tratDtnar ans stbool .a. rr,aay ie:grapr.v rsenta. ar;tj.a.e- tic. psysi'j.ogy, c:v;. g; ;f rsraeDt. r'noiary rartilwistl VA ezsesi. ;- resa.ir.-s r ;g-a psy. rea-.sg moiaoay an inasu nlug, tl of nsaobiof iMtboda. Fridav Ar.tsaieti. f : y o.ogr. C. L. Guaaai Coast-. ur.t. WlSCv . ieor 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 O 3 3 - 3 3 3 Take them to day and you'll be well tomorrow. Baldwins Cold Cure Tablet NolJB -z r 'tis NoCureNoPok -. iv ' a, afc. , t s K a M .0 ov C. r c i. ne ii FRENCH 8c CO., BANKERS. Tisjssc: a Gettrai Batkitg Bns:se. --tte'e oi Credit i.eiied ava.bi in '.be ha urn sUtee igt.t Fx-nange and Teitrrapt.if Traselere sj.d ol Von Csicago, ftt. Ixuie. nid irancisco ortiand Of gjs. isettla Wgab., ant; variaos point in Ortgron and Wt.!ngtro. Co!;jctione made at ail point on far Drab t trnie The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd t Nolan? ': fitShring Aisiociati d tw I set Dickens, 15 vols., publisher'? price $2': 1 setAiight ? History of England. vol?., publisher s price $12; 1 vol 'ory of Bible Pictam, illustrated by Pore: 1 copy Thirty Years of Labor, by T. . Powderlv: a 3 rebate to person paying the most cash during tour weeks end leg Ang" 3d, and a $2 rebate to person paying in second largest amount ofeftsfa daring same period. Prompt delivery of ail goods ordered by telephone. Sen fert Condon phone No. v2 Give me a trial. Iff. T. NOLAN. White Collar Line. TDe Daiies-PoniaDH Booie Sir. BAILEY-GATZERT. !LY ROUTfl TRIPS Cascade Locks. Hood River. VThite Salmon acd Tbe Dalles. V CARD Lmt I mlaa4 Arr.vr Tls Dalk L vs Ar-lrr i jrtlaad. 4 .10 M-:als .dr Terv 3es:. of Featora. :s j.ute nas :se ac-..-.Lr or .ir:r,. Portland-Astoria Route S:r " TAHOMA." I i. t J.ocnti Trirs exeep: Sccday. T!VE CAD Leive Portland ? a. H. les.v- Astoria . . &r. diriP ar ! -fii- x: of A.r.er Street tots pr.ones .'regoL. M 851. Portland, W, CBJCHTOS, Acect Portlaad, J. M. FTLLOOK, Act. Tse ra:ie. A. J. TAYLOR, Agent AstO'ia. Clark's Cruise of the Celtic, LABGKn TE.'..F:; ix tke ROaXX), Feb 8th to April 22d, 1902. :iagnineerj: W icit s?T4t twta MBttl iea. r ,;ti. -..'.'. ton t:imI.; r In I Will fin ... necarion slt for , c;? ub.e: to t.,t or aer of tbe d;r-i. .- r.f p To the Mrditrrat-ar and tbe Ortaai f,CCUi lljg tt ila. -per.d.sg : da? it. Ern I and Pa.eatine. boltl aCaOUJW cat'.jijp :sciudtJ. rialtlDt lartirr BiemtUar. Nortk Ar ma. Vait. Ecjpi. H..v l.arnl I urke) Ur, Imit, tta Kivirra BaflMd aiiu 1 NlWd attractive ir-tionat. side trip acn.s r.. .. i-T- e t- t.ii. "'.er it E'.r r- aV- :.c t. w in Um a bit .-s.-rs v r:..-. TeuuUK Cut ii? Inp. fir.t rlaa. : - a foft . i s -i. a4oi. ate lit.wards. lec-ord)::;- t HMMMn kwcli . : Laeladtca aboi eamtaioaa :. tit?. (Tiidv.. drives ai,d al. :e..vr viirjaea Sjpaeiai Pmmn-Md-.r... .t Errt-r at.d tne ii- : Land Ntatanttnofilc A tse..- I.s tr.. K:.e7'. ! fnrtr Um rsanarement of Frat.a ( .s.-i .-. MM 1 ri a.' tK j : :..-t.'.-- mn.f..arr aor HI lO.S a '.:(it SHILI . a'aahtagKV trt. Tne DaPM iOMrahMd '-ric for illortntiaC j.njfrai.. Joir- Pashek. The Tailor. rid- . t rec:ve'i i :K an.p'.ef ttie .atest pattern in Gent I CiaSbiOg .'Wjd. He iaran tes pr.ces and a geod fit OF no pay. Joh Pabhe. . The Tailor. TDe BflLDWIK BESTflUBflHT M at. .age r . pirtt - qats ig Eutry Rejspett T)?as at pil oars. