The Dalles Daily Chronicle. w tw; and IceCream Soda ! Ipd Rrpam UU VI mmmw At Andrew Keller's watchfnl care of a mother and home j comforts will do well to read their ad it- iq 1Qm' m arrangements to send them A I (.1. IB, mu . when the term begins. rroro officer! on the Regulator we learn th. t nothing is known regarding the fate of Fireman Peterson fortherthan that he went to Lie berth ou the lower deck at II :15 Snndav night, and during the night the young man who slept beneath was disturbed and lookiDg up thought he saw a figure walk ont of the door near by. looking in Peterson's bed tie found he hod disappeaied, and it aflwaeeo if, tMS, wHI W paid or accidentally fell overboard. Peterson !H ..., .1 hit olftcc. Internet Rev. Frank Hood River. VKMIINAI. MENTION. paulding is up from OUR ARC LIGHTS. Will anon Have light Witt re ThfV Will Hr l-lm r.l. S. B. Barker from CVndon. H. River veeterdav. TKKASI RER'S NOTICE. m rrr .ner A..R...I 13. UN. Mfc C. Bnrgen ard F. 0. Crewling are registered at The 1'matill House front t-ioldendale. Miss Alma Schmidt left this afternoon to spend her vacation at Shelburne, on Long Beach. Mother Smith, the Portland prison that ome of our Shenherd. he has five minim? claims. Levance!ist, arrived on the noon train m UN F. IIAMrsillKB, i;ottoty Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. has a brother in Portland. Our most enthusiastic fisherman has pnt aside his rod and with pick and shovel in hand C. L. Phillips took the train last night tmund for the Green horn mining section, where, vith O. T. n- understand ..r neighbors are al'out to embark Yesterday ......... M'.l ,.1. Off) ;i!ariUiiu niT iiK -c-. in the C itch. A PI aBbia Feed Yard Rev. Burton, a California evangelist, a expected to arrive here the latter part rftbt week and preach at tbe Christian church Sunday, remaining here until Oetober, The teachers of WatCO county will be making their way home frum the vari ,ns reaorti about the first of September, istbe institute, which ail are required to attend, convenes on trie -4 1 1, of the month. Mr. Phillips showed Chkonk i e reporter sorae samples of ore and wife are in tho city q r V1,it t0 electric light house ' at.- ... I la liM m I I I, a . 1. . HUB UlOrn.llC wt'If I M 1 1 l . I I i turn Mir j F. DfttMtM was up from Hood wire (or the Mr.,et ItffbllM is Rlreat.yi . . . . . . . , . i here, a ininmeni oi nanaei s. etc., itui , Mrs. J, T. Revnolde csme up from ,,,,:.,, ,,, . -,i tha u, -,u Sprague this morning. Mch?l, by the MUl. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Car'eton, of Jo- uAt w, te in place bv the date seph, are visitors in the city. , pM bv ooinpany. wh:cll we Ex-Governor . F. Moody came P ; believe was October 15th. from Salem on the noon train. Through the kindness of F.lectrician R. F. Hynd, one of Heppner's business McArthur we w,.re enabled to obtain the men, is registered at the Umatilla House. ' . ,. ,.,.. . ,hri,h. I W ilUUU Ml till ' l I 1 U out the city, which, as near as can be ascertained at present (some changes being liable to be made": will be: Oo brewerv grade, Svintheast of the j ' Wasco Warehouse Milling Company's Bill. BakI I. ..... miuii aa f ill,. 1,1 -I,-. W mi u 1 1 ' . lims. evangelist, am veil on me Bwa irmu i-iunitai vwmva - " .....v.. mmrr from the east. the South Side Imse house is situated. lit i . . . In front of the residence recently ...The New York Cash Store. 