The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 13, 1901, Image 4

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    A Mother's
ir s. n K b
car. -.e how srell UM -pa.:.
.- a:;- . rt-st .
ie" r..; f.rre.- Of :
er s Ere'.: -"" - -
I COt .-. t'r.a: i ' - r '
I had : ttk faith it it. HM
first bOttte gar gnat
ad the botl I .a;-. DC
fb healthy woffll - I MB I
My husband' 1 lungs a- weal
also, and he cored himself w th
the same grrartd old remedy.
Our b-v a:'- C'-r- :.v.-e b :h
been saVed bj it from death
br cronp. I know this is sc t t
Whtr. they were attacked t: .'r .
tiicht I had a bottler :'r: . et
and by acting quickly that fa-a'.
Inalady '."a eai. overcome.
Ft always b ire it I J - .. irea
trber. they bare a cough or id,
and we wool 3 not ': with . : it
for ar.yth ing Yy - ci . -."
tell vr.v. also if you ask her that
it :s'a rr.vd:.:r.e that car :.
he nener jed r: in for a lot
trouble : ' the breat r.:: ? ''"cans
I tell all oar neighbors about ' .
Acker Encash Rente ''" .ihsrevc- 1 j-.t a .bar. re arc tr.ert a--, . :
pie ar- v.- d Mecl.aoicsTilk K V where I Ihre, who would I BMW tamk of go
jE; t bed at Sight with vat a b trie : :t tr. the h --use thar. they w:-u.d .: jea- trg
the.r dnr wide oner. A I ivfc at :t nart-t are apons:b.e when
the- allow their ch:ld-ez to die under the.r very eye w:th croup because here
is a tertair. remedy that wi"! the t err: bit outer every time. Mi.; Puri P WLStn.
A ier' Katftta RsussOy i sole by SB i-j-i"it cr.i-r a r-:i: ' guards
Ica: -ocr raonT wit'. refunded :n o :a .ure i;:. ... . - : : bo::.? :
iais eyi-.v ahi -nu lr. Eciriar.i :i i
c-iit. if .-ronaiia. IT. . B0602 CO.. icrm. -Vf J'w.
For sale a: Blakeley's Pharmacy.
Hrlridr ilanri lor al
It is announced :ha: the dukr of Ar
fg ;.r."fnL to sell T:-r th nius fer
tile island of the Argjleshife Hebrides.
1 it- some !c n ' eg bi to a taUt -broad
H;. real it Batoess T -
is prettilT descrtbed in i ani-r
Celtic legend "the kingdom whose
6un:ru:t.- ar- lowet ;tiar i t waves."
Around h- toaal there a" iom
ruined watch fiwirr.'. of unknown hi
torj aijd -ra' "standing stones."
The duke's factor h-'.- wa erected
it the n. . : '' "hf- "t-n.-h ret.
tur ft th- ?-i t - of h- vrnrraijir ru:r.
of a turreted Londoi Chron
constitutes .-.
iit -fi Sr-r el
w r
to hi- nerees,
uttnp ou:
jump ..tT -he
a- a.- i - feare a
Vt liif fur HnriM
The p. at of :- r.c wine as a portion
of thf rep' r;.-; ms I farm fa waes
i. being seriouslj discusaed Frnpt-.
Xhe exprrim-n f feedintr tn anima i
on a mixture of bran and win, carried
out by n- farDi. wa- brought into tf-ti-r
a- th i;c" Boeeting of the Berault
Agrieuhura! soelefji .and a commissi. t
was appointed to inquire int the sub
tec. I.'-'tidoi Nev.
?uiiiiii-- tiBrrmu- Butt' bargain counter wi ie
fatir. Um io .owing i.-argain
Btx m: es enst Tn Iulie -V acre :
IflO avres wheat iand. a", onler fence.
Pric Id r ' wa-rante dred. half cast :
ba.soe or. time at B per c-rnt.
