Chronicle. TUESDAY THE SMELTER BOBBt RY. Jack Winters, who confess i to robbinc tbe Stlfcj jme'ter on r.n Francisco bar of lfO( poasdl of gold. . i r -r: enviab'.e place in ibe history o criminals K)T bit iancgand ic;-:.. J in conducting '.be robbery sinc.e banded, says ibe Review. Alone be sunk a shift ar-1 dog a trjr.nel under the treasure vault of the smelter ccid pacy. worked night boring bc-le in to the iron Soorings and then pi I n all of ODe night carrying over bilf a tonofgv. : it iafOtl U tb water's f dire, where Le :r.rew .: . verb i That be wss s: s: r. .apturc-d reSrc-'.s considerable credit on the detective svsterx of the company, but .be fact th-at be could worK for .1& s t-nsecc and '-r.ear i ;s :. matter to make the smelter people wtmder when their treasure .s safe. The possibilities of the robbery no doubt wil. make every croos :r. tie land w-i'l be Lad t-eer. apprised of Winter's intentions. With confeder ates it would have been possible for Winters 10 have put the gold in u small boat. tak;r.i it throogt) the foe and a ist to a pottt where it could have been shipped ou: of the country. Had he been a cleverer crcxik. the smelter company WOttld have been ob'iged to make good the irss of nearl v S3 '':. But crooKs ar clw'.ys weak it some &r':.t.l:.r. They Lave s-oote failing that sooner or late lead: tLf-m into the judicial web and they raflet dearly for their sirs. Wr.ters ma le the mistake of dropping Lis La, where the officers could find it. Without that cue It &p: e&rs ".Lev wo: bare been befudded for some time. Tney were BOOTlDOed a, firs, that the gold bad iteen taker, away in a steam launch or rowboat and tuey se&rcaed the shores of the oay and made inquiries among all shipping men for trace of a mysterious craft. It did not see m possible to the ofEcers and smelter company that one man could have worsed alone on the Job. Ha ; Winter;' tLitklcg powers been per'e:. he n.ight have prospered by his wickedness, b.t there sr-r eared the veakoe in bit mentality that is an ur.fai.iog characteristic of every d.sLonest man. The lack of moral. :y seems to weaken the brain in some particular and it almost always brings the thief and absconder to the clutches ue Tnere was no current ;-o.itics in Co!. BoOfwVelti address at the Coiorajo fjuarter-centennia!. but it was a speech wi.ict. wil. take with Western -rs. because it throbbed jritL robust Americanisrc. The Colonel has always been a favorite in tbe West. One reason for this is found in the stalwart Americanism of which ue, in deed and word, is an erect; ve exponent. Another reason is that he understands the West better than does any other public man in the 00B0117. e way row of a r-jiislng reception whenever he u jiear; in any of the Western state-. Bk campuign las', f-.... betffvoO liio Al.eabeniet and the Pacific COM! s'.fv'.ee was t. succe-feion of ers'jr.a'. IriUBpbl sritbout parallel in ibe biitory A slumping tours in the United xate-. Morer-vt-r. ibe coi- ODe;S popular. rj la ibis section U grow ing instead at declining. senator C itirk. of Montana, after boboobbsoi wad Ibe railroad Dovtra. i bas been promised '.hut he shell ha uninterrupted right of way for bis riilroad from ult Lake to Loa Angeles. Senator Ciark at one time aSpbaUcaUj asserted bis road would le mdejendent. Tbe fact tbat op Kaition ha ceased suddenly does not bode well for tbe