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Walter Johns, accompanied by his ; at the place where alight was formerly a r I a I I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilkinson were ... . frnm hi. M.t.t.1. i,..,,,!, pa--?engere on the noon train bound for , owned by K. B. Dufur, on Fulton sUeet. War.ted-A seooi.J.nana oupiij . -uu - v ---m- San Francisco. I In rroBl of Charla DittMl'a residence i for casu or in irnuc iur n b- - - , , . pi..jH Rn lar Mi eve me precious neiu was visio e a.i . . ... B i .iii v to Ltiaries Duitey, va . i sister. Miss Bessie, left tbit mornine for I fl Ud;tl)roupb the quartz, and Mr. Philips ' jr Johns' home In Seattle. " . savs ins partner writes the most encour- ... . , ... m at low nwmu m nwu.Diwu ww f Alfred Hnott came in from his home f( l tT asmgrports. : at 8 mile yesterdav and left this alter. llU11, , , .. . .. It bas ben suggested by members of ' noon for a visit to Portland. I Corner ' Hugh Olor.n s reeulence on Ninth etrtHt the carnival comaiittee that the tineen Frank Magran and Tom Balfour came , ' . . . , of the carnival be presented with a "P frnm l.yle on the Regulator this Southwest corner of Academ y Kroui.d8. handsome diamond ring, or some such morcinK' returning this afternoon. J On N.nth street near the old Lutheran token of appreciation. While it certain-1 Mrs. E. M. Williams and Miss Clara " , i . . ' ' I a . . . . i t . . . I- . .. X ... I . n n .It II. i.i. alruula Sampson leu xois aiwriujorj 10 epenu y wi nimu am. j.. ten days at Shelburne on Long Beach. Corner Liberty and Seventh. MissArnie Stubling returned on the On Shackelford's corner West Fourth Regulator this morning from a two ! street, weeks' oating at Nahcotta, Long Beach. Fourttl atu! Vnion. decial in Mens Straw Hate 25c See our Show Window. ly may be considere! an honor to be . chosen by our citizens to rule as .pieen, at the snme time when the favored one : has other duties which claim her atten- 1 'lion as was tbe case last year and is so Mrs. Otis Patterson has returned from Corner Second and Lincoln, near St. art 150 qpk of wheat on .L L . , . Airs. ut;s ranerson nas reiurnea irom Uorner Second Fire destroyed 10U sacss ot wneat on uh ,he raaprltv o Arner.can girls Port!anil, whither she accompanied Miss Marv- a ,,... tbeO. K A N. line between aha Htted (Q be qneen )hese Javg; tbe re. Z3e wno went t0 0akland to enter the j , . f-. Pendleton. It is not known who fn.0l0n!a v,aInB Bn,., llnp an. ; academv there. J i bird and l,out ir.a reuiiiftuu. " lost tbe fain, but the fire is suppose! to bsve t een started by sparks from a locomotive. From the in'ense heat one would im- gjne tbe thermometer had jumped be I, vond the 98 mark, but such was the :nneral of Earl x,gUa( w Buimmn to day. while the uitnimom ;(pundjkV took riace. It qnirements become arduous and due ap preciation shonld be shown by liei sub- Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hudson went ja(..p down to Portland on the Dalles City j vesterdav afternoon to make arrange The Salvation Army hall was tilled J "merits for their removal to Portland. with members ot the army ami inenae . n . .hn ,lfl, anpnt 9 o liock this momma When tlie , .aoi-o ot VmmwI refnrnaii knma who was drowned last night. She lett this afternoon to! 1 .1 .1. Im ., ... i . l... I was a sad "ro- ju1" uer ujuviicr, wuv ib yruuiud mc Third and Court streets. First and Court streete. Second and I'nion streets. Corner Second and Washington. Third and Federal streets. Fourth and Laugh hn streets. Second and Mudieon streets. session as hie brothers and sisters bore summer at Lvle. I Trachfi.' Kxmiiluntion. Notice is hereby givm that the conn- was 62. At no time during iast night did it set be i BZ, Tn;,n from the undertaking parlors to the ; Mrs. L. L. returned last night i , laDrlntandent of Wasco county, Or The K. P i ii l give -little heed to hRll, no relatives being present ; but no giter)Carra DerriDreCi8D spending6 the e8on. l,old th' re8lar examination the In v.. :v i-i! iving their meetings , more fitting bnrial could have been 'heated term. Mrs! Schmidt savs that ! of applicants for state and county papers that the thermometer is j given had be been at home. Rev. j it was so cool in camp vesterdav that , at The Dalles, as follows : FOB STATE PAPKBS. of - :: forgotten. Lat evening a social time Frank Spaulding, of Hood River, spoke she wore a shawl about her shoulders. rabad and ice cream and cake was a i WOrds well suited to tbe occasion, as did Mr. and Mrs. A. . I. Tolmie, who left j Commencing