I ur I :n-iret acres dde d land five
sod t.. :' miles Irorr. '.re city all cuder
fence. 180 aires in cc.ttvation. Two
U'i- -r-ns f '! g'K-d noue barn
a:.. ;..:. lings. Eigi.t acres in Bta(s
an . ;er. acrei !d orchard. We! adapted
f .r s-'M-k rai:'g. On tije fo'.l wing
te in f4. ''"'' IJ,50 down and tue
balaoca a, any oid time to suit purchase-
ot 7 er cent. alO 13
Hlawa 1" At 'i mi
Tt.e ol I idea trial tne body lODCUmai
Btadl -r'u drastic purgative pill
bM bssn nplodad ; f jt L'r. King's Ne
L ie Pills, u Jb are perfectly harm. ess.
gantlf ItimulatS .iver and boweis to
pe. poisooooi matter, c.eanse tne evgtem
and atfj.u'.e.y r-ure C jr:st: pa'.iaL and
Biek Headache. On y SSc at G. C.
ii.ate.ej'e drug store. 1
Dcin't be ratiefied with tempora'y re
lief from indigestion. Kodo! Iypepia
Cur permanently and compieteiy re
flBOVH tbil compiaint. It relieves er
uiaiint. because it shows the tired
tomacb perfect rest. Iiet:ng won i
SCSt tba ItOBUfa, Nature receives sup
p.ies frfin. tne lood e est. The seneib.e
way to iieip trie stoma'.-h te to use Kodoi
Inr;h.-;a 'J'ire, wnn.t. digest what you
eat and cn't help hut do ou good.
C.arke & la ic's P. O. Pliarmacy.
51 -,ki Tea pjsit:ve y cure Biek Head
ac.e, indigestion and cons'ipstioOi A
dc.'igt.tfu herb drink. I'.t-aioves a!!
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
g in. i-x. m, or rniinev refunded, cts
i.i, . U utt, Blakslejr, the druggist.
Ii the action of my bowels is not easy
and serious complications must
be tne fina: result. DtWitt'l L;ite
Early Kieero will remove this danger,
ftaf-. p.easant and effectise. Ciaiked:
Falk'e P. O. Pnarmacy.
Hutacrih for lut Chkcmcls
Plain W ords
; t that f x ytr aco -
a. d -r :ras.b. because you
7, : a-a.t a: :rt :.-. c-.i-ed tcrr-.b.e
- - .- t ar d : .- : vr --used :s:erse a:
Ilea: limb Baratag
BttaiTLK, Ar.f. 11 Foreel dre are be
ginnicg it Western Waebiagtoa ' I.e
ports tr.rou.-.'. ji:t the er. .ie western
sert ;r. of :ne state are ::.: the yearly
cothsgrati one are .breastng :--r. This
year s .are am utt :' ie.-.i tin. Per w:l
mske iast :.'t3-r.:r; Bree, Wb cfa never
been Um case t. any extent efore.
Thousands of sce a ong tie rai. roads
hive tieer. k .'.?d in former eei?::. s slow
nres. They are now devoid of greet
brc.?:. anrj ready to go like t:nder.
Along the Great Northern near the sum
m t of the Cas.-sd-s ae surf, rtre ; now
btrning i
Vour t aie
r-fi.-ws ::ie state o: your and :ue
state of your health as we '.. Impure
blood makes stsr,: apparent in a oa e
and sa'.iow caa.p'.exton. Ptmples anu
k!n Erc;tions. I: y Ml are teedng
weattani a-.'n out and do not have a
health appearance you should try
A-eater'e Blood E.ixir. It cures al. blood
diseases wtjsre c.ea: ---:ap&r:..a; and
so calied purifiers tall ; Enowiug Ibil wi
se. '. every t:tt,e on a positive guarantee,
ti.ase.t; ta drugg:t.
KotteS is hereby g:ven tbs cc
tartnersr. p heretofore existing t- tweet
Maxio.: :an N ogt and PbilppiM Cbsp
man. under Hie fcrm came and stv.e of
Mr.x Vogt i Cu., is day uissj.ved
by mutual consent. Maximilian Vcgt
wiii continOC the business of said : rme:
fcrm. and wi.. receive and receipt for al!
a .ne;. 5 due sai i r. -a. ar,l pay a deot
c intracted by laid fc'm.
Dated at Ti e Dalies, Oregon, this 17th
day of Jit; e. 1901
MaxixttiAK Voffi .
irSO :
Pi::..:! !-:vt Cha ? .