indf-pendence of tbe new line, for railroad macnate C do no. tield wr.bout knowing tbey will be given advantages in ezebauge t jr tbeir favors. The Dalles trlkr A Ki. h rind. I was ttMbsad for se-vera. years with - c'nrticic indigestion and nerv:a de i. . ItU biiity."' wriiM F. J. Green, of Lances - ter, N. H.. "No remedy be'ped ire nn- t tan nstog E.ectric Bitters, wl I did me ai art good than all the ist-dicme Ievernsed. Taey have aiso kept my wife it exeel'err hearh lot years. She ay E".ec:rL- B:te-s are ;at ; 'er. ii .: f-r female trou blH : that :bey area grani to.;ic and invigorate for weak, rnn d:n women No other medicine can :ie Ita aec r rarfami r." try U en On v -v. satitfacuoa guarantee-.: DJ G. C. Blakelev. the druggiet. 1 ajaas Lnai. A few days i Mt a valise, containing valuable g . rape, was usee probably tnroo. misraa from our HM a; the rai.r.cJ r-xr cn the mis sion groan:; be :w.-.. As tnese papers ?r.r, : : . replaced without great espnseani delay, lbs party who toot them w:.. confer a favor on us by ieav. icg tbem at Tire Chbovicle office or re-tr-.-ning -.Lai :: as tr.rosir. tne post ofi. N. m -.stake a t: the iien-.iry of the papers can r-e made as the name cf W. F. j-:eart .i be round Uwio. A. L. AvdCMOx, W. R. rtv.4t:. a 2td-lw Railroad coo tractors. (Meet Taxpayer. T:.e board o: Maaliaatioa for Wc. :nv. ur w; . :iee. sc. r :l ess. r ' : si.- rr-ncty lrom Monday. Aigust 2- in nctl. ra:c-day. August Slst, r.-:-:r. Ji; s mc'tsive. and wi.. atteod to any and all matters which may wme benre such board for c: r.s ieaiion. Tne ITaaca Go., Or.. Angus. a.:-J&w.: Afseee 1 1 Lianv D.e Vi-Tlit. So Disc eerj In meoicine :;as ever create-i ;aarter o: the esc.tement :rnt . . - :ued It K:n's New I'.sc.vr rj ijrCinsu. ii:n. It's severest tests nave been on h. oeleas victims of C nsumpi on. Pneumonia. Hemorrhage.'isy ard Bronchitis, thousands of wuon. ;: na res: -ed .. Terec: Lea tb. For Corjgns, Colds. Asthma. Crocn. Hay Ferer. Hiars-r.ess ani tT:.oop:r.g Coofh it is the quickest, surest cure in tne m ;r.i. It is soid by t. C. E.akeley. the guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Lnrge bottles 50c and Ji.iv. Trial bottle free. 1 fcl lil LOCALS. Clarke A Falk'l fi tne oest. Asc I oar extracts are cer for Lhem. F;. E. '-t'lnretL a 5ons wil. seep at ail times supply of nay. grain and feed wr.'.cr. tba will retail at the lowest mareet rates. ;i'-tf Wanted A family to occupy tnenomeand seep bouse f or an ageJ. widower. Libera. ter.n can be bad apply at this office. 2-lm The Col. ins hot springs are now open. No noteis, but the nest of camping ground:. Hunting A Hoeford, man agers. Collins, Was:.. augO-im W by pay t.. o per ga. on t r interior paints wnen von can buy James E. Patten's sun nrno: pa.nts for 1.90 pa gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Cirs A falfc, agents. ml In cases of cough or croop g:vo tue little one One Minute Coogn Cne. Tneu rest easy and nave no tear. Tne cl.ild wi.. be a.i right in a little wni.e. It never faiis P.easant to taxe. always saie sure and almost instantaneous in efl"e?t. Clarke A Falk'l P. O. Pnarmacy. Just received at Gilbreth A "rin'e umber vard. a few aailnailii a'. No. 1 td4r p&9.8 atld . A . eh!Cg.e. Jbwe are agents f jr Heatn & Miliigai.'s ce.e orated suing. e paint. Call on them; their prices are all right. Wood not fl'imed is better by BOc a cord tnan wod that is. jy 10 Tne White Collar line. Bai.ey Getzert, sell inrongi. roand-trip tickets to and return. Tickets good going frotn Portland iver the Wnite Co.iar .ine. ' . K. . Lo., . . i. to. or t;.e A. i C. li. P... and retorn over same . nes. Baggage i.