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. The tabie a was upp:ied wits ti,e Lwe; ii. tr.e u;a'aet Tl Front m near Court. Tbe Lialle. Vou wii. not save Don if van take . Carte A iaik t nre ?ar oi boil. Don fUbl D Yellowstone Park Line. AF. ROrt E FRoM PC-RTlANT T TEE EAST. tRKCT l:st to the tUUW BTOKS pans TEi. ONLY -t:, r. ulti v . Tf'. irai: fo- Twni HrtT niiCi r.iutt Rend Minw. Sj -Kane B. bail B C . . PnUmaa, try Heivii. M;r.r.r--in. ftfc Psui. Cmuih&. Kr I it; S5: Ij.uis. rbicaeo and ill Tv.;ct iuee: Booad Ext? X X. 'or a:.d eattle So. .i: p. So. s. A. M. Poj man r-.t.-.A sn2 tonntt .eeT-?r? u V..: :.T-i! .... !-. asi it;4...--r. river point ni c-basfe. vrtir -jr trains rniu step"? osuetioc .l vr... :.:.. Cities. hnm cr.ecfeO t- drttnsrj.-s o! tlekar. Foi baaanMlj uitwuabfd dewmrave natter, ticatt- f;e-;r:ic.car reservation etc.. " on or ar-.tt A. D. CHARLTON, AAa:ii.r.: -vr."... faTireT Aa?nt. 2f. Mtt: ol ffriwiifuPi Mi Tn;:i. f-orUAnd Onto. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM September 23-28, 1901 (4.rciQt A crri rn 1 tnro I yjlttXl fLIlLUUUrai and Industrial Fair. BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW Good RACING in Afternoons. the Tji'aa tra ior.g in New Auditorinm Building Lvery Evaoiaf, wiis tiood Music. Baaotitel Cacnp Cvronnds Free. Specia. J:ate oc Can.per' Tickete. Come and Bring our FarxiMeg. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS For further particulars, address M. I'. WISDOM, SMrC., lauglnr. PuTtlaad, I regos. Just What You uaant. New ,dea in V.V.. Paper here, s-ucs a ,de variety as we are (showing never be fore graced ri single stock. Keal imiu- D cretin eflecte at ordinary price. jotKl paper at cheap paper price! Elegant deeigne, taaiefui colorimre, voor for a smail price, at oor store on Third street. Also a foil line of Souse painu D. W. VAUSE, Third St. denSe A Fall 'ave on s.e a foli M of puint aud artist e orusoec. Irile flr me GsiBisia faulting Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF JiA" CFACTCkEKS t'F Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON iRjFn BF.EF. FTC. Mm tettuiioi L Y HOSG. Propriftr-. First-Class in Every Respect .MEAL- AT All HOIK" Oysters Served in any Style. ST Seconrt Si.. Tc. l)t:;ie. Or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Mature in strengthening and recon structing the exnausted digestive or gans. It Isthe latest discovereddigest- ant and tonic. S"o other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kausea, Sickt Headache. Gastraigia Cramps and another results onmperiectaipestion Weea)emaBi Iata7cnMtaBHtlaw tme sma.iante Booasliribxiutcyspepsiiiint.iieatree t 'epared by E DeFITT a CO.. Cbieoga Sold by Clarke iFalk's I' 0. Pharmacy. Just Received A fc.'