Ir'iiif proi;;rations simply leeeb
op dry can-.rrh . t-. y dry up the s-. r t.
which adhere to tne nwmbnma and decom
pose, catt-dngaf-r more serious broublt than
the ordinary form -i catarrh. Avoid all dry.
ing inhalant, fumes, sru ikes and stuffs
and uae th-t which ci-.acses, soother, ati
h -aia. Ely Cream 1 is such a remedy
and wll! cure catarrh or cold in the head
e..jy ani A trial size will be
BMitod for 10 cents. AH druggists sell the
size. E':y Brf.-.tier. "; M'arrn Bt K.Y.
Tne Kilrn cur--., without pain, d -.-s not
irritate or caa.e au-- It Bpread.. itueif
over an irritated ;. id angry surface, relicv.
.a.- immediately th t ..tiul irdiammation.
With Ely's ' ream L-.m yoc are armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fe ver.
It Birdies i n- Blotx
Tiit fame of Bockum'l A'nica sa v-.
as the best in the world, extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect or
Cuts. Corn", Burns, Bruise-, r-jres.
Scalds, Boiis, Ulcere, hi ns. Acnes.
Pains and ai. Skin Eruptions Only in.
fallible Puecure. oc a oei at O. C.
b ase.ey'e, drug store.
Why not spend the vacation at Ya
quina hay. where can tie had excei.ent
fare, good fishing, good boating. Sjfe
nathing, ai.uring rides and
The course and exercises at the in a met
school of 1901 at Newport a:T,rd
great varietv of instructions, diversion
and entertainment. No Other resort
offers equal attractions and iise advan
tages. iutll-tf
If you want to retain your hair yoo
bate to keep your sca'p clean. iap
will make your half harsh, dry and
crispy. Nov. we have t'j o( tne sery
beat preparations for cleansing the
scai Kgg and Pine Tar Snampoo. It
will leave your nair soft and gioisv.
f'rice, ".'.j and 50 cents a bottie, at Eraser's
barber BhOP, The Iia.ies. tf
Clarke & Faik have received a cunoad
of the celebrated Jamet L. Pattoo
strictly "'ire liquid paint
Li - idd'j
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strict! r vcretaMe. perfert'.r harmlc. sere to acc-rr.n.ish
DESIRED KE5LLTS. Brcatewt I female remeaj
WHUIIVR mc w it, - .--
V. II'j IV
F..r saie bv Geo. C.
Head Quarters for Seed Grain of a
Headquarters for Feed Grain 01 kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain,
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, f
Headquarters fcr 'Byers Best" Pendle-
tTl 11 All T This Hour is manufactured expressly for family
lAsvll 1U Ul rjse ; everv nacfc is guaranteed tc give satisfaction.
We e.. our goods lower than any house in tne trade, and if you don't thick so
call and get .rur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to snpply every
body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
Notice is neret-y given that toe com
mon crjunctl of tu .es City, at a meeting
ti.ere:: :.e..i .t; aturdav. tne iid day of
August, 101. determined to construct
anf relay s drain and sewe- escrit;ed as
fellows to-wit Legmning at a point
t.ere tie center .:ne of C.'Ur: street in
tersects tue projection of toe south line
of the Bret srliey siutb of Fifth street in
said E'alies City, and running ther.ce in
s nDrtneriy direction aiong, or near, tne
center line of said Court street and aloDg
the .ine of tne old sewer now iocated in
aid street, tc a point where the center
liDe of said Court street :nterse.-ts the
r r -ct; jn ot the center iine of the alley
retee:. Mair. ani Second streets, in
said city . thence westerly to said aliey
at. 1 ii r.j: tne center : hereof ani a
continuation tnereof to the west line of
Union street . thence in a nortr. westerly
direction, aiong the most practicable
route, to low water in Mill creek, rraid
cuncil also at the same time deter
mined that the cos; of the construction
and relaying of said drain and sewer
shoold be sseeeeed .-.inst ti-e property
benefited tbtwab, and declared thepres
enl -er and dra'r. now in existence
upon and along tt.e line above described
u be in a dangerous condition, and fur
ther provided mat notice be gtven of the
Detraction and relaying of said dra'r.
and ?eer by puMicauoCi o) a notice for
two weeks in Tne Tulles Daily Chroni
ca, the Crst publication thereof to be
made on Monday the otr, day of August,
I'-jl, and final pnii ication thereof to be
t Monday tne lth oay of August, t901,
and further determined that said drain
and s-wer be constructed and re'.aid as
above mentioned immediately after the
expiration of the time mentioned in said
notice. .
all person! interested are hereby noti
fied that said drain and - "er will be
constructed and reiaid as al ve deter
mined an.: provided for.