Wednesday, August LJ - nrostrain mosj. appreciated. - pn the cantain o the armv, and I " L ?v at i a. m. and coniinuinif unui nBiur inc loiiinaiioii ur imu m luc.n.i u. u.a wui,., v..... i heat in that citv was not so severe as nb-itatio il the Wasco Warehouse in whoee employ he had been, gave ex- durine the previous month, thev found! Milling C nupany adjoining the power ! preesion to their respect for him and Lis it very oppressive; probably more so in I spelling, algebra, reading, school law noose on ... . j l. , . . i , : v. ; v . s been laid for the : eral of his comrades, as well as S. Johns ; tTcltv was noT'so seVeTe as i f . Aago.l 17, at 4 o'clock p. m. edqesday rennmansuip, history, l HUL-t lin street, and work will j upright life. Manv were the floral of-! Chicago, where they spent several days. : Thursday-Written Arithmetic, the a, ' " . I mm m P l I r-i i q dodo a tMcir nr tan t A I intf .... be began on the building as soon as the ' ferings placed on his grave in the Odd g" Vesorts near would, ory .f twMsb!n Krain,nar. book-keeptng, . i a 1 J i : : t7-.ll W-tprl raoai rnil last . i . t a i i al nhvoSpH nt v BAVAfYl mPflt ',. lODDer, V uiClJ ib expecieu OMIji urrivee. j r niui o ovtuvivi . ' j nowever, EnBKQ up ror me ueai ui me cny. i . aa. . Frank Cram received a telegram ves- j evening from bis mother in Nebraska, i Friday-Physiology, geography raen- terda from tbe firm with which he'hasi requested that he be given a Christian, ".t H...? i tal arithmetic, compoe.t.on, physica. bnrial here. geograpny. c' It I at rorUaa7. ' The CHao8,cl-1 in an artlcIe a 'ear Saturday Bo.any, plane geometry, r T ""' ' a?o remarked that the Astoria people j general history, English literature, The business men of Portland have subscribed $15,000 to guarantee the ex pense of a carnival to be held in tbe ex- jrou ! position building from Sept. 1 to 0.t. had added to holy writ oy placing mere- pPvehology. in a verse wtiicn reaos mneiy: iiiei Ixird made the Columbia river and all I accepted a position in Lewiston, and will leave tomorrow for that place. Mrs. Cram and the baby ore now at Sbel bourne, Long Beach and will join him when tiie heated term has passed. A telegram has been received by the Misses Annie and Maeeie Fiinn their niece in Wisconsin saying that her motiier, Mrs. Townley mother of Chas. Townley, formerly foreman of ; ; . . tempted to shut the upper fishermen 1 0,ti101?rar,hv. reading ararron t nr !ri r 1 t t I. A. 4m A. I. tkaaaln "It i . .... KOI! C'OI'NTY t'AI'EHS. CommencinK Wednesday, August 14, 1 that in it is and gave Astoria dominion j at g o'eiocjj a, ,a. and continuing until over it." And their actions certainly , Fridav Aueust jq. at 4 o'clock p. m. x mini h pirbihit r,t all the industries ; indicate that such is their belief. In i First, second and third grade certificates. of the Pacific Northwest will be made i eT manner possible have they at-1 Wednesday - Penmanship, hietory, Tue CbbokiclbI had Dalles before word of the death of her j She is expected to l.tir Preisps a horse show and a mill- on irom any rigius 10 u.u uie.e.u. . , itlUrB(Uy-Written arithmetic, theory tary tonrnament nomah field inu'iher reached her. arrive in a few days. La a. . t .. t aI. a inemo.arge passenger engines i.iw be many fine features in the amuse- nave oee;, expected lor some time by tbe 0.B.&K. Co., have arrived in Hunt-' mgtou from the Baldwin Locomotive at first ycu don't succeed try, try again" ; of (eacuin?i grammar and school law. mental aritiime- will be held on Mult .. ,i ;s tl.aip tnntin ThP fttest and most r.u. .u. nicinirin iirn in mil. m i-1. v ' . - - - rriun ' i Lviauu i DUI 'luii;.. a w v . . . ...... r i ' J ... 