. isne of Freer, Printing and Ie ve.opisg Papers direct froiu factory. Solit'. R-i-.x. Deko, Velox and Arifto in all ie;. Also a line of Piates in Cramer. Crown, eed6 and Btanlej , Trays. Printing Frames, Alliums. Ifultigrsphe, Sad all eeasorm to oom plate tbe oiurit of eittier tse amateur or prt--feesiona. piiotograpser. Our Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Batii is a dandy , Try :t. The A. E. C. Ieveioper for plates, fi i. me or deTf.opinK papeie has noeua. Enonj-ti for to developed down piates or 6 dossil Vaioi 4x5. Perfect blacks and whiles are gUaranleed. if directions are followed. Ask for the A . E. C. lie veioper, and eee that vou get tne genuine. W S are prepared tocompounu anvand all of your own formal- and guarantee eatictaction. At the eld pmce, 175 Tse I'aiier-, Oregon. iaoond treet . Geo. C. Blakeley. 1 L. Lane, SEVERAL AND. Wngon and Cnrriaga Wark. hsh Brothers' Wagon. Tiurt ant Jeffc. pnone 159 HorsesQoer OREGON Shorj Line Union Pacific AND isr(M TIME SCHEDULES rn THE DALLES. ARK1VS raoai i r. cae.- i Stpecial. IS r m. via Hunt fine tot At.auttr IJ V a. m ria Hun; iDfrton. t l"an' Past Mail. ' 9 SS p. m . Salt Lake, fttnvei. Ft Worth. Omaha. Kar ai ity.S! Ix.uin. t"hi car. and the East H p. m. !t Ite. nenver. Ft north, Oinaiia. Ean sasCttf.St Latvia, Cbi i ago and the Eas vTalta Walla. Iw1ton. spot: ane. W al lace. I' r. 1 ; man. Minnoapoii;.. : Fani. Ucluth. Uilvati see. Chicago and Ea.s 4 a. via pf. .n: 0GBA1 AKP SITES SGHETULE From l'ortlaod. A. sailing date Mb ;ect to chaiigt I ftU at FraDcii. sail every 5 days. p m i 01 a m Is ; I v - SO p. m Saturate. 1' .: t. n. Iai!v exceai Mi'iday. I 01 a. in Tneaay, 1 .Td- -..urUa I 0 a. m CalmaMa Ittrrr. To Astoria and W av saiidiugt. i K p. m. cxi'ept ?undav tVillaniettr Ktrer. rec.t City. Wswtwis, Mtiem. .ndenendeircf. W i.;, c- B p tn. tseept Sundar m a in. V iiidftv, S 3:.c-dtV f r:ie' ' at'.i and tt'tv. Undiagi T-,eday 1 1 -..rliT; si.Tr.rda . a in. W lllaniettr and I r u, klVMM. M c n ' Irvta and ds-.jiy W ' llendi'nr Sr.jav. 1 eave Rtpatts Cuiiv. I O a. m Mikf Hirer. , tv 14?-ltOL Ripsric to lirlston. WDaS Partie destriuc u. ro to Bert:":': o: fointa ..sn:bia Southern via Bier.. stonld ...... . :.v:i.g The Dalle at 12:12 p. m n.fc...nt c:r- : c..ccecttons at Ueppner cnetioc Btga rs.ng making direct rotueraon Keppii-- .u-.i. tii.s and Biggs with ,"c. 1. tr - :.e at The ia.ie at I iSS p. m. urther partimlan, call on or addr . as IRELa.M'. Agent, The Ialies Oiagsa Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. 50 Y LARS' EXPERIENCE W mr TRACE MARKy Copyrights A Anrone nArig a ate.rfa nd deripttor bj ' . f EascnaVla R nr opbsfcin frev Wiwtbe lUVeii'k.n ; . r i 1'.-ti,..ioie ' n.UiC:..' 'iT.setnoiIytiriD4Tiiia. !Iaii1tnk r f'i.'-t Mttl -e. CII4al ftMDCjr f-.r ra?n.nragf pttJ!'' .'a tui:. !.' a.' ;. M'.i.i. A Cv. fe-.v T ctiarv. . ti. Sesennfic flmmm .- neiy llhutrataa waa r. lw. w- ' ., ,.... nurnai Trn. a ' , . -r ... I t.. 6-j.v t ail tt W; MU1.K jCo.3e,8- New Yck V. T eratKra, i.-ea)deti. Max A. VouT. Cashiai First National Bank. 1 THE DALLES - - - OREGON 1 A General Banking Boaineae transacted reueivea, susjet i vo oik1-' Draft or Cbeck. Gouoctions made and proceed pron pti remitted on dav of collection. Might and Telejgrapbic Exchange so.d Naw York, 8an rranciaoo anr" in land. I). P. TnoMraoa. Jao. 6. bcaasta, Ed. M. WiLtiAHa, ttao. A. Lisas. H If. Bball.