Dated at Dalies City, Or., aog. 5, 1901.
J. Dortrarv,
Recorder of Da.ies Citv.
A full -ine of Eastman fiims and
p.ies iast received by Clarke 4 Falk.
Just received, at C. J.'e, a
carload of Scblitl Mi.waukee lottied
beer. j iy29 Iw
Young lady wishee to do sewing by
the dsy. Telephone 134 for further par
ticulars. j31-lwk
If anything a'ne your nair, go and see
i razer : he's the headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that be
makes a sTjecialtv of these goods. tf
Acker English Remedv wi.i stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
wore? cj.d in twelve home, or m.iney re
fnnded 28 cts. and 50 cle, Blakeley,
the druggist.
1 tomencing Sunday, until further
notice, the U. R. A N. will sell round
trip tickets. Dalies to Cascadee. for $1.
Ttiie rate appiiee only (0 parties of five
or more. Good for Sundays on. y. laglm
C. J. Stubling hae just received a
arae consignment of Schli'z' malt ex
tract, strictly DOBglooboUo and one of
the ' rOBtediee in the world to build
up a weak or broken-dewn conetitu
lion, ji29-lw
When yonr hair appeare dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
tne hair needs a ben it gete in that con
dition. We have the Crown of
Science f 1 k . r SMMiiii ' 1 er " d
Cocoanut i. reu.(B Wr Tonic. They i
cure ilainl bbW rut? aid all
scalp diseases. Fur sale at Fraaer's bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
an..- v. - .
B.aktiey. The Pi Or.
Pioneer Grocer.
Ttie following county warrants wi.. lie
111 ft.,
cancelled by the county court in thirty
days from this date umess called by the
parties owning same within the next
thirte davs
iiau A nit. F.radiev, Ju Ij 7,1893 1 70
Wm Einm. Ju!v7, 10B3 1 -20
Mrs Bird . .. March 12. 1882 1 70
Lee Eianton March 12, 1882 1 00
Robert Rearu March l, 1592. 1 00.
Tom Branch . Nov 12. 1995 I tVO
Wm Black Mav 6, 188S. 7 20
A T Beers Juiv 9, 1892. 70
Cnas Cannon March 10, 1893 1 70
Tnos Dorson Mav b. 1S92. I 90
D W Enersoll . Jan ". 1893. 1 20
M J Finlayeon. Much 12. 1892 1 70
E A Haumes .Ian 7. 188S 1 2C'
W F Hinkie Nov 14, 1882 .. 1 i
Jos A Kenna March 12. 1882. 1 60
Jonn Kotier Jan 7. 1888 2 90
B F Moore Mav ;;. 1884 3 10
Wm Methn July 7. 1883 1
If M Murphy Jniy 7, 183. . 2 00
Mrs G C Nelson . .Nov JO. 139. 1 70
Ed Nuton Nov 14, 1592 1 70
H I'a.mer March !', 1594 .2 00
P. A Pown. Mav 11. 1 v4 :: 77
G W Robertson Nov 10, ISftll. 1 'SC'
Joe Baben.. . May ll, 1884 3 10
Geo Sept 12. 1892. I 70
W J ?onderian !. Nov 14, 1882 1 tiO
C P Saunders Jan 7, lVo 1 20
John mitb. Jan 5, 1894 .. 4 70
Jas L Smith Nov 14, 1892 .. 1 50'
John Wicketrom . Jau o, 1894 4 00.
Wm WVdeaind Mav 5, 1893 1 "0
Frank Woll Jan U, 1892 1 70
By order of the Honorable County
Court or Wasco County. Oregon.
Dated this IStfa day of Ju'y, 1901.
A E. LaKBi
Countv C.erK.
feuiumrr stsceretaas te tne sea Oeass.
Only lb o0 for the round trip from
The Dalies to Long Beach, Tioga. Pacific
Park. Ocean Park ir Nahcotta. Wash.,
good for return until Sept. 15, 1801.
Baggage cnecked through to destina
tion. Tne steamer T. J. Potter will
lease Portland doily except Sunday and
Monday, and the Haesalo daily except
Sunday, at 8 p. m , and 1C p. m. on
Saturdays, making direct connections at
Astoria and at Lwaco for aii points on
Oregon and Washington beaches. Call
on Jae. Ireland, agent, The Dalles,
for throngh time card to ail beach
points. jly3 2m
Eruption, cuts, burns, scalds and
sores of all kinds quickly healed by
DeWitt'e Witcn Hard Salve. Certain
cure for piles. Beware of Counterfeits.