1 . I. . , . ......... . a. M ..... ... tarv bands have been engaged, and there , ridiculous oi ineir unemp ...... a tjC) pbyoiogy. civil government. rnmary certincaies: 11' ...I .. ..... I ii Panrncraliin 1 1 r I 1 1 11 f r 1 . The carnival is .1 :i Dl.l. "a.. -Itt ..ri.mir 9S representative cannery man iiiwi i. r,-,u " m.wu .mm Works. Tneee engines are the largest i bQ8ineBg men of which Gen. Summere Dusen hopes to obtain any definite re rn tbe 0. R. A N. road and pull more ! . ragident i N. Fleischner, vice-pres- fu,t8 im his hatcheries above The than others the company has at present. ideDt K R Steinbacni t.easurer, and Dalles and Celilo it would be an ex Trie first trip of theee iron horses will be , n M epPretarv cellent thing to close the tipper river With such men a't the head of the against fall fishing. The Bab ttlll lll passing up trie river now niw muse iu. uiaue soine time this weetc A report lias been current for a week ; aftrdir) the carnival is sure to be w ell past that the father of Judge Bennett j worth visiting, died at the farm near Tygh valley.) ciirtr Mewir. lake Notice. We ba made several inquiries, but could hear nothing definite until todav, Mrs. N. L. Un.tln, state of we were informed by a gentleman ' the Knights and Ladies of Security, on who bar! tika,i iitt. Knn.H the 16tfl of this BDOBtfa w 1 1 1 organ 1 zc a Ibere is no truth in the report but that council of this order to be hailed as The the Up river fishermen lefore having an hi ie as well as is usual for him. ; Dalles Council K. & L. of 8. This so- opportunity to ascend to tbe natural ciety pays accidental and C40 age claims, spawning grounds, inner the pr:jvi- and dots not increase with advancing sjone 0f the Hume fishery law the fish rears. Those who vilb further infor- commissioner can declare any stream in mation will do well to call on Mrs. the state closed to fishing by giving (instiu or C. A. Marshall at the uoarr thirty days' noliee oi tUfU iowbiiwh New Grocery Store Wc have atldiM. a t.rocery Depart ment to our store. A new (rosh, clean stock. ( live tis a call, l'rompt delivery to any part of the city. MAYS CROWE will be in the river when the present season closes next week will not be able to get above The Dalles until the fall rise in the river. They will remain in the deep holes until fall and unless some measures are taken will be caught by To amateur photographers Mr. H. P. Uffiek, an expert in photographic ma "ipOiatiun, will make a demonstration of velox, the quick and easy developing Plr, al the store of M. Z. Donnell ou tbe evening of tbe 14th of August. Mr. Lovick U show you. the difference be 'an the right and wrong way of ming pictures. All are invited. 18-81 M. JobUOBi stock inspector, sent Ifotn hie Lone hock ranch thie week a tuple of Brome grass grown there. Ml ie the first season he bas tried thie liiet and from the eamplt; show n he bat Meeeaded in growing a fine crop, it Naadtai over 0 ft. high. Many ranch tfs injected the specimen and said it sas tine a bunch of hay as they had mm in the c-juntry and the probability pby, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods. Fridaj Arithmetic, physiology. C. L. G11.BU 1 1 County .Supt. Wasco Co., Or. for II un In -. For the information of hunters it is here stated that the open season for doe will commence next Thursday. The open season for buck deer commenced on July 15th. Tba closed season for both buct and doe will commence on November 1st. Spotted fawn cunnot be legally killed al any time. Deer cannot be legally killed before H0 minutes before sunrise and after one hour after sunrise. "It shall be unlawful at any time to hunt or pursue any deer, antelope or WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If you are in need of anything in our line, figure with us. for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. F. S. GUflfllfiG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -KKAI.Klt IN Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blackumith Supplies ak'-ui (or Russell -v (Jo.'s Englnas, Threahaw and Baw Hills. Telephone 157. Long Distance 1078. Tor. Second & LaajLbHn Sis, THE DALLES OR. House. Admission as charter members ' yie fi.