-Ueced direct to either North Beaci. Seavien, Lr.g Beacr.. Breakers. Ocean Park or NftbOOttn. Limit of ticket septeri.oer 15th. J. M. fllsOOB, '' We offer for a li'LUed Mriod tne tsrice-a-sreex CuaosicLE. nnce 11.50. and the Weee y Oregoniao, price i. 50, notr. paners for j a year. Mioscriptione 0Dd,?r t,,, "eer ",ut Paid iD d vance. f i - FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. Trausac: a Genera". Banking Business. Letters of Credit iesned available in the Eastrrn -tales. ight Exchange and Teiegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, kl I ni.ii; 1 ' f0Bi at,lt Wtmh., and wiOM points in Vr,01 hnd aabinftosi. 1 1 . uiaur al all ; i. I- uu IB orabie terms i The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd at s oW Plofit-harir;i: Ass-xiation arc- 1 set Pickens. 15 vols., publisher S price I-'; 1 eel Knihfs HUtorv ol England. 8 vols., publisher's price $12: 1 vol. WMQ of Bible Vieuires. illustrated by Dore; 1 copy Thirty Yea- of Labor, by 1. V. Powderly; a 8 rebate to person paying the most cash during four weeks end ing Sim 3d. and a t2 rebate 10 person pavinc in second largest amount Of cash during same period. Prompt delivery of all goods ordered by telephone, fert & Condon phone No 92. Give me a trial. White Collar Line. THe Daiies-Poniano Boute StT. BAILEY-GATZERT. I'AILY Bonm TRIPS. Except Monday. Cascade Locks. Eood River. White Salmon and The Dalles. t:ve CARD Leave Portland Arrive Tne Dalles. Leave " " o P. K 4 " Pnm ,r:,jn:. Meals the Verv Best. Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. This Iljute has the Grander". r-cet-ic Attract tons on -trt: . Portland-Astoria Route Str TAHOMA."' Dai.y Ilound Trip; except rrunday. T.ME CA D Leave Poriiani Leave Astoria Landing and orTi.-e Foot of Aider Street; both p.iOnei. M 3-51, Portland. L'regou. E. W. CRJCHTOK, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOOy . Aet. Tne Daiiee. A. J. TAYLOB, Agent Astoria. Clark's Cruise of the Celtic, te.'.xe:! run w ouli Feb. 8th tc April 22d. 1902. Tbi !...iffr..-.',-r.; White Star twin-.-wriew siart rCeJttC. J. ..: tv:. .peeii1.7 -s-rtere-i f.j ttif occasion, anii or ".day to the Of ilr 0: She director oi thepirty. To th Meditrrraofati and thf Orient. oaewpjriaaj 74 tia;.. sj-vl:r.f : day :. rri-: and Faiei::ie hot: aet-mmcdat! oll included. Vi.plnj HsMtSMWi f.icraltar. North Af riea. Malta. Ecypt. tn- BoJ I.anil. Torkvji r. i ce. Ital j . he Hlvtara, nclai.d and Irtlai.11 yttl aiiraetiee idc MpaaaTDH F. roj Ti'-tet- sri to stof ores in Europe on r.omeward rang and to re-um by tne White star teac.e .-emii... M-..-.: . Teutonic, iv. tut of Trip, firnt i la. : - f I IW to N -i mi a:. d upwards, iiteordii.j t. -iateo--,rr. accomir.' datior. inciudittr shore emrstosM, n. .,, i-r-. ifuiq-,. drive and all ueC'.vsory e.Ttiia. Special Feature Mad-:: . V. it- teypt and the Hoje hand, '.onitantinopie. Atn-.-:.-. i.-n.