Be su'e you get the original fie Witt's.
Ciarke d Falk's P. O. Pnarmacv.
SI. diary's Mm
I'nder the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names of
Jesus and Mary.
Thle inatitution i- pleasantly ailuawd near
tbe i olutii' la on the IP e ol the O K a: N. Co
t hence it la easy of ar.-f.-eaa fur all those M' bo de
air. Io eecure a comfortable home and a irugre
alve aeat of learning for tbeir d-mgfiiera or
wards Tbe location of the academy it uue i.i
the moat healihjr n the Facirie alope, thia por
li. iu of 'irecon being proverbial for iia pure
water, braeiug air. and piclurea.,ue aceuert
Tbe Academy la incorporated and authorized by
tbe - ii. to confer Acad-mir honora
Board aitd tuilinn pur acholaatic year. lou
titudiea will be reaumed Tueaday, Mptemb-r, Kb
Por detailed inlurmatiun appiy to the niiter
nuperior. auglu lm
Tiie People's National Faintly newspaper
I til i at. i new subscribers psying one year in advance we offi
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chrcnicle for SI. 50.
riib'.ishod Monday.
rSBteSStfaj and Fri
day. IB rcalit a fine
a:u! frwh every other
,1ay lly. fi ing the
iateet iu W days of
iuc. anf covering
news of tbc other "
It contain? ail imjwiT
tant foreign cable
Dtw whioi artH1""
iu tbc i-aily Tribtmt
of SCBH date. !o do
mestic and loreier.
correyrondence. rhorl
ttorie. elefanl half
tone ii!ustranon, fcu
nlo.u item. iudu
trial inlonnation.
iBBtUoa note. agricu'
n;r: matter, and
ooxaprebflosl ve and rx
liable Bnancia'. auC.
niarSct report
ti ill r-rU
We .'urr.t it with
8eml Weekly C'broi.i
cle lot IL60 per year.
Send aii orders to Chronicle
J. E. FALT &. CO.,
Propnetors The Owl."
5 Purest Liquors for Family Use 5
C Delivered to any
Tbone 51 Local.
r Long Distance.
of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS" to girll at
v. mat.:. a. development of organs and body. No
know n rt-meciv for women t- iuais them. Cannot do hrm life
H i omea a Measure.
Dy arugitrists. UK
For sa.e by Geo. C.
I i
? i
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Advertise m The Chronicle.
fnftUshe ci.Thttn.
dv. 3d kBMTS tor
nearly Uxtj rum. iB
eery,n ,,; :hc
ted State , :;.,,.
al family rHBnx.
of the tisi.ej ri
for farmer snij viUl.'
per. It toatatasafj
the mot imforem
general o fc
52 Whom 0,
the hoot ol so.oi to
pre; an Bc-i.-i.itnTai
depnr:. ! o
hichevt ort -
terseii.iiic rew)incS
every member oi
faraile.olj and res7
marke: re -:-'ti?h
.a-e eecH ; ;. .; aaUl.
onty by farm en iai
mercnant. and j,
clean. Up-Uvdalt in
teresiuig a: .strac
tive. Keyclar -,.ten
U m price. I: per ye;
We fur: ;-!. it wilt
5emi-Wcvt;y chroni
cle for HJI :-tr vest
Publishing Co., The Dalles. Or
After VOU tire of using so called kidnev remedies
w ithoot any lenetit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and be
forever r,d of those OUll pains in your hack. Discard
that old fogs idea of "pain in the kidney:- and have
f tor b sd ie- and urinsry iron hies cured, and yonr
nights made restful by the nse of nature ' greatest
assistant Idnooln Sexuai Pills.
I'r'ce. 1 1 00 per b:x buy ol yonr druggist or sent
bv mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
Fort Wayne. Indiana.
M. Z. Donnell, Agent. The Dalies.
part of the City
173 Second Street,
They overcome Weak
ness, irrepTilarity and
omissions, increase viz
or and banish ' oains
UOJ i s CliEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ouic
Biakelev, The Dalles. Or
Job Printers
BtfaWi I