(, warden has announced that the ; ,ll00MJ wjtJ, ,i() or ,j0(8) w i t ti intention one dollar: after the charter is closed, provisions of the closed season will e j to kill or injure loofa deer, 'antelope or live dollars. 5-16 Sruletl HMl R0MlV04 Sealed bids will be received by Dr. Siddall up to 12 noon the 15th inst., for the erection of four dwellinge on the corner of Foortfa and Federal fctrt-tf. Dalles City. I'ians and specilicatioi can be seen at the ottire of The Dalles Laundry Co. Reserving the right to re ject each or all bids. aug!2-15 vigorously enforced and it will be little avail to prevent the fish being taken here when thev will certainly be caught in the upper river before being allowed to spawn." moose; and it shall be unlawful for any person to take, capture, kill or destroy in any open season more than live deer." It will not be legal to kill elk at any time prior to September 15, 11)04. .n,,,..!..! A.,..,.uUe,....u.: j The open season for pheasant and . . innoil la Atiuiifct 1 in N' 1. We wish to announce to tbose inter- ; t - :.. i i .. u,l Hutaiil of amateur . . u Wo.,., p , August 15 to N'ovember 15 lintnf anh that Mr. Harry r. 1ovic . ... t' m- i j the demonstrator for the Nepara Chern lliue ! Kent. Kight room moilern dwelling house I bOUd by furnace ; good si. -d lot with1 stable adjoining; located in a desirable pari of the city. No trouble to rent j ! rooms enough to pay house rent, ('all OB or address Hudson V lirownhill, The iMlles. nui-td The open season for prairie chicken it ical Company, manufacturers 01 eiox naner. w iil be at our store oo Tuesday It will not be legal t, kill any bob- white quail until October 15, IMS, Nasal CATARRH Globa T P. T. Thomas, fiuuiterville, Ala., "I Mtbal unite a feu. a.. r.i .n -ill was guttering from dyspepsia when l all(.rr)(,on w evening, August I8W. c-ted tot nig K rassneit vnar Condon commenced taking Kodol Uyspepsia u, . fcjiOV. J0U Jl0W ,0 expose and Cure. J looa several uuiurp " luW to develop the paper s aB to ooiniu digest anything." KoJol Jygpepsia perect Dd whites, fcveryoue la Cure ia the only preparation containing igjjtjj to bring their troublea in Veloa j all the natural digeetive fluida. Il gives development to him at that time. Don't weak stomacba entire reat, reatoring orget dgte. Be gure and bring your j tbeir natural condition. Clarke 4 Falk'a j jjgg wu,, you. Ferbape be will aet i P. O. Fbarnaaey. 1 you right. CUw. C. Bi.akh.kv. Derot for fresh paper of all Kinag. 0 weeks trom noil Tnctitav un he J ,J bkh St. Mary's will begin " vear'' session of acbool. In another "o'nn iu Ui ,ound tbeir advertiM.. naiii CASTOR I A For In taut a and Children, Til Kind You Have Always Bought A 'tesire to ! ik.i. j u. " .unit uutuicti tu an caaemy ,tere tbey will have the Kulacribe for Tuk Chkomi i k. I Bears the fg"""" of Oifford's Potoe Never Fade. In all Its Itagai there iiouiii ka elaaniiaaa lllj's Cream Balm 1 rtsanm.inctasa aai aaali taa ilaaaaad naoUwaaa. ItoarascatarftiaBdaVlvaa 1 away a cuid iu uu Ututi uulcklv. I 'r-mil Hal, ii ia jilacid Into tbe nottrlle, spread over tin: lut'itiliraiiu and la kliaurlied. Itellof U liu I ui:diute and a cure fullowi. It 1 not drylug-dues mil prudurts waeall& ' '" Hlxe, 60 ceuta at lirug i viaia ir bv null : Trial hu. . id cot br wail. il i JMtO i UKltti, (m Wurrcu HUeel, New York. Oifford'B Fotoe Never Fade Tbe Neventb Ki'gimeutal baud will furnish music on board the Hailey Oat" .ert Sunday. AM lovtirs of good music will tfiioy a treat if they will visit tht thick Sunday iilh-rnot n at K:15 p. in. Kree coiu ert will be given fiom the tlet k of the steamer. augH-KL .Lin. White, ltryanlsville, lud., sayti DaWlll'l Witih lla.-l Halve bealeil ronolBH sores on both legs, tie butt Muttered (I years. Doctors failed to help him. (bit DttWili'r. Accept no imila t'ons. Clurke v Falk'u I'. 0. I'liunnacy. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and WaehlrHfton Bt. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone -133. Local, 102. Clark A Falk are nevor eloaed Sunday, faiir'l forvei this.