- I. "nder the manaiemen: of Frank P. Clark, of N'W Vuri. (. j::... etc. i -. f !..: t,.ru. -..jr addrta 1 uti.N a neon h 1 l t. . WaaWastaa street. TLr itai;. or. I interesteti. end f.r Illustrated i-ioffran'. John Pashsk. The Tailor. Has joal received 1000 samples of tue latest patterji in 'jier.' s OloUfiag 'irxi. He aua'an tees prices and a g-od ri: or no pay. John Pashen. The Tailor. T06 BHLDWIM BESTfiDBHNT w aT. ii -on, sfa)isr First-Qtass 19 Every Ffesptjet. fn?a!8 at fill rjoars. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. The table aass supplied with ti.e best in the market. It Front St., near Court, The Yoa will not have boils if von take Clarke A Falk'e stire core foi boils. M. T1. Facie Yellowstone Park Line. TEE . N:S AF: P.OTtE FE;-St lC'RTLA' TO THE EAST. the OKVt : BBCI :.:ne to the veu- STOKE ! AF.K LB4VI N: . Ts: inai'. for To.-raa. Seanie. oirmsia. Bray Harbor anil S.mifc Pnd txz.vs. Sj in. Ro '.sni. E C, Pc'ilinttt Hofcow. Lwlaton. Bu:'--i. iI :r.fc:D;ntti'on try. Hii'Eii. Ji:r.:iit. St. Pat;. Osaba. Kansas t'ltj. St. LoQii. fllhagn ::C at. etui: aa4 - i-uee: uni Erf.res. for raecnaa nd Seattie :z.:rcit:4te .c A U .;5C ! X :: K P. il 1-M .v. N I"-'.r..:-.r. Sr: -.a sad tour.s: 5iepT y :r.i.i&: Paul ax. 2 liusour. r;ver with-nit cbane. V,::ru'ieil vrairj. r tier, dep": cor.r.eetioEf ir. at! principal cities. EaaYne cfeecisd i- dettnti'ic oi tiesets. ra 3m mtly -.. 'iirateJde'criptivi?infttor. li-.-ieii. ,tvi.;ce cir rsnerraUon etc.. call oti or A. D. CHARLTON. A:rar.t ,-vr.vra. -T.zer Aaent. iV M sot Street. corner XcirtJ. Portland Oreou OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM September 23-28, 1901 Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW Good RACING in the Afternoons. Latest Attractions in New Auditorium Building Every with Good Music.'.:'u. Camp Gr-jnnds Free, --peeial Kates on Campers' Tickete. C'jme and Bring "tour Fami'iee. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS For further particular?, address M. D. Wl-ItOM, Bex., lauglm Portland . I tregon. Just What You uuant. New ideas ia Paper here. ."ucL aide variety as are showing never be fore graced n single stork, hea. imita Hon creion effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper pneec! Eiegant designs, tasteful colorings, yonre for a small price, at oor store on Third street. Also a fnll line of house paints J) VATJSE, Third St Ciarae A Falk have on sale a fob line I paint and artist's brushes. Iriri I . j 2 -' - Z" 1 ml1 J-mi 1 wyr NOLAN. tub coiiDia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF 1! A M r FA CI C KE or Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIRD BF.F.F. F.TC mm Mm L V. BOSO, Proprie -. First-Class in Every Respect MLAL Al AI.l BOCK. Oysters Served in any Style. bT ascond St.. TIjc lia.ies. Or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. It artificially di?ests the food and aids Katun id strengthening and recon structing the exnausted digestive or gan. It Is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic "o other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly rtiicvesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache. Gastralgia Crampsand all other results of imperfect ci.eestion. PrlceSOc ancfl. Lufi siie contains 2i timesj smasixe. BO'Otcprit.noutdyspeps.uiLb.ectree ' -esoredb.'E D-VIT A CO.. CrjicQflw Sold by Ciarke 4 Falk'e P 0. Pnarmacy . Just Received A full line of Fresi. Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. o)io, ReXj I'eko. Velox and Aristo in all --iKe5. Aiso a line of Piates in Cramer. Crown, "eed! and Stanley. Trays. Printing Frames, Albums, Kfultigcaphs, And all accssr-nes to complete the onttit of either ttie amateur jt pro fessijna pijotogTapner. Our Eureka Conih-iner Tonne arsA Fixing Biir. is a uandv. Trv it. i a. ,- c. , ,.,. fiims or deVfiornnif i.aTif-fn Kai nr. Enongh for 38 to develops 6 doMfj n.atee or 8 dozen eios 4x5. Perfect biacks and wLite are guaranteed. U diraciiom are fo'iuwed. Ask far the A. E. C. De veloper, and see that you get the genuine. We are prepared locompoc-.i an v and ' your own .''jrmali a:.-' goaraotM satisfaction. At the old place, 175 Saoond rrtreet Tne Dal let, Oregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. pawirwaTawiTaTjnaTa. I I L. Lane, LXilhAL BiacKsmifQ AND. and Carriage Work Slah Brother.' Wagon. BH and Jefferson. Piione 159 I II Ml I Horsesmn m mm mm Oregon Shout like Union Pacific AMD r.r.RT r k TIME SCHXOrUM nam THE DALUE& rh.caf IVrciaud a Jt p m. via Huct infrton. Atlantic Exrtreas, 1J:30 a. tr.. t. Insrton. t I'au Fast ilaii. 2&p. m. via Spo ane. Salt Lake. Denver. Fx Worth. OnahR. Kac aaCHy.St Umis.i hi Cairo aud the East. -;t ijtke. Denver, Ft. Worth. Omaha. Kan as City, Si UMDa,uta. ag. and the East. Walla Wa'.la. Ijcwlston. ?pokant.W allace.PuIi nvan. MinneaptnU. Bt, Paul. Luluth. ililwan kMi i hicapoand East. a a. M a OGBAI AID KITES SCHEDULE rmm 1'srtlanct. ..All sailing date? snb ;eet to change F tt San Francifoo, Sail everv I davs. arM p. m. SrSBp. m 7 an ft Sunday, - i p. m. Haturxiiy. 10-.0C T' m Iiaile excep- Snnriv. I a.'m. ( nlumlilt IIItpt. Astoria rd Way Landings. i r it euuiae. Willamftte Flvn ir-cori City. Nenberg. ?aiem. In'dependeucv. and ay Laiiuiiies. Tneviae. Thurda . Batatdajr, 61 m. Tuesday. Tnurlny. r-a;t:rd::5. T 00 a. ni. tMr e. CorvsuUS end Way- Moadar. landings Wednesday Frtday. V II InsBMtM and ambill llivrr. S X: v. m. Mor.dav. ejon C:rv. Dsrstm and w'MtE-:-.iay Wax-lTsdatUllga, rnJay. Leave Uii'Ar.u daily. . a m. naaka ltirer. Filparia Id Leiriston. Leave daily. a-.J0 a. ni. Ps-ues aeslring to ro so Beppi;er or Inti ilnmbia Southern via Bieis. vconld -....- . :e:-.v;ag 1 te Dalies at p. m cat.nk.- .::reet connections at Heppr-er Jtmetioa i ; p-.-c- I.-rurclng niBiincdire : :' nor. at Heppneriunctloa and Biggs aith.Nu. 1. ar riving at The Dalles at l .06 p. m. For inrthei paruruiars, call on or address JAr. IRELAND. A gel I The Daiiei-. WSgnB Complete of Dm at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. 60 Y LARS' EXPERIENCE aaj amy . Trace wiark- JtSlONS Copvrights 4. i Tidlrif a sketch and dea'- Qill-Klf uaortain fmr .iuion free wi.,--f ' -m i probaeir r;tnlabl. '"mni ni'.rietlreonlMnuiaL Handbtrtkon Patenu "km. o.deat iMienr-y tor aecunnir pai-.. Patau's taaeii tbruuit). Moi.t. A Co. rt- -I - -Sal ndSicr, witboat cbarae. iu tbe Scientific Jlmerlcan, nn'rated vaeblr. I-.rci-iieri-.itlf .,-itai. Taflftl is, j j. jk .11 !r an nawi WUNN&Co.e'3 New Yo rra&f (Mhi Pi I" frit. V'a..riiOtft "i V. 1 J I. eCHBlCCK, Preaidc-ut. Mai A I First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Baaineee transacted Deposit received, subject to Kight Draft or Check. . Collections made and proceeds prompt'. remitted on dav of collection. Night and Telegrmpbic Exchange so.d -a aw York. Han Francisco and port land. r a. - DIRSOTONa D. P. Taoatraoa. Jao. B. hcaaata. to. af. W mi 1 Aats, Gao. A. Lists H If. BaaLL.